Histo - Male Reproductive System

1 | P a g e REPRODUCTION  / PROCREATION : The most important of the biological processes that living things undertake because it ensured preservation of species.  Requires the  gametes (germ cells) of the male and  the female to form a  zygote (fertilized ovum). SPERM CELL (spermatozoon) : male gamete EGG CELL (ovum): female gamete GAMETES: The only unique cells in that they are haploid (other cells are diploid). HAPLOID: possess only 23 chromosomes DIPLOID: contain 46 chromosomes FERTILIZATION: A process wherein a sperm cell and an ovum unite. The resulting cell in the process (  zygote) is DIPLOID because it inherits all the chromosomes in both gametes. EMBRYO: The developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the 8th week after fertilization. FETUS: The developing human individual from the end of  the 8th week after fertilization until birth. Sperm cell (23n) + Ovum (23n) Zygote (46n) (fertilization) (mitosis) Fetus  Embryo  REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: o Responsible for gametogenesis   Spermatogenesis: production of male gametes (  spermatozoon or sperm cell )  Oogenesis: production of female gametes (ovum or egg cell) o Also produce the hormones that account for the anatomic and physiological differences between the sexes o Male reproductive system: provides for a means for  the male gametes to be deposited into the female genital tract o Female reproductive system: provides the appropriate milieu for a successful pregnancy MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: o components: 1.  testes 2. duct system of each testis 3. copulatory organ (penis) 4. accessory glands. FIRST COMPONENT OF MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - TESTES TESTES: They are organs that produce the male gametes (  spermatozoa or  sperm cells ) and the male hormone (testosterone). SCROTUM: A sac under the penis that is made up of skin and subcutaneous tissue. It encloses the testes. TUNICA ALBUGINEA: A tough fibrous capsule of the testis  that is made up dense irregular connective tissue. MEDIASTINUM TESTIS: Thickened portion at the posterior surface of Tunica Albuginea.  It is where blood and lymphatic vessels enter and/or exit, and the ductuli efferentes (segments of the  testicular duct system) leave, the testis.  Where the tunica albuginea sends connective tissue septa called septulae testis into the substance of the  testis that divides the organ, although incompletely, into lobules (lobuli testis). LOBULI TESTIS: About 250/testis. Each contains 1-4 seminiferous tubules. SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES: highly-coiled tubes that occupies  the greater part of each testicular lobule. Also, it is where  the male gametes, spermatozoa or  sperm cells , are produced by a process called  spermatogenesis. SUBJECT: ANATOMY TOPIC: MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (HISTOLOGY) LECTURER: DR. EDUARDO GONZALES DATE: December 9, 2010

Transcript of Histo - Male Reproductive System

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