Hero Honda-Consumer Perception

Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes I n d e x Chapter No Subject Page No. Chapter: -1 1.1 1.2 Chapter: - 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Chapter: - 3 Chapter:- 4 Chapter:- 5 5.1  5.2 Chapter:-6 Industria !ac" ground Historical Industry Development Introduction about company Concept o# Consu$er !eha%iour . Concept. Wat is Consumer !eaviour" !uyin# !eaviour $odel.  % mo del o& Consumer !eav iour. 'e !irt o& !uyin# idea. (actors In&luencin# Consumer !eaviour. !uyin# Decision )rocess. &uestionnaire 'ata Interpretation and ana(sis Su$$ar( (indin# *u##estion Concusion ICF AI NATIONAL COLLEGE Page 1

Transcript of Hero Honda-Consumer Perception

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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

I n d e x

Chapter No Subject Page No.

Chapter: -11.11.2


Chapter: - 3

Chapter:- 4

Chapter:- 55.1



Industria !ac" groundHistorical Industry DevelopmentIntroduction about company

Concept o# Consu$er !eha%iour.Concept.Wat is Consumer !eaviour"!uyin# !eaviour $odel. % model o& Consumer !eaviour.'e !irt o& !uyin# idea.(actors In&luencin# Consumer !eaviour.!uyin# Decision )rocess.


'ata Interpretation and ana(sis





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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes


)*+ ,IS) /)/C0C+

+Wo invented te &irst motorcycle"+ It seems li,e a simple -uestion but te ans/er 

is a bit complicated. 0ust as te automobile /as te ans/er to te 1tcentury

dream o& sel&propellin# te orsedra/n carria#e te invention o& te motorcycle

created te sel&propelled bicycle.

$otorcycles are descendents o& te +sa&ety+ bicyclebicycles /it &ront and rear 

/eels o& te same sie and /it a pedal cran, mecanism to drive te rear /eel.

'ose bicycles in turn /ere descended &rom i#/eel bicycles. 'e i#

/eelers /ere descended &rom an early type o& pusbi,e /itout pedals propelled

by te riders &eet pusin# a#ainst te #round. 'ese appeared around 1 used

ironbanded /a#on /eels and /ere called +bonecrusers+ bot &or teir arrin#

ride and teir tendency to toss teir riders.

'e &irst commercial desi#n /as a tree/eeler built by 8d/ard !utler in 9reat

!ritain in 14. It employed a oriontal sin#lecylinder #asoline en#ine mounted

bet/een t/o steerable &ront /eels and connected by a drive cain to te rear 

/eel. Ho/ever it /ould peraps be incorrect to call it a precursor o& te t/o

/eeled #enre o& veicles.

'e person credited /it buildin# te &irst motorcycle in 15 is 9ottlieb Daimler 

:/o later teamed up /it ;arl !en to &orm te Daimler!en Corporation<. 'e

#asolinerun veicle ad one /eel in te &ront and one in te bac, /it a smaller

sprin#loaded outri##er /eel on eac side. )o/ered by a sin#lecylinder =ttocycle

en#ine it may ave ad a spraytype carburetor also :since Daimlers assistant

Wilelm $aybac /as /or,in# on te invention o& te spray carburetor at te time<.

'e motorcycle /as constructed mostly o& /ood /it te /eels bein# o& te iron

banded /oodenspo,ed type de&initely a +bonecruser+ cassis>

I& one counts t/o /eels /it steam propulsion as bein# a motorcycle ten te &irstone may ave been %merican. =ne suc macine /as demonstrated at &airs and

circuses in te eastern ?nited *tates in 167 built by one *ylvester Ho/ard @oper 

o& @oAbury $assacusetts. It /as po/ered by a carcoal&ired t/ocylinder en#ine

/ose connectin# rods directly drive a cran, on te rear /eel. 'is macine

predates te invention o& te sa&ety bicycle by many yearsB so its cassis is also

based on te +bonecruser+ bi,e.


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,)*+ '++/P+N)S

$ost o& te development durin# te early pase concentrated on tree and &our

/eeled desi#ns since it /as compleA enou# to #et te macines runnin# /itout

avin# to /orry about tem &allin# over. 'e neAt notable t/o/eeler /as te $illet

o& 12. It used a &ivecylinder en#ine built as te ub o& its rear /eel. 'e cylindersrotated /it te /eel and its cran,sa&t constituted te rear aAle.

'e &irst success&ul t/o/eeler tou# /as te Hildebrand Wol&mueller

patented in $unic in 14. It ad a steptrou# &rame /it its &uel tan, mounted

on te do/n tube. 'e en#ine /as a parallel t/in mounted lo/ on te &rame /it its

cylinders #oin# &oreanda&t. 'e connectin# rods lin,ed directly to a cran, on te

rear aAle and instead o& usin# eavy &ly/eels &or ener#y stora#e bet/een cylinder 

&irin# it used a pair o& stout elastic bands one on eac side o& te cylinders to elp

out on te compression stro,es. It /as /atercooled and ad a /ater tan,radiator 

built into te top o& te rear &ender.

In 15 te (renc &irm o& DeDion!uton built an en#ine tat /as to ma,e te mass

production and common use o& motorcycles possible. It /as a small li#t i#

revvin# &ourstro,e sin#le and used batteryandcoil i#nition doin# a/ay /it te

troublesome ot tube. !ore and stro,e &i#ures o& 5 mm by 7 mm #ave a

displacement o& 13 cc. % total loss lubrication system /as employed to drip oil into

te cran,case trou# a meterin# valve /ic ten slosed around to lubricate and

cool components be&ore dumpin# it on te #round via a breater. DeDion!uton

used tis .5 p po/er plant in road#oin# tric,s but te en#ine /as copied andused by everybody includin# Indian and HarleyDavidson in te ?.*.

 %ltou# a person named )ennin#ton built some macines around 15 :its

uncertain /eter any o& tem actually ran< te &irst ?* motorcycle /as te =rient

 %ster built by te $et Company in Waltam $assacusetts in 1. It used an

 %ster en#ine tat /as a (rencbuilt copy o& te DeDion!uton and predated Indian

:11< by tree years and HarleyDavidson :12< by &our.

'e Indian $otorcycle Company *prin#&ield introduced te %E'/in in 13

updated /it t/o and treespeed #earboAes tat /ere &urter re&ined /it s/in#

arm rear suspensions. 'e &irst motorcycle /it electric start and a &ully modern

electrical system te Hendee *pecial &rom te same company astounded te

industry in 113. !e&ore World War I I$C /as te lar#est motorcycle manu&acturer 

in te /orld producin# over 2 bi,es per year.


'e popularity o& te veicle #re/ especially a&ter 11. !y 1 many

manu&acturers /ere convertin# bicycles or pedal cycles as tey /ere sometimescalled by addin# small centrally mounted spar, i#nition en#ines. 'e need &or 


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

reliable constructions led to road trial tests and competition bet/een manu&acturers.

'e ori#inal 'ourist 'ropy races /ere eld on te Isle o& $an in 17 as reliability or 

endurance races. *uc events ave been te provin# #round &or many ne/ ideas

&rom te early t/ostro,ecycle desi#ns to te supercar#ed multivalve en#ines

mounted on aerodynamic carbon &iber rein&orced body/or, en#ines.In 116 te Indian $otorcycle Company introduced te $odel H racer and placed it

on sale at te astronomical price o& F35. It &eatured overeadvalve eads /it &our 

valves per cylinder and /as easily capable o& speeds o& over 12 mp. In various

&orms it /as raced on te dirt trac, as /ell as on te boards /it very #reat success.

It is un,no/n o/ many o& te valve racers /ere manu&actured but production

/as very small indeedB most macines /ere ridden eiter by &actory riders or /ere

+loaned+ to promisin# privateers.

Durin# World War I all brances o& te armed &orces in 8urope used motorcycles

principally &or dispatcin#. %&ter te /ar it enoyed a sport vo#ue until te 9reatDepression be#an in 12.

 %&ter te World War II a revival o& interest in motorcycles lasted into te late 2t

century /it te veicle bein# used &or i#speed tourin# and sport competitions.

'e more sopisticated motor scooter ori#inated in Italy soon a&ter World War II led

by te manu&acture o& a 125cc model. *ince ten an increasin# number o& po/er&ul

bi,es ave blaed te roads.

Durin# te 15s te practice o& attacin# auAiliary en#ines to bicycles in Western

8urope and parts o& te ?nited *tates led to te development o& a ne/ type o& li#t

motorcycle te moped. =ri#inatin# in 9ermany as a 5cc macine /it simple

controls and lo/ initial cost it /as lar#ely &ree o& licensin# and insurance re#ulations

eAcept in 9reat !ritain.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes


*IS)/0:-  %s /e all ,no/ tat te H8@=  H=GD%  is super ero o& te currentautomobiles sectors undisputedly tey are te ,in# o& bi,e $ar,et and tis position

is acieved by tem in ust one and a al& decade and no/ it become D8*H  ;I


'e birt o& H8@=  H=GD%  become possible in 134 /en te /orldJs lar#est

bicycle manu&acturerJs tin, to enter into te t/o /eelerJs automobiles mar,et

/ic is still in te ands o& !%0%0.

Wat stand out as a oint venture bet/een Hero #roup and Honda motors company

o& 0apan is today te leadin# manu&acturers o& Indias lar#est sellin# motorcycle.

Comin# into eAistence on 0anuary 1 14. H8@=  H=GD% $otors Ktd. #ave India

notin# less tan a revolution on t/o /eels made even more &amous by te (ill it

*ut it&or#et it Campai#n. Driven by te trust o& over 35 Ka,es customers te H8@=

H=GD% products ran#e today commands as muc as 47L ma,in# it a veritable #iant

in te industry. %dd to tat tecnolo#ical eAcellence eApansive dealer net/or, and

retable a&ter sales services becomes it a customer &riendly company. 'e level o& 

#ro/t can be determined as per te companyJs sales &i#ure over te years.

 0ear No of units Manufactures













In &act every second bi,e sold in te India today is a H8@=  H=GD%> Customer satis&action a i# -uality product. 'e stren#t o& H=GD% tecnolo#y and te H8@=

#roupJs dynamism ave elped Hitml scale ne/ &rontiers and eAceed Kimits.

In te /ords o& $r. !rimoan Kal $unal te cairman and $.D. /e /ill continue to

ma,e every e&&orts re-uired &or te development tecnolo#ical innovation

investment in e-uipments and &acilities and trou# elticient mana#ement.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

Milestones of te Co!"#n$

 0ear roth


 Dec. 131t 0an. 14

24t 0an. 14

13t %pr. 14

27t $ay 15

27t $ay 15

27t *ept 15

2nd $arc 16

7t %pril 17

t 0une 17

2t $arc 1

21st $arc 1

2t $ay 11

11t Gov. 112t Gov. 11

1t Dec. 11

Gov. 13

1t 0an. 14

23rd Gov. 14

14t (eb. 15

1st *ept. 15

1t Dec. 16

14t 0an. 17

23rd 0an. 17

26t (eb. 17

17t %pril 1

27t =ct. 1

*are olderJs a#reements si#ned.Company Incorporated.

'ecnical Collaboration si#ned.

(oundation stone laid.

(irst model CD1 Introduced.

(rame plant production started.

Daruera plant in au#urated.

Nuality circles launced.

8n#ine plant stoned.

1 $otor cycle )roduced.

Hero Honda club at 9ur#aon started.

*lee, $odel Introduced.

5 $otorcycle )roduced.

)roductivity Kin,ed inactive started.CD** Introduced.

$obile clinic launced.

Hero Honda sponsors &ive nations Cric,et tournament.

*plendor $odel Introduced.

1 $otor cycle )roduced.

7 $otor cycle per day )roduction started.

$otor cycle per day production started.

1 $otor cycles )roduction per day.

15 $otor cycle produced

*treet model Introduced.

9ur#aon plant inau#urated by Honda president.

2 $otorcycle )roduced.

Hero Honda sponsors $aster #ol& campion sip at Deli.


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25t $arc 1

13t %pril 1

14t $ay 1


 0une 1

2t =ct. 1

25 $otorcycle produced.

C!O launced.

7t /orld cup cric,et tournament sponsored at 8n#land.

8nvironment $#t. *ystem o& Daruera plant certi&ied /itI*=P141

Hero Honda sponsors $aster #ol& Campionsip at Deli.4t 0an. 21

13t %pril 21

)assion $odel Introduced

0oy $odel Introduced.

5t motorcycle produced

22 Ge/ motorcycle model +Da/n+ introduced

Ge/ motorcycle model +%mbition+ introduced


!ecomes te &irst Indian Company to cross te cumulative 7

million sales mar,Ge/ motorcycle model +CD Da/n+ introducedGe/ motorcycle model +*plendor Q+ introducedGe/ motorcycle model +)assion )lus+ introducedGe/ motorcycle model +;arima+ introduced


Ge/ motorcycle model +%mbition 135+ introducedCrossed sales o& over 2 million units in a sin#le year a#lobal recordGe/ motorcycle model +C!OR+ introduced'otal sales crossed a record o& 1 million motorcycles


Hero Honda is te World Go. 1 &or te 4t year in a ro/Ge/ motorcycle model +*uper *plendor+ introduced

Ge/ motorcycle model +CD DeluAe+ introduced

Ge/ motorcycle model +9lamour+ introduced

Ge/ motorcycle model +%ciever+ introduced

(irst *cooter model &rom Hero Honda +)leasure+


26 Hero Honda is te World Go. 1 &or te 5t year in a ro/

S*/7 CS+


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

1. C'-188:-

'is is te &irst model o& te company and become very muc popular andenoys te ima#e o& lon# lastin# and &uele&&icient bi,e. It is te ori#inate (ill it. *ut

it (or#et it bi,e.

2. Spendor:-

'is model ad proven very muc bene&icial to te company. 'is becomeste /orldJs Kar#est sellin# mobi,e. It desi#n loo, &uel e&&iciency ma,es it te dreambi,e.

3. Passion:-

)assion te styli desi#ned bi,e &or te stylis rider. )assion becomes te

earttrob o& te youn#sters. )assion and C!O ma,e te Hero Honda D8*H  ;I

DH%D;%G in real manner.

4. C!9:-'e po/er&ul stylis and super pic, up bi,e ma,es te people cray about its

ridin#. It creates ne/ de&inition o& motorcyclin#.

'e oter bi,es o& Hero Honda are 0oy CD**  *lee, *treet Da/n and %mbition.


1. Nationa Sa#et( ard:-

Hero Honda #ot national sa&ety a/ard &or te Sear 2J1.

2. Nationa Producti%it( ard:-Hero Honda #ot te Gational )roductivity a/ard &or te best per&ormance in

automobile sector even in te very slu##is condition o& economy &or te year 


3. !est Sogan ard:-

Hero Honda #ot te !est *lo#an %/ard &or its toucin# *lo#an D8*H  ;I

DH%D;%G &or te year 21.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

'ese are some decent a/ards /ic are collected by te Hero

Honda Customer satis&action is te bi##est a/ard &or any company tis can be te

Hero HondaJs bi##est stren#t tat it as more tan 35 satis&ied customers.

,uture o# the Co$pan(:-

!ein# a master o& te automobiles sector HH is consistent /it itJs amain#

per&ormance. Hero Honda as been a success&ul story in an oter/ise dull mar,et.

)ositin# a over 1 million sales in te &inancial year 21J2 te company as out

ridden all te players.

'e company si#ned t/o o& most popular celebrities. Hriti, @osan and

*ourav 9an#uly to be brand ambassadors. 'at sould &urter elp te :!ot its<

company in maintainin# its &ollo/in#.

!ot its duly launced models te C!O and )assion ave received i#ly positive

response and created ne/ se#ment &or te company so te &uture o& t/o company

seems very #ood and pro&itable.

ist o# group co$panies:-

• Hero $otors

• Hero 8Aports

• Hero Cycles

• $aestic auto Ktd.

• $unal *o/a Ktd.

• 9uarat Cycle Ktd.

• Hero Honda $otors Ktd. • Hero Cycle Ktd. :?nit T2<

• $unal and *unbeam Castin#s

• Hi# /ay cycle Industries.

IN PSI) /, +C++NC+

+We at Hero Honda are continuously strivin# &or syner#y bet/een tecnolo#y

systems and uman resources to provide products and services tat meet te

-uality per&ormance and price aspirations o& our customers. Wile doin# so /e

maintain te i#est standards o& etics and societal responsibilities constantly

innovate products and processes and develop teams tat ,eep te momentum

#oin# to ta,e te company to eAcellence in te ne/ millennium+.


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;no/led#e o& te buyin# beaviour o& consumer is essential &or a mar,et. 'e

consumers brin# te can#es in te mar,et. It is essential tas, &or mar,etin#

beaviour o& tar#et $ar,et.

'e Consumer mar,et consist te individual and ouseold te buy #oods and

*ervices &or personal consumption. It is attempted to understand and predict uman

actions in te buyin# role. It as assumed #ro/in# in te importance under $ar,et

=riented or Customer =riented /or,in# plannin# and $ana#ement.

Consumers very tremendously in a#e income adulation level and )re&erences.

$ar,eter &inds it use&ul to distin#uisia di&&erent consumer #roups and to develop

products and services tailored to teir needs. Consumer beaviour al/ays involvescoice.

!uyin# beaviour includes acts o& individual directly involves in obtainin# and usin#

economics 9ood and *ervices includes se-uences o& decision processes tat

proceed and determine tese acts. %ctual purcase is only a part o& te decision

process in buyers beaviour /e consider not only /y no/ and /at people buy

oter &actors. *uc as /ere o/ o&&er and under in &ind analysis buyer is one o& te

most important ,eys to success&ul $ar,etin#.

7*) IS C/NS+ !+*I/

'e /ealt and services product in a country ma,e an economy stron#. %lmost all

te product /ic are available to buyer ave a number o& alternative supplies tat

is suitable products are available to customers. Wo ma,e a decision to buy

products" 'ere &ore a seller most o& is time see,s buyers and tries to please

tem. In order to success&ul a seller is concerned /itP

• Wo is Consumer"

• Wat do Consumers buy"• Wen do Consumers buy"

• Ho/ do Consumers buy"

• (rom /ere do Consumers buy"

• Wy do Consumers buy"

 % buyer ma,es a purcase o& a particular product or a particular brand and tis can

be termed )roducts buyin# $otives and te reason beind te )urcase &rom

particular *eller is )atrona#e $otives.


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'e buyer may ta,e a decision /eter to save or spend te money.

Wen e decision to spend tem tere are many problems as to /at to

purcase because needs are numerous. 'is leads to ran,in# te needs in terms o& 

priority. 'ose te problems are consumption problems /ere to buy /om to buy


/'+ /, C/NS+ !+*I/

In earlier times $ar,ets could understand consumers trou# te daily eAperience o& 

sellin# to tem. !ut te #ro/t in te sie o& &orms and $ar,ets as removed many

$ar,etin# decisions &rom direct contract /it customers increasin#lyB numbers ave

ad to turn to consumer researc.

'e Company tat understands o/ Consumer /ill respond to di&&erent )roduct

&eatures price advertisin# appeals and so on /ill ave an enormous advanta#e over te competitors. 'ere&ore business and academic mar,etin# researcin# ave

invested muc ener#y in researcin# te relationsip bet/een mar,etin# stimuli and

ConsumerJs response.

$ar,etin# stimuli includin# (our ) TT )roducts )rice )lace and )romotion.

8nvironmental stimuli consist economic tecnolo#ical political and cultural. %ll o& 

tese stimuli pass trou# te buyerJs blac, boA and )roduce te buyer )urcase

decision so/n. =n te )roduct coice brand coice dealer coice )urcase

timin# )urcase amount.

!0IN !+*I/ /'+

=ut *ide *timuli$ar,etin#










!uyerJs !lac, boA!uyer 




!uyerJs @esponse)roducts





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)*+ !I)* /, !0IN I'+

$r. Hiren o/ns a bi,e. 'e bi,e causin# or dissatis&actions because o& some de&ects

or troubles in it. He decisions anticipates te idea o& a troubles &ree and dependable

bi,e. He decides not to buy a bi,e o& te same ma,e because o& dissatis&action and

lac, o& con&idence. 'us a tou#t seed about a ne/ bi,e is born in im te

movement e tin,s. I must replace te bi,e te buyin# idea comes up /it te

tou#t in is mind e tin,s o& te bene&it and tis leads to &uture tin,in# /at

sort o& a bi,e /ill #ive te bene&it e /ants. 'e bene&its ma,e t/o desires. He

ma,es te desire. He may bi,e /ic can #ive te desire bene&it. He ma,es

en-uires an.

=bservation trou# tal,in# to is &riends e selects one or t/o possible bi,e. !y

tis e /ants to con&irm is decision about te ma,e e /ises to buy. He reads

advertisement about te ne/ bi,e. He cooses one /it all te possible advanta#e

and /ic is /olly dependable. $r. Hiren is a prospective Customer to dealer.

,C)/S IN,+NCIN C/NS+ !+*I/

(actor in&luencin# te consumer beaviour are internal needs motives perception

and attitude as /ell as eAternal &amily social #roup cultural economic businessin&luences etc.

1. +cono$ics ,actors.

 %n economics &actor o& buyin# beaviour is undisplinary it assumes tat Consumers

are economics. Wen are tey &ollo/ te principle o& maAimiation o& utility based on

te lo/ o& diminisin# $ana#erial utility. %s economic /en consumer evaluations

rationally te alternative in terms o& cost and value received. 'ey try to maAimie

teir utility or satis&actory /ile spendin# tem scarce resources o& time ener#y and


2. Ps(choogica ,actors

)sycolo#y as contributed muc to te mar,ers to understand te buyerJs

psycolo#y eAplains o/ consumers learn about a product and o/ tey can recall

&rom te memory. 'e development o& buyin# abits tis includes te &ollo/in#


a) Motive:- 

 % buyin# motive is te reason /y a person buys a particular products. It is

te drivin# &orce beind buyin# beaviour and may be based on psycolo#ical or 

psycolo#ical /ant mar,eters are in rested in patrona#e motives suc as storeloyalty and brand loyalty.


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b) Perception:- 

)erception causes te beaviour in a certain /ay perception in&luences tis

beaviour. It #ives direction to te ta,en by te beaviour. It te meanin# /e

ave on te bases on our past dependence.

c) Learning:- 

Kearnin# re&ers to can#es in beaviour brou#t about by practice or 

eAperience. %lmost every timin# one does or timin# is learned product &eatures

suc as price -uality services brand pac,in# etc. %ct as ints in&luencin#

consumerJs response.

d) Attitude:- 

 %ttitude is a state o& mind o& &illin#s it includes a per disposition to beave in

source /ay. %ttitude core very important in eAplainin# buyerJs beaviour. %

can#e in attitude leads to can#es purcasin# attitude and modi&y buyer 

beaviour ,no/led#e o& consumer attitude can product redesi#nin# pac,a#es

and developin# and evaluatin# promotional pro#rams.

e) Personality:- 

In #eneral perception attitude belie& lead collectively to a consistent response

by te individual to is environment. 'is consistent pattern or beaviour is

termed as personality its primary teacers are sel&concept role and level o& 


3. Socia ,actors

'is includes te &ollo/in# &actorsP

a) Family:- 

$ost consumers belon# to a &amily #roup. 'e &amily can eAert considerable

in&luence in sapin# te pattern o& consumption and indicatin# te decision

ma,in# role personal value attitude and buyin# abits ave been saped by

&amily in&luences.

b) Reference Group:- 'e small #roup to /ic te buyer belon#s in&luence buyer beaviour. %

uman bein# is considered as a social animal spendin# muc o& is or er li&e in

#roup situation #roup norms direct attention o& its member to a ne/ style o& a


c) Social lass:- 

 %s a predictor o& consumption patterns mar,etin# mana#ement is &amiliar /it

social classes consumers buyin# beaviour is determined by te social class to

/ic tey cespires rater tan by teir income belon#. )roudly spea,in# /eave distant social classesJ upper middle and lo/er classes usually stress


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rationality eAibit sense o& coice ma,in# /ereas consumers o& 

lo/er classes ave essentially no rational purcases and so/ limited sense o& 

coice ma,in#. 'e tree social classes /ill ave di&&erences in te stress tey

patronie. 'e ma#aines tey read and abuttin# and &urniture tey select social

class may act as one criterion &or mar,et se#mentation.

d) ulture:- 

 % culture is as distinctive /ay o& li&e o& a #roup o& people teir complete desi#n

&or livin# it is te man made pan or manJs environment te sum total o& is

,no/led#e. !elie& morals customers. %rt la/s etc it includes te attitude and

values o& a /ole society and a&&ects te /ays in /ic /e do tin#s see tuniy

use tin#s and ud#e tin#s in every culture. 8uropean culture %merican culture

etc. $ar,etin# strate#ies can developed &or eac culture separately.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes


'e process consists include &ollo/in# stepP

@eco#nition o& an unsatis&ied need

Identi&ication o& alternatives

8valuation o& alternatives

)urcase Decision

)ost purcase decision

1. ecognition o# an unsatis#ied need:-

Wen a person as an unsatis&ied need te buyin# process be#ins to satis&y te

needs #enerally te unsatis&ied need leads to tension. 'e nature o& te /ant

indicates te speed /it /ic a person moves to &ul&ill te unsatis&ied /ant /ic is

o& i# pressin# need on te basis o& need and its ur#ency &orms te order o& pointy.

2. Identi#ication o# ternati%es:-

Di&&erent alternatives are available in te mar,et te consumer must ,no/ te brand

o& te product /ic #ives maAimum satis&action and te person as to source out

&or relevant in&ormation o& te product brand location etc.

3. +%auation o# ternati%es:-

'is is a critical sta#e especially /it re#ard to te costly items consumers ave

di&&erent alternatives. 'e attributes tastes color price durability etc. ave di&&erent

pre&erence te mar,eters must understand tis process.4. Purchase 'ecision:-

!y considerin# te li,es and disli,es o& alternatives one is about to ta,e a decision

as to buy one /ill consider /it re&erence to product type price -uality etc. % seller 

can &acilitate suc consumers to understand te products trou# advertisements.

5. Post Purchase 'ecision:-

(eedbac, in&ormation is important as &or as a seller is concerned. % brand

pre&erence maturely repeats sales to a mar,eter. % satis&ied buyer is a silent

advertisement. % satis&yin# dependence o& a buyer tends to stren#ten te brand



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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes


)*+ +S+C* ,/ C/NS+ P+C+P)I/N !/) PC*SIN *+/ */N' !I;+S



9enderP    $ale    (emale %#eP )one noP


 %ttended scool    *td 12    %ttended colle#e

 9raduate    )ost 9raduate


   *tudent    8Aecutive    Industrialist

   House /i&e    !usiness men    *ervice

   )ro&essional    'rade sop o/n    oter 

1< Wic t/o /eeler motor cycle company you a/are tat presently available in te $ar,et"

a< b< c<

d< e< &<

2< Will you Do you /ant to purcase any H8@= H=GD% !i,e"



3< I& yes tan /ic model do you purcase"

   CDDeluAe    CDDa/n  C!O


 *plendor     )assion    ;arima %mbition    9lamour 

4< Have you planed to purcase any oter !i,e"

 Ses)lease $entioned Company name

 Go ten plannin# &or &our /eeler


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

5< Ho/ did you come to ,no/ about tis H8@= H=GD% !i,e" 

 Ge/s paper     Hoardin#    $a#aine

   %dvertisin#    'elevision    *o/room

banner    =n road     (riend@elative

6< =n /ic speci&ic occasion did you purcase H8@= H=GD% t/o/eeler !i,e" 

=n &estival    9et promotion    !i,e re-uired

   =n birtday    Wen you start ob    /en you #o married

7< Wo promotes you to purcase tis H8@= H=GD% !i,e" 

 (amily member     @elative

 (riend    (or oter

< Do you considered any consumer incentive be&ore purcasin# H8@= H=GD%!i,e" 

 Ses  Go

< Wat important criteria you considered /ile purcasin# te H8@= H=GD% !i,e":$ulti tic, mar,< 

 )rice    %vera#e  )ic, up

 Desi#n  Company ima#e  $aintenance

 CC o& en#ine

1< $ain reason &or you to selectin# tis particular model":@an, any &ive in ascendin# order<

 9ood loo,s stylis    @easonable price

 Ko/ maintenance cost    %uto *tart

 (uel e&&iciency    8n#ine capacity

 )ic, up

11< Sou ad to purcase your !i,e on"

 Cas basis  Corporate buyin#

 Koan &rom ban,  Koan &rom &inancial institute

12< (rom /ere you /ill purcase your !i,e"

 *ivani motors    Dru motors *iddi automobiles


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

13< Sou /ill use tis !i,e mainly &or" :$ultiple 'ic, mar,<

 9oin# /it &amily    9oin# to colle#e 'ravellin# &or &ield /or,    Community /or,

14< %ny comments or su##estion. 



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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

&ue: 1 

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ !rand %/areness o& Hero Honda $otorcycles.


Brand No. of Respondent %

Hero Honda 100 100%

Bajaj 100 100%

Suzuki/Tvs 95 95%

LL 92 92%

!s"or# 85 85%

$#er 90 90%


!ran a/areness is an important &actor no/ days. Hero Honda and !aa ave a

1L brand a/areness /ic is become competitive advanta#e &or tem. =ter 

!i,e manu&acturer as sli#t less brand a/areness /ic tey can increase by

promotional activities and -uality service.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

&ue: 2

/bjecti%e: 'o ;no/ (uture )urcaser o& Hero Honda $otorcycles.

Detail No. of Respondents Percentage&es 65 65%

 'o 45 45%

Total 100 100%


65L o& respondents /ant to purcase Hero Honda !i,es in &uture. It means Hero

Honda as a #ood &uture aspects and can sell more bi,es tan competitors mainly

!aa. 45L o& respondents donJt /ant to Hero Honda !i,es and tey pre&er oter bi,es. Hero Honda can attract tose customers by providin# tem oter bene&its.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

&ue: 3

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ /ic model o& Hero Honda bi,es ese /ants to purcase.

Model No. of Respondents %

()*)e+u,e 7 10-76%()*)o.n 3 4-61%

S+endor 18 27-69%

+aour 7 10-77%

assion 19 29-23%

(B 8 12-31%

ariza 2 3-07%

i#ion 1 1-54%

Total 6 100.00%


(rom te above cart /e conclude tat consumer purcase passion and splendor 

bi,es. %&ter tat C!O comes /ic is stylis and po/er&ul bi,e more pre&erred by

youn#sters. =ter !i,es ave not muc demand because CDDeluAe and CDDa/n

are &or lo/er middle class and ;arima is &or Hi#er ?pper class bi,es. 9lamour and

 %mbition &ails in $ar,et and ave not muc demand and company introduce ne/

model o& #lamour /ic increase te #lamour demand to around 11L.

&ue: 4


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ &uture demand &or oter bi,es manu&acturer.

Brand No. of Respondent %

Bajaj 27 60%Suzuki/Tvs 8 17-78%

LL 3 6-66%

!s"or# 2 4-44%

$#er 5 11-11%

Total ! 100%


In oter companyJs !i,e purcaser most sare :6L< is covered by !aa %uto /ic

as also 1L brand a/areness and a maor competitor o& Hero Honda. =ter bi,e

manu&acturers are avin# very less percent o& &uture prospects and tey ave to

come /it #ood -uality consumer pre&erred bi,es to compete in te mar,et.

&ue: 5

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ te media by /ic consumer come to ,no/ about bi,es.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

edia Pre!erred b" #espondents

Media No. of Respondents %

 'e.s aer 19 19%Hoardin 6 6%

aazine 3 3%

Te+evision 22 22%

So.roo Banner 7 7%

$n oad 18 18%

riend/e+a#ive 25 25%

Total 100 100%


$ost important media by /ic consumers come to ,no/ about !i,es are television

and Ge/s )apers /it 22L and 1L respectively. 'ey are most e&&ective source to

advertise and promote ne/ and eAistin# models o& bi,es &or Hero Honda and oter 

!i,e $anu&acturer.

&ue: 6

/bjecti%e: 'o a/are about te time /ic customer uses to purcase !i,e.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

Ti"e No. of Respondents %

$n es#iva+ 18 18%

e# roo#ion 11 11%Bike e:uired 41 41%

$n Bir#da; 6 6%

<en ;ou s#ar# jo 16 16%

<en ;ou o arried 8 8%

Total 100 100%


$ost peoples purcase bi,es /en tey ave needed to purcase !i,e. $any

people purcase bi,es /en tey start ob :16L< or #et promotion in ob :11L<. =n

&estival also many consumer purcase bi,es to ta,e advanta#es o& promotional


&ue: <

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ tat /o a&&ects te most /ile ta,in# te purcase decision.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

Detail No of Respondents Percentage

ai+; eer 30 30%

riends 25 25%

e+a#ives 15 15%So. oo/ )ea+er 10 10%

as# =sers 20 20%

Total 100 100%


In purcasin# decisions many peoples ta,e part especially in te cases o& costly and

durable product li,e !i,e. $any people a&&ect te consumersJ decision o& purcase.

In tose &amily members :3L< &riends :25L< )ast ?sers :2L< Dealers :1L<and relatives :15L< a&&ect te consumersJ decision.

&ue: =

/bjecti%e: 'o a/are about te e&&ect o& promotional sceme on consumer.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

Affect #$ ncenti&es No. of Respondents Percentage

&es 85 85%

 'o 15 15%

Total 100 100% 


 %s per above cart consumers are purcases bi,es /en tey #et promotion

incentives &or purcasin# !i,es. 5L o& consumers a&&ect by te promotional

scemes and incentives and purcase bi,e /en tey #et more incentives. 15L o& 

consumers are not /ait &or incentive sceme and ma,e purcase o& !i,e /itout any

incentive eApectation.

&ue: >

/bjecti%e: 'o a/are about te purcasin# criteria &or purcasin# Hero Honda !i,e.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

(ri#eria 'o- o> esonden#s er"en#ae

ri"es 14 14%

verae 23 23%

i"ku 18 18%)esin 9 9%

(oan; iae 17 17%

ain#enan"e 12 12%

(( o> !nine 7 7%

Total 100 100%


Wile purcasin# bi,e consumers considers a number o& criteriaJs suc as price

avera#e company ima#e maintenance cost etc. %vera#e is most important criteria&or purcase bi,e /it 23L a&ter tat comes company ima#e :17L< )ic, up :1L<

and price :14L<.

&ue: 18

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ te reason &or purcasin# Hero Honda !i,e.

easons 'o- o> esonden#s er"en#ae


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

ood +ooks/ s#;+is 13 13%

easona+e ri"e 26 26%

Lo. ain#enan"e

"os# 11 11%

ue+ e>>i"ien"; 19 19%

u#o S#ar# 15 15%

!nine "aa"i#; 9 9%

i"k u 7 7%

Total 100 100%


 %s above mentioned consumer loo,s &or many tin#s be&ore purcasin# !i,e. 26Lo& consumer loo,s &or reasonable price bi,e /ile 1L o& consumer loo,s &or &uele&&icient bi,e. 15L /ant %uto start bi,e and >3L /ant stylis bi,e. 11L ave lo/maintenance cost is important /ereas L so/s en#ine capacity and7L so/s pic, up o& !i,e.

&ue: 11

/bjecti%e: 'o a/are purcase pattern o& consumer o& ero Honda !i,es.

Detail No. of Respondents Percentage


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

(as Basis 54 54%

Loan >ro Bank 26 26%

Loan >ro >inan"ia+ ?ns#i#u#e 15 15%

(orora#e Bu;in 5 5%Total 100 100%



)urcase pattern is important &actor &or bi,e dealers as many people /ants purcase

bi,e /it cas /ereas many purcase /it loan &rom ban, or &inancial institute and

ta,e advanta#e o& installment payment. Here more respondents /ant to purcase

/it cas :54L<.

&ue: 12

/bjecti%e: 'o ,no/ te location &rom /ic consumer purcase Hero Honda !i,es.


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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

S'o( Roo"s No. of Bi)e P*rc'ased Percentage

Sivani o#ors 24 24%

)ruu#o 47 47%

Siddi u#o 29 29%Total 100 100%


Consumer purcase &rom te location /ic is more bene&ited to im suc as near to

ouse or more -uality a&ter sales provides. 47L o& Hero Honda !i,e consumer o& 

*urat City purcases bi,es &rom te Dru%uto /ereas 2L &rom *iddi %uto and

24L &rom *ivani motors.

&ue: 13

/bjecti%e: 'o a/are about te purpose o& !i,e purcased by te consumer o& Hero



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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

Detail No. of Respondents Percentrage

oin .i# ai+; 24 16-78%

oin #o (o++ee 17 11-89%

Trave+in >or >ie+d .ork 47 32-87%

(ouni#; .ork 55 38-46%

Total 1!+ 100.00%


!i,es are use&ul &or many purposes suc as &or #o to o&&ice colle#e and oter 

places. Hero Honda purcaser use bi,es most &re-uently &or community /or, :3L<

and o&&ice use :32L<. Consumer purcase bi,e &or colle#e #oin# use is




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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

1. %bout 22L 1L 25L @espondents are come to ,no/ about te Hero Honda

&rom 'elevision Ge/s )aper and (riend@elatives.

2. 'e Criteria o& *elect te Hero Honda $otorcycle te $ost o& te *ervice man

'rade sop =/ner and !usiness man te #ive te importance o& te %vera#e

)ic, up and )rice and also maintenance consideration.

3. %bout 2L 3L 12L respondents /ill purcase splendor )assion and C!O

respectively produced by te Hero Honda Company.

4. %bout 6L respondents /ill )urcase a !aa $otorcycle 1L respondents /ill

purcase a *uu,i 'E* $otorcycle and 11L respondents /ill )urcase oter 

!i,es i& tey /onJt purcase Hero Honda.

5. $ost o& @espondents )urcase a $otorcycle on bi,e re-uired and &estival and

students pre&erred it to buy /en tey start 0ob.



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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

1. Hero Honda co. is su##ested to ma,e improvement in teir veicle considerin#

te C.C. and $aintenance cost occur a&ter sales.

2. Company and dealer are su##ested to concentrate on advertisin# print $edia li,e

Hoardin# $a#aines and advertin# !anner. *o it can elp bot tem to

increases teir sales.

3. Go. o& Competitors entered in te mar,et so Consumers are si&tin# to/ards

oters. *o company is su##ested to more concentrate on consumer by creatin#

more dealers in city. Dealers are advise to provide better -uality a&ter sales

service to retain consumer and &or mout publicity.

4. 'e company sould come out /it its o/n &inancial company and provide

attractive &inance li,e Ko/ do/n payment lo/ rate o& interest to attract




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Consumer Perception About Hero Honda Bikes

 %&ter te completin# my researc on te topic o& 'e researc o& consumer 

)erception %bout purcasin# Hero Honda !i,e it concluder tat Customer 

satis&action is te one maor part o& te buyin# beaviour consumer needs arise timeto time and its can#es time to time.

Company as to !uild stron# brand a/areness and credibility amon# its customers.

It is #ood &or Hero Honda tat maorities o& people are a/are about its brand tat

Hero Honda as earned enou# to ,eep conditions contact /it customer mar,et

and to constantly carry out @ D in production o& t/o /eeler and mar,etin# te

same to te di&&erent destination. 'ey try to produces suc veicles tat attract te
