Environmental Code of Bohol

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  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    Grant CountyEnvironmental/Sanitary

    CodeAdopted 10-5-92The enclosed Grant County Environmental/Sanitary Code haseen o!!icially adopted y the Grant County "oard o!Commissioners#Ethel $# EvansSi%natureChairman& "oard o! County Commissioners10-5-92'ate"()EA( o! E*+,)*$E*TA. (A.,T

    ct# 1 )EC'E*+,)*$E*TA. C'EG)A*T C(*T& 3A*SASC4ATE) 1Administrative roceduresSECT,* 1-1#0 A(T4),T A*' .,C,-1#1 .e%al Authority# This code is adopted under the authority %ranted tothe "oard o! County Commissioners y 3#S#A# ,9-601 et# se7# or3#S#A# 12-01 et# se7#& as amended#,-1#2 'eclaration o! 8indin% and olicy# The Commissioners !ind that theprovision o! ade7uate and reasonale control over environmentalconditions in the county is necessary and desirale# An environmental

    code estalishes standards to eliminate and/or prevent the developmento! environmental conditions that are haardous to health and sa!ety&and promotes the economical and planned development o! the land and:ater resources o! the county# 8or these reasons and o;ectives& it :ille the policy o! the "oard o! County Commissioners to adopt andamend a environmental code to provide current re%ulation o! practicesthat a!!ect health and sa!ety#,-,# urpose# The purpose and intent o! this chapter is to prescrie theadministrative procedures to e !ollo:ed in administerin% thisenvironmental code or any amendments thereto#,-1#< Title# This code shall e =no:n and re!erred to as the Grant CountyEnvironmental Code#

    ,-1#5 Applicaility# The procedures prescried in this chapter shall e!ollo:ed in administerin% this code and any amendments thereto#1-1#> E!!ective 'ate# This code shall ecome e!!ective ctoer 15& 1992SECT,* ,-2#0 'E8,*,T,*S? The !ollo:in% :ords& terms and phrases appear inmore than one chapter o! this Code and thus have %eneral applicationand usa%e# @ords& terms& and phrases appropriate or applicale tospeci!ic chapters :ithin this Code may e !ound in that particularchapter#,-2#1 Administrative A%ency means the entity authoried to administer and

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    implement the provisions o! this code#1-2#1#1 The Administrative A%ency !or Grant County is desi%nated as the County,nspector#,-2#2 Administrative )ules means those rules and re%ulations contained inchapter one o! this environmental code& :hich prescrie %eneralprocedures to e !ollo:ed in the administration o! the Environmental

    code adopted y the county#1-2#< Authoried )epresentative means any person :ho is desi%nated y theAdministrative A%ency to administer this code#1-2#5 "oard o! County Commissioners means the "oard o! CountyCommissioners o! Grant County& 3ansas#1-2#> "oard o! 4ealth means the Grant County "oard o! 4ealth as in 12#5# 3#S#A# >5-201B1-2#6 Health Officer means the County Health Officer appointed bythe County Board of Health.

    1-2# 4earin% !!icer means an individual& appointed y theAdministrative A%ency& to hear appeals !rom decisions made y the4ealth !!icer relatin% to the en!orcement and administration o! this

    code# .ocal 4ealth 'epartment 3#S?A# 19-601#B1-2#9 erson means an individual& corporation& partnership& association&state& or political sudivision thereo!& !ederal& state a%ency&municipality& commission& or interstate ody or other le%al entityreco%nied y la: as the su;ect o! ri%hts and duties#1-2#10 remise means any lot or tract o! land and all uildin%s& structures&or !acilities located thereon#1-2#11 State 'epartment o! 4ealth means the 3ansas 'epartment o! 4ealthand Environment#SECT,* 1-#0 A'$,*,ST)AT,+E @E)S A*' )CE'()ES1-#1 )i%ht o! Entry# )epresentatives o! the Administrative A%ency shallhave the po:er and authority to inspect !or compliance :ith the

    County Environmental Code#1-#2 E)$,T A*' .,CE*SE#1-#2#1 Applications !or ermits and .icenses# Every person re7uired ythis environmental code to otain a permit or license shall ma=eapplication !or such permit or license to the Administrative A%ency#1-#2#2 ,ssuance o! ermit or .icense# A!ter receipt o! an application asre7uired y this code& the Administrative A%ency shall e%in suchinvesti%ation as deemed necessary to determine :hether the permitor license should e issued or denied& and shall issue or deny thepermit or license :ithin 0 days o! such receipt# ,! thepermit or license is denied& the Administrative A%ency shall send theapplicant a :ritten notice and state the reasons !or re;ection#

    1-#2# ermit *ontrans!erale# *o permit or license re7uired y thisenvironmental code shall e trans!erale& nor shall any !ees re7uiredand paid there!or e re!undale#1-#2#< ermit )evocation# All permits are su;ect to revocation !orreasons o! noncompliance or misrepresentation#1-#2#5 Standard 8ees# The Administrative A%ency shallestalish a schedule o! !ees su!!icient to recover direct and indirectcosts o! processin% all permits and licenses re7uired y the code& andsaid !ees shall e paid into the Administrative A%ency# The

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    Administrative A%ency shall not process any application !or a permitor license until the re7uired !ee has een paid#3#S#A# 19-602#B1-# *otices& rders& Appeals#1-##1 *otice o! +iolations# @hen the Administrative A%ency determinesthat there has een a violation o! any provision o! this Code& notice

    o! such violation shall e issued to the person responsile# Thenotice shall?

    1Be in :ritin%D22B include a statement o! :hy the notice is ein% issuedDB allo: a reasonale period o! time !or per!ormance o! any:or= re7uired y the noticeD and&

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    1-#< )EC)'S#1-#

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    purpose o! this chapter to provide minimum standards !or thelocation& desi%n& construction& maintenance and use o! on-site:aste:ater systems& and the removal and disposal o! materials !romsuch !acilities :ithin the le%al oundaries o! Grant County#SECT,* 2-2#0 A.,CA",.,T#The provisions o! this chapter shall apply to all unincorporated areas

    located in Grant County& 3ansas#SECT,* 2-#0 'E8,*,T,*S#2-#1 Aandoned on-site :aste:ater system $eans an on- site :aste :atersystem determined y the Administrative A%ency to e a system?1B ,n :hich the use has een permanently discontinuedD2B @hich is in a state o! disrepair that it cannot e used to treate!!luent& or it has the potential !or transmittin% e!!luent intothe a7ui!er or othD orB @hich poses potential health and sa!ety haards#2-#2 "ene!icial (se means the use o! :ater !or any o! the !ollo:in%purposes? a%ricultural :aterD a7uatic li!eD domestic :ater supplyD%round:ater rechar%eD industrial :ater supplyD recreation#

    2-# *uisance means conditions or activities on properties oth pulicand private& :hich have or threaten to have a detrimental e!!ect onthe health o! the pulic or its memers#2-#< rivate :aste:ater System $eans any system :hich does not hold a3ansas @ater ollution Control ermit pursuant to 3#S#A# >5-1>5This includes :aste:ater disposal systems& :hich !unction y soilasorption& evaporation& transpiration& holdin% tan=s& or anycomination o! the aove#2-#5 Sanitary rivy means a !acility desi%ned !or the disposal o! non:ater carried :astes !rom the human ody#2-#> Sanitary Service means the pumpin% out and/or removal o! se:a%e&slud%e& or human eFcreta !rom privies& vaults& septic tan=s& or private

    5:aste:ater systemsD and the transportation o! such material to apoint o! !inal disposal#2-#6 Se:a%e means any sustance that contains any o! the :aste productsor eFcrementitious or other dischar%es !rom the odies o! humanein%s or animals& or chemical or other :astes !rom domestic&manu!acturin% or other !orms o! industry#2-## Sudivision means any tract o! land that is or has een sudividedinto t:o or more lots !or the purpose o! sale or uildin%development& :hether immediate or !uture& includin% the streets&alleys& or other portions thereo! intended to e dedicated !or pulicuse& and any redivision o! lands#

    2-#9 @aste:ater System means any system alon% :ith attendant pipesand appurtenances desi%ned and constructed to collect& store& treat&and dispose o! domestic& industrial& or commercial :aste#2-#10 +aults/4oldin% Tan= means a :ater-ti%ht receptacle !or the retentiono! se:a%e either e!ore& durin%& or a!ter treatment#SECT,* 2-

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    has een inspected and approved y the Administrative A%ency or i!it?a# has een en;oined as a pulic health nuisancey a court o! competent ;urisdictionD or# !ails to comply :ith the provisions o! this environmental code&and :ritten notice thereo! &has een %iven y the Administrative

    A%encyD orc# dischar%es inade7uately treated :astes onto the sur!ace o! the%round& or :aters o! the state as de!ined in 3#S#A# >5-1>1 aBor&d# causes vector reedin%& produces o!!ensive odors or anycondition that is detrimental to health and com!ort#2-

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    Administrative A%ency :ill e used as a %uide !orapprovin% the plans !or a private :aste:ater system#2-5#2 Sanitary Service# *o person shall en%a%e in the cleanin% o! a private:aste:ater system or the transportation o! :aste:ater to a disposalsite unless he holds a valid system cleaners license !rom theAdministrative A%ency#

    2-5# Contractin% :ith unlicensed persons prohiited# *o personresponsile !or operatin% a private :aste:ater system or privy shallcontract :ith any person !or sanitary services unless thatperson holds a valid license#2-5#< System contractor& *o contractor shall install& or modi!y a private:aste:ater system unless he holds a valid system contractor license&!rom the Administrative A%ency#2-5#5 Aandoned systems to e disconnected& plu%%ed& dismantled&pumped# removed& and !illed#Aandoned :aste:ater systems shall e disconnected !rom uildin%sor !acilities& pipes plu%%ed& and receptacles dismantled or removedDand any void space in :hich such receptacles :ere contained

    shall e !illed :ith soil# "e!ore !illin%& receptacle contents shall epumped out and disposed o! in accordance :ith Section 2-5#2#2-5#> ermit# *o person shall construct or modi!y& or permit to econstructed or modi!ied& any private :aste:ater system until apermit has een issued y the Administrative A%ency#2-5#6 $aintenance# All persons holdin% a permit !or use o! a private:aste:ater system and responsile !or its operation shall operate andmaintain the system in con!ormity :ith standard operation practices#2-5# Suitale Site# *o site shall e approved i!a# connection to an approved pulic :aste:ater system is !easile orthe site violates the provisions o! Section 2-#0#2-5#9 Construction Approval# All private :aste:ater systems developedor modi!ied a!ter the e!!ective date o! this environmental code muste inspected and approved y the Administrative A%ency !orcompliance :ith the approved plansD and no portion o! the systemshall e covered or made inaccessile to inspection prior to approval#2-5#10 roper $aintenance and peration# All private :aste:ater systemsshall e maintained in %ood :or=in% condition# @henever the

    Administrative A%ency shall !ind any private :aste:ater systemmal!unctionin%& the o:ner and/or user shall e ordered to correct thecondition#2-5#11 @aiver# The Administrative A%ency shall have theauthority to %rant eFceptions& to this chapter :hen relialein!ormation is provided :hich can ;usti!y the eFception :ithoutcompromisin% the environment#SECT,* 2->#0 $,*,$($ STA*'A)'S 8) S,. TG)A4 A*'GE.G# *o private :aste:ater system& :hich is dependent upon

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    soil asorption !or the disposal o! :aste:ater& shall e constructedon any lot o! any sie unless minimum standards !or percolationrates& soil pro!iles and depth to impervious roc= or %round:ater aremet#SECT,* 2-6#0 )E(,)E$E*TS 8) SA*,TA) ),+,ES#2-6#1 Approval o! lans# *o person shall construct or modi!y any privy

    until the plans and speci!ications !or the proposed constructionand/or modi!ication have een approved y the AdministrativeA%ency#2-6#2 Approval o! Construction# *o person shall use& or ma=e availale!or use& any ne:ly constructed or modi!ied privy until theconstruction has een inspected y the Administrative A%ency !orcompliance :ith approved plans#2-6# roper $aintenance# *o person shall use& or o!!er !or use& any privythat is not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition#2-6#< +ault )e7uired in Certain Areas# ,n areas :here the elevation o! the%round:ater is :ithin !our !eet o! the ottom o! the pit& a :aterti%htvault shall e provided in lieu o! the standard pit#

    2-6#5 .ocation o! a rivy @ithin 50 !eet o! a private :ater supply :ell#*o privy shall e installed less than 50 !eet !rom an eFistin% :ell#SECT,* 2-#0 SA*,TA) SE)+,CES2-# , ermit )e7uired# *o person shall remove or transport any :aste!rom any :aste:ater system or privy& unless that person holds avalid permit !rom the Administrative A%ency#2-#2 Contractin% @ith *on-permitted ersons rohiited *o personresponsile !or operatin% a private :aste:ater system or privy shallcontract :ith any person !or sanitary service unless that personholds a valid permit#2-# $inimum Standards !or Sanitary Service E7uipment#

    All e7uipment used !or renderin% o! sanitary service shall e o!:aterti%ht construction and maintained in %ood :or=in% condition#This ensures that all materials removed !rom private:aste:ater disposal systems or privies :ill e transported to anapproved point o! disposal :ithout spilla%e o! the :aste#SECT,* 2-9#0 )E(,)E$E*TS 8) S("',+,S,* 'E+E.$E*TA!ter adoption o! this code no person shall develop any sudivisionuntil the plans and speci!ications !or on-site :aste:ater mana%ementhave een approved y the Administrative A%ency#9E*+,)*$E*TA. C'EG)A*T C(*T& 3A*SAS

    C4ATE) *on-pulic @ater SuppliesSECT,* -1#0 ()SE A*' ,*TE*T#The provisions o! this chapter are !or the purpose o! re%ulatin% andcontrollin% the development& maintenance& and use o! all :atersupplies other than ulic @ater Supplies in Grant County&3ansas& in order that pulic health :ill e protected and thecontamination and pollution o! the :ater resources o! the county :ille prevented#

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    SECT,* -2#0 A.,CA",.,T# The provisions o! this chapter shall apply to allunincorporated areas located in Grant County& 3ansas#SECT,* -#0 'E8,*,T,*S#-#1 'omestic uses& means the use o! :ater y any persons or !amily unitor household !or household purposes& or !or the :aterin% o!livestoc=& poultry& !arm and domestic animals used in

    operatin% a !arm& or !or the irri%ation o! lands not eFceedin% a totalo! t:o acres in area !or the %ro:in% o! %ardens& orchards and la:ns#-#2 otale :ater means :ater !ree !rom impurities in amountssu!!icient to cause disease or harm!ul physiolo%ical e!!ects inhumans and con!ormin% :ith the latest drin=in% :ater standards#-# ump installer $eans any contractor& !irm& partnership& associationor corporation :ho shall install pumps& treat or other:ise serviceany :ater :ell or any system directly connected to a:ater :ell& such as the distriution system& to the !irst connection upto and includin% the :ater pressure tan=#-#< *on-pulic @ater Supply means all :ater supplies not meetin% thede!inition o! ulic @ater Supply#

    -#5 ulic @ater Supply means a system that has at least ten serviceconnections or re%ularly serves an avera%e o! at least 25 individualsdaily at least >0 days out o! the year 3#S#A# >5-1>2aB#-#> Aandoned @ater @ell means a :ater :ell determined y theAdministrative A%ency to e a :ell?1B in :hich the use has een permanently discontinued?2B in :hich pumpin% e7uipment has een permanently removedDB :hich is in a state o! disrepair that it cannot e used to supply:ater& or it has the potential !or transmittin% sur!acecontaminants into the a7ui!er or othD #

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    A%ency in revie:in% and approvin% plans !or non-pulic :atersupply systems#-

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    C(*T 8 G)A*TB3arla @oodsLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLein% !irst duly s:orn& and says?That she is %eneral man%er o! T4E (.SSES *E@ A :ee=lyne:spaper printed to the State o! 3ansas& and pulished in and o!%eneral circulation in Grant County& 3ansas& :ith a %eneral paid M

    circulation on a :ee=ly asis in Grant County& 3ansas& and thatsaid ne:spaper is not a trade& reli%ious or !raternal pulication#Said ne:spaper is a :ee=ly pulished at least :ee=ly 50 times a yearDhas een so pulished continuously and uninterruptedly in said countyand state !or a period o! more than !ive years prior to the !irst pulicationo! said noticeD and has een admitted at the post o!!ice o! (lysses in saidCounty as second-class matter#That the attached notice is a true copy thereo! and :as pulished in there%ular and entire issue o! said ne:spaper !or Fconsecutive :ee=s& the !irst pulication thereo! ein% made as a!oresaid on9/1>& 19929/2& 1992

    @itness my hand this 1st day o! ctoer 1992S("SC),"E' A*' S@)* to e!ore me this 1 day o! ctoer 1992LShirley A# aceLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*otary ulicB$y Commission EFpiresulication 8ee HA!!idavit& *otarys 8ee HAdditional Copies HTotal ulication 8ee HC921005 ctoer 5& 1992The "oard o! County Commissioners met in re%ular session at 9?00 a#m# :ith all memers andthe County Cler=present#

    A pulic hearin% on the Grant County Environmental/ Sanitary Code :as held at 9?0# *o one!rom the pulicsector :as present# Sam $aruyama made the motion to adopt the Grant County Environmental/Sanitary Code# )onald@al=er seconded the motion and it passed unanimously# The decision :as made to ma=e thecodes e!!ective as o! thisdate& ctoer 5& 1992#"en 8risch& 3ansas Association o! Counties& %ave a presentation on their health insurance pool#There :ould ean 1/N discount over our present premium ut this :ould not include dental covera%e# ,t is ona separate policy# at.eClerC& "lue Cross/"lue Shield A%ent& %ave the county a 7uote !or health insurance covera%e

    !or the employees# Allhealth insurance 7uotes heard the past !e: meetin%s :ill e evaluated and a decision :ill e madeat a !uture meetin%#"ids !or pit eFcavation and construction o! terraces at the land!ill :ere opened at 11?00 a#m# Sam$aruyamamade the motion to accept the lo: id o! 55#5 cents/cu# yd# !or the eFcavation and >0 cents/lin# !t#!or the terraces !or atotal o! H5&022#00# )on @al=er seconded the motion and it passed unanimously#

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    8ran= Goldsy& )oad Superintendent& reported that removal o! under%round !uel stora%e tan=s:as nearlycomplete at the county shop# Some contamination :as !ound under one o! the diesel tan=s#)e7uired procedures are ein%!ollo:ed to alleviate the prolem#A road crossin% permit re7uest !rom $esa :as approved#

    SUPEROR E!"RO!#E!$%&

    HE%&$H CO'ESUPEROR E!"RO!#E!$%& HE%&$H CO'E CO##$$EE

    Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 2

    $%B&E O( CO!$E!$S

    P%)E%R$C&E *.+ %U$HOR$ ................................................................................ -

    %R$C&E .+ )E!ER%& 'E(!$O!S ......................................................... /

    %R$C&E 0.+ &CE!S!) %!' RE)S$R%$O! ........................................ 1

    %R$C&E 2.+ (EES............................................................................................... 3

    %R$C&E -.+ SE4%)E ....................................................................................... 5

    Section 5#1 'e!initions####################################################################################### 9Section 5#2 Applicaility ################################################################################# 1Section 5#5 remises ccupancy/Condemnation ############################################ 1>

    Section 5#> Site Evaluation )esponsiility ###################################################### 1>Section 5#6 Se:a%e System Suitaility Standards ########################################### 16Section 5# Ground:ater Control/'iversion ################################################### 21Section 5#9 EFistin% Se:a%e Systems ############################################################# 21Section5#10 Construction Standards ################################################################# 22Section 5#11 rohiitions ################################################################################### 2Section 5#12 Septic Tan=s ################################################################################## 2 ,nstaller .icensin% ######################################################################### 2>

    Section5#16 )evocation o! .icense################################################################### 2>Section 5#1 rivate roperty :ners ############################################################### 2>Section 5#19 Completion or Correction o! )e7uired @or= ############################### 2>Section 5#20 riority ver "uildin% and ccupancy ermits ########################### 2>Section5#21 Se:a%e 'ischar%e *otice ############################################################# 2>Section 5#22 ,nter!erences :ith *otices ############################################################ 26Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e

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    %R$C&E /.+ 4%$ER SUPP&ES ................................................................... 3

    Section>#1 'e!initions##################################################################################### 2Section>#2 Applicaility ################################################################################# 29Section ># ermits ########################################################################################## 0Section>#< Availaility o! a ulic @ater Supply ########################################## 1

    Section>#5 @ater @ell and ump )ecords ##################################################### 2Section>#> riority ver "uildin% and ccupancy ermits ########################### 2Section>#6 Stop @or= rder ########################################################################### Section># *oti!ication ################################################################################### Section >#9 @ell ,nspection and Approval ###################################################### Section>#10 )ental roperties ########################################################################### Section>#11 Emer%ency Conditions ################################################################## #12 Groutin% )e7uirements-"edroc= @ells ######################################## #1 4ydraulic 8racturin% ##################################################################### Section6#< Schedule o! Civil enalties ########################################################### >Section 6#5 ,nspections& ,nvesti%ations& and @arrants #################################### >Section6#> ,mminent 'an%er ########################################################################## >Section 6#6 ,n;unctions##################################################################################### 6Section 6# struction o! 4ealth !!icer ####################################################### 6%R$C&E 3.+ "%R%!CES ............................................................................... 03

    %R$C&E 5.+ %PPE%&S .................................................................................... 05

    Section9#1 "oard o! Appeal ############################################################################ 9Section 9#2 ,n!ormal )esolution o! 'isputes ################################################### 9Section9# 8ormal 4earin%s############################################################################ 9Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e B !eet elo: %round sur!aceand eFtendin% to a depth not to eFceed t:elve 12B !eet elo: %roundsur!ace#'istribution Pipe Approved pipe used in the dispersion o! septic tan= e!!luent#'rain A pipe or manmade conduit used to carry sur!ace :ater or other li7uidmaterial via pressure or %ravity#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 10'wellin7 Any house& uildin%& structure& tent& :atercra!t& shelter& trailer& or vehicle&or portion thereo! :hich is occupied in :hole or in part as a homeresidence& or livin% and sleepin% place !or one or more human ein%s#Earth Pit Pri6y A structure used !or the disposal o! human :aste :hich is dischar%eddirectly into the natural soils#Effecti6e Soil The depth o! soil et:een the natural %rade and the limitin% one suitale'epth !or the installation o! an asorption system#Effluent artially treated se:a%e :hich is dischar%ed !rom a septic tan= or otherse:a%e treatment system device#E;perimental A developed method o! on-site se:a%e treatment that has not een !ullySystemproven in !ield tests#(ailin7 System A se:a%e system is considered to e !ailin% i! any one o! the !ollo:in%conditions eFist?1B The se:a%e system !ails to accept e!!luent at the rate o! application#2B Se:a%e e!!luent seeps !rom& or ponds on or around the se:a%e system#B The health o!!icer has determined that the se:a%e system hascontaminated the %round:aters or sur!ace :aters o! the state#(ilter (abric A permeale %eoteFtile !aric made :ith polymer used to impede orprevent the movement o! sand& silt& and clay into a%%re%ate/!ilter media#

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    (loodplain A nearly level alluvial plain that orders a river& la=e& or stream and issu;ect to !loodin% unless protected arti!icially#(ooter That portion o! the se:a%e system :hich interconnects the rear portion o!the distriution line laterals#(ootin7 drains A conduit installed around !oundation !ootin%s to transport %round :ater

    a:ay !rom the !oundation#(ra7ipan A loamy susur!ace horion :ith hi%h ul= density relative to the horionaove& seemin%ly cemented :hen dry& and :ea=ly to moderately rittle:hen moist# 8ra%ipans are mottled and lo: in or%anic matter# Theyimpede movement o! :ater and air& and %ro:th o! plant roots#)roundwater The saturated one :hich eFists elo: the %round sur!ace throu%houtthe$able year#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 11Habitable Buildin7 Any structure or part thereo!& or other place :here human ein%s

    reside&are employed& or con%re%ate& or adapted !or such purposes#Hardpan A hardened layer in soil caused y cementation o! soil particles :ith eithersilica& calcium caronate& ma%nesium caronate& or iron and/or or%anicmatter# The hardness does not chan%e apprecialy :ith chan%es inmoisture content# 4ardpan impedes movement o! :ater and air& and%ro:th o! plant roots#Header That portion o! a se:a%e system :hich receives e!!luent !rom the septictan= and interconnects the !ront portion o! the distriution line laterals#Holdin7 $an< A :aterti%ht receptacle desi%ned to receive and store se:a%e e!!luent to edisposed at another location#&imitin7 =one Any horion or condition in the soil pro!ile or underlyin% strata :hich:illinter!ere in any :ay :ith the treatment o! se:a%e e!!luent e!oreenterin% the %round :ater tale# Such horions include hardpans&!ra%ipans& clay layers& compacted soils& edroc=& saprolite& clayey soilsand permanent and perched %round :ater tales#!atural )rade The %round elevation as it eFists in the natural state#Occupant A person :ho occupies& lives& haitually uses& or other:ise is inpossession o! any property or premises#Perched 4ater The upper sur!ace o! a saturated area resultin% !rom a limitin% one#$able

    Permeability The 7uality o! the soil :hich enales it to transmit :ater or air#Pri6y An enclosed non-portale toilet into :hich non-:ater-carried human:astes are disposed#Public Sewer A sanitary se:er or comined sanitary and storm se:er used or intended!or use y the pulic !or the collection and transportation o! sanitaryse:a%e#Saprolite @eathered material underlayin% the soil :hich %rades !rom so!t&thorou%hly decomposed roc= to roc= :hich has een :eathered

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    su!!iciently so that it can e ro=en in the hands or cut :ith a =ni!e# ,tdoes not include hard edroc= or hard !ractured edroc=# ,t has roc=structure instead o! soil structure#Saturated =one A three B dimensional layer& lens& or other section o! the susur!ace in:hich all open spaces includin% ;oints& !ractures& interstitial voids or pores

    are !illed :ith %round :ater# The thic=ness and eFtent o! a saturated oneSuperior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 12may vary seasonally or periodically in response to chan%es in the rate oramount o! %round:ater rechar%e or dischar%e#Seasonal Hi7h The elevation o! the %round:ater at the upper sur!ace o! the one o!satur-4ater $able ation as may occur durin% the :ettest periods o! the year& as indicated ymottlin% or a :ater sur!ace in an unlined hole& :hichever o! the t:o levelsis hi%her#Seepa7e Pit An asorption system consistin% o! a series o! non-mortared cement

    loc=s laid end to end or approved precast units :hich !orm a cylindricalunder%round enclosure that receives e!!luent !rom a septic tan=#Septa7e Hauler A person :ho holds a Septa%e @aste Servicin% .icense issued y theState o! $ichi%an#Septic $an< A :aterti%ht receptacle :hich receives se:a%e and is desi%ned to separatesolids !rom li7uids& di%est or%anic matter durin% a period o! retention& andto allo: the li7uids to dischar%e into a second treatment unit or to a soilasorption system#Sewa7e 4uman :astes !rom residences& uildin%s& industrial estalishments& orother places& includin% =itchen& ath& and laundry :astes#Sewa7e System The method and devices& includin% all septic tan=s& pipes& pumps& vents&asorption systems and privies used to treat and/or dispose o! all se:a%e#Sewa7e System A person 7uali!ied to en%a%e in se:a%e system installation& alterationnstaller or repair#Site E6aluation An investi%ation to evaluate the suitaility o! a tract or parcel o! land tosupport an ade7uate se:a%e system#Slope The rate o! !all or drop in !eet per one hundred !eet 100B o! the %roundsur!ace# ,t is eFpressed as a percent o! %rade#Soil $e;ture The relative proportions o! sand& silt& and clay particles in a mass o! soil#The ma;or teFtural classi!ications are de!ined as !ollo:s?Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 1Sand ,ndividual %rains :hich can e seen and !elt readily# S7ueeed in the hand:hen dry& this soil :ill !all apart :hen the pressure is released#Sandy &oam Consists lar%ely o! sand& ut has enou%h silt and clay present to %ive it asmall amount o! staility# ,ndividual sand %rains can e readily seen and!elt# S7ueeed in the hand :hen dry& this soil :ill readily !all apart :henthe pressure is released# S7ueeed :hen moist& it !orms a cast :hich :illnot only hold its shape :hen the pressure is released& ut :ill :ithstandcare!ul handlin% :ithout rea=in%# The staility o! the moist cast

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    di!!erentiates this soil !rom sand#&oam Consists o! an even miFture o! the di!!erent sies o! sand& silt and clay# ,tis easily crumled :hen dry and has a sli%htly %ritty& yet !airly smooth!eel# ,t is sli%htly plastic# S7ueeed in the hand :hen dry& it :ill !orm acast that :ill :ithstand care!ul handlin%# The cast !ormed o! moist soil

    can e handled !reely :ithout rea=in%#Silt &oam Consists o! a moderate amount o! !ine %rades o! sand& a small amount o!clay& and a lar%e 7uantity o! silt particles# .umps in a dry& undisturedstate appear 7uite cloddy& ut they can e pulveried readilyD the soil then!eels so!t and !loury# @hen :et& silt loam runs to%ether in puddles#Either dry or moist& casts can e handled !reely :ithout rea=in%# @hen aall o! moist soil is pressed et:een thum and !in%er& it :ill not press outinto a small unro=en rion& ut :ill have a ro=en appearance#Clay &oam Consists o! an even miFture o! sand& silt& and clay& :hich rea=s into clodsor lumps :hen dry# @hen a all o! moist soil is pressed et:een thethum and !in%er& it :ill !orm a thin rion that :ill readily rea=& arely

    sustainin% its o:n :ei%ht# The moist soil is plastic and :ill !orm a castthat :ill :ithstand considerale handlin%#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 1PB :ire can e molded :ith ease#8in%erprints :ill sho: on the soil& and a dull to ri%ht polish is made onthe soil y a shovel#Stream A river& :atercourse& cree=& %ully& ravine& or ditch& natural or humanmade&:hich may or may not e servin% as a drain& havin% de!inite an=s&a ed& and visile evidence o! !lo:& either continuous or intermittent& !or aperiod o! %reater than t:o 2B months in any one year#Surface 4ater Any natural or man-made ody o! :ater that eFists on the %round sur!ace!or an eFtended period o! time#$echnical #anual Guidelines& speci!ications and standard practices used to implementthiscode#$est Pit An open pit o! de!ined sie and depth& to permit thorou%h eFamination o!the soil#

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    "aulted Pri6y A structure used !or the disposal o! human :aste :hich is dischar%ed intoa :aterti%ht receptacle#SEC$O! -. %PP&C%B&$

    This code shall apply to sin%le and t:o-!amily se:a%e systems#Superior Environmental 4ealth Code

    a%e 15SEC$O! -.0 PER#$S-.0.* %pplication for Permit

    1# An application to construct& alter& eFtend or replace a se:a%e system shall e providedy thedepartment#2# An application !or a permit to construct& alter& eFtend or replace a se:a%e system shallesumitted to the department y the property o:ner or his authoried representative## The health o!!icer shall not act upon any application unless the application is complete#-.0. Construction Permits

    1# *o person shall construct& alter& eFtend& or replace a se:a%e system :ithout !irsthavin% eenissued a construction permit !rom the department#2# Any permit issued pursuant to the re7uirements o! this code shall e valid !or the termo!t:enty !our 2

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    Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 1>># The health o!!icer may re7uire speci!ic technolo%ies& procedures& or constructionpractices asa condition o! the permit#

    6# The health o!!icer may re7uire a third-party operation and maintenance a%reement#peration and maintenance manuals !or speci!ic system desi%ns may e re7uired !rommanu!acturers and contractors !or homeo:ner and/or third-party use## The health o!!icer shall document deviations pursuant to the code#9# The health o!!icer shall have the authority to issue a construction permit !or analternativese:a%e system i! the site does not meet the site re7uirements !or a conventional se:a%esystem#SEC$O! -.2 PUB&C SE4ERS

    All !acilities !rom :hich se:a%e !lo:s shall e connected to a pulic se:er& i! availale&or a

    se:a%e system#SEC$O! -.- PRE#SES OCCUP%!C9CO!'E#!%$O!,t shall e unla:!ul !or any person to occupy& or permit to e occupied& any premises note7uipped :ith an approved se:a%e system# Any premises constructed or maintainedcontrary tothese re%ulations may e declared un!it !or haitation& posted and ordered to e vacatedy thehealth o!!icer#SEC$O! -./ S$E E"%&U%$O! RESPO!SB&$

    -./.* #inimum $est E;ca6ations

    1# The health o!!icer shall conduct a site evaluation !or the parameters speci!ic to thisSectionand to Section 5#6 !or any parcel o! land :here a completed application :as sumitted tothedepartment#2# The depth& numer and location o! test pits shall e determined y the health o!!icer## A site evaluation report shall e valid !or not more than t:elve months#-./. Seasonal94eather Restrictions

    A site evaluation shall not occur et:een the dates o! 'ecemer 1 and $arch 1st# Thehealtho!!icer may %rant :ritten permission on an individual asis durin% the restricted season i!:eather conditions are suitale#SEC$O! -.1 SE4%)E SS$E# SU$%B&$ S$%!'%R'S

    Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 16-.1.* #inimum Site Re>uirements

    1# Conventional Se:a%e SystemA# The permeaility o! the soil shall not eFceed !orty-!ive minutes per inch

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    t:enty-!our inches 2& #A# 196& art 126#,# The se:a%e system must e located so that it is accessile !or cleanin% or inspectionpurposes#2# Alternative Se:a%e System

    Site re7uirements !or alternative se:a%e systems shall e in accordance :ith theTechnicalGuidance $anual#-.1. Sewa7e System Re>uirements

    1# As summaried in Tale 5#6#2 A in this rule& the proposed se:a%e system shall satis!ythe!ollo:in% isolation re7uirements?A# Se:er lines !rom uildin%s shall e located a minimum o! ten !eet 10B !rom all :ater:ells#"# Septic tan=s or vaulted privies shall e located a minimum o! !i!ty !eet 50B !romresidential :ellsD seventy !ive !eet 65B !rom Type ,, non-community and Type ,,,:ater supplies& and t:o hundred !eet 200B !rom Type ,,a and community :atersuppliesD ten !eet 10B !rom property linesD !ive !eet 5B !rom !oundation :allsD !ive !eet5B !rom uildin% !ootin% drains& storm drains and/or other susoil drainsD ten !eet 10BSuperior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 1!rom :ater linesD ten !eet 10B !rom steep eman=ments or drop-o!!s& and seventy-!ive!eet 65B !rom la=es& streams or other sur!ace :ater impoundments#C# The asorption system shall e located a minimum o! !i!ty !eet 50B !rom residential:ellsD seventy !ive !eet 65B !rom Type ,, non-community and Type ,,, :ater suppliesDt:o hundred !eet 200B !rom Type ,,a and community :ater suppliesD ten !eet 10B !romproperty lines& ten !eet 10B !eet !rom !oundation :allsD t:enty !ive !eet 25B !romuildin% !ootin% drains& storm drains and/or other susoil drainsD ten !eet 10B !rom :aterlines& t:enty !eet 20B !rom steep eman=ments or drop-o!!s& and seventy !ive !eet 65B!rom la=es& streams or other sur!ace :ater impoundments#'# Earth pit privies shall e located a minimum o! one hundred !eet 100B !romresidentialand Type ,, non-community and Type ,,, :ater supplies& and t:o hundred !eet 200B!rom Type ,,a and community :ater supplies& ten !eet 10B !rom property lines& ten !eet10B !rom :ater lines& t:enty !eet 20B !rom !oundation :alls& t:enty !eet 20B !rom

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    uildin% !ootin% drains& storm drains and/or other susoil drains& t:enty !ive !eet 25B!rom steep eman=ments or drop-o!!s& and seventy !ive 65B !rom la=es& streams or othersur!ace :ater impoundments#2# The soil depth et:een the limitin% one or the seasonal hi%h :ater tale and thea%%re%ate/soil inter!ace shall not e less than !orty-ei%ht inches

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    :eather conditions are suitale and total installation shall e completed :ithin !orty-ei%hthours#$%B&E -.1. B %bsorption System Si8in7 Re>uirements

    *ative SoilTeFture/

    StructureermeailityApplication )ate%pd/!t#$inimumAsorptionArea 8t#/"edroomBSuperior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 20in/hr min/in "ed Trench "ed Trench

    Coarse sand&Gravel&Gravelly sandQ 20 R Strati!ied sandand %ravel&medium sand20->#0 -10 #65 1#0 200 1508ine sand.oamy sand>#0-#0 11-20 #5 #65 00 200Sandy loam&.oam#0-2#0 21-0 #65 #5

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    Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 21-.5.* %uthori8ation to Use an E;istin7 Sewa7e System

    1# *o person shall connect a d:ellin% to an eFistin% se:a%e system eFcept :hereallo:ed& in

    :ritin%& y the health o!!icer# *or shall any person increase se:a%e !lo: to an eFistin%se:a%e system y %reater than one edroom or one hundred !i!ty %allons per day eFcept:here allo:ed& in :ritin%& y the health o!!icer#2# @hen a person re7uests the ne:/increased use o! an eFistin% se:a%e system& he shallprovidea copy o!& or assist in ac7uirin% a copy o!& the permit under :hich the system :asinstalled#A# @hen the ori%inal permit or copy o! the permit is availale& the ne:/increased use o!theeFistin% se:a%e system may e %ranted :hen the !ollo:in% conditions are met?1# A site evaluation o! the se:a%e system reveals no ovious si%ns o! !ailure#

    2# The proposed ne:/increased use is less than a t:o edroom increase in the pro;ectedse:a%e !lo:s over the previous use# ,n the event the pro;ected se:a%e !lo: increaseis %reater than one hundred !i!ty %allons per day or one edroom& the system shall emodi!ied to meet the siin% re7uirements o! this code#"# @here the ori%inal permit or copy o! the permit is not availale& or the se:a%e systemserves a home prior to any re%ulation& an evaluation o! the eFistin% se:a%e system :ill ere7uired# The ne:/increased use o! an eFistin% se:a%e system may e %ranted :hen the!ollo:in% conditions are met?1# The site conditions have een determined to meet the re7uirements o! this Code#2# A site evaluation o! the se:a%e system reveals no ovious si%ns o! !ailure## The proposed ne:/increased use is less than a t:o 2B edroom increase in thepro;ected se:a%e !lo: over the previous use# ,n the event the pro;ected !lo: increaseis %reater than one hundred !i!ty %allons per day or one edroom& then a replacementsystem is re7uired#

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    # The se:a%e system has een installed or other:ise repaired :ithout !irst otainin% apermit#SEC$O! -.*+ CO!S$RUC$O! S$%!'%R'S

    -.*+.* %77re7ate9(ilter #aterial

    1# A%%re%ate shall e :ashed stone ran%in% in sie !rom one-hal! inch PB to t:o and

    one-hal!inches 2 PB :ith a total !ines content not eFceedin% !ive-tenths percent 0#5NB loss y:ashin%# Stone a%%re%ate must rate three or more on $ohs scale o! hardness# Siin% andhardness speci!ications and testin% methodolo%y shall e de!ined in the technical manual#2# Alternative a%%re%ate may e approved## 'ocumentation shall e provided to the health o!!icer upon re7uest that all a%%re%ateused inse:a%e systems complies :ith the aove sie and !ines re7uirements in this section asdetermined y a $ichi%an Certi!ied A%%re%ate Technician#-.*+. %77re7ate nstallation

    1# The a%%re%ate in an asorption system shall e a minimum o! t:elve inches 12PB in

    depth#There shall e a minimum o! siF inches >PB o! a%%re%ate elo: the distriution pipe# Thea%%re%ate in an asorption ed system shall eFtend a minimum o! t:o !eet 2B eyondtheheader& !ooter& and laterals#2# The a%%re%ate shall e continuous throu%hout the !ull :idth and len%th o! theasorption edor trench## A%%re%ate shall not e mounded around the distriution pipe and shall e uni!orm indepththrou%hout the asorption ed or trench#-.*+.0 Buildin7 Sewer

    "uildin% se:ers shall e constructed o! schedule

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    2# Septic tan=s shall have a li7uid capacity o! at least the avera%e volume o! se:a%e!lo:in%into it durin% any 2< hour period& ut in no case shall the li7uid capacity o! the !irst septictan= e less than 1&000 %allons## The minimum capacity !or septic tan=s !or a one& t:o& or three edroom d:ellin% shall

    e1&000 %allons& eFcept :here in the opinion o! the health o!!icer& increased capacities mayere7uired# Each additional edroom shall re7uire an additional 250 %allons# Each %ara%e%rinder shall re7uire an additional 250 %allons#SEC$O! -.*0 PR"ES

    1# The ase o! the pit o! an Earth it rivy shall e a minimum o! !orty-ei%ht

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    A# The se:a%e system shall e ta%%ed in a conspicuous location indicatin% that it doesnotmeet this code and that approval !or ac=!illin% shall not e %ranted#"# The department shall provide :ritten noti!ication to the installer indicatin% thede!iciencies noted at the time o! inspection& methods o! correction& and a time !rame !or

    corrections to e made#SEC$O! -.*/ !S$%&&ER &CE!S!)1# All se:a%e system installers shall e licensed y the department# *o person shallinstall&alter& or repair a se:a%e system unless they are a licensed se:a%e system installer orunlessthey 7uali!y !or the eFception in Section 5#1#2# The license re7uirements shall e in e!!ect :ithin one year o! the e!!ective date o! thiscode#SEC$O! -.*1 RE"OC%$O! O( &CE!SE

    An installers license issued in accordance :ith this code may e suspended or revo=ed in

    accordance :ith Article #0 and 9#0#SEC$O! -.*3 PR"%$E PROPER$ O4!ERSSuperior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 2>*othin% in this code shall preclude a property o:ner& :ho is not a licensed se:a%esysteminstaller& !rom installin% his o:n se:a%e system under permit !or his permanentresidence#SEC$O! -.*5 CO#P&E$O! OR CORREC$O! O( REAURE' 4OR@

    The health o!!icer may order the property o:ner to complete or correct remainin% :or=oreliminate any health haard or nuisance that may eFist a!ter a permit has een revo=ed orstop:or=order issued#SEC$O! -.+ PROR$ O"ER BU&'!) %!' OCCUP%!C PER#$S

    *o municipality& to:nship& or other %overnin% ody shall issue a uildin% permit or allo:construction o! any structure on a premise re7uirin% a se:a%e system until theappropriateconstruction permit has een issued y the health o!!icer#SEC$O! -.* SE4%)E 'SCH%R)E !O$CE

    1# @hen the health o!!icer determines that se:a%e is dischar%in% into any private orpulicdrain or ditch& he shall order the person o:nin% the premises !rom :hich the se:a%eori%inated& to connect the se:er line to a pulic se:er# ,! a pulic se:er is not availale&thehealth o!!icer shall order the property o:ner to install a se:a%e system or see= otherremedies in accordance :ith this code#2# The health o!!icer shall %ive a :ritten notice o! correction to a property o:ner =no:nto edischar%in% se:a%e unla:!ully#

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    # The health o!!icer may plu%& or cause to e plu%%ed& any drainpipe outlet that isdischar%in%se:a%e to %round sur!ace or into sur!ace :ater& private or pulic drain or ditch#SEC$O! -. !$ER(ERE!CES 4$H !O$CES

    *o person shall remove& mutilate& or conceal any notice posted y the health o!!icer#

    Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 26

    %R$C&E /.+ 4%$ER SUPP&ESSEC$O! /.* 'E(!$O!S:

    Bedroc< Consolidated and continuous %eolo%ic material& such as limestone& dolomite&shale& sandstone& asalt& or %ranite#Bentonite A plastic& colloidal clay :hich has eFtensive aility to asor !resh :ater ands:ell in volume and :hich is composed predominantly o! the mineral$ontmorillonite#Concrete A miFture o! ortland cement& sand& and :ater in the proportion o! 1 a% o!cement )rout 9< poundsB& an e7ual volume 1 cuic !ootB o! dry and or %ravel

    a%%re%ate& andnot more than siF %allons o! clean :ater#E;tensi6e ,ncludes& ut is not limited to& replacin% the entire :ell casin%& removin% a:ellChan7e casin% !rom the %round& chan%in% a7ui!ers& or increasin% :ell capacity y morethan 10 %pm#Hydraulic The application o! li7uids or %ases eFceedin% 250 pounds per s7uare inch via(racturin7 con!inement in a predetermined portion o! orehole !or the purpose o!partin% theroc= matriF or openin% eFistin% roc= !ractures to increase permeaility#The pressure is pump pressure& measured at the %round sur!ace#

    !eat A miFture o! one a% o! ortland cement 9< poundsB and not more than siFCement %allons o! !resh :ater# 'rillin% !luid entonite that is not more than 5Ny :ei%ht o! cement and additional :ater that is not more than 0#> %allons !or each1N o! entonite may e added to neat cement# ther additives and admiFturesshall e approved y the health o!!icer e!ore use#Pump A person 7uali!ied to en%a%e in the installation& removal& alteration& or repair o!nstaller :ater :ell pumpin% e7uipment#Rental A tract o! land or d:ellin% o!!ered !or lease to the pulic !or human livin%Propertypurposes :hich may consist o! short or lon%-term use#4ater A system o! pipes and structures throu%h :hich :ater is otained includin%& utSupply not limited to& the source o! :ater such as :ells& sur!ace :ater inta=es& and

    hauledSystem :aterD pumpin% and treatment e7uipmentD stora%e tan=sD pipes& and appurte-nances& or a comination thereo!& used or intended to !urnish :ater !ordomestic or commercial use#4ell An openin% in the sur!ace o! the earth !or the purpose o! otainin% %round:ater&monitorin% the 7uality and 7uantity o! %round:ater& otainin% %eolo%icin!ormation on a7ui!ers& rechar%in% a7ui!ers& pur%in% a7ui!ers& utiliin% theSuperior Environmental 4ealth Code

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    a%e 2%eothermal properties o! earth !ormations or removin% %round:ater !or anypurpose# @ells& as de!ined in this Section& include ut are not limited to?1# A :ater :ell used !or human consumption or domestic purposes#2# A test :ell/monitorin% :ell used to otain in!ormation on %round:ater

    7uality& 7uantity& or a7ui!er characteristics !or the purpose o! desi%nin% oroperatin% a :ater supply system## A rechar%e :ell used to dischar%e :ater into an a7ui!er## An irri%ation :ell used to provide :ater !or plants& livestoc=& or othera%ricultural processes#4ell 'riller A person 7uali!ied to en%a%e in :ell construction& :ell alteration& or :ellrepair

    and pump installation& :ho supervises the construction o! :ater :ells and theinstallation o! pumps& and :ho o:ns& rents& or leases e7uipment used in theconstruction o! :ater :ells#SEC$O! /. %PP&C%B&$

    This Article is intended to re%ulate the installation o! :ater :ells and :ater supplysystems#,nstallation& operation& alteration& and maintenance shall e consistent :ith& andcomplementaryto the Administrative )ules& as amended& o! the $ichi%an ulic 4ealth Code& 196 A>&art 126& the $ichi%an Sa!e 'rin=in% @ater Act& 196> A 99# This Article does notapply tothe installation o! :ells& :ater mains& service lines& etc#& :hich are part o! a Type , pulic:atersupply as de!ined y the $ichi%an Sa!e 'rin=in% @ater Act#SEC$O! /.0 PER#$S

    /.0.* %pplication for Permit

    Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 291# An application !or a :ater supply construction permit shall e provided y thedepartment#2# An application !or a :ater supply construction permit shall e made y the propertyo:ner orhis authoried representative## The health o!!icer shall not act upon an application unless the application is complete#/.0. Construction Permits

    1# *o person shall e%in construction o! a :ell or :ater supply or ma=e an eFtensivechan%e toan eFistin% :ater supply :ithout !irst otainin% a :ater supply construction permit !romthe

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    department#2# Any construction permit issued pursuant to the re7uirements o! this Article shall evalid !ora term o! t:enty-!our 2

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    1# A permit is not re7uired !or minor repairs to the system such as replacin% a telescoped:ellscreenD chan%in% a screenD deepenin% or plu%%in% ac= a edroc= :ellD installin% a linerpipeDreplacin% a pump& pump controls& pump drop pipe or pressure tan=& or chemical treatment

    ordisin!ection o! the :ell#2# A permit is not re7uired !rom the department !or the installation o! any :ells under the;urisdiction o! $ichi%ansMineral Well Act art >25& 199< #A# # o! this Article#SEC$O! /.2 %"%&%B&$ O( % PUB&C 4%$ER SUPP&

    1# The eFistence or availaility o! a pulic :ater supply shall not preclude the issuance o!anindividual :ater supply construction permit under this code#2# @hen a pulic :ater supply is availale and the health o!!icer has issued a :atersupplyconstruction permit& the o:ner o! the municipal :ater supply shall e noti!ied#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 1SEC$O! /.- 4%$ER 4E&& %!' PU#P RECOR'S

    A :ater :ell and pump record shall e sumitted to the department in accordance :ithart 126&o! Act >& )ule 165 and :hen any o! the !ollo:in% conditions apply?1# A :ell is deepened a!ter completion#2# A liner pipe is installed## The capacity o! the :ell is increased y 10 %pm or more## A edroc= :ell is plu%%ed ac=#6# A pump is replaced## An under%round pressure tan= is installed#9# A pitless adapter is installed#10# A :ell is hydraulically !ractured#11# A :ater :ell and pump record is re7uested y the health o!!icer#SEC$O! /./ PROR$ O"ER BU&'!) %!' OCCUP%!C PER#$S

    @here a municipal :ater supply is not availale& a municipality& to:nship& or othera%ency shall

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    not issue a uildin% permit or other:ise allo: construction to commence !or anyd:ellin% unlessone o! the !ollo:in% conditions eFist?1# A :ater supply construction permit has !irst een issued#2# rovisions !or a :ater supply system have een accepted y the health o!!icer#

    # The health o!!icer does not re7uire a :ater supply system#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e 2SEC$O! /.1 S$OP 4OR@ OR'ER

    The health o!!icer may issue a stop :or= order :hen the :ater supply under constructiondoesnot comply :ith the re7uirements o! this Code and all applicale la:s& re%ulations andordinances# @or= shall not resume until the o:ner and/or authoried a%ent has a%reed tocomplyand the health o!!icer rescinds the stop :or= order#SEC$O! /.3 !O$(C%$O!

    The health o!!icer may re7uire the :ell driller to noti!y the department prior to or durin%construction o! the :ater supply#SEC$O! /.5 4E&& !SPEC$O! %!' %PPRO"%&

    /.5.* nspection

    1# The department may inspect the :ater system construction or :ell drillin% process#2# An inspection o! a ne: or eFtensively chan%ed :ater supply system may e re7uiredy thedepartment e!ore the system is put into use#/.5. %ppro6al

    The !inal approval o! a :ater supply system shall not e %ranted until all o! the !ollo:in%conditions have een met?1# The :ater supply system is !ound to e in compliance :ith this ordinance& applicalecodes&and permit re7uirements#2# A completed O@ater @ell and ump )ecordP has een sumitted& revie:ed& andapproved## The health o!!icer& upon revie: o! the re7uired :ater sample analysis results& hasdeterminedthat the :ater 7uality meets sa!e drin=in% :ater standards !or the parameters tested#SEC$O! /.*+ RE!$%& PROPER$ES

    1# @ater supplies servin% rental properties may e condemned and ordered corrected ythehealth o!!icer :hen any one o! the !ollo:in% conditions eFists?A# The :ater 7uality !rom the :ell does not meet sa!e drin=in% :ater standards#"# The health o!!icer determines that continued use o! a :ell represents a health haard#C# A :ell is !ound to e in violation o! previous applicale rules :hich :ere in e!!ect atthetime o! construction#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e

  • 7/21/2019 Environmental Code of Bohol


    2# A condemnation order shall e provided y the health o!!icer in :ritin% to the o:ner o!the:ater supply# The order must speci!y the conditions and methods o! correction andestalisha compliance date not to eFceed 90 days#

    # The o:ner& upon receivin% an order o! condemnation& shall noti!y all tenants thatcontinueduse o! the :ater supply represents a potential health haard& and that precautionarymeasuresshould e ta=en to protect their health#SEC$O! /.** E#ER)E!C CO!'$O!S

    @hen a lac= o! :ater results in undue hardship and the department is closed& a :elldriller orproperty o:ner may initiate repair :or= or construction o! a ne: :ell or :ater supply:ithoutprior noti!ication or permit# The :ell driller or property o:ner shall contact the

    department onthe neFt :or=in% day to otain a permit# The :ell driller or property o:ner shall eresponsile!or complyin% :ith all other provisions o! this code#SEC$O! /.* )ROU$!) REAURE#E!$S BE'ROC@ 4E&&S

    @here edroc= is encountered :ithin 25 !eet o! %round sur!ace& an oversied oreholeshall edrilled and the entire len%th o! casin% %routed :ith neat cement or concrete %rout#SEC$O! /.*0 H'R%U&C (R%C$UR!)

    4ydraulic !racturin% to improve :ell capacity must e in accordance :ith the hydraulic!racturin% re7uest revie: policy procedure U199>-5& e!!ective ctoer 10& 199>& adoptedy the$ichi%an 'epartment o! Environmental uality& 'rin=in% @ater and )adiolo%icalrotection'ivision& :hich :as developed to assist in the application o! )ule 16B o! art 126&196 A>& $ichi%ans ulic 4ealth Code#Superior Environmental 4ealth Codea%e