Maker Indonesia on Jakarta Social Media Week Feb-2015

The Making of Indonesia Innovation Ecosystem Jakarta Social Media Week, Feb 25th 2015

Transcript of Maker Indonesia on Jakarta Social Media Week Feb-2015

The Making of Indonesia Innovation Ecosystem Jakarta Social Media Week, Feb 25th 2015

1. Danny Kosasih (Co-Partner Makedonia) – “Indonesia Makers & Innovators movement”

2. Dina Kosasih (Co-Partner Makedonia) – “TinHERing – the beauty of Indonesian women tinkering”

3. Imanzah Nurhidayat (Co-Partner Makedonia) – “Closing the innovation gaps in Indonesia”

4. Yurry Razy (Co-Partner Makedonia) – “Making The Maker/Hacker Space” 5. Rifan Sevila (Volunteeer & Movement Manager Makedonia) – “Volunteering in

Makers Movement” 6. Ramdani Murdiana (Activist Planet Inovasi) – “Making the Planet Inovasi

(Innovation Planet) In Indonesia” 7. Amelia Hendra (Creative Director, Strategic Advisor Innovesia) – “Design

Thinking as the method for Innovation”



1 – Danny Kosasih @dannykosasih

4 2 – Dina Kosasih @dinadkosasih

Sources : (top) (bottom) GE Innovation Barometer 2014

3 – Imanzah Nurhidayat @meetiboy


Making Maker Space

Making Maker Space


What is Maker

Space ?

Element of Maker

Space Maker space


Collaborate and



VALUE •Purpose first profit later •voluntarily revive the spirit of ”Giving, Sharing for knowledge, resources and innovation

BACKGROUND • Internet Revolution - Internet of

Thing • Collaboration of DIY and DIWO


WHAT IS MAKER SPACE ? maker (usually in combination) is a person or thing that makes or produces something. A maker space is a place for people to make or produce something. (Oxford Dictionary)

ELEMENTS of MAKER SPACE •Access for Space and tools •Instructor and Facilitator •Module , Course and Workshop

COLLABORATE & INNOVATE • Learning by making • Encourage innovation with rapid prototyping technology and method • Self directing support with Multidisciplinary thinking • Engage with open innovation community

• Profit in Maker space • Co-working , Co-Development and Co-

Commercialization of maker space • Future Growing Industry of small batch


4 – Yurry Razy @yur_rei

Presentation Notes
What value to offer ? How to create proposed value ? What activities should be carried to generate value?

Rifan Sevila – Volunteer & Movement Manager MakeDoNia “Volunteering in Makers Movement”

5 – Rifan Sevila @refund_s


Visi Terwujudnya inovasi nasional guna

mendukung pencapaian cita-cita dan tujuan nasional.

Planet Inovasi menciptakan dan/atau mewujudkan inovasi-inovasi sosial budaya dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara demi menjaga keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dalam rangka mencapai tujuan nasional.

Planet Inovasi lahir dari kesadaran kolektif terhadap pentingnya inovasi dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara berasaskan Pancasila sebagai jiwa raga bangsa guna mendorong inovasi sosial dalam kehidupan berbangsa bernegara dalam rangka mencapai tujuan nasional.

Planet Inovasi membuat dan menyebarkan produk-produk fisik dan

pemikiran yang mampu menggerakkan energi kebersamaan dan menghargai

kebhinekaan NKRI.

Planet Inovasi merupakan bentuk inisiatif gerakan inovasi sosial budaya nasional yang memfasilitasi gerakan-gerakan inovasi nasional pembangunan ipoleksosbudhankam di

Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. .

Planet Inovasi sebagai penggagas dan/atau penggerak

inovasi sosial budaya nasional yang menyangkut delapan

bidang geografi, demografi, sumber kekayaan alam, ideologi,

politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan pertahanan keamanan.

Sekretariat Planet Inovasi Jl. Gongseng Raya 2A, Jakarta 13770 [email protected] 6 – Ramdani @murdianaramdani

Makedonia Innovation Hub The Making of Indonesia Innovation Ecosystem

© Feb 2015 Social Media Week, Jakarta 9

- diversify-

- expand- - manage -

- create -

7 – Amelia Hendra @innovesia_id

Presentation Notes
Manage: growth through raising price, raising usage, winning share (50%) Diversify: growth through extending brands, share of wallet, leveraging users (20%) Expand: growth through winning share, expanding footprint (20%) Create: growth through creating markets, disrupting markets (10%)

10 7 – 8 March 2015, at Crazy Hackers MakerSpace