Tygerburger Milnerton 22 Aug 2012

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Tygerburger Milnerton 22 Aug 2012

Transcript of Tygerburger Milnerton 22 Aug 2012

Email: tyger@dieburger.com Wednesday 22 August 2012 Tel: 021 910 6500 www.tygerburger.co.zaBurger


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7In searchof a song

Too late for love) Dumped baby dies at the gate


“Why couldn’t they have justdropped her off at my frontdoor, I would have cared forher?” asks Alet Bosman as shesoftly wraps an arm aroundthe ice-cold body of the babygirl lying in a black bag on heroffice desk.

Alet, manager of the EricMiles Cheshire Home in Sand-drift, discovered the child at oneof the home’s outside gates yes-terday morning.

Herman Bosman, general as-sistant at the home, was return-ing from his daily walk with thedogs when he noticed the blackrubbish bag at the gate in Bar-row Road.

“At first I thought it was rub-bish that someone dumped,which is something that hap-pens a lot, and it is rubbish daytoday,” Herman says.

However, when he picked upthe bag he felt it was heavy.

“I hoped it wasn’t dead pup-pies. When I opened it up andsaw the material I thought itmight be a donation of clothes.When I rummaged through it Ifelt my hand touch flesh andthen saw the two small, whitelegs sticking out,” Herman says.

He immediately put down thebag and called Alet, yelling thatthere was a baby outside.

“When I opened the bag I sawthat it was a baby. She was icecold and her pupils were dilatedand fixed. I phoned our doctorbut he said it was no use resusci-tating if the pupils were alreadyfixed,” Alet says, still with a ten-der armcircling the little corpse.

The little girl appears to havebeencarried to full termwith theumbilical cord cut and Aletcould only speculate whetherthe child was alive when it wasleft outside the home.

“One would want to believethat they left the baby here in thehope that someone would find italive,” she said.

Last Christmas someonedumped three small kittens out-side the premises.

“We called them CharlieBrown, Horatio Caine and Char-lie Chaplin. They are like ourchildren – so they could havegiven us this one, we would havebrought her up as well. I don’thave any children,” Alet sayswith watery eyes.

“Please write, that next time,if they want to dump a baby, Isleep in the front of the buildingin Corsair Road.

“Just dump it over the walland whistle or something, I willget up,” an emotional Alet says.

The police were called in andwill be investigating a charge ofconcealment of birth.

According to W/O DaphneDell this is the first such inci-dent in the recent past.

“There hasn’t been a casesince an incident we had in Sum-mer Greens last year,” Dell said.

. InMay last year theBabySa-ve Project initiated by TableView resident Kim Ferroli-Highfield saw a safe for motherswho want to abandon their ba-bies installed at the Anybody Fa-mily Centre in Table View.

The safe allows a baby to be de-posited inside a secure compart-ment.

. To page 2.

Alet Bosman of Cheshire Homes holding the tiny hand of the newbornbaby girl that was found abandoned at one of the home’s gates.

Photo: Leon Steenkamp

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 2 Wednesday 22 August 2012Nuus/News

Please come and meet ourbeautiful dogs, puppies,

cats and kittens.Should you be missingyour pet, phone the

AACL on 021 951 3010or email







Coco, Manny and

Buddy are waiting

at the AACL for a

loving home. So if

you need a best

friend, why not

adopt one of them?

KENNISGEWINGVAN ‘N VERGADERINGVAN DIERAADVAN DIE STAD KAAPSTAD‘n Vergadering van die Raad van die Stad Kaapstad word op Woensdag 29 Augustus 2012 om10:00 in die Raadsaal, 6de Verdieping, Podiumblok, Burgersentrum, Hertzog-boulevard 12,Kaapstad gehou.

Let asseblief daarop dat daar ‘n beperkte aantal sitplekke in die openbare galery indie Raadsaal beskikbaar is en dat dit dus op ‘n eerste-daar-eerste-gehelp-grondslagtoegeken sal word. As u die vergadering wil bywoon, moet u asseblief tussen 09:00en 16:00 vir Michelle Alberts by 021 400 3708 skakel en ons u van, voorletters enkontaktelefoonnommer voorsien. Alle versoeke om bywoning moet teen nie later nie aseen dag voor die vergadering ontvang word. Besoekers wordversoek om asseblief hulle sitplekke teen 09:30 in te neem.


Dié week op ons webblad:



A 64­year­old Monte Vista woman lastweek met her English half brother forthe first time, who until recently shenever knew existed. They share theirtale of tragedy, ecstasy and fate.


Die sport en die spangees van Saterdagse interskole tussen die hoërskole Bell­ville en DF Malan.

Kompetisie:Vyf lesers kan elk dubbelkaartjies wenna die Franschhoek Uncorked­fees, watop 1 en 2 September plaasvind,




. From page 1.Once inside volunteers are alerted to the

presence of the child by a pressure plate thatautomatically sends an SMS.

Although the safe itself hasn’t seen any ba-bies being dumped Ferroli-Highfield saysthey have aided two mothers in not givingup their children.

“Both the moms saw the notice on the cen-tre’s door and contacted me. The one womanhad a seven-month-old baby and four-year-old daughter.

“They slept on a floor of a shack in DuNoon and the baby was very ill.

“We helped her by introducing her to akangaroo mother, paying the creche feesthat were in arrears and supplied her withgroceries and helped her find a job.

“The other mother had young twins. Wehelped her to go back home to Ciskei aftercoming to Cape Town for work,” Kim said.

She says in all instances they try to reunitethe mother and child. Kim added that shewill investigate the possibility of establish-ing a baby safe in the Milnerton area.

‘There are options for desperate mothers’

Herman Bosman at the spot where the black bag with the body of the baby was found.Photo: Leon Steenkamp

In a recent article about a local teen au-thor (“Teen’s debut novel of spiritworld”, TygerBurger 8 August 2012) itwas incorrectly stated that 16-year-oldKimite Cancino attends the Unity Chris-tian College in Bothasig.

According to the school, which hassincebeen renamed theWinelandsAcad-emy, they were inundated with callsfrom parents questioning its policy as aChristian school due to the ideas con-tained in the Milnerton teenager’s bookToxic Persuade Love: Under the Influence.

It has since been established that Kim-ite only attended the school until Grade1, before attending another primaryschool. She has been home-schooled forthe last four years and therefore has noaffiliation with Winelands Academy atpresent.

TygerBurger apologises for any incon-venience this might have caused.

Teen author actuallyhome­schooled

Cape Town harbour received a visit fromthe HMS Dauntless, a British Naval war-ship – declared the most advanced anti-air vessel in the world.

Pat Downing from Table View along withfellow members of the Ship Society of SouthAfrica were invited aboard the vessel whileits engines were being serviced in the har-bour.

Downing was appreciative of the vessel’ssleek and uncluttered appearance.

“On going aboard I was expecting narrowcompanion-ways, low bulkheads, dim light-ing, oil odours and cramped crew quarters,all the things that contributed to the magicalmysteries of the old ships.

“What I saw was neon lighting, comforta-ble and homely crew cabins, steamy hotshowers, a full-on laundry and a galley boast-ing aromatic smells of cooking like that outof a Bisto jar,” Downing said.

Indeed a far cry from the infrastructurefound in the ships of yesteryear.

The modern day computerised ship sur-rounded by computer screens which resem-bles a games alley, is home to a crew of uni-versity graduates, some of who are still stud-ying.

“I was impressed by the spaciousness andcomfort of this warship compared to olderones I have spent time on,” said Fred Metcalffrom Pinelands.

The ship’s air surveillance radar is capa-

ble of detecting 1 000 targets at a range of upto 400 km as well as detecting outer atmos-phere objects such as ballistic missiles.

The fact that the two Rolls-Royce gas tur-bines do not belong to the Royal Navy butrather are leased from Rolls-Royce on a fullmaintenance arrangement was another in-teresting innovation.

Rodney Marquis from Durbanville, an ex-Naval man, said that he was surprised thatone could not get from the forecastle to thequarterdeck on the upper deck and had to gobetween decks.

Marquis recalls that it was interesting tosee how things have changed in all aspectsfrom the overall design to the most moderncomputerised systems in all departments.

All aboard for thrilled locals

The group that visited the HMS Dauntless when she recently docked in Cape Town harbour were (from left) Buddy Beacon (Milnerton), TimKenyon (Plumstead), Pauline Brueton (Sea Point), George Hendrie, Fred Metcalf (Pinelands), Deric Stidwell (Table View), Leslie Hendrie (New­lands), Rodney Marquis (Durbanville) and Frank Atherley (Sea Point).

The Animal Anti Cruelty League (AACL) willhold a doggy walk/family day on Sunday 2 Sep-tember at the Old Mutual sports fields in Pine-lands at 12:00.

Entrance fee is R50 per dog.Walkers who register and pay the fees before

the walk will pay R40 and walkers can also reg-ister on the morning of the walk.

The walk is 2km. An owner/dog look-alikecompetition, as well as the best behaved dogwill be announced on the day.

For those who want to adopt a dog, this willbe their chance, as application forms will beavailable on the day.

The clubhouse will be open.For more information or registration forms,

visit the AACL Facebook page.Phone Veronica Nel on 021 534 6426.

Take pooch tofamily walk

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 3Wednesday 22 August 2012 Nuus/News



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KANSELLASIE VAN DIE OPENBARE-DEELNAMEPROSES OOR DIE KONSEPBELEID OORGESLAGSGELYKHEIDDie Stad Kaapstad se direktoraat maatskaplike ontwikkeling en vroeëkindontwikkelingmaak hiermee bekend dat die versoek om openbare kommentaar oor die konsepbeleid oorgeslagsgelykheid teruggetrek word.

Verdere aandag sal aan die beleid geskenk word voor dit weer vir openbare kommentaarbeskikbaar gestel word.

Die Stad Kaapstad vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief.


Bosmansdam High School’s annualinterschools against Labori HighSchool is taking place on Saturday 25August on the fields of Labori HighSchool in Paarl.

Netball, hockey and rugby will beplayed with chess, cross-country anddebating takingplaceduring theweek.

Saturday’s first matches start at09:00 with the first rugby teams kick-ing off at 13:50.

OldBoys rugbyandOldGirlsnetballwill take place today at 20:00 and 19:00respectively. Both matches will takeplace at the Boy Louw Fields in Paarl.

Bosmansdam High School wouldlike to cordially invite former learn-ers, supporters and parents of currentand prospective learners to attendthese events.

All invitedto inter­schools


Milnerton Police could have potentiallymade a major breakthrough in curbinghousebreakings in the Royal Ascot areawhen they arrested two suspects who hada wide variety of housebreaking tools intheir possession.

Police are currently investigating the pos-sibility that these suspects have been re-sponsible for a wave of housebreakings inthe vicinity.

W/O Daphne Dell, spokesperson for Mil-nerton police, confirmed that they appearedin the local court yesterday where bail wasdenied, because they both have outstanding

court orders for similar incidents in thenorth.

On Friday 10 August at about 21:30, ahomeowner disturbed the suspects whilethey were apparently trying to break into hisproperty.

They hastily fled the scene in a sedan taxiand skipped a red traffic light, which drewthe attention of a sector policing vehicle.

A chase ensued and then the sedan waspulled over in Montague Drive.

According to Dell a subsequent search ledto the discovery of a crowbar, a variety ofremotes and housebreaking tools, which in-cluded a full set of skeleton keys.

Craig Pedersen, the project manager ofMilnerton Crime Watch, says the suspects

revealed that they were currently staying atthe Formula 1 Hotel in Milnerton and uponinvestigation some stolen items were foundin the unit.

It is believed that the modus operandi ofthe suspects is to move from hotel to hoteland then break into houses in the neighbour-hood.

Pedersen says these suspects could verywell have been guilty of several housebreak-ing incidents in the Royal Ascot area.

“If they were, then it will have a positiveeffect on the number of incidents in this sub-urb,” he explains.

Dell has previously identified Royal Ascotas a priority area for the police with regardto housebreakings.

Housebreaking breakthrough

Little Olympians: Milnerton Pre­Primary also got into the Olympic spirit recentlywhen they hosted their own mini­Olympics. Various events, such as a sack­race, wereorganised. Here is the Penguin Class’s Alexis Chamberlain and Angela Hannan. Readmore on page 7.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 4 Wednesday 22 August 2012Nuus/News


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The St Oswald’s Church in Mil-nerton will be having a bazaar onSaturday, 1 September, from 08:00to 12:00.

There will be a variety of stalls,which will include everything fromfood stalls and kids’ activities towhite elephant stalls, books andplants.

The Anglican Church is situatedin 34 Park Avenue in Milnerton.

For more information contact Je-mima Arendse on 081 213 0909.

Bargains at bazaar

There will be a Paarden Ei-land Wetlands annual gener-al meeting on Monday 27 Au-gust, at 19:00 at the Dutch Re-formed Church Hall in BowerStreet, Brooklyn.

Go and find out more aboutthe plans for improving andconserving the Zoar Vlei wet-lands situated between thePaarden Eiland industrial ar-ea and the residential sub-urbs of Brooklyn, Ysterplaatand Rugby.

All are welcome. ContactHazel Petrig on 021 511 3819for more details about this vi-tal green lung which nowforms part of the Table BayNature Reserve.

AGM todiscusswetlands

Maitland Police will be holding apublic participation meeting, or im-bizo, at St John Church Hall in Co-ronation Hall, Maitland, on Thurs-day at 19:00.

Members of the public are invitedto discuss crime and strategies, aswell as raise their concerns.

Public meeting

CJSA now in West Coast

The Cape Jewish Seniors Associ-ation (CJSA) has realised the needto open a satellite branch of the or-ganisation on the West Coast.

The association has employed asocial worker, Melanie van Emme-nes, to run the programme andlooks forward to catering for theneeds of Jewish seniors in the area.

A meeting to introduce her to thelocal community takes place onThursday 23 August at 15:15 at theChabad West Coast Synagogue, 15Curlewis Road, corner of Porter-field Road, Table View.

Parking is available at the AFMChurch on Porterfield Road.

For catering purposes contact theMilnerton office telephone021 555 1736 or email milner-ton@cjsa.org.za.

*Interior Decorating Workshop

The Bedroom Boutique in Mil-nerton Home and Garden Centre on28 August from 10:00 to 12:00 for aninterior decorating workshop.

Michelle Trim-born from DesignQuarters will be gi-ving an interactiveworkshop called“Decorate like aPro”, teaching thebasics and secretsto interior decora-ting.

Light refresh-ments to be served.

There will be no charge and boo-kings are essential.

KindlyRSVP toNardovanEckonnardo@bedroomboutique.co.za orcall 082 320 7283.

*Business Networking Break-


Hirsch’s Milnerton will be hos-ting a business networking break-fast on 30 August from 08:00 to 10:00.

David Holtzhausen, executive di-rector: BNI Cape of Good Hope, willbe talking about “The NetworkingDisconnect”.

A light breakfast will also be ser-ved, all free of charge.

Booking is essenti-al. Kindly RSVP toNardo van Eck on nar-do@hirschs.co.za orcall 021 528 6700.

*Home of Hope

spring lunch

The Home of Hopewill host a Spring Ce-

lebration Ladies’ Lunch on Satur-day 1 September at 12:00 at the Onthe Rocks restaurant in Blouberg-strand. Guests should dress accor-ding to the theme.

Cost is R250 per person and boo-kings can be done by contacting Ma-rilize or Genevieve on 021 556 3573or info@homeofhope.co.za.

All proceeds to go towards the ho-me which cares for abandoned andHIV/Aids babies.

*St Oswald’s Church bazaar

St Oswald’s Church in Milnertonwill be having a bazaar on Satur-day, 1 September, from 8:00 to 12:00.

Stalls include many food stalls,

children’s activities, white ele-phant, books, plants and more.

Please come along with friendsand family and support this event.

Enquiries: Jemima Arendse on081 213 0909.

*Pet walk event

The Animal Anti-Cruelty LeagueCape Town will host a 2 km TailTalk Walk event on Sunday 2 Sep-tember from 12:00 to 15:00 at the OldMutual Sports Fields in Pinelands.Entrance is R50 per dog.

There will be entertainment andcompetitions on the day.

Tickets can also be purchased atthe main entrance on the day of theevent.

Reservations and payments canalso be made in advance by makinga deposit into bank account: Stan-dard Bank, 07 146 5820, Rondebosch,025 009. Reference ‘TAIL TALKWALK’ and email confirmation ofpayment to admin@aacl-ct.co.za.

For more information please con-tact Nicole Picksley 072 548 2059.



A local Jiu Jitsu instructor willattempt to grapple for 24 hoursduring a first-ever world recordattempt to raise funds for a stu-dent suffering from cancer.

James Smart, head instructor ofthe Gracie Jiu Jitsu Cape Town dojoinTableView,will attempt toBrazi-lian/Gracie Jiu Jitsu grapple forone whole day.

Smart will be joined by some 60students of the local club and othergrappling clubs for the duration ofthe record attempt.

“During this Roll-a-thon I will at-tempt to roll continuously for theentire event. This will be a world re-

cord and will hopefully be confir-med by a member of the GuinnessWorld of Records,” James said.

“Our goal is to raise R100 000 to-wards treatment for one of our stu-dents, Juan Poerstamper from Ta-ble View, who is fighting Hodgkinslymphoma,” James said, addingthat some of the funds will also bedonated to Cansa as well.

“To help raise money we are get-ting individual sponsorship and re-questing any kind of sponsorshipfrom local companies,” he explai-ned.

The entire event which will takeplace from 10:00 on 8 September to10:00 the following morning will befilmed and highlights will be airedon Power Combat Zone, a popular

show on DStv that showcases vari-ousmartial art related content fromaround Africa.

“We will raffle sponsored prizes,as well as have on auction one pri-vate lesson with the legendary Ry-ron Gracie, the grandson of the cre-ator of Gracie Jiu Jitsu. This prizealone is worth $240. Gracie will visitCape Town later this year,” Jamessaid.

The popularity of this specificform of martial arts has seen theclub’s membership grow in leapsand bounds.

For further information on theevent or to help with sponsorshipcontact James on 082 807 4732 or vi-sit www.graciejiujitsu.co.za/pa-ge/24-hour-roll-a-thon.

Rolling around clock inaid of cancer victim

James Smart from Gracie Jiu Jitsu inTable View will attempt to grapplenon­stop for 24 hours to raise moneyfor a cancer patient.

Photo: Leon Steenkamp

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 5Wednesday 22 August 2012 Nuus/News

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The 23-year-old Thabo Bester, al-so known as the Facebook Rap-ist, received a life sentence at theWestern Cape High Court onThursday for killing the model,Nomfundo Tyhulu (23), in SunsetBeach last year.

Bester was also sentenced to anadditional 25 years on a charge ofaggravated robbery, since he stolepossessions of Tyhulu after hekilled her.

He is called the Facebook Rapistas he used the social networkingsite to lure women to meet him,claiming that international model-ling scouts were interested in them.

Bester pleaded for mitigating fac-tors such as his own alleged rape,

poverty and an alcohol-ravagedfamily to be taken into considera-tion, but acting Judge Judith

Cloete, nonetheless, handed out themaximum sentence.

In September last year, Bester

stabbed Tyhulu in the chest at abed-and-breakfast in Sunset Beach.

On his departure from the bed-and-breakfast in the morning, hetold reception staff that Tyhulu wasstill sleeping and not to be dis-turbed before 14:00 to ensure hisgetaway.

The court has been convincedthat the murder was indeed pre-meditated.

In an unrelated case, Bester waspreviously sentenced to 50 years inprison for raping and robbing twowomen.

He was sentenced to 15 years injail on each count of rape and 15years on each count of robbery.Five years of each robbery was sus-pended.

Life in jail for ‘Facebook Rapist’

Thabo Bester Photo: Peter Abrahams


Getrou aan Dirkie de Villiers sepassie vir motorfietse word ’n mo-torfiets-pretdag beplan as ’n geldin-samelingsprojek vir dié plaaslikekankerlyer.

Dié geldinsamelingsdag vir Dir-kie van Melkbosstrand word op 15September by die Melkbosstrand se4x4-renbaan gehou.

Dirkie het in 2008 by KTM SA be-gin werk om sy vakleerlingskap asmotorfietstegnikus te voltooi. Ge-durende 2009, op die ouderdom van21, is Dirkie met Non-HodgkinLymphoma (limfklierkanker) enleukemie in sy rugmurg gediagno-seer. Dit was ’n aggressiewe kan-ker. Hy moes toe sy opleiding by

KTM staak. Ná chemoterapie hetDirkie ’n beenmurgoorplanting on-dergaan van ’n skenker in Ameri-ka. Die koste was R900 000.

Van die koste is gedek deur dieFellows for Cancer-groep in Melk-bosstrand, wat kankerlyers met hulmediese koste bystaan. Dirkie wasdié groep se eerste begunstigde.

Dirkie, ’n absolute motorfietslief-hebber, het in Januarie vanjaarweer begin werk in wat hy as “sydroom-loopbaan” beskryf by KTMse Kaapstad-tak.

In April – 18 maande na sy oor-planting – het Dirkie ’n terugslagbeleef toe die kanker weer terugge-keer het. Hy het sedertdien weerchemoterapie ondergaan en is nouin remissie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse

Beenmurgregister kon weer daarinslaag om die skenker in Amerika tekry.

Hoewel Dirkie se mediese fondsby die werk vir die chemoterapiebetaal, dek hulle slegs ’n klein ge-deelte van die oorplanting self. Dieoes van die beenmurg in Amerikaen die vervoerkoste om die been-murg in die land te kry, beloop so-wat R250 000. Dit sluit dan ook nieander bykomende mediese koste innie. “Hyhet sowatR300 000nodig endit is die rede vir ons geldinsame-lingsprojek,” sê Dirkie se ma, Ela-na. Dit beloof om ’n heerlike gesins-dag te wees met iets vir alle ouder-domme.

Daar sal drie klasse wees waar-aan motorfietsryers op ’n sirkelroe-

te, wat grotendeels op sanderige op-pervlak is, kan deelneem.

Verskeie uithouwedrenne salaangebied word. Vermaak vir ouden jonk, waaronder gelukkige trek-kings, ’n springkasteel, gesigverf,verskeie stalletjies en kos- endrankverkope sal ook aangebiedword.

Registrasie is die oggend tussen07:30 en 08:30. Die eerste wedren be-gin om 08:45. Inskrywings is R150per deelnemer, R40 vir toeskouersen R20 vir kinders jonger as 18 jaaroud. Stalletjies kan nog gehuurword teen R200 elk. Borge en dona-sies van geld en pryse sal verwel-kom word. Skakel Elana de Villiersop 072 419 0402 of 021 553 4461 metnavrae.

Motorfiets­pretdag help kankerlyer

’n Fondinsamelingsprojek in dievorm van ’n uithouwedren­motor­fietsdag word beplan om motorfiets­liefhebber Dirkie de Villiers te helpmet sy beenmurgoorplantingsopera­sie.

The Facebook Rapist, Thabo Bester, was sentenced to life at the Cape TownHigh Court last week. Photo: Lindile Mbontsi

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 6 Wednesday 22 August 2012Advertensie

Blaauwberg Roadconstruction update

Work is progressingas fast as possibleon BlaauwbergRoad, and residents

and businesspeople usingservice roads to access theirdriveways can now see how thesituation will be remedied. Onthe northern side of the roadbetween Wood Road and DonkinDrive, access to driveways hasbeen restored, lighting is up andadequate footpaths are in place.This work is continuing alongthe rest of the northern side, andalong the entire southern side ofBlaauwberg Road.The restricted access has been

a result of road-widening, whichis necessary to make space forthe bus lanes in the centre ofthe road. This road wideninghas been completed betweenWood and Donkin Roads. Alongthis section, the traffic has beenmoved from the right to the leftside of the road, to make way forthe construction of the bus lanes

The City of Cape Town extends its heartfelt thanksto residents and businesses on Blaauwberg Road fortheir patience during the ongoing construction forMyCiTi bus services.

alongside the median. However,there will be no further restrictedaccess to driveways or sidewalks.The Eskom electrical supply

cables at various locations alongBlaauwberg Road will be installedafter driveway access is restored,as the temporary service roadsblock off access for the cableinstallation. In the meantime, theCity has employed security guardsto patrol the unlit stretches of roadat night, and will continue to do sountil lighting is restored.Efforts to minimise traffic

disruptions along BlaauwbergRoad are ongoing. Sections ofBlaauwberg Road have beenconverted into single lanes tofacilitate construction, these lanerestrictions are however onlyimposed during off-peak periodsfrom 09:00 until 16:00.“We know that residents and

business owners along BlaauwbergRoad have been inconveniencedduring the construction forMyCiTi services, and while we are

doing all we can to minimise thisinconvenience, we must thankpeople wholeheartedly for theirpatience,” said Mayoral CommitteeMember for Transport, Roads andStormwater Brett Herron. “It is allfor a worthy cause: This area is tobe the first to experience a qualitypublic transport service in CapeTown. This service will serve theresidents for generations to come,

helping to create sustainable,people-friendly neighbourhoods inthe greater Table View area. In thenext step of the service rollout, ournew nine-metre buses will provideservices to the residential areasaround Table View. These newbuses will navigate the residentialstreet more nimbly than the busescurrently in use. The new stationat Wood Drive will allow seamless

A MyCiTi bus travels along the dedicated red bus lane from the Cape Town city centre to Table View.

Stretches of Blaauwberg Road have been converted into single lanes toaccommodate construction, with these lane restrictions confined to off-peak hours to

help reduce traffic disruptions.

AreasaroundTableViewwill soonbenefit fromsmaller nine-metrebuses, designed tomovewithease throughcongestedsuburbanareas.

transfer between smaller feederbuses and trunk buses.“Rising numbers of passengers

are taking the bus each month,and we wish to encourageall schoolchildren, shoppers,commuters and recreationalusers to take the bus whereverpossible, and experience oursmart new transport system.”

For more information: Call the Transport Information Centre (toll-free 24/7) 0800 65 64 63 Visit www.capetown.gov.za/myciti


TygerBurger Milnerton Page 7Wednesday 22 August 2012 Nuus/News


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Milnerton Pre-Primary School celebrat-ed the Olympics with their very ownmini-Olympics recently. Events includedthe hoola hoop race, the potato and spoonevent, the bean bag race, the sack raceand the 100 m sprint.

“Although each participant is considereda winner and took home a certificate andchocolate medal, teachers presented goldmedals to the winners of each event in theirclass – just like the real Olympics,” enthusesprincipal Lindsay Pretorius.

The awards ceremony gave everyone theopportunity to applaud their fellow class-mates and to sing along to the South Africannational anthem, creating a sense of prideand honour amongst the mini-Olympians.“Everyone went home having experienced,at least, a taste of what Olympic spirit is allabout,” says a proud Lindsay.

Every one an Olympian

Showing how to balance their ‘eggs’ (pot­atoes used for obvious reasons!) are Egg andSpooners from the Yellow Class – SameerAdams with Kendrah Williams.

Gold medalists from the Green Class proudly displays their medals with teacher Diane Hart­mann. Here is Joshua Duxbury, Michaela Marsch, Jayden Olsen, Joel van der Walt and CarlosHonriques.

Standing ready are Hoola Hoopers from theBlue Class: Nadia Krige, Tara Kapoor, JamesChu, Carla Bouwer and Matt­Jo Palmieri.

Kelly Pritchard of the Yellow Class applaudsenthusiastically as classmates receive theirgold medals.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 8 Wednesday 22 August 2012Nuus/News

The timeliness of buses, reasonable fares, thesafety with which bus drivers operate andcourtesy of bus drivers are considered impor-tant to passengers of Golden Arrow Bus Serv-ices (GABS).

Non-availability of buses during weekendsand expensive fares are still considered to be

a thorn in their side.This was revealed in a recent customer sat-

isfaction survey that was done among 2 500passengers of GABS. They did, however, votethe bus service as the most trusting.

This was established after a study by theMathematics and Physics department of the

Cape Peninsula University of Technology,where 2 500 passengers participated in thesurvey.

The survey was commissioned by GABS,with the aim of measuring passengers’ per-ception services being offered and their ex-pectations.

Golden Arrow gets inside info on passengers

Atraditionalandmuch-lovedSouthAfri-can delicacy has sparked a braai frenzyin search of the country’s best boere-wors.

Kgalalelo Gloria Mpoelang from Melk-bosstrand received first place at ShopriteBothasig, where Mark John Whitelaw fromBloubergstrand came in second and MmakoMorako from Milnerton took third place.

Kgalalelo won various meat vouchers andgift hampers and will see her compete in theprovincial round held on Saturday, 15 Sep-tember.

Competitors from Bothasig and surround-ing areas participated in the ShopriteCheckers Championship Boerewors Compe-tition, where their secret recipes werejudged – both raw and cooked.

The judging panel consisting of represent-atives from the SA Chefs Association, select-ed three out of 32 top regional winners at se-lected Shoprite Checkers locations country-wide on Saturday, 11 August.

The remaining 53 regional rounds willtake place on 18 and 25 August at selectedShoprite, Checkers and Checkers Hyperstores countrywide.

The competition will reach a climax onSaturday 6 October where 10 provincial win-ners will get together for the grand cook-offat Sun City to decide who will wear the pres-tigious 2012 Boerewors Crown.

More information about the competitionis available on www.championshipboere-wors.co.za.

Boereworscrown forthe winner

Shoprite Bothasig, regional boerewors cham­pion Kgalalelo Gloria Mpoeleng from Melkbos­strand.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 9Wednesday 22 August 2012 Nuus/News

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“Great achievement is usually born ofgreat sacrifice, and is never the result ofselfishness.”

These words by American author Napole-on Hill sum up what the Lighthouse Projectis all about.

The people who help raise funds for thosewho need it are the antithesis of selfishness.

Their “great sacrifice” in this regard isstanding at shopping centres the entire daywhile trying to sell items such as keyrings tostrangers.

A “great achievement” of theirs is donatingover half a million rand to the Tygerberg RedCross Children’s Hospital Trust.

One keyring costs R10, so that means theysold at least 50 000 of these since the organi-sation was started in 2005.

Mel Roets, the co-ordinator of theLighthouseProject, is veryproudof thepeo-ple who carry the organisation.

“They are absolutely incredible! They ta-ke the abuse of the public. Generally the pe-ople are nice, but every now and again theirpatience is really tested. All my staff, ofwhich there are 10, are over 50,” she says.

They sell lapel pins, bookmarks and key-rings at shopping centres in the north andthe south. Money raised goes to organisati-ons such as the hospital and Iris House.

According to Roets they have raised“about R80 000 short of a million rand”.

Suffice to say that this is quite an achieve-

ment. Everything they sell was made by the or-ganisation as well.

Roets is the driving force, but she refuses totake the credit.

“There are many people out there who needhelp. Someone has to do it and I’ve always likedhelping others. It is extremely important forthe public to help us help places such as the hos-

pital.”She concludes by giving a “huge, huge, hu-

ge” thank you to the public who have suppor-ted them to date.

This weekend they will be in Goodwoodand Big Bay.

For more information contact Roets on021 713 3787.

Truly selfless give hope to those in need

Mel Roets (co­ordinator of the Lighthouse Project), Wilf de Haan, Sue Rose, Tracey de Jager,Judy Sanger, Malcolm Kling (procurement manager of the Tygerberg Children’s Hospital) andLyn Harris with the last donation to the hospital of R45 222,83.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 10 Wednesday 22 August 2012Hoofartikelblad/Leader's page

Wie in My bly en Ek in hom, dra baie vrug-te, want sonder My kan julle niks doen nie.

Johannes 15:5

Tragedie moetkeerpunt wordOns almal steier ná die bloedvergieting enlewensverlies by die Lonmin-platinum-myn in Noordwes. Dit roep nie alleen don-ker herinneringe uit die verlede op nie,maar voorspel ook allermins ’n rooskleu-rige toekomsprentjie vir die land.

Dit gaan ook nou maklik wees om vin-gers rond te swaai en óf die polisie óf dieopruiende mynwerkers die skuld te geevir dié tragedie. Was dit polisiebrutaliteit?Is die polisie onbevoeg om oproerige ska-res na behore te beheer? Of het die moeti-drinkende en panga-swaaiende mynwer-kers hul verdiende loon gekry? Dié tipevrae duik nou oral op in die media en opsosiale forums. Dat ’n deeglike ondersoekna die gebeure gedoen moet (en gaan)word, is ’n dringende noodsaaklikheid.

Maar gaan dit werklik ’n deurslagge-wende bydrae lewer om die geweldskul-tuur in ons land te stuit? Dit is te betwyfel.Daar is ’n breër en baie diepgaander on-dersoek nodig na die oorsake van die ge-weldstsoenami wat Suid-Afrika oorspoel.Die Lonmin-gebeure is bloot ’n simptoomvan ’n ernstiger probleem.

’n Lewe in ons land is soms minder werdas ’n selfoon of ’n paar rand. Moord, roofen diefstal vier op elke straathoek hoogty.Rykes en armes is siek en sat daarvoor.Trouens, dit vreet tans soos ’n verterendekanker aan die spierweefsel van ’n nasie.

Daarom moet Suid-Afrikaners nóú inhul miljoene opstaan en aandring op ’n op-lossing vir dié geweldstoestand. Die wek-roep moet wees: Tot hiertoe en nie verdernie! Laat die onaanvaarbare tragedie bydie Lonmin-myn ’n keerpunt in ons ge-skiedenis word.

Oortjies toe! ER24 het die Gogga­Paradys­speelgroepie in De Bron besoek. Met hul vertrek het hulle die noodvoertuie se sirenesaangesit. Dit het die Goggas liefs hul ore laat toedruk. Voor is Rinus Neethling en Zalise Uys. Agter is Sian Bosch, Luca du Toit,PJ Groot en Yzelle Spies. Foto: Carina Roux

TygerBurger is published by WP Newspapers, a subsidiary of Media24

A total of 16 788 copies of TygerBurger Milnerton are distributed every Wednesday in the following areas: Brooklyn, Milnerton, Milnerton Ridge, Montague Gardens, Royal Ascot, Rugby, Sanddrift, Summer Greens, Tijgerhof, Wingfield, Woodbridge Island, Ysterplaat

TygerBurger has the following stand-alone editions: Bellville, Parow, Goodwood, Durbanville, Kraaifontein, Kuils River, Brackenfell, Milnerton, Table View, Eerste River/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar and Elsies River. Total distribution: 285 531



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CorrectionsAccording to the editorial policy of TygerBurger we invite readers to comment about the newspaper's contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24's Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com, or call him on 021 851 3232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Mr Joe Thloloe. In that case, please phone 011 484 3612/8, send a fax to 011 484 3619 or e-mail to khanyim@ombudsman.org.za or johanr@ombudsman.org.za



For any distribution complaints contact 021 910 6500 or e-mail: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za

News Editor: Marana Brand van HulsteynTel: 021 910 6540 - E-pos: tyger@dieburger.comJournalist: André Bakkes - 084 573 4587Tel: 021 910 6556E-pos: andre.bakkes@tygerburger.co.zaAdvertising manager: Garth HewittTel: 021 910 6520E-pos: ghewitt@tygerburger.co.zaAdvertising respresentative: Tanya SlabbertTel: 021 910 6528 - 083 497 5427E-pos: tslabbert@tygerburger.co.zawww.tygerburger.co.za


Traffic deptstaff shouldset exampleI welcome the new law in the Cape whichprevents you from using your cellphonewhilst driving unless you have a hands-free kit or you face the consequence ofyour cellphone being confiscated for 24hours plus a R500 fine.

My problem is that this new law mustapply to all road users, including trafficofficers.

Last Tuesday afternoon at 15:55 at Plat-tekloof on the N1 outbound I drove pasta female traffic official chatting away onher cellphone (holding the phone to herear). I first thought whilst going past herin the middle lane (she was in the left lane)that I was imagining it, but I actuallyslowed down and waited for her to pass meand as true as bob she was still chattingaway. I then kept at the same speed as her,travelling next to her. When she spottedme watching her, she quickly “got rid ofthe phone”.

I just feel that she not only endangeredher own life, but mine too as well as otherroad users. Unfortunately for me but luck-ily forher, Iwas alone in the car otherwiseI would have asked my daughter to takea photo of her chatting away.

The details of the vehicle she was driv-ing are GVY 739G, B26 (number on side ofthe car).

Thereafter she took the Old Oak turn-offfrom the N1 and then left into Frans Con-radie in the direction of the Hypermarketin Brackenfell. I carried on with Old OaktowardsOldPaarl road, as this is the routeI travel on a daily basis.

I did contact the telephone number 021931 1646, that is reflected on the traffic ve-hicle she was driving, on Tuesday after-noon when I got home to give them the de-tails, but I suppose nothing has been saidto her, never mind verbal/written warn-ing for breaking the law.

Whatever happened to “setting an ex-ample” as a officer of the law? Or is it justbecause “setting an example” is some-thing of the past, and the new “in” thingis “whatever you can do, I can do better?”For example a brigadier of the SAPS beingarrested for DUI, government officials be-ing corrupt, stealing and even raping andgetting away with it? Where is this all go-ing to end?


I am a dog owner who used the now-prohibit-ed stretch of beach to let my four very activeJack Russells exercise without botheringother dog-walkers or nature lovers. Needlessto say this new “law” presents me, many oth-er animal lovers and nature lovers who wanta bit of peace and quiet, with a problem –where to go now? This little haven was oneof the reasons we moved to Melkbosstrandin the first place.

Using 1935 laws, 2008 amendments and1977 regulations as a reason for this beachclosure is laughable. Is Eskom telling us that

they have been contravening laws for thelast 77 years?

Currently the nature reserve adjacent toEdward Crescent is used by criminals to ac-cess homes in that road. I can only hope thatEskom will patrol their border and put up se-curity lights to stop trespassers of theburgla-ryvariety gaining easyaccess to private resi-dences instead of going after easy targets likemyself and my fellow tax-paying, law-abid-ing beachcombers.

MEL KLOSDuynefontein

Pets miss their beach walk

In reaction to the letter “Hospital in PoorState” (TygerBurger 15 August) about Tyger-berg Hospital.

Our family’s experience almost two yearsago was disgusting – the entrance hall, theout-patient area, the linen used in the areafor out-patients I would not give my pets tosleep on.

There is no privacy (no curtains to be

drawn between patients for privacy), no pa-tient board on the bed and the hospital aswell as the department always have excuses.

There is not enough funds, we hear everyday, but fundsarebeingmismanaged.Healthand education in this country are goingdownhill at a speed!

R SCOTTTable View

Downhill for health

I am in total agreement with Keith AlfredAdolph Blake’s article and suggestions inthe TygerBurger Brackenfell, dated 1 August2012.

Is it not time that all motorcar road userswake up, be totally alert in any and all trafficsituations?

By “going back to the basics” as requiredwhen one first undergoes a Traffic Regula-tions exam, eye test and driving/parkingtest, all persons have to be sober, sharp andalert, lest they fail to receive a valid driver’slicence!

What has happened to the dedication to get

what we need to be a legal motorist on theroad? Thanks to the Lord God there are stillwise motorists on the road, who have decentsense! Is it too much to demand that the otherthoughtless motorists “knuckle-down” to be-ing authentic licensed drivers also?

Slow down, use your indicators. Don’tslam on the brakes at the corner and onlythen indicate with one flash that you havealready turned.

Again is it not about time to drive respon-sibly?


It’s time to drive responsibly

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 11Wednesday 22 August 2012 Nuus/News

A seminar on retirement and positive ageingwill be held on Wednesday 29 August at theAlbow Centre, Hatfield Street in Cape Town.

The seminar will be presented by the CapeJewish Seniors Assosciation (CJSA).

A panel of medical and legal professionalswill be discussing life decisions you have tomake and a panel of representatives from va-rious retirement centres will answer rele-vant questions about appropriate living opti-

ons.Speakers include Professor Lynn Gillis,

Dr Allan Putterman and John Scott.Professionals who attend the seminar will

also be eligible for 3CPD points.Entrance cost R250 and includes tea and

lunch.For more information or to book, call Deb-

bie on 021 434 9691 or email ad-min@cjsa.org.za.

Planning for your retirement

Nominations for the 2012 Eco-LogicAwards have been extended to 24 Augustso if you or your company care about Na-ture and the wellbeing of our Earth anddemonstrate this through your actions or

the products or services you offer thereis still time to enter.

To enter and for more information visitwww.enviropaedia.com or call 021 8219922.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 12 Wednesday 22 August 2012Nuus/News

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Bring the flavours of Vietnam intoyour kitchen, using ordinary ingre-dients from your grocery cupboard.This super satisfying meal-in-a-pancan be served as a stand-alone dish(without a starch) for those follo-wing a high protein, low carb eatingplan. As a bonus, it is rich in fibre.

It is also gluten-free, dairy-freeand egg-free. If you aregluten-intolerant andsensitive to ordinarysoy sauce, use a gluten-free one and serve thisdish on its own, orwith Basmati or Jas-mine rice.

15 ml (1 tablespoon)sunflower oil

1 medium onion, sli-ced

15 ml (1 tablespoon)thinly sliced root gin-ger

125 g streaky bacon,coarsely chopped

250 g lean beef mince4 x 250 ml (4 cups) shredded cab-

bage½ red pepper, chopped10 ml (2 teaspoons) freshly crus-

hed garlic15 ml (1 tablespoon) soy sauce

30 ml (2 tablespoons) peanut but-ter (crunchy or smooth)

60 ml (¼ cup) salted, roasted pea-nuts, roughly chopped

60 ml (¼ cup) thinly sliced springonions

Heat oil in a large non-stick fry-ing pan or wok. Sauté onion, gingerand bacon. Add mince and stir-fry

over moderate heatuntil cooked. Add cab-bage, red pepper andgarlic. Stir-fry untiljust cooked. Add soysauce and peanut but-ter and stir well untilthe peanut butter hasmelted completely.Spoon into bowls.Sprinkle with peanutsand spring onions. Ifrequired, serve withextra soy sauce. Per-fect as a meal on itsown, or served with

Basmati/Jasmine rice, Orientalnoodles, or inside a wrap.

Serves 3 – 4. Dalene Crafford develops indul-

gent recipes for special dietary re-quirements. To book a consultati-on, contact her on 021 913 4457 or 082562 9787 or visit www.conca.co.za.

Stir­fry taste of Vietnam

With cold fronts hitting CapeTown on a regular basis, Hir-sch’s Milnerton Branch took itupon themselves to jump intoaction to help relieve the heavyburden Badisa carries.

Badisa is a non profit organisa-tion supporting over 700 familiesand currently they only have sev-en social workers.

With a heavy case load, andbudget constraints they are notalways able to assist the manyfamilies in need.

“We are always happy to re-ceive food, and the warm clotheswill make a difference in manyfamilies’ lives” said Lise Botha,social worker at Badisa.

On Wednesday Hirsch’s PROsStacey Lee van Rensburg andNardo van Eck dropped off boxesfilled with non perishable food,warm blankets and baby clothesat Badisa in Parow.

“We might not be able to helpall the families in need, but everydrop eventually helps to fill thebucket. Hirsch’s will continue to

support Badisa, and would like tourge the public to contribute totheir cause,” said Hirsch’s Nardovan Eck.

Donations can be made at Hir-

sch’s Milnerton Branch.For more information please

contact Nardo van Eck on nar-do@hirschs.co.za or call 021 5286700.

Badisa’s burden lifted

Pictured here is Diane Stephens (Badisa social worker), Lisa Botha (so­cial worker) and Hirsch’s PRO, Stacey Lee van Rensburg.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 13Wednesday 22 August 2012 Nuus/News

Die Hoërskool Tygerberg se ouer-onder-wysersvereniging (OOV)endie rugbyon-dersteunersklub (ROK) het kragte saam-gesnoer om ’n wynproe aan te bied as ’ngeldinsamelingprojek.

Die Hoërskool Tygerberg het reeds metrugby groot sukses behaal en streef daarnaom soveel as moontlik leerlinge die geleent-heid te bied om ook deel te neem.

Daar is verskeie toere, asook toerustingwat aangekoop moet word. Ook is daar leer-linge wat dit nie kan bekostig nie en wat ge-help moet word.

’n Wynproegeleentheid teen slegs R70 perkop word Vrydag 24 Augustus van 13:00 afaangebied by die Jaco Vercuiel-saal, reg ag-ter Noordelikes se atletiekterrein in Parow.Ongelukkig kan kinders onder 18 jaar ditnie bywoon nie.

Bravo Events bied die vermaak. Die gas-kunstenaars is Amore, Shaun Tait, Jo Ni-chol en Marius die kaalvoetklong.

Braaipakkies word teen R30 aangebied.Gaste braai self of braaiers kan gereël word.Daar sal ook kaas, biltong en koffie beskik-baar wees, asook ’n kontantkroeg.

Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die HoërskoolTygerberg.

Bel Hannelie van der Spuy by 021 939 2023vir meer inligting.

Tiere houwynproevir fondse

A safer way to get rid of old medicine hasnow been presented by Durbell pharmacieswho invites members of the public to takepart in their Durbell Spring Clean missionfrom 10 to 17 September.

They are appealing to all to take their un-used and expired medication to their closestDurbell pharmacy for responsible medica-tion disposal. This includes prescriptionmedicine, vitamins, lotions, inhalers orleak-proof containers.

This will ensure it doesn’t end up in adumping ground where it can infect work-ers, the public or the environment.

They advise the public not to take in nee-dles or sharp containers, thermometers,narcotics, controlled substances, IV bagsand bloody or infectious waste, personalcare products, business waste, or aerosols.

Contact Tiny or Este on 021 979 1600 oremail este@durbellgroup.co.za or go towww.durbellpharmacies.co.za.

Get rid of oldmeds safely

Radio Tygerberg het vanjaar die nuwe 104-sakeklub bekendgestel.

Die sakeklub vervang die ou Radio Tyger-berg-sakeklub en is vir mense wat ernstigis oor die sakewêreld.

Na aanleiding van talle versoeke is die104-sakeklub begin om hoofsaaklik voorsie-ning te maak vir gereelde en doeltreffendenetwerkgeleenthede.

Alle sakeklublede moet weer aansluit.Die eerste netwerkfunksie is op Donder-

dag 23 Augustus, waartydens een van dieland se top-sakemanne, Eric Tocknell, diestigter van die Wimpy-restaurantgroep indie suidelike halfrond, sal optree.

Die sakeklub wil graag lede motiveer ommekaar te ondersteun en moontlik saam tewerk aan projekte.

Voorts sal die klub ook sy lede toerus enbemagtig met inligting oor die nuutste sake-tendense, wetgewing en beste sakeprakty-ke.

Die nuwe 104-sakeklub het voordele watdie ou sakeklub nooit gehad het nie.

Besoek die webblad www.radiotyger-berg.co.za vir meer inligting.

Radio T’bergbegin klub

Onder redaksie van: Marita Meyer

Kuns & VermaakEntertainment

TygerBurger Bladsy 14 Onder redaksie van: Louisa Steyl Wednesday 22 August 2012

ëns.Toegangkaartjies is onbespreek

en is Vrydagaand van 19:00 af teenR95 vir nie-lede, R75 vir pensioena-risse, R50 vir Con Spirito-lede enR30 vir studente by die deure be-skikbaar. Dit sluit die program,sjerrie en verversings na afloop vandie konsert in.

Vir meer inligting, skakel die mu-siekdirekteur, Erns Conradie, by082 571 6712 of besoek conspirito-music@telkomsa.net.

Die Con Spirito-musiekverenigingin Bellville bied op Vrydagaand dievyfde kamermusiekkonsert van-jaar in die George en Annie Starck-herehuis aan.

Die bekende Wes-Kaapse fluitis,Liesl Stoltz, en die Amerikaanseharpspeler, Jacqueline Kerrod, saloptree.

Die program bestaan uit die So-nate in E majeur (BMV 1010) deurJ.S. Bach, Sonata deur Liebermannen Fantasie Op.124 deur Saint-Sa-

Onder redaksie van: Marita Meyer

Kuns & VermaakEntertainment

TygerBurger Bladsy 14 Onder redaksie van: Louisa Steyl Wednesday 22 August 2012


“There are certain rules thatyou have to adhere to, but youcan bend them a little.”

That’s the formula, accordingto songwriter, Gavin Edwards,for the perfect hit.

He should know. Gavin hasworked with some of the biggestnames in songwriting aroundthe world and is on the verge ofreleasing what he believes willbe his “smash hit”.

Although he got aboard themusical train at a young age,dabbling with many instru-ments and playing in the churchband, Gavin’s real journey start-ed when he met Brain McFad-den, of Westlife fame.

Brian saw his band, Allegoryperform at Sun City and spokeof taking them back to Ireland.“We thought it was a bit of ban-ter,”Gavin says, but amonth lat-er they were in Dublin.

After a name change, to Fran-klin, and a trip home to regroupas a stronger band, Gavin madeIreland his home for nine years.

He wanted the band to go in adifferent direction, so he startedresearching everything he couldabout writing hit songs.

He embarked on a “worldsongwriting tour”, visiting NewYork, Nashville, London andAustralia, among other places,

to work with names like BillyMann, who writes for Pink andPhil Thornalley, the writer ofNatalie Imbruglia’s “Torn”.

“Over there it’s so much likea business,” Gavin says, ex-plaining how songwriters writea song a day, in the search for ahit.

“It’s the same as making anomelette,” he says about writinga perfect song, explaining thatwhile the main ingredientschange, there can be variations.

Gavin will be teaching his for-mula at a workshop on Friday 31August, at Bloemendal.

Gavin says his workshop willalso cover issues related to “mu-sic as a business”, like publish-ing deals and the role of manag-ers.

While Gavin is busy withprojects in Australia and Ire-land, he has settled in Durban-ville. “I travel back and forth,”he explains, adding: “I just keepwanting to come back.”

His own band, Sunshine Stateare about to release their newsingle, “Beautiful Morning,” inAustralia.

For more information aboutGavin’s workshop, email in-fo@nuelight.co.za.

. Gavin performed his newsingle “On the Orange Couch”,for TygerBurger.

Visit www.TygerBurger.co.zato see the video.

World quest forthat perfect song

Durbanville’sGavin Edwards.

. Chris Chameleon is vanaand(Woensdag) by Die Boer. R130. Be-spreek by 021 979 1911 of 083 4060111.

. Kipper and the Rainbow/Vlooi en die Reënboog is on atArtscape Theatre until 4 Septem-ber. R50. Call 021 421 7695 or visitComputicket to book.

. Thys die Bosveldklong isDonderdag by Die Boer. R100. Be-spreek by 021 979 1911 of 083 4060111.

. James Marais will performan Elvis Rock ’n Roll Tribute atJamrock Theatre in Brackenfellon Friday. R100. Call 021 981 1313

or email admin@jam-rocktheatre.co.za tobook.

. Marion Holm isVrydag by Die Boer inHolmakiesie. R90. Be-spreek by 021 979 1911

of 083 406 0111.. Anika Hari and Lucy Kru-

ger will be performing at theMelkbosstrand Country Club onFriday. R80. Call 021 553 3408 tobook.

. Dowwe Dolla is Saterdag enweer op Woensday 28 Augustusby Die Boer in Dowwe DollaDink Diep. R100. Bespreek by 021979 1911 of 083 406 0111.

. Tribute will be playing thesongs of Cliff and the Shadows atMilnerton Playhouse on Satur-day. R90. Call 021 554 5778 or emailshadowsband@mweb.co.za tobook.

. Blackbox and guest artistspresent a variety show with hitsfrom the ’60s at The Fuzz Box onSunday from 14:00. R50. Call 083261 6338 or email nutrendpromo-tions@telkomsa.net for more.

. Elvis Blue and his band willbe at Die Boer on Monday and Tu-esday. R160. Call 021 979 1911 or083 406 0111 to book.

. Die gala-aand van die Jo-hann Vos klavierkompetisievind plaas op Dinsdag om 19:00 indie Ouditorium van die HugoLambrechts Musieksentrum.Toegang is gratis. Kontak Hildaby 082 650 3448 vir meer.

. The next Rock the Flockband night with Tripjas andDown on the First is at JamrockTheatre onWednesday 29August.R30. Call 021 981 1313 or email ad-min@jamrocktheatre.co.za tobook.

Musiekkonsert gehouCape Sax-O will perform onSundayat 19:00 atArt.bGalle-ry, Bellville Library Centre.

The Cape Sax-O membersinclude Henk Steenkamp,Godfrey Rahube, Tshepo Ra-moipone and Althea Cronje.

Tickets cost R30 or R25 forpensioners and students, andare available at the door.

For more information callNikita Campbell or LemivaViljoen on 021 918 2301 or 021918 2293 or email in-fo@artb.co.za.

Catch Sax­O

Daar is slegs twee weke oor voor diejaarlikse Gospel-Skouspel by dieGrandWest Arena op Saterdag 1September.

Vanjaar is Elvis Blue vir die eer-ste keer op Radio Tygerberg se Gos-pel-Skouspel op die verhoog saammet Joe Niemand, Reana Nel, RetiefBurger, Romanz, Jan de Wet, Nia-nell, Neville D, ons eie Rouchelle ennog vele meer. Daar sal twee verto-nings – om 12:00 en 20:00 – wees. Be-spreek by Computicket.

Skouspel isom die draai

Blues meets Rock: The next Blues meets Rock hits Durbanville GolfClub on Sunday, with a line­up made up of the Jesse Jordan Band, BoulevardBlues who will be performing an acoustic set with Debbie Pryor playing amean cajon, Bongani Blax Sotshononda, Louis ‘Axe on Fire’ Lourens andJono Dose (from Chasing Friday). There will be a Fender guitar lucky drawand food and drinks at club prices. Entrance costs R50. For more informationcall 021 976 8120.

Twee boeke van FrederickNietsche en Siener vanRensburg beland per on-geluk tussen Dolla se ver-sameling Mills & Boon’swat sy spesiaal vir haar“trip” op die Costa Con-cordia bymekaar gemaakhet.

Dolla begin lees terwylsy wag om aan boord tegaan. “Kennis is mag”, sêNietsche, maar “Kennissonder begrip is gevaar-lik” en, soos te verwagte,kry Dolla onmiddelik ’nuitnodiging van die kap-tein om op die “brug” tekom kuier…

Die res is geskiedenis,maar die hele ondervin-ding laat haar dink, diepdink, oor diep dinge soos“alpha-males”, Twitter,

Afrikaanse popliedjie-li-rieke en Nietsche se relati-witeitsteorie of was ditnou Albert s’n?

Boonop is Dolla ook deelvan ’n ongelooflike nuwemediese deurbraak.

Wat meeste wetenskap-likes voorheen as wens-denkery beskou het, isnou ’n werklikheid: Dollase Pille vir Domgeit, ’nwonderproduk wat verlig-ting sal bring vir derdui-sende mense wat ly aansimptome soos verwar-ring, lae selfbeeld, lam-heid in die kop en ontoe-reikende houtwerkpunte.

Kom skater van die lagop 25 en 29 Augustus en 12September by Die Boer.

Bespreek by 021 9791911.

Kom skaterlag saam met Dolla

Dowwe Dolla verbreed haar kennis.

Gaan verras! Coenie de Villiersword erken as een van Suid­Afrika seheel beste komponiste en kunste­naars, en dis veral liedjies uit sy penwat reeds klassieke status bereikhet. Dink maar aan “Karoonag”,“Daar’s ’n Plek” en “Namakwaland”.Maar vir hierdie besondere vertoningby Die Boer is Coenie in ’n ander rat.Hy gaan ook verras met liedjies wathy saam met ander komponiste ge­skep het. Coenie se vertonings is op1 September om 20:30 en 2 Septem­ber om 13:30. Kaartjies is R110. Be­spreek by 021 979 1911.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 15Wednesday 22 August 2012 Vermaak/Entertainment


Though they won’t be on stagefor a while, fans of When KarmaSleeps, can expect two new songssoon.

This is on top of the music videoin the pipeline and the new materi-al they plan to work with.

“We are noticing that our musicis developing its maturity,” saysfront-woman, Megan Dewhurst.

She says the band will spend thenext while working on new materi-al.

For those who are unacquaintedwith When Karma Sleeps and their

powerful live performances, theband have been playing with theircurrent line-up for about two years.That is: Greg Lundin and KB Mafo-jane on guitars, Gerard van Eedenon bass, Matthew Hacking ondrums and Megan on vocals.

When Karma Sleeps was bornwhen Greg, KB and Megan were inhigh school and in 2007 they won acompetition toplayOppikoppi festi-val. It was after that the band decid-ed to take things seriously.

Since then they have played theRock the River and Synergy festi-vals. They have toured nationallyand are planning to do so again atthe end of the year.

They have recorded two singles;“Alive” has already been released,while “Love is” is on its way.

They are also about to record two

new songs. Megan says it’s still un-clear if the recorded songs will beused for an EP or an album.

“We’re just taking it as it comes,”

she says.Megan describes When Karma

Sleeps’ music as melodic rock andsays while there aren’t many fe-male fronted rock bands, her vocalsadd diversity and a pop element totheir music.

“To me I think it’s an advantage,”she says. “It’s got a heavy element,but my vocals lend themselves to afully acoustic set,” Megan says ofthe band’s music, adding that thereare plans to test the waters over-seas: “We’ve heard our musicwould be accepted better there”.

When Karma Sleep’s music isavailable on Soundcloud and on Fa-cebook.

When Karma Sleeps they still release new songsWhen Karma Sleeps they still release new songs

Blouberg’s melodic rock outfit, When Karma Sleeps.

Alter Ego: A Group Exhibition,opens at Rust-en-Vrede gallery inDurbanville on Tuesday 22 Au-gust.

The exhibition features workby Hugo Moritz, Annelie Venter,Lynie Olivier, Paul Bircholl, Ro-bert Plotz, Leon Vernieulen, Ant-hony Holmes, Brad Gray, Annet-te Pretorius, Corlie de Kock, Dee

Donaldson, Natasha de Wet, LynGilbert, Greg Kerr, Audrey An-derson, Marie Stander, LanceFriedlande, Elizabeth Gunther,Aidon Westcott, Henk Seymore,Jan du Toit, Claire Menck, JacoBenode, Rafal Korcz, JannaPrinsloo, Anita Bodenstein Booy-ens, Christiaan Diedericks, BrentRecord, Vernon Swart, Selwyn

Pekeur ,Wendy Goybba, Anna Co-rien Goosen, Madelein Morinco-wits, Brahm van Zyl, MargaretNel, Adele Adendorff, and Hanne-ke Benade.

The exhibition will run untilThursday 20 September.

For more information on theexhibition, please visitwww.rust-en-vrede.com.

Group exhibition will feature many exciting artistsSeth MacFarlane’s Ted will be rele-ased at Ster-Kinekor CapeGate,Bayside, N1 City, Tyger Valley andParow on Friday.

The story is centered on a manand his teddy bear, which comes to

life as the result of a childhoodwish.

The movie stars Mark Wahlberg,Mila Kunis and also the voice ofSeth MacFarlane of Family Guy fa-me.

Childhood wish, Teddy comes to life

The Gordon Institute of Performingand Creative Arts (GIPCA), in asso-ciation with the Elysée Fund, willpresent a Music in the City concerton Wednesday 29 August at Hid-dingh Hall, University of Cape

Town (UCT), Orange Street.Highlighting this year’s concert

will be Cécile Verny Quartet’s KeepSome Secrets Within. Cécile Vernyhas been one of the most accom-plished European jazz performers

for over 20 years.The performance starts at 20:00

and entrance is free. No bookingsare required. For more informationabout the concert series, please con-tact the GIPCA office on 021 480 7156or email fin-gipca@uct.ac.za. Formore information about the CécileVerny Quartet, visit www.cvq.de.

Cécile Verny Quartet Euro jazz starsLentedans: Die LaerskoolBellpark hou ’n lentedanssaam met die musikantViljoen Retief op Saterdag 8September. Die dans begin om19:30 en kaartjies is R60.Bespreek by ChristelleEksteen by 021 919 0002.

TygerBurger Milnerton Page 23Wednesday 22 August 2012 SportTygerBurger Bellville Bladsy 39Woensdag 22 Augustus 2012 Sport


Wanneer haar vriendinne metblomme in hul hare op Lentedagby die skool opdaag, sal Janckede Wet (17) sweet en toutrek datdie stof staan tydens die Wêreld-kampioenskapsbyeenkoms van1 tot 16 September inSwitserland.

Jancke van die JanKriel-skool in Kuilsri-vier sal Suid-Afrika indie 540 kg-vrouespanverteenwoordig.

Ná nege jaar vangimnastiek waar sysuksesvol op provinsi-ale en nasionale vlakpresteer het, het sy be-sluit om op toutrek tefokus.

“Gimnastiek vergbaie ure en toewyding,maar toutrek ook. Dietwee sporte se ure hetvir my te veel geword,aangesien ek my aka-demie ook baie hoogag. Ek moes kies, maarek is seker ek het reggekies. Ek doen al negejaar toutrek.

Sy het reeds agt keerprovinsiale kleureverwerf en ook tweesilwer en ’n bronsme-dalje by die Suid Afri-kaanse junior toutrek-

kampioenskapsbyeenkoms gewen.Verlede jaar net na die junior tou-

trekseisoen het van die keurdersvan SATF (South African Tug ofWar Federation) haar genader omvir die Disa-vroue-akademie in dieStrand te kom toutrek. Die keur-ders het na haar verwys as “toutrek

se toekoms”. Sy het in April aan dieAfrikaspele deelgeneem en tweegoue medaljes verower in die 540kg- afdeling vir vroue, asook die 500kg-afdeling en o.23-span.

“Ek oefen Maandae, Dinsdae enDonderdae in die Strand by Disa-vroue-akademie van 18:00 tot 22:00.

Ek het elke Saterdag ’noefenkamp van 10:00 tot14:00 in Rawsonville of indie Strand. Ek oefen ookelke dag van die week indie gimnasium, behalweSondae. “Ek doen kar-dio, fiksheid en kragoefe-ninge. Ek “deadlift” tans100 kg en ek weeg maar58 kg. Ons word aan baiestrawwe toetse blootge-stel,” vertel Jancke.

Jancke het vroeër van-deesmaand tydens dieSpringbok-“capping”-se-remonie op Rawsonvillehaar kleure ontvang.

“Dit voel amazing, ditis vir my ’n groot eer omgroen en goud te dra,want dit is iets wat ek mylewe voor gewerk het.”

Jancke doen ook baiegoed in haar akademieen dien op die verteen-woordigende raad vanleerlinge.

Sy is ook die sekreta-resse van die VRL endien op die skool se leer-lingraad.

Jancke gaan sweetwyl ander lente vier

Jancke de Wet vertrek eersdaags na Switserland waar sySuid­Afrika in toutrek gaan verteenwoordig.

Balstryd: Lara Pretorius (links) van D.F. Malan probeer die balby Angelique du Toit van HS Bellville afneem tydens Saterdag seeerstespan­interskolekragmeting. Bellville het die wedstryd met31­22 gewen. Gaan na www.tygerburger.co.za vir meer foto’s.

Foto: Carina Roux

Stellenberg en HS Bellville het albeigoeie oorwinnings in die jongstereeks o.19 A-skolenetbalwedstrydein die WP behaal.

Bellville het in sy interskole-

kragmeting teen D.F. Malan oortui-gend met 31-22 gewen. Stellenbergwas op sy beurt met 32-19 te sterkvir die Wes-Kaapse Sportskool. –(Nino Loubser)

Stellies en HS B’ville wen oortuigend


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Wanneer haar vriendinne metblomme in hul hare op Lentedagby die skool opdaag, sal Janckede Wet (17) sweet en toutrek datdie stof staan tydens die Wêreld-kampioenskapsbyeenkoms van1 tot 16 September in Switser-land.

Jancke van die JanKriel-skool in Kuilsri-vier sal Suid-Afrika indie 540 kg-vrouespanverteenwoordig.

Ná nege jaar vangimnastiek waar sysuksesvol op provinsi-ale en nasionale vlakpresteer het, het sy be-sluit om op toutrek tefokus.

“Gimnastiek vergbaie ure en toewyding,maar toutrek ook. Dietwee sporte se ure hetvir my te veel geword,aangesien ek my aka-demie ook baie hoogag. Ek moes kies, maarek is seker ek het reggekies. Ek doen al negejaar toutrek.

Sy het reeds agt keerprovinsiale kleureverwerf en ook tweesilwer en ’n bronsme-dalje by die Suid Afri-

kaanse junior toutrekkampioen-skapsbyeenkoms gewen.

Verlede jaar net na die junior tou-trekseisoen het van die keurdersvan SATF (South African Tug ofWar Federation) haar genader omvir die Disa-vroue-akademie in dieStrand te kom toutrek. Die keur-ders het na haar verwys as “toutrek

se toekoms”. Sy het in April aan dieAfrikaspele deelgeneem en tweegoue medaljes verower in die 540kg- afdeling vir vroue, asook die 500kg-afdeling en o.23-span.

“Ek oefen Maandae, Dinsdae enDonderdae in die Strand by Disa-vroue-akademie van 18:00 tot 22:00.Ek het elke Saterdag ’n oefenkamp

van 10:00 tot 14:00 in Raw-sonville of in die Strand.Ek oefen ook elke dag vandie week in die gimnasi-um, behalwe Sondae. “Ekdoen kardio, fiksheid enkragoefeninge. Ek “dead-lift” tans 100 kg en ekweeg maar 58 kg. Onsword aan baie strawwetoetse blootgestel,” vertelJancke.

Jancke het vroeër van-deesmaand tydens dieSpringbok-“capping”-se-remonie op Rawsonvillehaar kleure ontvang.

“Dit voel amazing, dit isvir my ’n groot eer omgroen en goud te dra, wantdit is iets wat ek my lewevoor gewerk het.”

Jancke doen ook baiegoed in haar akademie endien op die verteenwoor-digende raad van leerlin-ge.

Sy is ook die sekretares-se van die VRL en dien opdie skool se leerlingraad.

Jancke gaan sweetwyl ander lente vier

Jancke de Wet vertrek eersdaags na Switserland waar sySuid­Afrika in toutrek gaan verteenwoordig.

Balstryd: Lara Pretorius (links) van D.F. Malan probeer die balby Angelique du Toit van HS Bellville afneem tydens Saterdag seeerstespan­interskolekragmeting. Bellville het die wedstryd met31­22 gewen. Gaan na www.tygerburger.co.za vir meer foto’s.

Foto: Carina Roux

Stellenberg en HS Bellville het albeigoeie oorwinnings in die jongstereeks o.19 A-skolenetbalwedstrydein die WP behaal.

Bellville het in sy interskole-

kragmeting teen D.F. Malan oortui-gend met 31-22 gewen. Stellenbergwas op sy beurt met 32-19 te sterkvir die Wes-Kaapse Sportskool. –(Nino Loubser)

Stellies en HS B’ville wen oortuigend

TygerBurger Page 24 Editor: Stehan Schoeman Wednesday 22 August 2012




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The Cape Radio Flyers model airplane club have to contend witha flooded airfield this time of the year when winter rains causetheir landing strip at Rietvlei to be covered by water. Here An­dries Burger retrieves his model plane from a crash site duringa practise session on Saturday morning. Photo: Dave Colins

Like a duck to waterLike a duck to water


Vier drieë teenoor een is genoegsame be-wys dat die HS Bellville se o.19 A-rugby-span D.F. Malan heeltemal oordonderhet in hul interskole-kragmeting die af-gelope Saterdag.

Bellville het dwarsdeur die wedstryd dietoon aangegee en in alle afdelings die hef indie hand gehad om welverdiend met 34-8 teseëvier.

De Kuilen het nie veel moeite ondervindom Jan van Riebeeck met 14-0 baas te raaknie, terwyl Durbanville (36-7 t Tygerberg-klub) en HS Tygerberg (36-15 t Hottentots-Holland) ewe gemaklik deur hul wedstrydegekom het. Ander spanne wat aan die wen-kant geëindig het, is Fairbairn (30-20 t Presi-dent), Fairmont (14-6 t Edgemead), J.G. Mei-ring (11-3 t Table View), Curro Durbanville(66-10 t Reddam Constantia) en Jan Kriel-skool (49-8 t Zwaanswyk en 39-5 t Westcliff).

.TygerBurger enBoeke 24/7 se seweman-rugbykompetisie vir o.19-spanne – die oud-ste toernooi van sy aard in die land – is eers-komende Dinsdag die eerste van ’n rits se-westoernooie oor die volgende paar weke.

Sestien spanne van vyftien skole pak me-kaar Dinsdag van 14:30 af. Die spanne is HSTygerberg A (die verdedigende kampioen),HS Bellville, HTS Bellville, D.F. Malan, Dur-banville, Bellville-Suid, Excelsior, Bracken-fell, Fairmont, Monumentpark, Stellenberg,Tygerberg-klub, Scottsdene, Kasselsvlei,Bernadino Heights en HS Tygerberg B.

Bellville testerk virDF Malan