Henry Ford

Henry Ford Biography and Contribution QUICK FACTS NAME Henry Ford BIRTH DATE July 30, 1863 DEATH DATE  April 7, 1947 EDUCATIN Goldsmith, Bryant !tratton Business "olle#e in $etroit !"ACE F BIRTH %ayne "ounty, &i'hi#an !"ACE F DEATH $ear(orn, &i'hi#an


other man who build america

Transcript of Henry Ford

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Henry Ford Biography and Contribution



Henry Ford


July 30, 1863


 April 7, 1947


Goldsmith, Bryant !tratton Business "olle#e in $etroit


%ayne "ounty, &i'hi#an


$ear(orn, &i'hi#an

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)ne o* Ameri'a+s *oremost industrialists, Henry Ford reolutioni-ed assem(ly.line modes o* produ'tion *or the automo(ile/

!ynopsisBorn on July 30, 1863, near Dearborn, Michigan, Henry Ford created the Ford Model T car in

1908 and went on to deelo! the a""e#bly line #ode o$ !roduction, which reolutioni%ed the

indu"try& '" a re"ult, Ford "old #illion" o$ car" and beca#e a world($a#ou" co#!any head& The

co#!any lo"t it" #ar)et do#inance but had a la"ting i#!act on other technological deelo!#ent

and *&+& in$ra"tructure&

arly i*e

Fa#ed auto#obile #anu$acturer Henry Ford wa" born on July 30, 1863, on hi" $a#ily" $ar# in-ayne .ounty, near Dearborn, Michigan& -hen Ford wa" 13 year" old, hi" $ather gi$ted hi# a

 !oc)et watch, which the young boy !ro#!tly too) a!art and rea""e#bled& Friend" and neighbor"

were i#!re""ed, and re/ue"ted that he $i their ti#e!iece" too&

*n"ati"t$ied with $ar# wor), Ford le$t ho#e the $ollowing year, at the age o$ 16, to ta)e an

a!!rentice"hi! a" a #achini"t in Detroit& n the year" that $ollowed, he would learn to ")ill$ully

o!erate and "erice "tea# engine", and would al"o "tudy boo))ee!ing&

arly "areer 

n 1888, Ford #arried .lara 'la Bryant and brie$ly returned to $ar#ing to "u!!ort hi" wi$e and

"on, 2d"el& But three year" later, he wa" hired a" an engineer $or the 2di"on llu#inating

.o#!any& n 1893, hi" natural talent" earned hi# a !ro#otion to chie$ engineer&

'll the while, Ford deelo!ed hi" !lan" $or a hor"ele"" carriage, and in 1896, he con"tructed hi"

$ir"t #odel, the Ford uadricycle& -ithin the "a#e year, he attended a #eeting with 2di"on

eecutie" and $ound hi#"el$ !re"enting hi" auto#obile !lan" to Tho#a" 2di"on& The lighting

geniu" encouraged Ford to build a "econd, better #odel&

Ford Motor Co#pany

'$ter a $ew trial" building car" and co#!anie", in 1903, Henry Ford e"tabli"hed the Ford Motor.o#!any& Ford introduced the Model T in 4ctober o$ 1908, and $or "eeral year", the co#!any !o"ted 100 !ercent gain"&

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Howeer, #ore than $or hi" !ro$it", Ford beca#e renowned $or hi" reolutionary i"ion5 the#anu$acture o$ an ine!en"ie auto#obile #ade by ")illed wor)er" who earn "teady wage"&

n 191, he "!on"ored the deelo!#ent o$ the #oing a""e#bly line techni/ue o$ #a""

 !roduction& +i#ultaneou"ly, he introduced the 7(!er(day wage 7110 in :011; a" a #ethod o$

)ee!ing the be"t wor)er" loyal to hi" co#!any& +i#!le to drie and chea! to re!air, hal$ o$ allcar" in '#erica in 1918 were Model T"&

!hi$o%ophy& !hi$anthropy and Anti'Se#iti%#

Fro# a "ocial !er"!ectie, Henry Ford" wa" #ar)ed by "ee#ingly contradictory iew!oint"& n bu"ine"", Ford o$$ered !ro$it "haring to "elect e#!loyee" who "tayed with the co#!any $or "i#onth" and, #o"t i#!ortant, who conducted their lie" in a re"!ectable #anner&

The co#!any" <+ocial De!art#ent< loo)ed into an e#!loyee=" drin)ing, ga#bling andotherwi"e uncouth actiitie" to deter#ine eligibility $or !artici!ation& Ford wa" al"o an ardent !aci$i"t and o!!o"ed -orld -ar , een $unding a !eace "hi! to 2uro!e& >ater, in 1936, Ford andhi" $a#ily e"tabli"hed the Ford Foundation to !roide ongoing grant" $or re"earch, education anddeelo!#ent& But de"!ite the"e !hilanthro!ic leaning", Ford wa" al"o a co##itted anti(+e#ite,going a" $ar a" to "u!!ort a wee)ly new"!a!er, The Dearborn nde!endent, which $urthered "uchiew"&

Henry Ford died o$ a cerebral he#orrhage on '!ril ?, 19?, at the age o$ 83, near hi" Dearborne"tate, Fair >ane& Ford, con"idered one o$  '#erica" leading bu"ine""#en, i" credited today $or

hel!ing to build '#erica" econo#y during the nation" ulnerable early year"& Hi" legacy willlie on $or decade" to co#e&

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$etroit, &i'hi#an


&aui, Ha<aii


"harles Au#ustus ind(er#h

"harles ind(er#h


"harles Au#ustus ind(er#h Jr/


Born on Fe(ruary 4, 1905, in $etroit, &i'hi#an, "harles ind(er#h 'ompleted the *irst

solo transatlanti' *li#ht in his plane, Spirit of St. Louis/ 2n 1935, his 50.month.old son

<as =idnapped/ ;he ind(er#hs paid the >?0,000 ransom, (ut sadly their son+s dead

(ody <as *ound in the near(y <oods <ee=s later/ ;he eents made <orld ne<s and

added to ind(er#h+s *ame/ ind(er#h died in &aui, Ha<aii, in 1974/

arly i*e

Born "harles Au#ustus ind(er#h Jr/ on Fe(ruary 4, 1905, in $etroit, &i'hi#an, "harles

ind(er#h (e'ame *amous *or ma=in# the *irst solo transatlanti' airplane *li#ht in 1957/

Be*ore he too= to the s=ies, ho<eer, ind(er#h <as raised on a *arm in &innesota and

the son o* a la<yer and a 'on#ressman/

ind(er#h studied me'hani'al en#ineerin# at the niersity o* %is'onsin (e*ore leain#

s'hool to pursue his interest in *li#ht/ He <ent to in'oln, @e(ras=a, <here he made his

*irst solo *li#ht in 1953/ ind(er#h (e'ame a (arnstormer, or a daredeil pilot,

per*ormin# at *airs and other eents/ He enlisted in the /!/ Army in 1954 and trained

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as an Army Air !eri'e esere pilot/ He later <or=ed as an airmail pilot, *lyin# (a'=

and *orth (et<een !t/ ouis and "hi'a#o

First !olo ;ransatlanti' Fli#ht

2n the 1950s, hotel o<ner aymond )rtei# <as o**erin# a pri-e o* >5?,000 to the *irst

pilot to ma=e the ourney *rom @e< Cor= to aris <ithout ma=in# any stops/ ind(er#h

<anted to <in this 'hallen#e and enlisted the support o* some !t/ ouis (usinessmen/

!eeral others had tried and *ailed, (ut this didn+t deter him/ ind(er#h too= o** *rom

ooseelt Field in on# 2sland, @e< Cor=, on &ay 50, 1957/ Flyin# a monoplane named

!pirit o* !t ouis, he 'rossed the Atlanti' )'ean/

ind(er#h landed at e Bour#uet Field near aris a*ter 33/? hours in the air/ $urin# his#round(rea=in# trip, he had traeled more than 3,600 miles/ pon his arrial, ind(er#h

<as <el'omed (y more than 100,000 people <ho 'ame to see aiation history in the

ma=in#/ A*ter his darin# *eat, lar#e 'ro<ds enthusiasti'ally #reeted <hereer he <ent/

ind(er#h re'eied many presti#ious honors, in'ludin# the $istin#uished Flyin# "ross

medal *rom resident "alin "oolid#e/

ind(er#h dedi'ated mu'h o* his time to promotin# the *ield o* aiation/ ;raelin#

around the 'ountry, he *le< his *amous plane to di**erent 'ities <here he #ae spee'hes

and parti'ipated in parades/ ;he pu(li' 'ouldn+t #et enou#h o* ind(er#h .. his (oo= on

the le#endary *li#ht entitled We 1957 (e'ame a (est seller/ @i'=named Du'=y indyD

and D;he one a#le,D he (e'ame an international 'ele(rity and he tried to use that

*ame to help aiation and other 'auses he (elieed in/

$urin# a trip to atin Ameri'a, he met Anne &orro< in &eEi'o <hom he <ed in 1959/

;he neEt year he tau#ht her ho< to *ly a plane, and the t<o enoyed the pria'y that

*lyin# a**orded them/ ;o#ether they 'harted routes *or 'ommer'ial air trael around the


!ee=in# a li*e a<ay *rom the spotli#ht, ind(er#h and his <i*e <ent to lie on an estate

in Hope<ell, @e< Jersey/ ;he 'ouple started a *amily <ith the (irth o* their *irst 'hild,

"harles Au#ustus, Jr/ At only 50 months old, the (oy <as =idnapped *rom their home in

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1935/ ;he 'rime made headlines around the <orld/ ;he ind(er#hs paid the >?0,000

ransom, (ut sadly their son+s dead (ody <as *ound in the near(y <oods <ee=s later/

;he poli'e tra'ed the ransom money to Bruno Hauptmann, a 'arpenter <ith a 'riminal

re'ord, and arrested him *or the 'rime/ ;o 'ompound ind(er#h+s #rie*, the ensuin# trial

o* his son+s a''used =iller (e'ame a media *ren-y/ Hauptmann <as 'oni'ted and later

eEe'uted in 1936/

;o es'ape the 'onstant media attention, the 'ouple moed to urope, liin# in n#land

and then Fran'e/ Around this time, ind(er#h did some s'ienti*i' resear'h, inentin# an

early type o* arti*i'ial heart <ith a Fren'h sur#eon/ He also 'ontinued his <or= in

aiation, serin# on the (oard o* dire'tors *or an.Ameri'an %orld Air<ays and a'tin#

as a spe'ial adisor at times/ ind(er#h <as inited to tour German aiation *a'ilities (y

@a-i leader Hermann Grin# and <as impressed (y <hat he sa</

"on'erned that German air po<er <as un(eata(le, ind(er#h (e'ame inoled <ith the

 Ameri'a First )r#ani-ation, <hi'h ado'ated that the nited !tates stay neutral in the

<ar in urope/ His position on the <ar, eroded his pu(li' support, and some (elieed

that he had @a-i sympathies/ A*ter the atta'= on earl Har(or, ho<eer, ind(er#h

(e'ame a'tie in the <ar e**ort, <or=in# <ith Henry Ford on (om(ers and a'tin# as an

adisor and test pilot *or nited Air'ra*t

Final Cears

 A*ter the <ar, ind(er#h <rote seeral (oo=s, in'ludin# Of Flight and Life1948

and The Spirit of St. Louis 19?3, <hi'h <on the 19?4 ulit-er ri-e *or Bio#raphy or

 Auto(io#raphy/ He also lo((ied *or enironmental preseration/ 2n his later years, he

and his <i*e moed to the Ha<aiian island o* &aui/

ind(er#h died o* 'an'er on Au#ust 56, 1974, in his remote &aui home/ He <as

suried (y his <i*e and *ie liin# 'hildren Jon, and, Anne, !'ott and eee/ eports

sur*a'ed in 5003 that he had three other 'hildren <ith a German <oman <ith <hom he

reportedly had a lon#.term a**air/

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$espite any personal 'ontroersies, ind(er#h is 'redited <ith helpin# to usher in the

a#e o* 'ommer'ial aiation/ His in'redi(le a'ts o* 'oura#e 'ontinue to inspire others/

His #randson, ri= ind(er#h, re'reated the *li#ht that made his #rand*ather *amous in
