Bro. John's Preaching | Midweek Service



January 30, 2013

Transcript of Bro. John's Preaching | Midweek Service

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Is the “How to” book of the Christian

It is one of the most practical book of the New Testament

It offers instruction and exhortation to Christians who are experiencing problems

James explains in a few words the responsibilities of a Christian

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THE AUTHOR Four men named “ James “ are mentioned in the

New Testament. First - James, the son of Zebedee and brother of

John ( Matt, 4:21 ) Second - James, the son of Alphaeus ( Matt, 10:3 )

called the lesser or the younger also an Apostle Third - James, the father of the apostle named

Judas ( Luke 6:16 ) Fourth - James, the half brother of Jesus, also

called “the just” ( Matt 13:53-55 ) The evidence is strong that James is one the oldest

books in the new testament. Written around A.D. 46

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Written to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad ( Christian Jews ).

Most of the recipients seem to have been poor and suffering from oppression from fellow Jews.

Some had been imprisoned and deprived of their possessions and livelihoods.

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The Epistle of James is more practical than doctrinal

The major theological issue in James is faith and works ( 2:14-26 )

For James, works is a natural result of faith  When a person truly believes in something,

he or she will act on that belief. Your life (action) is in line with what you believe.

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OUTLINEI. Salutation 1:1II. Prologue 1:2-18

A. Responding to trials 1:2-11B. Responding to temptations 1:2-18

III. The themes: being swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger 1:19-20

IV. Being swift to hear 1:-21- 2:26A. Doing good works as a result of hearing the word

of God 1:21-27B. Excluding partiality 2:1-13C. Integrating faith and works 2:14-26

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V. Being slow to speak 3:1-18A. Controlling the tongue 3:1-12 B. Acting wisely before speaking 3:13-18

VI. Being slow to anger 4:1-5:12A. Solving conflict through humility 4:1-10B. Withholding judgments 4:11-12C. Curbing arrogance with reliance on God 4:13-

17D. Being patient when treated unjustly 5:1-12

VII. Epilogue: concluding prayer 5;13-20 

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James 1: 2-4

Count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kind.

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfast.

And let steadfast have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete and lack nothing.

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Hegeomai - Count, consider (10 X), think (3 X) command (with official authority) have rule over

Chara - joy delight (59 X) The word is sometimes used, by metonymy, of the occasion or cause of joy

Hotan - when (116 X) whenever (implying hypothesis or less uncertainty) a matter of time

Peripipto - to fall into (2 X), to fall around, to fall among or in with

Poikilos - various , divers (10 X) denotes parti-colored (many colors)

Peirasmos - trials. testing, temptation (19 X) to proof (by experiment or experience of good or evil) Peirasmos is used of trials with beneficial purpose or effect

“ when there’s trial or problem there is opportunity behind it ”

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FOR YOU KNOW THAT THE TESTING OF YOUR FAITH PRODUCES STEADFAST. Ginosko - know (196 X) in it’s past tenses it frequently

means to know in the sense of realizing (make real or real actual) or usually indicating definiteness. Known is of value or importance to the one who knows (know God and know Christ)

Dokimion - testing (2 X) a test or a proof is rendered (give help or provide a service)

Pistis - faith (244 X) persuasion, conviction, belief, trust, reliance pistis is conviction of the truth of anything or belief respecting man’s relationship with God and Christ. To God that He exists and creator and ruler of all things. The provider and bestower of eternal life salvation through Christ. To Christ with a strong and welcome conviction belief that Jesus is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation

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Katergazomai - (24 X) produce, accomplish, finish, This word usually means to work out, to do that from which something results, to bring about achieve, effect

Hupomone - (32 X) patience, endurance, constancy, steadfast

Hupomone lit. “an abiding under” hupo - under and meno - to abide patience that grows only in trial- Patience molds Christian character

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Hebrews- 11: 1 Now faith is the substance or assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen

Substance or assurance is (hypostasis) a setting under or standing under - beginning, foundation, support

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Echo - have (613 X) The word stress that one has the means to accomplish a task

Teleios - full (19 X) complete, growth, of full age. Teleios means brought to its end, finished; wanting nothing necessary to completeness

Ergon - effect (39 X) be engaged in or with

Eimi - be (146 X) am,

Teleios - perfect (19 X) finished, complete, developed, fully grown

Teleios means brought to its end or completion or developed

Holokleros - complete (2 X) in every part , perfectly sound. This word refers to that which retains all that was initially allotted to it and implies completion and wholeness in all parts and is used ethically in 1 Th 5:23 indicating that every grace present in Christ should be manifested in the believer Jas 1:4

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The knowledge that we gain through deep study of the word of God and Christ is our power and joy when we face trials or problems. The purpose of going through trials is to help us grow and develop our character and behavior. When we experience what we know we begin to understand or realize (make real ) the value of the word or instructions of God. Understanding what we know strengthens our belief (faith), and what we believe will determine how we behave or act.

Following the instructions of God is very beneficial to a believer. Remember, it will not get you to heaven. Instruction is our guide to relationships, finances, profession, career, health, and mental development. When we follow instructions we can experience the power and appreciate who God really is.

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Jews know the value of instructions and all the benefits and good results of life. Maybe we can learn from the Jews, because Jesus was a Jew. So be it.

  Verses to study and LEARN

Joshua chapter 1:8, 9 Psalm chapter 1: 1-6 John chapter 8: 31, 32 Galatians chapter 3:14