Analysing contents pages

Analysis of 3 music magazine contents pages



Transcript of Analysing contents pages

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Analysis of 3 music magazine contents pages

Page 2: Analysing contents pages

Analysis of magazine Contents pagesContents 1.NME Sept 2009

Dizzee Rascal Edition

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Contents page NME (SEPT 2009) ANALYSIS

The date is shown to show the reader what edition the magazine is.

The sub headings are separated on a black background. This makes them stand out more and we know that they are sub headings. They are also white which joins onto the white background. This makes it look a bit messy, like the angled image.

The sub headings have very little writing underneath them. They follow the colour scheme with the red page numbers.

The Mast head is shown again, it looks the same as on the front cover, this backs up the magazines name so that people know what magazine it is straight away.The main image is related to the article underneath it. It is put at a slant to show that the page has not set layout and that it breaks the rules a bit.

Image is edited so it looks like a photograph. This is appropriate because it looks like is taken on a tour, relating to the article. The bus in the article is red, which also matches the colour scheme of the masthead and band index.

There is a small advertising spot in the corner that NME are using to advertise their subscriptions. It has the number and website on it. It is written in fairly large writing and has yellow text to make it stand out from the rest of the page.

The band index is listed in red and has black page numbers, which follows the colour scheme of the masthead.

The banner at the top is large and bold so the reader knows straight away that this is the contents page. The black background makes the white text stand out, it also matches the rest of the page.

There is an article in the middle of the page. It is about one of the articles in the magazine and is telling the reader a bit about the article. When people pick up the magazine if they are interested in buying it, they may look at the contents page to see what is in the magazine. This small article can help sell the magazine as it showing what the articles are like. The heading of the article is at a slant to match the image.

The background is white but has large areas of black on it too. These are used to split off different sections of the page. The text on top of the background is mostly black and white too, black on white and white on black.

The rule of thirds is used to split off different parts of the page. The right side has a large white column with the contents on it. The centre has the main article and image, which also cuts into the left column with the band index.

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Band index – a list of all the bands in this issue

Masthead and contents

Main image news



Article about touringlive


Plus extras

Subscription for NME

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The issue and date are shown again at the top of the page, so that the reader know which magazine this is.

Contents written at the top of the page. White font like the masthead on the cover. It is written in an abused font type showing attitude in the magazine. The same font style is used elsewhere to add this attitude.

Main image shows low angle shot of singer showing his power and status in the magazine and to the readers. It fades into the background of the page which is white to match the image. There is a page number next to the image showing the reader where in the magazine they can read about the image.

The background is white and the main image is white which makes the page very bright. The headings and subheadings have a black and red strip behind them so that they stand out like headings. The black and red match text colours and they are Kerrang’s most used colours.

There is a small advertisement of Kerrang’s subscription going across the bottom of the page. It has a black strip behind showing that it is as important as the headings. The font is in red and white which follows the colour scheme of the page. There are also some images used to help advertise because they draw attention to the advertisement.

There is a small article written to the reader from the editor of the magazine. It tells the reader a bit about the kerrang magazine. There is a small image of the editor for the reader to see. This makes the reader feel like they know the reader more, making it a less formal article.

The list of contents is displayed down the right side of the page. It is split into different sections, with the sub headings slightly larger, bolder and in red.

There are three images on the same row and the same size. They are all related to different stories in the magazine and all have page numbers on them. They also all have some kind of title/heading on them to tell us what they are about.

There is no writing about any of the images. The only article on this page is the editor’s. The pages have page numbers and headings but that is it.

The rule of thirds is used quite clearly on this page. The right column has the list of contents going down it and the other two columns have the main image in them. The top row has the other images and the editor’s article. The other two have the main image.

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Main image

Subscription advertisement

List of contents

Contents heading

‘Contents’ Issue/date

Editor’s article

Sub image

Sub image

Sub image

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