1) in What Way Does Your Media

1) In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media text? Magazine cover



Transcript of 1) in What Way Does Your Media

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1) In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media text?Magazine cover

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Construction of character we used the codes and conventions of this magazine in order to conform to the horror genre. As we were inspired particularly by one magazine cover of the man pulling a face which looks like he is screaming. Therefore we also had our actor pulling a extreme facial expression of him scrunching up his face. We decided to use this code as we wanted the actor that is behind the mask to continue to hide his identity in some way, in order for it to follow the poster and trailer at the same time. By doing this it highlights a sense of hiding and being ashamed as he is unable to show the audience his face. we were able to develop this convention further however, by using a different facial expression. We made him keep his mouth closed, instead of following the exact same facial expression of the magazine cover that inspired us, as we felt that this magazine cover, the man looked more in pain. Therefore we were able to develop this to make our actors expression to appear the opposite. Although he may be ashamed as he is hiding his facial features through the squint we felt he almost at the same time looked smug about it be half smiling. As well as this by using this facial expression we were able to construct the character closed off. This was used in order to create the feeling of isolation and distance between the audience and the actor which conform to the horror genre. By taking away the actors mask and photographing him in this cowardly light with his facial expression is suggests to the audience that the man is in fact nothing without his mask. We as a group decided to use an extreme close-up once again to follow this sense of the actor trying to hide his facial expression, as the audience are not able to get a full vision of the actors appearance ( his hair, what he is wearing for example).

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Examples of other electric sheep magazines

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Editing ▪ We used the codes and conventions of this magazine in order to conform to the horror

genre. After looking at other magazine covers developed by electric sheep (images above), we noticed they many of their front cover images black and white. We edited the magazine photo by editing it on Adobe Photoshop and making it black and white also in order to conform to this. As not only did we felt it looked effective but we felt by making the image black and white it gave a bold sinister feel as these colours (especially black) are associated with horrors for example good and evil being a strong theme . This helped our own personal magazine cover effectively fit in to the style and presentation that electric sheep use.

▪ Another reason we decided to make the image monochrome is because it portrays the horror genre. As by using this code and convention of typical horror colours it promotes our film within the sinister and unsettling light we wanted to. As well as this it will attract our target audience as it is unusually and unique due to the dull monochrome front.

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1) In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media text?poster

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Use of title and font types Regarding position of the main title within horror posters. We noticed that they are usually place the title within the middle in order to make it the main focus of the poster and suggest important. Therefore we used this convention by placed the text in the same positioning and enlarging it in order for the main focus to be on it. when choosing the colouring for the titling and what works well against the black background. We took inspiration from the colours Anabelle used. And therefore we used the same of light grey and red. This at the same time uses the codes and conventions of the horror genre as colours like red is associate with elements of horror like blood and danger. However by using this code and convention we decided to develop it further by reversing the colours, making it light grey in order for it to present bold and clear against the black background and red as the tagline in order to suggest the element of danger within the film with protecting your family. We then placed out tag line text about the title, making it allot smaller reading “how far would you got to protect your family ?” just like the way Annabelle has. Therefore we have once again used this code and convention.

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Construction of character We used typical codes and conventions within the construction of the character, and conforming to the horror genre through the use of positioning. As the audience are unable to see have the face of the clown, which connotes mystery but also a sinister feel torwards it due to the fact his identity is hidden, this will cause the viewer of this poster to feel uncomfortable as the clown is almost looking torwards them. this causes a sinister feel making it conform to the horror genre We also used the codes and conventions of the clown mask through the colouring. In order to make it stand out we decided to put it against a black background. A carton effect was created which we took the inspiration from the poster of the film ‘Annabelle’. Through the use of the prominent bright colouring it makes it stand out and be bold. This makes it more sinister as fear is created amongst the audience which is what all horrors main aim is to do

aspects that needs to be considered when applying to the forms and conventions of the horror genre is the representation of the clown as it is the first view of the film the viewer will receive. therefore within the way we have shown the villain sets off a feeling of fright for the audience within the colouring and the positioning, the audience now have high expectations for the formation of the character within the film ‘The Final Plea’.

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Use of institutional information

Intuitional information is very important , as it gives a professional feel and is used to make the viewers interested in watching the film . This information includes the actors names, the rating and credit line and critical reviews, as well as the date of release . Within the credit line we include Facebook and twitter links that are extremely important as it overall targets are main target audience as they are all frequent users of these websites. The critical view and the star rating is also vital as it recommends for the viewer to see the film, its an almost guaranteed that the film is very enjoyable to watch. From our research and planning we saw that majority of film poster used obtained critical views, as once again it causes the poster to look legitimate and professional. As we have used the same it means we have been able to successfully use the code and conventions a poster has.

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After analysing other horror posters, we took inspiration from the layout and structure of the film poster ‘Annabelle’ as we felt it was an effective use of space. Therefore when editing our poster, we used this code and convention to conform ,by firstly cropping our image using the cropping tool on adobe photo elements. However we were able to further develop this by placing our image on the other side as we felt it was more effective on making the audience focus on it more.

We were able to challenge the codes and conventions regarding the film poster Annabelle, as with our image instead of using the sharpness tools and putting up the lux we used the pain brush tool instead .I was able to match the colours within the mask with the paint and colour over each bit in order to get a cartoony feel to it and to present the clown mask not as a photograph anymore( like Annabelle did) but as a drawn cartoon

We used the codes and conventions of this Anabelle poster in order to conform to the horror genre. As Anabelle used a black background. We thought this was an effective way of ensuring that the main title of the film stood out , as well as addition information. Therefore we also used this. by Using the paint fill tool I filled in the background completely black covering the shoulders and the hair so the main focus was just on the on the mask as well as the titles placed next to it .