2015 MEDIA KIT - ink-live.com · 2015 MEDIA KIT l InTroDucTIon. 3 45.6 ... magazine on the subway -...


Transcript of 2015 MEDIA KIT - ink-live.com · 2015 MEDIA KIT l InTroDucTIon. 3 45.6 ... magazine on the subway -...



United Spending power

HemiSpHereS #1 in:

$2.9 TrillionHeld in


$17.4 BillionApparel

$1.2 BillionFragrances

$938 MillionCameras


Mixed DrinksPer Month

8 BillionHome


$8.3 Billion

Fine Jewelry

$10.6BillionPurchase/Lease MY14 Auto


Fine Dining

$718 MillionWatches


Mobile Phones

inFLUentiAL | AFFLUent | gLoBALUnited Hemispheres reaches a highly influential group of global travelers.Business and leisure travelers who are second to none in terms of affluence, spending, professional/managerial and much more. And they love their award-winning Hemispheres magazine.

tHe poweroF UnitedHemiSpHereS

Sources: 2014 GfK MRI Spring

Median Household IncomeProfessional/Managerial

Top 9 Job TitlesCompany Size: 1,000+

Median Individual Employment IncomeBusiness Procurement

of Goods/ServicesHHI $75,000+HHI $100,000+IEI $75,000+IEI $100,000+IEI $150,000+IEI $200,000+

Holds a Valid PassportAny Airline Round Trips6+ Airline Round Trips

Any Business Round Trips by PlaneAny Leisure Round Trips by Plane

Any International Airline Round TripsFlew First or Business Class

15+ Hotel Nights15+ Business Hotel Nights15+ Leisure Hotel Nights

3+ Times Dining at Fine Restaurants per Month

2015 MEDIA KIT l InTroDucTIon


45.6median age

$128,800median household income

$86,700median individual income

$365,066median value of home

$532,323median household net worth

55%/45%male/female ratio


70%age 25-54

91%any college coursework

68%bachelor’s degree or further


Key demogrApHicS

2015 MEDIA KIT l DEMogrAphIcs

Rate Base: 560,000

Sources: 2014 GfK MRI Spring


Unitedthe world’s leading airline

139 millionannual passengers

5,251flights per day

201.7 Billionrevenue passenger miles flown

450 millionhours spent onboard our aircraft

374destinations across six continents

#1 US marketsnew york/newark, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, washington, d.c., houston, denver, and many more...

#1 US Airlineasia, australia/pacifica, mexico, canada, and the middle east

ABoUt UnitedUnited Airlines and United Express operate an average of more than 5,200 flights a day to more than

374 airports across six continents. In 2013, United and United Express operated nearly two million flights carrying 139 million customers. With hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angles, Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., United operates more than 700 mainline aircraft and, in 2014, will take delivery of 35 new Boeing aircraft, including the 787-9 as the North American launch customer, and will

add 32 new aircraft to United Express. United Airlines is a founding member of Star Alliance, which provides service to 192 countries via 27 member airlines. More than 85,000 United employees reside in

every U.S. state and in countries around the world

Source: United Airlines Pressroom / U.S. Department of Transportation

2015 MEDIA KIT l InTroDucTIon


editoriAL miSSion Hemispheres is written for the affluent, curious, sophisticated citizen of the world. Blending long-form journalism with trend stories, think pieces and service, Hemispheres’ award-winning editorial covers the broad range of topics our discerning audience craves—travel, technology, business, fashion, luxury goods, food and drink, sports, luxury cars and global culture—all presented in an upscale, beautifully designed package.



3pd 2015cALendAr












DEcEMbErSAn JuAn, Pr

*subject to change

tHree perFect dAyS Hemispheres’ signature travel piece offers readers an experiential, in-depth and exceptionally vivid look at some of the world’s great destinations. Tag along with locals and trend-setters as they visit must-see attractions and uncover hidden gems. From experiencing the finest hotels to doggedly hunting for the best place to buy the local delicacy, our “Three Perfect Days” features help travelers make the most of their globe-trotting.

“My wife and I we were inspired by the “Three Perfect Days” series in Hemispheres magazine as we planned our 47-day, 12-country, “around-the-world” honeymoon. Along the way we used “Three Perfect Days” on our iPad as our guide to find the best each city had to offer. “Thank You” to Hemispheres magazine & United for the inspiration and for always being a fantastic and reliable partner in our travels.



edit + deSign AwArdS• New York Travel Writers Society; 2013 Travel Magazine of the Year (May 2013)

• North American Travel Journalists Association; Best U.S. Inflight Magazine 2012 (January 2013)

• North American Travel Journalists Association; “Best Travel Series for Three Perfect Days” for 2012 (January 2013)

• 2012 Magnum Opus Awards Bronze for Best Table of Contents Editorial and Silver for Best Use of Illustration (June 2012)

• The Society of Publication Designers; Silver Medal for Best Design Feature (Non-Celebrity)(January 2011)

• Folio - Gold Ozzie for Best Use of Typography (January 2011).



2015 edit FeAtUreSeach month, Hemispheres presents a colorful, comprehensive feature package that takes a seasonal look at stand-out places, people and things around the world.

JAnUAry: the Hemi hot list: 25 things to see and do in 2015.

FeBrUAry: films that made us book a flight.

mArcH: fashion.

ApriL: the world’s next great cities: detroit, atlanta, mexico city, oakland.

mAy: the world’s next great food towns: houston, reykjavik,lisbon and bray, england.

JUne: summer beach reads. a round-up of the best books of summer.

JULy: the new mixologists. following in the footsteps of celebrity chefs, bartenders are making names for themselves by looking forward, brushing up on their chemistry, polishing their lab equipment, and breaking out the quirkiest, most esoteric ingredients. we’ll profile the most innovative mixologists in the business.

AUgUSt: adventure.

SeptemBer: fashion

octoBer: tech.

novemBer: the best ski resorts you’ve never heard of.

decemBer: car-free islands.



LINE DRIVEMotoring from Yankee Stadium to the Baseball Hall of Fame in the sleek

Infi niti Q50 Hybrid PremiumBY JUSTIN GOLDMAN

ENGINEWe’ve sat behind enough

Priuses (Prii?) going 5 mph under the speed limit to know that drivers of hybrids have a reputation for slowness. We did our best to dispel such notions, punching the accelerator and pu� ing the 3.5 L, 360-hp V6 engine to the test as we zoomed onto the New York State Thruway.

CONSOLEWe found ourselves lost

a� er making a wrong turn in the small town of Walton. But the Infi niti InTouch system, with dual touch screens, made it easy to bring up a map that got us back to Delaware County Road 21. Let’s just keep the illegal U-turn we made on Prospect Avenue between us, yes?

TRUNK CAPACITY Cooperstown’s Main

Street is lined with baseball memorabilia shops—a problem for our wallets but not for the 9.4-cubic-foot trunk, which we stuff ed with mementos. An orange T-shirt that says “I don’t o� en hate, but when I do, I prefer to hate the Dodgers”? These longtime Giants fans will take two, please.

ITINERARYWe celebrated baseball’s

return by driving from Yankee Stadium to the Baseball Hall of Fame (celebrating its 75th anniversary this year) in Cooperstown, N.Y. In solidarity with the green spirit of spring and one of the few nations that loves baseball as much as we do, Japan, we did the 185-mile trip in an Infi niti Q50 Hybrid.




STEERINGWe hopped off the

Thruway at Harriman and took country roads through the Catskills, but we weren’t just smelling the roses; we were busy cycling through the car’s seven gears using the paddle shi� ers on the steering column. The Direct Adaptive Steering and Active Lane Control systems kept us glued to the road.

BODYThe Q50’s sleek lines

were a bit out of place amid the pickup trucks of upstate New York, but they’re for more than just aesthetics: The Infi niti’s drag coeffi cient of 0.26 is on the low end for a luxury sedan. It’s like dra� ing a slugger for his bat, only to fi nd out he can also make some ni� y plays in the fi eld.

SAFETYThe Q50 features Predic-

tive Forward Collision Warning, which beeps if you get too close to the car in front of you and automatically applies the brakes before you crash. We didn’t need the nanny brakes, but the alarm alerted us when we came up on George Washington Bridge traffi c like Rickey Henderson diving into a stolen base.

PRICE: $44,300

BOARDING PASS If you’re ready to catch a ballgame at Yankee Stadium or start your own road trip to Cooperstown, United off ers a full lineup of fl ights daily into our hub at New York/Newark. MileagePlus members can take a swing at their own memorable experiences with new

online auctions off ered every month. For more information or to make a bid, visit united.com.

SOUND SYSTEM One of the exhibits at the

Hall of Fame has a baseball bat–shaped guitar made for John Fogerty, so it seemed apt that we pulled into town blasting Fogerty’s hit “Centerfi eld.” The Q50’s Bose Studio on Wheels audio system, with three speak-ers in the instrument panel alone, was louder than Yankee Stadium in October.

R1_p050_HEM0514_RoadTrip.indd 50 09/04/2014 10:00

reAderS Love Hemi“Dear Hemispheres editors,I just wanted to thank you for publishing such an exceptional magazine. Hemispheres…is intelligent and witty, while covering topics of interest to the demographic that spends the most time on United Airlines planes. I read four magazines from cover to cover each month (Vanity Fair, Harper’s, GQ and Hemispheres), and given that I pay the most money for the opportunity to read Hemispheres, I appreciate that it is of high enough quality to deserve its place in the rotation.”

Daniel, via TwitterThat’s love. I get annoyed if someone asks to see my complimentary copy of Hemispheres magazine during the flight.

Christine, via TwitterTo the man reading Hemispheres magazine on the subway - I salute you.


Jessica PezakDirector of MarketingAlyeska Resort & The Hotel Alyeska Alyeska Resort’s relationship with Ink has been one of our most valuable print media assets in the past few years. Ink delivers an incredible product with Hemispheres magazine, speaks to a captive audience and maintains tremendous quality in editorial and paid placements. Our placement in this publication, and our recent placement in Rhapsody, has paid dividends and we look forward to continuing in years to come.

Barry Cohen, President, Luminox Watches“We looked into the performance of our advertising with most of the titles we use in our media plan, and found Hemispheres ads appear to produce more sales for us as a result. This is a partnership we value greatly!”

Jeff Loots, PresidentHenri Daussi“Having just started our partnership with Hemispheres, my main focus was to see how much of the consumer and the trade side we would connect with at JCK show in Las Vegas this year. It’s amazing to see practically everyone coming by my booth and mentioning that they saw me in Hemispheres. How is that for money well spent? P.S. Nobody mentioned Delta Sky once!”

Korin AvrahamThis Israeli lawyer may wear a white bu� on-down and blazer to court, but as the founder of the popular fashion blog Ya Salam, she certainly doesn’t keep her style under wraps during her off hours. Here, she tells us what’s kosher to wear in Tel Aviv.


Tell us about what’s hot in Israel right now. The fashion scene in Israel, like the country, is very young and at a curious stage without a clear identity. The main scene, based in Tel Aviv, is eclectic. You’ll fi nd urban colorful designs next to vintage infl uences, and a world of interest-ing and fun accessories.

The weather in Israel can be intense. Does that aff ect what people wear?The weather is a factor here, but in general I think that there are not too many rules. I mean, in the recent winter [collections] here, we saw lots of pastel colors, which are normally summer colors. Where do you like to shop in town?For accessories, I like Israeli label Hot Crown. They made me a ring that says “Ya Salam.” I had them make one for [Vogue Japan editor at large] Anna Dello Russo, and I gave it to her in Milan. She was so excited. I also love Tami Bar-Lev, who makes hats and hairpieces. You’ll drop when you see her stuff . For clothes, I like Helena, A+ and the Dizengoff secondhand market for great vintage. Oh, and Anaelle Levi for evening gowns. She made my three wedding dresses. Three wedding dresses? Is that normal in Israel?No, but I’m not normal for Israel! It’s so boring to be normal!

Will you wear them again?I already have! I wore the short, Coco Chanel–like a� er-party dress in Milan for Fashion Week, and I’ll wear the straight, white, James Bond–like reception gown to Tel Aviv Fashion Week. We call the back of it “The Treasure” because of all the vintage jewels that drape from it. Can you take us through what you’re wearing today?The clothes are from this store called Helena on Dizengoff Street, near where I live. The sandals are from the Chris-tian Louboutin 20th anniversary collection. And I got my Moschino phone cover in Milan. They gave it away at the fashion show. They’re already on eBay!






wear in ... Tel Aviv

p052_HEM0514_Wear_In.indd 52 07/04/2014 09:50


integrAted SoLUtionS Engage united’s 11+ Million Monthly passengers With Messaging in print, Mobile, Digital and social solutions.

“The app looks like a replica of the paper magazine on the surface. However, it has a few interactive tricks that traditional magazine publishers should take a look at. Navigation, for example, is excellent with simple “page-turning”, with indicators and a table of contents that slides out from the left whenever you want it. There’s an orange ‘links’ indicator at the top left of pages that takes you to web pages related to items on that page. And, there are expanded photo and video content for some articles.

All of these small touches add up to a quality e-magazine reading experience that is better than what I’ve seen in most of the conventional e-periodicals I’ve read on my iPad. Ironically, this app version of Hemispheres magazine cannot be read during takeoff and landings as the paper version can.” -contributing Editor for SocialTimes.com Mobile vertical at WebMediabrands

“Hemispheres gives us one of the best results among all the media we use.”-christoph

Wellendorff, President, Wellendorff Jewellery

“Hemispheres always delivers great leads for our property.”-Jane Shawkey; ritz-carlton residences chicago

ipad App AdvertisingRun an interactive ad in Hemispheres’ iPad App. Embed videos that come alive on the iPad screen, making your company’s static print ad interactive. Hemispheres’ iPad App will offer the ability to download all pages/screens as well as fully download additional video or audio so viewers can enjoy content even when they are not connected. We will also have multiple web links to further enrich brand experiences.

Social mediaHemispheres’ social media solutions include seamlessly embedding your brand into the minds of our followers on Facebook and Twitter; allowing you to acquire new audiences who may not otherwise know about your products or services. From tagging your brand in our social media posts to linking our followers directly to your company’s website, we will work with your brand to deliver an unparalleled combination of strategy, creativity, and technology to produce solutions with measurable results.

2015 MEDIA KIT l InTEgrATED soluTIons


2015 MEDIA KIT l InTEgrATED soluTIons

e-newsletter AdvertisingReach a constantly growing list of consumers that want to stay connected with Hemispheres even when they are not traveling. Hemispheres’ e-newsletter banner advertising offers not only category exclusivity, but also advertiser exclusivity.

Banner: 900 x 100 pixels / Value: $1,500 per monthBased on availability and print buy

hemispheresmagazine.comView features for the current issue of Hemispheres, plus the digital edition of current and past issues of the full magazine. The magazine website gives advertisers additional opportunities to connect with customers as a complement to print advertising campaigns and a way to lead readers directly to their company’s website. Readers are directed to hemispheresmagazine.com via email marketing, social networking sites and from United’s website.

Banner: 300 x 250 pixels / Value: $1,250 per month


SpecSArtworK & SUppLy metHodWe advise that artwork is generated only in the following design programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark Xpress and Acrobat in CMYK. We cannot accept responsibility for any unwanted results from artwork originally generated in any other programs, especially programs such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. We do not accept Corel Draw or Freehand Files.

All nonvector artwork should be supplied at a minimum of 300dpi. Any artwork supplied lower than 300dpi will print blurred. EPS and Illustrator files should have their final output set to 2540. PDFs should be set as follows: overall resolution of 2540, individual line art resolution of 1200dpi and individual bitmap resolution of 300dpi. An Out of Hand alternative to Acrobat Distiller’s press settings is available on request; this is set exactly as required to achieve best possible results.

Please save all Photoshop files as either uncompressed TIFF files or Photoshop EPS files. All Photoshop files must be flattened prior to saving.

re-SUppLying ArtworKWe aim to check and prepare for print all artwork as soon as it is received. If you need to amend your artwork and re-supply it, you must phone the office to arrange this.

We cannot accept responsibility if incorrect versions are printed when multiple versions have been supplied and no phoned instructions have been given.

Artwork should be saved in PDF, EPS, TIFF or JPEG format. Please remember to include all fonts and images required.

CDs will not be returned unless specifically requested. All artwork must be supplied with a color proof. We cannot accept responsibility for any printing errors if no proof is supplied.

mediA LABeLing reQUirementSIssue Date, Agency Name, Phone Number, Vendor Contact, Advertiser, Contact Person, File Name/Number.

eLectronic deLiveryAds can be supplied by email, FTP, ISDN or CD-ROM. For full electronic delivery instructions and file uploading interface see: ftp.ny.esubstance.comUsername: unitedad/Password: rumen59dasd

e-newSLetter BAnner900 x 100 pixels – Static (JPEG)Banner should follow the standard web resolution of 72dpi Please provide URL when submitting banner Banner creative due 15 days prior to the 1st of the advertising month

onLine BAnner (HemiSpHereSmAgAZine.com)Dimension & Positioning• Side Banner: 300 x 250 pixels

Type/Format: Static (JPEG) or Flash (SWF)• Banner should follow the standard web resolution of

72dpi• Banner should have a file size less that 20Kb (50Kb for

Flash)• Flash banner must have link programmed into the banner

• Please provide URL when submitting banner• Banner creative due 15 days prior to the 1st of the

advertising month

typeSetting / Ad creAtion ServiceInk offers a typesetting service and can create an advertisement for you if you provide us with pictures, logos and text of what the ad should say. Please note that this will incur additional charges: Full page: $400 Double Page Spread: $7502/3 Page: $220 1/2 Page: $2201/3 Page: $160 1/4 Page: $1601/6 Page: $90 Changes: $30

Ad ApprovALAll ads are submitted to the airline for final approval. Please do not submit ads that are derogatory toward air travel, baggage fees, travel in general or that are offensive in nature and/or content. Ads including, but not limited to, these criteria will be rejected.

Hemispheres’ ipad App Please contact our production team for app specs.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Ink Production Controller: Stacy Willis - [email protected] or 404.494.7967

Size BLeeD ( WiDTH x HeiGHT ) Trim ( WiDTH x HeiGHT )

Double Page SPreaD 15.75” x 10.5” 15.5” x 10.25”

Full Page 8” x 10.5” 7.75” 10.25”

2/3 Page (VertiCal only) no bleeD 4.562” x 9.5”

1/2 Page (VertiCal) no bleeD 3.375” x 9.5”

1/2 Page (Horizontal) no bleeD 7” x 4.625”

1/3 Page (Square) no bleeD 4.625” x 4.625”

1/3 Page (VertiCal) no bleeD 2.1875” x 9.5”

1/4 Page (VertiCal only) no bleeD 3.375” x 4.625”

1/6 Page (VertiCal) no bleeD 2.1875” x 4.625

CroSSworD & SuDoku bannerS no bleeD 7” x 1.25”

2015 MEDIA KIT l ADvErTIsIng Info


2015 MEDIA KIT l ADvErTIsIng Info

SpAce reSerVATiON DATeS• Jan. » november 21, 2014

• Feb. » December 19, 2014

• Mar. » January 16, 2015

• apr. » February 20, 2015

• May » March 20, 2015

• June » april 17, 2015

• July » May 15, 2015

• aug. » June 19, 2015

• Sept. » July 17, 2015

• oct. » august 21, 2015

• nov. » September 18, 2015

• Dec. » october 16, 2015

iSSUe SpAce reServAtion deAdLine Ad deAdLine onBoArd dAte

JAnuAry 11/21/2014 12/1/2014 1/1/2015

fEbruAry 12/19/2014 1/2/2015 2/1/2015

MArch 1/16/2015 2/2/2015 3/1/2015

AprIl 2/20/2015 3/2/2015 4/1/2015

MAy 3/20/2015 4/1/2015 5/1/205

JunE 4/17/2015 5/1/2015 6/1/2015

July 5/15/2015 6/1/2015 7/1/2015

AugusT 6/19/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015

sEpTEMbEr 7/17/2015 8/3/2015 9/1/2015

ocTobEr 8/21/2015 9/1/2015 10/1/2015

novEMbEr 9/18/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015

DEcEMbEr 10/16/2014 11/2/2015 12/1/2015

View the digital edition of United Hemispheres magazine online at hemispheresmagazine.com

HemiSpHereS mAgAZine AppDownload our free app at iTunes

FoLLow US on twittertwitter.com/HemispheresMag

Join US on FAceBooKfacebook.com/UnitedHemispheres

North America/Caribbean/Latin America /Europe: Stephen Andrews

[email protected]: + 1 678-553-8081


New York: 68 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: +1 347-294-1220 Fax: +1 917-591-6247

London: 141-143 Shoreditch High StreetLondon E1 6JETel: +44 20 7613 8777 Fax +44 845 280 2782

Atlanta: 1375 Spring St NW Atlanta GA 30309Tel: +1 678-553-8081 Fax: +1 917-591-6247

Singapore: 51 Changi Business Park Central 2 The Signature #04-11A/12Singapore 486066Tel: +65 6324 2386 Fax: +65 6491 5261

iNk OfficeS WOrLDWiDe



• All rates reflect 4 color bleed.

• Rates are gross and per insertion.

• 15% discount to recognized agencies.

• Guaranteed positions: 10% premium added to earned rate.

• BRC cards: (advertiser supplied/or printed by publisher). Rates on request.

• Purchase of backup page required for all BRC cards.

1x 3x 6x 12x

sprEAD $103,950 $98,752 $93,814 $89,123

full pAgE $57,750 $54,863 $52,119 $49,513

2/3 pAgE $40,525 $38,499 $36,574 $34,745

1/2 pAgE $30,395 $28,875 $27,431 $26,060

1/3 pAgE $20,265 $19,252 $18,289 $17,375

1/4 pAgE $15,195 $14,435 $13,713 $12,028

1/6 pAgE $10,131 $9,624 $9,143 $8,686

1x 3x 6x 12x

InsIDE fronT covEr sprEAD $144,375 $137,156 $130,298 $123,784

InsIDE fronT covEr pAgE $72,188 $68,578 $65,149 $61,892

fIrsT sprEAD $128,350 $121,933 $115,836 $110,044

fIrsT rIghT-hAnD pAgE $64,165 $60,957 $57,909 $55,013

InsIDE bAcK covEr $64,165 $60,957 $57,909 $55,013

ouTsIDE bAcK covEr $77,000 $73,150 $69,493 $66,018


2015 rATe cArD


2015 MEDIA KIT l ADvErTIsIng Info