Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein Year 3 • Friday 8 February 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600 • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens Bouers Gereedskap • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222 In the latest Paarl Post ) Pig hunting almost fatal ) Law to pro- tect buildings ) Policeman dies in crash ) DA council- lor nabbed for drunken driving Ellen Pakkies in Paarl 3 Blouvlei verjaar 7 Atletiek op Daljosafat 8 STRYD AANGESÊ: Hanlie Visser (links) van Laerskool Hugenote sê vir Masha Tiras van Wellington Pri- mêre Skool die stryd aan in die 70 m vir meisies o.11 tydens die Welling- ton Sones se atletiekbyeenkoms op die Daljosafat-stadion. Masha het dié wedloop gewen. Môre is die Paarl Sones se laerskool-byeenkoms en volgende Saterdag word die Boland Sentraal-byeenkoms op Daljosafat- stadion aangebied. Boland se laer- skole is op 23 Februarie aan die beurt terwyl Boland-Sentraal se ho- erskole op 22 kragte meet. Die Bo- land hoërskool-byeenkoms is op 1-2 Maart. Vandag vind die PMW-Atle- tiekbyeenkoms (La Rochelle, Hoër Landbouskool Boland, Swartland, Hugenote, Worcester Gim) by Daljo- safat plaas. Die byeenkoms begin om 14:00 en sal teen 20:15 ten einde loop. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN Hekkies harmonie Hekkies Hekkies harmonie harmonie


Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Transcript of Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Page 1: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013


Year 3 • Friday 8 February 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600

• Elektriese Gereedskap

• Tuin Gereedskap

• Skoonmaak Masjiene

• Sleepwaens

Bouers Gereedskap

• Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding

Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service


In the latest Paarl Post) Pig huntingalmost fatal) Law to pro-tect buildings) Policemandies in crash) DA council-lor nabbed fordrunken driving

Ellen Pakkies in Paarl 3 Blouvlei verjaar 7 Atletiek op Daljosafat 8

STRYD AANGESÊ: Hanlie Visser(links) van Laerskool Hugenote sêvir Masha Tiras van Wellington Pri-mêreSkool die strydaan indie70 mvir meisies o.11 tydens die Welling-ton Sones se atletiekbyeenkoms opdie Daljosafat-stadion. Masha hetdiéwedloopgewen.Môre isdiePaarlSones se laerskool-byeenkoms envolgende Saterdag word die BolandSentraal-byeenkoms op Daljosafat-stadion aangebied. Boland se laer-skole is op 23 Februarie aan diebeurt terwyl Boland-Sentraal se ho-erskole op 22 kragte meet. Die Bo-landhoërskool-byeenkoms isop1-2Maart. Vandag vind die PMW-Atle-tiekbyeenkoms (La Rochelle, HoërLandbouskool Boland, Swartland,Hugenote, Worcester Gim) by Daljo-safat plaas. Die byeenkoms beginom 14:00 en sal teen 20:15 teneinde loop.


Hekkies harmonieHekkiesHekkies harmonieharmonie

Page 2: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein Gazette Entertainment - Vermaak Friday 8 February 20132

MEL BOTES AT RHEBOK-SKLOOF: The ever popular MelBotes will perform a tribute toDire Straits on 10 February atRhebokskloof Wine Estate inPaarl. The gates open at 17:00and the show starts at 19:00.Tickets are R130 per personand can be booked via Com-puticket. Visitors are welcometo bring a picnic basket or or-der one from the estate. Formore information, contact021 869 8386 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

IDOLS: Idols season 9 auditions kicked off inCape Town. Amy Jones (19) from Paarl, whois studying Dietetics, is one of the contestantswho passed the first round of the competition.She has a passion for music and it is her fourthtime she is entering Idols. This year the audi-tionswere held at theGrandWest EntertainmentCentre in Cape Town. The next audition for Idols9 takes place at the Soweto Theatre in Sowetoon 16 February and thereafter the audition tourmoves to Durban and then Johannesburg.


Sterrekykpiekniek by die TaalmonumentSterrekykgeesdriftiges kan weereens uitsienna ’n reeks sterrekykpieknieks, waar besoe-kers ’n piekniek kan geniet terwyl hulle diesterrehemel verken.

Die pieknieksword in samewerkingmet dieOrion Observasie Groep (OOG), ’n informelesterrrekundeklub van die Boland, aangebied.

Sterrekykpieknieks vind plaas op 16 Febru-arie en 23 Maart. Die pieknieks begin om 18:00en ’n begeleide toer van die monument wordom 18:30 aangebied. Besoekers kan van 20:00tot 22:30 onder leiding van lede van OOG deurteleskope na die sterre kyk.

Toegang by die hek: R25 vir volwassenes enR10 vir kinders. Bespreek by 021 863 0543/4809of0721816744 (ookvirweernavrae).Pieknieksword gekanselleer as die weer sleg is.

Besoekers kan hul eie piekniekmandjiessaambring of eenbyVolksmondKoffiewinkelbestel (021 863 2800). Volksmond sal oop weesvir koffie en ligte verversings.

Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegangword beheer. Besoekers word aangemoedigom verkykers en warm klere saam te bring.

Verder word ’n stersirkels-fotografieslyp-skoolooktydensdiesterrekykpiekniekaange-bied, van 18:00 tot 22:30, teenR350 per persoon.Diépraktiesewerkswinkel isgeskikvirbegin-ner- tot intermediêre fotograwe. ’n SLR-kame-ra (digitaal of 35mm) is noodsaaklik. Die slyp-skool sluit notas en ligte verversings in.

Bespreking is noodsaaklik. Kontak AmiraClayton by 021 863 0543/4809 of [email protected].

Valentine picnicat OpstalOpstal Estate, in the SlanghoekWineValley,hosts theirPicnic in theVineyard on 14 February from 18:00.

On arrival you’ll be greeted withrefreshingVirginSparkle,servedina bottle with a Caprese canapé rest-ing on top.

Guests will be invited to partakein old school grape stomping withthe love of their life and then sampleyour own “crushed” love juice.

Havingworkedupaheftyappetitemake your way back to the restau-rant to enjoy a feast fit for kings andqueens.

End off the perfect evening withfreshly brewed coffee and home-made cupcakes.

Booking is essential and ticketsare R150 per person. Contact 023 3443001 or [email protected] formore information or to secure yourtable.

Laughter, the happy­drugLaughter sessions are offered at no chargeto twoworthyorganisationsonceaweek forsix weeks, beginning in March.

The duration of each session is approxi-mately one hour.

Laughterhasmanybenefitsbesidethe joyof laughter. It strengthens the immune sys-tem, combats negative effects of stress andis a powerful antidote to depression andanxiety. It alleviates high blood pressureandasthmaand increases tolerance topain.Inaddition, it improvespeople’s senseofhu-mour, self confidence and communicationskills.

Laughter releases endorphins (the body’snatural happy-drug) and increases the flowof oxygen to the brain and body.

Laughter yoga was started by a medicaldoctor, Dr Madan Kataria from India, in1995and today thereare thousandsof laugh-

ter clubs in more than 75 countries world-wide.

The sessions consist of playful exercisesthat allow one to laugh for no reason, inter-spersedwithdeepbreathingandrelaxation.

Groupsofupto20peoplewillnotonlyben-efit on a personal level but also as a team.

The sessions will be led by Donna God-frey.She isa freelancer inbroadcasting,hasworked inprisons inhumanrights capacityand had much involvement in communityupliftment over many years.

Due to limited time available, only twogroups can be accommodated and will bechosen based on the greatest need.

Organisations, schools or individualswhowould like to injectpositivebenefits fora group and attend laughter sessions cancontact Donna on 021 863 2680 or e-mail [email protected]. Laugh your way to better health.

9 Februarie)Emo Adams tree by die TaalmonumentTuinteater op om 20:00. Kaartjies is voorafbeskikbaar by die Taalmonument of by diehek, teen R100 vir volwassenes en R50 virkinders (kinders onder 6 gratis). Eet- endrinkgoed is beskikbaar by die Volksmondkoffiewinkel by die monument.) Nianell tree op by die Bôrdienghuisteaterin Wellington. Die vertoning begin om 19:00en kaartjies kos R125 per persoon. Etes en’nkontantkroegsalbeskikbaarwees.Virna-vrae en besprekings, kontak Karin by 071672 3090 of Caro by 083 570 4765.) Robin Auld can be seen in a summer con-cert at Solms-Delta wine estate from 19:00to 21:30. Slide guitar, harmonica, Africanblues and soul vocals all form part of hisfresh and vibrant sound. Performing along-side him will be the Delta Valley Entertain-ers, Delta Langbroek Band and Delta Eight.

The cost isR210 per personandR100 for kidsunder 12 years.For bookings call Henry on 021 874 3937 oremail [email protected]. EverySaturday evening, until 9 March 2013, feaston traditional Cape food, music and danceon the lawns of the Fyndraai restaurant.

9-10 Februarie) Stef Bos tree op in die Ou Meulteater indie Paarl. Sedert die Nederlandse sangerdeur Johannes Kerkorrel in die begin vandie negentigerjare met Suid-Afrika en Afri-kaans in kontak gekom het, het daar ’n ver-houdinggegroei tussenhomendie land.Stefhet aan die begin van sy kennismaking metSuid-Afrika veral Nederlands gesing, waarhy nou meer en meer die laatste 10 jaar ’nsoort Neder-Afrikaans ontwikkel het, ’nsoort eie taal eie aan homself. Met die verto-ning, De omgekeerde tyd, sing Stef homselfterug in die tyd tot daar waar hy begin het.Verwag ’n vertoning met ’n goeie mengselvan ou en nuwe liedjies.Kaartjies vir albei vertonings is R150. Be-spreek by 083 564 0056 of by [email protected].

11-13 February)Learn more about our iconic freedomfighter inThe Life andTimes ofNelsonMan-dela exhibition in the Paarl Town Hall from09:30 to 20:00. For more information contact021 807 6260.

15 Februarie)Die Boland-tak van die Boeremusiekgildehou ’n Valentynsdans, met Boeremusiek ge-maak deur DIE MANNE, by LaerskoolNoord-Eind in die Paarl. Toegang is R35 virlede en R45 vir nie-lede. Vir navrae, skakel0833467083.) Paulus Joubert Primêr hou ’n Valentyns-piekniekdans vir oudstudente in die skool-saal.DJBrent salmusiekmaakenpiekniek-mandjies kan saamgebring word. Kaartjiesisbeskikbaarbydieskool.Virnogbesonder-hede bel Sharon Malens by 0714444865.) Dowwe Dolla Dink Diep, met regie deurMargit Meyer-Rödenbeck, kan gesien wordby die Ou Meulteater in die Paarl. Dolla be-loofomte filosofeerentevoorspel!Dieverto-ning begin om 20:00 en kaartjies kos R100per persoon. Kontak 083 564 0056.

Page 3: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 8 February 2013 3


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Ellen Pakkies inspires PaarlEllen Pakkies, the mother whostrangled her son due to his tik ad-diction and abuse, recently visitedthe community in Ward 26 in Paarlto educate them about the dangersof methamphetamine (tik) by shar-ing her life story.

As amother, Ellen had to watch herson Adam’s life disintegrate as he be-cameprogressively addicted to tik, go-ing from a promising teenager to onewith no direction in life and only onemission to secure his next high.Pakkies encouraged the youth to

treat their parents with respect and to

love them.“IcanjustgiveGodall thepraiseand

glory for turning my life around andfor the strength that He has given meto continue my life journey because Ihad a very hard and painful life,” saidPakkies.Councillor Wendy Philander, Ward

26 Councillor, said having Pakkies asa guest speakerwas a true blessing forthe people in Ward 26, because drugaddiction, especially tik, in variouscommunities is way out of control.“Parents and children are now in-

formed about where they can get helpto combat this monster called tik, be-

cause it is ruining our children’s livesand their future.“We all learnt from the Ellen Pak-

kies tragedy and now we can onlymake things better in our communi-ties by taking hands and fighting thistogether,” said Councillor Philander.Marlene Michell from the South Af-

ricanNational Council onAlcoholism(SANCA Paarl) told the residents ofWard 26 where they can get help local-ly.SANCA Paarl is situated at 34 Lady

GreyStreet (LandmarkBuilding, nextto the Pasadena Spur) and their con-tact number is 021 872 9671.

Ellen Pakkies, the mother who killed her son because of his tik addiction and abuse, recently visited the community in Ward 26 toeducate them about the dangers of methamphetamine (tik) by sharing her life story. Here Ellen Pakkies (front) is busy interactingwith the community in Ward 26.

Paarl­hospitaal het eie borsmelk­bankvir vroeggebore babasIN Paarl-hospitaal is borsmelk goud werdas dit kombydie redvandiemeeskwesba-re, vroeggebore babatjies.Die neonatale eenheid by Paarl-hospi-

taal versorg gereeld babas wat soms tottwee en ’n half maande te vroeg gebore isen enigiets van 600 g weeg.Menslike borsmelk is oor en oor bewys

om die beste melk vir babas en veral pre-mature babas te wees.Premature babas se immuunstelsels is

nog nie goed genoeg ontwikkel om hulleteen infeksies te bekermnie. Borsmelk be-vat witbloedselle, teenliggame, hormoneen ensieme wat help om infeksie te beveg.Formule-melk bevat nie hierdie be-

standdele nie en as ’n premature baba for-mulemelk gevoer word, het hulle ’n seskeer hoër risiko om derminfeksie te krywat dodelik kan wees. Selfs al is die infek-sie nie dodelik nie, veroorsaak dit dikwelserge skade aan byvoorbeeld die longe, oëen brein.Wanneer ’nmoeder –meesal onverwags

– geboorte skenk aan ’n premature baba,is sy nie altyd fisies of emosioneel voorbe-

reiomgenoegmelkvirhaarprematureba-ba te kan voorsien nie.Omdat die nuwe moeders dan dikwels

angstig raak omdat hulle te minmelk het,ontstaan ’nbose sikluswatveroorsaakdathul melkproduksie net nog minder word.In hierdie gevalle – veral by mikro-pre-

mature babas (dié met ’n geboortegewigvanminderas1kg), isdie tydelikegebruikvan skenker-borsmelk uiters voordelig.Dit is wel so dat ’n baba se eie moeder

se melk die beste vir hom of haar is, maarenige moedersmelk kan lewensreddendvir hierdie klein babas wees.Paarl-hospitaal het begin met ’n bors-

melkbank, waar hulle skenker-moedersidentifiseer en probeer om ’n voorraadborsmelk op te bou om in noodgevalle tegebruik.Daar is heelwat vereisteswaaraanvoor-

nemendeskenkermoetvoldoen,maaront-hou, jou borsmelk kan ’n baba se lewe red.Alle belangstellendes en veral swanger

ofborsvoedendemoederswordaangemoe-dig om vir dr. Fischer te skakel op 072 2685857.

SPEEDING: High speed driving was again the reason for a accident on the KleinDrakenstein Road last weekend. According to an eye-witness the driver of thered Toyota came barrelling down the street, while the Ford Focus was travellingat a slow speed. Skid-marks are visible and stretch for more than 20 metres.No one was seriously injured during the accident. The police would like to askthe public to adhere to traffic signs and to drive safely. PIC: ULRICH STELZNER

GEVIND: Paarl-Oos polisie het alhierdie gesteelde goedere by ’nverdagte in Ewettstraat, Groen-heuwel gevind. Dit sluit ’n waaier,voetbad, tru-projektor en ’n Pen-tax-kamera in. Indien jy enige vandie bogenoemde goedere vermis,besoek gerus Paarl-Oos se poli-siekantoor of bel 021 877 5900en vra vir die 13-klerk.


Page 4: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein Gazette Recipes - Resepte Friday 8 February 20134

WWiilllliiaamm SSmmiitthh''ssWWiilllliiaamm SSmmiitthh''ss

Starguideffoorr 88 FFeebbrruuaarryy 22001133

*AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010,Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013,

Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015,Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017,Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019,

Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021

Your concentration is excellent now and you are serious about your work. You want tofocus on real accomplishment and avoid frivolity and distractions. You may fruitfully tackle

difficult, disagreeable tasks or work that usually frustrates you, for your patience andability to do painstaking work is brought out now.

(22 December - 21 January)CAPRICORN

Doors open and new opportunities for personal and professional growth presentthemselves. Any initiative or action you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to

a positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others for mutual benefit isfavored. Your energy level is high; this is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.

(21 January - 20 February)


Physical thrills and excitement have a strong appeal for you now, and you wantto do something new and out of the ordinary. You also have a lot of energy and

quick reflexes. A vigorous game of racquetball or tennis or some other fast-moving competitive sport would be a good outlet for you now.

PISCES(20 February - 21 March)

A furious battle of wills is quite possible, for you are fired up, impatient, aggressive,and inclined to put your own interests and desires ahead of anything else. You mayalso have to stand up for your rights against some fierce competitor. Also, you can't

sit still right now and hasty, abrupt, impulsive action may result in accidents.

ARIES(21 March - 21 April)

This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doingsomething out of the ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new peopleand are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. An opportunity for a

romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

TAURUS(21 April - 21 May)

This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doingsomething out of the ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new

people and are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. Anopportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

GEMINI(21 May - 22 June)

You are in a festive, partying mood and just want to play and share a good timewith your friends. Community social events and fellowship are very rewarding now.

Also, at this time it is hard for you to say no to food, drink, or extravagances inany form. You are also very generous and tolerant toward others.

LEO(23 July - 24 August)

This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doingsomething out of the ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new peopleand are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. An opportunity for a

romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

VIRGO(24 August - 23 September)

A sense of proportion, reasonable limits, and practicality is what is most apt to bemissing and, like Icarus, your soaring aspirations may end badly. On a health note,

an excessive accumulation of water and problems with your liver are possible,especially if you eat and drink excessively.

CANCER(22 June - 23 July)

This is a good time to schedule social activities or even business meetings wheretact and friendliness would be a plus. You act as a diplomat and harmonizer

between people with differing viewpoints. Also, attending cultural events such asan art show or a play is favored.

LIBRA(23 September - 23 October)

Your vitality and energy level are at a high point. You are in an ambitious anddynamic phase of your life. You have an especially good ability to motivate others.

You have little patience with bureaucratic obstacles, inefficiency and evasiveness, andyou boldly challenge these inadequacies.

SCORPIO(23 October - 23 November)

This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doingsomething out of the ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new

people and are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. Anopportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

SAGITTARIUS(23 November - 22 December)

SUDOKUEach row and each column as well asevery 3X3 square may contain the

numbers 1 to 9 only once.

Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs

een keer bevat.
















6 1 2 3

7 2 1

2 7 5 9 8

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Strip the chicken flesh off the bones and shred into

bite size pieces. Boil spaghetti in salted boiling water

until al dente. Coat with some olive oil and set aside.

Toss all the prepared ingredients together until well

combined and season well. Add more olive or lemon

juice if needed.

Serve hot, cold or at room temperature.


• 500 g Whole-wheat Spaghetti

• 1 Whole Ready Roasted Chicken

or 2 Cups Shredded

• Juice and Zest of 2 Lemons

• 3 Garlic - Crushed

• 4 Spring Onions - Finely Sliced

• 1 Handful each of Basil, Italian

Parsley and Coriander -

Coarsely Chopped

• 45 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil

• Freshly Ground Black Pepper

and Maldon Salt to taste













































Eetgewoontes tydens swangerskapVeels geluk! Die swangerskaptoetsis positief: Jy verwag ’n baba.

Nou begin die opwinding. Jy kan be-gin lees oor swangerskap en gesondeeetgewoontes in die maande voor jouwonderwerkie se geboorte.

Amper alle swangervroue, en som-mige pa’s, raak lus vir rare geregte.Hoekom gebeur dit en, nog belangri-ker, wat kan jy daaromtrent doen?

Niemand weet hoekom dit gebeurnie, maar gewoonlik is hierdie kos-af-wykings nie skadelik as dit nie tot dieuiterstegevoerwordnie.Tydensswan-gerskap speel hormone ’n rol in waar-voor jy lus het of nie, en daar is bewysedat jou liggaam dalk smag na sekerevoedingstowwe. Hormoon-verande-ringe tydens swangerskap verskerp die reuksin (wat ’ngroot invloedopsmaakhet) endis sterkgenoegomkos-keu-ses te beïnvloed.

Die meeste swanger vroue verander hul dieet. Partymaal

is dit goed en gebaseer op advies vanhul dokters of dieetkundiges. Al leefons nou in die 21ste eeu glo baie vrouesteedsouvrou-storiesoorwat jy tydensswangerskap mag eet of nie. Hulle ver-my byvoorbeeld eiers, vleis, melk envarkvleis, totdienadeelvanmoederenkind. Dit is egter wys om nie rou viste eet nie aangesien die kwik-inhoudhoogmagwees.Vars groente envrugtemoet deeglik afgespoel word.

Let te alle tye op na jou gewig. Jymoet ’n sekerehoeveelheidgewigoptelterwyl jy swanger is omteversekerdatjou baba goed ontwikkel. As jy aan diebegin van jou swangerskap ’n normalegewig het, is dit belangrik om jou lig-gaam en die ontwikkelende fetus toe telaatomvan11,5 tot16 kgoptetel.Swan-

gerskapisniedie tydomfiguur-bewusteweesnie.Wanneerdie baba gebore is verloor jy gewig en die laaste kilo’s salvinnig verdwyn met ’n gebalanseerde dieet, as jy borsvoeden elke dag gaan stap. Bron: MediClinic, Paarl

Volg ’n gesonde swangerskap-leefstyl.

Do you have thelunchbox blues?January is over and resolutions are fading butas the school year settles in, are you makingsure your children eat the right food at homeas well as on the playground?

Tired of trying to come up with creativelunchboxideasforthekids?Trydairy!Notonlyare there tons of dairy products available thatyou can quickly and easily include in schoollunches but according to the Consumer Educa-tionProject (CEP)ofMilkSA,dairy is a criticalpart of a healthy child’s diet.

Maretha Vermaak, the CEP dietitian, saysdaily dairy intake could reduce the currentnu-trient gaps in the diets of most South Africans,including those of our children, and protectagainst chronic diseases in future.

There are so many conveniently packagedoptions to choose from such as low-fat fla-voured milks; low-fat drinking yoghurts; yo-ghurts; cheesewedges, soft cheeseswith crack-ers, cheese sticks and many more. Brighten upyour kid’s lunchbox everyday with dairy.

Get your daily dose of dairy. PIC: SUPPLIED

Page 5: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein GazettePeople - MenseFriday 8 February 2013 5

Mega FurnishersMega FurnishersMega FurnishersMega FurnishersMega FurnishersMega Furnishers

3 Pce ModernKitchen Scheme


3 Pce ModernKitchen Scheme


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Dep: R250

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Dep: R300

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Acc: R3 999Cash: R2 999

Dep: R600



Dep: R600

R3 999R2 999

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Pine Table& Chairs

Edblo 4 Crown Double Base Set



R3 399R2 299 Dep: R500

Edblo 4 Crown Double Base Set


Cash: Dep: R500

R3 399R2 299



R1 499R1 199

Dep: R250

R1 499R1 199



Dep: R250

3 Piece BronwynBedroom Suite



R4 499R3 699 Dep: R675

R4 499R3 699

3 Piece BronwynBedroom Suite


Cash: Dep: R675

MattressAcc: R499

Cash: R399




Proper care for your nailsUnless you can afford to get a mani-cure every week or two, you need toknowsomesimpletipsonhowtocarefor your nails yourself.

It isn’t difficult, but it is somethingmany people neglect.Women love to getcompliments on their fingernails. All ittakes is some routine care.Knowing the proper way to cut your

fingernails is the most important. Keepyourfingernailsshort, justpasttheendsof your fingertips. Long fingernails arepretty and even sexy, but they are im-practical. They split and break easily,and it’s hard to get stuff out from underthem. Shorter, well-groomed nails aremore attractive.Trim fingernails straight across and

then curve the edges slightly, matchingthe curve of your fingertips. Make surewhatever you are using to trim them issharp. You don’t want to use dull clip-pers that will tear them.Cleaning your fingernails is as easy

as cleaning any other part of your body.Soap and water will remove bacteriaanddirt.Usingasoftnailbrush isagoodway to get under fingernails. You alsocan remove dirt and anything else that getsunderyourfingernailswiththeendofafinger-nail file or the little attachment on most clip-pers.You can polish your fingernails or leave

themnatural. Just buffing the fingernails andkeeping them moisturised make them shinyand neat. If you do polish, remember to usea non-acetone polish remover when youchange colours. Acetone dries out the finger-nails, making them easier to break or crack.Nothing ruins the look of your fingernails

like rough, split cuticles. Use a cuticle oil orolive oil to keep them soft. Using a moisturis-ing lotion on your hands alsowill help. Do notpulloffahangnail,alwayscutthemoff.Pullinga hangnail can cause an opening in the skinthat can let germs in and cause infection. In-fections under the fingernails are ugly andpainful.But do treat yourself every now and then

and go for a professional manicure, not onlywill it dowonders for yourhands, but youwillreally feel good for it.

Take proper care of you hands and nails.

HUIS VERGENOEGDSKOOLTOE: Die inwonersvan die Huis Vergenoegdhet ook saammet die nuwegr.1-leerlinge hul “terugskooltoe”-klere aangetrek.Hier pronk (van links) KittyVorster, Steve Smit, AnnieReinke, Rosemarie LeRouxen Chris Dormehl; (voor)Retha Frieslaar.

RETIREMENT: Adonis Morris (front second left), area coordinator: Corrections for the Allandale managementarea, went on early retirement on the 31 January after 35 years service in the correctional services. Withhim from front left is Kosie Sinclair (Area Commissioner), Adonis Morris, Stanley Kemp, Michal Jansen.In the middle is Brent Williams, Anthony Frankfort, Charles Pekeur, Lucy Khoane, Franklin Paulse, FredrickWilliams, Leonard Kies, and at the back are Vincent Grobbler, Herman Ludick and Tokkie Dempers.

SKENKING AAN SILWERKRUIN: Wellington Lions Klub het onlangs vyf rolstoele aan Silwerkruin-tehuisvir bejaardes geskenk. Op die foto doen Lions-president, Alec Geldenhuys, die oorhandiging aanYvonne Booysen. Die rolstoele is deur Tygerberg Rotariërs aan Wellington Lions geskenk.

Little Fighters stel boek bekendDie kinderkankertrust Little Fighters (LFCT)sal op 23 Februarie ’n nuwe boek, Seisoene vandie Lewe deur Sandra Uys, om 11:00 bekend stelby Picardie-gasteplaas in die Paarl.Dié organisasie is oorspronklik gestig deur

Paarliete Tania Goslett en Thomas Engela, nádie diagnose van kinders binne hul vriende-kring in 2010.SedertdiestigtingvanLFCThetdieorganisa-

sie, wat steeds in Paarl gebaseer is, gegroei omhulp aan kinders met kanker en hul familiesook op nasionale vlak te voorsien. In die hartjievan die Paarl blink hierdie organisasie uit enstaan as trotse baken vanhoop enwaardigheid.Dieboekhandel inkort oor ’n familiewathul-

le seuntjie aankanker verloor, ’n daaglikse rea-liteit in Suid-Afrika. Kinderkanker is vir meerkindersterftes verantwoordelik as MIV/vigs,malariaentuberkulose tesame.SeisoenevandieLewe is ’n boek wat hoort op die elke boekrakas ’n fisiese gestalte van hoop en liefde.

Pierre Rossouw sal optree en sy snit, “1 000Candles for Baby Reef”, wat hy geskryf het vir’n kind met kanker, is ingesluit by sy optrede.Eksemplare van die boek sal ook by die be-

kendstelling te koop aangebied word en dieskrywer sal met graagte die boek onderteken.Van stapel gestuur in samewerking met

LFCT, is hierdie boek nie net ’n bewusmakingvandieworstelingewatmense dagnadag deur-maak nie, maar ook ’n boek van genesing virdie gesinne wat vasgevang is in die stryd teenkinderkanker.SandraUysskenkookalleopbrengstevandie

betrokke boek aan LFCT wat dit hul mikpuntmaak om kinders en gesinne wat deur kankergeraakword, finansieel enemosioneel te onder-steun.Kaartjies is beskikbaar by LFCT teen R100

per persoon, wat vingerhappies en drinkgoedinsluit. Skakel gerusmetMandieop073 729 6155of per epos, [email protected]

Borg ’n woord en help AfrikaansWil jy die voortbestaan vanAfrikaans help ver-seker? Teen R100 kan jy ’n woord borg. TeenR5000perwoordbehoortdaardiewoordnétaanjou.Jy sal ’n sertifikaat ontvang en in aanmer-

kingkomvirdieprystrekkingvir ’nAbsa-beleg-ging van R25 000. Stuur ’n tjek of bewys van di-rekte inbetalingmetBorg ’nWoorden jounaam

as verwysing saam met jou woord of woorde,e-posadres en telefoonnommer na WAT Trust,Posbus 245, Stellenbosch, of [email protected], offaks dit na 021 8839492.Bankbesonderhede is: WAT Trust, Absa

Bank, rekeningnommer 4078244585, takkode632005. Sluitingsdatum: 28 Februarie; prystrek-king: 8 Maart.

Page 6: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein Gazette Classifieds Friday 8 February 20136


SKOOL TOEMy naam is:……………………...........Ek is …………………............jaar oud.Ek is in Graad 1.

My Juffrou se naam is………………………………….............in ........................................................laerskool.

As ek eendag groot is gaan ek ’n………………………………….....word.

Vir slegsR100 kanudie foto van ’n leerling in graad 1 inskryfelke week tot einde Februarie 2013 om in DrakensteinGazette te verskyn onder die hofie “Eerste keer skool toe”.Voltooi die bogenoemde inskrywingsvorm en u kontak-besonderhede onderaan tesamemet ’n kop en skouers fotoen handig tesame met R100 in by Paarl Post se kantore teNewstraat 1AvoorWoensdae om 10:00. Of skakel Sharon ofZeta om ’n elektroniese foto te stuur en ’n internetbetaling tedoen.

OUERS SE BESONDERHEDE:Naam: ................................................Van: ...................................................ID: ......................................................Posadres:...........................................Tel no werk: ........................................Huis of sel: ..........................................

Newstraat 1A, Paarl, 7646 • 021 870 4600Newstraat 1A, Paarl, 7646 • 021 870 4600






1ml SAND, klip, kompos &bogrond (topsoil) in kleinareas afgelewer, sowel asbourommel en vullisverwy-dering. Skakel Neels 021 8729397 of 083 412 8810.














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Grande Provence hostingharvest festivalThe Grande Provence HarvestFestival has become an institu-tion in the Franschhoek valleyand will take place on Saturday23 February at Grande ProvenceHeritage Wine Estate.The day kicks off at 09:00 withcoffee and fresh muffins, fol-lowed by a tractor ride to thevineyards for the grape picking.Then guests move to the cellarfor a tour, wine tasting and apresentation by the winemaker,Karl Lambour.This is followed by stompingthe freshly-picked grapes in thebarrels and a traditional hose-

down of your feet. Thereafterguests gather under the old oaktree for a scrumptious braai, un-der thewatchful eye of executivechef Darren Badenhorst, accom-paniedby livemusical entertain-ment throughout the afternoon.Tickets are R295 for adults andR130 for children under 12 andspecial rates are given to groupsof 10 guests or more. Included inthe price is a bottle of AngelsTears wine.For reservations and more in-formation, please contact Nicoleon 021 876 8600 or [email protected]

Re­register for pensionThere was much confusion re-cently amongst pensioners whoreceive government subsidies.They were told to re-register forthe subsidies, but many told theDrakenstein Gazette that theywere sent from pillar to post bySassa.Drakenstein Gazette managedtoacquire the following informa-tion for these pensioners:Re-applications forpensionersin Paarl-East started on 14 Janu-ary and will continue until 23February at the Hugenote Com-munity centre from 07:00 until19:00. All applicants must bringtheir proof of identity, letter of

proof of residence and telephonenumber along. Residentswho re-ceive their subsidies at theBessieboord in Klein-Draken-stein must re-register at theEbenezer Mission Church.Paarl-West residents can regis-ter at the Posduifklub from 18February until 2 March.Wellington residents can reg-ister at the Wellington town hallfrom 18 February until 28Marchfrom07:00to19:00.Residentswhohave to re-register all received aletter informing them of this im-portant notice. If you have anyenquiries,pleasecontact theSas-sa office at 021 871 1682.

Jou beleggings ­ hoeis hulle saamgestel?SCHALK LOUW

Jy het die eerste groot stap ge-neemomjoueiebeleggingsporte-feulje te begin, maar wat nou?As ’nmensvrawat joudoelwit-te is, is jou antwoord maklik:Maksimum groei!Jou doelwitte moet egter baiemeer spesifiek wees.Kom ons aanvaar, hipotetiesgesproke, jy het tans sowatR900 000 beskikbaar om te belêen jykomtotdiebesefdathierdiekapitaal binne 15 jaar tot R5 mil-joen moet groei om jou in staatte stel om af te tree op ’n wysewat sal verseker dat jy jou huidi-ge leefwyse sal kan voortsit. Ditklink maklik genoeg, of hoe?Slegs 12% per jaar: Maklik!Jy begin rondsoek na fondse ofbateklassewat12%groeiper jaargelewer het oor die afgelope jaarof twee, onder die indruk dat ditvoldoende sal wees. Wel, nie reg-tig nie.Jy is in werklikheid nog nethalfpad. Jy het jou beleggings-doelwitte uiteengesit, maar jymoet nog steeds die risikovlakidentifiseer. Dan die batetoewy-sing opstel wat in lyn sal weesmethierdie beleggingsopbrengs-doelwitte.Om die 12% groei per jaar tehaal, moet jy bereid wees om ’ngeannualiseerde volatiliteit(standaardafwyking) van sowat11% per jaar in jou portefeulje tehê.Ditbetekendat jybereidmoetwees om ’n styging of daling van11% in jou portefeulje te sien oorenige gegewe 12 maande-tyd-perk.Bate-toekenning is die belang-rikste besluit wat jy kan neem.Studies toondatmeeras 80%vandie variasie van ’n portefeuljemet verloop van tyd toegeskryfkan word aan bate-toekenning.

)Stap 1: Die risikobesluitHoe verder jy van aftrede is,hoemeergewigkanjyaanaande-le allokeer. Jou aandelegeld be-

hoort hoër te wees indien jy injou twintigerjare is en behoortgeleidelik af te neemmet verloopvan tyd. Aandelegeld van 70-75%is ’n goeie normvir ’n jongmens.

)Stap 2: Keuse van bateklasseIn bateklas-seleksie, soos inbaie ander fasette van die lewe,is eenvoud die wagwoord. Jy wildiversifikasie hê sonder onnodi-ge oorvleueling of oortolligheid.

)Stap 3: Omdie koek op te snyDie volgende stap is om die ge-wigte te bepaal. Dit is ’n andermanier om te sê dat jy moet be-sluit hoe om die koek op te sny,deur jou portefeulje te verdeel inverskillende persentasies vanverskeie tipes beleggings.Hierdie besluit moet in lynweesmet joudoelstellingsvir op-brengs en risikotoleransie.As alternatief kan jy altyd dieraaiwerk uit die diversifikasie-patrone haal en in versigtige ba-tetoewysingsfondse belê. Virmeer inligting oor Contego sematig gediversifiseerde fonds(Contego B3 Protected BalancedFund) of gediversifiseerde om-sigtigheidsfonds (Contego B2Protected Income Fund), kliekwww.contego.co.za/unit_trusts.

Schalk Louw is die uitvoerende hoofvan die Contego Groep.

Page 7: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

Drakenstein GazetteSchools - SkoleFriday 8 February 2013 7

Marlize van SchalkwykRE/MAX Country Living

W: 021 873 7342/083 379 4060www.remaxboland.co.za


PAARLR375 000: Neat 1 bedr/1bathr flat with

lounge/kitchen, own parking in central nicearea of Paarl.

NEWTONBuy your own new dream house from

R469 000 – R676 000. 2 or 3 bedrooms,2 or 3 bathrooms, single garage and braairoom

are optional depending on which plan/price you

choose. Consult with me asap. Bonds from major

banks are available. Terms and conditions apply.

Nice area, near schools and shopping centres.

Web ref: 300745669 & 300379697.

WELLINGTONR275 000: 3 bedr/1 bathr, kitchen, open plan

lounge, garage, spacious plot for extensions.

Needs serious renovations/upgrading.

Baie geluk, Blouvlei Primêr, met 50 jaar van

harde werk, vreugdes, trane en vele prestasies.

Alle seën en liefde vir die toekoms!

Hou nog 50 jaar so aan! Laerskool Hugo Rust

is trots op julle. Jul almal bly in ons gedagtes.

Laerskool Hugo RustBaie geluk, Blouvlei Primêr, met 50 jaar van

harde werk, vreugdes, trane en vele prestasies.

Alle seën en liefde vir die toekoms!

Hou nog 50 jaar so aan! Laerskool Hugo Rust

is trots op julle. Jul almal bly in ons gedagtes.

Laerskool Hugo RustBaie geluk, Blouvlei Primêr, met 50 jaar van

harde werk, vreugdes, trane en vele prestasies.

Alle seën en liefde vir die toekoms!

Hou nog 50 jaar so aan! Laerskool Hugo Rust

is trots op julle. Jul almal bly in ons gedagtes.

Blouvlei vier half eeu!DEVIDEAN MOSES

Blouvlei Primêre Skool wat op die bekendePerdeskoen roete vanWellington geleë is, viervanjaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar.Die grond van Blouvlei is deur Charl Cillie

geskenk met die uitsluitlike doel om ’n kerkvir die gemeenskap op te rig. Die gebou hetvir tien jaar as kerk vir Blouvlei gemeenskapgedien, wat ook ’n lykhuis ingesluit het.Daar het ’n ernstige behoefte aan ’n skool

in dié gebied ontstaan, toe die Blouvlei-bevol-king vinnig gegroei het.Die skool het in Januarie 1963 sy deure vir

leer en onderrig geopen met M. Julies as dieeerste skoolhoof.Die leerlingtal het algaande gegroei en daar

moes nog ’n klaskamer aangebou word. Dieuitbreidings het natuurlik gepaard gegaanmet vooruitgang op plase, aangesien meer enmeermensehulle indieBlouvlei-areagevestighet.In 1969 het die getalle so toegeneem dat ’n

vierde onderwyser aangestel moes word.Dit was die begin van diemiddagskofklasse,

maarklaskamerruimtehet toe ’nuitdagingge-word. In 1985 is drie mobiele- eenhede aan dieskool geskenk, sonder krag was elke seisoen’n uitdaging.Die landbougemeenskap, onder leiding van

dieNG-gemeenteWellington,hetdieprosesvirdie oprig van die skool aan die gang gesit. Dieskoolse leerganghetgestrekvanafgr.1 totgr.5.“Deur die jare het baie oud studente van

Blouvlei hoë hoogtes behaal”, vertel huidigeskoolhoof Jerry Swart.“’n Voedingskema is ook ingestel wat die

kinders verskriklik opgewonde gemaak het.Die skool waardeer die skenkings wat ons ge-reeld ontvang van die boere en ons dorps-ge-meenskap”, sê Swarts.Vandag bestaan Blouvlei uit 120 leerlinge

met ses onderwysers en strek vanaf gr.0 totgr.7.Met die afskop van die feesjaar het die skool

’n dankseggingsdiens in die VGK Gemeente

Wellington gehou om alle oudstudente en diegemeenskap te verwelkom tot die feesjaar.Die skool biedvanjaar ook ’nValentynsdans

op 15 Februarie, sportdag, basaar, potjiekos-kompetisie, gospelfees, drama-opvoering,gholfdag, dinee met orkes, en hul jaarlikse di-plomaplegtigheid aan om fees te vier.Mej Blouvlei word op Vrydag 22 Februarie

om 19:00 in die CPUT Saal gekroon.Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 864 2110 of

stuur ’n e-pos na [email protected].

Skoolhoof Jerry Swarts saam met 6 onderwysers en 120 leerlinge voor hul skool gebou.FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

KRY AFSTAND: Narieke van der Walt van HoërMeisieskool La Rochelle het verlede Vrydag-aand tydens Boishaai se uitnodigingsbyeen-koms ’n derde plek losgespring in die meisieso.19-item. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN

DAAR TREK HY: Wikus Groenewald van Boishaai trek los met die diskus(o.17) in verlede Vrydag se Boishaai-uitnodigingsbyeenkoms. Hy het ’ntweede plek behaal met ’n afstand van 45,8 m. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN

DANKIE!Ouers en leerlinge vandieBergrivier PrimêreSkool het opdieHaaskraalpadin Wyk 3 ’n dankseggingsdiens gehou om hul vreugde uit te spreek het omdatdié skool steeds oopbly. Daar is geprys en lofsing onder leiding van die groepvan VGK Wellington en ds. Rogers het die diens waargeneem. Saam met dieleerlinge (agter van links) is raadslid Elize Smit, waarnemende skoolhoof RosindaSwarts en onderwyser Gleniece Jones.

VRUGTEFEES: Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle het hul jaarlikse vrugtefees gehou.Hier is van die leerlinge in hul prettige kostuums wat spesiaal vir dié geleentheidgemaak is. FOTO: ACHAMAT PATEL

WEDLOOP: Die gr. 8-leerlinge van Paulus Sekondêre Skool wys hul slagin die driebeen-wedloop tydens die skool se kleuresport-byeenkoms.


BAFANA: Pauw Gedenk Primary had acasual day in support of theBafana-Bafa-na team in the African Cup of Nationslast Friday. Together with the pupilsdressed in Bafana-Bafana clothing, istheir teacher, Carmanthea Carstens. Un-fortunately the national team lost thematch during a crucial penalty shoot-out.

Page 8: Drakenstein Gazette 8 Feb 2013

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Kavaliers wil opalle silinders vuurDIE Regent Boland Kavalierssal Saterdagopalle silinderswilvuurwanneer hulle diemagtigeDHL Stormers pak in ’n opwar-mingswedstryd by die Kaap-stad-stadion in Groenpunt.

Die wedstryd beloof om ’n heerli-ke skouspel op te lewer, met die Ka-valiers wat voorberei vir die Voda-combeker-kompetisie en die Stor-mers wat skaaf vir die SuperRugby-reeks.

Nóg ’n wedstryd wat lekker op-winding gaan bied, is die voorwed-stryd tussen die Boland Uitnodi-gingspan en die DHL WP Vodacom-bekerspan. Dié wedstryd sal meerduidelikheid gee oor die dieptewaaroor beide spanne beskik.

Abe Davids, hoofafrigter van dieRegent Boland Kavaliers, is baiebewus van die uitdaging wat ophom en sy span wag.

“Ons weet ons speel teen ’n baiesterk span Saterdag, maar hoe dannou anders as om jouself teen diebestes te meet?

“Ons het ’n goeie voorseisoen ag-ter die rug en die spelers lyk skerpop die oefenveld. Die manne is fiksen hulle is lus vir speel. Die wed-stryd gaan dus vir ons ’n goeie aan-duiding gee oor waar ons werklikstaan in terme van ons voorberei-ding, met die Vodacombeker-kom-petisie wat al nader kruip.”

Davids is van mening dat diegrootste uitdaging gaan wees omdie wedstrydplan deeglik uit tevoer.

“Ons verwag dat die Stormers byhul strukture van verlede seisoengaan hou en dit is beslis iets watons in gedagte hou. Vir ons is ditegter belangrik om ons te bepaal bydit wat ons geoefen het en dat onshou by ons wedstrydplan. Ons wilveral seker maak dat ons goed vaarin die vaste fasette soos die lynsta-ne, skrums en afbreekpunte, ter-wyl ons verdediging en bewegingsagterlangs ook onder die vergroot-glas geplaas gaan word.

Mannetjies du Plessis, afrigtervan die Boland Uitnodigingspan,voel dit is belangrik om vir Bolandse klubspelers ’n geleentheid te

bied om hul staal te toon teen ’nsterk teenstander soos WP.

“Ons doelwit met die voorwed-stryd is om aan klubspelers bloot-stellingtegeeenomtalentvollespe-lers te identifiseer wat moontlik indie nabye toekoms vir die BolandKavaliers kan uitdraf.

“Wat voorbereiding aanbetref isons nog ver van ons ideaal af, maardie twee opwarmingswedstrydeteen Durbell en Worcester Villa-gers het baie gehelp.

“Om teen WP se Vodacombeker-span te speel is ’n groot geleentheidvir die manne om hulself teen pro-vinsiale opponente op te weeg enveral ook die kans om in die Kaap-stad-stadion te speel, is ’n geleent-heid wat min spelers kry”.

Eugene Eloff, Boland Rugby sedirekteur van afrigting, sien baieuit na Saterdag se wedstryd:

“Die geleentheid waarvoor al-mal gewag het is hier, maar as ’nspan is ons nie naïef nie en ons isbewus van die taai kompetisie watop ons wag. Dit is egter ’n ongeloof-like geleentheid om onsself teen ’nSuperrugby-span op te weeg.

“Ons mikpunt is om die positie-weuitdiewedstrydtehaal tervoor-bereiding vir die Vodacombeker-en Curriebeker-kompetisie.”

Saterdagsehoofwedstrydskopafom 14:45. Die voorwedstryd beginom 12:30 en die hekke open 11:00.

Kaartjies (R50 en R75) is te koopby Computicket en by die Shopriteen Checkers Money Market-toon-banke.

Die Boland-span vir Saterdag is:15. Garth April 14. Brendon April13. Adi Jacobs 12. Albert Thryts-man 11. Tythan Adams 10. RicardoCroy 9. Ntando Kebe 8. Zandré Jor-daan 7. Thor Halvorsen 6. FranzelSeptember 5. Nolan Clark 4. PJ vanZyl 3. Francois Hanekom, 2. ChrisBuckle 1. Ashton Constant (kap-tein). Reserwes: 16. Marko Jansevan Rensburg 17. Yagia Crook 18.Rossouw Kruger 19. Hanno Kits-hoff 20. Bradley Fortuin 21. JuniorBester 22. Dual Erasmus 23. Willi-am van Wyk 24. Llewellyn Adonis25. Cheswin Williams 26. CheslinRoberts en 27. Jonathan Francke.

SLINGER VER: Diego Appollis (o.13) van Wamakersvallei Primêre Skool het die spies 34.63 m ver geslinger by WellingtonSones se atletiekbyeenkoms verlede Saterdag op Daljosafat. Hy het die eerste plek verower en sal volgende Saterdag inaksie wees by die Boland Sentraal-byeenkoms vir laerskole. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN

Juniors canoesprint in PaarlThis coming Saturday the PaarlCanoe Club will be hosting a jun-ior sprint regatta.

Registration is from 08:00 until08:45 and racing starts at 09:00promptly.

The entry fee for all non-devel-opment participants is R30 perpaddler and the distances for allage groups are: 200 m, 500 m and1000 m. There will be a 2000 mrace also for the u.8, u.10 and u.12paddlers, while the u.14, u.16, u.18and u.23 paddlers will take partin a 3000 m race.

All age groups will participatein the age groups as for the 2013season. Any queries should be re-ferred to Henk Roux([email protected]).

Violets­rugbyvier 110 jaarViolets-rugbyklub vier hierdiejaar sy 110de bestaansjaar enklublede woon eerskomende Son-dag (10Februarie)dieerediensbyVGK Hugenote-gemeente by.

Alle spelers, oud-spelers, be-stuurslede en aanhangers worduitgenooi om die diens by tewoon.

Dié klub se aktiwiteite vir dievolgendepaarwekeis: ’nworsrol-letjie-verkoping (15 Februarie)teen R15 by Roger se woning envriendskaplike wedstryde op 23Februarie teen Hillcrest (weg), 2Maart teen Evergreens (Faure-straat-stadion), 16 Maart teenFranschhoek (weg) en op 23Maart teen Blue Stars (weg).

Violets Dinsdag tot Donderdagom 18:00 by Paulus Joubert Sê-kondere Skool se veld. Bel Ashleyby 078 786 1999 vir besonderhede.

LANGASEM: Jani van der Merwe van die Paarl Atletiek-klub het onlangs die 1500 men 3000 m op Daljosafat-stadion tydens ’n Boland Uitnodigingsbyeenkoms gewen.FOTO:ERNEST KILOWAN