TRINITY TIDINGS Tidings/November...November 2014 TRINITY TIDINGS The monthly newsletter for Trinity...

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Transcript of TRINITY TIDINGS Tidings/November...November 2014 TRINITY TIDINGS The monthly newsletter for Trinity...

November 2014


The monthly newsletter for Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Church Appleton, WI

Breakfast at Trinity – WOW What a Sunday! After taking the summer months off and holding our Community Picnic in Jones Park in September, our Breakfast at Trinity pancake team was back in action the first Sunday of the month, October 5th. The team was ready to roll after worship at 10:00, serving pancakes, sausage, fruit and juice to our community guests and Sunday morning worshipers. Each month Breakfast at Trinity features a specialty pancake, and this month it was apple walnut pancakes, complete with whip cream topping, hot off the griddle!

The community guests arrived early in the lower auditorium as the smell of pancakes drifted up to those still in church. The awesome griddle crew started cooking sooner than planned to get the pancakes stacked and the hot sausages sizzling in the oven. The buffet table was set and the call to line up for service was given about 10:00 a.m. – EARLIER than planned! After that, the pancake serving line was filled with customers for nearly an hour! Many community guests had heard that the Trinity puts on a nice FREE hot breakfast every month so they wanted to join us. They did not leave disappointed! When the buffet table was nearly empty and the coffee pot was empty, extra Trinity members headed into the kitchen to prepare more fruit cups, brew more coffee, flip more pancakes and get those extra boxes of sausages hot in a hurry! When the morning was over we estimated we served about 120 people, including families with young children from our community. That was about 50 more people than we had expected to serve! Even more Trinity folks stayed to help us clean up and make sure that the pancake crew got something hot to eat after working so hard that morning. Laughter could be heard in the kitchen as the flapjack leaders talked about needing 2 full cases of sausage next month, a lot more fruit and a much bigger coffee pot! Join us on November 2nd for our next Breakfast at Trinity, after worship, about 10:00 a.m. in our lower auditorium. If you would like to help, let Wanda Fisher or Mary Lindsley know! And don’t forget to tell your neighbors and friends! All are welcome to join us!

Centennial Photo Directories

are Here!!

Pick your copy of the directory up on Sundays in November.

If you had your picture taken, you will receive a directory free of charge.

If you did not have your picture taken, but want a directory anyway, the charge will be $5, (the rate that LifeTouch charged Trinity.)

Thank You to all who had

their pictures taken!

Feeding the Hungry . . . Serving the Community


Trinity 100th Anniversary News

Centennial Musical Festival & Open House

** February 7, 2015 ** 1:00 - 4:00 pm

February 8, 2015 100th Anniversary Celebration Day

- REMEMBER-REJOICE- RENEW - Join in the celebration with a special worship service

followed by a brunch! Mark your calendars to attend!


100 Years - 100 Stories

“We are still collecting stories! PLEASE share your written notes, we will type it up!”

See page 11 of the newsletter for details.

Here are some stories from my mother, Carlyn Pingel. She and my father, Earl Pingel, were married by Pastor Zeidler on Oct. 14, 1950. My father was also baptized and confirmed at Trinity. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1996. From Carlyn Pingel: Our two oldest sons, Eric and Dean, were in the Sunday school Christmas program in the mid-50s. They were to wear pajamas and slippers. Of course, Dean was stubborn and refused to go to the front of the church in pjs & slippers. When it came time, he had broken the zippers on his slippers. He and another little boy had to be pulled out from under a pew. When we would take Dean to Sunday school, he would be on the floor crying and kicking. His Sunday School teacher, Susan Dahm (spelling?) would say just leave him, which we did. She somehow got him to settle down and behave. He now lives in Marshfield and is a Lutheran minister in Hewitt. Who would have ever predicted that outcome?

My daughter, Susan, is named after that same Sunday School teacher. We were going to name her Lisa but her brothers, Eric and Dean, said they were going to call her Susan - after their favorite teacher. Susan, the teacher, was also Dr. Rae Simenson's office nurse. Dr. Simenson was the doctor who delivered our daughter, Susan. He also served on the church council with my husband, Earl. Susan was baptized on a cold Sunday in December. We had parked far from the church entrance so my husband suggested that we walk through the parsonage. I didn't think that was proper but we did it anyway. We didn't want baby Susan to get a chill! Submitted by Susan Suprise


My wife Mary, my son Matthew, and I went to the Packer game on October 2nd. We had a great time – even though we did get a little wet. We wore our green and gold – while a few others around us dared to wear Viking purple. However, the color of the night was pink. There was pink on the uniforms and the footballs – even the coin used for the coin toss was pink. You see, the NFL has been a proud supporter of the fight against breast cancer for a number of years. And they have raised millions of dollars for the American Cancer Society through their “Crucial Catch” campaign each October.

Football and cancer are connected in other ways as well. One of my professors in seminary, Dr. Leonard Hummel – described cancer as “A Thing That Cannot and Can Be Changed.” Football is also a thing that cannot and can be changed. For example, injuries are a way that football cannot be changed. If you play football long enough, you will sustain an injury. No player plans, or wants, to get hurt – but, there is a chance for injury on every play. That cannot be changed.

The same is true about cancer. Our bodies produce about 25 million new cells every second. This process, when used by healthy cells, gives us life – it’s what keeps us going – it’s what allows us to continue to evolve. Unfortunately, this same process, when used by unhealthy cells, can lead to cancer. In fact, the longer we live, the more cells we create, the greater the chance that we will have to face cancer in our lives. This cannot be changed.

However, there are some things that can be changed – some things we can control. In football, the number and the severity of injuries on the field can and has been reduced. New and better equipment, coupled with rule changes – have greatly improved player safety over the years.

The same is true about cancer – though, we may never be able to completely prevent cancer – tremendous progress has been made in

reducing the effects of cancer. There are now preventative measures that we can take to reduce our risk for cancer. We can stop, or better yet, never start smoking. We can wear sunscreen. We can eat healthier. And though we may not ever cure cancer – we can certainly minimize its

effect on our lives through the use of new drugs, new technologies, and new treatments. So, football and cancer are both things that can and cannot be changed. But, football is a game. A game we can choose to play or not. That choice is a luxury that is not afforded to those with cancer. If you

are told that you have cancer – you cannot just decide not to play.

So, if cancer does enter your life – what can you do – what can you change? When faced with such a crisis, many people turn to God. We even see this at football games. Players point to the heavens, thanking God for allowing them to score a touchdown. Fans pray that that last-second field goal will win the game. Honestly, though, God doesn’t care one bit who wins or who loses a football game.

But, God does care about you. Prayer may not change the outcome of a football game – but, prayer can change your future. That’s because prayer opens your life up to God – giving God more room to work – more room to bring positive results to your life.

We can and have made changes in football – changes that make the game safer – and more enjoyable. We can and have made changes in cancer, too – changes that help make our situations a little more bearable – changes that can bring peace to our lives. Changes that give us hope– and because God’s love has been poured into our hearts – no matter what happens, hope will not disappoint us.

We know that God’s love doesn’t guarantee that everything will be easy – but, God does promise that when life is difficult, God will be with us. Yes, God loves us and God will be with us always – and that cannot be changed!

Pastor Brian

Football and Cancer – things that cannot and can be changed


Word from the Council President Members of Trinity, Just like it is for you, it’s time for me to fill out my church pledge card for 2015. What will I give? I have to admit that I begin to think about my other financial obligations. An article I recently read stated that giving triggers fear of losing security and fear of having less. The article went on to say:

“In other words, the natural instinct for most of us when it comes to generosity is fear. But Scripture indicates that we may be looking at life through a distorted framework. It indicates that generosity is the catalyst for experiencing “ the life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19). So the very thing that should prompt excitement ends up prompting fear. Our instinct is the opposite of God’s reality.” [Generosity Church Blog]

So I need to put that fear into perspective as I fill in my pledge card this year. Regardless of what I have pledged in the past, has God taken care of my needs? Have my children every “really” been in need of food or clothes? Have I not had a roof over my head? Or transportation to get to work? God has always come through for me. And when I’ve given that ‘extra’ amount to provide for someone less fortunate, to make sure a young child has a winter coat or a warm meal or a Christmas gift under the tree, have my needs been met? “Giving” a little bit more always has given me a LOT more in return. … not monetarily or in accumulating more stuff, but in a full heart and a closeness to God …. I’ve always received so much more. Prayerfully, hope that you will reflect, like I will, on just what God has given you. As I search my heart to determine what I will give back to Him, I selfishly know returning what He has first given me brings me so much closer in my relationship with Him. God’s Grace and Peace Mary Mary Lindsley

Council President Matthew 6:19-21 — "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (cf. Luke12:34)

World Community Day presented by Church Women United

Friday, November 7 at 9:00 am at Prince of Peace ELCA

Topic: Healing! Through God, our hands can heal

with speaker Ammie Ebben, Samaritan Counseling

An offering will be taken for the work of the National Church Women United Organization as

well as non-perishable food items.


OUR STORY -- GOD’S STORY November COMMUNITY TIME – The month of the Prophets

CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST – 10:00 – 10:15 a.m. [Lower Auditorium]

COMMUNITY TIME – 10:15 – 10:55 a.m. [Lower Auditorium]

November 2nd – BREAKFAST AT TRINITY (pancakes) All Saints Sunday & New Member recognition

Story: Prophet Elisha Heals Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-14) November 9th – Prophet Micah – Justice, Kindness & Humility (Micah 5:2-4; 6:6-8) November 16th – Prophet Isaiah shares God’s promise to Jerusalem (Isaiah 36:1-3, 13-20; 37:1-7; then 2:1-4) November 23rd – Prophet Jeremiah shares God’s warning about use of temple (Jeremiah 1:4-10; 7:1-11) November 30th – Service Project – decorate cookies for Loaves & Fishes

Stewardship: God’s Gifts to Flow through Us Everything we have was given by God. How

much does God give you?

How much do we give back to God? How do we

give back? We can give in so many ways, by

using all the gifts that God gave us. Our time,

talent, ability to care for others, to care for all of

God’s creations.

To give back grace, mercy, loyalty, compassion,

forgiveness and generosity. To fill the needs of

others. Pray and give thanks to God for your

blessings and pledge with your heart on commit-

ment Sunday, November 9th. My life is rich

with God’s blessings through my relationship

with God. I trust and love God to take care of

my needs and allow me to care for others.

From your Stewardship Chair,

Judy Natz




2 All Saints 9:00 am Worship

10:00 am

Breakfast at Trinity

10:15 am

Community Time

6pm Master Singers

(Daylight Savings)

3 3:30 pm L&F

4 pm Girl Choir

7 pm Bible



3:30 pm LAM

6:30 pm Exec.

Comm. Mtg.

5 9 am Keep in


Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

No Confirmation

7:00 pm AA


9 am Appleton

Women’s Club

Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7 3:30 pm L &F



9:00 am Worship

10:00 am

Continental Bfast

10:15 am

Community Time

6pm Master Singers

10 3:30 pm L&F

4 pm Girl Choir

5:30 pm Cent.


11 3:30 pm LAM

12 9 am KiT

10:30 am HHH

Noonhour Phil.

2pm Brewster Tea

3:30 pm L&F

6:30 pm


7:00 pm AA

13 Newsletter


Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

8:00 pm Bells


3:30 pm L&F


16 9:00 am Worship

10:00 am

Continental Bfast

10:15 am

Community Time

6pm Master Singers

17 9:15 am L&F

Board Mtg.

10 am


3:30 pm L&F

4 pm Girl Choir

18 3:30 pm LAM

6:30 pm

Council Mtg

19 9 am Keep in


Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

6:30 pm


6:30 pm EGA

7:00 pm AA

20 9 am Collate


11:30 am Red Ox

Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

8:00 pm Bells

21 3:30 pm L & F


23 9:00 am Worship

10am Cont. Bfast

10:15 am

Community Time

6pm Master Singers


Same as 11/23

24 3:30 pm L&F

4 pm Girl Choir

25 3:30 pm LAM

26 No KiT

No L&F

27 Happy


28 No L & F


Trinity Lutheran Church 209 S. Allen St., Appleton WI 54911

November 2014

Remember to turn your clocks back

for Daylight Savings on Sunday,

November 2.



November 2 Greet - West: Dorothy Warren Greet - East: Esther Jurgensen Altar Care: 1. Lorna Dorn 2. Shirley Jooss Acolyte: Can you help? Ushers: 1. Jim Dorn 2. Jeff Dorow 3. Mike Dorow 4. Pete Mohr Reader: Sandy LeMoine Communion Assistant: Millie Mohr Healing: 1. Dorothy Warren 2. Marilyn Schucknecht Children’s Time: Jennifer Cornelius Fellowship: Pancake Breakfast November 9 Greet - West: Marilyn Schucknecht Greet - East: Shirley Jooss Altar Care: Shirley Jooss Acolyte: Can you help? Ushers: 1. Jim Dorn 2. Jeff Dorow 3. Mike Dorow 4. Kay Schroeder Reader: Kay Schroeder Communion Assistants: 1. Jeff Jorow 2. Jerry LeMoine Children’s Time: Mary Bankert Fellowship: Kay Schroeder Care of Pew Racks: Jan Liebscher

November 16 Greet - West: Marilyn Schucknecht Greet - East: Shirley Jooss Altar Care: Lorna Dorn Acolyte: Can you help? Ushers: 1. Jim Dorn 2. Jeff Dorow 3. Mike Dorow 4. Pete Mohr Reader: Sandy LeMoine Communion Assistants: 1. Millie Mohr 2. Sandy LeMoine Children’s Time: Wanda Fischer Fellowship: Shirley Jooss November 23 Greet - West: Marilyn Schucknecht Greet - East: Gloria & Terry Howe Altar Care: Lorna Dorn Acolyte: Can you help? Ushers: 1. Terry Howe 2. Jeff Dorow 3. Mike Dorow 4. Pete Mohr Reader: Sandy LeMoine Communion Assistants: 1. Millie Mohr 2. Gloria Howe Children’s Time: Sue Ruppel Fellowship: Millie Mohr Care of Pew Racks: Jan Liebscher

November 30 Greet - West: Dorothy Warren Greet - East: Gloria & Terry Howe Altar Care: Can you help? Acolyte: Can you help? Communion Assistants: 1. Dorothy Warren 2. Gloria Howe

Ushers: 1. Terry Howe 2. Jeff Dorow 3. Mike Dorow 4. Pete Mohr Reader: Can you help? Children’s Time: Dena Krueger Fellowship: Sandy LeMoine


Bible Study Opportunities In November

Opportunities at Trinity to Study God’s Message for You Please consider joining a study of God’s message with others at Trinity. It is a fun experience, with lots of good discussion. Here is a summary of the upcoming opportunities in November!

Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room

Readings and conversations focus on the readings for Sunday and:

Are cheerfully “open door”…so you are welcome at any time.

Last about an hour, depending on the desire of the group.

Readings for Wednesdays in November include:

November 5 - Micah 5:2-4; 6:6-8

November 12 - Isaiah 2:1-4; 36:1-3, 13-20; 37:1-7

November 19 - Jeremiah 1:4-10; 7:1-11

November 26 - No Bible Study

You are Welcome to…

“Keep in Touch” with God and with one another Refreshments provided!

First Monday of the Month !!! Monday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m.

Monday evening Bible Study (usually the first Monday of each month) meets on Monday, November 3 at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Please join us as we discuss Max Lucado's study,

entitled "You'll Get Through This". Do you yearn for some hope in these troubled times? Most of us do, as did Joseph when he was thrown into a pit. And pits have no easy exit. Come join us as we talk about how God lightens our load, no matter how heavy. Call or email Mary Robertson with any questions or ideas: 450-1350.

Welcome Tony!! If you have been around Trinity during the core daytime hours, you may have

seen a new face!! His name is Tony Hernandez, and Tony is the new custodian at

Trinity! Tony started in September, replacing Paul Walker doing the day-to-day

cleaning at Trinity. Paul has taken over the “MooreClean” business, and Tony

works directly for Paul.

Tony was born in Green Bay and has lived several places throughout Wisconsin,

but he would call Sheboygan his “home town”. Tony is very interested in history and things

“old”. When you are at Trinity, stop, introduce yourself and welcome Tony to the Trinity family!!



November 2014 - Judy Natz

Judy Natz and her family (Vaubel family) have been members of Trinity her whole life. She serves Trinity in so many ways. Judy: is currently on the Trinity Council and serves as the Stewardship chairperson; is a member on the Centennial Planning Team (in charge of memorabilia); leads the Altar Guild; is a coordinator for weddings at Trinity; is a member of the Trinity Singers and Handbell Choir; is a member of the Trinity Quilters; is at church every Sunday to make sure the “Pray for Five” cards are available for your signature; volunteers VERY regularly with her Worship Volunteer team and helps on MANY other Sundays as well. Judy has been actively involved in planning the Christmas and Spring Women’s Teas and is always available

when needed for special projects at Trinity! Judy also volunteers with Loaves & Fishes, the Emergency Shelter and Salvation Army Judy is a Pharmacy Technician at Shopko. For the past few years, Judy has used her professional connections to bring flu shots to Trinity on a Sunday morning. She has one daughter, Tracy. When not at Trinity or volunteering, Judy loves: to follow Tracy in sports; to attend “Women of Faith” conferences and Bible Studies; to exercise; and anything Elvis. She has a collection of Elvis books, watch, t-shirts, and more! Her nieces and nephews say she is the best aunt around!

Judy, THANK YOU for sharing you time and talent with your Trinity family and community!!!

100 Years - 100 Stories

“We are still collecting stories! PLEASE share your written notes, we will type it up!”

See page 11 of the newsletter for details.

Barbara Haas Barbara served Trinity Lutheran Church in a variety of ways. Her leadership ability led her to be the first woman elected President of the Church Council. She faithfully attended to the duties involved whether they were large or small. Barbara delivered communion to Trinity homebound members, visiting them at least once monthly. Her service brought happiness to the recipients. Because of her interest in cooking, Barbara chaired committees which published Trinity Cookbooks. She was the moving force behind the 1974 and l980 editions and was in the midst of a third volume when she died in 2007.

Professionally Barbara was a chemist who did research at the Institute of Paper Chemistry as well as private paper companies. Barbara was an active volunteer in numerous community organizations. As an

Appleton Medical Center Volunteer she chaired the annual Geranium Sale for many

years. She was involved in American Association of University Women and Highlands

Elementary School Parent Teacher Association.


It’s THRIVENT CHOICE TIME …. If you are a Thrivent member that has

Choice Dollars to designate, the dollars were

updated at the End of September.


You may now designate the dollars that have accumulated to

date in 2014 to Trinity of Appleton or any other 403B

organization of your choice……


Call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) And state ‘Thrivent Choice’

OR 2) Login at and direct your dollars online.

TO DATE IN 2014: Members of Trinity that are Thrivent Members have designated $2,462 to

Trinity. THANK YOU!!!

Questions-Contact your Thrivent Advocates: Wanda Fischer or Mary Lindsley


I’d like to invite you to join me

ON: December 21st



BRUNCH & SHOW TIME: Brunch: 11:30 – 12:30

Show begins: 1:00

COST: $10.00 per person

WHERE: Fox Cities Performing Arts Center

As a Thrivent member, I ….. as well as

any other member, may invite guests

to attend programs of the Outagamie

Chapter. So I’m inviting ANYONE who

would like to attend, to join me …… Let

me know if you’d like to attend. Mary


Get ready to laugh along, clap

along and sing-along with Dave

and Ted; Deuces Wild! For over

12 years Dave and Ted have

traveled coast-to-coast in the

US and Mexico bringing their

highly interactive show to a

variety of audiences!


Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity

***This event is appropriate for

teens and adults.***

Through NOVEMBER 9th …

DONATE A FEW ITEMS … OR ADOPT-A-FAMILY for THANKSGIVING Trinity is putting together Thanksgiving Meals for low-income families in our community.

See the list below…bring in a few items…or Sign-Up at Com-munity Time to Adopt-A-Family and bring in the complete meal. FREE T-SHIRT for first 20 Trinity members that adopt a family.

EACH MEAL WILL INCLUDE: Box of Mashed Potatoes Box of Stove Top Stuffing 2 Jars of Turkey Gravy 2 Cans of Corn 2 Cans of Green Beans 1 Can of Cranberries

Each meal will also include a gift certificate to purchase a turkey using $250 raised at the Trinity Ladies Tea and a $250 Thrivent Action Team Grant. QUESTIONS: Ask Mary Lindsley or 920-740-7646.


Noonhour Philosophers Wednesdays from Noon - 1 pm Upper Auditorium

Wed. Nov. 5 THE HISTORY OF SPORT FISHING Frank Koffend, Sportsman and Antique Dealer

Wed. Nov. 12 PREVENTING GUN VIOLENCE Jeri Bonavia, Director, WAVE Education Fund

Wed. Nov. 19 FINANCIAL INSTABILITIES AND GOVERNMENT POLICIES Cory Azzi, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Lawrence University


Trinity Lutheran Church

Remember - Rejoice - Renew 100 Years-100 Stories

“We are still collecting stories! PLEASE share your written notes, we will type it up!”

Please share your memories of Trinity Lutheran Church with us. We will be compiling these stories into a book we are calling 100 Years-100 Stories. Below are questions that might help trigger a special memory that you want to share. Use one of these or write on a topic of your own! You may submit more than one memory/story, our goal is to have at least 100 stories! 1) What is your favorite memory from your time here at Trinity? 2) Tell us about a group you served with here at church or on behalf of Trinity in the community. 3) Share with us about a special event for you or your family that was celebrated here at Trinity. (baptism, wedding, confirmation, first communion, funeral, graduation etc.) 4) Tell us about something funny that happened to you while here at Trinity or with Trinity folks in the community. (on a church trip or at a church event) 5) Tell us about someone here at the church that has been a special part of your life, through your connection at Trinity. Please return your stories, hand written or typed, to the church office or email your stories to Wanda Fisher – or Mary Bankert –


Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Church

209 S. Allen St. Appleton, WI 54911 920-734-9895

An ELCA congregation

Congregation Council

President . . . Mary Lindsley 740-7646 Vice Pres. . . . Jeanne Beckley 739-2426

Secretary . . . Leanne Meidam Wincentsen 757-5570

Treasurer . . . Sue Ruppel 739-8558

Wanda Fischer . . . 788-9331 Kay Schroeder . . . 851-6204 Dave Lemke . . . 585-5527

Judy Natz . . . 419-7126 David Otts . . . 832-3968

Mary Robertson . . . 450-1350 Ken Schucknecht . . . 734-6193

Steve Schulze 450-8880 Chris Vander Wielen . . . 419-7073

Kerrie Jo Wagner . . . 277-4932

Feel free to contact any of these individuals with your thoughts, needs or

concerns for Trinity.


Pastor Brian Bankert Office Manager Sarah Bultman Praise Team Leader David Otts Organist Jon Peterson

Custodian Paul Walker 920-284-8951 Pastoral Care: Please contact the church office at 734-9895. In case of emergency, you may contact Pastor Brian on his phone via voice or text - 703-314-1931.

2015 ELCA Youth Gathering - RISE UP An informational meeting will be held on Sunday, November 9th at 11:00 a.m. for all parents and students interested in attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering that will be held in Detroit, MI from July 15 - 19. Please contact Kay Schroeder (before the meeting) if you are interested in attending the Gathering; her email is or by phone at 920-851-6204. Get ready to RISE UP!