How to make search engines fall in love with your website?

Make Google fall in love with your website

Transcript of How to make search engines fall in love with your website?

Make Google fall in love

with your website

  +10yearsSEOexperience  Serialentrepreneur  BusinessAngelMajes:c.comFrenchAmbassadeur



A Google update = a new type of questioning

We face new challenges

  Yesterday’s solutions are a non sense today

  Penalties are getting Tough

  You can’t go where the wind blows


SEO is like building a relationship

  Say hello   Attractiveness   Accessibility   Fidelity   Recommendation   Be Gentle

Say Hello

Say Hello, introduce yourself

  Get your pages indexable   Get your Title & Metas right!


Be Handsome & interesting

Pure Beauty

How to be attractive?

Content makes you gorgeous


 Your content influences how users behaves: Sales, Nb of Pageviews…

 Same is true for bots

Bots + Content = 5

  Number of words has a huge impact on indexation

Bots + Content = 5

 Good content improves your User Experience –  Better usage metrics making you panda-proof

Near duplicates are bad for love

  Tools? –  Oncrawl (internal DC) –  Copyscape (external DC)

What Metrics to track my content

  Number of words

What Metrics to track my content

  Number of words   Rich Content integration

What Metrics to track my content

  Number of words   Rich Content integration   Near duplicates distro

What Metrics to track my content

  Number of words   Rich Content integration   Near duplicates distribution   Rankings on money keywords   Bounce rate, Pageviews, Time Spent on Page…

Be accessible

  Is there a lot of obstacles for Google to love your website?

Launchacrawler Analyzeyourlogs

Be accessible

  Do you really know how your content is organized?

Be accessible

  It’s impacting how Google crawls your website


Fidelity & Google

  Always answer 200 OK   No 302 redirect   No Errors 4xx / 3xx

Fidelity & Google

  Always answer 200 OK   No 302 redirect   No Errors 4xx / 5xx   Answer very fast

Fidelity & Google

  Always answer 200 OK   Answer very fast   No 302 redirect   No Errors 4xx / 3xx   No thin content

Be Recommended by your Pals

How can Google hear about me?

  Linking –  Total Backlinks –  Refdomains

 How cool are the people talking about me? –  Learn to understand your BL

•  Anchors Quality •  Topical Trust Flow

have good manners

Don’t play it like a super hero

Offer to help

 Use Structured data

Offer to help

 Use Structured data – You’ll get Rich Snippets

Offer to help

 Use Structured data – You’ll get Rich Snippets – Better CTR

Don�t hang with The wrong dudes

Care about your neighborhood

  Where is my website located?   Don’t link to websites with inappropriate content   Check it on a regular basis –  Outlinks –  C-Level IPs

How to evaluate my relationship?Keep things under control / Metrics

Get appropriate tools

 Track your onpage factors  Track your offsite factors  Track your rankings

You can’t do SEO without accurate Data

1 Month Free


MERCI @Oncrawl

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