Hayes, caroline idsn f13 final

Ballantyne Design Houses with the best design elements Interior designers get inspired from Ballantyne 1


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Transcript of Hayes, caroline idsn f13 final

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Houses with the best design elements

Interior designers get inspired from Ballantyne


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Design Thesis

The Queen City has been expanding for many years and Ballantyne is the new place to be. Check out the Country Club, the resort, the neighborhoods, the golf courses, the eating, and the shopping. You never even have to go further than five miles from your house. Ballantyne had one shopping center a decade ago and now has a new store, apartment building, or school popping up. It is a wonderful area to raise your kids or to start a family of your own. These wonderful houses need to be shared with everyone and so do their interior designers.


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About the Author

I am Caroline Hayes and a junior at East Carolina University. I am a cheerleader for East Caroline and a member in Alpha Delta Pi. I enjoy being very busy and having different activities to do besides just school work. Being apart in organizations has always been apart of my life and I feel like they have helped make me the person I am today. I was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. My parents both choose to live in Charlotte because of how quickly it was suppose to grow and the wonderful education programs they had. My parents ended up splitting up and my dad stayed in my childhood house in the South Park area. My mom chose to move out farther from the city and it was probably the best decidion she ever made. .

Ballantyne started off with one shopping center and a few apartment buildings. Now it has grown so much that I never have to leave unless I want to. It was great to grow up in Ballantyne and I hope that I get a chance to raise my family there as well.


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Table of Contents

Elements of Design Line







Principals of Design























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Elements of



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Straight Horizontal Line

Line forms help create the direction and feeling of a design. Therefore, the skillful use of lines are of the utmost importance. Horizontal lines are known for creating the feeling of repose, solidity and strength. In this dinning room the horizontal lines of the wall do just that. The feeling of peace and tranquility is created and is very appropriate for a dinning room where people come to eat and be at ease. Horizontal lines are often used with low straight-lined furniture.



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Straight Vertical Line

Vertical lines create a feeling of height, strength and dignity. All of these feelings are definitely associated with this Ardrey house. The columns on the front and the lines on the door and windows make this house look grant. These vertical lines are creating a since of power just by looking at the exterior of this home.


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Curved Flowing Line

Curved flowing lines give a room a graceful and delicate feeling. Curved lines are found in drapery, rounded and curved furniture, and rounded interior accessories. In this Southampton dinning room the table is rounded at the corners. Also, the chairs are rounded on top and have curved details on them as well. The curved lines in the room make it feel elegant even though it is small.


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Reflective Surface

Every texture has some reflexive qualities even if it is not a reflexive surface. A reflexive surface reflects the light and will brighten up a space. The reflexive surfaces include mirrors, glass, satin, porcelain, and highly shined woods. In this Southampton kitchen the kitchen table and island are highly glossed woods. The kitchen table is able to reflect the natural sun light and the direct light above. The island is able to reflect a little bit of both lights as well. 11

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Non-Reflective Surface

A reflective surface is able to reflect any light and brighten up a space. So, then a non-reflexive surface is not able to reflect any light. A non-reflexive surface is dull such as bricks, concrete, stone, and course wood. On this screened in porch there are bricks all around. The bricks on all three of the walls and the floor help to keep the sunshine and light out of the porch. This would be ideal during the long summer months in Ballantyne. In this house you would be able to enjoy the out side air with out all the bright light. This screened in porch is perfect for morning coffee and summer readings.


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Floor Lamp Lighting

Light is necessary for every room and can truly enhance any type of room. This living room does not normally seem to have that much traffic. The room already has a built in soffit light (which I missed in the photo shoot) which is stationary and can not effectively light up this entire room. Floor lamps allow any homeowner to be flexible and ready for a room change. Here the soffit light is pretty but not very effective for the couch because it is not directly over it. The floor lamps allow the couch to have the deserved lighting when it is needed but can be moved around freely.


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Natural Light

Natural Lighting is light in its purist form. This type of lighting comes from the sun and enters into the house through windows or certain types of doors. In the top right corner the high too kitchen table is almost completely surrounded by windows and hardly need the over head light.


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Task Lighting Task lighting is extra lighting put in a space to be utilized by a specific activity. Task lighting can be used for many things like for preparing food, for working, for reading, writing, or even grooming. Task lighting should be placed where it can be utilized to help a certain task with out creating a glare or shadow. Here the task lamp is set up next a chair with a brief case to help get work completed.


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Direct Complementary Color is dependent on light. Color has a very strong psychological effect on the user. Complementary colors are opposite on the color wheel. There is always a cool and a warm color with contrasting hues together enhances each other. Here in this dinning room a subtle direct complementary color scheme was created. The green walls are hard to miss but the red accents are. The red chair, chandelier, and flowers help pull this room together and not just be a green room but a lovely green room.


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Monochromatic Monochromatic color schemes are created by a single hue, but with different ranges of values and degrees of intensity. This color scheme brings a sense of unity when used properly. Monochromatic schemes often use different textures such as fabric, wood, stone, metal, and glass to add different varieties to the room. With a one color scheme room it is smart to incorporate some contrast. In these too pictures this was used to make the individual pieces stand out. On the top right the mirror frame was painted the exact same color as the walls but since it was a different texture it shows up differently. 19

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Neutral Palette

Neutral colors are grey, white, and black because they are without an identifiable hue. Neutralized colors are some where in-between warm and cool colors. These include the beige, brown, taupe, cream, ivory, off-black and any off-shite. These colors seem to be restful, livable, and supportive and therefore are very important to all of the color scheme. Here a room has been completely done with neutralized colors and is very inviting and welcoming.


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Positive Space

Space is an area found with in an enclosure. A space may include one’s personal space, walls and ceiling in a room, a yard with a fence, or even boundaries for states and countries. A positive space is an area that has something occupying it. So basically in a room where the furniture is a positive space. In this family room there are many different kinds of seats available and many tables around and between the seats.


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Negative Space

Negative space is the exact opposite of positive space. In Negative space if it is empty it is a negative space. Some common negative space is walkways, hallways, and stairs. Here is an example of negative space. The stairs have nothing on them for the safety of humans and for them to function properly.


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Crowding Crowding can occupy very quickly. Crowding happens when there is too much clutter in one area. It could be seating, furniture, or just random things that get moved around. In the picture above the top of

the fireplace has pictures, flowers and objects set neatly. It can be pleasing to the eye or overwhelming. The bottom right picture is similar but set up in the kitchen with interesting utensils.


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etric Design

Design deals with basic structure with color, line, texture and pattern. Geometric design is made up of geometric shapes such as plaids, strips, zigzags, and chevron patterns. In this bed room different plaids were quilted together to make a comforter and pillow cases. The plaid is very welcoming and blends well with the rest of the room. It is a focal point.


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Dynamic shapes are used to imply movement or activity. These lines are used to guide your eye to a certain point or in a certain direction. In the picture above is of the Ballantyne Village shopping center. The fountain is round and in the middle of the walkway. Since the fountain is located in the center it is easy for your eye to look around at what else is going on. Many people meet at the fountain and plan to eat and go shopping in every direction.


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Natural and O

rganic Natural and organic shapes look like they could be in nature and usually flow and curve. Natural and organic shapes sort of mimic what shapes occur in naturally like plants, flowers, water and the ground.


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Natural Form A natural form is based off of something from nature. A natural form can literally be from nature or made to look like something from nature. Here is the Ballantyne country club sign. It is built out of different stones to make it attractive to the eye. The stone wall helps it blend in with the flowers and the greenery around them.


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Geometric Form

Geometric forms are just the basic shapes. This includes cubes, cones, triangles, rectangles, and cylinders. Geometric shapes can be seen all through out Ballantyne country club. Here at this house you can see many of the different shapes displayed her. Triangles, squares, cylinders and cones for the walls of this house. 31

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Abstract Form

In abstract forms the basic shapes are there but they are much more complicated. The point of abstract is to take a know shape and to make it almost unrecognizable. This play ground is in Ballantyne at on of the shopping centers, Blakney. The Playground is pleasing to the eye and has all of the basic playground things like slides, monkey bars, ladders and so much more. 32

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Principals of



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Structural Symmetry Symmetry is when you have a space that you can split down the middle and it will be exactly the same on both sides. Structural Symmetry is when the symmetry will be in the actual structure of the building. The top right picture shows a house from far away and it is easy to

see that it is symmetrical. The bottom picture is a close up of the front porch. Here you can tell that it is exactly symmetrical.


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Visually Asymmetry

Asymmetry is the exact opposite of symmetry. Asymmetrical does not have to be equal on both sides. There is more focused to one side or just different objects balancing each other out. In the picture at the bottom you can see how the objects are not the same on both sides. However, the counter is still balanced.


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Radial Balance Radial balance is when there is a center spot of focal point of a room. Once that spot has been found everything moves away from it in a pattern that reflects the same on either side and in a circle. It is very common to see round tables and round lights be the center focal point. Here the chandelier starts it off and the table , columns, ceiling and chair arrangements follow out in a circular pattern.


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Unity Through Color

Harmony can only occur when all of the element and principals work together. Harmony is a unique blend of variety and unity. Everything looks best in an interior when the furniture, colors, textures, window treatments, flooring, and accessories complement each other and agree. Unity through color means that the room has a color scheme. The color scheme is Neutralized because of the majority of the beiges and browns.


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Variety T

hrough Materials

Variety through materials is when a room has harmony with all of the elements and principals but still managed to have a big range of variety with the materials. In this picture there is a camouflage marble over the fireplace, surrounded by wood ,on a beige wall, with two crystal statues, and a buck over it all. Getting all of these different materials to co-exist on one wall in harmony is amazing.


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Unity Through Line

Line is very important to Harmony. It is usually one of the first things you notice in a room. In the dinning room all of the furniture has curved lines. The table has rounded corners and the chairs are rounded off as well. The decorative bowls are round and so are the ornaments in them.


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Structural Focal Point

The focal point of a room is what the eye is first drawn too. A structural focal point is when it is built into the building. For example in the picture above the fireplace is the focal point of the room. The deer above it is just a decoration because all of the focus goes to the fireplace and then upwards to the deer.


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Visual Focal Point

A visual focal point is what ever draws the attention when first looking at a room. In this case there is a lot of furniture going on. But the majority of the furniture is either black or very dark, except for the crème and brown chairs. The visual focal point of this room are the crème and brown chairs. 44

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Actual Density

Actual density is when something looks heavy and it actually is heavy. Density is something that has a lot of mass to it. The picture below is a picture of actual density because the dividing wall is actual a fire place and is made out of stone.


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Rhythm helps the eye move easily around the room in order to create a flowing feeling. Repetition can be displayed in a house in many different ways; by repeating color, pattern, texture, line, light, or form. Here in this room the repeating color is of white and grays. When first looking at the room it seems very harsh and rigid because it is the majority one color, but once you notice the details in the furniture this room is truly soft and inviting. This room is set up this way to be welcoming and the touch of pink makes it that much better.



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Climatic Climatic rhythm is ordinary rhythm but it has exciting pieces in it. For instance, This dinning room table. The table its self has art work painted on it and made to look almost rustic. The six white chairs have the same feeling as the table but they are white. They still blend with the style but are not traditionally matching. The two chairs on the end are over sized for the table but still work with the room because it fits the style. Climatic rhythm looks great when done properly.


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Transition rhythm is a type of repetition that is found through curved lines. The curved lines help the eye be carries over architectural elements. In this bathroom there are many sharp straight edges. The drapes take away the attention from the window and help hide where the two walls meet. Because of the drapes a curved line was brought in and is helping this bathroom flow from the different sections. With out them the big window and corner could have pulled all of the designs hard work away from this beautiful bathroom.




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Out of proportion occurs when objects are not human scale, either being to big or to small. This room seems to be fairly large since two girls are sharing it yet it looks over whelmed by the bed frames. These bed frames are larger than human scale (which can be fine) but on top of a human scaled rug is over powering. The other furniture in the room is human scaled and some of it seems to be made specifically for children making the proportions even more drastic.

Not in…

Proportion http://www.seabrookwa.com/files/blog/Studio-M-Interior-Design-5.jpg


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Being in proportion is when the furniture and objects are fitting for the given space. In some cases this is based off of human scale and at other times it does not. If the space is based off of human scale than the objects and furniture should be based off of it as well. In this entry/hallway the chest, chair and all of the objects around them were set to the proportion of the space they are in.

Objects in Proportion



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Human Scale

Human Scale is very important when designing a room. In this Ballantyne playroom it was set up perfectly. The room is very large and has high ceilings. The room its self could have had larger furniture but the designer choose not to because of the people who will be using this room the most; children. By bringing in the clustered picture frames it ties the room together and not seem empty. The colors are all tided together and the room is set to human scale.






















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Symbolic Scale Symbolic scale refers to something being much bigger than human scale and bigger than human use. The Ballantyne arches have been around since the area was being developed. These four arches were not made for human use and there fore are not made to human scale. These arches serve a greater purpose and let everyone know who seems them that they are in Ballantyne.


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References Photos By: Caroline Hayes

All photos from: Charlotte, NC Ballantyne area

Other sources http://astudyincontrasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/LR01(pp_w949_h632).jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_uZHTq9Z_g9k/TGnejp86q0I/AAAAAAAAALo/OvacdEjvgdY/s320/proportion_house+beautiful2.jpg http://www.seabrookwa.com/files/blog/Studio-M-Interior-Design-5.jpg http://tours.tourfactory.com/tours/media/scene/big2/00/18/86/55/18865551.jpg http://www.styleathome.com/img/photos/biz/sah/interiors-vintage-whites-MED.jpg