Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us...


Transcript of Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us...

Page 1: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.


Page 2: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

What is Motivation?

• Motivation is what drives us to get a job done.

• It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

• Highly-motivated people work hard. Unmotivated people do not.

• We as managers want to MOTIVATE our employees.

• A highly motivated workforce is ESSENTIAL to getting good performance results.

Page 3: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Motivation and Rewards

• Rewards are something of value to an employee. They are what motivate employees to put effort into their work. There are two types that managers have to think about.

• Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards.

Page 4: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Extrinsic Rewards

• Extrinsic Rewards come from other people in positions above the employee.

• What are some examples?

• -Pay bonuses

• -Promotions

• -Time off

• -Special assignments

• -Better office space

• -Awards

• -Verbal Praise

• -Recognition

Page 5: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Intrinsic Rewards

• Intrinsic rewards come from within. They are a part of the job, but are not provided by the organization.

• We do not depend on other people’s actions for these rewards.

• Some examples are:

• -Feeling good about yourself

• -Personal development

• -Self-control.

Page 6: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Common Rewards

• Stock Options

• -This also leads to dividends.

• Corporate Events

• -Golf

• -Team-building retreats

• Parties

• -Christmas

• -Barbecues

Page 7: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Performance-Contingent Rewards

• Rewards have to be ties to performance. Managers have to be careful to respect diversity and individual differences.

• Managers:- need to know what people want from work, and- need to satisfy interests of both parties.

Page 8: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Theories of Motivation

• Content theories of motivation are designed to help us understand human needs and what it is that motivates people.

• Process theories of motivation help us understand how people give meaning to rewards and then make decisions on behaviours.

Page 9: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

• This is one of the content theories of motivation.

• Lower-order needs are physiological, safety, and social needs.

• Higher-order needs are esteem and self-actualization needs.

Page 10: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

• Maslow wrote about two principles to describe how these needs affect human behaviour.

• The deficit principle says that a satisfied need is not a motivator of behaviour.

• The progression principle says that a need at a higher level is not activated until the next lower-level need is already satisfied.

Page 11: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

• Self-actualization needs -Creative/challenging work-Participation in decision making-Job flexibility and autonomy

• Esteem needs-Responsibility of an important job-Promotion to higher status job-Praise and recognition from boss

Page 12: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

• Social Needs-Friendly co-workers-Interaction with customers-Pleasant supervisor

• Safety needs-Safe conditions-Job security-Base compensation/benefits

• Physiological needs-Rest and refreshment breaks-Physical comfort on the job-Reasonable work hours

Page 13: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

ERG Theory

• This theory is very similar to Maslow’s.

• E – Existence Needs – Desire for physiological and material well-being.

• R – Relatedness Needs – Desire for satisfaction of interpersonal relationships

• G – Growth Needs – Desire for continued psychological growth and development.

Page 14: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.

Two-Factor Theory

• Created by Frederick Herzberg. He questioned 4000 people about what “turned them on” and “turned them off” about work.

• He called the things that “turned on” the workers, satisfier factors.

• He called the things that “turned off” the workers, hygiene factors.

• Breaks all jobs down to two important factors. Job content and job context.

Page 15: Motivation. What is Motivation? Motivation is what drives us to get a job done. It is what is in us that makes us want to work harder, or take it easier.
