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It is interesting how something that we consider as a positive

quality, actually has little to do with anything positive.

For example, many of us are quite sure that so-called "National

Identity" is a positive thing. Most of us proudly announce their

National Identity. I was doing it too.

My recent observation tells me a different story. "National

Identity" in fact causes more problems than contributes to our

evolution. It does not allow us to see the entire beauty of other

cultures. In fact, it limits our ability to see it.

By holding to it we tend to look at other cultures not from the

viewpoint that they are different and this is what makes our world

so colourful and interesting. We look at them from the angle

which might make us think that "my culture is better and yours

is not so much" - more or less. Somehow we do not even register

that in our minds. Somehow we do not understand that in order

to appreciate other cultures this particular angle is not

appropriate whatsoever.

If we look at "National Identity" as objectively as possible, we

might be able to start getting a clue that such identity does not

allow to identify ourselves with the entire human race. Instead, it

segregates us on certain groups, whether it is nationality or race


Perhaps as a result of our failure to choose the right angle and

long-standing traditions to be divided by camps, the "National

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Identity" creates a positive environment for the racism. Since we

believe that "National Identity" does not have anything to do

with negativity, it is inevitable for us to start developing a

mentality which would lead to one final thought - the group we

belong to is the best.

Our spirit of competition is an integral part of our nature. Fuelled

by the "National Identity" it drives us to a conclusion that "I/WE

are the best". Unfortunately, unlike in sport, this competition

does not produce anything but an ugly outcome.

For illustration, I would like to use the following as an example: if

I put a picture of someone from Namibia, or South Sudan next to

my picture and ask what difference between these two people do

you see? Many of us would give many reasons why these two

people on these pictures are different. The main one would be a

colour of skin.

In my mind, there is no difference between these two individuals.

We both have one head, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one

mouth, one neck, two arms and two legs. As to the skin, the shade

would be a bit different, but it would still have identical

properties that would indicate that we both are humans.

So, why are we paying attention to the different shade of the

skin? Is it because it is the most visible? Those who are in a hurry

to win "the competition", do not bother to take time and

understand that under the skin we also are the same: both have

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red blood, the same number of organs, the same number of

bones as well as bone structure, etc. Not many would want to

start thinking about it.

Perhaps one of the reasons why they would prefer not to think is

because they know it might cause some emotional discomfort

that comes with clarity which removes illusions. But the truth is

that if compared to the number of significant similarities, the

colour of skin is actually immaterial.

Our inability to look deeper is the very core of the harmful nature

that forms a foundation of the term "National Identity". Because

when we use something immaterial as the main criteria that help

to justify our difference, we will lose the focus of what is


So, why do we do it? Maybe it helps to maintain our false beliefe

that we are better than the rest. It is very flattering to think that

we are the best. Who cares if it is not the case, it feels great. It

also allows us to scream patriotic slogans and feel that we are


However, if we could only take time and dissect these slogans,

we would see that most of them are empty. We would also

understand that we are united into a camp which is against

another camp. It might become apparent to us that what we

thing is a spiritual uplift that is an outcome of our patriotism, in

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reality is nothing but a crowd instinct which is being fed by a

primitive hatred towards another group of human beings.

The rest begins to grow as a snowball - race, nationality, national

identity, tribal identity, West vs East, etc. It would always lead to

something not positive. It would certainly lead to a conflict one

way or another because the background theme would always be

the same - US vs THEM.

It is natural. Just like in Nature, even the biggest river on Earth

starts from very small streamlet.

We are also taught that the National Identity allows us to

maintain our culture. Therefore, it is important to have such


I have a different view. We do need to know our routes because

there is no future without knowing our past. However, I do not

have to identify myself with a certain group to appreciate my

culture. Because this very culture is my contribution to the world.

And I am a small part of this world.

How can I see the horizon when I am surrounded by a very tall

wall - National Identity. Besides, why would I lock my horizons

into geographical borders of my country? Instead, I can widen it

as the whole world can be explored. I think it is much better


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The moment I started to associate myself with the entire human

race, I realised that I started to see much more positive elements

in other cultures. It helped me to learn so much more.

I also would like to highlight that "National Identity", in my

opinion, is also producing unfounded pride for the shameful past.

To illustrate, I would like to refer to the history of few countries.

I refer to the history of these countries not because it is the worst

but because it is better known by the global community.

Many British people are proud of their history. Some parts of it

deserve to be proud of, but there is a significant part that

contains overwhelming pieces of evidence of rape, robbery and

exploitation. If the UK would be a person, he or she would be in

jail by now. You can visit any British museum and you will find

evidence of countless crimes.

Or, why do we still talk about whether it was Christopher

Columbus who has discovered America? I know who discovered

it - Indians. They lived there when Columbus has arrived and

started to kill locals. So, what exactly makes people so proud of

him? Is it a sign that we silently would like to claim that those

Indians were/are not humans? Or is it a dark side of our nature

that forces us to like that.

I would think it is because in our twisted mentality we somehow

feel good about it. I would assume that in the basement of our

mind we say once upon a time my people conquered the land

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that belonged to other people and I do not mind to be associated

with them. And there are many other examples why I think that

National Identity has nothing to do with positivity.

Many of us would agree that somehow all children, regardless of

race, look adorable. I suspect it is the case due to the fact that

children, unlike adults, are free from psychological garbage.

It is true, that psychological trash is something which is very

difficult and painful to clean. But we shall try. If we succeed, this

world would indeed become a better place.