Iglesia de Holy Cross, Las Cruces, NM bull/09.14.14 publish.pdf · Iglesia de Holy Cross, Las...


Transcript of Iglesia de Holy Cross, Las Cruces, NM bull/09.14.14 publish.pdf · Iglesia de Holy Cross, Las...

Iglesia de Holy Cross, Las Cruces, NM (575) 523-0167

Altar Bread & Wine: Candles- Blessed Sacrament: Our Blessed Mother: Special Intentions in Thanksgiving by Charles & Rita Lamb St. Jude: Open St. Joseph: Special Intention by Rita Alirez Our Lady Guadalupe: Open St. Therese: Open St. Anthony: Open St. Catherine of Siena: Open Our Lady of Assumption: Open Our Lady of Fatima: Open

Mon. Sept 15 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33/Jn 19:25-27 7:30a.m. 12:10 p.m. + Patricia Frietze Gonzalez by Mom & Dad Tues. Sept 16 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31/Lk 7:11-17 7:30 a. m. 12:10 p.m. St Jude in Thanksgiving by Bobby Hernandez Wed. Sept 17 1 Cor 12:31-13:13/Lk 7:31-35 8:15 a.m. + Ryan Jaquez by his family 12:10 p.m. + Marie Lucero by her family Thurs. Sept 18 1 Cor 15:1-11/Lk 7:36-50 7:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. St Jude in Thanksgiving by Tiffany Gamboa Fri . Sept 19 1 Cor 15:12-20/Lk 8:1-3 7:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. + Cecilia Harty by Mary Lou Scheel Sat. Sept 20 1 Cor 15:35-37,42-49/Lk 8:4-15 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sun Sept 21 Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20-24, 27/Mt 20:1-16 8:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. For All Parishioners by Msgr. Anderson 11:45 a.m. 1:30 pm + Claudio Ruiz 2.D.A by his family 4:00 pm For all Catechists/Faith Formation Volunt.

Events of the Week

Eventos de la Semana Monday, Sept 15 8:00 am Adoration CHA 7:00 pm Hispanic Women’s Rosary PJP 7:00 pm Hispanic Mens Rosary CHA Tuesday, Sept 16 8:00 am Adoration CHA 6:00 pm Coro Guadalupano LIT 6:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida MS102 6:00 pm Hispanic Lectors PJP 6:30 pm Pastoral Council Meeting GS 6:30 pm Book Club MR 7:00 pm BoyScout Venture Crew MS Wednesday, Sept 17 8:00 am Adoration CHA 4:00, 5:30, 7pm Faith Formation SCH 7:00 pm Spanish RCIA MR Thursday, Sept 18 8:00 am Adoration CHA 9:30 am Thursday Morning Bible Study MR 10:00 am Knitting Thursdays CR 6:15 pm Consoling the Heart of Jesus CR 7:00 pm Boy Scouts REC 7:00 pm Holy Hour CHU Friday, Sept 19 8:00 am Adoration CHA Saturday, Sept 20 9:00 am Faith Formation Boot Camp RLH 6:00 pm Youth Night: Kickball & Ice Cream FLD Sunday, Sept 21 9:00 am Sunday Bunch MR 9:00 am Getaway with God– HS Form MPR 9:30 am Faith Formation PreK-5th SCH 10:30 am RCIA-English MR 2:30 pm Middle School Formation MS 5:30 pm High School Formation HC

September 7th, 2014

Please Pray for the sick of our Parish/ Oren por los enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Isaac Cano, Justin Ferrari, Robert Fulton, Ron Garcia, Francisco Garcia, Isabel Lucero, Ann Darden, Paula Moran, Eric Roper, Brigit Tamulionis, Ann Heying, Gilbert Gil, Raymond Lozano, Patricia Raineri, Daniella Ramirez

There are many mass times available

to reserve for your family or personal intentions. Please

come by and see us at the parish office to

reserve your next mass intention or call

us at 575-523-0167.

Needed weekly - $14,382.32 Received this week - $14,759.26 Needed for this fiscal year “14-15” $747,880.40 Budget to date – 19.23% $143,823.20 Received to date – 18.29% $136,790.82 Envelopes Used 380 Other amounts received: Building Maintenance: $1,006.15 San Diego Seminarian Fund $90.00 Assumption $28.00 Attendance 1577


Happy Feast of the Holy Cross and happy Fiesta weekend! “ Fiesta like there’s no mañana.” Welcome one and all, especially Bishop Emeritus Ricardo Ramirez to celebrate our Fiesta Mass Saturday afternoon at 4:30 pm. This special bi-lingual Mass will combine our musicians and lectors for hymns and scriptures in both Spanish and English. There will be no 6:30pm Hispanic Mass this Saturday only. We are blessed to have an authentic relic of the True Cross which will be available for public veneration this weekend. As Catholic we believe that we worship only God, but we show our love for Mary and the saints by “venerating” them – a touch, a simple kiss, or similar; an offering of flowers, because they are with God and hear our prayers and receive gladly our devotions. God is pleased when we honor His Mother and his saints. You are invited to venerate the relic of the cross this weekend. The history of the finding of the crosses on which Jesus and the two thieves were crucified goes back to the time of St. Helena, mother of Constantine, and visions she received from God is find the relics and recover them from their burial place under pagan tombs in Jerusalem. These relics were made first made public in a special church in Jerusalem as well as taken to Rome and distributed to other churches in Europe. From 360 until today people have shown special veneration for these relics and re-ceived asked for petitions, restored health and similar gifts from God. Our relic of the True Cross will be available for veneration after the Masses this weekend. Welcome to our returning Faith Formation catechists and students and parents for our Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon classes. We are still looking for some catechists for the lower grades especially. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] or call the Office if you can volunteer. We are looking at record-high enrollment in all of our class levels this year as we are offer-ing the beginning of a great 3-year program. Enroll now as one of “God’s Warriors.” I will conclude my Monday night series on “Praying the

Mass” this Monday and will be starting my new fall series Sep-

tember 22. Please bring your bible, a friend and a snack. Class

is from 7pm – 8:30pm in the Gathering Space..

Vigésimo Tercer Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario

Historia. La fiesta del triunfo de la Santa Cruz se hace en

recuerdo de la recuperacion de la Santa Cruz obtenida en el ano 614

por el emperador Heraclio, quien la logro rescatar de los Persas que

se la habian robado de Jerusalen.

Al llegar de nuevo la Santa Cruz a Jerusalen el emperador

dispuso acompanarla en solemne procesion pero vestido con todos

los lujosos ornamentos reales y de pronto se dio cuenta de que no

era capaz de avanzar. Entonces el Arzobispo de Jerusalen Zacarias,

le dijo: “Es que todo ese lujo de vestidos que llevas estan en de-

sacuerdo con el aspecto humilde y doloroso de Cristo, cuando iba

cargando la cruz por estas calles”. Entonces el emperador se despojo

de su manto de lujo y de su corona de oro, y descalzo empezo a

recorrer asi las calles y pudo seguir en la procesion”.

Estamos de fiesta en nuestro Parroquia de Holy Cross. La

celebracion liturgica este ano la hemos celebrado con una solemne

Eucaristia, presidida por nuestro Obispo emerito Don Ricardo

Ramirez, de la Diocesis de Las Cruces. Y en la parte recreativa,

desde luego que no estan faltanto los deliciosos antojitos, juegos,

musica y playeras en este fin de semana.

El Apostol Pablo en su Carta a los Filipenses. (Filip. 2, 6-11).

Es un texto que nos ayudara a los cristianos de todos los tiempos y

de todos los lugares a asimilar todo el sentido del anonadamiento y

exaltacion de Cristo. Pablo dice que “Cristo no quiso aferrarse a su

condicion divina…se anonado… aceptando incluso la muerte y una

muerte de Cruz”.

El ejemplo de Cristo. Desde estar en la plenitud suprema con

el Padre Dios, Cristo desciende como en una escalera, bajando a

nuestra humanidad. Y no solo eso, baja hasta el ultimo escalon de la

muerte. Y no una muerte cualquiera, sino la mas vil e ignominiosa

para Palestina y todo el imperio Romano, la muerte de la Cruz.

Y dice San Pablo: “Por eso Dios lo exalto sobre todas las co-

sas, le otorgo un nombre que esta sobre todo nombre, para que al

nombre de Jesus, todos doblen la rodilla en el cielo, en la tierra y en

los abismos, y reconozcan que Jesus es el Senor, para Gloria de Dios

Padre”. Y es aqui donde tiene todo su sentido la fiesta de la exal-

tacion de la santa Cruz.

Aplicacion para nuestra vida. Por que Cristo ha hecho todo

este descenso? Pues por solidaridad a cada uno de nosotros, hombre

y mujeres de nuestro tiempo. Al compartir su humanidad, su muerte y

su resurreccion, se convierte para nosotros en simbolo de esperanza,

y una invitacion viviente a asumir todas las realidades mas concretas

y a veces dolorosas y absurdas de nuestra vida. Recordemos… que en Cristo, estamos todos contenidos. El

descendio del Padre a compartir nuestra humanidad, paso por la

muerte de cruz y luego resucito y regreso al Padre. Tomemos nuestra

cruz y sigamoslo, que un dia tambien nos hara regresar al Padre.

Historia. La fiesta del triunfo de la Santa Cruz se hace en

recuerdo de la recuperacion de la Santa Cruz obtenida en el ano 614

Fr. Jose Martin Alcantar, OFM

Nota del Pastor Asociado

Monsignor John Anderson, P.A.

A Message from Rachel’s Vineyard

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.” Unknown

Experience the joy of healing and forgiveness. Come to a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, for anyone

hurting from a past abortion, October 10-12, 2014. For more information contact:

Kim at 575/636-9716, [email protected], or Elizabeth at 575/640-5080

Inquiries are strictly confidential. www.rachelsvineyard.org

Sponsored by The Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces, NM.

HolyCrossLasCruces.org Text “Unite” to 84576 to receive text updates!


Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church (575) 523-0167 Las Cruces, NM

Adult Confirmation Classes- English Are you over 18 and never been con-firmed? Registration forms are in the church parish office. Classes will start Sunday, November 2, 2014. Confirma-tion Candidates attend the 9:45 am Mass then attend class from 11:00 am –12:30pm in the PJP Annex Rec Room. Serra Club of Mesilla Valley


Is God calling you to be involved in the Pro-

Life Movement?

September 14- “If you choose to destroy: the children born or un-born, you destroy love and the future; the sick or disabled, you de-stroy compassion; the elderly, you destroy wisdom, respect and the

past. Can we really do without these? Have you never been young, sick or injured? Will you never be old in someone's eyes?

Therefore, do unto others as you wish to have done to you.” -- Anne Bauer, M.D.

Call our “ Respect for Life” couple from Holy Cross Church. Art & Marilyn Kerschen


Las proximas clases de bau-tisos son el dia 23 de septiembre a las 6:30 pm en la

sala de convivencias a la entrada de la parroquia. Los bau-tisos en esta parroquia se hacen en dos misas: la primera es la presentacion que sera el dia 12 de octubre durante la misa. Los bautisos seran el fin de semana del 25 o 26 de octubre. Antes de asistir clases hay que llenar unas formas en la oficina para que se den cuenta de los requisitos. Tam-bien es preferIble que los padrinos comulgen el dia del bau-tiso. Si necesita mas informacion llameme al Diacono Francisco a 575-621-2095.


Teachers Aids,

Faith Formation


This mandatory retreat is for all staff and vol-unteers of the Faith

Formation ministry. We will be hosting a bilingual National Speaker, Patrick Mooney

who will share the importance of Faith Formation and helping spiritually prepare to make disciples of each of our young

people of all ages. This is a free event for Holy Catechist and $5 for all outside members that would like to attend. Please

mark your calendars and plan to attend. Sept 20th, 2014 from 8:30am—4:00 pm.


RUMMAGE SALE Saturday September 27th

8a-12pm Holy Cross Catholic School

The 7th Grade class from Holy Cross

Catholic School will gladly accept your donated items to sell at a rummage sale to help raise funds for their upcoming NM history trip to Santa Fe and other places around our great state. Your items may be dropped off anytime starting Friday, Sept. 26

th to Holy Cross

Catholic School from 8a-3. The rummage sale will be open to the public from 8:00am to 12 noon Sat. Sept. 27

th just

outside the school. Hope to see you there!

October 1st, 2014 6:30 pm—9:00 pm

Salon de Convivencia

Católicos Vivos

101 Español

Modern Disciples

Youth Group Event

Calling all TEENS! The Modern Disciples Youth Group would like to invite all teens to their Kickball & Ice Cream event! Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Snacks and a Kickball is on the agenda as well as Faith Sharing. Mark your calendars, September 20th, 6pm behind the church in our Faith Field. For more infor-mation please contact a Youth Group Core team mem-ber or Joey Valenzuela at the parish office.


Holy Cross Health Corner September 14th: Ident-A-Child, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday hosted by Las Cruces Police Depart-ment. Parents and caregivers will receive an ID card with their child’s fingerprints and other iden-tifiable information.

October 19th: Breast Cancer Awareness Month. RN’s from MMC will be here to educate our parishioners and take vitals for our health day. RN’s: We need help taking vitals at these events, please contact Mary Lou

Amacher at 644-2736 if you can help!