Magazine covers

Britney Spears, pop star, on the cover looking innocent and angelic. The colour she is wearing, purple, suggests that Britney is or is like royalty. Also, how the shot is taken is very suggestive , it makes her look as if she is of very sweet nature, however, the tints of black in her clothing item tell us that she has a dark side to her also one of her arms are bare , implying that Britney Spears has another side to her, which shows she has a rebellious personality and that she’s not as what she is appeared or made out to be. Here anchorage is displayed. “OH BEHAVE, BRITNEY” links in with the image above. However, the side of Britney that’s shown on the text shows her as someone misbehaved whereas the image shows her to have an innocent nature. The camera shot used is a medium shot , her pose is very laidback as she is on a magazine that appeals to the younger audience therefore she can’t reveal anything or be seductive. From the colours such as pink and purple we can deduce that his magazine is meant for a young female market. Here are examples of Enigma’s , a question that is not immediately answered. This draws in the audience further , if they’re interested in Britney but not interested enough to buy it . It makes Skyline, this usually offers exclusive offers , that the magazine provides. The word “FREE” is a buzz word. “PLUS!” Shows what other things the magazine has to offer, but is less important than the main focus, Britney Spears. “PLUS” Puff, free gifts make the reader believe that they’re getting more than they’re paying for, so when they see the mention of a free gift it makes the purchase of the magazine ,

Transcript of Magazine covers

Page 1: Magazine covers

Britney Spears, pop star, on the cover looking innocent and angelic. The colour she is wearing, purple, suggests that Britney is or is like royalty. Also, how the shot is taken is very suggestive , it makes her look as if she is of very sweet nature, however, the tints of black in her clothing item tell us that she has a dark side to her also one of her arms are bare , implying that Britney Spears has another side to her, which shows she has a rebellious personality and that she’s not as what she is appeared or made out to be.

Here anchorage is displayed. “OH BEHAVE, BRITNEY” links in with the image above. However, the side of Britney that’s shown on the text shows her as someone misbehaved whereas the image shows her to have an innocent nature.

The camera shot used is a medium shot , her pose is very laidback as she is on a magazine that appeals to the younger audience therefore she can’t reveal anything or be seductive. From the colours such as pink and purple we can deduce that his magazine is meant for a young female market.

Here are examples of Enigma’s , a question that is not immediately answered. This draws in the audience further , if they’re interested in Britney but not interested enough to buy it . It makes chances of purchase more likely.

Skyline, this usually offers exclusive offers , that the magazine provides. The word “FREE” is a buzz word.

“PLUS!” Shows what other things the magazine has to offer, but is less important than the main focus, Britney Spears. “PLUS” is a buzz word.

Puff, free gifts make the reader believe that they’re getting more than they’re paying for, so when they see the mention of a free gift it makes the purchase of the magazine , more likely.

Page 2: Magazine covers

In this cover Lily Allen’s attire suggests that her personality is rebellious and dangerous, we deduce this from the red on her shirt. Red also represent seductiveness and intimacy, however, this is not the case in this magazine cover. From the attire we assume that the magazine is aimed at a younger audience range, teenagers, as they can link in with the type of person she is .

Pug, it is called ‘pug’ because it is like a pair of ears for this magazine. In this case ,it promotes a

section of the magazine and music of a band. This links in

with the type of magazine this is. A music magazine.

Puffs, are advertisements used a lot in magazine. It promotes a particular section in a magazine, they are made to look bold and colourful so they can pull the audience in with their offers and exclusivity . The puffs in this magazine is to do with music, so it links in with the genre of the magazine.

Anchorage, the text links in with the image. “LILY ALLEN TAKES ON THE WORLD” contrasts with the image they have of Lily Allen. She seems downtrodden, dangerous and care free. Someone who you’d expect to ‘take on’ the world would look strong, confident and uptight; like a warrior. From this the audience infers that looks can be deceiving, and that a girl like Lily Allen isn’t as misbehaved and dangerous as her image makes her out to be.

Skyline, usually of offers that link in with the magazine.

The name on the magazine, NME, is slightly covered by Lily Allen’s head , this shows that the magazine has faith in their magazine’s brand identity so they feel they are able to cover it up and have people still notice it. Also , it shows that the magazine appeals to a niche market. As they expect avid readers to notice NME on the shelf.

Page 3: Magazine covers

On the Q magazine , Madonna is the main focus as she is the biggest image on the page. The camera angle is a medium close up shot this captures her facial expression shows mysteriousness and her body language shows hostility which is not what you’d expect for a front cover of a magazine.

Madonna is dressed in a black and silver hood and the rest is distorted this is a representation of her age as she’s in her 50’s it shows the magazine is respectful to her age by not putting her in revealing clothes , as she wouldn’t need to be anyway because she is such a big icon.

The black background contrasting with the red text makes the word “MADONNA” more visible to the human eye. The red text connotates with the devil or danger as usually we associate red with danger or bad things. This could show that her interview reveals a dark and sinister side of her we have never seen before. Her facial expression also matches the theme of the magazine and it has been adjusted to Madonna.

Puff , this bigs up the magazine and what it has to offer to promote this particular magazine. As it is Q magazine, a magazine for an older audience the puff would be

By putting a number on the amount of pages they have, they make the reader feel like they’re getting alot out of the magazine so it compels a customer to purchase it .

Links text to the image, this is anchorage. Also , as it quotes something from the article Madonna is featured in “Stupid Question! Next!” , this gives a small insight into the magazine and what Madonna’s personality is like.