Emotional Intelligence Ppt

Presented by Amee Thakkar


Emotional Intelligence Ppt

Transcript of Emotional Intelligence Ppt

Presented by Amee Thakkar

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. was formed in 1964. It is an Indian state owned oil and gas corporation

with its headquarters in New Delhi, India. Services: Refining, Pipelines, Marketing,and

Research and Development Products: Indane gas, Auto gas, Natural gas, Petrol,

Diesel, ATF/Jet fuel, Servo lubricants and greases, Marine fuels and Lubricants, Kerosene etc.

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. EI describes abilities distinct from but complementary to academic intelligence or the purely cognitive capacities measured by IQ. - Daniel Goleman (1995)

“ The act of getting something done well through the actions of others.”

- Daniel Goleman (1995)Leadership Styles Autocratic Bureaucratic Democratic Laissez Faire Paternalistic

Type of Research Study Design of questionnaire Sampling Design Collection of Data Analysis of Data

The data analysis is done using SPSS software. Descriptive Analysis Reliability Co-relation Analysis Cluster Analysis

Bar-On, R(1997), Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Quotient Inventory: A test of intelligence, Multi-Health Systems, Canada.

Gardner, H. (1983), Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Goleman, D. (1995), Emotional Intelligence. New York: Batnam Books.

Goleman, D.(1998), Working with emotional intelligence, New York, Batnam Books.