Everbody can DIET- CHAINGING your life is difficult

Status: Confidentiality: Author(s): Version: Final 1.0 Alessandro Palermo Everybody Can DIET - Changing Your LIFE Is Difficult WHY making HEALTH your priority is a GREAT idea and HOW TO do it.

Transcript of Everbody can DIET- CHAINGING your life is difficult







Alessandro Palermo

Everybody Can DIET - Changing Your LIFE Is Difficult WHY making HEALTH your priority is a GREAT idea and HOW TO do it.

2 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me


Overweight/ Obesity: Facts Definition Cause Consequences Solution (to a global problem)

Why am I so soft in the middle Or How did I get here? Putting it together – Action Plan

10 Rules of good Nutrition PN Plate Calorie Control 5 Habit Cheat Sheet 21 Superfoods 3 Prep Strategies Minimum Effective Dose

3 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

FACTS: Overweight and Obesity

Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. • In 2014, more than 1.9 billion

adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese.

• Overall, about 13% of the world’s adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese in 2014.

• 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2014, and 13% were obese.

• Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight.

42 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2013.

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Definition: What is "overweight" and "obesity"?

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

BMI provides the most useful population-level measure of overweight and obesity as it is the same for both sexes and for all ages of adults. However, it should be considered a rough guide because it may not correspond to the same degree of fatness in different individuals. (explanation Slide 12)

The WHO definition is:

• a BMI ≥ 25 is

overweight • a BMI ≥ 30 is


5 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Cause: Causes of Overweight and Obesity?

The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Globally, there has been:

an increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat; and an increase in physical inactivity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transportation, and increasing urbanization.

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Consequences: Common Health Issues

Raised BMI is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as:

cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), which were the leading cause of death in 2000-2012; Diabetes; musculoskeletal disorders (esp-ecially osteoarthritis - a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints); some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon). The risk for these noncommunicable diseases increases, with an increase in BMI.

Presentation Notes
SIDENOTE: Childhood obesity is associated with a higher chance of obesity, premature death and disability in adulthood. But in addition to increased future risks, obese children experience breathing difficulties, increased risk of fractures, hypertension, early markers of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and psychological effects.

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Solutions: Reducing Overweight and Obesity – How?

Overweight and obesity, as well as their related non communicable diseases, are largely preventable. 1. At the individual level, people can:

limit energy intake from total fats and sugars; increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts; engage in regular physical activity (60 minutes a day for children and 150 minutes per week for adults).

2. The food industry can play a significant role in promoting healthy diets by: reducing the fat, sugar and salt content of processed foods; ensuring that healthy and nutritious choices are available and affordable to all consumers; practicing responsible marketing especially those aimed at children and teenagers; ensuring the availability of healthy food choices and supporting regular physical activity practice in the workplace.

Show of hands: Who wants the food industry taking charge of this decision for you?

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"Why am I soft in the middle?...

…When the rest of my life is so hard!" Paul Simon

So why does maintaining a healthy weight get tougher as we age? Most people eat less as they age - to compensate for moving less at their desk jobs - their activity levels generally decrease more than their energy intakes. And with less activity than food, fat gain is inevitable – even if they don’t “feel” like they’re overeating!

The Problem: Decreasing Activity Levels = Muscle Loss

Researchers have determined that, starting between the ages of 25 and 30, most people lose roughly 5 to 10 pounds of lean body mass during each decade of life. The average person, who becomes less active and, consequently, loses muscle, experiences a 20 to 25 percent reduction in 24-hour metabolism by age 65. This adds up to a daily metabolic drop of more than 500 calories from age 25 to 65.

Presentation Notes
As muscle is a metabolically active tissue. That means that in addition to burning calories to move your skeleton through space, it also burns calories to maintain itself. Age-related muscle loss can cripple your metabolism.

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How did I get here? Most Common Issues

Nearly 10,000 people took the survey. While adults of all ages answered, most respondents were between the ages of 25 and 44.



Presentation Notes
Men: Kids. Careers. Commutes. Life can feel really demanding. And, like it or not, you’re getting older.

10 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

You’re not totally happy with how you look and


You know you need accountability you just

don’t have any.

How did I get here? 3 Key Facts

You’re busier than you’ve ever been and struggling

to stay healthy and fit.

In short: You’re taking care of everyone and everything else. But when it comes to health, fitness, and nutrition,

you don’t have someone in your corner helping you succeed.

Job, Kids, Mortgage, Debt, Wife, Family, etc.

Desk Lunch Who holds you responsible?

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How did I get here? Knowledge Is Not Enough

First Instinct: Seeking out more knowledge.

BUT 72% agreed: more information doesn’t

help getting in better shape!!! Unfortunately it seems,

knowledge isn’t enough. BUT

An Action Plan seems to be the solution.

Here are some

"Actionable Things" you can do to change your LIFE…


Presentation Notes
Information Overload, Analysis Paralysis, Logistic Problems….

12 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: An Action Plan

ONE: 10 Rules of Good Nutrition

TWO: Optimal Plate

THREE: Portion Control

FOUR: "5-Habit" Cheat Sheet

Five: 21 List Superfoods

SIX: 3 Food Prepping Strategies

SEVEN: Minimum Effective Dose

13 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: 10 Rules of Good Nutrition

Eat Every 2-3 Hours.

Eat Complete, Lean Protein Each Time You Eat.

Eat Vegetables Every Time You Eat.

Eat Carbs Only When You Deserve To.

Learn To Love Healthy Fats.

Ditch The Calorie Containing Drinks (including Fruit Juice).

Focus on Whole Foods.

Have 10% Foods.

Develop Food Preparation Strategies.

Balance Daily Food Choices with Healthy Variety.

Presentation Notes
Eat every 2-3 hours. Are you doing this – no matter what? Now, you don’t need to eat a full meal every 2-3 hours but you do need to eat 6-8 meals and snacks that conform to the other rules below. Eat complete, lean protein each time you eat. Are you eating something that was an animal or comes from an animal – every time you feed yourself? If not, make the change. Note: If you’re a vegetarian, this rule still applies – you need complete protein and need to find non-animal sources. Eat vegetables every time you eat. That’s right, in addition to a complete, lean protein source, you need to eat some vegetables every time you eat (every 2-3 hours, right?). You can toss in a piece of fruit here and there as well. But don’t skip the veggies. Eat carbs only when you deserve to. Well, not ALL carbs – eat fruits and veggies whenever you want. And if want to eat a carbohydrate that’s not a fruit or a vegetable (this includes things like simple sugars, rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, etc), you can – but you’ll need to save it until after you’ve exercised. Yes, these often heavily processed grains are dietary staples in North America, but heart disease, diabetes and cancer are medical staples – and there’s a relationship between the two! To stop heading down the heart disease highway, reward yourself for a good workout with a good carbohydrate meal right after (your body best tolerates these carbohydrates after exercise). For the rest of the day, eat your lean protein and a delicious selection of fruits and veggies. Learn to love healthy fats. There are 3 types of fat – saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Forget about that old “eating fat makes you fat” maxim. Eating all three kinds of fat in a healthy balance (about equal parts of each) can dramatically improve your health, and even help you lose fat. Your saturated fat should come from your animal products and you can even toss in some butter or coconut oil for cooking. Your monounsaturated fat should come from mixed nuts, olives, and olive oil. And your polyunsaturated fat should from flaxseed oil, fish oil, and mixed nuts. Ditch the calorie containing drinks (including fruit juice). In fact, all of your drinks should come from non-calorie containing beverages. Fruit juice, alcoholic drinks, and sodas – these are all to be removed from your daily fare. Your best choices are water and green tea. Focus on whole foods. Most of your dietary intake should come from whole foods. There are a few times where supplement drinks and shakes are useful. But most of the time, you’ll do best with whole, largely unprocessed foods. Have 10% foods. I know you cringed at a few of the rules above. But here’s the thing: 100% nutritional discipline is never required for optimal progress. The difference, in results, between 90% adherence to your nutrition program and 100% adherence is negligible. So you can allow yourself “10% foods” – foods that break rules, but which you’ll allow yourself to eat (or drink, if it’s a beverage) 10% of the time. Just make sure you do the math and determine what 10% of the time really means. For example, if you’re eating 6 meals per day for 7 days of the week – that’s 42 meals. 10% of 42 is about 4. Therefore you’re allowed to “break the rules” on about 4 meals each week. Develop food preparation strategies. The hardest part about eating well is making sure you can follow the 8 rules above consistently. And this is where preparation comes in. You might know what to eat, but if isn’t available, you’ll blow it when it’s time for a meal. Balance daily food choices with healthy variety. Let’s face it, when you’re busy during the week, you’re not going to be spending a ton of time whipping up gourmet meals. During these times you’re going to need a set of tasty, easy to make foods that you can eat day in and day out. However, once every day or a few times a week, you need to eat something different, something unique and tasty to stave off boredom and stagnation.

14 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: PN - Plate

Eat Slowly and stop when your

80% full.

Follow hunger cues. Eat more or

less based on your appetite.

Choose mostly whole foods with

minimal processing.

Choose local or organic foods

when possible.

Use smaller or larger plates

based on your own body size.

15 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: PN – Calorie Control 1/2

Calorie counting is often complicated, tedious, and inaccurate. What if I told you, that there is a way to do this which

is individual to each of you No weight scale No measuring cup No calculators No smart phones

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For Women

Putting it Together: PN – Calorie Control 2/2

For Men 2 palms of protein dense

foods with each meal

2 fists of vegetables with each meal

2 cupped hands of carb dense foods with most


2 entire thumbs of fat dense foods with most


2 palms of protein dense foods with each meal

2 fists of vegetables with each meal

2 cupped hands of carb dense foods with most


2 entire thumbs of fat dense foods with most


17 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: "5 – Habit" Cheat Sheet

1. Are you eating slowly? Check in with hunger, sit down, relax and take your time; 15-20 minutes for a meal is about right. Make sure to stop eating when you’re about 80% full. 2. Where is the protein dense food? Are you about to eat at least 1 palm-sized portion of protein dense food? Women get 1 palm sized portion and men get 2 palm-sized portions.

3. Where are the veggies? Are you about to eat a large portion of veggies? They can be prepared any way you like. One serving is about 1 fist-sized portion and you should try to eat a few portions per meal. 4. Where are the carbs? If you have fat to lose but haven’t just worked out, eat less pasta, bread, rice, and other starchy carbs. Opt for a double serving of veggies instead. If you have just worked out, a mix of carb sources is fine.

5. Where are your fats coming from? Today you need some fats from various foods, prioritizing whole food sources like eggs, meats, fish, olives, nuts and seeds. Spread these throughout the day.

18 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

FOOD TYPE FOOD CATEGORY 1. Lean red meat (grass-fed preferred) Protein - Lean meat 2. Salmon (wild caught preferred) Protein - Fish 3. Eggs (cage free preferred) Protein - Egg 4. Plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or coconut milk yogurt Protein - Dairy 5. Protein supplements (whey, milk or plant protein sources) Protein - Powder 6. Spinach Carb - Vegetable 7. Tomatoes Carb - Vegetable 8. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower) Carb - Vegetable 9. Mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.) Carb - Fruit 10. Oranges Carb - Fruit 11. Mixed beans/peas (black beans, lentils, split peas, etc.) Carb/Protein – Legume 12. Quinoa Carb - Grain 13. Whole oats (large flake) Carb - Cereal 14. Raw, unsalted mixed nuts (a variety including pecans, walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts, etc.) Fat - Seeds and nuts 15. Avocados Fat - Fruit 16. Olive oil (extra virgin) Fat - Oils 17. Fish oil (salmon, anchovy, menhaden, krill) or algae oil Fat - Oils 18. Flax seeds (ground) Fat - Seeds and nuts 19. Green tea Teas No Category

Putting it Together: List of 21 Superfoods

19 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: What's missing? These days, most people know at least the basics of what they should eat and what they should avoid to improve their health, their body composition, and their performance. Yet most people are overweight and/or obese. So what’s the problem?

1. Habits are more powerful than information and you don’t have a conscious, logical plan for changing them. 2. Stress / Business / Life You aren’t ready for the tough times. Things get better, at least temporarily, but then the tough times hit. You "get busy." Eating well becomes inconvenient.

What's Missing? IF knowing is half the battle what's the other half? It's logistics. It’s planning. It’s preparation.

Presentation Notes
No one else supports their decision to make a change. And when these inevitable circumstances come up, they bail. Habits are more powerful than momentary desire. Habits are more powerful than information. Habits are more powerful than guilt. And only a concerted, conscious effort to override habits will lead to success. So, in some respects, better nutrition is more about altering lifestyle habits and less about the food. Sure, you’ve gotta know which foods are good to eat. GI Joe once said that knowing is half the battle. But what about the other half? That other half is logistics. It’s planning. It’s preparation. Even if you know what’s good for you, if you aren’t prepared when it’s time to eat, you’re doomed. So here are some food preparation strategies to ensure you win the other half of the battle. Even if you know what’s good for you, if you aren’t prepared when it’s time to eat, you’re doomed. So here are some food preparation strategies to ensure you win the other half of the battle.

20 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: The Food Prep Rituals 1. Weekend Ritual Saturday: Meal Planning (7 times Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) and Shopping Sunday: Meal Preparation and Cooking 2. The Breakfast Ritual Cooking in the Morning. Set aside 30 Minutes in the morning for Food Prep. Stressy Day Ahead "Be Prepared", Relaxed Evening "Be Prepared" 3. Have Others Cook For you Either Restaurant, Your (future) Wife or See first two options.

IMPORTANT - Food support systems:

Grill or kitchen, Convenient Bags to carry your food, Tupperware

(5 small / 5 Large / 3 Drink Containers)

21 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: Minimum Effective Dose

Weights Day 1 – 10 minutes Close-grip push-ups x 10 Inverted rows x 10 Kettlebell swings x 20 Rest 1 minute Repeat 5 times

Cardio Day 2 – 6 minutes 2 minute walk 15 second treadmill sprint at 8mph and 12% incline 15 seconds rest Repeat 5 times 2 minute walk

Weights Day 3 – 10 minutes Close-grip push-ups x 10 Swiss ball crunches x 10 Air squats x 20 Rest 1 minute Repeat 5 times

Cardio Day 4 – 6 minutes 2 minute walk 15 second treadmill sprint at 8mph and 12% incline 15 seconds rest Repeat 5 times 2 minute walk

The minimum effective dose concept represents the minimum dose required to produce the desired response.

If you do the math, in 4 months you would exercise for a grand total of 8 hours. 30 minutes a week!!!

22 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Putting it Together: DESKERSICE for a change?

23 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Q & A


Vegetarian? Strength Training?





Does FAT make FAT?



Bodybuilding? Carbs@Night?


I want to still enjoy my life!!! You know?

24 25.08.2015 Your Pal fitness.food.fasting Tel. +41 41 78 676 10 19, www.yourpal.me

Who is this guy?

Random Facts • 2. Degree Black Belt (Judo) • 20 Year Competition Experience (Judo) • Certified Judo Trainer – Competition and Leisure • 22 Years Strength Training (Strength, Conditioning,

Endurance) • Strength Stats

• (Squat:180Kg, Deadlift:200Kg, Bench135Kg) • Coaching since age 14 various Sports (Judo,

Basketball, Football, Judo, Strength Training, e.g.) • PN Level Coach 1 – Nutrition and Sports Exercise • Blogger since 2012 (110k Views, 2k Visitors, 90

Countries, 70 Articles)