Health U05 First Aid & CPR

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Unit 5 review for Ms. Sheila Berg's Health students at ISMN

Transcript of Health U05 First Aid & CPR

  • 1. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Coming Up HEALTHUnit 05: FIRST AID & CPRSection A: Adult and Child CPRSection B: First Aid Section C: Special Situations and SafetyINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG

2. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTHINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 3. Recap Intro Section A Section B Quiz Time Upcomingek :st WeaD ue LPlease see ourHEALTH course calendar/schedulefor a list of assignments & due dates. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 4. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTH Section A: Adult and Child CPRINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 5. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming OBJECTIVES Explain the proper procedures to use in administering CPR. Explain the proper procedures to use in administering abdominalthrusts. HEALTHINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 6. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time UpcomingHEALTHOne of the main organs to suffer from oxygen starvation is the brain,which may sustain damage after 3-4 minutes & INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERGirreversible damage after about 4-6 minutes! 7. Recap Section A Section BSection CQuiz Time UpcomingCPR = Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation CPR is a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths. CPR Steps:HEALTHCheck the scene for safety (Always do this first in any emergency!)1. Check for unresponsiveness.2. Check breath by looking, listening, and feeling for air exchange.3. Call 911!4. Begin CPR:Give 2 breathsIf still not breathing- 30 chest pumps to 2 breaths.(@ 100 per minute.) If still not breathing, continue untilBERGarrives or you areINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA help physically exhausted. Adult CPR is given to individuals older than 8. 8. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time UpcomingCHILD CPR HEALTH Child CPR is given to childrenbetween the ages of 1 and 8. When performing chestcompressions on a child usethe heel of one hand.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 9. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming INFANT CPR Infant CPR is given to babies under the age of 1. HEALTH Infant CPR differs from adult CPR by using fingers instead of the heel of the handto give chest compressions. begin CPR for 2 minutes and then call 911 blowing SHEILA moreINSTRUCTOR: MS.breathsBERG gently. 10. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HIGHLIGHTS Abdominal thrusts (also known as the Heimlich maneuver) are a methodof aiding a choking victim.HEALTH If a choking person is coughing forcefully, you should encourage theperson to keep coughing. Blind finger sweeps are to be avoided in all CPR cases because the foreignobject may be pushed back into the airway. If vomiting occurs during the resuscitation effort, the best procedure is toturn the victim to the side, sweep out the mouth, and resume CPR. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG Chest pain is a sign someone is having a heart attack. 11. Recap Section ASection BSection C Quiz Time UpcomingHIGHLIGHTS I have attached a document to this slide.HEALTH Please use the document wisely. Open the document by clicking on the blue link above & then saving thedocument to your computer. It is also your Class Connect Assignment for Week 5. Please upload the document to the CC Week 5 Assignment dropbox forcredit. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 12. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTHSection B: First AidINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 13. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming OBJECTIVES Describe situations where first aid technique will be used. Explain the conditions for when first aid is applied and the conditions HEALTHand treatments for various injuries. Identify methods of self-protection around the home and in publicplaces.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 14. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming CHOKING An adult with a complete airway obstruction is not able to breathe,speak, or cough.HEALTH If a victim is coughing or wheezing forcefully with a partial airwayobstruction do not interfere, but stay with the victim. Foreign object obstruction to the airway in the adult usually occurswhile eating. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 15. RecapSection ASection B Section CQuiz TimeUpcoming HIGHLIGHTS If you are the first person to arrive on the scene of a medical emergency,the first thing you should do is survey the scene for possible danger toyou or the victim.HEALTHmatches out of reach of young One way to prevent house fires is to keep children. If someone appears to be having a seizure, remove large objects from thearea surrounding him so he wont harm himself. If you believe someone has broken a bone, place padding around thearea. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG Being cautious around wildlife is a way to stay safe while camping. 16. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz TimeComing Up QUIZ TIME!Please use your polling feature to answer the following question: HEALTHYour friend has spilled very hot water on her arm. It is red and blistered.What is the first step you should take? A. Immerse the arm in cold water. B.Apply an ointment.C. Put ice on it. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG D. Wrap it tightly. 17. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz TimeComing Up ANSWER:Please use your polling feature to answer the following question: HEALTHYour friend has spilled very hot water on her arm. It is red and blistered.What is the first step you should take? A. Immerse the arm in cold water. B.Apply an ointment.C.Put ice on it. INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG D. Wrap it tightly. 18. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTHSection C: Special Situations and SafetyINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 19. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming OBJECTIVES Describe situations where first aid technique will be used. Explain the conditions for when first aid is applied and the conditions HEALTHand treatments for various injuries. Identify methods of self-protection around the home and in publicplaces.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 20. RecapSection A Section B Section CQuiz TimeUpcoming AROUND THE HOUSEHEALTH If you get a muscle cramp while swimming, you should relax, float, andmassage the muscle. Keep toxic cleaning supplies in their original containers to preventhousehold poisoning. Wearing a medical alert bracelet or tag is a good choice for who haveINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERGsevere medical problems. 21. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz TimeComing Up QUIZ TIME! Please use your polling feature to answer the following question: HEALTHJavier is four years old. He begins crying and tells you his stomach hurts,his throat burns, and he feels like vomiting. You notice a strange odoron his breath and an empty bottle next to him.What should you do first?A. Call the poison control center. B.Give Javier syrup of ipecac to make him vomit.C. Treat for shock.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERGD. Try to find out what Javier may have swallowed by asking him. 22. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz TimeComing UpANSWER: Please use your polling feature to answer the following question: HEALTHJavier is four years old. He begins crying and tells you his stomach hurts,his throat burns, and he feels like vomiting. You notice a strange odoron his breath and an empty bottle next to him.What should you do first?A. Call the poison control center. B.Give Javier syrup of ipecac to make him vomit.C. Treat for shock.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERGD. Try to find out what Javier may have swallowed by asking him. 23. RecapSection A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming Poison & Shock Poisoning is a challenge because there is not one universal response for poisons.HEALTH Anaphylactic shock may occur when aSHEILA BERG a severe allergic INSTRUCTOR: MS. person has reaction to an environmental factor, such as insect stings or food.Treatment Might Include Adrenaline! 24. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time UpcomingHIGHLIGHTS The first thing that should be done for a collapsed victim of illness oraccident is determine unresponsiveness. HEALTH The first choice method for treating severe bleeding is direct pressure. When any body part has been severed, it is important to place the bodypart in a bag with ice surrounding the outside and transport it to thehospital with the victim. If the compress gets soaked while you are treating bleeding, add acompress to the top of the soaked one.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG A tourniquet should be used ONLY as a last resort! 25. Always wearing a seat beltRecap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTHINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERGA good rule to follow when driving: always wearing a seat belt! 26. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTHINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 27. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Coming Up ek: :eeekii Whhss W eTuue TDDPlease see ourHEALTH course calendar/schedulefor a list of assignments & due dates.INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 28. Recap Section A Section BSection C Quiz Time Coming Up HEALTHTIP: Use the provided chart!TIP: Use the provided chart! Use your LOCAL venues & info for ALL answers!INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 29. Recap Section A Section B Section C Quiz Time Coming Up HEALTHINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 30. Recap Intro Section A Section B Quiz Time Upcoming HEALTHINSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERG 31. RecapSection ASection BSection CQuiz TimeComing Up Class Connect Week 5 Assignment: Class Connect Week 5 Assignment: HEALTH(The Week #6 CC Assignment is in the Week 6 announcement!)For the opportunity to earn Class Connect Assignment credit,you must complete the CC Assignment that was given in this lesson and submit it to the corresponding drop-box. It is the STUDENTS responsibility to complete this assignment INSTRUCTOR: MS. SHEILA BERGjust as with all the assignments. 32. Thank-you for attending class today! Make it a GREAT day!