Calvary Wire January

Genuine Faith Academic Excellence Biblical Worldview CALVARY WIRE The A Student Led News Forum Contents 5 4 3 Calvary Spotlight 6 7 8 CALVARY WIRE/JANUARY 2012 Teacher Feature Lifestyle Entertainment Meet the seniors Rolling Jubilee



Transcript of Calvary Wire January

Page 1: Calvary Wire January

Genuine Faith Academic Excellence Biblical Worldview


A Student Led News Forum



43 Calvary Spotlight


7 8


Teacher Feature


Entertainment Meet the seniors

Rolling Jubilee

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JAN. 11 Paid Dress Down Day

JAN. 18 Pep Rally

JAN. 24-25 Mid Terms

JAN. 29 End of 2nd Quarter

FEB. 7 Re-Enrollment Night

FEB. 22 Re-Enrollment Papers Due.




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But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to

give hime the name Jesus.”Luke 1:30-31




Mrs. Chase

Jesse Tyler (Layout Editor!Michael Santulli (Web Editor!Ashley Kafton (Junior Editor!

Larry MaloneyRachel Belle IsleAndrew Cozzini

Thomas PottigerTamazin MoffettAndrew Pennock



Christy Morales


Page 3: Calvary Wire January



Evangelism In this edition of Calvary Spotlight

we will be taking an in-depth look into one of Calvary’s premiere after school clubs, Servant Evangelism. Servant Evangelism was first introduced to our school during the 2010/2011 school year as a year-long elective. As many of us know, Servant Evangelism is led by Dr. Tapia and meets on Saturdays to perform various forms of service for the community. Before we delve into the details of this year’s Servant Evangelism, let us first take a quick look back on the history of Servant Evangelism.

When Servant Evangelism was first introduced in the 2010/2011 school year, the class was a year round elective that met daily. These meetings were used to discuss and prepare for their weekly Saturday outreaches. The original Servant Evangelism team consisted of Calvary students pulled from the senior class. Last year, it was changed from being a seniors-only class to also include juniors as well. Also, last year, Servant Evangelism was split into two different classes. Servant Evangelism was only for the first half of the year and the second half of the year was Leadership. Servant Evangelism has undergone yet more changes this year. Instead of being a weekly elective, it is now an after school club and meets on Tuesdays during lunch to plan for these service days.

While Servant Evangelism has undergone many changes in its format, it has not changed in its mission/purpose. On service days, Servant Evangelism meets here at the school at quarter of twelve. From there they go to a local parking lot where we serve food to those in need. It is here that Dr. Tapia also gives a Spanish sermon for all those who come. Sometimes if there is extra time we will go out to the Lakewood town center and hand out various useful items to those in need, as well as tracks. We then return to the school building at around one in the afternoon.

As a member of the current Servant Evangelism team, I am proud of the work the Servant Evangelism team does on a weekly basis. In my opinion, Servant Evangelism does an excellent job in expressing the love of Christ to those who need it the most. Just this year alone, many who have come out have come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ in response to Dr. Tapia’s messages.

A prime example of this was when a man named Francisco came to Dr. Tapia after the message telling him about a dream that he had recently and asked if Dr. Tapia could help him interpret what it meant. In Francisco’s dream he was walking down a street and was extremely hungry. As he was walking down the street, he continuously tried to enter each store he passed in search

of food, but was turned away each time. When he reached the end of the road, he saw a white robed figure standing on top of a mountain surrounded by various kinds of food. The white robe figure said to Francisco that if he believed in Him all of this would be his. Dr. Tapia listened and explained to him that Jesus had come to him in his dream, telling him to follow Him. Francisco then prayed with Dr. Tapia to accept Christ.

Dr. Tapia feels quite optimistic about the future of Servant Evangelism. When commenting on Francisco’s testimony Dr. Tapia stated, “It is always cool to see things like this happen because it shows that God is validating our ministry.” I would have to agree with Dr. Tapia on this and also share his optimism on the future of this class. I personally think that the creation of the Servant Evangelism class was a great addition to our school because it gives its students a chance to live out what they taught here in both their Bible classes and Chapel services instead of merely learning about it. Having thoroughly enjoyed my experience in Servant Evangelism thus far, I would have to highly recommend this class to anyone who has an interest in volunteering to serve others.

Written by Andrew Cozzini


Page 4: Calvary Wire January

Everyone at Calvary knows Mrs. Friedman from history class—fun, beautiful, and a great teacher—but not many people know who she is outside of Calvary. I sat down with her to find out about her interesting life and interests, to get to know the real Mrs. Friedman. So, here it is, the woman behind the silver bell.

Mrs. Friedman grew up in New Jersey with her three sisters, all of whom she is still very close with. She attended Catholic school from elementary to high school, and has shared many stories with her history classes about the nuns from her school. After graduating high school, she attended Brookdale for two years and then transferred to Glassborough, now known as Rowan University, and spent two years there earning her bachelor’s degree and teaching certification.

Growing up, Mrs. Friedman loved going to the beach. As a self-proclaimed “beach bum,” she can be found down by the water throughout the summer. Swimming, sun-tanning,

and reading at the beach are some of her favorite things to do.

A major part of Mrs. Friedman’s life is her family. She is married to Eugene Friedman, a die-hard Oakland Raiders fan, and has one son, Eric, who graduated from Calvary in 2006. Eric works at the Howell Barnes and Noble, and sports a very impressive beard.

There is a widespread rumor that before her time here, Mrs. Friedman worked for the government…as an assassin. I am sad to report that Mrs. Friedman has denied these rumors, saying it was a myth started by Aaron Reed years ago. However, there is no denying she has a set of special skills dangerous enough, and come-backs sharp enough, to turn even the macho-est of men into blubbering babies.

Mrs. Friedman has worked at Calvary for sixteen years, and began her work here teaching sixth graders, but eventually moved on to teaching history to high-schoolers. She has a deep love for teenagers, who she

says are ‘funny and entertaining.’ Her heart for teenagers causes her to bond and connect with her students easily and form lasting connections that last after graduation.

She has seen many changes over her years here, and the biggest differences since she noticed since her arrival here is that there are more courses available and the new appearance. Like most of us, she is eagerly awaiting the completion of the new building. According to Mrs. Friedman, the “commitment to make this the strongest place academically and spiritually” has pushed Calvary into the next level of excellence. “Calvary is the best place to send your kids, academically strong; spiritually strong…it’s a family.”

Well, there you have it, the real Mrs. Friedman. She is a teacher, beach-bum, wife, mother, reader, history-lover, and, most importantly, a woman of God. As everyone knows, Calvary would not be the same without her.

Written by Ashley Kafton


Click on the image to the left to hear more about Mrs. Friedman’s

testimony and life story.

Page 5: Calvary Wire January
Page 6: Calvary Wire January

At the time I began this article I was a vegetarian and had been for about a year and a half. My experience as a vegetarian all began with a group of friends and I not eating meat in honor of a vegetarian friend for a week. I went online for hours and researched the reasons to be a vegetarian to see if this was something I wanted to do for a longer period of time. From there, I decided I liked eating that way and wanted to continue. My friends and family were mostly supportive, except for a few brats who ridiculed me for not eating their “heavenly” meat.

One of the major reasons I tried a vegetarian lifestyle was the type of food they forced pigs and cows to eat, mixed with chemicals and full of growth hormones which we then put in our bodies by eating. Another reason was “broiler” chickens !meat industry chickens" that spend their entire lives in feces and ammonia-filled air. Sounds like great meat to put in our bodies, right?

I’m not out to be an animal activist, but as God entrusted Adam with the care of His creation in Genesis 1:28, “Rule over... every living thing on earth,” I don’t believe the way that modern meat industries treat their animals is right or agrees with Christian beliefs at all. At the same time, I don’t think it’s wrong to eat meat, God gave us freedom to eat any kind of meat in Acts 10:15 “What God has cleansed, no longer consider

unholy.” Therefore God gave us freedom to eat meat, but today the modern meat industry twists that freedom in abusing thousands of animals a year which I do not believe is how He intended it to be.

Benefits can be found in the well balanced vegetarian diet. Instead of filling on meats that are filled with fat and can raise cholesterol, lean proteins such as nuts and beans can take their place. The more meat a person eats, the greater their risk is to contract cancer or have a heart attack. The reasons in favor of this lifestyle far outweighed the reasons against it. I figured that it was worth giving it a try, even if it was only to see if I could do it.

In this time, I learned a lot about healthy eating and finding substitutes. One of my personal favorites was eating eggplant parmesan instead of chicken parmesan. As I wasn’t a heavy meat eater to begin with, I hardly felt a physical difference. I tried new foods such as tempeh !a bean curd", tofu and almond milk. As I was the only non-meat

eater in my family I learned more about cooking for myself and finding the types of food I really liked. However, as time went on and I got busy with school and friends I tended to lean towards a high carb diet with lots of cereal, bread, yogurt, granola and Nutella.

Instead of having a all of the vitamins and nutrients I should have with a balanced diet, my energy was low because I wasn’t taking the time to prepare the right food for myself. There is a lot of work involved in eating right. Preparation can be very time consuming. Because I was not eating a well balanced vegetarian diet I began to crave meat more and more.

All of this said, I made the choice to stop being vegetarian because I still ate greasy, fatty, sugary and chemically altered foods which are just as bad as or worse than many meats. I made the decision to try to eat healthily overall, eating a little bit of meat once in a while and pairing it with other food as well. Perhaps one day I’ll give it another go, but for now I’ll enjoy my chicken and eggs!

Written by Tamazin Moffett


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Page 7: Calvary Wire January

Recently, the eleventh film rendition of the iconic story, “Les Miserables” was released in theaters on Christmas Day. Set in 19th century France, the movie follows the classic novel by Victor Hugo through direct quotes and slight modifications to several scenes. Following the life of Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman!, a man imprisoned for 19 years is eventually released on parole. He finds himself in the presence of a compassionate priest but is caught stealing silver. Instead of being condemned, he is rewarded at repentance. The actual story describes the 1832 revolution and the “unpleasant” side of Paris. It portrays the balance of power between the rich and the poor and the worth of a human being. The theme depicted the most is sacrifice

and forgiveness. The movie talks a lot about redeeming forgiveness from God and having to make sacrifices when an uprising occurs. Although the story itself isn’t true, there is a backdrop of reality to it. Victor Hugo had explained that he experienced a series of events where there was a woman named Fantine and a man named Jean Valjean saving her from the depths of despair. Tom Hooper, the director of the movie, hoped throughout the production and musical depiction that the fictional story and main idea would come to life. Critics were

astounded by the musical performances but disappointed as the ending wasn’t as strong as the beginning. Despite the critique, it received four Golden Globe nominations, including best picture and best ensemble, and an AFI award for one of the year’s best films. The Daily Telegraph rated it as a five star film. This musical phenomenon sends chilling emotions and exhilarating scenes to its viewers, and the distinguished cast members present an outstanding film to end 2012.

Written by Rachel Belle Isle

Many people assume that if a teenager is a Christian they do not face the same problems non-Christian teens face. We all know that’s dead-wrong. Just because you are a Christian does not mean that you don’t have to make tough decisions with worldly problems.

Melody Carlson explores these problems and decisions within her True Colors series. The series contains twelve books, each dealing with a different issue we as Christian teens face daily.

Melody Carlson is an accomplished Christian author who has written over 200 books for all ages and stages of life that point the reader to God. Her True Colors series is no different.

The books present real issues and the consequences for making ungodly decisions. Carlson masterfully crafts real-life situations and easily relatable characters that offer readers an in-depth look at the internal struggle between choosing between the expectations that the world has for us and following God’s perfect plan for our lives.

True Colors follows a multitude of teenage girls across the country that struggle to live a godly life. From popularity and envy to depression and drug abuse, the series covers many of the intense issues that Christian teens face every day. For example, in Fools Gold: Color Me Consumed,

Hannah, a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea, moves to America to spend the summer with her cousin Vanessa. Suddenly thrust into a material world, Hannah seeks to fit in with Vanessa and her friends by buying new clothes and meet the cultural definition of ‘beauty.’ Hannah must decide what she values more—the way the world views her, or how she looks in God’s eyes.

Many parents want to shield their children from the harsh realities of the non-Christian world, but the truth is that Christian teens face the same issues as the rest of the world. As Christian teens we also must factor in what God wants for our lives. It is important to see how making Godly decisions, no matter how difficult, is the best way to live our lives.

Written by Ashley Kafton

Author: Melody CarlsonGenre: Christian Teen FictionRating: 5 out of 5 stars

Book Review

true colors


Book Review

les miserables

Page 8: Calvary Wire January


What are your college plans? MBA focus in Marketing

What are your favorite things to do?Hang with friends, play the drums, volunteer

Unusual Talent?Impersonations

Favorite Scripture?Ephesians 2:10

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be?Coal grill, matches, meat

Describe yourself in one word?Charismatic

What are your college plans? Community College, then transfer.

What are your favorite things to do? Chill with friends, play sports, listen to music

What nicknames do people have for you? Larbone, Laryngitis, Larbear

Favorite Scripture? James 1:2-4

What is your favorite album at this time?Silver Rain, by Marcus Miller

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be? Machete, canoe, money

Larry Maloney

Paola Mendez


Page 9: Calvary Wire January

What are your college plans? Major? University of Pittsburgh

What do you like to do in your spare time? Watch Korean drama

What nicknames do people have for you? Zoomy

Favorite Scripture? Genesis 1:1

Describe yourself in one word:Friendly

Zulmira Yusufu

What are your college plans? Penn State or TCNJ

What nicknames do people have for you? Briunna, Bjuk, Bri

What are your favorite things to do?Catch up on AP Chemistry

What is your favorite album at this time?Red- Taylor Swift

Favorite Scripture?Romans 3:21

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be?Iodine, gas, a friend

Brianna Jukofsky

Click here to watch an interview with the seniors