Holophane Expressway Series Brochure 9-73

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Expressway Series Brochure 9-73


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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Expressway Series Brochure 9-73


    Polecollisions,a serious problem forthe highwayengineer.The American Association of State Highrvay Olli-

    cials underscores the problem of light pole collisionsin its "Informational Griide for Roatilrvar- Lighting,"and offers recommendations for eliminating this ser-ious safety hazard:When light poles are located alongside the high-way, and rvhere no protective barriers are required,AASHO recommends that the poles be placed out-side the continuons clear roadside recovely area, azone rvhich may extend from 20' to 40'back flom thetravelled rvay.Because of the limitations of conventional lightingequipment and rvhere praciical considelations makedeep pole setback impossible, AASHO recommen-dations allow poles as close as 12'to 15'from the

    travelled roadrvay.Horvever, lvhen poles are located in the clear road-side area, they shonld have a suitable impact attenua-tion feature - a cast aluminum transformer base, afrangible base insert or adapter, a breakal'ay or pro-gressile sherl ba.p or a s'if basc.Where barriers or guardrails exist or are other-lvise needed, poles mav be located behind them. How-ever, AASHO states that barriers and guardrailsshould not be installed solely to prevent pole collisions.Any of these recommendations 20' to 40' polesetback, 12'to 15'setback with an impact attenua-tion feature, or locating poles behind protective bar-riers leave the highrvay engineer 1\''ith the clilllcult

    problem of achieving good ancl safe lighting at aneconomical cost.The conventional solutions.20'to 40'pole setback with long, overhangingmounting arms.

    lVhile this solution cloes meet the safety criteriaoutJined by AASHO, it is highly unsatisfactory forthe follorving reasons:Uneconomical. The long arms recluire extla heavy-duty poles and special bases to support their weight.Difficult and dangerous to maintain. \tork on lumi-naires must be performed above the roadway itself,obstructing trallc and causing a dangerous distrac-tion for passing motorists.Less than optimum lighting. The long line of lumi-naires extending over the roadway sets up a succes-sion of distracting glare spots in the vision lield ofthe driver. In addition, the location of the luminairesresults in a psychologically constlicting "tunnel oflight" elTect. That is, the roadrvay surface is lighted,but peripheral areas are in relative darkness.Esthetically unattractive. During daylight hours, themotorist is faced with a succession of long overhang-ing mounting arms in his line of sight.

    Poles set back 12' to 15'with impactattenuation devices.This solution includes most of the unsatisfactorycharacteristics of 20'to 40'pole setback, and addssome new ones,For examplc, there is a distulbing "flicker etrect"of poles thizzing by the cars. In addition, there is

    the acldecl cost of the impact attenuation devices. Andsince poies are located in the clear roadside alea, con-sideration should be given to the added cost of re-placing poles g'hen the inevitable collisions occnr.Poles behind guardrails and barriers.

    This solution is only feasible in those areas lvhereguardrails or barriers rvotild otherwise be used. Andit poses the same lighting and maintenance problemsas the previous tu'o solntions.The unconventional solulion.Holophane Expressway luminaire.

    This radically different lighting system providessafe pole setback up to 40'rvith none of the compro-mises inherent in conventional systems; olTers animportant and dr-amatic improvement in highrvaylighting; and does the job at a lorver cost. EXPRESS,\YAY featrlres all of the follorving a(lvantages:lllore economical.mount directly oDcostly, extra-strength poles orlon g mountingarms are required.And secon d, be-cause EXPRESSwAYluminaires plovidea spacing ratio of7:1 as comparedwith 5:1 requiredf ol conventionalluminaires of thesame wattage. Thisrednces by nearly30ll the number ofpol es and lu mi-naires normally re-quired with conven-tional systems.Sjmple and safe tonraintain. All workis performed froma standard buckettruck parked off theroadl'ay. There alealso ferver units tosei'vice, so the sys-tem provides con-tinuing savings inoperating costs.

    Irirst, because the luminairesstandard tenon top poles, nolt'tTtTtEXPRESSWAY LUM!NAIAES[l t1.lLllr

    Fig. 1. Comparison of the numberof units required 10 light a typical/a -rnile stretch of highway.

    Fig.2. A standard bucket trLrckparked off the roadway easilyreaches ExPFESSWAY lu m in airesei back up to 40'.Better highway lighting. The entire area, from thebase of the pole rp to and including the median strip,is lighted. This improvement in overall illuminationhelps increase the motorist's visual performance.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Expressway Series Brochure 9-73


    Esthetically pleasing, EXPRESS\1'AY hrminaires have\ r clean, nrL/lpt n irnl oalancc. And the r'u.osl unil"I ".. ron llelr.'J ' rrl , f no ,ll iver'c nu.rrrl fiplil ^lvisiorl. l\'hile more distant luminailes are at the farcorner oI his viervjng range.

    Expressway luminairescreate an entirelynew nighttime drivingexpenence.ExpRESswAy gives the drivel an expanded field ofvierv. His experience is moi'e like the open feeling ofdaylight driving than the closed-in feeling createdby conventional lighting.The luminaire minimizes the problem of eye adap-tation lectuired to compensate for the difference

    between Ioadwayillumination andlighting in sur-rounding aleas.In addition, theEXPRESSWAY lumi-nai re give s themotorist fuller pe-ripheral vision,thus allol'ing himto better assess hisdynamic drivingsituation at anygiven moment.A11 of these fac-tors, along withgreatly reducedglare, combine tominimize motoriststress and create asafer, more relaxednighttime dlivingexperience.

    Balanced performance to meelAASHO lighting reco m me nd al io ns.A-A.SHO |ecommenclations call fot a iight level of0.6 fc maint:1ined l'ith a l]/1 to 4,/1 average to mini-mum unifolmity r'atio oti the t'oaclrvay.\Vith conventional hlninair:es. it is often dilllcultoi' uneconomical to baLlancc these parametels. Forexample, a uDiformity of 311 to 4/1 average to mini-mLrm may not be obtainable rvith a given luminairespaced to provide 0.6 fc.t!ln this case, poles rvouldhave to be spaced closer totiethel to satisfl'thc uni-formity cliteria. As a re,qult, illumination levels aswell as equipment, installation and operating costsincrease. and maintenance becomes more time con-suming and expensive.

    'The Federa H ghway Adm n stratlon w L on y pan cipate lor luminat onlevels !p 1o 0.6 lc n most inslances.

    The ExpRESSw\y lr.iminaire, on the other hand, wastlesigned specificalll to mcet AASHO recommenda-tions.The luninaire plovides balancecl performance withoptimum utilization of available light energy rvithwide poJe spacing and setbacks of up to 40'from thehighrvay.Typical performance for EXPRESSwIv luminairesis shorvn in the table on page 4.

    A goodneighborin urbanenvironments.EXPRESSwAYeliminates the prob-lem of light spill-over into adjacentlesidential ne igh-boi'hoods. The lum-inaires are aimed tcrlight only the driv-ing environment,the roadway andi mmed i ate sur-rounding areas.

    Fiq. 3. ExPREsswAY luminairescombine clean, modern look withrugged, functlonal design.

    Fig.4. ExPFEsswAY luminaire withglass refractor removed to revealthe specially-contoured internalrei ector designed to permit widespacine.A sophisticated optical train.

    ExpRnsswAy lnminailes al,e designed $'ith a spe-cially contoured internal leflector and a ihermalshock-resistant ENDURAL!. glass lefractor for opti-mum control of light.A choice of lamps for every situation.

    Exl'RasswAy is available for, Llse with a rvide rangeof lamps to suit all tyDes of highway conditions.Where lo\\,et light levels ale lecluired, the 250W highplessute sodium ald the 400\V metcury vapor orme rl halide soulces may offer the best solution. Forapplications reqniring higher light levels, the Ex-pREsswAy optical system efficiently controls 400Whigh pressnre sodinm anrl 1000W mercury vapor andmetal halide lamps.Economical spacing ratios.

    ExpRESS\\-Ay luminaires are designed to be usedat :r spacing latio u| to 7:1 near'ly 30% more eco-nr) ical thall the 5:1 slacing ratio available rvithalmost all conventional lu minaires.Longer spacing means lorvet eqnipment costs,lo\\'el installation costs. lowel naintenance costs andlorver pos'er consumption-

    All this, l.ith a mar-ked improvement in the qualityof the highrvay lighting and the safety of 20'to 40'pole setback.Easier, safer maintenance.A bucket tt'nck parked off the traveled roadrvayeasily reaches ExpRE-ss\1'AY luminailes set back upto 40'from the highway. No maintenance is per-formed over the roadrvay, so traffic flows smoothlywithout obstmction or distractiol.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Expressway Series Brochure 9-73


    Expresswav luminaire Derformance data.Applica-tion Applicalion ApplicaiionDiagram

    Pertormance with Various Lamps'250W HPS,LU-250,25500 Lumens400w HPs,LU-400,50000 Lumens

    400W Clear Mer.,H33-1CD,20600 Lumens400w MH,M-400,33000 Lumen.

    LaneHigh-width ........24'setback ....40'Luminairem ountin gheight ......40'SDacino ,.,'

    i i; ];L; 3-l; ;'fa-l'F:'rAverage initiallishl level (lc) 083 1.75 078 134Average/mjnimumun ilormity 2.a/ l 3/1 2_3/ 1 2.1/1Maxira u rn / an in im umuniformlly 9/1 9/1 7/1 5/l

    ThreeLaneHigh-widih ........36'setback....30'Luminairem ountin gheight ......40'spacinq .. "

    ii ;i s;i .. l;i d'--' -J;[\'. Average iniliallishl Ievel (fc) oa7 1.95 0.85 'I 44Averase/min imumuniformity 3/1 3 6/1 2-7/1 2.6/ 1Maximum/minimumuniformiiy 10/ l 10/ 1 a/l 6/1Photometric data.400W HPS, at 45' tilt position (40,mounting height).

    orl AT ./l-,t-\ lsolux( 1 Y,. #5_ -tT\--l--'.-- -/-T--..t/T-'--}+r r )\\/LVa.--\ \ *.\ r-J >{Z ,U '/\-\,L\ .-:,=w

    conract Holophane lor pedormance wilh 1000W mercury and metal halid tamps. "spacins: 280'1or HPSi 240' ior merc!ry and melal halide.Cor-utit)fficient otizatlonIrI




    21Disla..e a ong

    cq1210-000-0 1000w MH

    Specification & ordering data.LuminaireCalalog Lamp Approx.Descriplion Ballasl Type' Wgt. in Lbs.1215-000-0 400W MH Peak Lead Aulo. 861220-000-0 1000W Mercury Constant Watiage Auto. 1021225-000-0 400W Mercury Constanl Watlage 851230-000-0 400W HPS Voltase Slabilized'1235-000-0 250W HPS Vollage Stabilized 85'All ballasts are high power iactor. Other ballasl typos available upon request.a - Denoles primary voltage, b - Denoles oplional accessories.Specifyi 120,208,240,277 Specify: R NEMA Dhotocellor 480 volls receptacleHighway Lighting Package



    Calalog NumberqqeHLP-00-0-00-""Denotes complele luminaire cataloq number as delermined above,

    c - Denotes pole height.Specify: 30', 35', 40', 45', 50' or 60'.d - Denotes number oi lumlnaires.Specify: 1 or 2 as req'.rirede - Denoles pole material and iypeol mounting,Specify:AJ - aluminum, anchor baseAE aluminum, direct embedmentSJ Sleel, anchor baseSE Steel, direct embedmenl

    Pole Noles:1. Holophane standardpoles furn ished. ForpoJes designed toAASHO or other criteria.contact local Holophanesales engineer.2. lmpact altenuation. slipand lranslormer basesare available. Order by3. For steel poles, specilyprime palnted orgalvanized.

    Dimensional data-

    (1) Twin, trigger-action door lalches for quick, easy access toall internal components. (2) Buiit-in sighls for quick, sure opticalalignment ol main beam. (3) Lamp socket permanenlty attachedto reilector to assure proper positioning. (4) Rugged cast atumi-num housing with baked enamel flnish. (5) NEMA photocellrecepiacle available. (6) Ballasts 250W & 400W high pressuresodium,400W & 1000W mercury,400W & 1000W metat hatide.(7) Horizontal alignment by means oJ teveling botts. (8) Verticatadjustmenl by means of glove-sized knob. Lock nut provided tosecure position. (9) Slipiitler will accommodate 2!e" to 3,, aDpole ienon. May be used with any type pole - steet, atuminum,concrete or wood. (10) Eorosilicaie prismatic glass reiractor setin cast aluminum door irame. (11) Combinalion neoprene/poty-ester fiber gasketing system lor weather tight, breathins seit.You can obtain a compiete highrvay lighting pack-age from Holophane, including units for underpass,under-deck, sign, interchange and straight-atvaylighting. For complete information, applicationassistance, computer-aided design and cost studies,ancl sample units for trial installation, contact yourlocal Hoiophane sales engineer.

    llglnp"h"pnei!ill*'J#',li{i'h{r;[]r#qd*:Ll;"Tt.""T:"Pri.ted tf LJ s A. 7370F-5 1073