Evaluation question 3

Evaluation Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Transcript of Evaluation question 3

Evaluation Question 3What kind of media institution might distribute

your media product and why? 

What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?  I think that my film would probably be best to be created and then

distributed by a well known Hollywood company purely because of it has an interesting storyline which hasn’t been repeatedly produced unlike romantic comedies which all mostly have the same storyline with a few details altered.

I think that my storyline would offer something a little different and exciting without pushing the film industries boundaries which independent companies like to do.

Attracting the distributing companies

If I didn’t have any contacts to the larger companies I would need to attract them in other ways.

I could promote the film through social media which could lead to a fan base developing which would then hopefully attract the attention of larger famous institutions as they will know that they will make a profit because just the ideas have created a fan base.

My final point is that this concept for the film could possibly reach quite a wide audience as it appeals to video game players, people who like adventure fantasy films and also those who like a little romance too. 


Lionsgate is a Canadian/ American film company first started in 1997. It is quite a successful film institution as it is quite popular but compared to

other film companies it is a lot smaller. They create a range of film products from comedies, action, thrillers

romance and horror. Their most successful film being The Hunger Games Trilogy having made

over $1.5 billion. Lionsgate would be a good institution to consider to distribute Lost in Pixels

because they have had experience in working on adventure films but also have worked on many other films so could bring something new to my film.


Another American industry which produces a range of music and TV products but are more well known for their films.

Is a subsidiary of Times Warner and was started in 1923. Its most successful films so far would be the Harry Potter series and the

Batman Trilogy as they have made the company the most profit. I think because they mainly focus on creating action films and my film only

consists of a little action I don’t think that this institution is the best suited to Lot in Pixels. Moreover having looking into the films they have made I don’t think they would be the best company to help distribute my film because excluding films like the Hangover most of the movies they work in either have a serious storyline or are just generally quite dark (through the lighting and colours used.)

UNIVERSAL Universal Studios/ Pictures is an American film

company owned by Comcast which was first established in 1912.

They are a very well known institution within the film industry so much so that they are a member of the Hollywood’s ‘Big Six.’

They have created many types of films including romance, horror and comedy but as you can see on the right they also have had their hand in many Adventure/ Fantasy films too.

What makes Universal a good choice for being a member of the Lost In Pixels production is that even though they are an American institution they have worked on films which have a predominately English feel to them. Examples include The Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End)which are all English films as well as Paul and Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.

Another reason why I like Universal is because they can be a little quirky too by creating Scott Pilgrim which has quite an unusual storyline and like my film fits into many genres.

Universal would be a likely choice in what institution I would want to work on my film as I would like to keep by film with a British feel to it while also not having to hold my ideas back.


Started by the Disney brothers in 1923. Produces entertainment through music,

TV, Film, Theme Parks and more. Have created films from the adventure,

fairy-tale, action, musical and many more all created in mind for children and family viewing.

Their most successful film so far is Frozen (2013) their highest grossing film to date.

In regards to Lost In Pixels even though Disney have had experience creating adventure/ fantasy films I don’t think I would want to work with them because we have different target audiences. Some teenagers still love Disney films there are still a view that see the institution producing products for children. As my film is targeted at the teenage audience I would rather work with a company that has produced films for the same audience as they would know what would and wouldn’t appeal to that particular group.




I think that Universal would be good to work on Lost In Pixels because they have worked on Adventure/ Fantasy films before so have experience.

Moreover they lie to work on more unique projects that haven’t necessarily been done a lot before. So I think that they could have some exciting ideas that would make my film stand out more and be more unique.

I think that Lionsgate would be a good choice to work on my

film because they have had a lot of do with young adult films

such as the Hunger Games Trilogy and the Divergent series so I think they would be able to

help make sure to target everything towards that


If I was able to actually make this film then I would either wish to work with either Universal or Lionsgate.