EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen




Transcript of EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

Page 1: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen


Page 2: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

-About the Author__________________________________________p3

-Tangerine poem___________________________________________p4

-Ways of looking at unrefined oil_____________________________p5

-The lost sandwich_________________________________________p6

-Ice Haiku________________________________________________p7

-Wolf sister_______________________________________________p8


Page 3: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

Daniel was born in Bangkok, Thailand and so far lived in Singapore, America, currently in Vietnam and in the near future, Jakarta. I study at UNIS and was born in the year 2000, the year of the dragon. I mostly eat sandwiches for lunch and I’m not a vegetarian. I’m in the third semester and counting down the days to the next break. These are five poems I wrote. I hope enjoy the presentation.

Page 4: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

Tangerine, oh tangerine,

On the outside you look like a tired human head that has been in a fight.

You feel like a thorn less cactus.

When I peel you, you sound like ripping Velcro.

Tangerine, oh tangerine,

Inside you look like a great big spider web.

You feel like a squishy wet piece of Styrofoam.

You smell as sweet and sour as a gummy worm.

Tangerine, oh tangerine,

How can you not burst with a big wet explosion smelling of a perfume?

Page 5: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen


You are the black jewel in the deep

That money and hard work can reap


You do not give to few

Because you feel you are new


You try to be kind

But owners have a bad mind


You sometimes escape and prevail

But to many they think you will fail


You are the black lotus flower

Containing a ton of power


You hide in your shell

Escaping powers false quell


You stay in the earth

Not liking my hearth


You ride in the surf

Escaping mans turf

Page 6: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

Why did you slaughter me back at the cafeteria. You viciously gobbled me down. I felt as a leaf does when going down a deadly river to be dumped onto the sides like silt Do you hate me so much as to make me feel as if a pro-wrestler winded me with the force of a car?

Am I left to die, rotten under a blazing sun that not even vultures would not like to end my pain? Or am I your salvation unwillingly exploring the dangerous catacombs of the pyramid to find money for my family of dead pigs? Leave me alone so I can hopefully die in peace.

Page 7: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

A product of cold

An element of nature

The fresh in your drink

Một sản phẩm lạnh

một yếu tố của thiên nhiên

Sự tươi đẹp trong nước .

Page 8: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

My sister is a wolf

She stays up late at night

But naps during the day

She is one of the leaders,

Fierce and strict

She lives in a giant pack

Of young and old

Through all this,

She sees to everyone's need

With a wolf-like protection and care

Page 9: EngA06 - Imaginary Words - Poetry - Daniel Ollen

Tangerine. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 15 Mar 2013. http://quest.eb.com/images/131_2163688

Ice. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 15 Mar 2013. http://quest.eb.com/images/156_2401736

Ice. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 15 Mar 2013. http://quest.eb.com/images/300_3425855

Wolf. Photo. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 15 Mar 2013. http://quest.eb.com/images/167_4000463