Contents Procedure for Processing the Request at Operator End: - ........................................................................... 4

Procedure for Processing the Request at MRI End: - .................................................................................... 7

Procedure for Processing the Request at Dy.Tahsildar End: - .................................................................... 13

Procedure for Processing the Request at TAHSILDAR End: - .................................................................... 15

Procedure for Processing the Request at RDO/Sub Collector End: - .......................................................... 18

List of Figures

Figure 1: Data Entry Form for Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests

Process link under Application Processing.................................................................................................... 4

Figure 2: Request Details Page...................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 3: Select service in Request Details Page ........................................................................................... 6

Figure 4: Application Submission in Request Details Page by Operator ....................................................... 7

Figure 5: Data Entry Form for Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests

Process link under Application Processing.................................................................................................... 7

Figure 6: Select Application in MRI Login...................................................................................................... 8

Figure 7: Select application in MRI Login ...................................................................................................... 8

Figure 8: Request Details in MRI Login ....................................................................................................... 10

Figure 9: Selecting nearest MeeSeva Centre in MRI Login ......................................................................... 11

Figure 10: MRI Transfer details in MRI Login .............................................................................................. 11

Figure 11: Forward to Dy. Tahsildar in MRI Login ....................................................................................... 12

Figure 12: Application Transfer Message in MRI Login ............................................................................... 12

Figure 13: Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests Process link under

Application Processing ................................................................................................................................ 13

Figure 14: Selecting application in Dy. Tahsildar Login ............................................................................... 13

Figure 15: Selecting application in Dy,Tahasildar Login .............................................................................. 14

Figure 16: Forwarding Application in Dy. Tahsildar Login .......................................................................... 14

Figure 17: Forwarding Application Message in Dy. Tahsildar Login ........................................................... 15

Figure 18: Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests Process link under

Application Processing ................................................................................................................................ 16

Figure 19: Selecting application in Tahsildar Login ..................................................................................... 16

Figure 20: Selecting application in Tahsildar Login ..................................................................................... 17

Figure 21: Forwarding Application in Tahsildar Login ................................................................................. 17

Figure 22: Forwarding Application Message in Tahsildar Login ................................................................. 18

Figure 23: Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests Process link under

Application Processing ................................................................................................................................ 19

Figure 24: Selecting application in RDO Login ............................................................................................ 19

Figure 25: Selecting application in RDO Login ............................................................................................ 20

Figure 26: Documents and Check lists in RDO Login................................................................................... 20

Figure 27: Action taken in RDO Login ......................................................................................................... 21

Figure 28: Community and Date of Birth Certificate .................................................................................. 22

Figure 29: Nativity Certificate ..................................................................................................................... 24




Community and Date of Birth, Nativity Certificate requests is applied by the citizen on white

Paper at MRO Office. The processing steps and screens are provided below.

Note: Processing is same for both services

♦ Note: - Here we are processing Community and Date of Birth Certificate Service.

Procedure for Processing the Request at Operator End: -

♦ Select “Data Entry Form for Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)” from

Application Processing, like shown in the below screen 1.

Figure 1: Data Entry Form for Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)

Requests Process link under Application Processing

♦ Request Details page will be displayed as depicted in below figure 2.

Figure 2: Request Details Page

♦ Selection service From Drop Down Displayed as depicted in below figure 3

Note: - Here I am selecting Service as Community and Date of Birth-ST

Figure 3: Select service in Request Details Page

♦ Enter all Details Which Are Available at Tahsidar Office Given by the Citizen on White paper, and

Select Mandal Revenue Inspector. After Entering the Details Click on Submit Button. as depicted

in below figure 4

♦ Note: - Here we can also fill Citizen Details with the help of Aadhaar number.

♦ If Aadhar Details Not Available from Web Service, Enter Details manually.

Figure 4: Application Submission in Request Details Page by Operator

Note: - After Submitting the Application Form, Entered Details can take a print copy and hand over to

Concerned MRI for Field Verification.

Procedure for Processing the Request at MRI End: -

♦ Select “Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)” from Application

Processing, like shown in the below screen 5.

Figure 5: Data Entry Form for Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)

Requests Process link under Application Processing

♦ Select from Date, to Date, Status, select service and click on Get Details Button as depicted in figure


Figure 6: Select Application in MRI Login

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 7.

Figure 7: Select application in MRI Login

♦ Enter Updated details In Request Form, Which are collected from Field Verification as depicted in

below figure 8.

Figure 8: Request Details in MRI Login

♦ Select “Select Nearest MeeSeva Centre” (Channel Id). Based on Channel Id MeeSeva Centre

address will be displays below as depicted in below figure 9.

Figure 9: Selecting nearest MeeSeva Centre in MRI Login

♦ Note:- If request is not belongs to MRI, He can Transfer the Request to Concerned MRI with

selecting Transfer to Other MRI with his remarks as depicted in Below figure10.

Figure 10: MRI Transfer details in MRI Login

♦ Upload Check list, Note File and forward the request To Dy. Tahsildar with His remarks as

depicted in below figure 11.

Figure 11: Forward to Dy. Tahsildar in MRI Login

♦ Click on Forward to Dy. Tahsildar a Message will be Displays like Request is Forwarded to Dy.

Tahsildar as depicted in below figure 12.

Figure 12: Application Transfer Message in MRI Login

Procedure for Processing the Request at Dy.Tahsildar End: - ♦ Select “Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)” from Application

Processing, like shown in the below screen 13.

Figure 13: Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests Process

link under Application Processing

♦ Select from Date, to Date, Status, select service, and click on Get Details Button as depicted in figure


Figure 14: Selecting application in Dy. Tahsildar Login

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 15.

Figure 15: Selecting application in Dy.Tahasildar Login

♦ Verify the Application and MRI check list. And Upload the Check list, and Forward the request To

Tahsildar with His remarks as depicted in below figure 16.

Figure 16: Forwarding Application in Dy. Tahsildar Login

♦ Click on Forward to Tahsildar a Message will be Displays like Request is Forwarded to Tahsildar as

depicted in below figure 17.

Figure 17: Forwarding Application Message in Dy. Tahsildar Login

Procedure for Processing the Request at TAHSILDAR End: -

♦ Note: - Here Process can be done in two ways.

♦ Type1: - If Tahsildar is competent authority, Tahsildar only approve the Application

♦ Type2: - If Tahsildar is not competent authority, Tahsildar will forward the application to RDO/Sub


Note: Here we are Processing Type 2:

♦ Select “Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)” from Application

Processing, like shown in the below screen 18.

Figure 18: Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests Process

link under Application Processing

♦ Select from Date, to Date, Status, select service, and click on Get Details Button as depicted in figure


Figure 19: Selecting application in Tahsildar Login

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 20.

Figure 20: Selecting application in Tahsildar Login

♦ Verify the Application and MRI, Dy.Tahsildar check lists. And Upload the Check list, and Forward

the request to RDO/ Sub Collector with His remarks as depicted in below figure 21.

Figure 21: Forwarding Application in Tahsildar Login

♦ Click on Forward to RDO/Sub Collector a Message will be Displays Like Request is Forwarded to

RDO/Sub Collector as depicted in below figure 22.

Figure 22: Forwarding Application Message in Tahsildar Login

Procedure for Processing the Request at RDO/Sub Collector End: - ♦ Note: - Here Process can be done in two ways.

♦ Type1: - If RDO/Sub Collector is competent authority, RDO/Sub Collector only approve the


♦ Type2: - If RDO/Sub Collector is not competent authority, RDO/Sub Collector will forward the

application to Collector

Note: Here we are Processing Type 1

♦ Select “Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications)” from Application

Processing, like shown in the below screen 23.

Figure 23: Community and Date of Birth Certificate (Manual Applications) Requests Process

link under Application Processing

♦ Select from Date, to Date, Status, select service, and click on Get Details Button as depicted in figure


Figure 24: Selecting application in RDO Login

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 25.

Figure 25: Selecting application in RDO Login

♦ Now download all attached Documents and Check lists From “Documents Attached” panel by

clicking on links. And upload check list Like shown in the below screen 26.

Figure 26: Documents and Check lists in RDO Login

♦ Now RDO\Sub Collector can take action (either Accept/Reject). Like shown in the below screen.

Note: - Based on RDO\Sub Collector action (either Accept/Reject), status (either Approved/Rejected) is


♦ If RDO\Sub Collector wants to accept the request by clicking on the “Accept” Radio button. After

selecting the Radio button (“Accept”), RDO\Sub Collector enter “Remarks” and click on “Sign”

button Like shown in the below screen 27.

Figure 27: Action taken in RDO Login

♦ Click on “Sign” button “Community and Date of Birth” is generated depends up on citizen request.

Like shown in the below screen 28.

Figure 28: Community and Date of Birth Certificate

Note 1 : - Once the Application is approved, the citizen will received Message like “Your Request

for Community and Date of Birth Certificate Request(Manual Applications) has been Accepted

Vide Application No: CNDXXXXXX Transaction No TTCNDXXXXXX Please collect your

Certificate at MeeSeva-XXXXXXXX”

Note 2: - Here RDO/Sub Collector have an option to take print of approved certificate and sign

with Ink Pen (2 Copies)

� One Copy is On MeeSeva Stationary (For Citizen).

� Another Copy on White Paper (For Office Copy).

The Issuing Authority need to send the Approved Certificate (Citizen Copy) to the Nearest

MeeSeva Franchise which is selected by the MRI.

Note 3 :- The Citizen should Collect the Approved Certificate at the MeeSeva franchise Address,

which the address same as received on his registered mobile number. (Sent by Dept).on Paying of

User Charges @ Rs. 35/-

♦ Note: - processing of Nativity Certificate Service is also same as above.

♦ Click on “Sign” button “Nativity certificate” is generated depends up on citizen request. Like

shown in the below screen 29.

Figure 29: Nativity Certificate