Hillary, The Good Liar

1 Hillary, The Good Liar By Gerald J. Furnkranz In this world there are liars. Then there are really good liars. Really good liars build their living, their lives around lying. For many the good liar is easier to believe than tellers of the truth. Why is this? Good liars are conscienceless! They can present their lies with great passion. They have no boundaries or limits. Unlike the teller of truth who walks a precarious line of restraint, in fear of misleading. The good liar has no fear of misleading. That is actually their goal. Such liars are almost, if not a sociopath. Because of these traits of no constraints, good liars are actually more convincing than tellers of truth. They pour their entire being, head, heart and soul, into their lies. They are shameless, remorseless and conscienceless about their lies. They are passionate about their selfish goals, so therefore passionate about their lies to reach those goals. That passion often comes across to many people as honesty and sincerity. Many others believe such liars because they are not so

Transcript of Hillary, The Good Liar

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Hillary, The Good Liar By Gerald J. Furnkranz

In this world there are liars. Then there are really good liars. Really good liars build their living, their lives around lying. For many the good liar is easier to believe than tellers of the truth. Why is this? Good liars are conscienceless! They can present their lies with great passion. They have no boundaries or limits. Unlike the teller of truth who walks a precarious line of restraint, in fear of misleading. The good liar has no fear of misleading. That is actually their goal. Such liars are almost, if not a sociopath. Because of these traits of no constraints, good liars are actually more convincing than tellers of truth. They pour their entire being, head, heart and soul, into their lies. They are shameless, remorseless and conscienceless about their lies. They are passionate about their selfish goals, so therefore passionate about their lies to reach those goals. That passion often comes across to many people as honesty and sincerity. Many others believe such liars because they are not so

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honest themselves. They too are invested in the usefulness of lies. Hillary Clinton’s Diseased Character Hillary Clinton has exhibited three dominant character traits throughout 40 years of her career. They bloom like boils on an infected body. Hillary Clinton is a liar! A compulsive, habitual, pathological, professional liar! She has no shame when it comes to lying. Jeffery Zeifman wrote in his book, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power”, she was fired from the Watergate prosecution team at the age of 27 for lying and dishonesty. Such has been disputed by some. There is controversy over what he has written. The liberal mainstream media has gone to such great lengths to clean up her dishonest and corrupt, behavior I really don’t know what to believe on this issue. Is the refutation of Zeifman just another media whitewash to clean up a dirty Hillary? Seeing Hillary’s actions through Bills presidency to now, it certainly fits her behavior pattern and

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is believable. Zeifman’s conclusion that she wasn’t qualified to be a Senator and certainly is not qualified to be President seems solidily based on many other of her incompetent actions and failures. Then there is facing gunfire in Bosnia and a video tape the catalyst for murders of Americans in Benghazi, broke after the Whitehouse, and her private server and the many lies told to Congress and the people tied to it. Hillary Clinton is incompetent. The Middle East blew up after her tour as Secretary of State. Benghazi but one of the explosions in the Middle East! Syria another, which she claims as a success! She with Obama laid the red carpet for the march of ISIS around the world. Hillary is corrupt. She used her position as Secretary of State, gaining favors for financial support of Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and her bid for president. These occurrences only the tip of the iceberg! Hillary had to be a Mega-Liar to cover her incompetence and corruption. We see her double, triple, quadruple, qunituple down on her lies, taking them to ridiculous repeating of her

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deceptive defenses. Her private server was a tool to cover her network, her web of lies! Hillary, No Doubts! I have reservations about Donald Trump as president, a governor on his mouth desired. His narcissism that everyone loves him is as frightening as the narcissism of Hillary and Obama being above the rules. lies and laws. I have no doubts about Hillary Clinton exhibiting an extensive history of negative character traits; lying, incompetence and corruption. Hillary has displayed her well honed skills of a practiced, polished, perfected, persistent, professional liar! I will reiterate she lied about facing gunfire in Bosnia and a video tape the catalyst for murders of Americans in Benghazi. FBI Director James Comey exposed a multitude of Hillary’s statements to Congress and the people about her private email server to be false. She still insists Comey exonerated her from her lies when there is video proof he implicated her. Hillary used her Secretary of State position, gaining exorbitant financing for Bill’s speeches,

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as much as a half million dollars for a single speech. It appears more those purchasing the speech were not so interest in the Bill Clinton wisdom but were buying access to Hillary as Secretary of State and her future presidency. The Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s presidential bid received such donations too. Logically, one might conclude her private email server was for the exact purpose of deception, hiding her activities. Again, Hillary Clinton’s incompetence as Secretary of State exploded the middle east, including: Benghazi, Libya and Syria claiming it a success! She with Obama rolled out red carpets for ISIS’s victorious march around the world. I’m not sure about Trump, but I am about Hillary, a self-serving socialist! Hillary sells out America’s safety and security for her personal profit. Hillary for Sale Hillary Clinton with all her character flaws is only part of the problem if she becomes president. Her lying, incompetence and corruption are only the tip of the iceberg.

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Who Hillary has sold her allegiance to is a far greater danger to America. Hillary is only part of the experiment. Can liberal elitists buy the presidency and run America in any direction they wish, for their own benefit, forgetting the people. Has she also sold this power and her services to foreign countries and dictators benefiting the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons personally, but selling out America? It is often said Hillary has two billion dollars in her campaign war chest. The main stream media avoids her long list of lies, failures and corruptions, that media an essential part of the liberal elite. They crave the power to influence power. They do not ask where all that money has come from. They don’t want to know. Hillary has sold her soul to advance herself to become rich and powerful. She married Bill for that purpose. She is a political mercenary, a political prostitute, Jackel and Hyde! She lacks morals and integrity! She is the personification of the corrupt political machine and it appears the liberal elite are okay with supporting her.

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Because the liberal elite know Hillary is for sale. She is a tool they can use. Once president she will do whatever they wish, to maintain her position and rake in the money. Hillary’s Resumé In today’s job market, average folk are advised our resumé should reflect accomplishments, not just positions filled. We need to show perspective employers what we can do for them. Hillary’s resume is merely a list of positions filled. Places she occupied during her career. Opportunities she had and avoided growth. Like the students in school who have no interest in learning. They sit in the classroom taking up space. They fail the assignments and the tests. Hillary presided over the debacle and deaths of Benghazi, lying about it being because of a video, reluctant to call it terrorism. She gave Vladimir Putin the Russian Reset button, signaling him, along with Obama’s message of flexibility, the aggressive path to the old Soviet Union was opened. The Middle East blew up under her stint as Secretary of State. Benghazi fell, Syria, and Libya too, and ISIS was

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allowed to germinate, nurtured to grow and flourish. Yes, she spent much time flying all over the world, but was that to do the job, or collecting money for her presidential campaign, the Clinton Foundation and setting up Bill for hundreds of millions of dollars for speaking engagements. As Carly Fiorina pointed out there is a big difference between activity and accomplishment. Did she sell her state department position like she and Bill did the Lincoln bedroom when they were in the White House? Yes Hillary has held positions of stature but has she accomplished anything in those positions? Has she exhibited competence and success, or just taking up space? When asked about accomplishment, neither she nor her supporters can cite any. They are struck dumb with embarrassment unable to answer, seeing only a long list of her failures. Her accomplishments are her failures along with a seemingly endless string of empty promises, meant only to pander to get another position, that of President of the United States! Her Origins and Foundation

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Hillary like Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky, covered by his organizer, who “Has no fixed truth, truth to them relative and changing”! Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals” dedicated to Lucifer is their bible. Bestowing them the Alinsky “license to lie”, which they use often and with great passion and enthusiasm! Also accusing opponents who they perceive as enemies of all the corrupt behaviors and actions of which they are guilty. Everything Hillary says about Trump is a reflection of her! Her Alinsky adulation tells her to accuse Trump of all her foibles and failures. Hillary has sunk so far into the depths of deceit and lying she will never again see the light of truth. Her visions are those of the doom and gloom of socialism. She is a harbinger of destruction. Hillary is a “Mega Liar”! She is a habitual, pathological, compulsive, congenital Liar! She has practiced, polished, perfected and persistent in her professional political lying! Lying and deception are integral to Hillary. They are in her DNA! Truth to Hillary is like light or holy water is to a vampire!

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One important reason I pick Trump over Hillary is if he went too far out of line, he would be impeached and convicted in a heart beat. The republican party would enthusiastically ally with the democrat party in doing so. Trump would be impeached and convicted! Like Obama who has committed impeachable offenses, bypassing Congress numerous times for example, Hillary would be immune to impeachment for being the first of her ilk to be president. She would dance free just like she has for all the crimes she has committed and escaped previously. Democrats would never confront Hillary no matter what she did, and republicans would wet themselves at the thought of doing so. So, like Obama she would be free to commit all kinds of offenses to the American people. Hillary is a despicable human being, corrupt to her very core!