We visualized, we saw, we changed

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of We visualized, we saw, we changed

We visualizedWe saw

We changed

Ville Svärdville.svard@agical.com


Consultant, programmer, architect, tester, ...

Stockholm, Sweden

Curiosity, feedback, appreciation

A talk about



Three chaptersA story

A tool

Observations and benefits

A story of monitoring

Is your team performing?

How about your product?

How will you know?

Once upon a time at

We had a problem

Blunt tools

A hero emerges

GraphiteSet up



Water cooler effectan immediate side effect

Out of the darkness

And so it went on

Lone heroes are a mythTools



A tool


"getting the data in"

"Hello metric"(Python)

import timeimport socketdef collect_metric(name, value, timestamp): sock = socket.socket() sock.connect( ("localhost", 2003) ) sock.send("%s %d %d\n" % (name, value, timestamp)) sock.close()def now(): int(time.time())collect_metric("meaning.of.life", 42, now())

"Hello metric"(Clojure)

(import [java.net Socket] [java.io PrintWriter]))(defn write-metric [name value timestamp] (with-open [socket (Socket. "localhost" 2003) os (.getOutputStream socket)] (binding [*out* (PrintWriter. os)] (println name value timestamp))))(defn now [] (int (/ (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000)))(write-metric "meaning.of.life" 42 (now))

[ demo time ]

"making sense"

Instant availability

Sharing is caring...your data

Data retention


Thirst for knowledge

Familiarity with (odd)behaviour

Increased confidence

Influence on design

A tool for testing

Starting early

Collaborative benefitsNurturing conversation with data

The water cooler effectGraphs attract audience

Natural talking matter

The teamCuring blindness

Making better decisions

StakeholdersOoooh what is that?

Shared understanding of the "technical"domain

Shared language

Is it quite ready yet?

This looks different than before...

ManagersInformation as leverage



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