Kouga express 01 05 2014

EX KOUGA 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY press EDITOR: MONIQUE BASSON THURSDAY May 1, 2014 | 0 042 293 2973 | E-mail [email protected] | www.kougaexpress.co.za GARAGE & INDUSTRIAL DOORS cnr Dogwood & Protea Streets Jeffreys Bay 042 293 2613 X1NLMTJR-010514-KG-ckaell-coroma PRICES VALID 01 - 04 Mei 2014 AT PICK N PAY JEFFREYS BAY, FOUNTAINS MALL ONLY. TEL: (042 293 3000) 14 90 All Gold Tomato Sauce 700ml 265 00 Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. Assorted Crickley Low Fat Yoghurt 1 Kg 16 00 21 90 Pnp White Sugar 2,5 Kg Bulk Stewing Beef Bone In 54 00 Johnnie Walker Black Whisky 750ml per Kg X1NLQ3TH-010514-KG-mfestr-picnpay Drommedaris Str Jeffreys Bay Tel: 042 293 1040 pieter @ herholdts.com www.drommedaris.co.za WE BEAT ANY PRICE ONS VERBETER ENIGE PRYS T&C's apply, limited stock available @R16 850 FOLLOW US ON FB, TWITTER AND PINTEREST @R19 895 @R3 695 @R3 695 Bosch appliances price promotion in-store | Save up to 20% on all Bosch products Bosch Side-by-Side Fridge/Freezer KAN56V40 Frost Free Bosch Dishwasher SMS40EO2ZA 12 Plate Setting Bosch 6KG Front Loader WAB2026SZA A++ Energy Rating Bosch Side-By-Side Fridge/Feezer KAN58A75 Water and Ice Dispenser Frost Free Mini Bar X1NLPP15-010514-KG-ckestr-drom De Viswijf Jeffreys Bay Seefront Deck - 55 Diaz Rd - Jeffreys Bay Sunday May 11th Tel: 042 293 3921 Open forMother's day Leisurely Lunches / Romantic Dinners & Beautiful Sea Views Website: www.deviswijf.co.za De Venue De View De Vine Contact us for Reservations X1NLPP7D-010514-KG-ckestr-viswijf X1NLMU5H-010514-KG-ebaell-water MONIQUE BASSON H AAR huis is haar kruis. `n Jarelange droom om `n huis van haar eie te hê het vir `n enkelma van Ocean View in `n nagmerrie ontaard. Maande se klagtes en gesmeek om hulp oor die nat, gekraakte en verkrummelde Hop-huis val op dowe ore. As jou huis vir jou word soos `n paar ton stene, sement en staal wat jy elke dag soos `n reuse-boggel op jou rug moet dra, word jou lewe een lang nagmerrie. Ek weet daar is mense wat nie huise het nie, en mens moet dankbaar wees vir `n dak oor jou kop, maar die lewe in hierdie plek is ’n nagmerrie.Só sê Maria Ruiters, `n enkelma van drie kinders. “Vir ons was ons eerste huis `n droom en ons kon nie wag om in te trek nie. Maar nou is ons in ons eie huis vasgevang,” sê sy bitter. Ruiters voer sedert April, verlede jaar `n daaglikse stryd met die Kouga-munisipaleit om haar Hop-huis in Ocean View, `n informe- le nedersetting in Jeffreysbaai, leefbaar en veilig te maak. Volgens Ruiters is sy nie die enigste inwo- ner wat probleme met haar huis ondervind nie. “Hoewel die bou-inspekteur die huis goedgekeur en afgeteken het, is die mure be- sig om ineen te stort, die vloere en mure muf, die verf ‘val’ van die mure af, die onder- grondse waterpype lek met die gevolg dat die kombuis en badkamer permanent nat is, die vensters maak nie reg toe nie en die dun lagie sement wat as die vloer dien, is vol gate en besig om te verkrummel,” sê sy verontwaar- dig. BARSTE, VERKRUMMELDE VLOERE Vrou se droomhuis ’n nagmerrie “Jy moet sien as hier selfs net `n ligte buitjie val. Dit reën sommer dwarsdeur die mure. My kinders bly hoes en snotneus van die ongerief. Hulle was nooit voorheen so chronies siek nie. Ek staan elke oggend met onverklaarbare pyne regoor my lyf op. Ons is doodbang vir die winter, want selfs nou in die herfs is die plek heeltemal onleefbaar.” “Kyk net hierdie massiewe krake in die vloer en mure,” beduie Ruiters. “Hier is nie een ding wat reg is nie. Nie die deure se slotte of die toilet werk nie. Ons kan nie vir ons an- der slaapplek gaan soek nie, want dan word ons huis deur vandale geplunder.” Nog `n steen des aanstoot is die mobiele toi- let wat agter haar huis vir die bouers opgerig is. Dié toilet lê al vir die afgelope vyf maaande omgedop en die vrot stank kom tot in haar huis. Die gebied om haar huis is met rommel besaai. Volgens Ruiters word al dié foute nou na haar maandelange klagtes, net bo-langs toegesmeer. “Dit is nie goed genoeg nie. Die huis moet behoorlik reggemaak word anders gaan ek binne `n maand of twee weer met die- selfde probleem sit.” Volgens munisipale woordvoerder Laura- Leigh Randall het Ruiters na hulle vir hulp gekom en is hulle tans besig om die saak op te volg. Die huis is gebou deur ’n kontrakteur wat deur die Departement Menslike Nederset- tings aangestel is. Die departement het pro- bleme met die oorspronklike kontrakteur gehad wat nie huise voltooi het nie. ’n Nuwe kontrakteur is intussen aangestel en hy her- stel tans onder meer die lekkende onder- grondse waterpype,” sê Randall. Die toilet werk nie, omdat die waterkop- pelings nog nie voltooi is nie. Hierdie aspek word wel deur die munisipaliteit hanteer. As alles volgens skedule verloop, sal die kop- pelings binne die volgende twee weke voltooi word.” ’n Jarelange droom van Maria Ruiters, ’n enkelma van Ocean View, om ’n huis van haar eie te hê, het in ’n nagmerrie ontaard met maande se klagtes om hulp oor die nat, gekraakte en verkrummelde Hop-huis. Maar tevergeefs - die gesmeek val op dowe ore. FOTO:MONIQUE BASSON


Kouga express 01 05 2014

Transcript of Kouga express 01 05 2014

Page 1: Kouga express 01 05 2014



pressEDITOR: MONIQUE BASSONTHURSDAY May 1, 2014 | 0 042 293 2973 | E­mail [email protected] | www.kougaexpress.co.za

G A R A G E & I N D U S T R I A L D O O R S

cnr Dogwood & Protea Streets

Jeffreys Bay042 293 2613


PRICES VALID 01 - 04Mei 2014


FOUNTAINS MALL ONLY.TEL: (042 293 3000)1490

All Gold

Tomato Sauce


26500Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18.

Drink Responsibly.

AssortedCrickleyLow FatYoghurt1 Kg

1600 2190


White Sugar

2,5 Kg

Bulk Stewing


Bone In


Johnnie Walker




per Kg


Drommedaris StrJeffreys Bay

Tel: 042 293 1040pieter @ herholdts.comwww.drommedaris.co.za


T&C's apply, limited stock available

@R16 850


@R19 895@R3 695 @R3 695Bosch appliances price promotion in-store | Save up to 20% on all Bosch products

Bosch Side-by-SideFridge/FreezerKAN56V40Frost Free

Bosch DishwasherSMS40EO2ZA12 Plate Setting

Bosch 6KG Front LoaderWAB2026SZAA++ Energy Rating

Bosch Side-By-SideFridge/FeezerKAN58A75Water and Ice DispenserFrost FreeMini Bar


De ViswijfJeffreys Bay

Seefront Deck- 55 Diaz Rd

- Jeffreys Bay

Sunday May 11th

Tel: 042 293 3921

Open forMother's dayLeisurely Lunches / Romantic Dinners & Beautiful Sea Views

Website: www.deviswijf.co.za

De Venue De V iew De V ine

Contact us for ReservationsX1NLPP7D-010514-KG-ckestr-viswijf



HAAR huis is haar kruis.

`n Jarelange droom om `n huis van haar eiete hê het vir `n enkelma van Ocean View in`n nagmerrie ontaard. Maande se klagtes engesmeek om hulp oor die nat, gekraakte enverkrummelde Hop-huis val op dowe ore.

“As jou huis vir jou word soos `n paar tonstene, sement en staal wat jy elke dag soos`n reuse-boggel op jou rug moet dra, word joulewe een lang nagmerrie. Ek weet daar ismense wat nie huise het nie, en mens moetdankbaar wees vir `n dak oor jou kop, maardie lewe in hierdie plek is ’n nagmerrie.”

Só sê Maria Ruiters, `n enkelma van driekinders. “Vir ons was ons eerste huis `ndroom en ons kon nie wag om in te trek nie.Maar nou is ons in ons eie huis vasgevang,”sê sy bitter.

Ruiters voer sedert April, verlede jaar `ndaaglikse stryd met die Kouga-munisipaleitom haar Hop-huis in Ocean View, `n informe-le nedersetting in Jeffreysbaai, leefbaar enveilig te maak.

Volgens Ruiters is sy nie die enigste inwo-ner wat probleme met haar huis ondervindnie. “Hoewel die bou-inspekteur die huisgoedgekeur en afgeteken het, is die mure be-sig om ineen te stort, die vloere en mure muf,die verf ‘val’ van die mure af, die onder-grondse waterpype lek met die gevolg dat diekombuis en badkamer permanent nat is, dievensters maak nie reg toe nie en die dun lagiesement wat as die vloer dien, is vol gate enbesig om te verkrummel,” sê sy verontwaar-dig.


Vrousedroomhuis ’nnagmerrie“Jy moet sien as hier selfs net `n ligte buitjie

val. Dit reën sommer dwarsdeur die mure. Mykinders bly hoes en snotneus van die ongerief.Hulle was nooit voorheen so chronies sieknie. Ek staan elke oggend met onverklaarbarepyne regoor my lyf op. Ons is doodbang virdie winter, want selfs nou in die herfs is dieplek heeltemal onleefbaar.”

“Kyk net hierdie massiewe krake in dievloer en mure,” beduie Ruiters. “Hier is nieeen ding wat reg is nie. Nie die deure se slotteof die toilet werk nie. Ons kan nie vir ons an-der slaapplek gaan soek nie, want dan wordons huis deur vandale geplunder.”

Nog `n steen des aanstoot is die mobiele toi-let wat agter haar huis vir die bouers opgerigis. Dié toilet lê al vir die afgelope vyf maaandeomgedop en die vrot stank kom tot in haarhuis. Die gebied om haar huis is met rommelbesaai.

Volgens Ruiters word al dié foute nou nahaar maandelange klagtes, net bo-langstoegesmeer. “Dit is nie goed genoeg nie. Diehuis moet behoorlik reggemaak word andersgaan ek binne `n maand of twee weer met die-selfde probleem sit.”

Volgens munisipale woordvoerder Laura-Leigh Randall het Ruiters na hulle vir hulpgekom en is hulle tans besig om die saak opte volg.

“Die huis is gebou deur ’n kontrakteur watdeur die Departement Menslike Nederset-tings aangestel is. Die departement het pro-bleme met die oorspronklike kontrakteurgehad wat nie huise voltooi het nie. ’n Nuwekontrakteur is intussen aangestel en hy her-stel tans onder meer die lekkende onder-grondse waterpype,” sê Randall.

“Die toilet werk nie, omdat die waterkop-pelings nog nie voltooi is nie. Hierdie aspekword wel deur die munisipaliteit hanteer. As

alles volgens skedule verloop, sal die kop-pelings binne die volgende twee weke voltooiword.”

’n Jarelange droom van Maria Ruiters, ’n enkelma van Ocean View, om ’n huis van haar eie tehê, het in ’n nagmerrie ontaard met maande se klagtes om hulp oor die nat, gekraakte enverkrummelde Hop­huis. Maar tevergeefs ­ die gesmeek val op dowe ore. FOTO:MONIQUE BASSON

Page 2: Kouga express 01 05 2014


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’n 16-jarige jeugdige van Jeffreysbaaiwat ’n bejaarde vrou van 56 verkrag het,is verlede Donderdag in die Hu-mansdorp Streekhof 10 jaar gevange-nisstraf opgelê.Die voorval het in Oktober 2012 op die

plaas Sonop by Kabeljous plaasgevind.Beide die beskuldigde, wat 14 jaar tentyde van die oortreding was, en dieslagoffer was op die plaas woonagtig.

16-jarige skuldigaan verkragting

JEFFREYS Baywill be home to the first Oak-ley X-Over Challenge in July.

Presented by Oakley South Africa, theChallenge will form part of the JBay Winter-fest set to take place from July 10 to 21.This cross-over challenge comprises a se-

lection of top Oakley athletes competing ina multi-discipline event to crown an OakleyX-Over Champion 2014. The event will con-sist of a golf tournament, a mountain bikerace and a surfing contest. Athletes will needto compete in all three disciplines to be in the

running for the 2014 X-Over crown.Oakley Sports Marketing Manager Seth

Hulley had this project in the mix for a whilenow, and saw his opportunity to bring it tothe fore in partnershipwith the JBayWinter-fest.“I wanted to do this event for a while,” said

Hulley. “I’mpleased tobeable topartnerwiththe JBayWinterfest to bring this event to fru-ition. It’s going to be fun and exciting, andthe Oakley athletes are pumped on theevent.”The event is set to run over two days - July

15 and 16 -with aprize-giving and closing func-tion at Jolly Dolphin on the night of July 16.The athletes confirmed for the X-Over

Challenge thus far, comprises Bob Skinstad,Butch James, Dale Steyn, David Miller, GregMinnaar, John Smit, Jordy Smith, KevinEvans, Ruan De Smidt, Ryan O’Connor andRyan Sandes.The golf tournament will take place at the

Links Golf Course in St Francis, the moun-tain bike race will take place on the JBayWinterfestTrack, and the surfing contestwilltake place at the Lower Point in Jeffreys Bay.

Jeffreys to sportOakleyX­OverChallenge

Jordy Smith, two times champion of the World Tour surfing event in JBay, is keen for this event and stoked on having some fun at the OakleyX­Over Challenge. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

THE best junior surfers in the country willbe heading to Lower Point in Jeffreys Bayfor the second edition of the RVCA JuniorSurfing Challenge from May 2 - 4.“We are very excited to bring this event

back to Jeffreys Bay,” said RVCA South Afri-ca’s Arno Lane. “Apart from all the high ac-tion surfing that goes down, there is such agreat vibe down here at the Lower Point, andall the kids hang out and have such a coolweekend. There are loads of activities andthings to do, and we’re looking at having anRVCA - style party with some live bandsdown here as well.”Entries are open on the Surfing SouthAfri-

ca website atwww.surfingsouthafrica.co.za.There are a limited number of entries. Last

year saw a full house of 120 entries, and youdon’t want to miss out.“Surfing South Africa is stoked to once

again be sanctioning and supporting theRVCA Junior Contest in Jeffrey’s Bay thisyear,” said Surfing South Africa GeneralManager Robin De Kock. “Last year’s inau-gural event was a massive success and the2014 edition looks set to be even bigger. Jun-ior surf contests are the lifeblood of our sport.Not only do they give a platform to South Af-rica’smost talented boys and girls across fiveage groups, but they also give up and comingsurfers the chance to perform on a nationalstage.”The divisions are boys u.10, u.12, u.14, u.16

and u.20, and girls u.14 and u.20. The event

has a two Star PST rating.There will also be a Nixon Weird Board

contest in amongst the fun. Eight surfboardshapers from around the country weretasked with shaping a weird board, to besurfed off by the junior surfers in a fun mini-event during the main event. Thys Strydom,Eric Stedman, Glen D’Arcy, Glen Rowe, An-ton Butler, Dutchie, Simon Fish and DavidStubbs all contributed the weirdness.The RVCA Junior Surfing Contest is sanc-

tioned by Surfing South Africa. SurfingSouth Africa is a member of the South Afri-can Sports Confederation and Olympic Com-mittee (SASCOC), and recognised by theDept. of Sport and Recreation as the nationalcontrolling body for surfing.

RVCAJunior Surfing to dominate Lower Point

THEDepartment of PublicWorks handedover the PatensieWasteWater TreatmentWorks (WWTW) at the Patensie Prison tothe Kouga Municipality yesterday.The WWTW previously fell under the

custodianship of the National Depart-ment of Public Works, on land occupiedby the prison.The handover of the facility brings re-

lief to the local municipality which haslimited resources to bring services to thedeveloping and growing needs of thecommunity.


Page 3: Kouga express 01 05 2014



Valid From Thursday 1 May - 4 May 2014

Jeffreys Bay 042 293 2191 Trading Hours: Mon 09:00 - 18:00 • Tues - Fri 08:00 - 18:00 • Sat 08:00 - 15:00 • Sun 09:00 - 13:00ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY


3 25for

Butternuts Loose

3.99per kg

Sweet PotatoesLoose

5.99per kg

Carrots, Beetroot,Cabbage, Cauliflower

Penny Lane Frozen½ Cut Chips 1kg

2 25for

Potatoes 2kg


Bulk LeanBeef Mince


Mutton Packs


Leg Roast p/kg

Bulk PorkLoin Chops


Foodlovers CateringPrawn Meat 800g



Openbaring?U word hartlik uitgenooi na 'n reeks boodskappe oor

die Boek Openbaring by die Evangelies-GereformeerdeKerk, met die volgende temas wat te Jeffreysbaai

Seaview Mall aangebied gaan word:

Open 22:7 Kyk, Ek kom gou. Salig is hywat die woorde van die profesie van

hierdie boek bewaar.

Sal elke Sondag vanaf 4 Mei om 3nm te Joubertinahanteer word deur Ds Paul Grobbelaar

(042 291 0535 / 072 277 9781)

4 Mei 9:15 Die sewe gemeentes18:30 Die wegraping

11 Mei 9:15 Die Regterstoel van Christus18:30 Die bruilof van die Lam

18 Mei 9:15 Die groot verdrukking18:30 Die Antichris

25 Mei 9:15 Die wederkoms van Christus18:30 Die 1000 jarige vrederyk

1 Junie 9:15 Die wittroon oordeel18:30 Die nuwe hemel en aarde


OmbudsmanIn accordance with the editorial policy of theKouga Express, we invite readers to comment

on mistakes in the newspaper and shall correctsignificant errors as soon as possible. Send info

to the Ombudsman of Media24’s Local Press,George Claassen, at [email protected] or call him at

0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contact theSA Press Ombudsman at 0 011 484 3612/8 or

e-mail [email protected].


BRAVINGthe streets onadecrepitwooden ‘crutch-and-a-half’ and only one able leg, might have slowed down thisgood samaritan, but not even the need for a proper walk-ing aid could confine her to the four walls of her housewhen it came to helping her fellow neighbour.

Pellsrus community worker, Maggie Bezuidenhout’s,desire to help her fellow human being in need, is so greatthat sheputsher ownhealthon thebackburner to ensurethat those around her are cared for. So much so, that thedifficulty of walking was not seen as an obstacle, but asa challenge that needs to be overcome.Her good and unselfish work, however, has not gone

by unseen.Jos andDette van denBoogaard from theOrganisation

for and fromPeoplewithDisabilities (OPD) SouthAfricareachedout toBezuidenhout and equippedherwithmod-ern crutches - making her work a whole lot easier.Not only have they blessed her with crutches, but also

with a white and blue wheelchair that can be used bycommunity members free of charge - a commodity thatis in constant demand.Wheelchairs areusuallyhired outat R50 per trip by residents who are fortunate enoughto own one.Bezuidenhout’s struggle started when she badly in-

jured her left foot at work at the beginning of Februarythis year. “I went to hospital where they gave me oneshort and one longwooden crutch. It was nearly impossi-ble and extremely uncomfortable to walk with thesecrutches. The more I tried to walk forward, the more Iended up going backwards,” says Bezuidenhout.“After six weeks of hell, Jos and Dette surprised me

with modern crutches and a wheelchair to be used bycommunity members - this only two days after they hadheard about my struggle.“Now I can once again walk around comfortably and

be of assistance to my people in Pellsrus.”Dette says: “Many disabled people in the Kouga region

are in need of an aid to be able to actively participatein community life. The problem is, however, that thesepeople must wait more than three years before they re-ceive as much as a walking stick from the government.“Daily we experience the suffering of residents who

are confined to their homes, not being able to visit friendsor even go to the clinic or church. It is our mission tosupply these people with the aids they need, on a tempo-rary basis until they receive a wheelchair or walkingframes from the government. At the moment we have awaiting list of 15 people in need of a wheelchair.“From April last year to date we have seen 68 people

in need, of which we were only able to help 12. “It breaksour hearts that we cannot assist more people.”The OPD is in great need of any wheelchairs - which

they can repair if needed - crutches, walking frames andmonetary donations. Donations can be paid to Nedbank,

account number 1053989288, branch code 177205, swiftNEDSZAJJ.For more information or to assist the OPD in any way,

contact Jos or Dette at 0 076 145 2681 or send an e-mailto [email protected]. Alternatively visit their website atwww.opd-sa.co.za.

Communityworker ‘backonher feet’

=Dette and Jos van den Boogaardfrom the Organisation for andfrom People with Disabilities (OPD)South Africa in Jeffreys Bay,reached out to community workerMaggie Bezuidenhout from Pellsrusand equipped her with moderncrutches and a wheelchair ­making her work a whole loteasier as this wheelchair will beavailable to the whole community.


Page 4: Kouga express 01 05 2014



NET soos biltong oor die jare sinoniem met’n Saterdagmiddag langs die rugbyveld ge-word het, net so is Riëtte Buchner sinoniemmet Jeffreysbaai en sy mense.

Met haar klokherlder lag en fyn humorsinhet sy jou binne minute aan die skaterlag enpraat. Benewens haar groot liefde vir die see,lê die natuur en diere haar na aan die hart- al beteken dit sy moet vyf dae ry om haarviervoetige kind terug by die huis te besorg.Met ’n hart wat warm klop vir dié kusdorp,

het sy na drie jaar die warm waters vanMosambiek vir die koue strome van haargrootword-vakansiedorp verruil en verkoopnou van die lekkerste biltong en droëwors opdie dorp.Riëtte, gebore op ’n plaas in Patensie in die

jare sewentigs, het as ’n kaalvoetdogtertjiesaam met Jeffreysbaai gegroei.“My ouers het ’n vakansiehuis in Jeffreys-

baai gehad, en van wat ek kan onthou, houons hier vakansie. As jong kind het ons kus-langs na Astonbaai geloop waar ek en myvriende heerlik in die swembad daar baljaarhet. Die hoogtepunt van ons besoek aan Jef-freysbaai was die toe bekende Ungerer-win-kel. Alhoewel daar nie veel te doen en te sienop die dorp was nie, was dit omtrent ’n grootgedoente om by die winkel inkopies te doen.Onthou, ons kom van die plaas af, en was niewinkels gewoond nie,” vertel sy laggend.Sy en haar man, Hansie, was later jare die

bestuurders van die Lombardini Wildsplaaswaar sy haar liefde vir die natuur ten volle kon

uitleef en ’n onvergeetlike wildervaring virbeide toeriste en plaaslike inowners kon bied.In 2009 het hulle die rustige plaaslewe vir diegewoel van Jeffreysbaai verruil waar sy virtwee jaar ’n suksesvolle eiendomsagent was.Met die ‘wanderlust’ wat dik deur hul are

vloei, het hulle einde 2010 die stof van Jef-freysbaai van hul voete afgestof en ’n lodgein Mosambiek oopgemaak waar hulle vir dieafgelope tien jaar gereeld gaan vakansie houhet.Maar in 2013 het die verlange te groot ge-

word, en is hulle sak en pak terug in Jeffreys-baai - gereed om nuwe uitdagings aan te pak.Maar voor dit moes Riëtte eers vyf dae ry

om haar geliefde hond, Tipo, in Mosambiekte gaan haal. “Met ons terugkoms was daarnie vir hom in die motor plek nie, maar ekhet met die eerste kans wat ek kon kry terug-gegaan naMosambiek om hom te gaan haal,”vertel sy.“Ons het drie onvergeetlike jare inMosam-

biek gehad, maar die verlange na Jeffreys-baai en ons mense het net te veel geword. Diemense van Jeffreysbaai voel soos ons familieen ons geniet die ontspanne atmosfeer watkenmerkend van die dorp is. As ons Port Eli-zabeth toe gaan, dan trek ons aan.”Slaggereed vir nuwe uitdagings het Riëtte

onlangs die nuwe Biltong Shoppi langsCheckers in Da Gamaweg oopgemaak. “Ekhet dadelik begin uitkyk vir iets om te doen.Toe ek sien die biltongwinkel wat vir jarehier was, het toegemaak, het ek geweet diepubliek kort weer ’n biltongwinkel hier,” sêsy.Terwyl die biltong endroëworshang omuit

te droog, gaan Riëtte nie in die lug hang enledig wees nie. Daarvoor is haar kop te besigen haar kreatiwiteit en energie te veel.Sy beplan om binnekort handgemaakte

houtmeubels op aanvraag te verkoop, asook

ingevoerde lap van Mosambiek.Riëtte het ’n groot passie vir die see en

buitelewe en sy hoop om voor die einde vandie jaar haar eie kwekery tussen Jeffreysbaaien Humansdorop oop te maak.

Riëtte ­met ’nknippie sout

Na drie jaar in Mosambiek, is oud­inwoner Riëtte Buchner terug in die dorp en spog met haar eieBiltong Shoppi. FOTO:MONIQUE BASSON

Jeffreysbaai - 042 296 2626

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MONDAYS’ Pensioners discountsX1NLTG35-010514-KG-bhestr-picknpay

Kinders span self kragdrade na huise

In Ocean View, ’n informele nedersetting in Jeffreysbaai, span onwettige kragkabels soosspinnerakke oor die pad om elektrisiteit aan honderde inwoners te voorsien. Baie van dieinnoverende ‘ingenieurs’ is jong kinders. Volgens munisipale woordvoerder, Laura­Leigh Randall,gaan 12% van die elektrisiteit wat Eskom aan die Kouga­munisipaliteit voorsien, maandeliksverlore. Dit sluit in kragdiefstal en tegniese oorsake. FOTO:VERSKAF

Die Gamtoosvallei se sitrusboere sê hulle is verby keelvol uitgehou met die voosgetrapte paaiewaarop hulle uitvoer­sitrusprodukte na die Baaise hawe moet vervoer. Die provinsiale regering hetblykbaar aan hulle verduidelik daar is nie geld vir herstel of onderhoud nie. FOTO:NIEKERK FERREIRA

Gamtoosboeremor oor vrotgetrapte padLEOLYNN SMITH

SITRUSBOERE in die Gamtoosvallei sit weerhande in die hare oor dié gebied se voosge-trapte paaie noudat dit weer tyd is om huluitvoerproduk na die Baai aan te ry.

Elke dag word tussen 10% en 15% van diesitrus só gekneus dat dit nie meer uitgevoerkanwordnie,wysPetrusduPreez, die voorsit-ter vandieGamtoosvallei-landbouvereniging,uit. “Die paaie in die omgewing is grondpaaie,maar dis jare laas met ’n nuwe laag bedek. Ditword net elke keer geskraap. Nou is dit op dienerf geskraap. Dis net klippe en gate.”Gevolglik moet die 34 ton-vragmotors, met

die kratte vol sitrusprodukte, ekstra stadig ryom stampskade sover moontlik te voorkom.“Dítmaakweer die rytydnadieBaaise hawe

minstens ’n halfuur langer,” sê Du Preez.Maar dis nie net die sitrusprodukte wat

deurloop nie.“Die vragmotors se buitebande bars wan-

neer dit die slaggate en skerp klippe tref. Sk-oolvervoer het al net so ’n groot probleem ge-

word, omdat die kontrakteurs se voertuie netnie hou nie,” sê Du Preez.Willem de Villiers, een van die kontrak-

teurs, is al raadop. “My motor word baie be-skadig as gevolg van die swak pad – en ditvréét die buitebande.”De Villiers vervoer die kinders op die R520,

ook bekend as die Andrieskraal-pad, na dieplaasskool Sonop.“En as die water (ná die reëns) afkom, kan

ek nie ry nie. Dan gaan die kinders nie skooltoe nie. Baie van die kindersmoet elke tweedejaar ’n graadherhaal, omdat dit so ’n gesukkelis om by die skool uit te kom.”Soos in vorige jare, beklemtoon Du Preez,

klop hulle weer aan die provinsiale departe-ment se deur vir hulp, net om te hoor daaris nie geld nie.“In die verlede is die paaie ten minste een

keer per jaar geskraap, nou is daar nie eensmeer geld daarvoor nie,” mor hy.Die Burgerhet die departement omkommen-

taar genader,maar is gesê dit sal eersMaandaggelewer kan word aangesien die aangewesepersoon dan weer terug op kantoor sal wees.

Page 5: Kouga express 01 05 2014


Shopsmart&saveR54Bulk StewingBeef Bone inPer kg


FreshWhole ChickenPer kg




1190PnPTunaChunks in Oilor SaltWater170g Each


All GoldTomato Sauce700ml

990SparlettaSoft DrinkAssorted2 Litre Each

R47Bulk PorkBraai Chops


R41PnPAvocado Ripe &Ready 2s,Baby Leaf Salad120g andMini Italian Tomatoes 250g



Large Eggs18s

750ProtexSoapAssorted175g Each

R77ColgateBase RangeToothpasteAssorted75/100mlEach

R44ListerineTotalCare Sensitive,Tartar Control,Teeth &GumDefence orTotal CareCleanMint500ml Each

SunfoilSunflower Oil2 Litre


InflationBusterBetter than last year’s price


Selected productson this page havebeen styled forphotography

R69PoolbriteMonthMateSuper Plus orPink Drive1.5kg Each

R15PnPWashedPotatoes 2kg



Best CustomerLoyalty Programme2013*




PRICESVALID29APRIL-4MAY2014ATPICKNPAYSUPERMARKETSANDHYPERSEASTERNCAPEONLYIncluding William Moffett, Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Jeffreys Bay, East London, King Williams Town, Plettenberg Bay, George, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn,Queenstown, Mthatha, Aliwal North, Grahamstown, Port Alfred and Beaufort West.Shop in store or online at www.pnp.co.za/shop www.picknpay.co.za Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landlineonly.Cellphoneratesapply.

Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products.Please check availability.We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liablefor any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smartshopper termsandconditionsapply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, pleasesee in store or go online for more details.


R16Crickley LowFat YoghurtAssorted 1kgEach

Ariel AutoWashingPowder 2kg, AutoWashing Liquid1.5 Litreor Power Capsules 14sEach


HE might be too young to remember thisday, but those whose lives he touched willnever forget.

One-year-old Liam Warner-Atkinsonfrom Jeffreys Bay celebrated his first birth-day on April 19 as any other birthday boy– with balloons, gifts, cake and sweets - ….but with one difference. Instead of invitingfriends and family and ripping through col-ourful wrapping paper, he shared his spe-cial daywith boys and girls who do not havea mommy or daddy of their own.On this day 19 childrenofup to eight years

old from the 7th Heaven Children’s Havenand Victory4All Safe House, joined little Li-am in a royal celebration fit for a prince andprincess. Apart from indulging in cake andsweet treats, they each got a little gift to takehome with them – a first for many of them.“Liam’s name means unwavering protec-

tor.Ashis parentswe feel that it is importantto teach our children from a very young ageto care about those who are not as fortunateas they,” says Liam’s mom, Venice.“If we could give these innocent children,

who come from dire conditions, and manytimes tremendous abuse, even just one hap-py day a year where they can feel special,we are more than happy to do so.“We will definitely be making this an an-

nual event where the orphaned childrenwill be our number one priority.”According toVenice, their aim is to create

a life-long legacy for Liam and their futurechildren. “This day would have not beensuch a huge success without our sponsors:Dirco Creations, Checkers Equinox, Check-ers inDaGamaRoad, Office4U, TrenzDecorHire, We Pack, Fountains Mall, Fruit andVeg City and U-Save.”.To get involvedwith similar projects, con-

tact Venice at 0 081 270 4914 or send her ane-mail at [email protected].

Toddler ‘hosts’birthdaypartyfororphans

Liam Warner­Atkinson. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Oyster Bay: 11turbines erectedMONIQUE BASSON

CONSTRUCTION of the R2 billion KougaWind Farm at Oyster Bay is on track witheleven of the 32 wind turbines already gra-cing the skyline.

It is expected that the last turbine will beerected by the end of September this year,with commissioning ongoing until end 2014.When operational the wind farmwill gener-

ate 80MW of clean and renewable power - thisis enoughenergy to supply 100 000households.Some 250 jobs will be created during the

construction phase. Seventeen of these jobswill beunskilled labourwhichwill be sourcedlocally. The remainder will be made up of abalance between semi-skilled and skilled jobsto be sourced locally as much as possible.Apart fromgenerating cleanand renewable

energy, the project will benefit local commu-nities through the Red Cap Kouga Communi-ty Development Trust. The Trust, whichholds a 26% shareholding in the project com-pany, courtesy of an Industrial DevelopmentCorporation loan, will derive income off thesale of electricity and this will be used to up-lift the local community by funding variousprojects in the area.

Page 6: Kouga express 01 05 2014



Selected products on this page have been styled for photography

R54Bulk Stewing BeefBone in Per kg


PnP Full CreamorLow FatMilk UltraPasteurised 2 LitreEach


R18PnPNONAMETMChicken, Redor SmokedViennas 500gEach

R44WindhoekDraughtCans orNon-returnableBottles 6 x 440mlPer PackCasePrice R176


R45Hunter’sDry orGold Cans orNon-returnableBottles 6 x 330mlPer Pack


R265JohnnieWalkerBlack LabelWhisky 750ml


Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.


PnPNONAMETMLarge Eggs 18s

R16Crickley Low FatYoghurtAssorted 1kgEach

Bulk Pork Braai Chops

R47Per kg

R55Bulk Lean BeefMince Per kg



BestCustomer LoyaltyProgramme2013*

THE first everNautical CapitalFestival at StFrancis Bay is infull swing.

The festivalkicked off onFriday and willcome to a close onMay 3.The programme

for the next threedays is as follows.May 1.Bos Sport TripleChallenge: swim-ming, running andpaddling in teamsor as individuals.Registration takesplace at Sea GladesDrive from 08:00,with the racestarting at 09:00.The cost is R60 peradult and R40 foru.14s. Phone 0 082394 7363..SA LongboardChampionships allday at Seals, CapeSt Francis..Shipwreck Partyat Trattoria SanFrancesco at 19:00.Cost is R40 perperson.

May 2.SA LongboardChampionships allday at Seals, CapeSt Francis..Gala Dinner forthe SA LongboardChampionships atCape St FrancisResort. TheBrothers will playfrom 21:00. Book-ings can be done [email protected].

May 3.5km St FrancisParkrun at the StFrancis Links at08:00. Entry is free.Register atwww.parkrun.co.za.Phone0 082 3947363..Amateur Pad-dling Competitionon the Canals byLittle VeniceAdventures at09:00. Phone 0 076811 6959..All day, SALongboard Cham-pionships at Seals,Cape St Franciswith prize-givingand closingceremony at theResort in theevening.Concert in the

Park and FoodMarket at 167 StFrancis Drive from12:30 to 18:00. Bringyour picnic basketand blanket. Phone0 071 3304208.

Daily events.Canal Cruises byBrisan at 12:00 and17:00. Phone 0 042294 1894 to book..Canal, River andBay Cruises, aswell as canoe andbike hire by StFrancis Safaris.Phone 0 082 5693750.


Page 7: Kouga express 01 05 2014



Including William Moffett, Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Jeffreys Bay, East London, King Williams Town, Plettenberg Bay, George, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Queenstown, Mthatha, Aliwal North,Grahamstown, Port Alfred and Beaufort West. Liquor not for sale on Sundays in George and Mossel Bay.www.picknpay.co.za CustomerCare0800112288.Toll free landlineonly.Cellphoneratesapply.Shop in store or online at www.pnp.co.za/shop


Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Somestoresmaynotstocksomeoftheseproducts.Please check availability.We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertisedprices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smartshoppertermsandconditionsapply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.

WEEKLYWINNERSfromSouthAfrica’s favourite supermarket*


Kellogg’sCornFlakes 500gSAVER7


All GoldTomatoSauce 700ml


SunlightRegularHandwashWashingPowder2kg Flexi Bag


NestléCremoraRegular or LiteCoffee Creamer1kg Each



PnPWhite Sugar2.5kg

1190PnPTuna Chunksin Oil or SaltWater 170g Each


MrsH.S. Ball’sChutney Assorted470g Each

R30CadburyChocolate SlabAssorted 180g


R69PoolbriteMonthMate Super Plusor Pink Drive1.5kg Each


SparlettaSoft DrinkAssorted 2 LitreEach


Coca-ColaRegular, Light,Zero or TabCans 6 x 330mlPer Pack

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WATERAERO-BIESE KLASSEPoliclinic Water-aerobiese klasse enrehabilitasie-oefe-ninge in binne-muurse verhitteswembad vind elkeMaandag, Woens-dag en Vrydagplaas. Vir navrae,skakel Yolandé by042 296 0454 na ure.

TECOMAKUNSMARKDie TecomaKunsmark vindplaas op 3 Meivanaf 09:00 op diehoek van DaGamaweg enTekomastraat inJeffreysbaai.Skakel Neil by 042296 2791.

NIFTY FIFTIESThe Nifty Fiftieswill have Bingo inthe MethodistChurch Hall at14:00 on May 14.Contact Ronnie orMargaret at 042 2931268.

SIERDUIF VER-ENIGINGDie OostelikeProvinsie SierduifVereniging hou huljaarlikseStreekkampioen-skap op 3 Meivanaf 09:00 tot14:00 by dieLaerskool Altonain Port Elizabeth.Toegang is gratis.Verversings sal tekoop wees. KontakJohan de Beer by072 399 8952 .

VOORBIDDING’n Gebedsbedieningvir die opkomendeverkiesing vindplaas op 5 Mei om18:00 in die NG-Kerk in DaGamaweg.

EREDIENSTEVoorbidding virdie oggend-eredien-ste van die NG-Kerk in DaGamaweg en bydie kapel vind 45minute voor dieerediens plaas.

Obenbaring?Die Evangelies-GereformeerdeKerk by dieSeaview Mall inJeffreysbaai hou ’nreeks boodskappeoor die BoekOpenbaring vanaf 4mei tot 1 Junie.Skakel ds Grobbe-laa by 042 291 0535.

C-WIND TUIN-BOUKLUBDie C-WindTuinbouklubvergader op 6 Meiom 15:00 by diekwekery byFountains Mall.Die onderwerpwaarop gefokusword is Ontwerpvan tuine. Nuwelede en besoekersis welkom teen R10per persoon.Kontak Gaby by042 296 1420.


Page 8: Kouga express 01 05 2014


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MOST women will be aware of how impor-tant it is to care for their bodies and bonesbefore, during and after pregnancy.Good body and bone maintenance can also

have a beneficial effect on the baby, as vita-mins and minerals can be absorbed by thefoetus as it grows in utero.Pregnacare Conception is a micronutrient

supplement which was carefully developed byexperts containing all important vitamins andminerals at levels safe for pregnancy.Pregnacare is a scientifically developed

formulation of 19 important vitamins andminerals and contains vitamin B12 and folicacid at the exact level recommended by thehealth experts.Pregnacare Plus has additional Omega-3

pure Norwegian fish oil.Pregnacare Stretch Cream should be ap-

plied liberally to stomach, waist, thighs andbreasts in order to maintain the skin’s elas-ticity throughout pregnancy.Osteocare helps maintain strong bones,

joints and teeth by providing requiredamounts of vitamins and minerals with anatural source of calcium, which is the mostconcentrated source of calcium available,and each tablet contains magnesium, Zincand Vitamin D at full RDA levels.Osteocare Chewable tablets were devel-

oped for adults or children (ages 4 – 12) whofind it difficult to swallow tablets.Osteocare with Glucosamine and Chon-

droitin helps with good bone and cartilagemaintenance. Each tablet contains richsources of calcium,magnesiumand zinc plusVitamin D with extra Glucasamine, Chon-droitin and Ginger Root Extract.Osteocare Liquid has a delicious orange

flavour and is suitablefor babies from theages of one year oldand pregnant women,and assists in thegrowth and develop-ment of bone.Pregnacare and

Osteocare are excel-lent and effectivemeans of maintainingongoing good healthduring pregnancy,and should be takentogether for bestresults. All productsare available fromDisChem, Clicks,selected pharmaciesand www.vitabiot-ics.co.za

Win! Win! Win!One lucky Kouga Express reader stands achance of winning a Vitabiotics hamper val-ued at R950.To enter, visit our website at www.kou-

gaexpress.co.za, click on Competitions andanswer the easy question. You need to be re-gistered to enter. The competition closes atnoon on May 11.

Win aVitabiotics hamper

One lucky Kouga Express reader stands a chance of winning aVitabiotics hamper valued at R950. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Opinions and views expressed in advertise-ments, news reports and columns are notnecessarily those of the Kouga Express, itspublishers and staff. Please note that alladvertisements are exempt from error and


GelukkigeMoedersdag - 11Mei


OUERS word daagliks toegegooi onder dielaste by die werk, hul baas se verwagtinge,huispaaiement, water en ligte en erfbelas-ting-rekenings, kospryse, stygende brand-stofkostes, skoolfonds, kleregeld, verseke-ring, die gevolglike stresvlakke, paniek, hu-welik-bytery en nog ‘vele meer’...

En dan het ons nog nie eers die kindersgenoem nie!Dis net hier waar die bus se wiele afval.

Om al die bogemelde op hok te hou, is heftiggenoeg. Voeg dan die eise van ouerskap indie 21ste eeuby, endiemeesgematigdemenskan sy “cool” verloor.Nou hoe gemaak?Almal weet kinders het liefde, dissipline

en konsekwente ouerlike leiding nodig.Maar dit hou nie daarby op nie.


Kennersmeen datmens eerstens nie jou hu-morsin met die baba se badwater moet uit-gooi nie.Ongelukkig is dit makliker gesê as

gedaan. As die baba onophoudelik skree, isniemand lus om kalm te glimlag dat allesonder beheer is nie. As die kind die venster

vir die derde keer met sy krieketbal uitgooiof die tiener sy mond soos ‘n blaasoppie op-pomp, is die sin uit die humor uit.Maar die kenners is reg: ‘n gesonde skoot

humorsin bring ’n balans.Mensmoenie jou-self te ernstig opneem nie EN poog om dielag by die traan raak te sien.


Die groot stryd van die dag is natuurlikTYD.Soveel ouers is bloot te besig.Diewerk,ontspanning, eietyd, gesinsvereistes engerondjaag steel tyd.Hulle gooi hul kinders toe met elektron-

iese toe-stelle om hulle besig te hou, omdathulle tyd self beperk is. Die TV word die‘ma’, en Hollywood is nie die beste ouer watek ken nie.Skep tyd vir jou kind. Neem een-een uit

vir ’n melkskommel of ’n stappie op diestrand. Lees ‘n slaaptydstorie of leer kindersHOE om met etenstyd sinvol te gesels.En luister sonder om mening te lug of te

preek. Gee jou kind ’n drukkie en maak tydom elkeen spesiaal te laat voel.


Dit bring ons by pret. Pret is eenvoudig en’n benadering wat teenstrydig is met die

ouerlike ongeduld en stresbelaaide irrita-sie.Ontspanne en vervulde kinders het pret

met hulle ouers. As ouers te besig, te belang-rik en te gespanne is, betaal die kinders dieprys.Bring pret terug. Geld koop nie pret nie.


Ongelukkig heet daar ‘n ‘zeitgeist’ van ver-wenning. Kinders wat alles kry wat hullewil hê, word grootmense wat glo almal endie wêreld skuld hulle iets.Sulke kinders leer nie om takies in die

huis te doen vir die welstand van die helegesin nie. Hulle verwag betaling vir alleswat hulle moet doen. En ouers dok op.Dit hang saam met die leer van verant-

woordelikheid en sorgsaamheid sonder omvergoed te word.


Te veel ouers plaas druk op hul kinders omte presteer - veral in ’n veld waar hulle selfnie of wel die beste bereik het.Die punte moet noodwendig hemelhoog

wees, die sport en buite-aktiwiteite wordopgehoop - en die arme bloedjie is pootuiten aggressief of depressief.

Sulke kinders kry skaars tyd vir speel.En speel is belangrik vir leer. Dis beter

om kinders aan te moedig om hul beste telewer as om hulle te druk om JOU beste telewer.


Diekontroversie rondomstraf groei in Suid-Afrika. Sommiges glo ’n afgedankste loesingsuiwer die kwaad sommer blitsig uit, en an-der sê: NEE! Mens leer nie ’n kind waardesen liefde as jy hom moker nie.Kinders in een gesin is so verskillend in

persoonlikheid en benadering dat jy nieelkeen oor dieselfde kam kan skeer nie.Een reageer goed op ’n klop op die agter-

kant, terwyl ’n ander eerder hoekie toemoetgaan. Een soek ’n verduideliking en die an-der ’n bemoediging.As ouers hul kinders oor dieselfde kam

skeer, is dit ‘n onreg. Die balans moet na-tuurlik gehou word sodat die een nie voeldie ander word voorgetrek of bevoordeelnie.

Maar niemand moet verskreeu word nie.Dan, liewe ouer, het jy reeds beheer verloor.

.Marinda Conradie is ‘n plaaslikepredikant en geregistreerde berader.

Haaldie“kap”uit ouerskap

Page 9: Kouga express 01 05 2014



THERE are only two weeks left to enter theKouga Express, Builders Express Beautifyyour Town Competition and to stand achance of winning garden equipment valuedat R1 500.

The Kouga Express and Builders Expressin Jeffreys Bay have joined forces to give re-cognition to residentswho go beyond the callof duty to beautify the town they live in.

Whether you plant trees and flowers, pickup the rubbish, keep the sidewalks neat, cutthe grass, clean overgrown erven and repairpotholes - we are interested in your project.

The competition is open to all residents -young or old - who reside in the Kouga andKoukamma regions.

How to enterTo enter the Kouga Express/ Builders Ex-pressBeautify yourTownCompetition, senda recent photo and short description of yourproject via our website at www.kougaex-press.co.za. Click on Tell Your Story underCitizen Journalist, where you can upload arecent photo and short description. Entry isfree, and the closingdate is atnoononThurs-day, May 15. You must be registered to beable to enter.

The winner will be chosen by public voteand people can start voting for their favour-ite project at noon from Friday, May 16.

PrizeThe prize will comprise of equipment andmaterial, suchas gardening tools to thevalueof R1 500, that can be used to either furtheran existing project or to start a new project.

Get involvedApart from existing projects, we are alsolooking for new projects in the region. Nomi-nate any project you think needs attentionin the community. Send your suggestions to0 45527 from noon on April 17 to noon onMay 29. Each SMS costs R1.50.

Alternatively, upload your suggestions onour website at www.kougaexpress.co.za un-der Citizen Journalist/ Submit your Story.

Weare looking for the best town beautifiers

Do you have a story to tell? Do you have your finger on the pulse of your community? Then we want you to write for us. Weare looking for volunteer citizen journalists to tell us about events or news happening in your area.

This is how it will workAll the stories or events must be submitted through our website, at www.kougaexpress.co.za.

On the home page you will see a section on the right, “Become a Citizen Journalist”.You will need to login/register, but this is now also a quicker and easier process, because you can log in with your Facebook

account, if you have one. Then, simply upload your story, photo or event and click on submit. And you’re done . . . it’s that easy.

Are youourCitizen Journalist?

THE winner of the Kouga Express and Jef-freys Bay SuperSpar No-diet Day RecipeCompetition is Jackie Meyer from JeffreysBay with her mouth-watering recipeMariusMeyer’s Runners’ Plate.

Shewins a Lindt-hamper sponsored by Jef-freys Bay SuperSpar and Lindt.

According to Jackie, she created this dishespecially for her husband Marius, who is acompetitive runner participating in mara-thons, including the Two Oceans, FriendlyCity, Congo Cave and the Comrades mara-thons.

This dish is easy to prepare and very deli-cious. If you are planning to run, or even anight in the club, give thismeal a try to boostyour energy levels.

Ingredients.1 Onion.1 Green pepper.Broccoli.250g sliced mushrooms.500g Pasta.4 Skinless chicken breasts.1 Pack of Chicken a la King soup.Mozzarella cheese

Method1. Chop the onion, slice the pepper and cutthe chicken into bite size strips.2. Boil the pasta until cooked, add salt totaste.3. Cook the broccoli for ten minutes.4. In a pan, brown the onion in 1 tbls of oliveoil, add the pepper and mushrooms.5. Fry the chicken in a separate pan in 1 tblsof olive oil till brown.6.Mix the pouch ofChicken a laKing soup into500ml of milk, pour the soup over the fried on-ion, peppers, mushrooms and chicken.7. Bring to boil while stirring.8. Mix all the ingredients into a casserolewith grated mozzarella cheese over the topand bake in oven at 120C for 20 to 30 min-utes.9. Serves 4 – 6 people.

Winning recipe:MariusMeyer’sRunners’ Plate

The winner of the Kouga Express and JeffreysBay SuperSpar No­diet Day Recipe Competitionis Jackie Meyer from Jeffreys Bay with hermouth­watering recipe Marius Meyer’s Runners’Plate. PHOTO:MONIQUE BASSON

Pierre Venter from Jeffreys Bay SuperSpar with the Lindt Hamper thatwas up for grabs. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Page 10: Kouga express 01 05 2014


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Page 11: Kouga express 01 05 2014



THE JBU Surf Club has announced the nextfour invited surfers in the JBU Super Trial,and they are Sean Holmes, Warren Dean, Dy-lan Lightfoot and Slade Prestwich.

The JBU Super Trial has a waiting periodfor the month of June, and will produce onewild card into theASPJBayOpenWorldTourevent, set to take place from10-21 July. TheASP JBay Open World Tour event forms part

of the JBay Winterfest.The four invited surfers are amix of experi-

ence and youth, with Sean Holmes and War-ren Dean the old school Supers rippers, andDylan and Slade representing the new schoolchargers.Sean Holmes is one of the perennial stand-

outs at Supertubes, and has a long and ex-tremely illustrioushistory at the surf spot.Hehas deposed of world champions like KellySlater and the lateAndy Irons year after year,and shows no sign of slowing down.

With his nickname of ‘The Nemesis,’ Hol-mesy will be making any World Tour surfernervous should he get the wild card into themain event.With the nuances of Supers in hisDNA, Sean surfs with extreme confidence atSupers, and has an uncanny ability in the fa-bled Supers barrel.Local ripper Dylan Lightfoot is delighted

with his invite. ”Ever since I was a gromfrothing on the beach at every Billabong Protrying to get the Pro surfers autographs, itsbeen my dream to surf the main event! I will

do my best to make my home town proud!”said Lightfoot.This is the first time that the ASP World

Tour is returning to JBay since 2011 and theevent has a prize pool of US$500,000(R5,250,000). It forms part of the revamped2014 World Tour, and there is much excite-ment about the event returning to JBay.Trailists so far are Greg Emslie, Joshe

Faulkner, ShaunJoubert, RVCAJuniorChal-lenge wildcard, Sean Holmes, Dylan Light-foot, Warren Dean, Slade Prestwich.

Secondsetof inviteesannounced forJBUSuper Trial

JOIN St Francis Sport for the Bos SportTriple Challenge on Thursday, May 1 at09:00.This fun event, which is part of the inau-

gural Nautical Capital Festival in St Fran-cis Bay, is ideal for individuals or teams,and promises to be great fun.Registration will take place in Sea

Glades Drive from 08:00, and race briefingwill be at 08:45.The challenge on and around the St

Francis Bay canals starts at 09:00.

Participants can choose between a longand short distance in swimming, runningand paddling.The short event is 300m swim, 3km

run and 3km paddle, while the longerroute is 1km swim, 6km run and 3kmpaddle.The entry fee is R40 per person for u.14s

and R60 per person. All finishers will geta Bos Sports drink.For more information, contact Eric

Stewart at 0 082 394 7363.

Take part in theBossSport TripleChallengeDie kapteine van United

Barbarians en JeffreysbaaiUnited, Ricardo Swepu (links)en Willie Yake(regs), ontvangdie Burgemeesterstrofee vanKouga Rugby Subunie­presi­dent Chico Februarie enKouga­burgemeester BooiKoerat. Die spanne isgesmaentlik gekroon as dieBurgemeesterstrofee­kam­pioene nadat hulle gelykopgespeel het in die eindstryd.Die prysuitdeling is Saterdagop Humansdorp gehou.FOTO:VERSKAF

Rugbykampioiene aangekondig

Adopt a four legged friend

Pote, a 5­year­old Doberman,has a good disposition and is agood family dog.

9­Month­old Maxi, afemale Fox Terrier, lovesthe company of otherdogs and humans. Shehas lots of energy andloves chasing a ball. There are a lot of

kittens and cats at theSPCA looking for agood home. To adopt acanine friend, contactthe Humansdorp SPCAat 0 042 295 2814 orphone their emergencynumber at 0 073 1218963. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Jeffreysbaai Gholfklub

12 Maart: Sanlam KankerdagDAMESA-Afdeling1. Ronelle du Toit (45 pts)B-afdeling1. Keri Smith (35)2. Reinette Roos (34 c/o)3. Annatjie Gerber (34)C-afdeling1. Maggie Cumming (40)2. Laetitia Knoetze (35)MANSA-afdeling1. Ralton Manuel (42)2. Martin van Heerden (besoeker: 41 c/o)3. Tinus Smith (41)B-afdeling1. Flip Meyer (43)2. Martin Rademeyer (38)3. Pieter Viljoen (37)C-afdeling1. Gert Neethling (37 c/o)2. Adrian Buhrman (37)3. Attie Esterhuizen (36 c/o)

19 Maart: Format MedalDAMESBest Nett1. Ria Bestbier (72)2. Annatjie Gerber (76)MANSBest Gross1. Morné Oliphant (81 c/o)Best Nett1. John Boshoff (67)2. Martin Human (69 c/o)3. Jannie Cronje (69)4. Bertus Botes (70)

Gholf uitslaeWOMENof all ages are counting the days to theEastern Cape’s most beautiful road race, theSPAR Women’s Challenge, which hits thestreets of Port Elizabeth this Saturday.The festival of running starts with the SPAR

Little Ladies’ Race for girls nine years and un-der tomorrow (Thursday, May 1), and culmi-nates in the traditional 5 and 10km road raceson Saturday (May 3).SPAR Eastern Cape marketing manager,

Abri Swart said organisers were preparing fora bumper turnout for the 21st edition of theevent,which starts and finishes at PollokBeachin Summerstrand.Swart saidat least 14 000 runnersandwalkers

were expected, making it the biggest road racein the Eastern Cape.“Due to the runawaysuccess of our inaugural

Little Ladies’ Race last year, we’ve decided tomake it an annual fixture,” said Swart.

Hesaid the2kmjunioreventwould takeplaceat 9amon thepublicholiday,whichwasalso theofficial start of registration for the senior races.“Parents canregister their children from8am

at the venue and collect their own registrationinfo, race numbers and T-shirts until 7pm.”Swart said the children’s race would follow

the pedestrian walkway towards Hobie Beachand back and that the routewould be fullymar-shalled to ensure their safety.While a female adult could accompany her

child, he said no boys or men would be permit-ted.“We’ll also have lots of lucky draw prizes and

finishers’ medals for the little ladies after therace.”Registration for the senior races would con-

tinue from 9am to 19:00 on the Friday and lateentries would still be accepted from 05:30 on themorning of the race, said Swart.

He said the 10km feature race would start at7:00,with the5kmfunrunkickingoff 45minuteslater.“We’d like to ask residents to be patient as

there will be heavy traffic in the area on themorning of the race and certain road closureswill be in effect.”Brighton Drive will be closed completely, as

will Marine Drive between 5th and 9th Avenuefrom 5:00 to 9:00.Swart said traffic officials and marshals

would be on hand tomake sure that everythingflowed smoothly.Swart said no parking would be permitted at

Summerstrand Village Shopping Centre or inBrighton Drive.Find SPAR Women’s Challenge Port Eliza-

beth on Facebook or follow @sparchallengepeand @spar_ec. Alternatively, stay tuned to Al-goa FM for updates.

Women ready to hit the streets

Women of all ages are counting the days to the SPAR Eastern Cape Women’s Challenge in Port Elizabeth. The running starts with the SPAR LittleLadies’ race on May 1. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 12: Kouga express 01 05 2014

Aston Bay 082 868 5839

Wavecrest 082 738 4515

Jeffrey's Bay 082 718 5750

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Humansdorp 082 718 5746

Patensie/ Hankey 082 304 3545

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DYLAN Lightfoot and Emma Smith clinchedtheir respectivemenandwomen’s Pro Juniortitles at the first stop on the Billabong JuniorSeries presented by BOS, which was complet-ed in consistent one to 1.5 metre waves inMossel Bay on Sunday.

The victories see the pair take an early leadin the rankings to select the three men andone woman who will represent ASP Africa atthe 2014 ASP World Junior Surfing Champi-onships scheduled for the end of October.Lightfoot (19) from Jeffreys Bay, took the

momentum from his top 16 finish in an ASPQS event in Argentina last weekend into thisevent by convincingly winning his openingheat.The third seed then placed second to Cape

Town’s JordyMaree inRound2before gettingrevenge by defeating Maree in their Man-on-man semi-final encounter.In the final Lightfoot used a patient strategy,

picking off the best lined-up waves across theOuterPool point, to defeat top seedDiranZaka-rian (Melkbosstrand) whose tactics of catch-ing plenty of waves and going for big manoeu-vres sawhim relegated to the runner-up berth.“The waves were a lot harder than they

looked. There was a lot of chop on them, andthe big ones were no good,” said Lightfoot. “Iwas looking for the middle waves, the onesthat hadmore potential across the inside. I’mjust so stoked with my first win of the yearand am looking forward to the upcoming con-test season. This has been an amazing event,

and the waves have been so much funthroughout.”Lightfoot pocketed R8 000 and 750 rankings

points for the victory along with the NixonWTA (Winner Takes All) Award of a NixonSupertide watch for the highest heat score ofthe event, 16.5 out of a possible 20 points inhis semi-final win.Zakarian, whowon every heat he contested

up to the final, collected R4 000 and 563 pointsfor placing second and also picked up theVonZipper Brainblast-Off award for complet-ing a big backhand air reverse in the VZ Air-show.Emma Smith from Jeffreys Bay justified

her top seeding in the women’s 20-and-underdivision, winning her opening encounter,placing second to Chanelle Botha (WarnerBeach) in the semis and then clinching the ti-tle in a low scoring final. Smith took home R4000 and earned 750 points which puts her inpole position for a second consecutive appear-anceat theASPWorldJuniorChampionshipsin October.Results: Stop No 1ASP Pro Junior Women’s Final1. Emma Smith (Jeffreys Bay)2. Chanelle Botha (Warner Beach)3. Crystal Hulett (St Francis Bay)4. Jade Mets (Durban)ASP Pro Junior Men’s Final1. Dylan Lightfoot (Jeffreys Bay)2. Diran Zakarian (Melkbosstrand)=3. Shane Sykes (Salt Rock)=3. Jordy Maree (Kalk Bay)

LightfootandSmith clinchASPPro Junior titles

Dylan Lightfoot (left) and Emma Smith (middle) clinched their respective men and women’s ProJunior titles at the first stop on the Billabong Junior Series presented by BOS, which was complet­ed in consistent one to 1.5 metre waves in Mossel Bay on Sunday. Matt McGillivray won die u.18division. PHOTO:DON MCGILIVRAY

WANNEER Brenton Williams in Mei die bib-berkoue water om Kaappunt aandurf, sal hyminstens een rekord reeds agter sy naam hê.Williams van Jeffreysbaai, en Kendal

Wright, ook ’n plaaslike swemmer, hetSaterdag (sover bekend) die eerste swemmersgeword wat om Robpunt in Kaap St. Francisgeswem het.Die 8 km-seeroete tussen St. Francisbaai en

die Robpunt-vuurtoring is bekend vir wissel-vallige en sterk strome.“Met die swem onderweg na Robpunt was

die wind agter ons en was dit redelik mak-lik,” sê Williams, wat vir sy vlinderslagbekend is.Maar met slegs ’n Speedo-styl swembroek,

swempet en duikbril en ’n seetemperatuurvan 17 °C was die swemtog nie heelpad ge-maklik nie.“Dit was koud en het gevoel of al die na-

tuurelemente met die terugtog teen ons ge-draai het.”Cheryl Gibson-Dicks, amptelike waarne-

mer van die rekordpoging, het tydens dieswemtog saam op ’n boot agterna gevaar. Vol-

gens Gibson-Dicks kon sy duidelik sien hoedie swemmers se aanslag by die omdraaipuntverander het. “Die swemmers het werklikhard gewerk om teen die sterk stroom terugte swem.“Selfs die bystandbeamptes op die boot het

die swemmers se welstand fyner dopgehou,”sê Gibson-Dicks.Ná 3 uur en 38 minute het die swemmers

weer voet aan wal in St. Francisbaai gesit.“Dit was ’n epiese swemtog en absoluut

die moeite werd om dit ten bate van die Lit-tle Fighters- kankertrust te doen,” sê Wil-liams.Williams gaan op 10 Mei die 8 km-swemtog

om Kaappunt tussen Diazstrand en Buf-felsbaaimet diemoeilike vlinderslag aanpak.“Ek besef Kaappunt word as een van die

uiterste swemroetes beskou, maar ek siendaarna uit om die roete ook ten bate vankankerpasiënte aan te pak.”

) Meer inligting is op die webbladwww.backabuddy.co.za/champion/project/flying-for-little-fighters beskikbaar.

‘Epiese’ rekord ondanks strome

Deur sterk strome en en koue water om dieRobpunt­vuurtoring in St. Francisbaai, hetnoodhulp­bystand­beamptes die swemmersKendal Wright (links) en Brenton Williams fyndopgehou om seker te maak hulle bly veilig.FOTO:STAN BLUMBERG

Hengelaar spogmet vis

Pieter Bessingerhet dié mooikarp byElandsjagtdamgevang. Diekarp is terug inthe water gesitsonder dat ditgeweeg is.FOTO:VERSKAF

Angel Fisher, a Grade 9 NicoMalan High School­learner,represented the Eastern Provinceat the recent Inter­Pro TennisTournament in Pretoria. She wonall her single matches and threeout of six double matches.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Angel represents EP tennis