Analysis feedback


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Page 1: Analysis feedback
Page 2: Analysis feedback

• This tells me that the majority of people that took the questionaire are male, showing that it will be a magazine that will be suitible for males, however it still needs to be relevant to women, as less than half of the results are female, showing they still need to understand and want to buy the magazine.

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• This shows me that the the age of the people that have taken the survey are 17 and below, showing that the magazine will need to be aimed for this age range, I could do this by having more texts than images, or vice versa, so it will appeal to this age group.

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• This shows that the majority of people taking the survey are of white, British ethnicity. This tells me that the magazine is most likely to contain white role models rather than black role models. It also tells me that the most likely ethnicity is to be white and British.

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• The information here is showing me that the majority of people tat are going to buy the magazine are gong to be students. This means that they will have a low disposable income and that the magazine may not be as frequent.

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• With this feedback, the people who answered the survey have told the that they are more into the rock and dubstep/dance side of music rather than reggae and RnB. Due to the large amounts of rock magazines in the music industry, I may go for dubstep/dance as it would be for a larger target audience.

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• The information tells me that the target audience are likely to buy a magazine once every month, or every fortnight. This tells me that they are wanting more information in each issue, rather than frequent issues that don’t contain much information. This can also be down to the occupation of the target audience.

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• This information links well with the occupation and the frequency question. The result tells me that they are willing to pay between £2 and £2.99, so it would be good to put this price midway to satisfy both sides. It also makes it easier for those with a small disposable income.

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• The answers here have told me that the people who took the survey are mostly interested in certain bands, this may be the bands they aspire to be, or new on the scene. It has also shown that people like posters and interviews, showing they get something out of the magazine for “free”.

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• With this information, it tells me that the majority of people are going to buy their magazines from a supermarket or news agents, rather than get them on the internet or on tablets.