(16th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT “QUESTIONS ... · PDF file1 (16th Session)...

1 (16th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ————— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Wednesday, the 3rd December, 2014 90. *Ms. Shaista Pervaiz: (Deferred during 14th Session.) Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) the Government’s mechanism to determine the actual number of closed or sick industrial and SME units at present; and (b) the regulatory mechanism for rehabilitation of those closed units? Transferred to Finance Division for answer on Next Rota Day. @40. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state: (a) Whether it is a fact that the Government has withdraw the subsidy on the items of daily use at Utility Stores: (b) if so, the reasons thereefor? Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi): (a) Sugar was being sold at USC outlets on subsidized rates from July 2008 to April 2014. ECC in its meeting held on 14th April 2014 decided to discontinue subsidy on sale of sugar. No other item is being sold on subsidized rates as a regular feature. However, Government gives special subsidy in the Month of Ramzan which still continues. This year Ramzan package was to the tune of Rs. 2 Billion. At present no item is being sold on subsidized rate through Utility Stores. ————————————————————————————————————— @Transferred from Finance Division.

Transcript of (16th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT “QUESTIONS ... · PDF file1 (16th Session)...


(16th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 3rd December, 2014

90. *Ms. Shaista Pervaiz:(Deferred during 14th Session.)

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) the Government’s mechanism to determine the actual numberof closed or sick industrial and SME units at present; and

(b) the regulatory mechanism for rehabilitation of those closed units?

Transferred to Finance Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

@40. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) Whether it is a fact that the Government has withdraw thesubsidy on the items of daily use at Utility Stores:

(b) if so, the reasons thereefor?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): (a) Sugar was being sold at USC outlets on subsidized rates from July 2008to April 2014. ECC in its meeting held on 14th April 2014 decided to discontinuesubsidy on sale of sugar. No other item is being sold on subsidized rates as a regularfeature. However, Government gives special subsidy in the Month of Ramzan whichstill continues. This year Ramzan package was to the tune of Rs. 2 Billion.

At present no item is being sold on subsidized rate through Utility Stores.—————————————————————————————————————@Transferred from Finance Division.


(b) Due to surplus sugar production during 2011-12 and 2012-13, thesugar price remained around Rs.50-53/Kg which was well within the purchasingpower of the general public. Moreover, there have been reports of black marketingof USC sugar to take advantage of Rs.5/Kg price differential and general publiccould not receive the complete benefit of the Government policy. During the periodfrom July 2012 to December 2013 the amount of subsidy involved on sugar salesthrough USC outlets, including TCP procurement charges i.e. Rs.8.6/Kg, wasRs. 22.2 billion. Keeping in view the position, ECC in its meeting held on14th April 2014 decided to discontinue subsidy on sale of sugar.

121. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony bepleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the present Government in pursuance ofArticle 20 of the Constitution for safe guarding religious freedom;

(b) the project-wise total amount incurred on the welfare ofminorities during the last three years till date alongwith thepresent status of implementation thereof; and

(c) the names of the Government Organizations which arebenefitting therefrom at present?

Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony (SardarMuhammad Yousaf) : (a) In the wake of 18th Constitutional amendment,safeguarding the rights of minorities has been devolved at the Provincial level. ThisMinistry has been mandated task of Policy and Legislation with regard to interfaithharmony. In pursuance of Article-20 of the Constitution, the present Governmenthas taken number of steps to promote interfaith harmony in the country, as perdetail given below:—

1. Celebration of religious festivals of minorities at the official level.

a. Dewali-2013, of Hindu community celebrated on04th November, 2013 at PNCA, Islamabad.

b. Christmas-2013, of Christian community celebrated on 26thDecember, 2013 at Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad.


c. Holi-2014, of Hindu community celebrated at official levelon 18th March, 2014 at PNCA, Islamabad.

d. Eid-e-Ridvan-2014, of Bahai’s community celebrated atofficial level on 24th April, 2014 at PNCA, Islamabad.

e. Easter-2014, of Christian community celebrated at officiallevel on 6th May, 2014 at PNCA, Islamabad.

f. Dewali-2014, of Hindu community has been celebrated on11th November, 2014 at PNCA, Islamabad.

2. Re-constitution of National Commission for Minorities (NCM)(July-2014).

3. Senators have been granted share alongwith MNAs for the grant offinancial assistance in Minorities Welfare Fund (MWF)(25th March-2014).

4. Minorities Welfare Fund is used for grant of financial assistance tothe poor minorities & scholarships to minorities students on meritand for execution of small development schemes for the repair/maintenance of the religious / worship places of minorities

Funds Sanctioned for Small Development Schemes (4th Feb. 2014):

Year Schemes Amount inMillion

2013-14 44 Rs. 61.23/-

Funds Sanctioned for Financial Assistance (2013-14):

Year Persons Amount inMillion

2013-14 2786 Rs. 19.78/-


Funds Sanctioned under Minorities Scholarships (28th Mar. 2014):

Year Students Amount inMillion

2013-14 2546 Rs. 20.40/-

5. Minority Students Scholarships rates have been doubled.

6. Looking after religious places of Sikhs and Hindus in the Countryand providing facilities to Yatrees visiting these places.

7. Following expenditure has been incurred on repair / maintenance ofthe religious places of Sikhs & Hindus:

Year Expenditure incurred

2012-13 Rs. 7,805,962/-

2013-14 Rs. 3,151,331/-

8. Minister for RA&IH held meetings with Ulemas of all Muslim sectsat Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta in January-February, 2014 and discussed with them the Sectarian issues. Hepersuaded them to abide by a common code of conduct.

9. Minister also held meetings with minority community leaders inLahore, Karachi and Islamabad in February, 2014 for strengtheningnational harmony amongst all the religions.

(b) This Ministry provides funds for small development schemes of repair/ maintenance of the religious places of minorities. The last three years data is asunder:—

Year Schemes Amount inMillion

2011-12 Nil Due to devolutionof Ministry of

Minorities Affairs.


Year Schemes Amount inMillion

2012-13 70 107.80 (M)

2013-14 44 61.23 (M)

The present status of the implementation of these schemes is attached atAnnex-I.

(c) No Government organization is being benefited. Financial assistanceis extended to the minority individuals and small development schemes are executedfor the repair / maintenance of the religious places of minorities.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

122. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleasedto state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to develop better water conservation techniques, likesmall water ponds, rooftop rainwater system and other measuresfor ensuring timely availability of water for agricultural use;

(b) if so, the time by which the said proposal will be implemented?

Minister for National Food Security and Researh (Mr. SikandarHayat Khan Bosan): (a) & (b) None

123. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that tariffs were revised for coal under thenew policy and the returns on equity have also been increased;if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that requirements of plant efficiencyand quality have been relaxed to allow Chinese investment?

Transferred to Cabinet Division for answer on Next Rota Day.


124. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the present status of Gadani Power Plant; and

(b) the rate of tariff fixed by the Government for power beingproduced in the said plant?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) ThePresent Status of the Project is as under:

Activities completed

(i) Pakistan Power Park Management Company (PPPMCL) setup.

(ii) NESPAK appointment as consultant.

(iii) Master Plan of the project prepared.

(iv) Feasibility studies of the project alongwith topographic, landownership, on-shore & off-shore geotechnical, geophysics,investigations and other surveys completed.

(v) PC-I of the project approved by the ECNEC.

Activities under Process

(i) 5700 Acres of land at Gaddani earmarked and in possession ofGovt.of Balochistan, which is under process of transfer to the project/PPPMCL.

(ii) Prequalification of contractors for construction of jetty & alliedinfrastructure of EPC basis.

(iii) Expression of interest (EOI) for power plants invited and beingfinalized by the PPIB.

(iv) PC-I for transmission lines for power evacuation under preparationby the NTDC.

(v) Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) study completed & finalreport under review by Govt. of Baluchistan.

(b) The Power plants at Gaddani will be imported coal –based projectsfor which the tariff announced by NEPRA is annexed-I.



125. *Ms. Shazia Mari:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleasedto state:

(a) the role of the Ministry for governing food security in the country;and

(b) the mechanism evolved by the Ministry to coordinate withprovinces in achieving its goals?

Minister for National Food Security and Researh (Mr. SikandarHayat Khan Bosan): (a) As per Rules of Business, 1973 the economiccoordination, planning, policy making, import and export and statistics of productionand consumption of food grains is the responsibility of Ministry of National FoodSecurity and Research.

(b) Coordination mechanisms are being developed. Federal Committeeon Agriculture (FCA) has been revived. National Food Security Council is beingestablished which will introduce comprehensive coordination between Federaland Provincial Governments.

126. *Ms. Shazia Mari:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that inflated electricity bills have been issuedto the consumers in Islamabad; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government to rectify the bills and ensureto discontinuation of such practice in future?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) :

• As a matter of fact there is no concept of overbilling or issue ofinflated electricity bills. In IESCO probably August 2014 is the firstmonth of high consumption after implementation of new tariff rates /tariff mechanism i.e. elimination of all tariff slabs except one slabsince 10/2013.


• Though there is slight increase in consumption of 08/2014 ascompared to 07/2014 but, it resulted into substantial increase in billingdue to switching over of consumption in next higher slab and ultimateincrease in billing as per new tariff mechanism.

(b) • In the light of above, billing is neither excessive nor bills are inflatedbut bills are correctly worked out as per consumption and tariffdetermination by NEPRA.

• The billing of common man is not so high and within his capacity ofpayment.

• Already correct bills are being issued to all categories of consumers.However, Cabinet Division has recently passed a decision in thecase No.145/07/2014 dated 22-09-2014, which has beenimplemented in the billing of October, 2014.

• Complaint received from consumers regarding overbilling have beenproperly handled. In case, complaint is found proved, the bill isrectified accordingly by the concerned office.

• Instructions have already been given to filed formations for strictvigilance in this respect.

• As per direction of Ministry of Water and Power-GoP, two (02)Chartered Accountant Firms (i.e M/s Avais Hyder Liaqat Noman-Lahore & M/s Anjum Aism Shahid Rehman-Karachi) have alreadybeen assigned to check the matter, and their report is still awaited,which will be communicated accordingly as soon as it is received.

127. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepsbeing taken by the Government to prevent frequent flooding causedby Lai Nullah in Rawalpindi?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif):(i) Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Lai Nullah Basin (Islamabad/

Rawalpindi) had been installed in 2007, through the Japanese Grant-in-Aid for mitigating flood threats in Lai Nullah. The main objective of thesystem is to provide early and accurate flood forecasting for providingenough time to the locals for evacuation in low lying areas along Lai Nullahand safe passage of flood flows without causing major damages.


(ii) The dredging/desilting at vulnerable points, islands and bridge abutmentsclearance is being carried by WASA, Rawalpindi regularly’ well beforethe start of Monsoon Season.

(iii) Under Long Term Plan, i.e. dredging/desilting work for maintaining thepre-2002 design section, the survey of Nullah Lai from Katarian Bridgeto 1 km downstream of Ammar Chowk was conducted in year(2010-11) and PC-I amounting to Rs. 92.70 million was approved byDDWP on 28th February 2011. Rs. 62.500 million were allocated/releasedby the Government of the Punjab to WASA, Rawalpindi during the periodof three years, which were reportedly utilized. Balance fund amountingRs. 30.20 million, for carrying out balance desilting work at critical locationsof Lai Nullah has been allocated during financial year 2014-15. The workis planned to be completed before start of Monsoon Season 2015 i.e.30th June, 2015.

128. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations andCoordination be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government for polio vaccination ofdisplaced persons from North Waziristan Agency; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to monitor thevaccination process and data collection of children vaccinatedso far?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations andCoordination: (a) Following full scale security operation on 15th June, 2014 inNorth Waziristan Agency (NWA) of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas(FATA) started by the government of Pakistan, there was an estimated number ofabout 800,000 internally displaced people (IDP) with a large number of womenand children who have sought refuge in Bannu, with some moving to D.I.Khan,Lakki Marwat, Kohat Karak and Hangu districts in Southern KhyberPakhtunkhwa.

The exodus created a bi-pronged situation:

(i) Fetching a significant risk since the population importing the intensewild poliovirus circulation to the destination areas;


(ii) It also created a superb opportunity for access to the populationswith polio and routine vaccinations which had been inaccessible sinceJune, 2012.

• An emergency plan has been developed for polio eradicationinitiative (PEI)/EPI including polio plus activities for a period of3 months (June – Sept. 2014.)

(b) The steps taken for polio vaccinations in IDP’s are as:

I. Implementation of augmented permanent target points (PTPs)strategy in view of the large exodus. (total vaccination 1.019 millionas of 12th Nov., 2014 data is as under:

No of OPV doses given at PTPs in South KP & FATA21 May-12 November, 2014

• 1st Filter with key district of NWA i.e FR , Bannu , Hangu, Kurram

• 2nd Filter with key district of NWA i.e Karak, Kohat, D.I.Khan,Tank & Lakki Marwat)

• Number of Vaccination (OPV Polio) 1st Filter: 611,387

• Number of Vaccination (OPV Polio) 2nd Filter: 408,228

• Total (OPV Polio) Vaccinations: 1,019,615

II. Extensive Special supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) inaddition to the already planned both in camps as well as hostcommunities.

4 special SIAs and 5 planned SIAs

III. Provision of routine Immunization services including polio as part ofthe health relief package for the IDPs.

IV. Communication and extensive social mobilization activities supportedby extensive media coverage and analysis to encourage IDP’s forpolio vaccination.


Steps taken for monitoring vaccination process and datacollection by the Government:

i. Robust AFP surveillance networking both for camps as well as hostcommunities.

ii. Polio Rehabilitation Initiative (PRI) for locating the polio paralyzedchildren in the host communities as well as the IDP camps.

iii. Daily data flow of information by creating effective data managementinformation system.

iv. Establishing of a coordinated mechanism with Focal Persons assignedby all the relevant Government institutions/organizations includingPrime Minister’s Polio Cell, Mo NHS, R&C, NDMA, PDMA,FDMA and other national institutions.

129. *Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepsbeing taken by the Government to solve the problems of power sectorincluding fiscal and other interconnected issues like circular debt,affordability and the impact of rising tariffs and balance of paymentsto fuel suppliers?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif):Power Sector is playing a pivotal role in the development of national economy.Viability of the Sector mainly depends upon provision of electricity at affordablerates as well as recovery of cost of supply through tariff.

Unfortunately, in past due attention was not given to generate electricityon hydel source which is the cheaper source of energy, whereas demand of supplyis increasing day by day. Such increased demand was being met through costlyfurnace oil, causing sharp increase in cost of supply.

Following steps are being taken by the Government to solve the problemof Power Sector:

- Mega hydel Power projects are being constructed by Pakistan Waterand Power Development Authority (WAPDA)


- Conversion of existing furnace oil based Power plants to coal basedPower plants.

- Construction of new coal based Power plants in collaboration withChina.

- Construction of Wind and Solar Power Plants through AlternateEnergy Development Board.

- Rehabilitation of existing Power plants for enhancing thermal efficiency.

The present Government has also taken initiatives to revamp Power Sectoras follows:

- Initially an amount worth Rs. 480 billion was injected (Through Cash& Non-cash adjustments) to resolve the issue of Circular Debt.

- Discos have been bound to pay full amount to CPPA on account ofPower Purchase.

- Tariff Differential Subsidies are being released on priority basis forpayment to Power Generators.

- Discos have been given the recovery targets of past as well as currentdues from consumers.

No Government can provide subsidy for long because it hampers theeconomic development of the country. So, keeping in view the paying capacity aswell as socio-economic conditions of the country, consumer end tariff was increased,however, no increase was made for domestic consumers having consumption upto200 units per month. Tariff is directly affected by cost of supply. In case ofmaterializing Coal and Hydel Plants, cost of supply will be reduced, resulting inreduction in tariff.

130. *Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepstaken by the Government to reduce distribution losses, controlelectricity theft, revamp public generation and distributior companiesalongwith efforts made by the government in this regard so far?


Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): Therequisite information is given below:

Steps Taken to Reduce Distribution Losses

1. Bifurcation of lengthy feeders.

2. Reconditioning of LT & HT feeders where required.

3. Installation of LT/HT Capacitors.

4. Provision of new transformers.

5. Load balancing on distribution transformers.

6. Analysis/monitoring of losses on various feeders & taking appropriateaction to control theft and technical loss.

7. Ensuring proper installation of energy meters in order to record correctreading.

8. Combing of high loss feeders with regard to replacement of defectiveenergy meters and replacement of sluggish/defective & low range meters.

9. Billing of new connections within one month.

10. Earthing of neutral point with Meter Security Box.

11. Special efforts for checking of high consumption connections i.e. Industrialand Commercial.

12. Vigilance on rise and fall of consumption.

13. Keeping watch over the working and performance of Meter Readers andMeterr Inspectors.

14. Routification and proper allotment of Batch No. to Reference Nos.

15. To ensure that each disconnection order (DCO) allowed by a reconnectionorder (RCO), so as to avoid chances of unauthorized.


16. Speedy replacement of defective meters.

17. Display of UAN on energy bill for reporting theft.

18. Installation of TOU meters.

19. Periodic checking through M&T and Surveillance Teams.

Steps taken to keep watch and control electricity theft in the Country

Following steps/anti theft actions have been taken to control/prevent thetheft of electricity:

• Constitution of Task Forces.

• Field survey for Kunda connections.

• Rotation of Meter Readers.

• Lodging of FIRs.

• Incentive policy to regularize the Kunda connections.

• Implementation of DAWN RAIDS in the Kunda infested areas.

• A public awareness campaign too is underway to educate the peoplenot: to resort to Kunda Culture.

• Reward for detection of theft.

• Heavy punishment for field staff involved in theft of electricity.

• As per Gazette of Pakistan Offences & Penalties relating to Electricityhave been amended in the PPC & CRPC notified Acts, Ordinances,President’s Orders and Regulations S.R.O. No. F/2(1)/2013 dated31-12-2013 circulated by SO (PF), MoW&P vide his letter No.PF-05(21)/2012 dt. 17-02-2014 (Annex-A)

• FIA department has also been assigned task to control the theft ofenergy which is in progress.


• Punjab Govt. on the direction of Federal Government has constitutedTask Force to control theft of energy under the convenorship ofSecretary Industries of Punjab Govt. and DCO of the DistrictManagement which is under progress.


In this respect ,Government has adopted some immediate measures whichinclude completion of under construction projects on war footing basis and at thesame time has tapped/identified various resources which include solar powerprojects in Cholistan area, wind power projects in Sindh and coal based powerplant at Gaddani Balochistan, Sahiwal and costal area of Karachi. Copy of PowerBalance based on the said projects showing their respective import on bridgingthe gap/difference is attached at (Annexure-B ) alongwith Summary of GenerationAddition


Different efforts are also being made by Govt. for improvement ofDISCOs like:

• Replacement of Old/ defective meters.

• Addition of HT/LT lines. & new Transformers

• Augmentation of overloaded transformers.

• Addition of New connections.

(Details in this respect is attached as Annex-C)

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

131. *Ms. Musarat Rafique Mahesar:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleasedto state the number of Research Centers working under PakistanAgriculture Research Council at present?

Minister for National Food Security and Researh (Mr. SikandarHayat Khan Bosan): Four


132. *Ms. Musarat Rafique Mahesar:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleasedto state the steps taken by the Ministry to ensure food safety so far?

Minister for National Food Security and Researh (Mr. SikandarHayat Khan Bosan): Government has taken following measures and steps toensure food safety to comply with Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS)which include:

(i) Modernization of laboratory services of Mouth and Foot Disease (MFD)in livestock.

(ii) Microbiology and Chemical Labs have also been internationally accreditedto comply with the food safety standard of importing countries.

(iii) Improvement of fishing vessels and hygiene practices in vicinity ofprocessing plants.

(iv) Four boats modified as modular boats and around 200 fishermen’s boatshave been modified.

(v) Food Irradiation Facility at Lahore and Hot Water Treatment Plant inKarachi has also been established by Pakistan Horticulture Developmentand Export Company.

(vi) Vapor Heat Treatment Plant has also been imported from Japan forprocessing of mangoes to be exported to Japan and other countries.

(vii) Residue tests are being conducted in Food Grain and Livestock at PCSIRand Food Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, PARC as per requirement ofthe importing country.

133. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe steps taken by the Government for the revival of leather industryin the country since March, 2008 till date?


Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) is theapex SME development organization of Pakistan, working under the administrativecontrol of Ministry of Industries and Production.

SMEDA’s support for leather manufacturing sector Leather SectorDevelopment Plan

SMEDA’s 5 year SME development plan has been approved by the federalgovernment and has also been incorporated into “Vision 2025”. Under this plan, asum of Rs 1.713 billion has been allocated for the Leather Sector Development. Itis envisioned that after the implementation of interventions the exports of leathersector will reach US$ 2.80 Billion per annum after 5 years. Similarly 210,000 newjobs will be created directly by the sector. During the FY 2014-15 a sum ofRs. 267.50 million has been approved under PSDP for leather sector which willbe utilized to establish 02 REACH testing laboratories one each in Karachi andSialkot. In addition program lending schemes for leather tanning, gloves andfootwear sub-sectors will also be designed.

Other initiatives proposed in the leather sector development plan are:

(i) Footwear testing laboratories

(ii) Footwear training institutes

(iii) Gloves training institute

(iv) CETP at Sialkot Tanneries Zone

(v) Export Market Development—Footwear.

134. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that production in the industrial sector isdecreasing in the country; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to improve theproduction thereof?


Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): (a)

(a) Industry is the second main component of the commodity producingsector of the economy which contributes 20.90 % to the GDP of thecountry. This Sector has recorded remarkable growth at 5.8% ascompared to 1.4% in last year due to policy interventions of thepresent government.

(b) Industrial Sector in Pakistan has four sub sectors including Mining &quarrying, manufacturing, electricity generation & distribution, gasdistribution and construction which have 64.92 % share in the overallindustrial sector. The growth of manufacturing sector has registeredat 5.55 percent compared to 4.53 percent in the last year.

(c) Similarly, the industrial Production in the country has not decreasedrather it has shown a positive trend during the recent past as per thefollowing detail:

(Rs. in Billion)

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

1851.56 1935.02 1984.32 2011.56 2129.07Source: Economic Survey 2013-14.

(b) It is fact that Industrial Sector is facing some problems which arehampering its rapid growth especially power outage / load shedding. The FederalGovt has decided that there will be Zero Load Shedding for all Industrial Unitsthroughout the country w.e.f 17-11-2014. It is hoped that the production in theIndustrial Sector would achieve its targets.

The present Government’s measures to improve Law & Order situationwill also help in increasing Industrial Production especially in Karachi which is theindustrial hub of the country.

The prices of Petroleum products have been reduced and it is hoped thatthese will further go down which will lead to enhanced cost effective IndustrialProduction.

State Bank of Pakistan has reduced interest rate from 10.00% to 9.5%w.e.f 17-11-2014 easing credit issue of private sector and it will be instrumental inenhancing Industrial Production in the county.


Engineering Development Board (EDB) has started Industrial ResearchProgramme in collaboration with Engineering Universities to promote Research &Development (R&D) in local industry and make it more competitive in theinternational market.

Three (03) new Industrial Zones are being established by Export ProcessingZones Authority (EPZA).

Small & Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) hasdeveloped a 5 - Year SME Development Plan (2013-18). The Plan envisagesexponential growth of key emerging and conventional SME sectors, selectedprimarily on the basis of their respective growth potential in terms of employment,contribution to GDP and exports. The SMEDA 5-Year Plan has been included inthe Pakistan Vision 2025 of the Government of Pakistan.

135. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether any inquiry has been conducted to detect corruption inthe Ministry and attached departments during last two years;

(b) if so, the total amount embezzled and action taken by theGovernment in this regard so far?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) Yes.Monitoring & Surveillance (M&S) Wing WAPDA and PEPCO have conductedinquiries to detect corruption during the last two years. Details in respect of WAPDAare at Annex-I while details in respect of PEPCO/DISCOs are at Annex-II.

(b) As in (a) above.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

136. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a grid station is being constructed inGawadar;

(b) if so, the total amount of expenditures to be incurred thereon?





• In Madinah Munawwarrah, 80% of the Hujjaj were accommodated inthe area of Markazia.

• Round the clock transport facility was provided to the intending pilgrimsand around 350 new model buses were hired for giving the pick and dropfacility to the Hujjaj from Haram to their respective building while morethan 50 coasters were hired as a backup support.

• To ensure maximum facilitation of I Hujjaj ten operational/facilitationcounters were established at all the Hajj Directorates in Pakistan whichremained operational round the clock during the Hajj season. Moreover,Makkah was divided in nine sectors and sub sectors where facilitationcounters were established duly manned with moavineen-e-Hujjaj tofacilitate the Hujjaj.

• After decision of Saudi Government for provision of compulsory food,the Director General of Hajj, Jeddah, with the approval this Ministry,awarded contract to four Saudi companies for provision of food to thepilgrims without any additional charges.

• During Hajj 2014, the train facility in Mashair was provided to GovernmentScheme Hajj @ SR.250/ as per agreement signed between MORA & IHand Ministry of Hajj, KSA.

• The Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfain harmony being cognizant ofthe need to provide welfare services including information, health services,facilitation, safety etc to Hujjaj, following missions were deployed duringHajj 2014 for welfare services of Hujjaj:

Seasonal Staff Muavineen-i-Hujjaj Medical Mission270 300 432

• In 2014, the Ministry launched a comprehensive awareness campaign,employing all channels of communication, to provide information, education,awareness and training to the intending pilgrims.

• The Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony (MORA & IH)continued the Hujjaj Muhafiz Scheme launched in 2011 for riskmanagement under the concept of “Takaful” to compensate the affected


Hujjaj/nominee of the deceased Hujjaj in Hajj - 2014. Each Hajicontributed a non- refundable amount of Rs. 400/ into the scheme. Theamount so collected from the Hujjaj would be deposited in ModarabahBanks in Pakistan. The hujjaj are to be compensated against the followinglosses: ———————————————————————Sr. Description Amount (Rs)No.——————————————————————I. Death due to natural 500,000/

causes, road accidents,suffocation or stampede.

II. Accidental disablement 50,000/-resulting loss of one limb.

III. Accidents resulting in 100,000/-permanent disablement ofmore than one limb.

IV. Repatriation / Emergency 300,000/-evacuation due to illness.

————————————————————————• As far as facilities of private scheme hujjaj are concerned, they facilitate

their hujjaj in accordance with their mutually agreed Hajj package whichmay vary from case to case. To ensure provision of the facility by theservice provider to the hujjaj as per their Hajj package, the service providerhas to sign a Service Provider Agreement (SPA) with this Ministry. A sumof Rs. 23 million was recovered from HGOs and returned to the Hujjajcomplaining non provision of promissed facilities.

138. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the IESCOto upgrade the transmission lines of electricity operating underthe administrative control thereof;

(b) if so, the time by which the work will be started to replace those lines;

(c) if not, the reasons thereof?


Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)Following 03 Nos. proposals to upgrade existing R T/Lines are under considerationin Tranche-III (funded by ADB).

i. Replacement of Sangani – Zeropoint T/L with new Double Circuit.

ii. 132KV T/Line Replacement of Burhan- N/Wah Cot 1 & 2.

iii. Replacement of existing New Rawat Sowan with new line.

(b) Mid-2015

(c) Nil

139. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe incentives and facilities being provided by the Government to setup new industries in the country?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): The Ministry of Industries and production alongwith it’s followingorganizations/ autonomous bodies are playing active role for establishment of newindustries in the country.1. Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA):

For units establish within EPZA, the following facilities are available forsetting up new industrial units:—

• Developed land on competitive rates of 30 years.

• Duty-free import of machinery equipment and materials.

• Freedom from/national import regulations.

• Exchange control regulation of Pakistan not applicable.

• Repatriation of capital and profits.

• No sales tax on input goods including electricity / gas bills.• Duty-free vehicles allowed under certain conditions.


• Domestic market available to the extend of 20 %. Exceptions maybe available

• Presumptive tax @ 1% and EPZA service charges @ 0.5%

• Only EPZA is authorized to collect Presumptive Tax at the time ofexport of goods which would be final tax liability.

• Obsolete / old machinery can be sold in domestic market of Pakistanafter payment of applicable duties & taxes

• EPZA units allowed to supply good to custom manufacturing bounds.


National Industrial Parks Development and Management Company isdeveloping infrastructure for rapid and systematic industrial growth of Pakistanand is working under this Ministry. NIP is catering the needs of following industrialsectors in its Industrial Parks:

• Light Engineering

• Automotive

• Pharmaceutical

• Printing / Packaging

• Value Added Garments

• Food Processing


EDB is also available for any guidance the prospective industrialists mayrequire for setting up new industries in the Engineering Sector.



Following incentives are available for establishing industries in SEZs:—

• Ten year tax holiday both for SEZ developers and enterprises isalso allowed under the law

• The Board of Investment (BO1) would provide one-window facilitywithin the zones

• Free facilitation service and guidance to investors by the Board ofInvestment

• The normal incentives for exports is as available to projectsestablished anywhere in the country shall be applicable to exportsfrom projects in the zones

5. Small & Medium Enterprises Dovelopment Authority (SMEDA):

Services of SMEDA are available for technical assistance and advisoryservices for the development of Small and Medium enterprises, 5 years plan hasalso been envisaged by SMEDA for the development of SME’s.

A part from the above, after coming in to power in May, 2013, the presentGovernment has taken following steps to enhance / encourage industrialdevelopment in the country:—

• Setting up of EXIM Bank of Pakistan (Specialized DFI): TheGovernment has decided to set up the Export-Import (EXIM) Bankof Pakistan to enhance export credit and reduce cost of borrowingfor exporting sectors on long term basis and help reduce their risksthrough export credit guarantees and insurance facilities. The bankwill provide liquidity to exports. Its authorized capital will beRs.100 billion while the initial Paid-up Capital will be Rs.10 billion.

• Reduction in Sale Taxes on Tractors from 16 % to 10%.

• In order to encourage industrialization and promote fruit cultivation,plant, machinery and equipment imported for setting up fruit processingand preservation industrial units in Gilgit-Baltistan, Balochistan andMalakand Division, exempted from whole of customs duty.


• To generate employment and encourage industrialization, plantmachinery and equipment imported for setting up industries in FATA,exempted from whole of customs duty.

• Customs duty on UPS (PCT code 8504.4010) reduced from20 percent to 15 percent to provide relief to general public.

• Customs duty on petroleum coke not-calcined (PCT code2713.1100) decreased from 5 percent to lowest slab of 1 percent toreduce input costs for manufacturing concerns.

• The Government has exempted from customs duty and sales taximport and supply of high efficiency irrigation equipment andgreenhouse farming equipment for agriculture sector.

• Mark up rate for Export Refinance Scheme reduced from 9.4% to7.5% from 1st of July, 2014.

• In order to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in manufacturing,construction and housing sectors, corporate tax rate has been reducedto 20% if the investment is in a new industrial undertaking or aconstruction for housing project to be set up by June 30, 2017 andat-least 50% of the total project cost in the form of equality throughFDI. This will also generate employment, which is one of the majorchallenges of the government.

• Duty free import of machinery under textile policy 2009-14 has beenextended for another two years in order to take full advantage of theGSP plus facility.

• A Rs. 4.4 billion vocational training scheme has been launched intextile sector with the aim of training 120,000 individuals over afive-year period. The scheme will offer an Rs.8,000 monthly stipendto the trainees and will run for a period of three months.

140. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state:

(a) the total land of KPT at present alongwith value thereof; and


(b) whether it is a fact that land of KPT has been given on lease forcommercial purpose; if so, the total amount of income receivedduring the last five years?

Minister for Ports and Shipping (Mr. Kamran Michael): (a) As pernotification of 1940/1875, the total land site area under limits of KPT was 76.77Square Kilo meters i.e. 18970 Acres. It includes the areas of Eastern Back Watersand Western Back Waters. As per KPT Act the KPT allots the plot on rentalbasis on short term lease and does not sell the KPT land. Therefore, the value ofthe land can not be assessed.

(b) It is fact that land of KPT has been given on lease on rental basis forcommercial purpose as well as other purpose. The total amount of income receivedduring the last five years is Rs. 2,988,032,009 in respect of rent.

141. *Ms. Shahnaz Saleem Malik:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to date:

(a) whether it is a fact that roads and Motorways from Gawadar toSoost China border have been inaugurated and industrial zonesare to be set up on left and right sides thereof;

(b) if so, whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to set up those zones by protecting fertile lands;and

(c) the sites of the provinces where those industrial zones are to beset up and the work will be started alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): (a) The issue regarding inauguration of roads and Motorways from Gawadarto Soost China border pertains to Ministry of Communication and National HighwayAuthority (NHA). After completion of the roads and Motorways, this Ministrywill be in a position to give reply regarding setting up of Industrial Zones.

(b) Nil.

(c) Nil.

142. *Ms. Shahnaz Saleem Malik:


Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of industries under the Ministry which havebeen effected due to the present load shedding of electricity;and

(b) the steps taken by the Government for restoration thereof?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): (a) Karachi Export Processing Zone (KEPZ) is exempted from loadshedding as such the investors in the Karachi Export Processing Zone are notaffected due to present load shedding of Electricity. However, Fifteen (15) Industrialunits are being affected in Gujranwala, Sialkot and Risalpur Export ProcessingZone (EPZs) by the load shedding of electricity. Besides, all segments of the industryincluding steel sector, Chemical sector, sugar, Cement, fertilizer, ceramics, sportsand light engineering industry like auto parts manufacturing, surgical instruments,cutlery and fan sector have been affected due to load shedding of electricity.

(b) The present government is actively executing diverse programmesfor resolving the energy crisis in the country.

• The Prime Minister has directed zero load shedding of electricity forthe industrial sector.

• Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) has made attempts toresolve the load shedding issue with concerned distributionCompanies of the affected Zones.

• Work initiated on generation of 9780 MW Coal base electricitygeneration (Annex-I).

• Captive power generation is being promoted in electricity intensiveindustries like sugar, cement from bigasse, bio mass, etc.

• Promoting use of Renewable energy resources to mitigate the impactof shortage of energy.



143. *Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepstaken by the Government to control the corruption in the Departmentof WAPDA alongwith the number of officials against whom actionhas been taken so far?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): Detailsin respect of WAPDA are at Annex-I while details in respect of PEPCO/DISCOsare at Annex-II.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

144. *Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether itis a fact that the Neelam Jhelum Project is being delayed; if so, thereasons thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): As perrevised Schedule incorporated in 2nd Revised PC-I approved by ECNEC in July2013, the Project is to be completed by the end of 2016. The reasons for thisrescheduling of the completion of the Project are as under:-

• The land required for the Project was to be acquired by Governmentof Azad Jammu & Kashmir, which was delayed.

• At the Project sites, un-interrupted and quality electricity supply wasrequired for the Construction activities. This power was to beprovided by the concerned Electricity Department of Azad Jammu& Kashmir. However, due to load shedding and quality of watersupply, the construction activities were affected.

• In 2008, the Project Consultants had been engaged, who as a partof their agreement reviewed the whole design of the Project.

• After reviewing the design, the Consultants recommended numerouschanges in design on the basis of new seismic parameters dictated


by the earthquake of 2005 and other technical reasons, causingreasonably increase in the overall scope of work like:

New design of Dam (instead of concrete gravity dam, acomposite concrete and rock filled dam).

Shifting of dam location,

Provision of stilling basis in the dam for energy dissipation.

Increase in diameter of the whole 48 km Headrace Tunnel(HRT).

Concrete lining of the HRT instead of shotcrete lining.

Shallow crossing of HRT under Jhelum river with provision ofsteel lining, instead of deep crossing.

Shifting of power House location.

Miscother / technical changes.

As a result of these changes, the scope of work as well as cost of theproject was significantly increased. Moreover due to increase in scope of workand other reasons, it was not possible for the Contractor to complete the workwithin the scheduled period i.e. up to 2015. Therefore, the completion date of theProject has been extended toward the end of 2016.

145. *Dr. Fozia Hameed:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleasedto state:


(a) whether it is a fact that recent floods caused damage in variousdistricts of the Punjab, due to which ripe crops were destroyedand stored grains were effected therefrom;

(b) the total quantity of grains destroyed in Districts Sialkot, Chiniot,Jhang, Multan and Muzafargarh; and

(c) the steps taken to be taken by the Government to meet thedeficiency of food?

Minister for National Food Security and Researh (Mr. SikandarHayat Khan Bosan):(a) Yes, recent flood damaged the ripe crops of rice, cotton,fodders, sugarcane, vegetables, maize, moong and other crops.

(b) Estimated quantity of grain production (rice & maize) damaged dueto flood 20:14:—————————————————————————————————————

District Crops Area Damaged Average Yield Loss of grain(Acres) (Md per Acre) production (Tons)

—————————————————————————————————————Sialkot Rice 7,475 34,80 10,405,20

Chiniot Rice 19,454 34,80 27,079,97

Maize 3,559 49,40 7,032.58

Jhang Rice 67,059 34.80 93,346.13

Multan Rice 1,766 34.80 2 458 27

Maize 528 49,40 1,043.33

M/Garh Rice 6,241 3480 8,687,47——————————————————————————————Source: Agriculture Department, Govt. of Punjab

(c) The Government has taken following steps:

(i) Establishment of Flood Cell 2014 in M/o NFSR for coordinationwith Provincial counter parts.

(ii) Flood management plan to save seed, food grain and livestock.

(iii) Distribution of livestock feed and fodder by the provinces.


(iv) Damaged area surveyed by dedicated teams of the provinces tosupport farmers.

(v) Payments of Rs. 10,000 per acre to the flood stricken farmers bythe Provincial Governments.

146. *Mr. Abdul Waseem

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Power Projects which will be completedduring the financial year 2014-15; and

(b) the project-wise quantity of power to be generated therefromduring the said period?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)Public Sector-Thermal Power Projects.

1. 747 MW,Combined Cycle Power Plant at Guddu

2. 425 MW, Combined Cycle Power Plant at Nandipur.

(b) The Project wise quantity of power to be generated therefrom duringthe said period?——————————————————————————————# Name of Power Plant Quantity of Power (MW)——————————————————————————————1 Commbined Cycle Power Plant,Guddu 747

2. Commbined Cycle Power Plant, Nandipur 425——————————————————————————————

Total: 1172——————————————————————————————

147. *Mr. Abdul Waseem:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:


(a) the total annual and nomenclature wise quantity of productsmanufactured by Pakistan Steel Mills, Karachi during the lastfive years; and

(b) whether it is a fact that the Steel Mills is exporting its products;if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): (a)

Last 5 Years Production of PSM (Tons)—————————————————————————————————————Products 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14—————————————————————————————————————Coke 344,902 301,452 192,916 203,954 32,501

Sinter 618,422 479,777 310,282 291,260 133,713

Hot Metal 483,298 432,746 242,286 197,802 87,046

Raw Steel 442,439 396,104 208,330 158,960 65,934

Cast Steel Slab 388,650 389,133 206,927 157,461 65,339

Cast Steel bloom 27,333 3,028 0 0 0

Cast Steel Billet 26,456 3,943 1,403 1,499 595

Rolled Steel Billet 45,664 0 0 17 0

Hot Rolled Steel 338,761 357,398 181,177 138,553 58,697


Cold Rolled Coils 91,598 87,884 25,899 14,882 4,146

Galvanized 6,561 2,805 0 0 0—————————————————————————————————————

(b) Pakistan Steel is not exporting its products.

148. *Mr. Sufyan Yousuf:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statecompany and model-wise total number of cars manufactured in thecountry during the year 2012-13 and 2013-14 alongwith year-wisedetails thereof?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): Total number of Cars manufactured in the Country during the year2012-13 and 2013-2014 were as follows :



149. *Mr. Sufyan Yousuf:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Pakistan Steel Mills Karachi is runningin loss at present; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to overcome the lossesthereof?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): (a) Yes, PSM is running in loss at present. Since its commissioning atproduction capacity 1.1 mtpy it has followed a chequered pattern.

It has first incurred a loss of Rs.26.5 billion in year 2008-09 mainlydue to global recession and other factors which continued as elaborated atAnnexure- ‘A’.

(b) The present Government has taken number of steps out of which themost substantial was of Rs.18.5 billion for Restructuring of Pakistan Steel Millsthat has been approved by the ECC on 25th April, 2014. Before that number ofbailout packages were granted by the Government during the period2008-2013 (Annex- ‘B’).

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

150. *Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government to address the complaintsregarding average billing and new digital meters; and

(b) whether any such committee has been constituted by theGovernment to monitor the same?


Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)Following steps are being taken:

(i) Directions have been issued to all CEOs of DISCOs to ensurecorrect meter reading and accurate billing to the customers as pertheir actual consumption.

(ii) Existing defective meters are being replaced with new digital meters.

(iii) Average billing is done to the customers only in case where metersare defective or the premises are closed for reading.

(iv) Consequent upon report for meter defective, defective code is allottedwhich is duly authenticated by SDO.

(v) The electricity bills are issued from Computer Center on the basis ofaverage during last 11 months or corresponding month of last yearas per decision of the concerned responsible officer.

(vi) Strict disciplinary actions are being taken against officials if theirinvolvement in Over/Excess billing is confirmed.

(vii) New soft ware is being updated on which photographs of meterreading will be printed on electricity bills.

(b) The Government took notice of the complaints of the consumersand Cabinet Division directed Ministry of Water & Power to hire independentaudit firm to investigate the matter and put recommendations to the Governmentfor such incidents happening in future.

ABDUL JABBAR ALI, Acting Secretary.

ISLAMABAD:The 2nd December, 2014.

PCPPI—1358(2014) NA(S)—2-11-2014—650.


(16th Session)




For Wednesday, the 3rd December, 2014

54. Nawab Muhammad Yousif Talpur:(Deferred during 14th Session.)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Peshawar Electric Power Company(PEPCO) is adopting the promotion policy of the Government;

(b) whether PEPCO has implemented the decision of theEstablishment Division vide O.M. No.1/3/2007-CP-11 dated31-01-2013; and

(c) whether officers of BPS-18 having age of 50 years and abovehave been exempted from attending Mid Carreer ManagementCourse w.e.f 1-1-2009 for their promotion according to the saidO.M; if so, the time by which it will be implemented; if not, thereasons thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)Promotion Policy of PEPCO is generally based upon the parameters provided inEstablishment Division’s O.M. No.1/3/2007-CP-II dated 24-10-2007 exceptsome changes according to requirement.

(b) The decision of Establishment Division’s O.M. dated 31-01-2013has not been implemented in PEPCO.

(c) As per promotion policy of PEPCO, officers who exceed the age of56 years are exempted from Mandatory Management Training (Junior, Middleand Senior Management Trainings). Any revision in promotion policy retrospectivelywill create administrative and legal complication.

ARSHAD—1358(14)NA(US) PC-9


59. Mr. Ramesh Lal:(Deferred during 14th Session.)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that electricity has been supplied to VillageBori, Post Office Pindi Probian, Tehsil Zafarwal, DistrictNarowal without installing proper electric poles; if so, the reasonsthereof; and

(b) the time by which the existing service cable in the said villagewill be replaced by silver cable and proper electric poles will beinstalled in the said area?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)Infact, very large village Pindi Bori Zafarwal District Narowal has been properlyelectrified by installing huge No. of HT/LT poles and 06 No. (2x100 KVA &4x50 KVA) transformers.

(b) However, there are some scattered shops/houses etc. at the mainZafarwal Shakargarh Road (Adda Pindi Bori) which are enjoying the facility ofelectricity through lengthy cables from existing nearest LT line available. ConcernedOperation Division has been directed to prepare LT proposal for proper renovationof the system.

6. Nawab Muhammad Yousif Talpur:(Deferred during 15th Session.)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state theparticulars of all those Senior Engineers who were transferred byPEPCO from one company to the other w.e.f 01-01-2005 till datealongwith name, Father’s name, date of birth, qualification, domicile,date of appointment/promotion as Junior Engineer (BPS-17), date ofpromotion as Senior Engineer (BPS-18), name of parent company,name of company where transferred, transfer order No. and dateissued by PEPCO?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif):Particulars of Senior Engineers who were transferred by PEPCO fromone Company to another Company w.e.f. 01-05-2005 till date are attacbed(Annex-A).

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

51. Ms. Musarat Rafique Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe province-wise number of Utility Stores established in the country?


Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): Province wise detail of Utility Stores established in the country are asunder:——————————————————————————————— S. No. Province Stores——————————————————————————————

1. Punjab 3,1202. Sindh 9313. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1,3194. Balochistan 3685. Azad Jammu & Kashmir 966. Gilgit-Baltistan 122

——————————————————————————————Total: 5,856

——————————————————————————————52. Ms. Musarat Rafique Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe province-wise total quantity of sugar supplied to each Utility Storein the country since March 2013 till date?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi) Detail of province wise total quantity (Metric Tons) of sugar supplied sinceMarch 2013 as under:—

KPK : 161839.659Punjab : 420038.824Sindh : 153678.752Balochistan : 046953.615AJK : 010881.312Gilgit/Baltistan : 010711.623Grand Total : 804103.785

There are about 6000 utility stores outlets all over the country and it isdifficult to mention the quantity of sugar supplied to each outlet, however, thequantity supplied to each warehouse/region is placed at “Annexure-A”.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library).


53. Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe province-wise total quantity of utility oil and ghee supplied to theUtility Stores during the year 2013-14?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi) Province wise quantity of Utility Ghee/ Oil supplied to Utility Stores duringthe year 2013-14 is as under:——————————————————————————————— Quantity in (M.Tons)Province —————————————

Ghee Oil Total——————————————————————————————

Punjab 62,378 15,989 78,367Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 27,145 9,091 36,236Baluchistan 2,754 1,142 3,896Sindh 7,049 4,007 11,056

——————————————————————————————Total 99,326 30,229 129,555


54. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state:

(a) the location-wise Sea Ports in the country at present; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to establish new ports in the country?

Minister for Ports and Shipping (Mr. Kamran Michael): (a) Thereare three Major Sea Ports in Pakistan as declared under Ports Act 1908.

Two Ports viz Karachi Port Trust (KPT) and Port Qasim Authority (PQA)are located at Karachi. Whereas, the third Port viz Gwadar Port Authority islocated in Balochistan.

(b) At present, there is no proposal under consideration in DirectorateGeneral (Ports & Shipping) Wing, Karachi, regarding establishment of new portin the country.


55. Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony bepleased to state the detail of recruitment made in the Ministry from1-1-2013 till date alongwith category-wise details thereof?

Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony (SardarMuhammad Yousaf): The detail of recruitment made in this Ministry from01-01-2013 till date with category-wise detail is as under:——————————————————————————————————————

S. No. Name and BPS Date of RemarksDesignation Appointment

—————————————————————————————————————1. Mr. Mushtaq Asghar, 16 20.03.2013 Recruitment is made by

Data Control Officer FPSC

2. Mr. Imtiaz Khan 16 20.03.2013 -do-Data Control Officer

3. Ms. Ambreen Gul 16 25.03.2013 -do-Data Control Officer

4. Mr. Khurram Shafiq 16 -do-System Operator

5. Ms. Ammara Akbar 16 -do-Data Control Officer

6. Ms. Anila Bano 16 22.10.2014 -do-

7. Mr.Muhammad Amin 0 2 01.02.2013 Regularized by theChandio, Naib Qasid Sub-Cornmittee on

Regularization byCabinet Division

8. Mr. Waqar Ahmed 01 19.03.2013Naib Qasid -do-

9. Mr. Kausar Hussain 01 19.03.2013 Naib Qasid -do-

10. Mr. Muhammad Shafiq 01 19.03.2013Naib Qasid -do-

11. Mr. Fazal-ur-Rehman 01 19.03.2013 Naib Qasid



56. Dr. Nikhat Shakeel Khan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepstaken by the Government to prevent the theft of electricity alongwiththe improvement made in this regard during the last two years?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): Therequisite information is given below:

Following steps/ anti theft actions have been taken to control/prevent thetheft of electricity:—

• Constitution of Task Forces.

• Field survey for Kunda connections.

• Rotation of Meter Readers.

• Lodging of FIRs.

• Incentive policy to regularize the Kunda connections.

• Implementation of DAWN RAIDS in the Kunda infested areas.

• A public awareness campaign too is underway to educate the people( to resort to Kunda Culture.

• Reward for detection of theft.

• Heavy punishment for field staff involved in theft of electricity.

• As per Gazette of Pakistan Offences & Penalties relating to Electricityhave been amended in the PPC & CRPC notified Acts, Ordinances,President’s Orders and Regulations S.R.O. No. F/2(1)/2013 dated,31-12-2013 (circulated by SO (PF), MoW&P vide his letterPF-05(21)/2012 dated 17-02-2014.

• FIA department has also been assigned task to control the theft ofenergy which is in progress.


• Punjab Govt. on the direction of Federal Government has constitutedask Force to control theft of energy under the convenorship ofSecretary Industries of Punjab Govt. and DCO of the DistrictManagement which is under progress.

• Improvement made in this regard during the last two years is attachedat Annex-A.


57. Sayed Essa Nori:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state;

(a) the total quantum of electricity imported from Iran forBalochistan at present;

(b) the areas of Balochistan to which the electricity was supplied;

(c) whether it is a fact that the electricity imported from Iran issupplied to areas self reliant in electricity;

(d) if so, the reasons of load shedding in the said areas?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)70 MW

(b) The whole Mekran area of Balochistan having 132 KV GridStations at Mand, Tump, Turbat, Hoshab, Panjgoor, Pasni, Gwader and GwaderIndustrial State is being supplied electricity from Iran.

(c) Demand = 87 MW recorded during summer season.Available = 70 MWShortage = 17 MW

As such the areas mentioned above are not electricity self-sufficient andface power shortages.

(d) Load shedding 2-6 hours is being implemented due to shortage ofpower.


58. Mr. Sufyan Yousuf:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the monthwise detail of the total amount paid by the Government to each ofthe power generation company during the last three fiscal years tilldate?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): Monthwise detail of the total amount paid by the Government to each of the powergeneration company during the last three fiscal years till date is at Annexure-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

59. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho:

Will the Minister for National Heath Service, Regulations andCoordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that tablet soposbuvir for treatment ofHepatic Hepatitis C has been included in the essential drug list;and

(b) if the answer to part (a) is in the negative the reasons thereof?

Minister for National Health Services Regulation and Coordination:(a) Tablet soposbuvir for treatment for Hepatic Hepatitis C is not indicated in theessential medicine list published by WHO in April, 2013 and adopted by Pakistanin 2014.

(b) Since it is a new induction in the field of hepatology which has gotregulatory approval by FDA in 2014, Drug Registration Board accordinglyregistered this product in Pakistan. Further process of inclusion of this product inthe essential medicine list will be undertaken at the time of revision of essentialmedicine list after adaptation of due process.

60. Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe total number of carpet manufacturing institutions working in thecountry aiongwith the steps being taken by the Government topromote the said industry?


Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): As per information given in report on “Industry Ratings & StrategicPositioning 2013” developed jointly by National University of Science andTechnology( NUST) and National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), the number ofcompanies in Carpets & Rugs sector is 250. The exports of carpets have marginallyincreased in 2012-13 and recorded to the tune of Rs.122.42 million as comparedto Rs.120.78 million in 2011-12. The Government would ensure to address thecarpet sector issues with special focus on infrastructural development, skilldevelopment and research to enhance the productivity of carpets.

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) is theapex SME development organization of Pakistan, working under the administrativecontrol of Ministry of Industries and Production. SMEDA is taking initiatives forestablishment and promotion of small and medium industries including CarpetManufacturing Industry in the country. In this regard, SMEDA has establishedhelpdesks providing guidance for Project Identification/implementation and alsoprovides Business Development Services.

61. Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the totalnumber of persons appointed in the attached departments of Ministryduring the last five years alongwith the province-wise quota and meritobserved therefor?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): SixtyFive (65) appointments have been made in Pakistan Public Works Departments(P.W.D) during last five years. Details are placed below:———————————————————————————————

S. No. Quota No. of Appointee——————————————————————————————

1. Merit 082. Punjab 353. Sindh-R 054 . Sindh-U 055. KPK 066. G.B. / FATA 017. Balochistan 048. AJK 01

——————————————————————————————Total 65



During the same period, the following appoints have been made in EstateOffice.——————————————————————————————

S. No. Quota No. of Appointee——————————————————————————————

1. Balochistan (Under Aghaz-e Haqooq-e 05Balochistan Package.

2 . Punjab 01

3. Sindh-U 01

4. Prime Minister Assistance Package for 03families of diseased employees.

——————————————————————————————62. Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to statethe total number of persons appointed in the Ministry during the lastfive years alongwith the provincial quota and merit observed therefor?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza KhanJatoi): Syed Mehmood Ali, Ex-Cost Accountant of BS-18 was the only officerappointed through FPSC during the last five years. Now, the officer has beenrelieved from the Ministry due to appointment in National Accountability Bureau,Islamabad as Deputy Director (BS-18). However, 57 persons were appointed inBs-1 to BS-15/16 in accordance with the merit and provincial / regional quota inthe Ministry of Industries & Production, Islamabad (Annexure-A).



63. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the names,parentage designation, educational qualifications, place of domicileof the persons with disabilities appointed in BPS-1 to 20 on regular,contract and daily wages basis in the said Division during the periodform 1st January, 2008 to 1st May, 2012 alongwith the details ofpresent job status of each employee thereof?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani):Pakistan Housing Authority (PHA) Foundation has appointed two (02) employeesand FGE Housing Foundation has appointed one employee against the disabledquota. Detail are placed at Annex-I.



64. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleasedto state the names, parentage designation, educational qualifications,place of domicile of the persons with disabilities appointed in BPS-1to 20 on regular, contract and daily wages basis in the said Divisionduring the period form 1st January, 2008 to 1st May, 2012 alongwiththe details of present job status of each employee thereof?

Minister for National Food Security and Research (Mr. SikandarHayat Khan Bosan): Nil

65. Mr. Shahab Ud Din Khan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether Rs.94 billion allocated for developmental work in FATAhave been transferred to WAPDA in lieu of electricity bills; if so,the details thereof; and

(b) the mechanism evolved in FATA to charge consumers withelectricity bills?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): Anamount of Rs.94 billion is not allocated for development work in FATA throughTESCO.

(b) The units received at grid station are billed to consumers accordingto metering at grid station and connected load with duration of supply.

66. Mr. Shahab Ud Din Khan:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations andCoordination be pleased to state the steps being taken by theGovernment to give preference to polio effected applicants desiringto become part of the anti-polio mobilizations teams with a view toconvince the public in a better way?


Minister for National Health, Services, Regulations andCoordination:

• The recruitment of polio inflicted individuals working as socialmobilizers for the Polio Eradication programme is encouraged asthey could be great polio advocates through the third party vendors(CHIP/CTC).

• One of the examples is Mr. Abrar who was a Social Mobilizer inKarachi, and with his due hard work, he has been promoted to thelevel of Union Council Communication officer. As these people cannotbe a nominated by the Government, the polio-affected person has tofulfill the criteria accordingly for the specific function and have toundergo the hiring process organized by the third party vendor (CHIP/CTC): Details at Annex-I

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

67. Nawab Muhammad Yousif Talpur:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the power/authority of PEPCO, NTDCL, DISCOs and GENCOsto promote and upgrade officers of BPS-17 and above alongwiththe particulars of those officers promoted and upgraded,separately with effect from 1-1-2010 till date;

(b) the fate of all those promotions and up-gradations of officersfrom BPS-17 and above made unauthorizedly beyond their powerby the NTDCL, DISCOs and GENCOs from 1-1-2010 till date;and

(c) the particulars of all remaining eligible officers due for promotionand up-gradation with or without trainings therefor?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)PEPCO is competent to promote officers from BPS-18 to 19 and BPS-19 to 20.Companies are competent to promote officers from BPS-17 to 18.

PEPCO is empowered to grant upgradation from BPS-19 to 20,whereas the Companies are empowered for upgradation from BPS-17 to 18


and BPS-18 to 19.List of officers granted time scale upgradation by PEPCO is attached at



Time Scale Up-gradation

The companies have been empowered for grant of Up-gradation fromBPS-17 to 18 and BPS-18 to 19. Therefore, no irregularity has been occurred inUp-Gradation upto BPS-19. However, Companies except GENCOs, TESCOand SEPCO allowed Upgradation from BPS-19 to 20 (without any delegationfrom PEPCO) from different dates without taking into account the element ofcentralized seniority so some senior officers could not be allowed Up-gradationwhich resulted into anomaly amongst seniors and juniors.

Above situation is being reviewed at PEPCO level to evolve a policy tobe implemented in all Companies on uniform basis.


PEPCO has delegated powers to the Companies for promotion fromBPS-17 to BPS-18 whereas the powers for promotion from BPS-18 to 19 andBPS-19 to 20 are rested with PEPCO. Some of Companies have promotedofficers at their own level in above grades without any devolution . Such irregularpromotions have not been regularized by PEPCO and such officers are beingconsidered for promotion by PEPCO on their turn on the basis of centralizedseniorities maintained at PEPCO level.

(c) The list of officers in BPS-19 who were not given this facility inBPS-20 is at Annex-B.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

68. Nawab Muhammad Yousif Talpur:Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whetherthe “Assistance package for families of Government employees whodie in service” notified by Establishment Division vide O.M No.7/40/2005-E-2 dated 13-06-2006 amended vide O.M No.8/10/2013-E-2dated 20-10-2014 with the approval of Prime Minister is applicable


to the employees of WAPDA and PEPCO related companies or not;if so, the details of employees whose families have so far beencompensated; if not, reasons thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif):


• In terms of Clause 17 & 18 of WAPDA Act. 1958 amended from time totime, WAPDA Authority is competent to frame its terms of service /service rules for its employees. The Assistance Package for the families ofGovernment employees who die in service notified by Government ofPakistan vide O.M dated 16-6-2006 was adopted in WAPDA on thedemand of Labour Union (CBA) according to its own circumstances asper detail given below:—

a. 75% pension to the spouse of the deceased son till the youngestchild attain the age of 18 years vide O.M dated 05-7-2007.

b. Retention of WAPDA accommodation for widow vide office orderdated 12-6-2007.

c. Free education facility to the child of deceased WAPDA employeesvide O.M dated 02.6.2007.

• Further following financial compensation is also admissible to the familiesof WAPDA employees who die in service as a result of Sabotage /Terrorism / Mine Blasts or security related deaths notified vide office orderdated 16-11-2006.

Employees in BPS Amount (Rs.)

1 to 15 500,000/

16 to 19 1,000,000/

20 and above 1,500,000/-

• Approximately 813 families (WAPDA/PEPCO) have been compensatedunder above said package of financial assistance.


The amendments notified by Establishment Division vide O.M. No. 8/10/2013-E-2 dated 20-10-2014 will be considered for its adoption in WAPDA asand when received officially through Ministry of Water & Power, GoP, Islamabad.


The referred Assistance Package is not adopted by PEPCO/CorporatizedEntities. However, PEPCO/ Corporatized Entities are extending different kinds ofassistances/compensations to the families of employee who die in service.

1. Employment of a child (adding to accommodate widow (wife) incase of child is not eligible.

2. Retention of accommodation upto two years.

3. Financial Compensation to the families of Employees of PEPCO/itsCorporate Entities who die in service as a result of Sabotage/Terrorism/Mine Blasts or Security related deaths as under:—

Employee in BPS Amount

1-5 Rs.500,000

16-19 Rs.1,000,000

20 & above Rs.1,500,000

ABDUL JABBAR ALI, Acting Secretary.

ISLAMABAD:The 2nd December, 2014.

PCPPI—1358 (14) NA—2-11-2014—650.