AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ERROR IN APPLYING PERIOD, COMMA, AND COLON AT THE EIGHTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF IAIN SALATIGA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2015/2016 A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga By : ANDRI TRIYONO NIM : 113 12 149 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2016







Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)


By :


NIM : 113 12 149









“The best man is the most beneficial for other human beings”.

(Shahih Al-Jami‟)



This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My beloved Parents ( Budi Prayitno and Tumirah). Thanks for your

everlasting love and encouragement and for totally shaping me. You are

the reason for me to finish this graduating paper.

2. My sister (Mevi Irmawati) and brother (Vidi Prasetyo) who always cheer

me up and support me.

3. My best friend, Nurul Mufidah who has given me so much knowledge,

and worthy experiences.



Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Thanks to Allah SWT, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful because

of his wonderful blessings and His Mercy, the writer can finish this graduating

paper successfully. The writer hopes, as Allah allow, this paper can be blessing in

the future. He always gives everything the writer need and makes everything

possible. Praise and gratitude always be with him.

Peace and salutation always be with our Greatest Prophet Muhammad

SAW, perfect person who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance,

help, advice, and encouragement both from individual and institution. Therefore,

the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of IAIN (State Institute for

Islamic Studies) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as both, the Head of English Education Department

and the writer counselor who has patiently educated, supported, directed,

and given the writer countless advices, suggestion, and recommendation

for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

4. All the lecturers in English Education Department.

5. All the staffs that have helped the writer in processing administration.


6. All the respondents who have disposed to be tested and let the writer

conduct this research.

7. My belove parents (Budi Prayitno and Tumirah) who always pray for my

success and my best for the rest of their lives. My lovely sister and brother

(mbak vi and mas vidi) who always give me support.

8. My best friend (Nurul Mufidah), who always supports me to finish this

graduating paper as soon as possible. And all my friends of IAIN Salatiga,

especially in English Education Department.

9. All of figures who cannot be mentioned in this limited paper.

From the bottom of his heart, the writer truly thanks to all individuals. The

writer feels very fortunate because he has been surrounded by such amazing

people who have helped him to accomplish his work.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, September 9th

, 2016

The writer

Andri Triyono

NIM: 11312149






SALATIGA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2005/2016. A Graduating Paper.

English Education Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) of

Salatiga. Counselor: Noor Malihah, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D.

This study is mainly aimed to describe the students‟ error in applying punctuation

marks (period, comma, and colon). Punctuation is important in writing, because

accurate punctuation is essential in clear and effective writing, especially in

academic writing. This study answers three questions:” (1) What kinds of error are

created by the students?, (2) What is the dominant error used by the students?, and

(3) What are the causes that make the students produced the errors of period,

comma, and colon?”. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative method to

categorize and analyze the error produced by the students. The data is collected

from a text entitle Going to Sanur Beach which is taken from internet. There are

three findings in this study. First, students produced the error in each of the

punctuations (period, comma, and colon), and the total number of the error is still

high. Second, the most dominant error produced by students is in applying

comma, with the total number of 90 errors or 51.7%. And then, it is followed by

the error of period of 49 error or 28.2% and colon with 35 error or 20.1%. Third,

there are some causes that make the students produce the errors: (1) Students lack

of accuracy in applying punctuations (period, comma, and colon), (2) The

students omit some of the punctuations, and (3) the students have little knowledge

in applying punctuation. Based on the data in this study, there are some students

who do not understand how to use period after abbreviation, and most of them do

a comma splice in the sentence.

Keywords: Error, Mistake, Error Analysis, Punctuation,



TITLE………………………………………………………………………… i

DECLARATION…………………………………………………………….. ii

ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES……………………………………....... iii

CERTIFICATION PAGE……………………………………………………. iv

MOTTO……………………………………………………………………… v

DEDICATION………………………………………………………………. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………….........………. vii

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………............……. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………….. x

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………….. xi


A. Background of the Study………………………………………………….. 1

B. Limitation of the Problem………………………………………………..... 4

C. Problem Question………………………………………………………….. 4

D. Objectives of the Study………………………………………………….... 4

E. Significance of the Study………………………………………………….. 5

F. Definition of the Key Terms………………………………………………. 6

G. Graduating Paper Organization………………………………………….... 7


A. Previous Works…………………………………………………………..... 9

B. Error and Mistake


1. Error…………………………………………………………………..... 10

2. Mistake…………………………………………………………………. 11

C. Definition of Error Analysis………………………………………….. 12

D. Sources of Error

1. Interlingual Errors……………………………………………………… 14

2. Intralingual Errors……………………………………………………… 14

E. Punctuation

1. Period…………………………………………………………………… 18

2. Comma…………………………………………………………………. 21

3. Colon…………………………………………………………………... 32


A. Type of Research…………………………………………………………. 35

B. Object of the Research……………………………………………………. 36

C. Data Sources……………………………………………………………… 37

D. Data Collecting Method………………………………………………...... 38

E. Procedure of Data Analysis……………………………………………….. 38


A. Kinds of Error Produced by Students

1. Errors of Period…………………………………………………………. 43

2. Errors of Comma………………………………………………………... 44

3. Errors of Colon………………………………………………………….. 47

B. Distribution of the Data of Errors…………………………………………. 49

C. Importance of Punctuation for the Students………………………….. 51


D. Summary…………………………………………………………………... 54


A. Conclusion………………………………………………………………… 56

B. Suggestion and Recommendation

1. For Students……………………………………………………………. 57

2. For Teachers…………………………………………………………… 58

3. For the Researcher……………………………………………………… 58






Table 3.1 Classification of the Paragraph…………..…………………….. 39

Table 3.2 Sentences Codes……………………………………………….. 40

Table 4.1 Frequency of the Students‟ Error in Applying Period,

Comma, and Colon…………………………………………….. 49




This chapter presents about background of the study, limitation of the

problem, research questions, objectives of the study, significances of the study,

clarification of the key terms, review of the previous study, and graduating

paper‟s outline.

A. Background of the Study

Language is the most important thing for human‟s life. Language cannot be

separated from human daily life, because it is as the tool for them to communicate

with their parents, brother, sister, their friends, and other. Using language

everyone is able to express what is in their thoughts and feelings. Besides that, the

people use language to get information and convey several kinds of message such

as ideas, emotions, and desires to the others. Fromkin and Rodman (1988:4) states

that when you know a language, you can speak the language and people who

know the language can understand you. From this statement it is clear that when

you know a language, you are able to make a communication and able to get more

information with the language which you have.

One language which is learnt and spoken internationally is English. As the

International language, English is used by many people all over the world as the

first language like in the English itself, or as the second language like in

Singapore, Malaysia, and India. In Indonesia, English is as Foreign Language that


has been introduced in many levels of education. It starts from play group,

elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and up to university. At

the level of Junior High school and Senior High School, English is as the main

subject. It is as the one of several subjects which is examined at the national

examination. Foreign language is a language spoken by people who do not use the

language as either, their first language or second language. For example,

Indonesian people speak Indonesian as their first language. Thus, English is their

foreign language because it is only learnt firstly in school. It is true that learning

English as foreign language is not easy for many people. In fact, most of the

Indonesian learners have difficulties in mastering English skills. There are four

skills in English that must be mastered by the learners such as listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.

Writing becomes one of four skills in English that has the complicated rule

to be understood. In writing skills the students have to be very careful and

comprehend enough in some rule. Moreover, when they have to write an

academic writing, they have to apply the correct punctuation. Oshima and Hogue

(2007: 3) state that academic writing is the kind of writing used in high school and

college classes. From this explanation, it is clear that students have to be very

careful in applying punctuation marks, especially in academic writing which is

very important for collegian. The accuracy in applying punctuation will help the

students to comprehend the text easier, but in the fact that punctuation becomes

one case for the students that make them confuse to apply it correctly.


Bailey (2011: 212) states that accurate punctuation and use of capitals help

the reader to understand exactly what the writer meant. Some examples of the

punctuation that are always used by the students are period, comma, and colon.

These are kinds of punctuation that always make the students confuse in applying

them. For example the use of comma and colon have similar functions in the

sentence. They are used to separate elements within a sentence. And many

students still do some errors in applying these punctuation marks.

According to the explanation above, the writer is interested to analyze the

students‟ error in applying punctuation marks. By understanding about

punctuation, it is expected that the readers are able to construct a good writing. In

this study, the writer limited the research into three types of punctuation. The

three punctuations are period, comma, and colon. The selection of this

punctuation is due to the common use of them which frequently confusing for

students. Beside that, it is important for the researcher to limit the punctuation

used as theoretical basis. Furthermore, this study is aimed to analyze the students‟

errors in applying period, comma, and colon at the Eighth Semester Students of

English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in Academic Year of 2015/2016.

Therefore, the writer can find out the error produced by the eighth semester

students, the dominant error in using punctuation mark, and the causes of the

errors in their writing test.


B. Limitation of the Problem

There are many kinds of punctuation, for example period, ellipsis mark,

comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, etc. However, some punctuation makes

the students confuse when they have to apply punctuation mark which almost has

the similar function, such as period, comma, and colon. The writer wants to limit

his study in order that the problems to be analyzed are not too broad.

C. Problem Questions

Based on the background of the study there are problems, which can be

formulated after identifying the errors. The question are:

1. What kinds of error are produced by the students?

2. What is the dominant error produced by the students?

3. What are the causes that make the students produced the errors of period,

comma, and colon?

D. Objectives of the Study

From this study, the writer wants to achieve some objectives; they are as


1. To find out kind of error are produced by the students.

2. To find out the dominant error produced by the students.

3. To find out the causes that makes the students produced the errors of

period, comma, and colon.


E. Significance of the Study

The research can be beneficial as follows:

1. Practically

a. For the Students

The result of this study helps the students to comprehend the text easier

after they understand about the rule of punctuation, especially in applying

period, comma, and colon.

b.For the teachers

The teachers know the students‟ error in applying punctuation marks,

especially in applying periods, commas and colons. This is because the use of

period, comma, and colon are always confusing, so that the teachers will

explain more clearly to the students about punctuation in the next semesters

to increase the students‟ knowledge in punctuation marks.

c. For the readers

The readers know more about the errors that always occur in applying

period, comma, and colon. With this research are expected that the readers

can improve their comprehension in applying punctuation, moreover when

they write or make an academic writing.

2. Theoretically

The findings of this research can be used as an input to develop the knowledge

of English, especially in using the punctuation marks of period, comma, and

colon in academic writing. The result of the research can be used as reference

work for other study which relates to the punctuation.


F. Definition of the Key Terms

To clarify and keep clear any mistakes in interpreting this research, it is

necessary to explain the terms regarding with the study. To understand this study

easier, the writer presents some description and explanation of related terms. They

are as follows:

1. Punctuation

Stilman (1992: 53) states the word punctuation derives from the Latin

for "point." That is, the marks within a sentence point to the various meanings

of its words, making sense of what otherwise might be a string of sounds. They

serve two functions: (1) they define how the various elements of a sentence

relate to each other, thereby ensuring clear and unambiguous communication,

and (2) they help to establish the tone. The first function is more mechanical

and hence more easily learned; the second is part of what distinguishes the

skilled writer from the novice. She also explains that in dialogue, punctuation

helps to convey intonation and style of speaking, so that the reader "hears" a

character's words the way the writer intended. Subtleties such as pauses,

emphases, hesitancy and changes in pitch can be achieved through the

appropriate marks. Examples of punctuations are period, ellipsis mark, comma,

semicolon, colon, question mark, etc. in this study the writer is interested to

investigate period, comma, and colon only.

2. Error

Corder (1973: 257), states that errors are breaking the rule, due to a

lack of competence such as knowledge of the language, which may or may not


be conscious. As they are due to a lack of competence they tend to be not self-

correctable. For beginner learner certainly that they will have many difficulties

in learning the English. Thus, make the students do many errors in their

learning processes. So, the teachers are very active to help students‟ errors and

follow the learners‟ development in order to reduce the students‟ errors.

3. Error Analysis

Erdogan (2005: 262) states in terms of error correction, the analyses of

errors are supposed as a strategy to inhibit the errors that have been made in

writing product such as paper assignment. He also explains that error analysis

enables lecturers to find out the sources of errors and take pedagogical

precautions towards them. As indicated above, the analysis of students‟ errors

has become an essential need to organize remedial courses, to compose

appropriate material and teaching strategies based on the findings of error


G. Graduating Paper Organization

This section provides the organization of the graduating paper. There are 5

chapters in this graduating paper

Chapter I presents background of this study, which discussed the reason why

the writer intends to conduct an analysis of students‟ error in applying period,

comma, and colon. This chapter also covers the limitation of the problems,

objectives of the study, significance of the study, definition of the key terms, and

graduating paper organization.


Chapter II presents previous work, some related theories regarding with the

error, mistake, the source of error, and punctuation marks. And then, the writer

explains the definition of punctuation itself and more detail give information

about the differences in using period, comma, and colon.

Moving to chapter III, presents research methodology. It explains the type of

research that is used in this research and the reason why the writer uses test and

questionnaire as the way to collect the data. Comprehensive explanation are split

into type of research, object of the research, data sources, data collecting method,

and procedure of data analysis.

Chapter VI presents the data analysis, including distribution of the data of

errors, kinds of error produced by students, the importance of punctuation for the

students, and the summary of the research.

Finally, in chapter V the writer gives the closure that includes conclusion

and suggestion.




In this chapter the writer explains briefly the theoretical framework which

includes the previous works, the differences between error and mistake, definition

of error analysis, sources of error, and definition of punctuation mark.

A. Previous Works

In this study, the writer reviews previous works which discuss the similar

discussion about the punctuation to determine originality of this study.

The first study is conducted by Hidayah (2010). She conducts a research

about the use of punctuation and capitalization in composition that was done by

the second year students of SLTP Alternatif Qoryah Thoyyibah Salatiga. She uses

the descriptive qualitative research to find out her study and she uses it as a type

or research. She gets some results from her study. Firstly, commonly the students

do not understand in applying punctuation, it can see from their composition.

Secondly, the capitalization mistake made by the students are still high, they just

know that capitalization only use at the beginning of the sentences. Finally, the

percentage mistake in applying punctuation and capitalization made by the

students is very high. Her research shows that the students who get the low grade

are 33,3% and the students who get very good grade are only two.

The second study is conducted by Rahmawati (2014). She conducts a

research about error of applying punctuation in English text. She uses the


descriptive qualitative research to find out her study and she uses it as a type of

research. And from her study, she gets some results. Firstly, the most dominant

mistakes that is done by the students from the highest is in applying quotation

mark, comma, exclamation point, period, omission, and question mark. Secondly,

from her study she knows that the average score of the students is 88, which

means that generally the students have mastered punctuation.

The present study is dealing with error analysis on the use of punctuation

mark, especially in applying period, comma, and colon made by the eighth

semester students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the

academic year of 2016/2017. In this research, the writer also acts as the

researcher. So, it can be said that the present study is quite different from the

previous works above.

B. Error and Mistake

In this section, the writer discusses about the differences between errors

and mistake. Although error and mistake are the similar meaning as the

Indonesian students know, but the word error and mistake actually have the

different meaning. Therefore, the writer provides some definitions of error and

mistake as below:

1. Errors

As the writer mentioned in the chapter 1, errors are breaking the rule,

due to a lack of competence such as knowledge of the language, which may

or may not be conscious. Knowing learner‟s error will provide useful


evidence of the system of the language (Corder, 1981: 10).For beginner

learner, especially the students who learn English as the foreign language,

certainly they do not understand how to learn language by themselves. So,

teachers are very active to help students with knowing errors made by learner

and follow the development of learners toward the purpose of language


Ellis (1997: 17) also proposes the notion of error which has the

similar main idea with the notion from Corder. She states that error reflect

gap in a learner‟s knowledge which arises because the learner does not know

what is correct. From their notion the writer conclude that an error occur

because of the students lack of competence. So, it can show the gap of

learners‟ knowledge.

Meanwhile, the other notion is proposed by Brown (2007: 258). He

explains error as an “idiosyncrasies in the language of the learner that are

direct manifestations of a system within which a learner is operating at the

time”. An error is a noticeable deviation from the native grammar, it reflect

the competence of the learner.

From the information above, we can know that error is the deviation

that occurs because language learners do not understand the rules of the

language. In this section, the students need extra exercises.

2. Mistakes

Mistake is a deviation that occurs because of the influence of the

situation in language learners. Corder (1981: 10) states “Mistakes are of no


significant to the process of language learning. However, the problem of

determining what learner‟s mistake is and what learner error‟s is one of some

difficulty and involves a much more sophisticated study and analysis of

errors than is usually accords them.”

According to Brown (2007: 257) “a mistake refers to a performance

error that is either a random guess or a slip, in that is a failure to utilize a

known system correctly.” The mistake occurred because of fatigue,

exhaustion, and lack of concentration. Thus, the mistake causes the learners

cannot apply the rule of languages correctly. The other notion is from Ellis

(1997: 17). She states that mistakes reflect occasional lapses in performance;

they occur because in particular instance, the learner is unable to perform

what he or she knows.

From the opinions above, we can learn that mistake is caused by

learner. The learners can correct their mistake by realizing the condition of

themselves, such as their concentration, their fatigue and exhaustion that

probably can caused the mistake.

C. Definition of Error Analysis

Writing skills become one of four skills in English that has the complex

rule to be learnt for many learners in learning English as the foreign language. It is

undeniable that students make mistakes and do some errors in their writing

products. So, many researchers have tried to identify the common errors made by

students in writing English as the second language or foreign language. However,


all of those can be prohibited through realizing the errors and operating on them

according to the feedbacks given.

Erdogan (2005: 262) states in terms of error correction, the analyses of

errors are supposed as a strategy to inhibit the errors that have been made in

writing product such as paper assignment. Erdogan (2005: 262) also explains error

analysis enables lecturers to find out the sources of errors and take pedagogical

precautions towards them. The other notion is from Gass and Slinker (2008: 102).

They state that error analysis is a type of linguistic analysis which focuses on the

errors made by learners. It starts from learner production data. As indicated above,

the analysis of students‟ errors has become an essential need to organize remedial

courses, to compose appropriate material and teaching strategies based on the

findings of error analysis.

However, English teachers have to realize that errors made by the students

need to be analyzed correctly in order to make learning strategies effectively. It is

clear that the errors analysis is a procedure to analyze the error of language that

made by learner and it is used for teacher or researcher as the research.

D. Sources of Error

There are many descriptions for different kinds of errors, it is inevitable to

move further and ask for sources of errors (Erdogan, 2005: 265). It has been

indicated in the first part of the study that errors are assumed as being the only

result of interference of the first language habits to the learning of second


language. The sources of errors can be categorized within two domains: 1)

interlingual transfer and 2) intralingual transfer (Erdogan: 2005: 265).

1. Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual transfer is a significant source for language learners. The

interference of mother tongue becomes a major source of difficulty in

learning second language. Brown (2007: 263) explains that interlingual

transfer is a significant source of error for all learners.

2. Intralingual Transfer

Intralingual errors are resulted from faulty or partial learning of the

target language rather than language transfer (Erdogan, 2005: 266). The

other notion is proposed by Brown (2007: 265). He states that intralingual

interference is the negative transfer or item within the target language, or

put another way, the incorrect generalization of rules within the target


Thus, intralingual errors are the direct result of the learners attempt to

create language system that he is learning. About the present of intralingual

errors, Richard classify them into four categories, they are as follows:

a. Over-generalization

Over-generalization can be defined as the use of previously available

strategies in new situation. Over-generalization covers instances when

the learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of his experience of

other structure in the target language. Richard (1974: 174) gives some


examples to make the learners easier to understand, such in sentences


(1a) He can sings.

(1b) He can sing.

Sentence (1a) is an example of Over-Generalization Error. It is

shown by the use of „s‟ in the verb. The grammatical form of verb when

it is preceded by auxiliary verb „can‟ is the infinitive verb without to. So,

the correct forms of „sings‟ is „sing‟ as illustrated in (1b). Another

example, the –ed marker, in narrative or in other past contexts, often

appears to carry no meaning, since past tense is usually indicated

lexically in stories, and the essential notion of sequence in narrative can

be expressed equally well in the present. Here, sentence (2a) is an

example of error illustrated by Richard (1974: 175):

(2a) Yesterday, I go to the university and I meet my new professor.

(2b) Yesterday, I went to the university and I met my new


The sentence (2a) should use the past tense form or verb in past

form, because the word “yesterday” indicates the past context. The

correct example can be seen as in sentence (2b) above.

b. Ignorance of rule restrictions

In this type of error, the learners fail to observe the restriction of

exist structure. Once he learned a sentence “We talked about it”, they

might make a wrong sentence as “We discussed about it”. The sentence


“ask him to do it” produces “make him to do it”. It ignores restriction on

the distribution of “make” (Richard, 1974: 175). The word “make”

should be followed by infinitive without “to”. The learner often ignores

the new rule and tends to use the previous structure.

c. Incomplete application of rules

Intralingual errors of this category may occur when a learner has to

respond immediately to question made by the teacher. Richard (1974:

178) states that the learner fails to apply correct English pattern due to

the stimulus sentence. Richard illustrates some examples using short

conversation below:

(3a) Teacher : “What does he have to do?”

Learner : “He have to do write the address?”

(3b) Teacher : “What does he have to do?”

Learner : “He has to do write the address?”

The student‟s response in sentence (3a) is incomplete application

of the rules. From the student‟s response above, it can be seen that the

verb “have” above should be “has”, because it is preceded by subject

“he” which includes the first singular pronoun. So, the correct form is

„has‟ as illustrated in sentence below (3b).

d. False concept hypothesized

This is a class of developmental errors which derive from faulty

comprehension of distinction in the target language. The learners

sometimes encounter confusion in applying some language rules. For


example, confusion between too, so, and very, between come and go, and

so on. They also often make false concept in hypothesizing the

grammatical structure. The form “was”, for example, may be interpreted

as a marker of the past tense, giving one day it was happened, and is may

be understood to be the corresponding marker of the present tense, such

in sentence (4) below which is illustrated by Richard (1974: 178):

(4) He is speaks French.

The sentence (4) above should not use to be “is”, because this

sentence uses verbal sentence in present forms and with the first singular

pronoun as the subject. So, it uses verb only with adding “s” on verb


E. Punctuation

Stilman (1992: 53) states the word punctuation derives from the Latin for

"point." That is, the marks within a sentence point to the various meanings of its

words, making sense of what otherwise might be a string of sounds. They serve

two functions: (1) they define how the various elements of a sentence relate to

each other, thereby ensuring clear and unambiguous communication, and (2) they

help to establish the tone. The first function is more mechanical and hence more

easily learned; the second is part of what distinguishes the skilled writer from the

novice. She also explains that in dialogue, punctuation helps to convey intonation

and style of speaking, so that the reader "hears" a character's words the way the

writer intended. Subtleties such as pauses, emphases, hesitancy and changes in


pitch can be achieved through the appropriate marks. Bailey (2011: 212) gives

more explanation about the function of punctuation. Bailey states that accurate

punctuation and use of capitals help the reader to understand exactly what the

writer meant.

Using Punctuation is very important, because it makes the reader easily

understand written text. People can understand the messages that are conveyed by

the others, even without looking at the expression of the person who wrote the

message. It means that punctuation marks clarify the meaning in a sentence. In a

spoken form, the punctuation is represented in the forms of pause, intonation,

gesture, and facial expression. From the explanation above, it is clear that

although the text is not alive, but because of the correct punctuation, the text as if

has a soul. According to Patridge (2005: 8-82) punctuation marks comprise of

period, comma, semicolon, colon, parenthesis, dash, question mark, and

exclamation mark. However, the writer only investigates the use of period (.),

commas (,), and colon (:) for the sake of the study.

1. Period

Stillman (1997: 106) states that period has two functions: ending a sentence

and indicating abbreviation. Furthermore, Straus (2008: 52-53) states that

period has some rules in applying in the sentence, there are:

a. Use a period at the end of a complete sentence that is a statement. An

example on the use of period for this function is illustrated by Straus as

in sentence (1) below:

(1) I know that you would never break my trust intentionally.


It can be seen from example (1) that a period is used to end a complete

sentence that is statement.

b. If the last word in the sentence ends in a period, do not follow it with

another period. Some examples on the use of period for this function is

illustrated by Straus in sentence (2) and (3) as bellow:

(2) I know that M.D. She is my sister-in-law.

(3) Please shop, cook, etc. I will do the laundry.

It can be seen from example (2) and (3), that when the last word of

sentence is abbreviation, we should use period. If the abbreviation in the

last sentence, use one period only as the sign of the last word of the

sentence and followed by the capitalization as the sign of new sentence.

c. Use a period after an indirect question. An example is illustrated by

Straus to make the learner easier to understand the use period for this

function. Here, Straus gives one example in sentence (4) below:

(4) He asked where his suitcase was.

It can be seen from the example (4) above, that a period is used after

indirect question. It is surely different when we make a direct question,

because we have to use the question mark. Here, to make clear about the

difference see sentence (5) bellow:

(5) Where is her suitcase?

gives different function in using of period. Here, is list in using full stop or period

according to Center of Language Development:

The other notion is from Center of Language Development (2008: 32) that


a. Period is used at the end of a sentence that is not a question and

exclamation. An examples on the use of period for this function is

illustrated by Center of Language and Development in sentence (1),


(1) He went to mosque yesterday.

It can be seen that a period is used at the end of a sentence that is not a

question and exclamation, such in sentence (1) above.

b. Period is used to separate the hour figure, which shows the minutes and

seconds that indicates the time. An example on the use of period for

this function is illustrated by Center of Language and Development in

sentence (2) below:

(2) 06.45.25 PM

It can be seen that a period is used to separate the hour figure, which

shows the minutes and seconds that indicate the time such in sentence

(2) above.

c. Period is used in the author's name, title of paper, and place of publisher

in the bibliography. An example on the use period for this function

is illustrated as in sentence (3) below:

(3) Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1989. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu

Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

It can be seen from example (3) that a period is used in the author's

name, title of paper, and place of publisher in the bibliography.


d. Period is used after abbreviation. Some examples on the use of period for

this function are illustrated as in sentence (4) below:

(4) Aug.

From the examples (4) it is clear that a period is used after abbreviations

of Aug. which means August.

2. Comma

Stillman (1997: 60) states that the comma is by far the most-used

punctuation mark, typically outnumbering all the others put together. Its

basic role is to function as an interrupter, separating a sentence into distinct

units. Kirkman (2006: 34-52) explains the use of comma into 8 rules as


a. Comma is used for marking the boundary of a „preliminary‟ group. An

example on the use comma for this function is illustrated by Kirkman as

in sentence (1) below:

(1) Tomorrow, I will go to Paris with my wife.

It can be seen from example (1), that comma is used for marking the

boundary of a „preliminary‟ group.

b. Comma is used for enclosing parenthetic information. An example on

the use comma for this function is illustrated by Kirkman as in sentence

(2) below:

(2) The buildings, as I have said, will be hexagonal.

It can be seen that comma is used for enclosing parenthetic information

such in sentence (2) above.


c. Comma is used for signaling the function of relative clauses. An

example on the use comma for this function is illustrated by Kirkman as

in sentence (3) below:

(3) The sand grains, which are almost entirely quartz, are not

cemented together.

It can be seen that comma is used for signaling the function of relative

clauses such in sentence (3) which starts by the word “which”.

d. Comma is used to indicating the function of with… construction and -

ing… constructions. An example on the use comma for this function is

illustrated by Kirkman as in sentence (4) below:

(4) Insert the new disk into the disk drive, with the notch at the


From sentence (4), it is clear that comma is used to indicate the function

of with…construction.

e. Comma is used to separate adjective in a series. An example on the use

of comma for this function is illustrated by Kirkman as in sentence (5)


(5) Rika was a lonely, young girl.

From sentence (5), it is clear that comma is used to separate adjective in

a series.

f. Comma is used to separate two word-groups referring to a single

following word. An example on the use of comma for this function is

illustrated by Kirkman as in sentence (6) below:


(6) This is a popular, though time-consuming, technique.

From the sentence (6) it is clear that comma is used to separate two

word-groups referring to a single following word. The word “time-

consuming” is two word-groups which refer to a single following word.

So, there is a comma.

g. Comma is used before and and other conjunctions. An example on the

use comma for this function is illustrated by Kirkman as in sentence (7)


(7) The processor accepts data from input devices, and checks it

before computing.

It can be seen that comma is used before and and other conjunctions,

like in sentence (7) above. The comma is used before conjunction and.

h. Comma is used after that is, for example, and for instance. An example

on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by Kirkman as in

sentence (8) below:

(8) There are many kinds of punctuation for example, period,

comma, colon, semi colon, etc.

From the sentence (8) above, it is clear that comma is used after the

word for example.

From the explanation above, it is clear that comma has some function in applying in the sentence. And it will help the learner easier to understand about

the meaning of the text if the sentence has the correct punctuation, for example on


a. Comma is used to separate words and word groups with a series of three or

more. An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by

Straus as in sentence (1) below:

(1) My $10 million estate is to be split among my husband,

daughter, son, and nephew.

It can be seen that commas is used to separate words and word groups with

a series of three or more. Straus also has given a note for this rule of

comma. He states that omitting the comma after son would indicate that

the son and nephew would have to split one-third of the estate.

b. Comma is used to separate two adjectives when the word “and” can be

inserted between them. An example on the use of comma for this function

is illustrated by Straus as in sentence (2) below:

(2) He is a strong, healthy man.

It can be seen from sentence (2) that we have to use a comma to separate

two adjectives when the word “and” can be inserted between them.

c. Comma is used when an -ly adjective is used with other adjectives. Straus

has given a note that to test whether an -ly word is an adjective or not, the

learner can see if it can be used alone with the noun. If it can, use the

comma. He also gives some examples to make the learner understand

about comma in this function as follows:

(3) Felix was a lonely, young boy.

the use of comma. Furthermore, Straus (2008: 54-57) explains more detail and

explicit about the rule of coma as follows:


(4) I get headaches in brightly lit rooms.

It can be seen that we have to use a comma when an -ly adjective is used

with other adjectives such in sentence (3). But, the word “brightly” in

sentence (4) is not an adjective because it cannot be used alone with

rooms; therefore, no comma is used between brightly and lit.

d. Comma is used before or surrounding the name or title of a person directly

addressed. Some examples on the use of comma for this function are

illustrated by Straus as in sentence (5) and (6) below:

(5) Will you, Aisha, do that assignment for me?

(6) Yes, Doctor, I will.

It can be seen that we have to use commas before or surrounding the name

or title of a person directly addressed, such in sentence (5) and (6) above.

Straus has given note again to make learners more understand. He states

that the learner or writer must capitalize a title when directly addressing


e. Comma is used to separate the day of the month from the year and after the

year. But, if any part of the date is omitted, leave out the comma. An

example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by Straus as in sentence (7) and (8) below:

(7) Kathleen met her husband on December 5, 2003, in Mill

Valley, California.

(8) They met in December 2003 in Mill Valley.


From the sentence (7), it is clear that we use a comma to separate the day

of the month from the year and after the year. But, we should not use

comma if any part of the date is omitted like in sentence (8).

f. Comma is used to separate the city from the state and after the state, or we

can use a comma after the city only. An example on the use of comma for

this function is illustrated by Straus as in sentence (9a) and (9b) below:

(9a) I lived in San Francisco, California, for twenty years.

(9b) I lived in San Francisco, California for twenty years.

It can be seen that comma is used to separate the city from the state and

after the state such in sentence (9a). And we can use a comma after the

city only, like in sentence (9b).

g. Comma is used to surround degrees or titles used with names. Commas are

no longer required around Jr. and Sr. Commas never set off II, III, and so

forth. An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by

Straus as in sentence (10) below:

(10) Al Mooney, M.D., knew Sam Sunny Jr. and Charles Starr III.

It can be seen that comma is used to surround degrees or titles used with

names. Such in sentence (10), comma is used to surround degrees or title

M.D. that followed the name of Al Mooney.

h. Comma is used to set off expressions that interrupt the flow of the

sentence. An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated

by Straus as in sentence (11) below:

(11) I am, as you have probably noticed, very nervous about this.


It can be seen that comma is used to set off expressions that interrupt the

flow of the sentence. Such in sentence (11), commas is used to set off

expression “as you have probably noticed”.

i. Comma is used after dependent clause at the beginning of the sentence.

Conversely, do not use a comma when the sentence starts with an

independent clause followed by a dependent clause. Some examples on the

use of comma for this function are illustrated by Straus as in sentence

(12a) and (12b) below:

(12a) If you are not sure about this, let me know now.

(12b) Let me know now if you are not sure about this.

From the sentence (12a) above, it can be seen that when starting a sentence

with a dependent clause, use a comma after it. But, when a sentence starts

with an independent clause and followed by dependent clause, do not use

the comma like in sentence (12b) above.

j. Comma is used after phrases of more than three words that begin a

sentence. If the phrase has fewer than three words, the comma is optional.

An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by Straus

as in sentence (13) below:

(13) To apply for this job, you must have previous experience.

From the sentence (13), it is clear that comma is used after phrases of more

than three words that begin a sentence.

k. If something or someone is sufficiently identified, the description

following it is considered nonessential and should be surrounded by


commas. Some examples on the use of comma for this function are

illustrated by Straus as in sentence (14) and (15) below:

(14) Freddy, who has a limp, was in an auto accident.

(15) The boy who has a limp was in an auto accident.

It can be seen that if something or someone is sufficiently identified, the

description following it is considered nonessential and should be

surrounded by commas. Like in sentence (14), Freddy is someone who has

been identified, so the description is not essential and there must be a

comma. Whereas, in sentence (15) we do not know which boy is being

referred to without further description; therefore, no commas are used.

l. Use a comma to separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinating

conjunction and, or, but, for, nor. You can omit the comma if the clauses

are both short. Some examples on the use of comma for this function are

illustrated by Straus as in sentence (16) and (17) below:

(16) I have painted the entire house, but he is still working on

sanding the doors.

(17) I paint and he writes.

It can be seen that comma is used to separate two strong clauses joined by

a coordinating conjunction and, or, but, for, nor. Such in sentence (16), the

sentence uses comma before the word “but” because both of the sentence

are the strong clause or independent clause. But, in sentence (17), there is

not comma because both of the sentences are short sentences.


m. Use the comma to separate two sentences if it will help avoid confusion.

An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by Straus

as in sentence (18) below:

(18) I chose the colors red and green, and blue was his first choice.

It can be seen that comma is used to separate two sentences if it will help

avoid confusion. Such in sentence (18) above, comma is used to separate

two sentences of “I chose the colors red and green” and the sentence

“and blue was his first choice” to avoid the confusion that probably make

the different in meaning.

n. A comma splice is an error caused by joining two independent clauses

with only a comma instead of separating the clauses with a conjunction, a

semicolon, or a period. A run-on sentence, which is incorrect, is created

by joining two independent clauses without any punctuation. An example

of sentence with comma splice and run-on sentence is illustrated by

Straus on sentence (19a) and (19b) below:

(19a) Time flies when we are having fun, we are always having

fun. (Comma Splice)

(19b) Time flies when we are having fun we are always having fun.

(Run-on Sentence)

The sentence (19a) and (19b) above are the incorrect sentence, so it can

be write as the correct sentence such in sentence (19c), (19d), and (19e)



(19c) Time flies when we are having fun; we are always having


(19d) Time flies when we are having fun, and we are always

having fun.

(19e) Time flies when we are having fun. We are always having


o. If the subject does not appear in front of the second verb, do not use a

comma. An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated

Straus as in sentence (20) below:

(20) He thought quickly but still did not answer correctly.

It can be seen that the sentence (20) above do not use comma because the

subject does not appear in front of the second verb or exactly after the

word “but”, there is not a subject.

p. Comma is used to introduce or interrupt direct quotations shorter than

three lines. Some examples on the use of comma for this function are

illustrated by Straus as in sentence (21) below:

(21) „„Why,‟‟ I asked, „„do you always forget to do it?‟‟

It can be seen that comma is used to introduce or interrupt direct

quotations shorter than three lines. Such in sentence (21) comma is used

to introduce or interrupt direct quotations shorter than three lines.

q. Use a comma to separate a statement from a question or in a question tag.

An example on the use of comma for this function is illustrated by Straus

as in sentence (22) below:


(22) I can go, can’t I?

It can be seen that comma is used in a question tag. Such in sentence (22)

above, comma is used after independent clause which is followed by

question tag.

r. Comma is used to separate contrasting parts of a sentence. An example on

the use of comma for this function is illustrated by Straus as in sentence

(23) below:

(23) That is my money, not yours.

It can be seen that comma is used to separate contrasting parts of a

sentence. Such in sentence (23) above, there is a comma after sentence

“That is my money” because this sentence followed by contrast sentence

that is “not yours”.

s. Use a comma when beginning sentences with introductory words such as

well, now, or yes. Some examples on the use of comma for this function

are illustrated by Straus as in sentences (24) and (24) below:

(24) Yes, I do need that report.

From sentences (24) above, it is clear that comma is used when a

sentence starts with introductory words such as yes like in sentence (24).

t. Comma is used to surround words such as therefore and however when

they are used as interrupters. An example on the use of comma for this

function is illustrated by Straus such in sentence (25) below:

(25) I would, therefore, like a response.


From the sentence above, it is clear that comma is used to surround words

such as therefore like in sentence (25) as the interrupters.

u. Use either a comma or a semicolon before introductory words such as

namely, that is, i.e., for example, e.g., or for instance when they are

followed by a series of items. An example on the use of comma for this

function is illustrated by Straus such in sentences (26) below:

(26) You may be required to bring many items, e.g., sleeping bags,

pans, and warm clothing.

It can be seen that comma is used before introductory words such as

namely, that is, i.e., for example, e.g., or for instance when they are

followed by a series of items such in sentence (26). To make the learner

easier understand about the abbreviation, Straus has given a note that i.e.

means “that is” and e.g. means “for example”.

3. Colon

Stillman (1997: 97) states that the colon acts as a signal of anticipation,

drawing the reader's attention to what comes after it. Writers are often

unsure about the distinction between this mark and the semicolon.

Furthermore, Straus (2008: 58) explaines that colon has 3 rules in the

sentences, they are;

a. Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when

introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do not appear.

Some examples on the use of colon for this function are illustrated by

Straus such in sentence (1) below:


(1) I want the following items: butter, sugar, and flour.

From sentence (1) above, it is clear that colon is used after a complete

sentence to introduce a list of items when introductory words such as

namely, for example, or that is do not appear.

b. A colon should not precede a list unless it follows a complete sentence.

However, the colon is a style choice that some publications allow. An

example on the use of colon for this function is illustrated by Straus such

in sentence (2) below:

(2) There are three ways a waitress can make a good impression

on her boss and her customers:

(a) Dress appropriately.

(b) Calculate the bill carefully.

(c) Be courteous to customers.

From the examples above, it can be seen that we can use a colon when a

complete sentence is followed by a list like in sentence (2) above.

c. Capitalization and punctuation are optional when using single words or

phrases in bulleted form. If each bullet or numbered point is a complete

sentence, capitalize the first word and end each sentence with proper

ending punctuation. The rule of thumb is to be consistent. An example

on the use of colon is illustrated by Straus such in sentence (3) below:

(3) The following are requested:

(a) Wool sweaters for possible cold weather.

(b) Wet suits for snorkeling.


(c) Introductions to the local dignitaries.

Besides that, Straus has given a note that when the learners make a

written text with a list, they may use periods after numbers and letters

instead of parentheses.




In this chapter, the writer would like to explain methodology which is

used in this research. It consists of type of research, object of the research,

data sources, data collecting method, and procedure of data analysis.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the students‟ errors in applying

period, comma, and colon at the eighth semester students of English

Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in Academic Year of 2015/2016.

A. Type of Research

This research is descriptive qualitative. It concerns with providing

description of phenomenon that occurred naturally, without the intervention of

an experiment or an artificially contrived treatment. As Kothari (1990: 5)

states that qualitative approach to research is concerned with subjective

assessment of attitudes, opinions, and behavior. He also states “descriptive

research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The

major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it

exists at present.”

In this research, the writer also used a data in percentage. This research

still includes descriptive qualitative. As Arikunto (1998: 246) states that the

data qualitative which is available often quantified, in number form just to

make it easier in combining two or more variable. After get the final result,


and then make it as the qualitative again. This technique is often called as

descriptive qualitative with the percentage.

Thus, this research should not isolate individual or groups into some

variables or hypothesis. It is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, for

example this research which is conducted to phenomena in the students‟ error

in applying period, comma, and colon. This research relates to quality or kind

of the students mastering in writing. It tends to be in the form of words than

number (Kothari: 2004).

In addition, Robbert (2011: 7-8) states that there are five features of

qualitative research:

1. Studying the meaning of people‟s live, under real-world condition,

2. Representing the views and perspectives of the people in a study,

3. Covering the contextual condition within which people live,

4. Contributing insights into existing or emerging concepts that may help

to explain human social behavior, and

5. Striving to use multiple sources of evidence rather than relying on a

single source alone.

So, it is clear that to answer the research question, the writer uses

qualitative approach in this research.

B. Object of the Research

The object of this research are some punctuation marks (period, comma,

and colon) produced by the eighth semester students of English Education


Department of IAIN Salatiga. The text that are needed by the writer was taken

from the internet entitle Going to Sanur Beach. In this research, the writer has

modified the text as needed.

C. Data Sources

In every research, there must be data to be analyzed. A researcher is able

to get the data from many source, either person or things. Arikunto (2010:

172) states that data source is subject where the data is collected.

Arikunto (1998: 120) states that in taking a sample; it should not all of

the population if the population are more than 100 people. He argues that it is

possible to take sample for about 10-15% or 20-25% from the total of the

population. It is depend on the capability of the researcher refers to his time,

power, and extensive of the area.

In this research, source of the data is a text taken from an internet1. The

data of this research is collected from a text entitle Going to Sanur Beach

which is given to 21 (15%) students out of 140 students in the eighth semester

students of English Education Departmen of IAIN Salatiga. This text is

uploaded by Adian saputra on October 16th

, 2015. The text Going to Sanur

Beach is chosen because it contains several punctuation marks in different

function in the sentences, especially in period, comma, and colon. This is can

be tool as the test for the students to be analyzed by the writer.





D. Data Collecting Method

Collecting data is very important in conducting a research. In this

research, the writer uses test and questionnaire to collect the data. The

procedures in collecting the data are:

1. First, the writer removes all punctuation marks in the text Going to

Sanur Beach

2. Second, the writer gives a text to the students and asks them to

complete the text with appropriate punctuation mark. The writer gives

the students 25 minutes to do this test.

3. After the students complete to fulfill the text with punctuation marks,

the writer gives them a questionnaire. The questionnaire contains 4

questions for the students to answer the questions as follow:

a) Do you think that punctuation in writing is important? Give

your reason?

b) Mention the function of period in sentences?

c) Mention the function of comma in sentences?

d) Mention the function of colon in sentences?

E. Procedure of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer followed the procedure below:

1. First, the writer gives codes to the respondents as the identity.

2. Second, the writer numbers the sentence from the text such in table 2



Table 3.1

Classify of the Paragraph

No Paragraph No of Sentence Types of Punctuation

1 First 1 period and comma

2 First 2 period

3 First 3 period, comma, and colon

4 First 4 period and comma

5 First 5 period, comma, and colon

6 Second 6 period and comma

7 Second 7 period

8 Second 8 period and comma

9 Second 9 period and comma

10 Second 10 period and comma

11 Second 11 period, comma, and colon

12 Second 12 period

13 Second 13 period and comma

14 Second 14 Period and comma

15 Second 15 period

16 Second 16 period and colon

17 Second 17 period

18 Third 18 period and comma

19 Third 19 period

20 Third 20 period and comma

21 Third 21 period and comma

22 Third 22 period and comma

23 Third 23 period and comma

24 Third 24 period and comma

25 Fourth 25 period and comma

26 Fourth 26 period and comma

27 Fourth 27 period, comma, and colon


28 Fourth 28 period and colon

29 Fourth 29 period and comma

3. Third, the writer checks the students‟ work by identifying the error

which is made by them.

4. Fourth, the writer gives the code to the student‟s work which has the

error and analyzed it. For example as the writer explained as bellow:

a. R1/P1/S5, she wrote for me that there are some items which

should I brought:

(1) Bags,

(2) Clothes,

(3) Hat, and

(4) Glasses.

The codes above mean that the sentence above contains the

punctuation error that students produced from paragraph 1 line 5. Here

are the explanations about the codes above:

Table 3.2

Sentence Codes

No Code Explanation

1 R1, R2,R3, …….R21 Initial name of the students

2 P1, P2, P3, and P4 Number of Paragraph

3 S1, S2, S3, …….S28 Number of line in the paragraph

5. Fifth, the writer classifies the student‟s error based on the type of

punctuation marks (period, comma, and colon).


6. Sixth, the writer describes the students‟ work, what are the possibilities

in the students‟ error by matching with the students‟ questionnaire.




In this chapter, the writer presents the result of data analysis. There are 4

main sub sections in this chapter. The first is kinds of errors produced by

students, second is distribution of data of errors, third is importance of

punctuation for the students, and the last is summary.

A. Kinds of Error Produced by Students

In this section, the writer will explain detail about the students‟ works.

The example of errors which is produced by the students is discussed as in

sentence 1-29. Here are the discussion about students‟ errors in applying

period, comma, and colon.

1. Errors of Period

From table 4.1, the result shows that these are 28.2% or 49 error of

period produced by the students. Several types of error in applying period are

illustrated as follows:

a. R1/P1/S2

We went there by bus at 07 00 a.m.

Example R1/P1/S2 shows the error in applying period between a

numbers which indicates the time. This case is based on the theory of

comma which has been explained in chapter II. Center of Language

Development states that full stop or period is used to separate the hour


figure, which shows the minutes and seconds that indicates the time. So, the

correct form from the R1/P1/S2 as follow:

We went there by bus at 07.00 a.m.

b. R6/P2/S18

On the second day in Fri, we visited Sanur beach.

Example R6/P2/S18 shows the error in applying period after the

abbreviation of Fri. This case is based on the theory of comma which has

been explained in chapter II. Center of Language Development states that

full stop or period is used after abbreviation. So, the correct form from the

R6/P2/S18 as follow:

On the second day in Fri., we visited Sanur beach.

c. R12/P2/S15

I asked what the reason was,

Example R12/P2/S15 shows the error in applying period after an

indirect question. This case is based on the theory of comma which has

been explained in chapter II. Straus states that full stop or period is used

after an indirect question. So, the correct form from the R12/P2/S15 as


I asked what the reason was.

2. Errors of Comma

From table 4.1, the result shows that these are 51.7% or 90 error of

comma produced by the students. Several types of error in applying comma are

illustrated as follows:


a. R1/P2/S14

I thought she was a beautiful kind girl.

Example R1/P2/S14 shows the error in applying comma. This case is

based on the theory of comma which has been explained in chapter II.

According to Straus, comma is used to separate two adjectives when the

word and can be inserted between them. Kirkman also states that comma is

used to separate adjective in a series. So, the correct form from the

R1/P2/S14 as follow:

I thought she was a beautiful, kind girl.

b. R3/P3/S22

When we took a walk along the seashore we found money one hundred


Example R3/P3/S22 shows the error in applying comma to separate

dependent clause with independent clause. This case is based on the theory

which has been explained in chapter II. According to Straus, comma is used

if dependent clause at beginning of the sentence, so use comma after it. So,

the correct form from the R3/P1/S2 as follow:

When we took a walk along the seashore, we found money one hundred


c. R4/P3/S23

Immediately Arif took the money.

Example R4/P3/S23 shows the error in applying comma. This case is

based on the theory which has been explained in chapter II. According to


Kirkman, comma is used for marking boundary of a preliminary group, so

after the word immediately should use a comma. So, the correct form from

the R4/P3/S23 as follow:

Immediately, Arif took the money.

d. R7/P3/S24

We decided to divide the money for Arif Vidi and Me.

Example R7/P3/S24 shows the error in applying comma to separate

words and word groups. This case is based on the theory which has been

explained in chapter II. Straus states that to avoid confusion, use commas to

separate words and word groups with a series of three or more. So, the

correct form from the R7/P3/S24 as follow:

We decided to divide the money for Arif, Vidi, and Me.

e. R10/P2/S8

When we came to the hotel, we did not come to our room directly but we

have to check in first.

Example R10/P2/S8 shows the error in applying comma to separate

two independent clauses which is placed after the dependent clause at the

beginning of the sentence. This case is based on the theory which has been

explained in chapter II. Straus states that comma is used to separate two

independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction such and, or, but,

for, and nor. So, the correct form from the R10/P2/S8 as follow:

When we came to the hotel, we did not come to our room directly, but we

have to check in first.


f. R13/P3/S18

On the second day in Fri. we visited Sanur beach.

Example R13/P3/S18 shows the error in applying comma. This case is

based on the theory which has been explained in chapter II. Straus states that

comma is used after phrases of more than three words that begin a sentence.

If the phrase has fewer than three words, the comma is optional. So, the

correct form from the R13/P3/S18 as follow:

On the second day in Fri., we visited Sanur beach.

g. R21/P4/S28

Time flies when we are having fun, we are always having fun.

Example R21/P4/S28 shows the error in applying comma called as

comma splice. This case is based on the theory which has been explained in

chapter II. Straus states that comma splice is an error caused by joining two

independent clauses with only a comma instead of separating the clauses

with a conjunction, a semicolon, or a period. So, the correct form from the

R21/P3/S18 can be in three forms as follow:

a. Time flies when we are having fun, and we are always having fun.

b. Time flies when we are having fun; we are always having fun.

c. Time flies when we are having fun. We are always having fun.

3. Errors of Colon

From table 4.1, the result shows that these are 20.1% or 35 error of colon

produced by the students. Several types of error in applying colon are

illustrated as follows:


a. R1/P1/S3

Before we went to Bali, we needed to prepare several things our body

health, money, and supplies such as snack and beverage.

Example R1/P1/S3 shows the error in applying colon that must be used

after complete sentence to introduce a list after the words of “several thing”.

This case is based on the theory which has been explained in chapter II.

Straus states that colon is used after a complete sentence to introduce a list

of items when introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do

not appear. So, the correct form from the R1/P1/S3 as follow:

Before we went to Bali, we needed to prepare several things: our body

health, money, and supplies such as snack and beverage.

b. R7/P2/S16

And she answered that there are three ways a waitress can make a good

impression on her boss and her customers.

(d) Dress appropriately.

(e) Calculate the bill carefully.

(f) Be courteous to customers.

Example R7/P2/S16 shows the error in applying colon. This case

based on the theory which has been explained in chapter II. Straus states that

a colon should not precede a list unless it follows a complete sentence:

however, the colon is a style choice that some publications allow. So, the

correct form from the R7/P1/S2 as follow:


And she answered that there are three ways a waitress can make a good

impression on her boss and her customers:

(a) Dress appropriately.

(b) Calculate the bill carefully.

(c) Be courteous to customers.

B. Distribution of the Data of Errors

In this section the writer presents the main data that have been collected

from the students‟ works from Going to Sanur Beach text. As previously

states in chapter I, the first objective of this research is to find the type of

errors in applying punctuation marks (period, comma, and colon).

From the results of the research An Analysis of Students‟ Errors in

Applying Period, Comma, and Colon at the Eighth Semester Students of

English Department of IAIN Salatiga in Academic Year of 2015/2016 which

has been conducted, the writer finds several kinds of errors produced by the

students. The writer presents the distribution of the punctuation errors in

table 4.1 below.

Table 4.1 Frequency of the students Error

in Applying Period, Comma, and Colon


Type of


Occurrence in


Occurrence in


1 Period 49 28.2%

2 Comma 90 51.7%


3 Colon 35 20.1%

Total 174 100%

Table 4.1 shows the distribution of errors in applying punctuation marks

(period, comma, and colon) in my data. It can be seen that from the data above

there are 174 punctuation errors in students‟ work. The most dominant

students‟ error produced by the Eighth Semester Students of English

Education Department of IAIN Salatiga occur in applying comma with the

total number is 90 errors or 51.7%. In this case, the writer assumes that the

error in applying comma occur because of some reason. First, they lack of

competence in applying comma accurately. This case based on the students

works that still conduct a comma splice in a sentence. Second, there are some

sentences which make students confuse to apply comma correctly. This is

caused by the sentence which has two independent clauses which makes the

students confuse to apply the punctuation mark or conjunction. And the

sentence that should use punctuation marks in a series, for example in

applying period and comma in a series. Third, according to Straus as

explained by the writer in chapter II, comma has more function than the other

punctuation marks (period and colon). So, it is possible for the students to

conduct the errors in applying comma correctly rather than in applying period

or colon.

The error in applying period is half frequently than the error of comma,

with the total number of error is 49 errors or 28.2%. In this case, the writer


assumes that the error in applying period occur because students‟ lack of the

competence in applying period, even they omit the period in the sentence. This

case caused by the period that surely use in the sentence, or in other words

period as the main punctuation in a sentence. Because of this reason, it is

possible that students careless in applying period, so they unconsciously omit

the period.

The least error in applying punctuation mark exist in my data is the error

in applying colon, with the total number of error is 35 errors or 20.1%. In this

case, the writer assumes that the error in applying colon occur because of

some reason. First, they lack of competence in applying colon accurately. This

case based on the students works which still use comma after complete

sentence to introduce a list of items. As the writer has been explained in

chapter II, Straus explains that colon is used after a complete sentence to

introduce a list of items when introductory words such as namely, for example,

or that is do not appear. Second, from the similar sentence the writer assumes

that this sentence can outwitted the students. It is because of the sentence that

just determined by introductory words such as namely, for example, and that

is. The students have to apply colon when these introductory words do not

appear, but they have to use comma when the introductory words is appear.

C. Importance of Punctuation for the Students

In this section, the writer discusses about the result of questionnaires

from the students, in turns.


1. Do you think that punctuation in writing is important? Give your reason?

All the 21 students say that punctuation in writing is very important.

Some of them state that punctuation can influence the meaning of a word.

So, without punctuation they cannot create a sentence with the clear of

meaning. From this answer, it is clear that all of the students realize that

punctuation is very important and have great influence in writing skills.

2. Mention the function of period in a sentence.

Several students answer similarly that period has 4 functions as follows:

a. Period is used in the end of sentence that is statement.

b. Period is used to indicate the time.

c. Period is put on after an acronym or abbreviation.

d. Period is put on the end of title.

The other students answer the function of period less than 4. From

their answer, it is clear that several students have enough of knowledge in

applying period. So, one of the cause the students still conduct an error in

applying period, it is caused by their lack of knowledge in applying period.

3. Mention the function of comma in a sentence?

Several students only know 3 function of comma, there are:

a. To separate a dependent clause and independent clause if dependent

clause at beginning of the sentence.

b. To separate a list or words/word groups in a series.

c. Comma is used in the end of indirect speech.


From their answer, it can be seen that students have so limited

knowledge in applying comma. As the writer explained in chapter II,

according to Straus and Kirkman, comma has several functions which are

more than three functions. And students in this research lack of the

knowledge in applying comma, so it is clear that this becomes the cause of

the dominant students‟ error in applying comma.

4. Mention the function of colon in a sentence?

Most of the students only give one answer as follow:

a. Colon is used to introduce a list of items.

From their answer, it is clear that most of the students lack of the

knowledge in applying colon in sentence. Even, from students works shows

that most of the students just know/correct in applying colon when the

sentence introduces a list of item. And they still conduct an error if colon is

used after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when

introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do not appear.

From the students answer, it is clear that students know about the

importance of punctuation in writing skill. It can be seen from their answers in

question 1. But, they still do so many errors in applying punctuation marks

(period, comma, and colon). One of the causes is their lack of knowledge in

applying punctuation, and from students‟ works shows that several students

also omit or cannot place the punctuation mark (period, comma, and colon)



D. Summary

The results of this study show some important information. The students

have different ability in applying punctuation. In this study, the writer finds

the factors of students‟ error in applying punctuation (period, comma, and


Here are the causes of students‟ error in applying period, comma, and


1. First, the student lack of the accuracy in applying punctuation. This

case can be seen from the students‟ work which is incorrect in

applying punctuation mark (period, comma, or colon). For example in

P1/S2 : We went there by bus at 07:00 a m. There is a student who has

tried to apply period, but she still does not accurate in applying period.

2. Second, the students omit some of the punctuation mark (period,

comma, or colon). For example in P2/S14: I thought she was a

beautiful kind girl. Many students omit a comma which should be used

to separate adjectives in a series.

3. Third, students have little knowledge in applying punctuation (period,

comma, and colon) properly. This case can be seen from the result of

the questionnaire.




After conducting the research, doing the analysis, and presenting the

results, in this chapter the writer would like to present the conclusion and

suggestion of this study which is entitled An Analysis of the Students‟ Errors in

Applying Period, Comma, and Colon at the Eighth Semester Students of English

Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in Academic Year of 2015/2016.

A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data of the students‟ error in applying period, comma,

and colon, the writer accomplished to the conclusion as follows:

1. Based on the finding of the analysis, to answer the first question, the writer

finds that the students produced three types of error in applying punctuations.

The punctuations are error in applying period, error in applying comma, and

period, comma, and colon.

2. Based on the finding of the analysis, to answer the second question, it is clear

that the most dominant errors produced by students are comma. The total

number of errors in applying comma is 90 errors or 51.7%. The error of comma

is caused by students‟ lacks of competence in applying comma accurately, a

confusing sentence, and comma which has more function than period or colon.

Then, the error of period with the total number of errors is 49 errors or 28.2%.

error in applying colon. The students produced total 174 errors in applying


The error of period is caused by students‟ lack of competence in applying

period, and even they omit the period in sentence. And the last is colon with the

total number of errors is 35errors or 20.1%. The error is caused by the students‟

lack of competence in applying colon accurately and in sentence which can

outwit students.

3. To answer the third question of this study, the writer finds some causes of error

produced by students in applying period, comma, and colon. The causes are as


a. The student‟s lack of the accuracy in applying punctuation marks

(period, comma, and colon).

b. The students omit some of the punctuation marks (period, comma, and


c. The students have little knowledge in applying punctuation marks

(period, comma, and colon).

B. Suggestion and Recommendation

Based on the explanation, to close this graduating paper the writer

proposes some suggestion and recommendation as follows:

1. For Students

a. The students should motivate themselves to practice their writing skill,

especially in applying of punctuation mark correctly. Because this is

very important for them, moreover when they have to make an academic

writing such as graduating paper or the others.


b. According to the findings, it can be said that the students still have some

difficulties in applying punctuation marks (period, comma, and colon).

Therefore, they should pay more attention in the way using commas as it

becomes an aspect of most dominant error they produced.

2. For the Teachers

a. The teachers have to pay much attention to the students‟ error in

applying punctuation marks (period, comma, and colon), because this is

very important for their writing skills.

b. The teacher has to explain and discuss the material about punctuation

marks as the evaluation when they are in writing class.

3. For the Researchers

a. The researcher suggests the next researchers of the similar area, to

analyze more deeply about punctuation in the other academic writing,

thus they can find more various types of error in the use of punctuation.



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Name : Andri Triyono

Student Number : 113 12 149

Place and Date of Birth : Magelang, Februari 23rd

, 1992

Address : Cepit Wetan, Rt 002/Rw 001, Desa Banyuwangi,

Kecamatan Bandongan, Kabupaten Magelang.

Phone Number : 085 643 488 007

Education :

1998-2004 : Elementary School (SD N Trasan II), Kecamatan

Bandongan, Kabupaten Magelang.

2004-2007 : Junior High School (SMP N 4) Kota


2007-2010 : Senior High School (SMA N 1 Bandongan),

Kabupaten Magelang.

2012-2016 : English Education Department Faculty of State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga