Towards the ultimate control of LIGHT - JILA et al OPN 2000.pdfmetrology and spectroscopy across...

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16 O p t i c s & P h o t o n i c s N e w s / O c t o b e r 2 0 0 01047-6938/99/x/00xx/0x-$0015.00 © Optical Society of America

Optical frOptical frequency metrequency metrology and theology and thephase contrphase control of femtosecond pulses ol of femtosecond pulses

TTowarowards theds theultimate contrultimate control of ol of

By Scott A. Diddams,David J. Jones, Jun Ye,

Tara M. Fortier, Robert S. Windeler,

Steven T. Cundiff, T.W. Hänsch and

John H. Hall

In just the past year there has arisen a remarkableconvergence of two seemingly disparate subfieldsof optical physics: precision optical frequencymetrology and ultrafast phenomena. The former

field is typified by the variety of spectroscopic and fun-damental physical measurements that can be madeusing a continuous wave (CW) laser best described byits near delta-function frequency spectrum. In sharpcontrast, the field of ultrafast phenomena encompassesthe study of sub-picosecond events using laser pulsesthat approach the limit of time domain delta-functions.In fact, at this point in time state-of-the-art lasersources from these two fields share nearly the samedelta-function “figure of merit” with frequency andtemporal widths on the order of a few parts in 1015

hertz and seconds, respectively In this article, we willpresent relevant details of these two subfields, thenexplore their connection, and finally highlight the mostrecent advances made possible by this surprising union.

The ultrastable, the ultrafast and their connectionOver the past century, spectroscopic investigation

has provided much information about the structure ofthe atoms and molecules that make up our universe.And during this time it has always been important tohave tools that permit greater measurement resolution.As resolution increased, scientists were able to measureand understand the fine and hyperfine structures, rela-tivistic effects, the broadening due to thermal motion,the Lamb shift, and even the small spectral shifts associ-ated with the recoil that results from an emitted pho-ton.1,2 Of course, the introduction of frequency-stabi-lized lasers has had a dramatic impact on the field ofspectroscopy, and it is now possible to investigate opti-cal transitions at the Hz level (i.e. resolution approach-ing 1 part in 1015).3 For tests of fundamental physics,such precision is not excessive—especially if one issearching for variations of fundamental constants,which has (Author query: has or have?) been predict-ed to occur at or below this same level.4 When such sta-ble laser sources are referenced to very narrow opticaltransitions they also serve as excellent oscillators forwhat is anticipated to be the next generation of all-opti-cal atomic clocks. With the significant increase in the Qratio of carrier frequency to linewidth (Author query:ratio inside or outside parentheses?) and theimproved control and evaluation of systematic shifts,the inaccuracy of future clocks based on optical transi-tions is predicted to approach 1 part in 1018.3 This isone thousand times better than the current microwaveatomic clocks based on the 9 GHz cesium hyperfinetransition.

Although, as just discussed, many physical systemsexhibit and benefit from great stability, other physicalsystems change extremely rapidly—on the time scale offemtoseconds. This, for example, is the characteristictime scale for making and breaking bonds in manychemical systems, as well as the vibrational periods ofsolid-state lattices. By providing photons in very shortpackets, lasers that produce femtosecond pulses also

have the distinct advantage of peak powers in the rangeof kilowatts to terawatts (when amplified).5 For applica-tions in nonlinear optics, this peak power can be usedfor the generation of dense plasmas and x-ray radiation.So it perhaps comes as a surprise that lasers with suchapparent nonlinear ferocity might usefully combinepaths with their extremely quiet and carefully controlledcousins from the realm of precision spectroscopy andmetrology. In the regime when pulses consist of just afew optical cycles, we come to a situation in which forthe first time the phase of the carrier field actuallybegins to be of importance. It is here that the powerfultechniques of frequency-domain laser stabilization canbe applied to a femtosecond laser to control the opticalcarrier with respect to the envelope on even a sub-fem-tosecond time scale. Such precise control of just a fewoscillations of a high intensity laser field should dramat-ically impact the field of extreme nonlinear optics,including above-threshold ionization and high harmon-ic and x-ray generation with such pulses. In addition,once the femtosecond laser is stabilized, its broad spec-tral coverage provides an excellent tool for precisionmetrology and spectroscopy across intervals of manyhundreds of terahertz.

The connection between the ultrafast and the ultra-stable arises from the fact that femtosecond laser oscilla-tors produce pulses in a periodic train via mode-lock-ing. If one simply assumes that the femtosecond laseremits a pulse once per cavity round trip τr.t., then it isstraightforward to show that the frequency domain

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Figure 1: Time-Frequency correspondence, and the relationshipbetween offset frequency d and the pulse-to-pulse carrier envelopephase Df. (a) In the time domain, the relative phase between thecarrier and the envelope of the pulse train continually incrementsfor each successive pulse by the amount Df. (b) In the frequencydomain, the elements of the frequency comb of a mode-lockedpulse train are spaced by frep, and the entire comb is offset frominteger multiples of frep by an offset frequency d=Df frep /2π.

spectrum consists of a comb of discrete modes separat-ed by the repetition frequency frep=1⁄τr.t.. The extent ofthe time domain pulse train provides the frequency res-olution of individual comb components, while the totalextent of the frequency domain mode comb is approxi-mately limited to the inverse of the pulse duration.However, what may not be obvious is the consequenceof the carrier having a round trip cavity delay that dif-fers from that of the envelope. This is the result of dis-persion in the laser cavity, and in the time domain it ismanifested as a pulse-to-pulse phase slip ∆φ betweenthe carrier and the envelope [see Figure 1(a)].6,7,8 In thefrequency domain, ∆φ yields an offset of the modecomb from exact harmonics of the frep by the amountδ=∆φ frep /2π [see Figure 1(b)].6,8 Based on this simplepicture one can now see how the control of both frepand δ makes it possible to subsequently control thepulse-to-pulse phase slip ∆φbetween the carrier and theenvelope. At the same time, when both frep and δ arefixed, one arrives at the unique situation of having anentire array of optical frequencies with precisely knownfrequencies fn = n frep + δ, where n is an integer. As willbe described in further detail below, we are now at thepoint where one can produce such broad combs ofoscillators across many hundreds of terahertz of band-width, with each comb element actively stabilized at alevel approaching 1 Hz.

Optical frequency metrology with femtosecond lasersAny statement about the absolute frequency of a

laser stabilized to an optical transition must follow froma comparison with the internationally agreed upon fre-quency definition based on the time unit (the second)being exactly 9,192,631,770 oscillations of themicrowave field connecting cesium ground state hyper-fine levels. However, a very troublesome detail in thisendeavor has been the "clockwork" that would permitthe phase coherent conversion of the extremely highoptical frequency (~500 THz) to a countable signal inthe microwave domain [see Figure 2] (Author: isthere a word missing in the preceding sentence?).One approach has been to build frequency chains that

create successive harmonics of thecesium standard, until one arrives inthe optical domain.9 This approachto optical frequency metrology is

very complicated and labor intensive, and requires thescale of investment that is generally found only atnational research facilities. An alternative approachessentially involves the subdivision of the octavebetween an optical frequency f and its second harmonic2f. Indeed if one can directly measure the intervalbetween f and 2f, one has accomplished the measure-ment of f itself. Successive bisections of the octave(yielding the frequencies 3/2f, then 5/4f, then 9/8f, andso on) with lasers and nonlinear optical elements couldeventually lead to a frequency interval small enough tobe directly compared to cesium.10 Clearly, any devicethat would permit the measurement of the largest possi-ble frequency gap (ideally the octave itself ) woulddecrease the number of required bisections and simplifythis scheme.

This leads to the idea of using a broadband frequen-cy comb to measure intervals between optical frequen-cies. Such an experiment was first carried out in the lateseventies when the frequency domain mode comb froma picosecond laser was used to demonstrate the basicpotential of mode-locked lasers as an “optical ruler” inthe measurement of frequency gaps in sodium.11

This route was pursued further in the seventies andeighties,12,13 but the attainable bandwidths were neversufficiently large to make it a widespread technique foroptical frequency metrology. Although broadband fem-tosecond Ti:sapphire lasers have existed since the begin-ning of the 1990s, their use in optical frequency metrol-ogy remained un-tapped until researchers at theMax-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (MPQ) conclu-sively showed that such lasers could play a crucial role inthis field. In the very first demonstration, a 20 THz widefrequency comb from a commercial femtosecond laserwas used to measure the absolute frequency of thecesium D1 line and thereby provide a new determina-tion of the fine structure constant α.14 Furthermore, theuniformity and accuracy of the femtosecond lasercomb were verified to the level of 3x10-17 and 6x10-16,respectively.15

As discussed above, large comb bandwidths aredesirable for measuring optical frequencies. For this rea-

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Figure 2: Map of the electromagnetic spec-trum from the ~9.2 GHz cesium standard(Cs) to the optical. The approximate fre-quencies (and wavelengths) of several opti-cal standards are identified. A significantchallenge to optical frequency metrology isestablishing a phase coherent connectionacross the 4-order of magnitude gapbetween Cs and the optical domain. Withthe new femtosecond comb technology, thisproblem is enormously simplified and a gridof cesium-referenced frequencies nowexists across the entire visible and nearinfrared (green shading). Difference fre-quency generation can transfer this combto lower frequencies. (Author query: is thepreceding sentence correct?)

son, one would seek to use a femtosecond laser that pro-duces pulses of the shortest duration. To date, the veryshortest optical pulses generated directly from an oscil-lator consist of approximately two optical cycles andhave 3dB bandwidth greater than one-half an octave(centered near 800 nm).16 The well-known process ofself-phase modulation in silica optical fiber can also actto broaden the spectrum of a femtosecond pulse. Inexperiments at JILA in Boulder, Colorado, such broad-ening permitted the comparison of two optical stan-dards separated by 104 THz,17 a frequency interval thatwould have been viewed as insurmountable even oneyear before. At the MPQ, similar broadening of a fem-tosecond frequency comb to 44 THz was used in a fre-quency chain that made the most precise measurementto date of any optical frequency—the 121 nm 1S-2Stransition in atomic hydrogen1— with an uncertainty ofonly 46 Hz (1.8x10-14).18

Although such large attainable bandwidths alreadypresent a great simplification in the measurement ofoptical frequencies, the introduction of novelmicrostructure silica fibers (also called photonic crystalfibers) has provided the ultimate simplification throughthe generation of a complete octave of bandwidth in the

visible and near infrared [see Figure 3].19 Themicrostructure fiber consists of a very small (~1.5micron diameter) silica core surrounded by a ring ofair-filled holes. The unique dispersion properties of thefiber shifts the zero of the group velocity dispersion towavelengths in the range of the Ti:sapphire laser (~800nm). What is quite surprising about the microstructurefiber is that in spite of the high peak powers and com-plicated nonlinearities involved, the very stable combstructure of the femtosecond laser is transferred to thenewly generated comb components via four-wave mix-ing.20 The result is a vast array of discrete, evenly spacedmodes that fill the entire spectrum of Figure 3.

With this octave-spanning spectrum, it is now possi-ble to measure optical frequencies in a single step with adirect reference to the cesium microwave standard. Thisis accomplished when the mode spacing (frep) of thefemtosecond comb is locked with feedback control to anrf synthesizer (that itself is referenced to cesium). Theoctave interval between the frequency f and its secondharmonic 2f can be simply expressed as 2f-f = f = n frep.The first implementation of this idea was carried outwith the 282 THz fundamental frequency of an iodine-

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stabilized CW-YAG laser and its second harmonic.21 Amore elegant approach, which eliminates the need forany CW lasers, is to frequency double the infrared por-tion of the spectrum of Figure 3 and heterodyne it withthe existing visible portion of the spectrum.22,23 Theresulting beat frequency is the offset δ shown in Figure1. As already noted, when the laser is controlled (withpiezo-electric transducers, for example) in such a fash-ion that both the radio frequencies frep and δ are lockedto the cesium standard, one then has an entire array ofoptical frequencies with precisely known frequencies fn= n frep + δ. In effect, such a femtosecond laser thenoperates as an optical frequency synthesizer. Veryrecently, researchers at the University of Karlsruhe haveproduced an octave-spanning frequency comb directlyfrom a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser (without anyspectral broadening in a nonlinear fiber) and locked theoffset δ using the scheme just described.24

It seems appropriate at this point for one to askabout the accuracy and precision of measurementsmade with such broadband combs. Two very recentexperiments have addressed the accuracy issue. In onecase, two femtosecond-based frequency chains werecompared side-by-side in a measurement of the samefrequency and found to agree with an uncertainty of5x10-16.23 In the other experiment, a femtosecond fre-quency chain was compared to a traditional harmonicfrequency chain operating at the NRC in Ottawa, Cana-da. In this case, the longstanding 633 nm He-Ne opticalstandard was measured by both systems with an uncer-

tainty of 220 Hz, limited by the He-Ne laser itself. 25 Inevery experiment done to date the limiting element interms of the precision has been the stability of the radiofrequency or microwave oscillator that controls themode spacing frep. In fact, measurements indicate thatonce the low frequency thermal and acoustic perturba-tions have been removed, the stability of the repetitionrate of the femtosecond laser rivals (and exceeds) that ofthe best crystal oscillators available. Even phase lockingone of the modes of the femtosecond laser to an ultra-stable CW laser does not drastically improve the stabili-ty elsewhere in the spectrum.26 The best way to improvethis situation is to remove the external microwavesource completely and control both frep and δ via all-optical means. This has recently been accomplishedsuch that the stability of the iodine-stabilized CW laseris transferred to every element of the octave-spanningcomb at the level of 3x10-13.26 In this case, the systemcan operate as an all-optical clock that provides a stable100 MHz radio frequency in the form of frep.

Time-domain consequences of frequency-domain controlAt the most basic level, the output of a mode-locked

laser is an amplitude-modulated, carrier wave, shownschematically in Figure 1(a). In the case of sub-10 fspulses, now commonly generated by mode-lockedTi:Sapphire lasers, the pulse width is only a few cycles induration. Normally, in a femtosecond laser cavity, thecarrier wave and the pulse envelope travel at differentvelocities, causing the relative phase between the carrier

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and the envelope of the pulse train to continually incre-ment for each successive pulse emitted by the mode-locked laser. Another problem is that fluctuations in thelaser’s operating parameters work to randomize thecarrier-envelope phase from pulse to pulse.

Historically, the absolute phase of an optical wave’selectric field has not been relevant, in that any shift inthis phase had no measurable effect. However, withinthe context of few-cycle optical pulses, the electric fielddoes not have this invariance. This condition is due tothe reference provided by the few-cycle width of thepulse envelope. Shown schematically in Figure 1(a),the value of the electric field’s phase (relative to theenvelope) drastically alters the optical character of afew-cycle pulse. One clear example of this condition iscoherent X-ray (or high harmonic) generation. In addi-tion to X-ray generation, other examples of extremenonlinear optics or strong field processes where theabsolute phase is critical include attosecond pulse gen-eration and strong-field ionization.27

In general, the absolute carrier-envelope phase, φ ofthe mth pulse is given by φm= φ0 + m ∆φ where φ0 isunknown constant phase offset and m is an integerlabeling individual pulses. As already described, thequantity ∆φ is the pulse-to-pulse phase slip, which isrelated to the offset frequency and pulse repetition ratevia 2πδ = ∆φ frep. By directly referencing the carrier-envelope phase evolution of the output pulse train tothe pulse repetition rate itself,22 (thus establishing adefinite integral fraction of δ/frep) a pulse train withconstant carrier-envelope phase can be easily obtainedwith a pulse picker driven at the appropriate sub-har-monic of frep. As a result, one can now synthesize wave-forms consisting of just a few optical cycles.

Due to the direct connection between frequency andtime domains, both can provide a diagnostic of the car-rier-envelope phase lock. After locking the carrier-enve-lope phase, a frequency counter can measure the varia-tion of the offset frequency δ. In recent experiments, amaximum point-to-point excursion of 5.6 Hz in δ hasbeen observed (for a counting time of 0.1 s), which isequivalent to a maximum carrier-envelope phase slip-page of 0.56 cycles/sec, thereby demonstrating long-term time stability of the phase lock.28 Time domainmeasurements confirming phase control require a spe-cially designed cross-correlator in order to measure thephase shift between successive pulses.7,22 From thecross-correlation, the relative carrier-envelope phasecan be measured directly in the time domain [see Fig4(a)]. By changing the lock point of the offset frequen-cy and subsequently measuring the carrier-envelopephase, a comparison can be made with the theoreticalexpected relation ∆φ = 2πδ/frep. A plot of the experi-mentally determined relative phases for various offsetfrequencies, along with the theoretically expected linearrelation is shown in Figure 4(b). The excellent agree-

Figure 3: Output spectrum from the silica microstructure fiber fordifferent amounts of coupled power. The input spectrum from thelaser is also shown for reference. Beneath the envelope lies anevenly spaced comb of frequency modes.

ment conclusively demonstrates the first precise wave-form synthesis on a femtosecond time scale of electro-magnetic fields.29

As noted previously, the frequency domain tech-niques described in this article can stabilize the carrier-envelope phase to a constant φ0, but unknown value. Asimilar, but refined measurement or an additional tech-nique, such as ionization of a noble gas or tunnel ion-ization from a metal surface, will be necessary to mea-sure and control φ0.

Summary and outlookThe ability to control optical fields to within a few

hertz over many hundreds of terahertz of bandwidthhas collectively accelerated both the frequency metrol-ogy and ultrafast communities into new frontiers. Forthe first time, small-scale spectroscopy labs now havetools that permit them to generate and measure opticalfrequencies across the entire visible and near infraredspectrum. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 2, the dif-ference frequency between any of the components ofthe synthesized frequency comb provides access to midand far-infrared frequencies—not to mention themicrowave domain. The necessary clockwork is finallyavailable such that the high stability (10-15 range in 1 s)of superior optical oscillators, such as those based on asingle mercury ion and cold calcium atoms,3,30 may betransferred to the countable microwave domain. As thetechnology progresses, it is possible that compact opti-cal frequency standards coupled with a simple fem-tosecond laser system will replace current microwavestandards in some applications. In ultrafast technologyand applications, a similar revolutionary era has alsobegun. Well-controlled femtosecond pulses will permitnew approaches to phase-sensitive quantum coherentcontrol of atomic and molecular wavepackets.31 Andsince independent fs lasers can now be phase-lockedtogether, two-color coherent pump-probe experimentsmay be performed in chemical or solid-state systems.With amplification and external-cavity pulse envelopeshapers, complete control over phase and amplitude of

gigawatt-level optical fields on a sub-cycle (~1 fs) timescale will soon be possible. With this enabling technolo-gy, efficient extreme ultraviolet (xuv) and attosecondX-ray pulses may soon be realized, thereby opening thedoor for new time-resolved X-ray studies of chemicalreactions and atomic structure. The preceding list is byno means complete, and the rapid realization of thesenew tools will most likely generate an ever-increasingrange of applications in both the time andfrequency domains.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge many valuable

discussions with Leo Hollberg, Ronald Holzwarth andThomas Udem.

References1. T.W. Hänsch, A.L. Schawlow, and G.W. Series, Sci. American

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16. U. Morgner, F. X. Kärtner, S. H. Cho, Y. Chen, H. A. Haus,J. G. Fujimoto, E. P. Ippen, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow and T.Tschudi, Opt. Lett. 24, 411 (1999). D. H. Sutter, G. Stein-meyer, L. Gallmann, N. Matuschek, F. Morier-Genoud, U.Keller V. Scheuer, G. Angelow and T. Tschudi, Opt. Lett. 24,631 (1999).

17. S.A. Diddams, D.J. Jones, L.-S. Ma, S.T. Cundiff, and J.L.Hall, Opt. Lett. 25, 186 (2000).

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20. The coherent nature of continuum generation has alsorecently been studied with amplified femtosecond pulses.M. Bellini and T.W. Hänsch, Opt. Lett. 25, 1049 (2000).

21. S.A. Diddams, D.J. Jones, J. Ye, S.T. Cundiff, J.L. Hall, J.K.Ranka, R.S. Windeler, R. Holzwarth, Th. Udem, and T.W.Hänsch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5102 (2000).

22. D.J. Jones, S.A. Diddams, J.K. Ranka, R.S. Windeler, A.J.Stentz, J.L. Hall, and S.T. Cundiff, Science 288, 635(2000).

23. R. Holzwarth, Th.Udem, T.W. Hänsch, J.C. Knight, W.J.Wadsworth, and P. St. J. Russell, Phys. Rev. Lett. (inpress).

24. Private communication from Franz Kärtner.25. J. Ye, T.H. Yoon, J.L. Hall, A.A. Madej, J.E. Bernard, K.J.

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26. J. Ye, J.L. Hall, S.A. Diddams, Opt. Lett. (in press).27. T. Brabec and F. Krausz, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72, 545 (2000).28. D.J. Jones, S.A. Diddams, J.K. Ranka, R.S. Windeler, A.J.

Stentz, J.L. Hall, and S.T. Cundiff, in Proceedings of Ultra-fast Phenomena XII (Springer-Verlag, in press).

29. Stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase has also recent-ly been obtained using a 3mm piece of standard silica fiberfor spectral broadening. The result is an extremely shortpulse (6 fs) having ~1 MW peak power. A. Apolonski, A.Poppe, G. Tempea, Ch. Spielmann, Th. Udem, R. Holzwarth,T.W. Hänsch, F. Krausz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 740 (2000).

30. C.W. Oates, E.A. Curtis, L. Hollberg, Opt. Lett. (in press).K.R. Vogel, S.A. Diddams, C.W. Oates, E.A. Curtis. R.J.Rafac, J.C. Bergquist, R.W. Fox, W.D. Lee, and L. Hollberg,Opt. Lett. (submitted).

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Figure 4: (a) Cross-correlation data between two successive pulsesemitted from the phase-controlled femtosecond laser. The bluecurve is a fit of the correlation envelope. For this data, the pulse-to-pulse phase shift Df is approximately p. (b) Plot of Df as a functionof the normalized offset frequency d. The solid line is the expectedlinear relationship.