ANZAC DAY IN BEVERLEY - Home » Shire of Beverley ·  · 2017-12-06up outside the Beverley Post...

1 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014 BEVERLEY BLARNEY Edition 356 June 2014 No Charge The 99 th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing was commemorated in Beverley with two services and tremendous community participation. The dawn service, conducted by Mr Peter Bremner, saw the marchers form up outside the Beverley Post Office before marching to the Cenotaph to be welcomed by a crowd of approximately 150 who joined the ceremonial observance. The conclusion of the dawn service saw the marchers and community members invited to join together at the RSL Hall for the traditional cooked gunfire breakfast of bacon, eggs and baked beans. The hard working RSL social committee served up 149 breakfasts and it was pleasing to have community members assist with the clearing away and washing of dishes. Mid morning saw marchers forming up outside the RSL Hall and marching to the Cenotaph where around two hundred people had gathered for the 11 o’clock commemoration. This service was ably conducted by Mr John Lane, with Mrs Judy Moulton providing organ music for the hymns. Mr Rick Barrett-Lennard recited the ode, Mrs Joan McQuinn led the prayers, and singers from the Beverley Station Singers Choir and the Beverley District High School Choir each performed items. Student Councillors, Georgina Fisher and Evie Wilkinson recited the moving poem “Not a Hero” by Clyde Hamilton. The address given by RSL President Mrs Irene Oram listed all locations in which 102,784 Australian Service Personal have sacrificed their lives since 1885 when the first soldiers served in the Sudan. Wreaths were laid on behalf of the RSL, Beverley Shire Council, Beverley District High School, Hospital Auxiliary, Volunteer Fire Brigade, and Beverley Post Office. The Australian National Anthem was sung and the words of the New Zealand National Anthem were recited by the community. Once again this year, we displayed the New Zealand Flag during the ceremony. At the conclusion of the service, the marchers and the community were invited to the RSL Hall for light refreshments and a good deal of socialising with old mates. This year also saw a game of two-up enjoyed by some enthusiasts (yes it was licensed and our local constabulary had copies of the paperwork). The RSL Committee extend thanks to all those in the community who helped make this day of commemoration such a special event and allowed it to run so smoothly. Irene Oram RSL Beverley President. ANZAC DAY IN BEVERLEY

Transcript of ANZAC DAY IN BEVERLEY - Home » Shire of Beverley ·  · 2017-12-06up outside the Beverley Post...

1 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


Edition 356

June 2014

No Charge

The 99th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing was commemorated in Beverley with two services and tremendous community participation. The dawn service, conducted by Mr Peter Bremner, saw the marchers form up outside the Beverley Post Office before marching to the Cenotaph to be welcomed by a crowd of approximately 150 who joined the ceremonial observance. The conclusion of the dawn service saw the marchers and community members invited to join together at the RSL Hall for the traditional cooked gunfire breakfast of bacon, eggs and baked beans. The hard working RSL social committee served up 149 breakfasts and it was

pleasing to have community members assist with the clearing away and washing of dishes. Mid morning saw marchers forming up outside the RSL Hall and marching to the Cenotaph where around two hundred people had gathered for the 11 o’clock commemoration. This service was ably conducted by Mr John Lane, with Mrs Judy Moulton providing organ music for the hymns. Mr Rick Barrett-Lennard recited the ode, Mrs Joan McQuinn led the prayers, and singers from the Beverley Station Singers Choir and the Beverley District High School Choir each performed items. Student Councillors, Georgina Fisher and Evie Wilkinson recited the moving poem “Not a Hero” by Clyde Hamilton. The address given by RSL President Mrs Irene Oram listed all locations in which 102,784 Australian Service Personal have sacrificed their lives since 1885 when the first soldiers served in the Sudan. Wreaths were laid on behalf of the RSL, Beverley Shire Council, Beverley District High School, Hospital Auxiliary, Volunteer Fire Brigade, and Beverley Post Office. The Australian National Anthem was sung and the words of the New Zealand National Anthem were recited by the community. Once again this year, we displayed the New Zealand Flag during the ceremony. At the conclusion of the service, the marchers and the community were invited to the RSL Hall for light refreshments and a good deal of socialising with old mates. This year also saw a game of two-up enjoyed by some enthusiasts (yes it was licensed and our local constabulary had copies of the paperwork). The RSL Committee extend thanks to all those in the community who helped make this day of commemoration such a special event and allowed it to run so smoothly.

Irene Oram

RSL Beverley President.


2 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

President Report June 2014

Federal and State Budgets A raft of measures announced in the recent State and Federal Budgets create challenges for us all, and Councils will face ongoing tough decisions as they work to finalise their own budgets. Indexation of Federal Financial Assistance Grants (FAGS) has been frozen for the next three years, no longer rising in line with CPI and population increases, thus declining in value. FAGS assist to maintain a range of infrastructure such as parks, Council buildings, swimming pools and roads. The State government has abandoned a local roads funding agreement with Councils, cutting $56m in funding over the next three years. Local Government is responsible for almost 90% of the roads in the state and it is a constant struggle to keep up with maintenance and upgrades. The RforR Country Local Government Fund is no more. You may also have heard of the effect a State Government June 30 staff spending freeze has had on our local hospital and school.

Say Hello to the Wheatbelt The Wheatbelt Regional Blueprint has been released for viewing and public comment. I would encourage you to do just that as Regional Blueprints for the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Southwest and Peel will be a new focus for Royalties for Regions funding.

Town Entry Statements This project is being progressed after a lull in activity since the initial design competition. Main Roads are currently reviewing the preferred sites along Great Southern Highway to consider all safety issues prior to implementation.

Trails Masterplan Council has endorsed the Trails Masterplan and is considering a 14/15 budget allocation to further this project.

Shire Councillors Technology Update Shire Councillors have recently been provided with Galaxy Tablets and will receive Shire related information, media releases, notices and correspondence via email, and access reports, agendas, minutes and other large documents via a “Drop Box”. We are in a learning/transitional phase with the aim of being fully functional early in the new financial year. If you see a Councillor a little

distressed we will need your patience! Eventually this should mean less paper, saved administration costs and timely delivery of information; pending adequate 4G coverage of course, which is still an issue for some of us.

Multipurpose Community Building? I would like to provide some preliminary information to the community as a recommendation from the 2013 Community Resource Centre Feasibility Study was to build a Multipurpose Community Centre. This would embrace an array of facilities and services including CRC, library, tourist centre, toy library, hot office space and early childhood learning and care centre. It would also then resolve a growing problem for Council in lack of Shire office space and storage. The consultant who carried out the study also undertook the Recreation Feasibility Study which was a catalyst to get the Beverley Function and Recreation Centre underway and access grant funding to do so. Council has cautiously supported development of a Business Case Plan for further consideration, particularly in terms of cost, even though it is becoming more apparent there is a need. More information will be provided in due course.

ANZAC Thankyou and congratulations to the RSL for arranging a successful ANZAC service in Beverley. Once again our “flower fairies” provided a fresh wreath for laying on behalf of the Shire and Citizens of Beverley, which was undertaken by Deputy Shire President Cr Chris Pepper.

Avondale The Avondale Farm Project Association have been proactive in supporting a bright future for Avondale. This has included oversight of the museum and more recently taking on responsibility for both the resident clydesdales, Robbie and Comet. If you are interested in supporting AFPA and/or becoming a National Trust Avondale volunteer leave your name at the Shire or contact AFPA President Sue Martin on 9646 4073. Avondale Warden Vacancy – this important position is being advertised on page 9 in the Blarney and includes accommodation at the property. Emergency Lighting for the Beverley Airfield The local St John Ambulance team have initiated a project to provide lighting at the airfield to enable night time access by the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Fundraising efforts and donations within the community have been impressive. Fundraising is continuing and further donations are welcomed. For information contact Beverley SJA President John Lane on 0429 965 654. Beverley Show – Saturday 23rd August 2014 The Shire Council will again have a presence at the Beverley Show. Councillors and staff will be on hand through the day to discuss Council plans, listen to constituent comments and concerns, and provide an array of Shire related information. See you there! Dee Ridgway Shire President

3 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014



 Any proposed  sep c effluent  system  that  require  the  installa on of  a pump pit will  also  require  the  installa on of  an  audio/visual alarm system.  For any informa on regarding scep c effluent systems, please contact Shire of Beverley Environmental Health Officer on 9646 1200. 



Please do not ‘pass on’ books you have on loan in your name. If the book appeals to another reader, return it to the library and we will hold the book for them. Therefore avoiding the problem of ‘ho has the missing book?’  

When returning  items a er hours via the shire  le er box, please place  in a plas c bag. The box  is not sealed or 

protected from the wet weather.  

Remember we have an exchange of  tles around  the middle of each month. Look out  for  these new  items on display  for about a week a er arrival, before going onto the shelves.  

If we don’t have the  tle you would like on the shelf, we can request to borrow from other libraries  ‐  books, dvd’s, talking books  

Please present your library card when taking a book out on loan, and take care of your card. To replace a lost one costs $7.  

Please ask library staff if you have any sugges ons to improve our service to you.  


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATABASE  If you would like to be entered in a database of contacts to be included in communica ons about anything from community events, funding programmes, workshops, special interest groups or a myriad of other opportuni es please return this slip to: Kathryn McLean Shire of Beverley Community Development Officer PO Box 20 Beverley  WA  6304 T: 089646 1200 E: [email protected]  Community groups and organisa ons are also invited to be included in the database. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________  FIRST NAME: ________________________________  SURNAME: __________________________________________  




POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________  EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________________________________________  MOBILE: _______________________________________TELEPHONE: _________________________________________  SPECIAL INTERESTS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ (For example but not limited to youth, sport & recrea on, culture, arts, heritage, business, environment, volunteering, agriculture …)


4 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Model no. XPDCISO1000V32A.

5 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Max Hunter’s Firewood Supplies

Ph: 96461 236

The Jarrah Bush Wood is sold by the tonne. Delivered in truck or

trailer loads.

MINCHIN (Avis Dorothy) Don, Robert, Steven, Sue, Sera and families would like to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers, made phone calls and attended the funeral of Avis, our much loved mother and grandma. Special thanks to all of Avis’s friends who went to visit her in hospital. She was very grateful for the time that you spent with her. Special thanks also to the doctors and nursing staff of Beverley hospital. Please accept this as our personal thanks to you all. Sera Minchin

Beverley Hospital Auxiliary Op Shop News

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Hospital Auxiliary has had to go into recess for a period of time until we can find suitable premises for the Op Shop. This has been a very difficult decision to make, hopefully in the near future we can find new premises from where we can operate the Op Shop again. We will NOT be accepting ANY donated goods from 1st June and the Op Shop will cease trading for the time being from the end of June.

6 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


(OUTSIDE IGA) The Beverley District High School P&C are having a cake stall to raise money to purchase much needed books and equipment for the children. Come along and purchase a delicious cake and support your local school. We will also have sheep manure available for purchase on the day or to pre-order for a later delivery. Need firewood this winter? Come along and purchase some firewood too! 


 Show day is just 3 months away and to make sure that the 2014 

show is the biggest and best we are raising funds. 

 On Saturday 28 June 2014 Beverley Agricultural Society is holding a 

cake stall fundraiser.   

We will have loads of cakes and baked goods for sale. Raffles plus a 

sausage sizzle available.  

We are asking our members for assistance by dona ng goods to sell, raffle prizes or your  me. 

 If you can help us please contact  

Sam 0448 550 678 

Great News!!!! Avondale Farm is now open to the public every third weekend and every long weekend from 10-4. Picnic grounds with free BBQs, Vintage Machinery Museum, Homestead Museum, Historic Oregon Stables and of course the resident Clydesdales Robbie and Comet. Saturday mornings will feature the Volunteers in Action repairing, maintaining and possibly even driving some of the tractors. Please help us spread the word so everyone can visit this wonderful place.

The dates are as follows: 1, 2 June

21, 22 June 19,20 July

16,17 August 20, 21 September

27, 28, 29 September 18,19 October

15,16 November.

Maintenance Person Brookton, Western Australia  

Balco  Australia  Pty  Ltd  is  a  significant  na onal  and  interna onal marke ng  organisa on  expor ng Australian hay, stock feed and other rural commodi es to more than ten countries throughout  the world.    Balco  is  one  of  Australia’s  largest  hay  exporters,  processing  and  shipping over 150,000 tonnes of hay annually.  We  are  seeking  a MAINTENANCE  PERSON  for  our  hay  processing  plant  at  Brookton WA,  135 kms south east of Perth.    Maintenance  Person:      to work with our Maintenance Officer  in  assis ng with fixed  and mobile plant maintenance, welding, fabrica on and breakdowns.  Previous experience with heavy plant is desirable. High risk licenses of forkli , EWP and crane preferable. This posi on provides  for  a  versa le  role  encompassing  various  skills  and  a  strong work  ethic.  Trade  qualifica ons are not essen al.  Posi on  reports  to  Maintenance  Supervisor  and  Plant  Manager.  Balco  encourages  all  employees to work safely and provides a safe working environment to do so. Applicants will be required to pass pre employment medical.  The roles offer a diverse range of challenges and will provide opportuni es for a  long term career  with  a  local  thriving  processing  and  expor ng  business  within  the  agricultural  community.    Rota ng  shi  work,  compe ve  rates  of  pay with  over me will  be  paid  to  successful applicant. Reloca on costs may be considered for suitable applicant  

Applica ons, including resume and referees to: PO Box 117 Brookton WA 6306  

Or to: Garry Pa nson, Site Manager on mobile 0428.300.650 Email:  gpa [email protected]   

Andrew Moseley, Plant Manager on mobile 0428.877.575 Email:  [email protected]   

7 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


ABN: 37 675 595 336




PHONE: SEAN 0413 480 543 or

NATASHA 0422 013 889

PL: 7130 GF: 006947 SWR: T235


House tank and shed pads, laser level to engineered specifications, also bobcat site work, block cleanups

and post hole digger.

M: 0429 461 314

HENS LAYING $10 each 10 for $80 or 20 for $120 Free delivery Friday 13 June 2014 

Beverley, Kokeby, Brookton Phone: 9844 3485

For Sale 2 Gophers

Ring 0458 460 737

RSL Indoor Markets

Held on the first Saturday

of each month at the RSL Hall, 50 Forrest St


Next Market 7th June

Sausage sizzle a house specialty.

Seller set up from 7.30, $6 per table. Buyers from 9.00 to 12.30.

Contact Irene Oram on 9646470 for more details.



JULY edition is MONDAY 23 JUNE at 4pm

8 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

9 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

R.S.L. Midwinter Curry Night – June 20th.

Members and Friends are welcome to come

and enjoy a social night at the R.S.L. Hall.

$15.00 per head, with drinks $3.00 donation each.

Bookings essential 9646 0005.


A special place deserves a special person. This position would suit a fit and energetic individual (or couple) that enjoys rural community life, is self reliant, shows enthusiasm and initiative and delights in working with the public and local community. It is a live-in position with a house provided at Avondale. Weekend work is required with Monday and Tuesday off. Key duties include administrative activities and coordination of day to day operations and supervision of volunteers. Remuneration is $200 per fortnight in addition to a house, electricity and water. Please request a duty statement before applying. For further information please contact Dan Klofverskjold on (08) 9321 6088 or [email protected] . The commencement date for the position is 1 July 2014. Closing date for applications – 5pm Monday 9 June 2014


Piano Tuner Bernard extends his apologies but has been ill and unable to tune pianos. He is

intending to visit in early June.

If your piano has not been tuned in ages and you intend for it to remain viable, consider treating

it to a tune up. To add your name to the list…

Contact Wendy Murray 9646 1336 Or Bernard Beeson 0411 645 395.

10 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

11 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


Shed floors, driveways, footpaths, house slabs, silo pads, fertilizer/grain/supa sheds

Robbie Higginson

Mobile: 0427 384 977 Home: 9641 2459 Fax: 9641 2339

Abn: 26 997 512 874 Po box 345 York wa 6302

All areas All types 

Your Beverley Nursery Na ve seedlings for revegeta on, 

bush foods and planta ons.  

Our website is now fully  opera onal ‐ order on line! 

Tree guards and fer liser pills  Tree plan ng service available  E‐mail: [email protected]   


or phone/fax Lisa on  9646 1716. 

R.S.L. will hold a

Charity Fundraiser

Market on 19 and 20 July

to raise funds for Airstrip

Lighting appeal.

Please start to set aside any useful,

collectable or valuable items you may

wish to donate for this event.

“No Junk Please” as we would not

like to offend you by refusing to

accept your items. Also removal of

items not saleable, incurs an expense

which will reduce the amount of funds


If you have items which may attract

collectors or be worthwhile auctioning,

let us know in advance so we can

arrange an auction.

Donations will only be accepted in the

week prior to the Market, at times to

be advertised.

Please do not leave items outside the


Enquiries – Irene 9646 0470

12 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

13 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Avondale Farm Project Association Dina’s retirement from Avondale We were all sad to see Dina Barrett-Lennard leave Avondale in April after nearly 20 years of putting Avondale first. We wish her all the best in her new job at Muresk. We had a “farewell to Dina and Rob” barbeque to demonstrate to them both how much their hard work has been appreciated. Photo courtesy of Kelly Mann.

AFPA AGM AFPA held its AGM on the 12th of May at Avondale Homestead. A warm welcome to our new members who joined at the AGM. We are confident that with this keen and energetic committee, we can plan and implement more activities at Avondale in the coming year. So, watch this space for upcoming events. Avondale opening days Avondale is open to the public every 3rd weekend of the month on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am til 4pm. We are also open every public holiday weekend for the same hours until November this year when it will close for the Christmas break. We have a long weekend coming up at the end of May so we will be open on the 31st May, and the 1st and 2nd of June. Avondale is a wonderful place to visit. Our picnic area is a great to bring friends after looking around the homestead, checking out the stables, talking to the horses, and browsing though the museum. The free barbeques are a bonus when it comes to planning lunch. Entry to Avondale is free although we ask for a $2 entry fee to the Museum as this goes toward parts for the tractors and machinery so our volunteers can continue to maintain them. Workshop on cleaning and conservation techniques On Saturday June 21st Greg Manzie, conservator and museum consultant from Glyde Gallery Conservation will be presenting a workshop on Cleaning and Conservation Techniques of objects and photos at the Machinery Museum. Greg will be working with a sheaf of wheat that was thatched into a haystack in 1938 at Cookalabbi Stud in Coomberdale (Coomberdale was a siding between Moora and Watheroo) by Arthur Topham. The Sheaf was donated to Avondale in 1979. The workshop will also include a demonstration on how to work on historical photos. The cost for the workshop is $25 and will run between 10am and 4pm, morning tea will be provided. Contact no: 0419 195 943 Cake Stall Our first cake stall for the year was held on Saturday 24th May. It was wet and windy but this did not deter the rays of sunshine selling the produce who all had a fantastic morning. A big thank you to everyone including: Mitch Kerr for donating a beautiful and realistic painting of the Clydesdales for the raffle and to Max Hunter for donating wood for a second raffle, to Mitch Kerr and Marian Burn for collecting and artistically packing the horse poo, to a new Beverley resident, Anne Bolger for donating some wonderful knitted baby blankets and jumpers, to everyone who donated cakes and to those who bought them. The winner of the Clydesdale painting was John Pratt and the winner of the firewood was Jenny Ware. Congratulations to both of you. Robbie and Comet both say a big neigh…… to everyone who contributed to a very successful morning. We still have some horse poo for sale at $4 a bag. Please ring Marian on 0427 477 734 to purchase and arrange pickup. Photo on left: “Comet’s way of saying thank you to everyone” Photo courtesy of Greg Manzie. Avondale Discovery Farm 550 Waterhatch Road, Beverley WA 6304

14 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Station Gallery and Platform Theatre News

Station Gallery Now that the busy events calendar is coming to the season’s end, the committee of Beverley Station Arts can afford a little time on maintenance at the Gallery and Residence. This includes spending the Volunteer grant received end of last year on some much needed furniture – both outdoor and indoor.

Above: Marylou, Pauline and Kathryn assembling the new sofas for the Station Residence We are fortunate to also have the Shire staff helping with the upkeep of the Station and surrounds which regrettably includes the removal of the gum tree central to the Platform Theatre due to falling limbs making it a safety hazard. We will be replacing the gum with a less risky tree but it will be a while till we see the shade such as we had become come to value on those hot afternoons. Artist-in-Residence

We said goodbye to Janet Pfeiffer soon after her encaustic painting class which was so informative and a load of fun. And then Lisa Riley arrived full of enthusiasm to paint the fabulous cloud formations we’ve been seeing this month. Unfortunately she lost some of her impetus as was called back to her day job but

has still been able to come back and man the gallery Thursdays through to Sundays, and has enjoyed much country hospitality in that time.

Above: Janet Pfeiffer at her encaustic painting workshop Developing that great idea of yours into a Novel or a Play West Australian novelist & playwright Marlish Glorie will be conducting a number of workshops at the Beverley Train Station as part of her writer-in-residency in July. The workshops will be held at the following times: Wednesday 2nd July – 6.30am - 8.30p.m. Wednesday 9th July – 6.30am - 8.30 p.m. Saturday 5th July – 10am - 4pm This all –day workshop will focus on How to Write a Novel, or alternatively a

15 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Play. This workshop is suitable for beginners through to more advanced writers. Should you have any queries you can email Marlish - [email protected] . Please note that if these workshop times don't suit & you would really like to attend either contact Marlish at her email address or contact Marylou at; [email protected] or 0427 085 511 or 9647 1027. Or call in and see Marlish at the Station from June 1st 2014. Artists in Residence programme for the remainder 2013 and 2014: June - Jessica Ipkendanze - artist (Perth) - cancelled July - Marlish Glorie - writer (Perth) September - Dave & Sandra Conlin – watercolourist, and James Larkins – printmaker (Perth) October - Mervyn Beamish - artist (Perth) November – Charlotte O’Shea As can be seen August and December are not booked as yet, though there has recently been keen interest from a number of artists. If anyone one knows of an artist (visual, performing, writer, musician) who would like to experience a residency here please inform them of this vacancy and contact Artist in Residence Coordinator Marylou Hutchinson on 96471027 / 0427085511 or email: [email protected] To become a member of Beverley Station Arts Inc (Friend of the Station) please see treasurer Pauline at the Newsagency, phone 96461042. Membership forms can also be downloaded from (NB cheques to be made payable to Beverley Station Arts) and send to PO Box 112, Beverley 6304. Beverley Station Singers

The Station Singers did themselves proud at Anzac Service in Beverley singing Lest We forget - a song written by the talented Kelly Newton Wordsworth which she will be singing herself at Supreme Court

Gardens next Anzac Day. Kelly is currently in the US for a couple of months so the Station Singers are practicing by themselves for the Beverley Show in August and for the Choir Bash at the Platform Theatre in September. Anyone interested in joining the choir contact Tracey Fleay - Mob: 0409 481 029 or E: [email protected] Platform Theatre

CALENDAR GIRLS Last chance to buy tickets for Tim Firth’s stage production of the based-on-fact film Calendar Girls (the

perfect opportunity to a girls night out!) Produced by Jally Entertainment of Noosa Heads, this fabulously funny drama has been touring to full houses in all states except NT and Tas, and Beverley is one of the first to be hosting it in WA. Calendar Girls is about women in a small town posing discreetly for a calendar to raise funds for a hospital. Calendar Girls has been a worldwide comedy hit since its London premiere in 2010 and became the fastest selling play in British theatre history. "Dazzlingly funny, shamelessly sentimental and utterly captivating" SPECTATOR. CALENDAR GIRLS

Beverley Town Hall Sunday 1 June 2014

Doors open 7.00pm Show begins 8.00pm

$42 at the door

Tickets available from Beverley Newsagency or ONLINE BOOKINGS:

Complimentary glass champagne on arrival plus lucky door prize

Licenced Event

Light supper available after the show

If you would like to be included on the email list for notification of coming events (so you can forward to friends), email secretary Sarah Miller [email protected] 

Station Gallery Open Hours 11.00am – 3.00pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Jenny Broun, President, Beverley Station Arts: 9646 1500 / 0419 040 063 / [email protected]

16 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


Chartered Accountant &

Registered Tax Agent

Tax return preparation

Financial and accounting advisory services

Office hours: Wednesday

9.15am - 5.00pm

129 Vincent Street, Beverley 9646 1566 (Monday - Friday)

Twenty two members and one visitor (nice to meet you Suzanne) met at the Dead Finish for the May meeting of the Garden Club. We welcomed two new members (Val and Vicki) and settled down to business at 10.30am.

We needed to tweak our programme a little because the bonsai people can’t come until September and our visit to Pingelly Friendly Club is scheduled for October 7th. We discussed the dispensing of some funds and it was unanimously agreed to donate to the St. John Ambulance fund for the lights. Because of the change of programme it was decided that we would have a casserole lunch for the July meeting and incorporate a bring and buy. This will be held at the RSL hall, a delightful venue. Our next meeting will be the mosaic workshop which will be held on June 3rd on the verandah of the Dead Finish. Members wanting to participate will need to bring a pot (not plastic), tiles or old crockery, tile cutter, tea towel, old rags, tiling glue (or liquid nails or Selleys all fix), old knife or palette knife, empty ice cream container. We are beginning at 9.30 am and you will need to bring a picnic lunch. A busy bee will be held on June 12th to tidy up the garden at the Dead Finish. The welcome rain has bought most of our members out into their gardens and planting is well under way. Remember to compost as much as you can, it gives years of life to a garden and recycles lots of stuff that otherwise would go into the rubbish. Those of you who like bulbs might like to order through the school and support the fundraising they are doing. It is always good to support local initiatives. Potatoes, peas, broad beans, broccoli, silver beet, spinach and a broad spectrum of flowers such as alyssums, carnations, everlastings, carnations, nemesia, poppies, sweet peas are all able to be planted now. Please feed your fruit trees, especially the citrus as they are surface feeders and need feeding 4 times a year. They will reward you for it with juicier fruit. Seeds are available locally at the IGA and the hardware store and just for interest sake this week I found six different types of potatoes at the nursery in the middle of Northam. Gardeners who enjoy architectural plants might like to try globe artichokes. There is one in the Dead Finish potager garden and it looks splendid. If you don’t eat artichokes the flowers alone are worth growing the plant somewhere in your garden. They are huge and a gorgeous purple.

Happy gardening

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03 June  Mosaic Workshop ‐ Dead Finish 

July  Casserole Lunch at RSL 

August  Our AG SHOW 

September  Bonsai Workshop 

October  Pingelly friendly club 

November  AGM and a morning high tea 

December  Christmas luncheon 

17 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


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Thank You! The Beverley Sub Centre committee would like to thank all the wonderful people who supported the auction held recently at the Freemason Tavern. Approximately $5,000 was raised which is a tremendous result, with all proceeds going toward the Airstrip Lighting Community Appeal. We want to warmly thank Amanda and Greg for all their assistance with the auction which enabled it to be such a success. Also, a big thank you to everyone who donated the items for auction, and what a great selection of items they were! To those who attended and bid for those items, thank you, and we hope you enjoy your purchases. RFDS The volunteers have been very busy with call outs recently which included the Royal Flying Doctor using the airstrip twice in the last fortnight. Fortunately, these were in daylight hours as until the airstrip lighting is installed they cannot land here at night. The fundraising for the lights is progressing well so we still hope that this will happen sometime during 2014. Airstrip Lighting Appeal Several donation tins are located throughout the town. These locations include the Newsagency, Bakery, Top Pub, CRC, IGA, Country Kitchen and the hospital reception. Your loose change can go a long way for greater emergency service care in our wonderful town. Please continue to give generously. On Friday 23 May our President John Lane was grateful to receive a $3,000 donation from the Sandgropers Caravan and Motorhome Group who visited Beverley last year. These were leftover funds from their trip to Beverley and we are very pleased they chose to put it towards the “Light up the Strip” Appeal. We would also like to acknowledge the Beverley Hospital Auxiliary who generously contributed their donated portion of funding towards the appeal. Photo: Eric, Terri, John, Joy and Barbara

18 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Beverley District High School Ciao and benevenuti (Hello and welcome) to our news for this month. By the time you have read this article, the Faction Cross Country event will have been completed. We hope the students ran great races and that the expected 10-15mm rain held off until after the event. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea was also held on that day and we hope that lots of funds were raised for such a worthy cause and of course everyone would have been well and truly fed with the generous donations of cakes, etc. NAPLAN has been and gone and results will come parents’ way towards the end of the year. We are sure every student in Yr 3, 5, 7 and 9 put in their best effort. Just a reminder if you would like to have a paperless society, please think seriously of subscribing to the school newsletter by pressing the subscribe button on the Beverley DHS The webpage has been revamped so go and have a look at it. We are open to suggestions, so please send them our way. Year 7 - 8 Technology Students have been busy improving their machine sewing skills by making heat packs. Seams and hems were used to sew a calico inside channelled bag filled with wheat and dried lavender. Then a pretty cotton fabric outer cover was made. Heat packs are a first aid item which is heated briefly in the microwave before being placed on an injured part of the body to help relieve pain. Year 9 - 10 Technology We have been creative with machine embroidery, threads, fabric dyes and glass paint. Here are some photos of our models – wall hangings, tie dye fabric and glass painting. We made gel air fresheners with the painted glass jars. Here is the recipe for you to try – Gel Air Fresheners. 1. Warm in a saucepan – until salt and gelatine have dissolved

1 cup water 40g of gelatine 1 tablespoon of salt 1 tablespoon of white vinegar

2. Add 1cup of cold water. 3. Add a few drops of food colour to saucepan and mix up. 4. Put 20 – 30 drops of “Essential Oil” in the jar. 5. Pour in carefully and mix up. **don’t fill the jar too much** 6. Leave to set for a few hours before moving. 7. Decorate the glass jar as desired. Upcoming Events Wednesday 4 June Year 8 Immunisation-Round 2. Thursday 5 June Interschool Cross Country – York. Thursday 12 June Assembly – Choir. Wednesday 18 June Yr 2/3 Maze Excursion Friday 20 June Interschool Winter Carnival – Brookton. Wednesday 25 June PP/Yr 1 Dino Dig Excursion Friday 4 July Last day of 2nd Term Until next month-Sera Minchin

19 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

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May was a very busy and productive month for the group. Easter saw the airing of a large number of beautiful quilts made by members and displayed at the Dead Finish Museum. Eight members participated in an overnight retreat at a property on Valentine’s Road after the Easter break. Skills learnt at a recent dying workshop were demonstrated and the fabric was used in a new technique to create “convergence quilts”. These retreats are a great way to bond new and old friendships with plenty of chatter, coffee, good food, walks and patch working. The group was also successful with our submission to the Shire for a grant to extend our knowledge of using the quilting frame at Avondale. Four members have already travelled to Perth for a workshop, with 3 to 4 more workshops planned over the next few weeks. New members are always welcome and we meet Tuesdays at Avondale. For more information call Janice 0438 019 510.

20 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


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“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how

you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful of your life” - Mark Twain

21 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

First of all, the Beverley Playgroup Inc. Committee, wishes to thank our beautiful community for their support and generosity and, our members who donated cakes and / or their time for our Cake-Stall held on Saturday 17th May! We raised a massive $440, which will help us run programs, such as the Boogie Roos, at low cost to our members and get new toys and equipment. Over the last few weeks we had lots of new members and the attendance has been fantastic! It’s heart-warming to see that we have so many young ones in town. The all play great together and love the activities. The more the merrier! Upcoming this month and new to Playgroup: a Baby Group! The aim is to get parents with new-borns and young babies together to meet, socialise and share tips and ideas. We will run the group for 3 weeks only on Thursday at the end of the normal Playgroup session, starting on 19th June. It’s free and we arranged our locals Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist, Child Health Nurse, Occupational Therapist and Dietician to come over to answer queries parents may have. Dianne, Child Health Nurse, will bring the scales to weight babies if parents wish. Jenette, our President is organising a date with Sandra from the Boogie Roos for the 3rd term, probably on 31st July, and we hope to book another one for the last term. For those who didn’t come last year, Boogie Roos is an award winning program for babies and young children (2014 International What's On 4 Junior Awards: Most Outstanding Activity Leader 0-5 years and Best Local Baby and Preschooler Activity 0-5 years winner). For an entire hour Sandra puts the music on and makes children wriggle, jump and dance with props such a pompoms, parachute etc... It’s a lot of fun and keeps the little ones active while parents can watch the action and catch up. We still have more in store for the rest of the year, so keep tuned. Finally, we are still welcoming new members, so any parent / carer with babies or children up to 4 years old can attend at anytime and are entitled to 3 free sessions before joining. We hope to see you there J


Every Thursday mornings from 9.30am-11.30 am (closed for school and public holidays).

Located behind the CRC building

Bring a piece of fruit to share, hat and sunscreen.

$4 per family per week (for coffee/tea, craft activities etc…)

$30 / $15 (concession card) membership fee per family per year (insurance cover for all Playgroups across WA)

More info call Jenette on 0414 923 534

Or find us on Facebook:

22 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

23 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

24 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Garden Supplies Avondell Earthmoving

Sand Gravel Blue Metal

Blue Metal Dust Crushed rock mix for concrete

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1. Budget cuts are the hot news of the day:- For all who are interested in

TV and radio reports and how Australian, both indigenous are effected. See CRANA Aboriginal Corp. for more details.

2. This publication will mainly touch on Centrelink Age Care and Disability Pensions. Disability Support Pensioners:- Statistics and research indicate to us that there are 800,000 currently receiving benefits. This figure is now increasing by 10,000 each year. In recent days this Minister and the Treasurer have stated, that there will be a complete shake up of the whole system. a. All recipients will be reviewed and accessed if needed. b. Those under 35 years of age will be assessed i.e. they will be

sent to a body (newly formed) of independent doctors. c. Their words used “those who are capable of working MUST

WORK and if not will be put on Newstart Allowance”. Therefore one could loose around $200/- plus per fortnight.

Other public statements made: There will be some pain, everyone must share the burden. Nothing is Free. 3. The comments, on the other hand by organisations such as: Human Rights, Disability, Indigenous, Health Professionals, Dental Practitioners, Careers, ACOSS, parents and so the list goes - too numerous to mention. All without exception clearly state: That once again, the most vulnerable, disadvantaged, needy, not so fortunate in our Australian community are being targeted and forced to share and carry the economical burden which, we are told is around 36 billion dollars. Saving from the Disability Support Pension. 4. AGE CARE: Now that one has to stay in the workforce till age 70. Because of the age hike, the question is who will have the capacity to work. If those unfortunate, will end up in age care residences. Some residence are complaining, due to lack of funding are battling to keep their staff. 5. My final comments based on my line of work: some 15 years ago, words like reviews, assessment, shake up, lead to investigators with latest IT equipment and some were taken off the Disability Support Pension, as footage taken proved they were capable of working. As a former, long term Shenton Park patient, it is proper to keep an accurate record of your incapacity and seek medical advice, remember all this will now be tested. i.e. as to what you are capable of doing and not doing. Mal G Roberts

CRANA Aboriginal Corp. Inc. Budget cuts once again, the most disadvantaged in our community will have to pay the high price. This will have a devastating effect on both indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. HEALTH: Some family and children services have been slashed and other services have been withdrawn and indigenous staff have been sacked. (TV/radio reports). EDUCATION: Special services to cater for the needy, disadvantaged and programmes to support children with a disability, have been disadvantaged as their funding has been reduced or cancelled. MEDICAL: In spite of all the research, evidence, statistics and known facts which prove, that the life span of indigenous people is far shorter, by approximately 10 years sooner than non indigenous, especially children, who have a 40 % higher mortality rate. Yet the services provided were sub standard and will furthermore deteriorate, placing a further burden on their culture and life expectancy. Last month TV reports pointed out that family members who travelled from up North, to visit critically ill patients (family members) would normally stay at the YMCA, which has been closed. These indigenous families had to sleep in the open parks for many days, around the Perth area. AGED AND DISABILITY SUPPORT PENSIONS: Some will be reviewed and assessed. RESEARCH AND LAND CORPORATION: Whole programmes have been cancelled, departments have been closed down. CEO and other staff members have been made redundant. Some staff worked diligently for well over 20 years, they did not receive any notice or even a phone call, they heard about their departments demise, through the media. These are real life true cases. ABORIGINAL LEGAL AID SERVICES: Funding has been drastically reduced, which is causing concern right throughout the legal, social, community and human rights organisations. If anyone if denied justice i.e. by cutting legal aid, they have no representation in the courts. This will result in more incarcerations as prison residents. What experts in this field say, that more funding is needed to prevent one from going to prison, less funding will have the opposite effect.

25 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

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Some learned experts state, that in the indigenous culture, when adults are incarcerated in prisons and detention centres; causing a feeling of loss of culture, identity, connection to their land and sadness, which, is unbearable and in some cases does lead to suicide. From what has been said, the cutting of Aboriginal Legal Service funding may have very serious consequences for some indigenous families. MEDICARE CO-PAYMENTS: $7 for visit to the GP, for emergency, blood test, x-rays and the list goes on. A fair question is how many sick and needy would be able to afford this added burden of money extraction which is unaffordable. RECONCILLIATION, CLOSING THE GAP, CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION: Reality is that in spite of research, which shows, that the majority of Australians would like to see these issues of concern dealt with, there has been much talk and little or no action. Once again promises are made and never kept. CONSUMER ADVOCATES: Are advising indigenous people not to release personal information, including bank account details. Do not commit to verbal contracts over the phone, unless you understand the terms and conditions, TV reports showed some Kimberley region residents were being influenced by door knockers and did not understand what they were signing for. If in doubt come and see me, I will secure legal advice. Mal G Roberts Mitch Henry Director President NB The real effects of the budget cuts will be known and felt in the next 3 months.

26 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Make a Movie, Make a Stand, Make a Difference.

This year, WA Police is encouraging all Western Australian high school aged students to actively become ‘Community Safety Champions’, as part of the innovative Students Advising Youth Project (SAY Project) for 2014. Supported by local Lions Clubs and Murdoch University, students are encouraged to produce a short (90 – 105 seconds) film about making their community “drug free and drug aware”. The top film will win $1,000 cash and an all-expenses paid trip for them and a guardian to fly to Canberra and attend Parliament to present their film to a Government representative. $1,000 prizes also available for 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed film makers.

About the SAY Project.

In 2013, Acting Sergeant Tam McKeown initiated the SAY Project to encourage young people to be educators among their peers to deliver messages about key community safety issues such as illegal drugs, road safety and alcohol abuse.

Supported by the Department of Education WA, the Project aims to provide students with a strong anti-drug education during the research component of this year’s subject, and in addition, students will actively promote and market their own anti-drug films through both local networks and social media in their communities. Informative podcasts have been produced to assist you and your students to learn more about participating in the Project. View the SAY Project Podcasts.

Schools and community / youth organisations are required to complete and submit a registration form no later than 24 July 2014. The promotional poster is also available online for distribution in your school or community / youth organisations. How to participate in the SAY Project – Key dates

We thank you in advance for your support in promoting the SAY Project among your students andyouth. Together we can harness their enthusiasm, innovation and creativity to empower them to become educators of other youth on these prevalent issues affecting our community.

We have high hopes that this Project will benchmark itself and showcase the innovative role that our young people can play in relation to enhancing community safety.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Tam McKeown | Acting Sergeant

27 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

[email protected] Ph: 9646 3333

THE BLUE LINE Beverley Police Station

57 Hunt Road, Beverley WA 6304

Hello Everyone,  

What’s with the meerkats? Well, since the road works at the top of Vincent Street x Hunt Road were  started  (surely  they  aren’t  finished?)  that’s  what  myself  and  Ian  have  become.   Everyone,  even  those  in  our  community  who  use  gophers,  all  sound  as  though  they  are hooning when  approaching  the  junc on.  I  tear my head off my  shoulders when  I hear  cars  turning on to or off Vincent Street and poor  Ian has pulled his hammy 3  mes sprin ng over the  front  counter  since  the  road works  turned  the  road  into  a  gravel  pit.  It’s. Driving. Us.  Bonkers !!!!!!!!  

Anyway, enough of our meerkat tendencies, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate the motorists of Beverley for driving  impeccably and  for  the most part s cking  to  the posted speed  limits. We’ve been doing quite a bit more traffic  enforcement  in and around town and have had to either  issue  ckets or cau on very, very few Beverley motorists. That said,  don’t  forget  the  speed  limits,  they  are  there  for  a  reason  and  as  annoying  as  they might  be  they  are  a  lot  less  annoying than receiving a  cket or paying a visit to hospital, or both.  

There’s not much  to  report on  the crime  front since  the  last Blarney. We are  travelling very well with very  few crimes  being reported to us so we all must be doing something right. Let’s stay vigilant and con nue to report anything you think seems a bit out of the ordinary. We are all ears……….  

I  know  I’ve men oned  this  before  but  I’ll men on  it  again  as  this  me  it  happened  to me.  The  scammers  are  back  

bombarding email accounts again. I recently had a very official looking email from ANZ land in my work email inbox. They 

were asking me for my account details and password as there was a ‘security issue’ with my account. All I had to do was 

click on a link. Now there’s just one problem with this request, I’ve never been a customer of the ANZ. I asked a friend in 

our computer crime department what was the likely consequence of me clicking on the link (I had no inten on of doing so) 

and  he  replied;  “It’ll  bugger  up  your  computer”.    So when  a  bloke who  loves  computers  and  smells  like  he washes  

infrequently tells you something like that you take no ce and pass on the advice to everyone in town. So that’s what I’ve 

just done.  

Speaking of technology, whilst we love speaking to everyone face to face we can’t always be there so, are you aware of the 

online repor ng capabili es on the WA Police website, h p://  

In July 2013, WA Police implemented the Check My Crime portal which allows a person to check the status of their incident 

a er it has been reported to police and also permits them to add addi onal stolen or damaged property to the report. 

In March 2014, the Report My Lost Property portal was implemented. This enables members of the public to complete a 

report of lost property without having to ring the police or a end a police sta on. 

These are  just two of the online repor ng services that members of the public are able to use. Other reports and forms 

include, but are not limited to, firearms‐related ma ers, hoon, crash and graffi  reports and the ability to register a party. 

Apparently more op ons will be coming so as soon as  I hear about them  I'll  let everyone know! That’s all for now folks, 

Ian’s s ll here for a couple of weeks yet and I’m busy sor ng out his replacement. The fields are ge ng greener and the 

rain  is  ge ng  we er  (is  that  possible?).  So  rug  up  and  light  the  fire  because  it’s  ge ng  

colder !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 Take care everyone,  The 2 Ians. 

28 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Lindsey Doyle

Ph: 0422 300 338 ;

PO Box 450 BEVERLEY  fax: 9647 2010  email: dtworx@westnet. 










0417 953 968 or 08 9646 0461



Wow,  what  an  amazing  group  of  players that we have this year. The Year 5 and under group has 16 players and the  Year  7  and  under  group  has  20 players,  enough  for  4  teams.  The  numbers  for  2014  are  astounding  and have allowed  the girls  the opportunity to  enjoy  plenty  of  me  on  court with matches being played each weekend.  Due  to  the  number  of  players  the coaches  have  decided  that  the  Thursday  training  sessions  will  be weekly. Training is to commence at the courts  at  3.30pm‐4.30pm.  These  training  sessions  are  for  skills  development, theory and fitness.  Training  prior  to  games  against  other towns will be 3.30pm‐5.00pm and will be a quick training session followed by a game.   This allows those players that have  a  scheduled bye  the opportunity to s ll get on  the court  that week and have  a  game.  For parents  that do not have the roster of byes please see your coach and we  can organise a  copy  for you.  The  teams  have  played  two  games against  other  towns,  the  first  being against Quairading which unfortunately we  didn’t  come  away with  a win  but they never stopped  trying. The second match was against Cunderdin  in which both  teams  did  have  a  win,  which thrilled all of the players.  A  team  of  9  players  (13  and  under),  represented  Beverley  at  the  2014 Wheatbelt  Regional  Carnival  in  Northam,  pictured  below.  The  team played  a  total  of  8 matches  over  the day,  they  didn’t  make  it  to  the  semi finals  but  gained  valuable  experience and had a great day out. This is the first me Beverley has been to this carnival 

and  we  will  be  heading  back  over  to Northam  in  August  for  the  12  and  under division. 

29 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

BEVERLEY LIONS CLUB As you may be aware, the Beverley Lions Club is closing down. I do not believe that it is any one or anybody's' fault. It is simply a sign of the times. All service clubs are struggling and have been struggling for a while already. Pat Thompson and I are the only active members left and it has fallen to our lot to do the hard yakka involved in closing down the Beverley Lions Club. We have now received permission to sell off all the assets that are left in the Club. The most significant of these are the following: The trailer which had been

fitted out to carry all the catering equipment including tables, chairs, and pergolas, gas BBQ's and catering equipment. We are hoping to be offered in the region of $3000 to $3500 for the trailer.

We also have one 3.5 KvA inverter generator for $300.

The RSL has agreed to make us an offer for some of the catering equipment and the tables and chairs plus one (at least) BBQ of the three on hand.

The electric urn has been sold for $100.

Should you are interested in any of the items please feel free to contact me to arrange to view what is in the trailer. Regards, Lynn Isaacs 0447 051 659

BRIDGE ‐ Card Game If you would like to come along and enjoy a game of bridge. We welcome all new members to 

join us. WHEN: Mondays TIME: 1.00pm 


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30 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Small Landholder News With Jodie Whitfield Small Landholder Information Service Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia

As the rain starts to fall, we can’t help but take a sigh of relief - but that does not mean our jobs for now are finished. With the rain replenishing our paddocks and starting to soak our soils there is plenty to get done! This season’s lambs will need to be ear marked and branded with a red tag. Lambs should also be vaccinated with a 3 in 1 injection and this should be repeated at weaning. As the temperature drops and the rains continue, it is important to provide stock with young, access to sheltered areas away from the cold and wet conditions. This will reduce the risk of animals getting hypothermia. All owners of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, etc.) must be registered, even if you only own one. If you are not currently registered please call the Brands Office for assistance on 9780 6207. Pasture growth rates will start to decline as temperatures decrease and it may be necessary to move stock from paddocks with low levels of food on offer (FOO) to protect these paddocks from overgrazing and ensure good growth rates in spring (see SLIS’s ‘Rotational grazing for small landholders’ available at Through June, the sowing of oats for hay production can still be undertaken. Match varieties to the season length you have remaining for your area. This ensures that the timing of hay cutting occurs at the right stage of the plants’ development for the best quality and quantity of hay. For those with an orchard, once the last of the leaves have fallen start pruning stone and pome fruit. It is also important to control winter weeds in your orchard. Be careful if you are using mulch as a method for controlling weeds as it can encourage collar rots if it is put hard up against the stem of the tree. Winter is also a great time to plan any changes or improvements you would like to make to your property (see SLIS’s ‘Developing a property plan for small landholdings’ landholders’ available at Before any problem on your property gets too big, make sure you deal with it. Leaving it to potentially get worse will only hinder you in developing the property you want. Visit our Facebook page at for up-to-date information and great tips on managing your property. We would love you to like us! Our seasonal e-newsletter keeping you on top of what you need to know for the coming season has just been emailed out. Sign up now at to start receiving your copy. Until next time, Jodie


SUNDAY 8:00 - 11.00 Sunday Morning Coming Down – John 12.00 – 1.00 Soul and Inspiration Susan 4.30 - 9:00 Metamorphosis – Bob MONDAY 6.00 – 10.00 Monday Breakfast - Bob 10.00 - 1.00 Mustang Sally – Susan 1.00 – 4.00 Folk/Swingin’ Jazz Club - Peter 4:00 - 7:00 Celtic Note – Joe 7.00 – 10.00 Classical Sounds - Chris TUESDAY 6.00 – 9.00 Tuesday Breakfast - Bob 9.00 - 12.00 Around The World – Leila 12.00 - 3.00 Countrywide – Wally 6.00 – 10.00 Old Guys Rock – Terry WEDNESDAY 10:00 – 2:00 A Little Bit of Everything – Joe 4.00 – 7.00 Legends and Locals - Mark 7:00 – 9:00 Back to the Future – Frank THURSDAY 9:00 – 12:00 Mustang Sally – Susan 12:00 – 3:00 Kaleidoscope – Chris 6.00 – 9.00 True Rock n Roll - Milo FRIDAY 6.00 – 10.00 Friday Breakfast - Bob 10.00 - 1.00 Discography – Tess 1.00 – 4.00 Kornucopia – Karen 6.00 – 9.00 Friday Night Country - Milo SATURDAY 6:00 – 10:00 Saturday Morning Variety Show – Terry 10.00 – 2.00 Saturday Mix – Graham 6.00 – 9.00 The Time Zone – Karen Station Phone Number 9641 2422 e-mail: [email protected] : Voice of the Avon 101.3 FM New website: live streaming of Voice of the Avon 101.3 FM

79.5 hours of local presenters each week. Effective 24/5 2014

31 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

GYM MEMBERSHIP Gym Memberships can be obtained from the Shire office or from Beverley Gym, The Old Courthouse, Vincent St.

Phone for a Free Quote

Dawson’s Concrete & Reinforcing

“Your Local Beverley Concreter” Concrete Formwork & Steel Fixing Driveways, Shed floors, Maintenance pits, Silo pads, Super

sheds, House pads Fully mobile service Over 30 Years Experience 7 Days A Week Professional, Reliable Service

SANDY DAWSON Mobile: 0417 375 221

Email: [email protected]

U Beauty Country Your Local Beautician

June and July Special Revive your tired, dry skin with a beautiful

relaxing facial that uses natural and organic JOI Pure products. With every facial and body treatment during June and July, the you will also

receive 15% off all JOI Pure retail products. Facials and products available for all skin types.

My services include: Waxing – Tinting – Manicures – Pedicures – Gel ‘Shellac’ Polish - Massage

& JOI PURE signature spa facial and body treatments

I have Beautiful JOI PURE skin care products and Kim`s Soy Kandles available for sale

I am going to be on holidays and closing the salon from June 7th to June 14th

Contact Penny Burns on 0429 027 718 or email [email protected]

32 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


March Meeting: There were 9 members in attendance with 3 apologies. Easter Opening: Once again we had an extended opening over the Easter weekend with some beautiful Quilts featuring fabrics and designs from other countries as far apart as Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, The Netherlands and Isle of Harris, Scotland - all made by members of the Beverley Quilters and Patchworkers group. Congratulations to these artistic people and thank you for displaying them in the Dead Finish Museum. The Historical Society put together displays and stories on the theme “Journeys” including the story of one man’s extraordinary emergency effort to get from Babakin to Bally Bally to see his wife and child in 1910; and another, in verse form, describes an early outing in a Chrysler vehicle from town to Quajabin (County Peak). This latter display will remain at the Dead Finish Museum and is well worth the reading. WWI Project – Remembering Them: We have made some advances with this project by deciding on the themes of the 3 panels to be made by the WA Museum for Beverley. The Coordinator of the Project, Naomi Lam, is to attend our May meeting. Family Research: A student at Notre Dame University made some

enquiries about postcards sent by Jim Edwards of Anbrook after WW1.

A family member wants information about Una Elaine Cherrill born in Beverley in 1912.

Donations: Copies of speeches made by Dee Ridgway, Terry

Waldon and Paul Brown at the official opening of the new Recreation Centre

2 Dinner plates with WA wildflower designs used by the State Steamships on their voyages up and down the WA coastline.

The Beverley Times: Members adjourned to the Beverley Shire Office after the meeting to be given a demonstration of the digital Beverley Times. It is fascinating to look up specific dates, people or events from 70 years of publication of our news-paper with a few keystrokes. Thank you, Sheridan. Next Meeting: Venue: Dead Finish Museum. Date & Time: 12th May 2014 - 10:30am Special Guest: Naomi Lam, WA Museum. Welcome: Anyone interested in local history For more information contact the Secretary on [email protected] .


April Meeting: There were 10 members, including a new member, in attendance with 4 apologies - at the earlier time. Special welcome was made to our two guests from the WA Museum: Naomi Lam and Jessica Needle. Reports were presented on a series of workshops and a museums meeting attended by Society members. Workshops at York Archives Centre Two members had interesting sessions over three Saturdays on the following three topics: 1. Archiving Basics; 2. Dealing with Paper and Books; 3. Digitising. They were very well organised and the presenters were experts in their separate fields. Wheatlands Museums Meeting in Merredin Four members from Beverley representing the Dead Finish & Aeronautical museums travelled to Merredin for the Wheatlands Chapter of Museums Australia meeting, held in one of the old buildings on Merredin Railway Station that make up the Merredin Museum. The meeting heard reports from the 13 museums present. We then had a presentation on the Merredin Trails that are designed to attract locals as well as tourists. After lunch we walked to the local Art Deco Courthouse and the Cummings Theatre where we saw and heard about the history and conservation of both these buildings. Family Research: A family member requested information about the

birth of a Gladys Winifred Edmonds born 3rd March 1910 (not 16th March as family thought) and died 1981.

From Victoria, a descendant (named Beverley) of Thomas Kilpatrick– has been put in contact with family members in the district.

A family member of a Thomas Henry Gard who died in 1934 seeks the location of his gravesite.

WWI Project – Remembering Them: Naomi Lam addressed the meeting about this project funded by Lotterywest. Our Museum will obtain 5 panels about WW1: two are generic to all participants in WA while three will contain local Beverley information. As well, we will receive a modern secure showcase in which to display memorabilia from WW1. The meeting concluded with a light lunch. Next Meeting: Venue: Dead Finish Museum. Date & Time: 9th June 2014 – 2pm Welcome: Anyone interested in local history For more information contact the Secretary on [email protected] .

33 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014



















AustralianTaxationOf ice











GovernmentHotOf ice


OPENINGHOURSMonday–Friday8.30am–4.00pm132VincentSt,BeverleyWA6304P:96461600F:96461295E:[email protected] NEWS FROM THE CRC 

 JUNIOR BUSINESS TRAINEESHIP The centre  is offering a  junior traineeship opportunity for a 12 month period. The trainee will get on the job experience whilst studying Cer ficate II in Business. For more  informa on  please  refer  to  the  adver sement  on  page  9  of  this  Blarney  edi on.  WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Do  you  need  help  in  finding  your  career  pathway?  The  staff  from  Workforce  Development  Centre  are  visi ng  Beverley  on  Thursday  12  June.  To  book  an  appointment  for  your  one  on  one  consulta on  please  ring  the  centre  on  9646 1600. Bookings are essen al. Further informa on can be found on page 45.  WESTLINK BROADCASTS We will be adver sing scheduled broadcasts that are available  for viewing by the community.  In  June  there  is a great opportunity  for community groups  that host events  to  assist  your  group  in  events  risks  as  described  below.  To  register  your  interest in a ending, please contact 9646 1600. 

CHANGES TO FUNDING AT THE CRC The  funding  structure  for  the Community Resource Centre has  changed and you will  no ce  that  in  the  next  12 months  the  centre will  be  hos ng more  events,  training and courses. Keep your eyes open for some of these development such as:  Businesses  get  ready  for  some  exci ng  new  developments  at  the  centre, 

more informa on will be released in July.   Cybersecurity Awareness Workshop will cover how to keep your family safe 

online, fraud and online security.  E corner ‐ iPad and Samsung tablet available for use and training.  Mad Men’s Muster  and Wild Women of  the West  are definite  events  for 


34 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

35 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014



We meet the first Wednesday of every month at the Masonic Lodge,

Hunt Road, Beverley

The objects of our order are Philanthropy and Good Fellowship.

For more info - contact Bill McDonald on 9646 0402

For more info contact Bill McDonald on 9646 0746 Tom 0419 945 240


MacLachlan Centre, Trews Road, York

Clinic available every week by appointment only.

Tel: 9641 1500

Dr Alexandra [Sacha] Browne

B.Sc [Chiro] B.Chiropractic Doctor of Chiropractic

Northam Physiotherapy Northam 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday

York Cunderdin Toodyay By Appointment

Ph: 9622 5040 Fax: 9622 2800

Email: [email protected]

PRIMARY HEALTH SERVICES available to the community

of Beverley You  can  refer  yourself or  your  child  to the following health professionals:  Child Health Nurse  ‐ Phone 9646 3200 to  make  an  appointment,  Hospital  Admin Staff will assist you  in se ng an appointment  me (a endance Fridays).   Child / School Health – 9646 1210    Diete cs –  9690 1320   Occupa onal Therapy ‐ 0429 466 224   Physiotherapy  –  a  Doctors  referral  is required – Please  send  to PO Box 142, Beverley  or  drop  referral  to  the  Beverley Hospital  (a endance Thursdays).   Podiatry – a Doctors referral is required  Please send to PO Box 142, Beverley or drop  referral  to  the  Beverley  Hospital (a endance Fridays)  **.   Social Work – Phone  9690 1320   Speech Pathology – Phone 9690 1321 Services are provided at  the Primary 

Health  Building,  on  the  corner  of John  and  Forrest  Streets,  Beverley.    There  may  be  a  wai ng me for services. 

These  services  are  provided  by WA Country Health  Service  and  are  free of  charge.    (Please  note  that  the  Podiatry Service  is a private prac ce and  is not  free of charge  ‐  there  is a fee  at  first  consulta on  but  the WACHS/Beverley  Health  Service  do not  get  involved  in  taking  fee  payments – only assis ng at receiving the  referrals  for  appointment.    The Doctor’s referrals are usually faxed to the  service provider, Como Podiatry, who  contact  the  pa ent  by  phone and make an appointment). 

If you have any concerns about your own health or your child’s health and development,  please  phone  the  relevant  health  professional  to  discuss  your  concerns.  Alterna vely, you can speak to the Child Health or School Health Nurse, or  your GP,  to discuss  your  concerns  and  to  determine  the  most  appropriate  

referral. Avon & Central Primary Health ‐ Promo ng Healthy Lifestyles

36 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

To view or download a full colour version of the Beverley

Blarney go to For advertising price rates, sizes

and deadlines.

Get ‘Back to basics’ with FOODcents®

Australian’s are busy and many of us  think we don’t have the  me  or  money  or  priority  for  regular  family  meals. Chasing convenience and  me, we are relying on takeaway and ready made meals more than ever before.   In fact, the average family spends $3640 a year on takeaway!   Takeaways  and  ready made meals might  seem  like  good value but  it’s all  in the marke ng. Have a  look at the price per  kilo  of  fresh  foods  and  compare  to  convenience  foods – you might be surprised at the true cost of healthy op ons. Did you know that all of your healthy groceries are GST free?     FOODcents®  is  a program  that  helps  families  to  achieve  a healthy diet and to save money on their grocery shop. The program  is  based  on  the  simple  concept  that  the  healthy foods we  need  are  cheaper  and more  versa le  than  the processed products we have come to rely on.   Over  the  last  two  decades  FOODcents,  has  been  quietly educa ng  thousands  of  West  Australians  that  healthy ea ng doesn’t have  to cost  the earth.       “FOODcents  is all about promo ng simple, healthy home cooking using loads of fruit and vegetables and only choosing packet foods that don’t have a long ingredient lists.”     Challenge your  family  to go  ‘Back  to Basics’  in  the kitchen this  week.  Buy more  fruit  and  veg,  choose  packet  foods without long ingredient lists, take packed lunches and enjoy quick meals like beans on toast when  me is  ght.   You might be surprised at the money you save.   For more informa on visit  or  email  [email protected].    ……………………………..  If  you  are  involved  with  a  club  or  group  who  want  to  improve  their  food  literacy  through  knowledge  and  skill development  then FOODcents  is  the program  for you. The program  is prac cal and appropriate for adult groups from various cultural,  linguis c and social backgrounds.      Please contact  Karen  Hansen,  Regional  Educa on  Officer  Wheatbelt  on  ph.  9690  1746  or  email  [email protected]  for further informa on.  FOODcents week from 19‐25 May 2014 celebrates its 20th anniversary. 

BADMINTON Wednesday’s ‐ Town Hall 

All Welcome ‐ Men and Women 

37 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

WARRIORS WELLBEING – June 2014 The Myth that Men Don’t Talk.

As blokes we get told all the time, “Men just don’t talk!” One of the things that never cease to amaze me in the job we do, is that given the right circumstances blokes will disclose their issues and tell their story. Every bloke that I have met has a story and/or issues and wants to talk about it.

Blokes do talk, firstly we have to acknowledge the differences between how the genders go about this. There are also some other factors that need to be considered in how we go about talking with blokes.

The differences are real and we need to acknowledge some of the communication differences between blokes and ladies:

Blokes only talk one third as much as ladies in a day (approx. 7000 to 21,000 words).

This can be explained by the fact ladies think and speak in a narrative way where blokes prefer dot points.

Single word responses to questions like - Yes, No, good, bad and grunting are considered responses by blokes.

Blokes find it uncomfortable to talk about their emotions. We have been conditioned not to and are hard wired differently, often focusing on problem solving, providing and protecting, rather than how we feel, let alone talking about it.

Some other factors that need to be considered by both blokes and ladies may contribute to having a more productive outcome when having “that talk”:

Choosing the right environment to communicate is essential. This is not when we are distressed and out of control, but when we have calmed down. Also, avoid being under the influence of alcohol, which can act as a “mood enhancer” and alter our state of mind.

Timing is also an important factor to consider. Agree on a designated time to talk, avoid times when you are preoccupied with other tasks, or when there are a lot of things happening.

Be prepared to listen – The most important part of talking is LISTENING. (I think this is an OXY MORON!) Having respect, connection and some empathy with whom you are talking will give you more chance to become and active listener.

Getting help with having a talk with your bloke – Don’t be afraid to seek help in having a talk with your dad, husband, son or mate i.e. use and independent person, your GP or a counsellor.

Considering the above factors and “giving permission” to blokes that it’s ok to talk about things that cause us discomfort or pain may assist with blokes talking, but sometimes this does take time.

From little things big things grow (just like this year’s crop), Blokes do talk – Sow the seed towards a meaningful conversation.


Owen & the Team RMHI delivered by Wheatbelt Men’s Health (Inc.) PO Box 768, Northam WA 6401 Phone: 08 9690 2277 Email: [email protected] Internet:

CLUB The Beverley Community Resource Centre is looking at starting a LEGO CLUB for kids to be hosted on Monday afternoon’s during the school term. To make this new initiative possible we need to see if there enough interest within the community. Please register interest by calling the centre on 9646 1600 or visit the centre. For those parents that children that have grown up and still have Lego laying around, we are accepting donations, it would be greatly appreciated.

38 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


Service in Beverley 8:00 am every Sunday at

Beverley Sacred Heart Church Lukin Street, Beverley



Beverley Friends Meeting Old Catholic School Rooms

Dempster Street

Sunday 10:30am - Meeting for Worship

For more information & enquiries phone 9646 0575.

Please contact Rev Irene on 9646 0470 for details.

The Church of United Spiritualism

Of Australia

Anglican Parish Beverley/Brookton Times for services for: 

JUNE 2014 

The telephone number for the Parish is: 9646 1112  

Parish correspondence to: P.O. Box 292, Beverley 

All mail for St. Mary's Society please address to: P.O. Box 292, Beverley. 


Sunday  01 June  St. Mark’s Brookton  8.30am   Holy Communion 

Sunday  01 June  St. Mary’s Beverley  10.30am   Holy Communion 

Sunday  01 June  St. John in the Dale  10.30am   Prayer, Praise & Proclama on 

Sunday  08 June  St. Mark’s Brookton  8.30am  Morning Prayer 

Sunday  08 June  St. Mary’s Beverley  8.30am  Prayer, Praise & Proclama on 

Sunday  15 June  St. Mark’s Brookton  8.30am  Holy Communion 

Sunday  15 June  St. Mary’s Beverley  10.30am  Holy Communion 

Sunday  22 June  St. Mark’s Brookton  8.30am  Morning Prayer 

Sunday  22 June  St. Mary’s Beverley  8.30am  Prayer, Praise & Proclama on 

Sunday  29 June  St. Mark’s Brookton  8.30am  Morning Prayer 

Sunday  29 June  St. Mary’s Beverley 

Sunday  06 July  St. Mark’s Brookton  8.30am  Holy Communion 

Sunday  06 July  St. John in the Dale  10.30am  Holy Communion 

No service in Beverley 


The Wheatbelt

Community Drug Service Team will

be visiting Beverley Hospital


For appointments please phone Jackie Darby on

96211 055.



Bible study Monday evening at 7.30pm

Followed by supper and a time Of caring and sharing fellowship

Place alternating homes

Visiting Pastor from independent ministries

SWOT (South West Outreach Team) 1st Wednesday of the month

10.00am Place 16 Barnsley Street, Beverley


9646 0282 or 9646 0546



Meet 1st and 3rd

Saturday of each month

Fellowship meal at 6.00pm

Followed by a games night

Place 16 Barnsley Street,


Enquiries 9646 0546

39 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


The Op Shop is open every Friday between 2:00pm and 4:00pm.


June 06 Val Moad, Anna Mally, Roma

Ladgies June 13 Jane Murray, Frances Neale,

Jeanette Johnson June 20 Maxine Watts, Sue Eramiha,

Judy Moulton June 27 Erica Murray, Gracie Courtney,

Dawn Edwards Val Moad - Hon. Secretary


Clinic is open Fridays for appointments, home visits and/or immunisations 9am to 4pm.

For appointments or enquiries please phone the

hospital on 9646 3200 or 0427 901 321.

LISA WAY — Child Health Nurse


Meets at the O.T. Room, Beverley Hospital WHEN: 2.00pm til 4.00pm

The support group will meet every second Tuesday of the month. Contact Sylvia Seddon on 9646 1072

Type one and two diabetics of all ages are encouraged to attend as well as other members of the public interested or suffering from diabetes.

Please park on the road or behind the St John Ambulance Centre.

The Words of the Preacher  

“Jesus. . . .said. . . . ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ Nicodemus saith unto Him, ‘How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his Mother’s womb, and be born?’ Jesus answered, . . . ‘That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.’ “ John 3:3-4 and 6-7 “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the Gospel is preached unto you.” 1Peter !-23-25

“The words of the Preacher – PO Box 181, Beverley, 6304

Meals on Wheels Roster for June 2014

Jun 02 Public Holiday Jun 03 A & K Boyle Jun 04 P & K Smith Jun 05 B & J Howell Jun 06 S & M Morton Jun 09 K Badger / C Tee Jun 10 D. Ormerod / B. Sims Jun 11 D. Strange / E Boyle Jun 12 J Islip / B Wauchope Jun 13 D & E White Jun 16 W. Gilbert / D Kilpatrick (ND) Jun 17 J Van Tiel / R. Morgan Jun 18 M. Alford / G. Courtney Jun 19 C Tee / G Roache Jun 20 G Redding / W. Gilbert Jun 23 A Elston / B Foster Jun 24 N & E Murray Jun 25 S Eramiha / J Islip Jun 26 B & J Howell Jun 27 J Johnson / M Smith Jun 30 A & K Boyle Jul 01 R & J McCallum Jul 02 P & K Smith Jul 03 K Badger / B Wauchope Jul 04 S & M Morton

Do you want to volunteer? Contact Dorothy: 9646 3213


Mick Lewis

Ph: 9572 7828 Mob: 0427 814 055

Brenton Legg

Mob: 0404 708 979


40 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

41 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Book Early As Tickets Are Limited Bar Available BYO Nibbles

Beverley Golf Club Inc.

To book please email your name or a full list of table members & team name to:

[email protected] A return email will be sent with payment details

If you don’t have a team, no worries, let us know your interested and we’re sure there’ll be others in the same boat.

42 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

CWA Beverley Branch

Next meeting of the Country Women’s Association - Beverley Branch will be held at the CWA rooms on Thursday 12 June with morning tea from 9.30am followed by the June monthly meeting. We will discuss the agenda for the 90th State Conference which is to be held in York this year from 22 to 24 July. This will be a gathering of the Ex Pres Group on Monday afternoon prior to the conference. Invitations have been received from Tammin CWA to attend their WA Week Luncheon on Monday 9 June, Quairading Branch International Day on Monday 16 June and CWA Wheatbelt Challenge at Jennacubbine on Wednesday 25 June. We hope to see a good roll up of members and interested members of the community would be most welcome to join in our discussions. The June branch meeting will be followed by a ‘bring and share’ lunch. Lorraine Sims Branch Secretary


Opening hours

Monday 9am-5pm Thursday - Sunday 9am-10pm WE OFFER: ALL-DAY BREAKFAST




All Dozer and Excavator Work

Including: Dam Sinking

Dam Cleanout and Enlarging

Excavator with Wood Shears, Tilt Bucket and Hydraulic Grab.

Locally Based at West Kokeby

Phone Ray 0428 936 621 or

08 9646 4136

43 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

For all your air conditioning needs contact:- Robert & Nathan Chamberlain

Avon Auto Air

Phone: 08 9647 2070 Mobile: 0428 472070

We are now accredited and

registered to install and commission Split System Air conditioners.

BEVERLEY TOURIST BUREAU Since the last Tourist Bureau report, two volunteers went to Merredin as representatives of the Aeronautical Museum to the Annual Museums Wheatbelt Chapter meeting. A dozen Museums were represented and one person from each group gave a report on their museum and it’s progress for the previous year. These were varied and interesting and as always there is something to learn by listening and talking to others. A common factor with all groups was the shortage or lack of volunteers. We in Beverley are not alone in getting com-ments such as “Why weren’t you open on …………? It was an early start to the day and a long drive but informative, friendly and very welcoming from our hosts mem-bers of the Merredin Railway Museum. Our tourist bureau is still having regu-lar visitors from WA and interstate who invariably are informative themselves about their hometowns or countries. Ongoing talks have been held this month with the Shire and members of the CRC, and the decision has been made to hand over the business side of the bureau to the CRC, so the volunteers can concentrate on the job we originally were asked to do i.e. meet and greet and hopefully answer queries although I must admit that they are not always entirely related to tourism. Three weeks ago I had a phone query for a dentist and this man assured me the dentist was in Bever-ley. We do not give out information of home addresses even of fictional char-acters. I suggested he call the dental clinics in York for info about the name he had given me. More about our changes in the next report. Once again thank you to all of our volunteers.

44 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

SAMBA ‐ Card Game Welcome any ladies interested in 

learning the card game  WHEN:  Saturdays at 1.00pm    

WHERE:   CWA Hall, Dawson St. A ernoon Tea provided Enquiries 9646 1271 

York Estate Agents – (Beverley Division)

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Beverley Golf Club Women’s Division 

 April 2014 Wednesday 16 April 2014 Club Day ‐ only 2 played Captain and            Vice Captain. Wednesday 23 April 2014 Club Day ‐ 4 played. Winner Glenys 38             points. Pins Maxine Wa s. Wednesday 30 April 2014 Glenys Collins Trophy ‐ good roll up. Stroke  Winner ‐      Marg Peck       20 ne  Runner up ‐ Maxine Wa s 23 ne  Pins ‐ Jane Murray Marg won the monthly medal and mug.  May 2014 Wednesday 07 May 2014 Sera Minchin and Yvonne Hobbs Trophy George Booth 4 BBB Stableford Winners ‐ Heather McLean and Maxine Wa s ‐ 35 points Pins ‐ Lyn MacTaggart and Marg Peck  Wednesday 14 May 2014 Marg Peck Trophy Winner ‐ Jane Murray 39 points Runner Up ‐ Maxine Wa s Pins ‐ Maxine Wa s  Wednesday 21 May 2014 Golf Box Challenge Day Trophy ‐ Lorna Barre  ‐ Lennard Winner ‐ Marg Peck 31 points Runner Up ‐ Maxine Wa  and Jane                         Murray Pins ‐ Captain forgot to put out!!  The golf course is lovely to play on. If anyone is interested in playing in the ladies division, please come along on Wednesday’s. We hit off at 10.30am ‐ it is good fun!  

45 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

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Thursday 12 June 2014

46 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Featured Events: Sunday 1st June  AFA Round 8: Beverley vs. Federals  at Beverley;  Saturday 14th June  AFA Round 10:  Kellerberrin/Tammin vs. Beverley  at Tammin; and  Sunday 29th June  AFA Round 11: Railways vs. Beverley  at Northam.  It  has  been  a  busy month  throughout March, with five  consecu ve weeks of football  and  many  of  our  players  stepping straight off of  the  tractor and on to the footy field.  On  a  sad  note,  the  Beverley  Football Club would  like  to extend our deepest sympathy to the Minchin family on the passing of Avis on Monday  the 12th of May, and also to the Blechynden family on  the passing of Bill on Thursday  the 15th of May.  Avon Hockey Associa on Round 1  (3rd May 2014) – Wongan Dri ers vs. Beverley at Northam  Beverley               4 Wongan Dri ers  0  Margin:      4 goals Goals: Beverley   ‐  Kathryn McLean 1; Chantelle Meade 1; Lisa Mourach 1; Carissa Shaw 1.  Best: Beverley    ‐  Chantelle Meade, Lisa Mourach and Megan Vandenberg.  AFA Round 4 (4th May 2014)  Railways vs. Beverley at Northam  LEAGUE    1st    2nd    3rd       4th          Points Railways    3.4 4.8    9.12 12.15   87 Beverley    2.1 6.2    8.4  12.9    81  Margin:    6 points Goals: Beverley   ‐  Ma hew  Galan no 2;  James Murray  2;  Dane  Shardlow  1; Ben  Ireland  1;  Sam  Young  1;  Dylan  

Gilbert  1;  Tim  Radcliffe  1;  Dale  Wansbrough 1; James Turner 1. Best: Beverley  ‐  Jus n  Mann,  Troy Basse ,  James  Turner,  Ma hew McLean,  Dale  Wansbrough,  Dane Shardlow,  Bre   Jeffery  and  Dylan  Gilbert.  RESERVES  1st    2nd     3rd      4th    Points Railways    3.1   6.4    10.6  12.9  81 Beverley    2.1 2.4     2.9      3.9    27 Margin:    54 points Goals: Beverley   ‐  Adam  Smith  1; Bre  Shaw 1; Simon Marshall 1.  Best: Beverley    ‐  Rhys  Edwards,  Adam  Smith,  Simon Marshall,  Damien Murray, Bre  Shaw, Tim Kilpatrick and Chad Vandenberg.  NETBALL Railways    43 Beverley    18  Margin:    25 goals Best: Beverley    ‐  Chantelle  Meade, Chaise Ludgate and Gemma Ridgway.  Avon Hockey Associa on Round 2 (10th May 2014)  York Vipers vs. Beverley at York  York Vipers   4 Beverley        0  Margin:      4 goals Best: Beverley  ‐  Fleta  Redding,  Carly Veitch and Chaise Ludgate.  AFA Round 5 (10th May 2014)  Beverley vs. Quairading at Beverley  LEAGUE     1st    2nd       3rd        4th      Points Beverley     5.2   11.8 16.12 19.21   135 Quairading  1.2   2.7  5.7      9.11      65  Margin:    70 points  Goals: Beverley   ‐  James  Murray  8; Dylan  Gilbert  4;  James  Turner  2;  Sam Young 2; Tim  Radcliffe  1;  Troy  Basse  1; Ma  Galan no 1.  Best: Beverley    ‐  Dylan Gilbert, James  Murray,  James  Adams,  James Turner, Troy Basse ,  Jus n Mann, Dale Wansbrough and Owen Marsh.  RESERVES    1st  2nd    3rd          4th      Points Quairading   6.1 9.5    13.10  18.13 121 Beverley       1‐2  2‐2   3‐2       5‐5  35  

Margin:      86 points  Goals: Beverley   ‐  Adam Smith 2; Rhys Edwards 2; Josh Armstrong 1.  Best: Beverley    ‐  Karl  Gillespie,  Simon  Marshall,  Chad  Vandenberg, Josh  Armstrong,  Rhys  Edwards,  Blake Wansbrough and Charlie Horrocks.  NETBALL Beverley       38 Quairading   7  Margin:      31 goals  Best: Beverley    ‐  Kira Strange and Hannah Schorer.  Avon Hockey Associa on Round 3 (17th May 2014)  Beverley vs. York Cougars at Beverley  York Cougars   1 Beverley           0  Margin:          1 goal  Best: Beverley    ‐  Penny  Burns,  Carissa Shaw and Hollie Smith.  AFA Round 6 (18th May 2014)  York vs. Beverley at York  LEAGUE    1st  2nd  3rd        4th       Points Beverley    4.5 9.8 12.11 15.14 104 York         1.1  2.2 8.3      10.8  68  Margin:    36 points  Goals: Beverley   ‐  James  Turner  4; Dylan Gilbert 4;  James Murray 2; Ma  McLean  2;  Sco   Tomlinson  1;  Sam Young 1; Tim Radcliffe 1.  Best: Beverley    ‐  James Turner, Dale Wansbrough,  Dylan  Gilbert,  James  Adams and  Ma hew McLean.  RESERVES  1st  2nd   3rd        4th       Points York          2.5 5.8 11.11 15.11 101 Beverley    1.3 2.3 2.4       5.5     35  Margin:    66 points  Goals: Beverley   ‐  Charlie Horrocks 2; Rhys Edwards 1; Josh Armstrong 1; Tim Kilpatrick 1.  Best: Beverley    ‐  Karl  Gillespie, Brock Fleay, Chad Vandenberg, Charlie Horrocks,  Rhys  Edwards  and  Daniel 

47 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

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Bailey.  NETBALL York          37 Beverley    33  Margin:    4 goals  Best: Beverley    ‐  Kira Strange and Gemma Ridgway.  Congratula ons to: First  Reserves  game  players  for  Beverley: Phillip Ma ngly. 

Damien & Jacinta Murray, on the birth  of  their  baby  boy,  Alec Mckenzie  Thomas,  on  Tuesday 22nd April; 

Jus n & Kelly Mann, on the birth of their baby girl, Heidi Paige, on 

Wednesday 23rd April; 

David  Adams,  who  celebrated his  50th  birthday  on  Saturday 26th April; 

Daniel & Narelle  Bailey,  on  the birth  of  their  baby  girl,  Claire Elizabeth, on Friday 2nd May; 

Hollie Smith, who celebrated her 30th  birthday  on  Thursday  8th May; 

Sco  Tomlinson, who played his 50th  League  game  against Quairading  on  Saturday  10th May; 

Jay Tyrer & Milly White, on  the birth  of  their  baby  boy,  Pace Raymond, on Friday 16th May; 

Ma   Davey,  who  played  his 100th  League game against York 

on Sunday 18th May; 

James  Turner,  who  celebrates his 25th birthday on Monday 16th June; and 

Ma   Snell,  who  celebrates  his 40th birthday on Friday 20th June. 

 Coming up:  Sunday 1st  June – AFA Round 8: 

Beverley  vs.  Federals  at  Beverley; 

3:00pm,  Saturday  7th  June  – Avon Hockey Associa on Round 5:  Allsorts  vs.  Beverley  at  Northam; 

Sunday 8th  June – AFA Round 9: Beverley (bye); 

Saturday 14th June – AFA Round 10:  Kellerberrin/Tammin  vs.  

48 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Beverley at Tammin;  3:00pm,  Saturday  14th  June  – 

Avon  Hockey  Associa on  Round 6: Aces vs. Beverley at Northam; 

Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd  June – Avon  Hockey  Associa on  Round 7:  General  Bye  (Women's  Country  Championship)  at  the Perth Hockey Stadium; 

Saturday 21st – Sunday 22nd June – AFA General bye: Colts Carnival at Wongan Hills; 

1:30pm,  Saturday  28th  June  – Avon  Hockey  Associa on  Round 8:  Beverley  vs.  Jennacubbine  at Beverley; 

Sunday  29th  June  –  AFA  Round 11:  Railways  vs.  Beverley  at Northam; 

Saturday 5th July – AFA Round 12 ("Talk  to  a  Mate"  Men's  Well Being  Weekend):  Cunderdin  vs. Beverley at Cunderdin; and 

3:00pm, Saturday 5th July – Avon Hockey  Associa on  Round  9: Beverley vs. York Vipers at Bever‐ley. 

 The  Beverley  Football  Club  urges  all  supporters  to  join  as  a  Member  in  season 2014!   Members are  integral  to the  survival  of  our  Club  and  your  support  is  greatly  valued.    The  membership fees for season 2014 are:  Football Senior Player  (age 22 and over) ‐ $100.00 

Football Senior Player  (age 18 – 21) ‐ $50.00  Football Junior Player  (age 17 and under) ‐ $30.00  Netball Player  (age 18 and over) ‐ $50.00  Social Member ‐ $30.00  Pay online now BSB: 016540 (ANZ Beverley) A/c Number: 431901492 A/c Name: BEVERLEY FOOTBALL CLUB  

The Beverley Football Club needs you!!  If  you’re  available  to help with  any of the  following  match‐day  du es throughout  the  course  of  the  season, please  contact  a  commi ee member, your assistance is most welcome.  Match‐day du es include: 

Time‐keeper stewards; 

Interchange stewards; 

Reserves Field Umpire; 

Reserves Runner; 

Reserves & League Boundary Umpires and 

Trainers and water a endants.  The  Beverley  Football  Club  are  currently  calling  for  any  past  

memorabilia  items  (trophies,  photos, etc.)  to  display  in  the  new  Ameni es Building  celebra ng  the  longstanding life of  the Beverley Redbacks, and also to  capture  this  informa on  electronically  so  the  history  can  be  preserved  for  the  future.   Memorabilia items  and  photos  can  be  passed  onto Commi ee  Member  Kelly  Mann,  contact  details  –  E‐mail: [email protected] or Mobile  0428 779 234.  The  Revue  Night  DVD’s  are  ready!!  $10.00 each, or $15.00 if you would like it  posted.    Please  contact  Ali  Lewis  on  0417  947  955  to  pay  and  order.  If you had already pre‐paid, your DVD will  find  its way  to  you  ASAP  (or again contact Ali).  A  reminder  to  all  players,  members, sponsors  and  supporters  that  you  can now view all the latest news and events from the Beverley Redbacks by checking out  our  Facebook  page  at:  h p://  To  keep  you  informed  and  up  to  date on  the  all  the  latest  news  and  events from the Beverley Football Club, simply register  your  email  address with  us  at [email protected] and we’ll add you to our mailing list. 

See you at the footy!!!

Redbacks vs Cunderdin ‐ Hannah gets some air 

Redbacks vs Cunderdin ‐ The flying Gemma 

Redbacks vs York ‐ Ma y Davey celebrates his 100th league game. 

Redbacks vs Federals ‐ What a screamer! 

Redbacks vs Quairading ‐ That’s how you do it! 

Photo’s courtesy of Shelley Wilkinson Photography

49 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

50 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

BEVERLEY REDBACKS HOCKEY CLUB The 2014 Season is in full swing and what a fantas c start to the year the girls had. With 3 games down, the girls have worked extremely well as a team and we can see that all teams within the compe on this year have stepped up and are hungry for the win. 

 Round 1     Wongan Hills vs Beverley       3rd May We travelled to Northam and faced the Wongan Hill Dri ers. In what was a hard fought game, the girls came out winners, keeping Wongan scoreless. Our fitness and training clearly showed, as the girls worked well together as a team to achieve the win.  

Beverly 4; Wongan 0 Goals Scorers Chantelle Meade 1; Kathryn McLean 1; Lisa Mourach 1; Carissa Shaw 1   Award Winners Chantelle Meade ‐ Coaches Award ‐ Sponsored By: Garry and Sarah Miller, Beverley Transport Megan Vandenberg ‐ Captains Award ‐ Sponsored By: Trevor and Amanda McLean, Waterbrae  Lisa Mourach ‐ Play of the day ‐ Sponsored By: Northam Tavern 


Round 2    York Vipers vs Beverley        10th May The girls traveled to York to face the York Vipers. In a day that felt more like Melbourne weather, the girls fought hard but unfortunately were not able to score against a strong York side. We welcomed 3 new players to the team who gave us some fresh legs when needed. The girls fought hard all game, with both a acking and defense working extremely hard.  

York 4; Beverley 0 Award Winners  Fleta Redding ‐ Coaches Award ‐ Sponsored By: Garry and Sarah Miller, Beverley Transport Carly Veitch ‐ Captains Award ‐ Sponsored By: Trevor and Amanda McLean, Waterbrae  Chaise Ludgate ‐ Play of the day ‐ Sponsored By: Northam Tavern  

Round 3    Beverley vs York Cougars     17th May We hosted our first game of the season with everybody happy to have a smooth field to play on. With the team working  extremely hard at keeping the ball down our end of the field for the majority of the game, the York girls managed a sneaky goal in the first half.  Even though the girls had many opportuni es, we unfortunately could not get a score on the board.  

Beverley 0; York 1 Award Winners Carissa Shaw ‐ Coaches Award ‐ Sponsored By: Garry and Sarah Miller, Beverley Transport Hollie Smith ‐ Captains Awards ‐ Sponsored By: Trevor and Amanda McLean, Waterbrae  Penny Burns ‐ Play of the Day ‐ Sponsored By: Northam Tavern  

Would  you  like  to become a  Social Member of  the Beverley Hockey Club?  If  the answer  is  yes, please  contact Chantelle Meade at [email protected]  to request a Social Member Form. Payments of $30 can be made to:‐ BSB: 016‐540 Account: 201349436  

Please contact Megan Vandenberg if you have any issues with the payment. We value your contribu on to our club.  

UPCOMING DATES TO REMEMBER Saturday 7th June – Allsorts vs Beverley – 3pm in Northam Saturday 14th June – Aces vs Beverley – 3pm in Northam Saturday 21st June – BYE (Women’s Country Week Hockey) Saturday 28th June – Beverley vs Jenna – 1.30pm in Beverley  Saturday 5th July – Beverley vs York Vipers – 3pm in Beverley  Saturday 12th July – General BYE Saturday 19th July – Beverley Hockey Club Street Stall  If  you  want  to  stay  up  to  date  with  any  Hockey  News,  please  register  your  email  address  by  emailing  [email protected]  

THANK YOU TO OUR 2014 SPONSORS!! Inkosi Design, Beverley Electrical Services, Hotel Beverley 

Waterbrae – Trevor & Mandy McLean, Beverley Transport, Beverley Tyre Service,  Terry & Sandy Woods, Beverley Newsagency, Northam Tavern,  

Beverley Supermarket & Liquor. We love having supporters at our games, especially our home games. So why not come down and support the girls. 


51 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

The 2014 season was launched on Saturday 12th April 2014 in very warm condi ons.   The first event of the season was an Ambrose  in 4’s sponsored by T Bone and Sons and Fred Bremner. Thanks to Brian and Fred  for  their support. 21 par cipated  in  the day and  it was great  to see a number of new members  turn out  to play. The  eventual winning team on the day was Luke Gollan, Daniel Gollan, Liam Gollan and Stephen Gollan with a ne  score of 52.75.     Once again warm weather greeted 8 players on Saturday 19th April who were compe ng in a 2 Person Ambrose sponsored by Darryl Sims. The winners of  the day were  John Donovan and Steve Gollan with a ne  score of 63.75,  from Paul Broun and  Cameron Broun with 68.75 and  in  third place  the  team of Chris Pepper and Mark Armstrong with a ne  70.25. Thanks are  extended to Darryl Sims for his con nued support of the club.   Friday 25th April saw a field of Men and Women compete for the pres gious Diggers Cup which is proudly sponsored by Lew Shaw. The winner of the 2014 Diggers Cup was Chris Pepper.  Chris shot a very impressive 41 Stableford points, to win by 8pts from  last  year’s winner  Gavin  Sazanov who  had  33pts.  Thanks  once  again  are  extended  to  Lew  Shaw  for  his  con nued  sponsorship, of the Diggers Cup.   A field of 7 players competed in the annual Gnome 3 S ck Event which is sponsored by Ron Bickley on Saturday 26 April. The winner of the day was John Donovan with 36pts. Second was Chris Pepper with 33pts. John was also the winner of the Monthly Mug.  Thanks once again extended to Ron Bickley for his con nued sponsorship, of the 3 S ck event.   Our  First Qualifying  Round,  sponsored by  John Donovan was on  Saturday 3 May  a field of  11 players played, both Mark  Armstrong and Bre   Islip shot a  fantas c ne  score of 67, however  it was Mark Armstrong who took home  the goods on a count back.  Thanks once again are extended to John Donovan for his sponsorship.   Saturday 10th May saw a field of 11 players compete in Always Green Trophy sponsored by Gavin Sazanov. The Winner of the day  with  a  Par  score  of  +3  was  Steve  Gollan.  Second  with  a  score  of  +1  was  Mark  Bickley.  Third  John  Donovan and Terry Winfield with – 4. Thanks once again to Gavin Sazanov for his con nued sponsorship.  The Belhus Trophy 4BBB Sponsored by Greg Barre ‐Lennard was  fought out between 12 golfers on Saturday 17 May. The  winners of the day were Chris Pepper & Ken Kennedy with 48pts. Second place was  ed for on 41pts between John Islip & Fred Bremner and Mark Bickley & Mark Armstrong . Thanks again to Greg Barre ‐Lennard for your con nued sponsorship.    Up and Coming Golf Fixtures:  


  Saturday 31st               Wayne Smith Trophy                                        Stroke                                          2nd Qualifying Round   


  Saturday 7th                 Beverley Electrical Services                             Stableford   

Saturday 14th                GL Broun Trophy                                                Stableford   Sunday 15th                DRGA event‐Waroona Open Day                                  

Saturday 21st                Fred Sing Trophy                                                 Stroke                                         3rd Qualifying Round. Monthly Mug   

Sunday 22nd                 AVGA Mixed Championships at Quairading 

Sunday 22nd                 DRGA Event‐Pickering Brook Open Day 

52 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

The netball season has kicked off with Beverley well and truly illing twoteams, Pingelly entering four and Brookton bringing one team to thecompetition.A lotofnewplayershavebeenwelcomedandwehope theyaresettling intotheirteamswellandareenjoyingthegamesasmuchastheexistingplayersarethrilledtohavethem.SofarthecompetitionhasnotyetseentheBeverleyteamshaveawinbutwesurearegivingthemarunfortheirmoney.Fridaythe16thofMaywasour irstgameutilisingBeverley'snewcourtsandfacilities.Weareallveryimpressed.Ourchildrenareenjoyingtheplaygroundbeing close by and so are usmums! Itwas great to see somany spectatorscomedowntosupportthesportaswell.WehavehadapositiveturnouttoWednesdaynightstrainingsandwehopetoseethecontinuedeffortthroughouttheseason.Asamatterofinterest,theupcomingJunegamesareasfollows.Saturday7thofJuneinBrookton,PingellyGreenvsBeverleySpinnersat1:45pmandBeverleyHuntersvsPingellyPinkat3:15pm.Friday13thofJuneinPingelly,BeverleyHuntersvsBrooktonGloryat8:15pmandSpinnershaveabye.Friday20thofJuneinBeverleyistheDerbyat6:45pm.Saturday28thofJuneinPingelly,BeverleyHuntersvsPingellyBlueat1:45pmandPingellyPinkvsBeverleySpinnersat1:45pm.

The 2013/2014 bowling seasonclosed on Sunday the 4th of May,whenamixedeventwasplayedforthe H.R. Rushton Trophy. TheBeverley Bowling Club wish tothankRushton’sfortheircontinuedsupport.

The winners of the competitionwereKimMoulton,JodieBellandBrandon Tauri, with 2 wins.Rodney Ware, Sheldon Petchelland Jo Copping were therunners‐upwith1winand14shotsup.The 2013/2014 has been a verybusyyear,withtheclubcelebratingits100thSeason.Manythanksgotoall the members for their supportwith busy bees and catering etc. tohelp make it such a successfulseason.KeepaneyeontheBlarneyfornewsofany“winter”eventsthatmaybeforthcoming.

We hope you all have a good offseason, and we look forward toseeing you all again in the2014/2015season.

Lyme Disease. We freak out when our beloved pets get a tick, but little do we know that even the smallest of infected ticks can pass on numerous life-threatening infections to humans. Lyme disease has nothing to do with citrus. It was named after a town in Connecticut in the USA where this chronic disease was first identified. It’s become a global disease epidemic, which is often a mystery for Australian doctors. As vectors, or carriers of infections, the bite from infected ticks can pass on diseases with mysterious names like Borrelia, Rickettsia (tick typhus), Babesia, Bartonella and Lyme disease. The spirochetes of the Lyme-causing Borrelia bacteria are the corkscrew-like causative agents much smaller than the bacterium itself. They tunnel into cells and spread the bacteria DNA throughout the body, causing the debilitating infection. These spirochetes protect infected cells with a complex defence of bio-films and cysts, making chronic infections harder to treat. Lyme is one of the fastest growing tick-borne infections in the world. Each year 300,000 (0.1 per cent) of people in the USA are infected. Similar epidemic figures from around the globe suggest 21,000 Australians could be infected annually. The symptoms of Lyme disease can vary greatly from person to person: joint pain, extreme fatigue, numbness, tingling, stabbing pains, night sweats, cognitive dysfunction, air hunger and recurring fevers caused by the body’s responses to the infection. Yet Lyme disease is not officially recognised in Australia. Negative test results are controversial, as many Australian and overseas types of the disease are not included in the testing. Chronic Lyme is also known as a great imitator with vague symptoms. It often mimics symptoms of Motor Neurone Disease (ALS), or Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (Acknowledgment Francene Lee Taylor)

The Lyme Disease Association of Australia highly respects the fact that there are many stakeholders in the current evaluation of Lyme disease or Lyme-like illness in Australia – pathologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, specialist

GP’s and more. The patient perspective however is quite different. To quote our lead author “WeliveLymediseaseeverysingledayandwhileanyoneelsecouldwalkawaytomorrow,wecan’t”. Whilst we value and desire scientific rigour, as patients, we already know Lyme disease is here and we want effective and affordable

diagnosis and treatment. (Acknowledgement Lyme Disease Assoc.Australia)

Please contact Jeff & Wendy Murray. Ph 9646 1336. We would be happy to share any information we have with you.  

53 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Beverley Horse and Pony Club

Giddy Up ! Giddy Up! Yetanother fantasticrallywasheld forourmembersonthe18thofMay.WehadadifferentstarttothedaywithTraceyandNicolafromHeartlandsVeterinaryHospitalgivingussomefantasticinformationonLaminitis,Dentistryand“WhattoDo”beforethecallingtheVet.Boththekidsandparents learnta lotoneachsubjectandDigbyhad lots of fun being the ’horse leg’ model for the day. There was quite a bit ofcompetition at the end of the presentation about who could answer the quizquestions–withlollipopsandchocolateonoffer—nosurprisethere!AverybigthankyoutoTraceyandNicola!Everyonewaskeentogetonboardafterourfantasticveterinarypresentation,andinadditiontoTess,wewereveryluckytohaveJeniferandFelicityfortheday.Felicityworked on arena riding‐a great help for those about to embark on dressage tests!Jeniferranachallenging jumpingsessionand itwaswithgreatdelight forallwhenthe Arabs and Warmbloods jumped 73cm‐higher that the Welshies. Well doneArabiansandWarmbloods.

A very big congratulations to Jenifer Petchell on achieving her Equestrian A u s t r a l i a I n t r o d u c t o r y H o r s e Management Certificate. Jenifer is the first member of our club to achieve this award- Well Done! Felicity Perry presenting Jenifer Petchell with her certificate.

T hanks to all thehelpers for our “Take

Two”breakfast fundraisingfor the BACA group. Asusual thanks to Tess andJohn for coordination and

barbequelogistics!A huge thanks to the breakfast crew onSunday of Luke Blanch, John Hawke,Sheldon, Jenifer and Jacob Petchell andBarb. Many thanks to the crew on theSaturday.

Guess who is turning 50???

Next year around June we will be celebrating the last 50 years of the Beverley Horse and Pony Club. We will be looking for memorabilia for a special project. Watch this space for more news.

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54 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014

Well done to Amy and Tom who went to the Kellerberrin Showjumping Spectacular. They did quite a few rounds and heights and finished off at 70cm! Amy and Tom were 3rd in the 45cm Equitation and 3rd in the AM7 60cm (apparently it could have been 1st, but Amy forgot the jump-off course and lost time).

Tealah and Cherry went to the Avon Valley's Dressage and Zone Showjumping Day on the 5th of April. Tealah rode the Dressage Pre B test, Showjumping 35cm and 45cm. She came second in the 35cm. Super!

Out and About This month saw two of our riders out flying the Pony Club colours.

GOOD LUCK!! Quite a number of riders will be out in June attempting their first One Day Event hosted by Avon Pony Club, and also at Avon competing at the Novice Games and Novelties. We look forward to reporting the results next Blarney!

See you all for our next rally on the 15th of June, gear checking @ 8.30am Sharp! Please contact Mrs Pauline Appelbee via email [email protected] or phone 96471181 so that she knows who will be attending the rally!

Bush Possum

Thank you to our sponsors to date for the Beverley Horse and Pony Club All Breeds Show

Talbot Nursery Alex McGuire Farrier Mark Blechy Water Drilling Burnside Merino Stud Lisa Peace Beverley IGA

55 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


1100 copies each month

ADVERTISING RATES Size A: (~122 x 180mm) $80.00 GST inc Size B: (~122 x 89mm) $40.00 GST inc Size C: (~60 x 89mm) $24.00 GST inc Size D: (5 lines) $ 8.00 GST inc Size E: (3 lines) $ 5.00 GST inc Size F: (122 x 135mm) $60.00 GST inc

Club notes etc. are free of charge

The deadline for the next Beverley Blarney is 4pm Monday 23 June 2014

Shire of Beverley PO Box 20, Beverley, 6304

Tel: 9646 1200 or Fax: 9646 1409 Email: [email protected]


The information in this publication is of a general nature as a service to the ratepayer. The articles included herein are not intended to provide a complete discussion of each subject. While the information is believed to be correct, no responsibility is accepted for its accuracy. No liability is accepted for any statements of opinion or any error or omission.

Sat ‐ Sun  01 and 02 June  Avondale Open 

Sunday  01 June  Calendar Girls at Town Hall 

Saturday  07 June  Beverley District High School Cake Stall 

Sunday  15 June  BHPC Rally 

Sunday  20 July  BHPC Rally 

Sunday  10 August  BHPC Rally 

Saturday  13 September  WA Wyando e Fanciers  22nd Annual Show 

Sunday  21 September  BHPC Rally 

Sunday  10 October  BHPC Rally 

Monday   27 October  Wild Women of the West Seminar 

Friday   24 October  St Anglican Society Flower Show 

Saturday   12 July  BORMSA ‐ Junior Motorkhana and Busy Bee 

Sunday  13 July  BORMSA Khanacross 

Saturday  30 August  BORMSA Autocross 

Sunday  28 September  BORMSA Autocross 

Saturday  25 October  BORMSA Junior Motorkhana & Twilight Khanacross 

Saturday  20 September  BHPC All Breeds Show 

Saturday  23 August  Beverley Agricultural Show Day 

Sunday  01 June  WA Tractor Pull ‐ Round 5 

Sat ‐ Sun  21 and 22 June  Avondale Open 

Saturday   28 June  Ag Society Cake Stall 

Saturday  07 June  RSL Indoor Markets 

Friday  13 June  iLearn Workshop 

Friday  20 June  RSL Curry Night 

Thursday  12 June  Career Development Workshop at CRC 

Friday  18 July  Golf Club Quiz Night 

Sat ‐ Sun  19 and 20 July  RSL Charity Fundraiser Auc on 

Sat ‐ Sun  19 and 20 July  Avondale Open 

Sat ‐ Sun  16 and 17 August  Avondale Open 








JANUARY EDITION 2015 THURSDAY 18 DECEMBER 2014 (earlier due to Christmas break & offices closed)

The flag was flown at half-mast on the Beverley Town Hall as a mark of respect to:- Avis Dorothy Minchin William Harrison Blechynden

56 Beverley Blarney, Edition 356 – June 2014


1 Calendar Girls at

Town Hall

Tractor Pull

Avondale Open



Weight Watchers

Bridge @ CWA

Avondale Open


Men’s Shed


Stay Active

Optometrist Mosaic Workshop




Hockey Training

Ladies Golf

5 Line Dancing


Junior Netball


6 Op Shop


7 Samba @ CWA

Junior Sports

Men’s Golf

P & C Stall

RSL Markets

8 Football in town

Beverley vs Federals

9 Weight Watchers


Bridge @ CWA

Historical Society



Men’s Shed


Stay Active


Bowls meeting




Hockey Training

Ladies Golf

12 Line Dancing


Junior Netball


13 Op Shop


iLearn Workshop

14 Samba @ CWA

Junior Sports

Men’s Golf

15 BHPC Rally

16 Weight Watchers


Bridge @ CWA


Men’s Shed


Stay Active





Hockey Training

Ladies Golf

19 Line Dancing


Baby Group

Junior Netball


20 Op Shop


Netball Derby

RSL Curry Night

21 Samba @ CWA

Junior Sports

Men’s Golf

Avondale Open

Avondale Workshop

22 Avondale Open

23 Weight Watchers


Bridge @ CWA



Men’s Shed


Stay Active






Hockey Training

Masonic Lodge 7.30pm

Ladies Golf

26 Line Dancing


Junior Netball


Baby Group

27 Op Shop


28 Samba @ CWA

Junior Sports

Men’s Golf

Ag Society



30 Weight Watchers


Bridge @ CWA

June 2014