Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Johns-Manvillelvi HolophanePetrolux''indoor/outdoorluminaires.

    Enclosed & Gdsheled refraclor series.casl quard, stanchion mounted

    Generalarea lighting.Hazardous area lighting:Class l, Div.2Class ll, Div.1,2; Class lllUL listed.HPS, metal halide,mercury.

    E&G rellector series,pendanl mounled

    E&G relraclor series.cast guard, ceiling mounled

    E&G refractor series.casl guard, wall mounted

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Choice of reflectorsand refractorsfor precise lightingsolutions.

    Open ventilaled refleclor series,pendant mounled

    E&G tehactor series. box covermounted over recessed outlel box E&G relraclor series,wall mounted

    Open rellector series,ceiling mounted

    Open ELB rellector series,ceiling mounled


    E&G relraclor series,slanchion mounled


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Choice of matchedluminaire componentsfor any application.

    Choice of mounting.Choice ofoptical systems.

    Choice ofoptions & accessories.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Petroluxenclosed and gasketedrefractor series.

    Choice of light distributions.AsyrrmetricaL refractor series is designedlor lighting n!lrrow ateas, such ilsrra kwai., lorJrr'"-plIlhrn.:l rJ narkirlgstructures. lt allo\\,s spacing up to 2/2timcs as far apart as clear globe units.Two versions arc available with olTsetdistribution where slanchion or wallmounting is preferred. or with lortg andnarrow distIibution for lighling lrom thecenter ola walkway.Symmetrical refractor scries is ideal forlighting generalareas such as openstorage. The rcfractol directs more lightdownward and outwald, rcducing thenumber- of luminaircs required to achievea giverr light levcl by as n-iuch as one-third.'"\ h eirher relr:rctor- this nleJn\ lo\ e-luminaire cost. Lower installation cost,l^\\el tn:1.|]tendnce cor' Jno lc.. no*econsumption.Choice oI mounting.PD - pendant mountFP flexible pendant mount forbalanced hangingST stanchion mountCE ceiling mountWL wall mountBC - box cover mount over recessedoLrtlet box (not available forclassified areas)Choice of lamp type and wattage.70, 100, t 50w H PS100, 175, 250W mercuryi75W metal halideHazardous locations.Available for use in CIass I, Div. 2; ClassII, Div. I &2; Class III hazardouslocations. Units tested and approved in40oC ambients and spccially Iabelled(UL Std. 844, Filc #E12267).Also available in totally cnclosed reflectorluminaires, see pagc 8.Enclosed and gasketed.Designcd for almost ar]y application.Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories,Inc., "Suilable for Wet Locations." Idealfor areas rvh ich will be washed down. orany area requiring enclosed fixtures.

    UL"Suitable forWet Locationsl'Optimumlight control. o

    Precise refraclor prisms direcllight downward and oulward, forgreater elliciency.Plan view section ot asymmehicalrefraclor shows how long, nafiowlighl pattern is achieved.

    Symnrelr ca reiraclor. Asvmmehical- ,'/ ,etiacro'---a' (rn p ane oi\, max mum output).

    More light.Comparative vedical candlepower distribution curves demonstratethe increased output achieved by refraclor luminaires-


    Choice of distributions.(a) Symmetrical dishibution for general areas. (b) Asymmetrical andlong and nafiow distributions lor walkways and platforms.

    -o oo

    O Pendant top with integral ballast, for %"threaded rigid conduit entry (or flexiblependani, balanced for use on swivelhanqer)O Hinged socket housing with three lockingpoints assLres Lniform 360' compressior

    G) Heavy oJry. . opoe.'ree .a-l dlu-i'1Lm.polyesrer po$oer painted "roLr.i tcO Rugged prismatic g ass refractors provldesyrnmetrical, asymmetrical or long andnarrow distributionlO Cast aluminum guard for adcled proteciionO Choice oi lamps and wattages

    ? o :o:.o

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Definitionsof hazardouslocations.

    The dcfinitions below arc taken lroln theNationaL Electric Code 1975 (NFPA No.70- l 975 ). These delinitions arc includcdhere to ciaril_\'1he Unclerwritcrs Labo-ratories. lnc. lislings for llolophancHazardous Atnrosphere luntinaires.PetroluxClass l, Division 2:A Class l. Division 2 location is alociition: (l) in which volatiLe flammableliqLrids orflammable gases are Ilandled,processcd, or Llsecl, but in \!hichhazardous liquicls, vapors, ol gases willnormally be corfined with in closedcontainers ol closcd systems from whicllthey can cscapc only in case ol accidentaLrupture or breakdown o1_such containersor systenrs. or in case of abnormaloperation ofequipment; or (2) in whicllllazardoLls corlcentrations ol_ gases orvapors ar-e norrrally prevented bypositive mechanical ventilation, butwhich might become hazardous throughfailure or abnormal operation oftheventilating equipment; or (3) that isadjaccnt to a Class I Division I location,and to which hazardous concentrationsofgascs or vapors might occasionally bccommunicated unless such communica-r:on r. pre!erled h) adeq'rirre no\ir i\e-pressure ventilation from a source ofclean air. and effective safeguardsagainst ventilation failure are provided.Class ll, Division 1 :A Class It. Division I location is alocation: (l) in which combustible dust isor may be in suspension in the aircontinuously, intermittently, or period-ically under noimal operating conditions.in quantities suflicient to produceexpiosive or ignitible mixturcs; or (2)where n'rechanical failure or abnormalopemtion of machinery or equipmentm.gh t cr u.e .Lrch crplos. r e or ign itiblemixtures to be produced, and rnight alsoprovide a source ofigrlition throughsimriltaneous failure of electricai equip-ment, operation oiprotection devices. orfrom other causcs; or (3) in whichcombustible dusts olan electricallyconductive nature may be prcsent.

    Class ll, Division 2:A Class ll. Division 2location is alocation in which combLrstible dLrst will'ro. r'orrtalll be ir' .u,per .inr' rn .hc..rror will not be likely to be thro\\'n intosuspension by the normal operation ofequipment or apparatus in quantiliessuflicient 1o produce explosive or ign itiblemixtLrres, but : (l) !vher-e cleposits oraccumulalions ol-such combustiblc dnstnlay bc suflicienl 1o interlere with the safeJ..in,,trnr nl''1ea l'rurreleirr:r:rJcqLr'p-nlent or !lpparatLls; or (2) where suchSummary of Hazardous Atmospheres.

    deposits or accunrulations ofdust ol1, in.or in the vicinity olelectricirl equipmentnright be ignited by arcs, sparks, orburning material from such equipment.Class lll, Division 1 & 2:CIass lll locaiions are those that arehazardoLrs becaLlse ofthc prcsence ofeasily ignitibJe fibers or flyings. but inwhich sLrch fibers or flvings arc notlikely to be in suspension in the air inquantities sulficient to prodirce ignitiblcmixtures.

    Class Division Group Typicalalmosphere/lgnitiontemps. TemPeraluremeasuredIGases,vapors

    2Notn orm a lly

    l\l axim u minteriortemperaturein 40oCambient

    Acetylene {300'C, 572"F)Hydrogen (585'C, 1085"F)manufactured gas; and equivalent.Ethyl-ether vapors (180'C, 3560F);ethylene (450oC, 842"F)cyclopropane (498'C, 928'F);Acetone (538oC, 1000"F);a cohol (343o-428"C, 650'-802'F);benzine (288"C, 550"F);benzol (526'C, 9790F);butane (405'C,761oF);sasoline (280'C, 536"F);hexane (261oC,502oF);naptha (2320C,450oF);propane (466oC, 871oF) ;lacquer solvents; natural gas.ll 1ECombustible Normallydusts hazardousMetal dust, including alu min um,magnesium, and their commercialalloys, and other metals ofsimilarly hazardous characterjstics.

    Max. exteriorsurlacetemp.in 40"Cambient witha dustblanketCarbon black, coal, coke dust.Flour, starch, grain dusts.

    2Notn orm a lly

    Same as Division 1 Max. exteriorsurface temp.under norrnalconditions ofusetEas ily

    ig n itib lefibers andflyings

    Textile mills, combustible fibers,rayon, cotton, etc. Sarne asClass ll,Div. 21,2

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Petroluxmeets NECrequirements.

    Petrolux"Cl" FixturesClass l, Division 2Groups A,B,C,DHazardous Locations.UL Standard 844File No. E1226770, r00, 150w HPS175W Metal Halide100, 175, 250W MercuryPelrolu\ "Cl" li\tlr-cs are [JL listed lbrusc in Class I- Di!ision 2 HaTardolrsLocations. The) have bccn dcsigned andtested in accordance \!,ith UL StandardTable 1. Temperature rangeidentification numbers.Maximum TemperatureDegreesc Degrees ldentificalionF Number

    844. Thcrefore, they are in compliancewith Articlc 501-9 (b)(2) ol lhe N.E.C.,specifically, "tested and lound incapableol,grrr ng rnc gu. ,,r' I I p, 'r rl the i; rt rt.orrtempcraturc is not exceeded."Table 2 lists the UL rnaxinruln operatingtempcraturcs for the lanp lype and uat-tage in the indicaled moLr)ting assenrblyrr J,,pr c.,lJ..crrl_l\, bJ,ed o'r.pcril,io lin a 40oC ambient. [or which it isapproved. The acluirl Iuminaire opcratingtemperature is Iower', bLrt [alls within therangc irrdicatcd. Ilefer to the lnaximunroperating tcnrpcrature range in Table500-2 ( b) of ihr: N.E.C., and shorvn hereas Table l.Petrolux"C2" FixturesClass ll, Division 1 & 2Groups E, F, GHazardous Locations.UL Standard 844File No. E1226770, 100, 150w HPS175W Metal Halide100, 175, 250W MercuryPetrolux "C'l" fixtLr-cs are UL listed forLrse in Class II. l)iVision I & 2 HazardousLocations. They havc bccn designeclancltcstcd in accordance with UL Standarcl84,1. \!hich in C lass l l applications means"dust-ignition proof."FixtLrrcs will exclude dusl fron the insideofthcenclosure.:rncl will lunclion al lull

    rating rvithout dcvcloping surlacctcmpcratures hilth cnough to causcexcessive deh-vdr ation or gradualcarbonization of any or ganic dusl depositsthat rna) bLrild up. MaxinlLrIn sLrrfacetemperatures will not exceed 165'C(129'F) under normal conditions of use.Each lixlure is marked to indicate therrri1ximLln1 wattilge ol the lanrp fur wh ichil is approved.Class lll, Division 1 & 2Hazardous Locations.UL Standard 844File No. El226770, 100, 150w HPs175W Metal Halide100, 175,250W MercuryPerrolux "C'2 'nxtLrr-cs are UL listed foruse in Class III. Division I & 2 HazardousLocations. Thcy have bcen dcsigncd andtcstcd in accorrlance with UL Standard8,14.Fixtures willexclude Iibers or llyings fromlhe rnside ol the enclosure. and willunir', r ar ftrlllc irrgrrithorrt lsrsl"pingsurface temperatures high enough to causec\cc..i\ e Jerr) J rc liL' r trr grad.r.rlc.rrhonr-,,ir r :. r' r'irc. r.rnU lr rrLl l ber. or flr r !..The maxinrunr sr-rrlace lernperalure willnot exceed 165"C (129"F) under nornralconditions of usc.Each firturc is nrarkcd to indicale lllemaxinrum wattage ofthe lan'rp for whichit is approvcd.









    Table 2. Petrolux Temperature Classification for Class l, Division 2 Hazardous Locations.Mounting AssemblyPendant Stanchion Wall CeilingLamp Type& Wattage Relractor Refleclor Relraclor Refleclor Relraclor Rellector Rekaclor Reflector

    7OW HPSlOOW HPS150W (s5V) HPS150W (100V) HPS175W Metal Halide100W Ny'ercury175W Mercury250W Mercury200W lncand.300W lncand.

    1BO'C - T3A200'c 13230'C r2C215'C r2D230'C T2C2154C, r2D2800c - T2A3250C2000c - T3264.C - r2B

    165.C - T3B2000c - T326AaC r2B215.C -12D260.C - T2B23A"C - r2C280"C T2A325"C215"C - r2D280"C - T2A

    160"C T3C200'c 13230'C T2C215"C T2D260"C T2A215"C r2D26A"C r2B300'c 12200'c - T32604c r2B

    165"C - T3B215"C - r2D260'C - T2B215"C -r2D260"C - T2B230"C - T2C260"C - T2B325"C215"C -r2D280.C - T2A

    1600c T3C2000c - T323AoC r2C2154C r2D2600c T2B2150C -r2D260'C - T2B32s"C200'c - T3260"C - T2B

    165.C T3B2000c T32600c T2B2150C ,r2D2600c - T2B230.C - r2C260.C - T2B3250C215"C - r2D280"C -r2A

    165"C - T3B200"c - T3230"C - T2C215"C -r2D260"C - T2B215"C J2D260"C T2B200.c T3260'C T2B

    165"C - T3B215"C -r2D260"C - T2B215"C -r2D260"C - T2Bna"c -r2c2800c T2A3254C215bC T2D2800c - T2A

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Easy footcandlecalculations.Initial horizontalpoint-by-point footcandlesfor one luminaireplotted as a functionof distance f rom f ixture.

    li! 'lr'r\\ rrs th. ,r,,triln,llc\ r1 rLrt \|c.rllc'r1r .1. I 11r1 11;1pi1;1.r:irL.lf tlrc 1,,'1ire!rrr,Lll r tl !irrirL f\ iL rrirl ri r (,jlr g rcr rglrr c\a ,,r l(, il! r.crc 'l-rci i.: ( j ( , : r r L : r ! I I ( \ r r!1 t, ril(,rnrit \\ 1 l ir il\r,l'1..t. l:l !l lL lltll:_CrllCll l.l rc g r1 r, r'.Lr r r .rpl, : r.r'cJ L,r lairi,:(rl 1 ra(1,\(l r!r 'r1j r lurrriril rr tr, tlrrrrLj rirr f!lrrgiri (rriLrjlr\iLrc ,,r ir l0rrL,.r:r'irr:rrhL,\r NLrr'l lr rlrr.. L,r,,1hcrlr.i1rlrt'. rLt.t.lr rlr. rrrLr,trt.lr :rr! lritr,r,ltr,NI lrc,ir ,1, 1lt. l{i(itritlr{llr, rcit(i\: r rrrrLirrtrlc. thc i lLrrri r:Ltir, r lrorrr ,rrc

    lL,) l l rrrl.lli|r ), t.Lrit r1 t:. l6 ili,irt! x\:l [.rr!] s inl|rirL \ 1.1)\ Lj(' l.)6'(,rjlrir rLl fi. ( L, rtrl.L,Lioir' ir,,frr'tlreL:rrrirlt rr'' r I rfitr!.1 rrrr\1 lrclLtltlctl tr,l'rMlg. Height (ft.) 8 l1l l2 lr l6Mult. Faclor I50 I l! 6! .51 .19No. 1917. Long & Narrow Distribution70W HPS, 5BOO Lumens




    No. 1928. Asymmetric Distribution150W HPS. 16000 Lumens

    No. 1913. Long & Narrow Distributionl75W Deluxe fvlercury, 8500 Lumens

    No. 1923. Asymmetric Distribution175W Deluxe Mercury, 8500 Lumens

    No. 1915. Long & Narrow Distribution175W Clear Metal Halide. 14000 Lumens

    :)tal0t23lat o- D slaf .,. ir.ross [4 I I

    21012Rai o D slance a.ross N4 H




    321O12Rnl o Drsl.,ri.e acrors N4 ll


    321012Ralo Dslaf.ea.j.ss MH











    '.)1itl,Fat. a \ien.a ..ross l,'l H

    Back Froni

    r1tt2:lal a Istafcc airos! lV H

    No. 1925. Asymmetric Distribution175W Clear Metal Halide, 14000 Lumens

    No. 1918. Long & Narrow Distribution150W HPS. 16000 Lumens ir lrr, I l5:lj ::3ir 3iilL:! Dst.fi:r.: HTo .a .r ric :t-rt-rr.rliimni!r'Li.rt.rn.l e !.:. Lr.s1.r ril.r rialtar es rr!li |1 ,",a Les Tor I i1,'8,,t ii fn, lO',1,r, liPS I l!il, or.:5 I.r r'0!l'HPS ( TliilU! t p _! l9;3 b./ 51.r lfl.r! rr.rclrly( !r,'1)..f I s r.r 250i/\i ]nerclry I l!r/rl





    '.'1|lFat o D sT.:na,o acrcss [4 2H




    l5:lj ::3ir 3ii .1

    Otr-.r soiooicainl. iata rFof reaLresr

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Petroluxprismatic glassreflector series.

    Choice of three optical assemblies.Open lor general usageC)pcn ventilatcd tbr general usagcrvhere uplight is desircdEnclosed & gaskctcd lor sealed unitapplicationsChoice of mounting.Pl) - pendant mountFP flexible pendant mou11t lorbalanced hangingST slanchion molrntCE ceiling mountWL wall mountBC - bor cover mount over recessecloutlet bo\Choice of lamp type and wattage.70.100, t50w HPS100, 175, 250W nrcrcury175W metal halidcEnqineered for durability.Petrolux f'catuacs a prismatic glassrcllcctor with an intcgral ballast assembly.The glass reflector is virlually in1perviouslo industrial lirores, easy to clean.Copper-lfee cast alurrinum housingand rop assembly.Slainless steel screws.Enclosed and gasketed.Plovided with spun-on tempered glassroundel. Designed for incloor andoutdoor arcas rcquiring enclosecl firtur-es\\ iih optimum brightness control.Listcd by LJL. "Suitable for WetLocations."

    ldealfor lowmounting heights.Optimumbrightness control.

    Hazardous locations.E&G units arc availablc lor usc in ClassI. Div.2: Class ll, Div. I &2;Class llthaTardous locations. Units tcstcd andapprovcd in ,10'( ambicnts and spcciallylabcllcd (UL Std. E,14, Filc +E12267).Also availablc in totally cnclosed rcfractorluminaircs. see page zl.

    High pertormance.The econonlical operation ol Petrolux isduc to its prismatic glilss reflector.designed spccifically lor optintum conlrolof the newer low \\'altage short-arclamps. fhe smo()th inncr surlace ollhe reReclor can be easily \\ipcd cleanlo malntain nraximum cmcicncy.Petrolux offers many benefitsover fluorescents.Low temperatLrre starting capability to-20'F.Maximum light output at alltemperatur-es.Deep reflector pro!ides excellent lampcutoll lor increased visuel conllort.

    j-r-"--t - ' o= O Pendant top wiih integral bal ast,for 7" " ihreaded rigid condu t entry(or ilex ble pendant, balanced loruse on sw vel hange0) Hinged socket housing with threelocking points assures untform 360oco m press ionO Heavy duty, "copper-free'castalu mrn u rn, polyester powderpainted housingC) Cnoice of lamps and wattagesO Prismatic borosllicate giass reflectorw th spun-on a umlnum cover

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Coef f icients of Utilization,ZonalCavity Method.light distributions.Choice ofCat. No. 1908

    pw s0% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 0%.

    .85 .83 .81.TA .75 .7272 .68 .6566 .62 .5861 .56 .52.56 .51 .4751 .46 .42.46 .41 .37

    .36 .31 .27

    78 17 76.73 .71 .69.68 66 .63.63 .60 .57.58 .54 .51.54 .49 .4619 .45 .42,15 .40 .38.41 .36 .33.35 .30 .278910

    Cal. No. 193820y.

    o%pw soy. 30Y. 10% s0% 30% 10% o%70 .69 .68 65.66 64 .62 .60.62 .60 58 .565e .55 .53 51.54 .51 .48 .47.50 4T .44 43..16 .43 .40 .39.43 .39 .37 3640 .36 .33 .3235 31 2A 2T

    .75 T4 7270 .67 65.65 .62 60.61 .57 54.56 .52 .49.52 .48 .45

    .44 .40 .37.41 .37 .34


    I910Cat. No. 1935

    Dw 50y, 30y" 10y, 50'A 30y, 10y, o'/..72 .71 .69.67 .65 .62.62 59 .57.58 .54 .51.53 .49 .46.49 .45 .42.45 .41 38.38 .33 .30.33 .2A .25

    .67 .66 65 .6263 .61 .60 .57.59 .57 .55 .53.55 .52 .50 .,18.51 .48 .45 .4,1.47 .44 ,41 .40.43 .40 .37 36.40 .36 .34 3236 .33 .30 .29

    .31 .27 .25 .24



    Cat. No. 190320%

    pw 50y,30y, 10% 50% 30% lo% o%1 .77 74 .72 .71 .69 .68 .652 .70 .66 .63 .65 .63 .61 .583 .64 .59 .56 .60 .57 .54 .524 .58 .53 .49 .54 .51 .48 .463 5 .s2 .4i .43 .49 .46 .43 .41.E 6 .47 .42 .38 .45 .41 .38 .367 .43 .38 .34 .41 .37 .33 .328 .39 .34 .30 .37 .33 .30 .289 .35 .30 .27 .34 .29 .26 .2510 .31 .26 22 29 2s 22 2A

    1 .68 .66 .65 .63 .62 .61 582 .62 6A .57 .s8 .56 .55 .523 .57 .s4 .51 .54 .52 .49 .48_ 4 .cr ..48 15 .49 4, .t4 1-3 5 .aB a4 .a .45 r' ,o .38rE 6 .44 .39 .36 .42 .38 .36 .347 .10 .36 .32 .38 .35 .32 .318 .36 .32 .29 .35 .31 .29 .279 .33 29 .26 .32 .24 _26 .2410 29 25 21 2A 24 21 2A

    Cat. No. 193320v"

    oo/"pw SOY\ 30'h 10Y" sOY, 30Y, l|rk 0Y,

    Oiher illumjnation data upon request.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77



    Hazardous locations.Class l, Division 2Class ll, Division 1 & 2Class lll, Division 1 & 2Complete Iunrinaire shall be HolophanePetrolux Calalog No. . Thcluminaire shall consist ofthrec sLrbassenrblics a top, containingthe electrical colnponents r the socketasscmbly housing: and the enclosed andgasketed oplical asseInbly.Housing.All castings shall be corrosion resistantcopper-1rce aluminLrm alloy containing nomore than .4 ol l'ii copper. CastingsshJ ll hc prorc..rcJ :rE:r irr.t .er ere ;ur ro '. r eerrr rronn cr t. b) r p,. ! c.ref n. '\^.ler oi ,tr ,All scrervs shall be stainless sleel andcaptive.The Iurninaire gasketing shall be olaspecial plant fiber type, mechanicallyhcld in place.Thc hinged socket asserrbly housing shallbe altached to the top assembly by mcansof thr-ee captive stainless stecl screws at120" intervals to maintain Lrniform l60ocompression.Ref lector optical characteristics.The reffector shall be spun prismaticborosilicate glass with %" minimum walllllickness wilh an alLrminLrm cover.The enclosed and gasketed ser-ies shallutilize a temper-ed glass roundel sccLlredro l're refiecruI bJ rlle al.rnrirUnr co\er.The reffector series. when attached to thesocket housing by three tllumbscrews shallprovide a totally enclosed and gasketedoptical assembly. The output shall be

    -';liin thc 0'-60" zone, and i]ot n]orethan ',; in the 60"-90" zorle, and pro-duce a .lacirg rario di, fibulion.

    oRef ractor optical characteristics.The prismatic refraclor shall be ofaborosilicate glass 3 %" in diameter and7-l/l6" deep with precisely formed prismsproducing a distribution (long &nilf f ow. ils,u-nt elrical or synln'tetrical ),The rehactor when secLrred lo the sockcthousing b) nreans of three captivc stain-less steel screws in the refr-actor doorasscrnbly shall plovidc an enclosed andgasketcd optical asscmbly.Class l, Division 2Complete luminaire shall be UL listed foruse in Class I. f)ivision 2 hazardolls areas\\ rtl rr:r r rn l|'rr.pcr:r'r'r5rc rrner,,lL|cr':lrlge.'. "a \ it'r d \titlllanrp. basecl on operation in a 40"Canlbient lbr which it is approved.Class ll, Division 1 & 2Class lll, Division 1 & 2a'onrplete lLrminaire shall be UL listcd forusc in Class Il. Division I & 2 and Classlll. Division I & 2. The lurrinaile shallbe nrarked to indicale tlre nraxinrumwatlage of the lanlp tlrat shall bepermitled withoul exceeding an cxposcdsurface lenlperature of 165'C (120'F)under normal conditions ol use.General usage.Complete luminaire shall be HolophanePetrolir\ ( "rirl.'g \u. . L.rm n. ireshall consist of tllree sub-assemblies- atop, coDtaining the electrical( otr_poile ll\ : I he \ocle ls.en_bl\ I,,ucilrg:and the enclosed and gasketed or openrefl ector optical assembly.

    Housing.All castirlgs shall be corrosion rcsistantcopper-free alunrinum alloy containing nomore than .4 ol ll;. copper. Castings. h.,ll be prorecred xg. in 'l .er cre cnr ro. rveerrr,ronnrerr'. b) .r po.le.tcrpoudcrl:L nt.All screws shall be stainless steel andcaplive. The hinged socket asscmbly shallbc attached to the top assembly by meansofthree captive stainless sleel screws at120'intcrvals to maintain unilorm J60'compression.Retlector optical characteristics.The rellector shall be spun prismaticborosilicate glass with {" minirrum wallthickncss with an alLrminum cover. TheeIil, ',cd :r'r.l gJ.\rreJ .er ie' sl-"ll r,tilize utcn percJ gl:r.. r,'urrJel .eirIc.l U therellector by the aluminurr cover and shallbc attachcd to the housing wilh threecaptive thumbscrews.The open bottom reflector shall beattached to the socket housing by thcstain less steel screws.The open bottom venlilated rellectorshall utilize a yoke assembly and bcaftached to housing by three stainlesssteel screws to provide uplight andventilating action.The light output shallbe -rl; in the0 -r,0 /o|e, and nol mnrc tharr '. int l_e tr0'-Q0' z.'ne, :r rrd pr oducc :rspacing ralio distribLrtion.Relractor optical characteristics.The prismatic refractor shall be ofaborosilicate glass I'1" in diameter andt lr," (leen. \r ilh f|e. i:el) lor med pfl.rn.producing a distribution (long &narrow, asymmetrical or symmctrical).The lefractor when secured to thc socketI nt..ing br nreanr olthrec cJpri!e .rrin-lcss steel screws in the refractor doorassembly shall provide an enclosed andglrsketed optical assembly.The enclosed and gasketed series shalLcarry thc UL label, "Suitable for WetLocations."

    The phys ca propen es ol lhe Ho oprraie Pelrolux serlesa,. dq. .al 5 ob d 6d naccordan.e w th a.cepled test melhods and are subie.t tonorma manulaclur ng var al ons. Thy ara supp ad as alechn .a service and ar subject lo chanqe w Ihout not ceCheck your loca H. ophane sa es rpresenlalve to assur-"cutrenl inlormalion. HolophanJohns Manvl Sales Corporat o.o

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Luminaire component Universal socket housing.dimensions &mounting instructions.

    Mounting assemblies.Mtg.holes5 OC

    I l- ll\1 condu t p uqcred f2l17 I bacl cntry pluqqedk B'3 ro *]_13,7 8 _

    Thread pendant mount top onto conduitand t ghten set screw as shown to locklixture to condLrit.

    Connect priraary w res to circuit leads.suspend socket hous ng section overhinge oll pendant iop. Connect ba lastsecondary to socket with prew red push-

    Mounting instructions.

    Secure housing to pendant top withthree captive screws. Screw in amp.



    f2 13/16I1-5i 16 Wall (-wL)

    Pendant (-PD)

    ! r r,'4 dra. Tf. 11r /a' cia.-'-'-- ]

    'Alignmenl tor beam positionino.

    Optical assemblies. IVount reiractor to housing with3 captive screws. On open ref ectorserles, ho!sing and rel ector areshipped attached.f

    I r(

    F 14'e,/16 -----+Relleclors (190, 193, 198) Relraclors (191, 192, 197),Cast guard CCG) On enc osed units, attach safety cableto refractor door.

    1-1 4 slrp f t ancithreadedfor hazarduu5 aDolrcatron! l-ror4 +] Irs-z e I- *]

    / narrowj/ q:lL tlL!q'"|I 4 Asvmmet Ifl, " d\trrbuton"t/,o trldre- I\lCeiling, through-mount (-CE)

    Box cover (-BC)


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Petrolux Series Brochure 4-77


    Ordering data.

    Oplical assembly190 - Open reflectorT91 Long & narrow refraclor192 - Asymmetrical reJractor193 Enclosed & gasketedT97 Symmeirica relractorl98 - Veniilaied open refleclor

    1 100W mercury2 - 250W mercury3 - 175W mercury4 300W, PS-30 m-.d.base inc. (max.)5 - 175W meta hallde7 7OW HPS8 T5OW, 55V HPS9 - 150W, 100V HPSO - 1OOW HPS

    Oplions and

    1911 - PD -120 - C2 - CGMounting assemblySee component list Vollage124 277248 484


    Example:1911 PD-l20-C2-CG is a PetroTux E&G refiactorunit wlth long & narrow light distribution,l00W nrercury, lor pendant mounting, 120vo t, provided wlth fixllre labe UL listed iorC ass ll, Div. 1 & 2, and Class lll, Div. 1 & 2,"with cast guard.

    General area use component list.Mounting assemblies-PD Pendant moLrntFP Flexible pendant mount forbalanced hanglng-ST Stanchion mountCE Cei inq mount-WL Wall mount-BC Box cover moLrnt over recessedoutlet box

    Options and accessories-F Slnqle fuse for 120, 240 and 217volts-FF Double iuse tot 2aB,24o and 4Bovo ltsCG Cast guard for reJractor-WG Wire guard for open and c osedrellectors-LG Louver quard lor open reflector

    EM Emergency standby light system-PR Photocontrol (except on "CE" and"BC")-ELB Low brightness reflector

    Hazardous location use component list.lvlounling assemblies-PD Pendant mount-FP Flexible pendant mount forbalanced hanging-ST Stanchion mount-CE Ceiling n'rount-WL Wall mount

    Oplions and accessories-F Single fuse for 120, 240volts ("-C2" on y)FF Double fuse fot 208,240volts ("-C2" on y)-CG Casi guard lor reiractorWG Wlre guard for reflector

    Fixlure labeling-C1 uL listed ior Class l,Dlvlsion 2-C2 UL listed ior Class ll,Division 1 & 2UL listed Jor Class lll,Division 1 & 2

    ard 277an.l 480

    Note: Ungrounded power distribulion systemsmay carry high translent lne vo tages underfault conditions. Because hlgh transients canca!se premature ba last iai ure, possiblew th ba asts of any manulactureis design,it is noi recommended ihat luminaires beoperated on 480V ungrounded syslems.Electrical characteristics.For complete electrical clata, see tablesof electrical characteristics in theHoLophane Ballast Handbook,pLrblication HL-301.

    Contact J'our local Ilolophane lighting.,,1c. r'