TLPA May 2011

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The Art of Persuasion - Use These Secrets Ethically and Responsibily

Transcript of TLPA May 2011


MAY 2011

WHAT IS PERSUASION? The technical definition - persuasion is a process that enables you to change or reinforce the attitudes, opinions or behaviour of a person in a way that appeals to that person.

To anybody who works with difficult and resistant job seekers or disengaged youth, persuasion simply means breaking down the wall (and ideally making it look like it was the others person’s idea) - basically persuasion helps you get what you want.

As simple as it sounds, there is one important element of persuasion that many people overlook - it is most effective when it is based on appeal rather than force.

Appeal makes people decide for themselves that they want to be in a situation in which they can change their views and actions. People like the idea that they independently make decisions on their own and for their own good. Persuasion does this very effectively. For a job seeker who most likely feels they have to do many things they don’t want to, appeal is paramount.

I could write a book for you (in fact I am) on the many techniques to sharpen your persuasion tools, but I only have a limited space to do so here. Following the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid) here are a few things you can implement now to make every day at work an awesome day – try a few today and see for yourself.

Gauging by the feedback and the amount of questions I have received from our first newsletter

(click here if you missed it), it was a resounding success. If I could dedicate an edition of this

newsletter to every question I received, I would be set for topics for the next 2 years at least.

Thank you to everybody that responded to the first edition of this newsletter - you have helped me

to understand what exactly I can do to help you. One of the many questions I get asked by case

managers and site managers nearly everyday is how do I work with somebody who does not want

to work with me. This month’s edition in dedicated to the Art of Persuasion.

Warning! The secrets you’re about to discover are powerful enough to change every job seeker’s behaviour and way of thinking, so please use them

ethically and responsibly.

May Quote

“Average people look for ways of

getting away with it; successful people

look for ways of getting on with it.”

Jim Rohn


In every programme I run, at some point I mention that communication is a two-way stream. As part of the communication stream it is your responsibility to communicate to the other party in a language that THEY understand. Just because you are exchanging words does not mean you are speaking the same language.

Imagine this scenario. It is one of the most important days of your career; you have your opportunity to present your ideas to the board of directors. You are all organized and have memorized your presentation. Murphy’s Law the morning of your big day sees your child wake up to a raging fever. You have been granted a tele-conference call that allows you to stay home with your child. This is your first and only chance to make a big impression. This phone call is the difference between you staying in a role you are tired of or the opportunity to advance in your career.

The time comes for the all importance call. Which path of communication do you think would work more effectively with your child?

PATH 1“Now sweetheart, mum/dad has a very important call to make for the next half an hour or so. It is an important call so I need to concentrate. At lot has happened at work and I need to give my report of my department to my senior manager. This is a part of my job description, it is my responsibility to account for etc.”


PATH 2 “Now sweetheart, mum/dad has a very important call to make for the next half an hour or so. It is an important call, how about I make some popcorn and put on your favourite movie? If you watch your movie and do not interrupt me, when I am done we can go to the park and play on the swings.”

Yes sure I am bribing my child in path 2, but you tell me which language is the child more likely to HEAR? Which communication path will have greater impact – “concentrate, report, senior manager, job description” or “popcorn, favourite movie, park, swings”?

Why would Path 2 be more effective than Path 1? Because I understand and use the words that are important to my child.



So how can you use the same language as your job seekers? Here are some specific techniques.

1) BECOME FRIENDS WITH YOUR JOB SEEKERTo successfully persuade people, you have to win their heart. They have to like you. The psychology behind this stems from the notion that people are more drawn and attracted to the people they already like. No matter what is going on in your day, do not discount the difference a smile can make. A simple act can raise the spirits of anybody. Job seekers, like most people, will tend to be more receptive to people that they feel they can trust and respect.

2) ENTER THE WORLD OF YOUR JOB SEEKERI cannot emphasise enough the importance of getting to know as much as you can about your clients – know their beliefs, qualities, interests, strength, weaknesses and values. You have to enter their inner world. Find out how they think and feel. What are their hopes, wishes and fears?

You must understand the situation according to their point of view. This is the only way you will be able to come up with better ways of persuading him/her from his/her point of perspective. Let me reword this, most of the time when someone seems to be arguing with you, all they are trying to do is to get you to understand their point of view. When you know what is going on, you can customize your persuasion approach (or adapt your language) to fit his/her model of the world.

Ask yourself “what would I (feel, do, think etc) if I were him/her?” Appreciate what is driving your job seeker, as it is the only way to foster change. When you begin to focus on understanding your job seekers, they will be much more likely to respect you.

3) THE MOST IMPORTANT WORD TO USE IN YOUR CONVERSATIONNothing is going to determine your success at persuasion more than using one simple word – your job seekers name. It is a sign of respect and it is the door that can open your way to being friends with your job seeker. You tell me which would make you feel better, “Please take a seat” or “Charlie, please take a seat”?

Your job seeker, like most people, loves hearing their own name. Whilst it is only one word, it makes your attempt to be friends personal for your job seeker. It will mean they are involved in a conversation with you. Simple, but effective.

4) MAKE AN OFFERING This one is a very subliminal persuasion tactic, but it works. Offer your job seeker a warm drink (tea, coffee, hot cocoa). The theory is that the warm sensation of the drink in their hands (and their body) can subconsciously make them feel like you are an emotionally warm, likable and welcoming person. Giving a resistant job seeker a cold drink can have the opposite effect! It is a well known fact that people tend to feel cold and crave warm food or drinks when they are feeling socially isolated. Fill that need in order to establish rapport and make your job seeker more receptive.

5) ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONSIf your job seeker agrees with what you are saying, chances are they feel like you are on their side, right?

So how can you get your job seeker to agree with you? Easy, ask the right questions, or rather end your questions with the right words.

Did you know that certain words at the end of a sentence encourage your job seeker to agree with you? Go back to the first sentence of this point and read it without the last word.


Let me ask you, you would like your job seeker to understand what you are doing for them, right?

Did you agree? Works every time.

Other words you should consider ending your sentences with are “isn’t,” “doesn’t,” “won’t” and “can’t.” These words will have your job seekers saying “yes” if not with their words, in their minds. You are now one big step towards building rapport. Test these ones out.

“This is a great plan to finding work, isn’t it?”

“You do want to get off social security, don’t you?”

“You’re not going to let me down this time, are you?”

6) MIND YOUR LANGUAGE BECAUSE…How often do you use the word “because” in your conversations with job seeker? If you knew how powerful this word was you would use it more often.

When you are trying to reach out to a resistant job seeker, this one word can break the ice. Instead of “You need to make this appointment” make a simple change “Charlie, you need to attend this appointment because I have moved heaven and earth to make it happen for you.” ‘Because’ makes what you do credible; you are now working for your job seeker.

Is this all making sense to you? You do see the power of this, don’t you? (sorry couldn’t help myself)

It is my intention that you understand the power of finding a common link or similarity between yourself and your job seeker; it will make your job so much easier.

There is so much more I could share with you about persuasion, but for now try these strategies and see if it makes a difference. Let me know what you notice.

Before I finish, there are several commandments that must be adhered to for these persuasion strategies to work - they set the entire process. Here are the first four:

1. Never assume you know what is going on for your jobseeker until you put yourself into their world. To think that all job seekers have the same attitude, behavior or issues is often the reason why many employment consultants struggle when dealing with resistant job seekers.

2. Give your full attention to your client when you are with them. Be in the conversation with just them. Listen to what they are saying as this is key to learning more about what is going on for them. Set aside whatever else is going on around you and focus on them.

3. Never commit to something you cannot deliver. One failed expectation, or a lie and a job seeker will doubt anything you have ever said. It will destroy trust and link you to that category of consultants who have “said that before.” Persuasion strategies cannot work with doubt.

4. Know that this does not work on everybody the first time and not everybody will be able to be persuaded all of the time. The art of persuasion is just that – an art. Like every art, it takes practice.

Now I know that some of you may be thinking, I have heard this all before, I know this stuff, it is all common sense.

Let me ask you then, are you really implementing these strategies? If you aren’t then I wonder whether you really know them, because if you aren’t implementing them you don’t really know them.

DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN DETECT IF SOMEONE IS LYING OR NOT THROUGH THEIR EYES?If you ask a question to a right-handed person and they look to their right in an upward direction, that generally means they are thinking or “visually constructing” an image in their mind. This means there is a high possibility they are making up a story.

If a right-handed person looks to the left in an upward direction, they are recalling or “visually remembering” something that actually happened.

The meaning of the eye directions has the reverse interpretation for a left-handed person.

There is so much more to persuasion and influence than what I could possibly mention in this newsletter. The methods and strategies we have highlighted are just a simple introduction to this art. You don’t need to learn lots of techniques to start or to be effective at this. Go and have some fun putting them into practice in your everyday activities, please let me know what you discover.


PARTICIPANT SPOTLIGHTSo many of you loved the participant spotlight and have asked for more, so here you go. This month we focus on Lindy who ran through the Makeover Central course in August 2010.

Lindy captured my heart during her program, and has held my admiration ever since graduation when she pulled out my business card from

her wallet that I passed around the room at a half-day presentation she was seated at seven months earlier. She had carried that card with her everyday and turned to it for guidance several times. This shows me that this lady is committed to making a better life for herself and her son. In a time when most people have accepted to just sit back and blame others for their life, this star has taken the message from Makeover Central and run with it. In the essence of paying it forward, Lindy inspires me with her frequent postings of quotes and motivational pieces on her face book page that now touch the lives of all her friends. Thank you Lindy for your courage and strength, the world is a better place with the new improved Lindy. Here is what she had to say…

1) What were your initial thoughts of Makeover Central and how did that change?

I wasn’t sure what Makeover Central was going to be like. My caseworker put my name down and told me I would benefit from it. I had previously sat in a day course with The Lighthouse Project Australia at PVS and had listened to Paula before Makeover Central. She said one thing then that had stayed with me. She said “she could look around the room and see who was most likely to be sitting in the same seat in another year’s time”. That triggered something within me, I was determined that I wasn’t going to be one of her predictions.

On the first day of Makeover Central I sat back and quietly watched everyone thinking, “was there someone else who deserved to be there more than me.” By day two I was getting involved with the activities, the questions and getting to know the other women around me. By graduation day I had a lovely new hairdo and a lesson in makeup (which was funny) and a

lovely new outfit. I was proud to stand up at graduation and say I was a part of all the transformations I saw.

(2) How would you describe yourself before Makeover Central?

That is easy. I felt I was a big fat slob that had no pride in how I looked. I carried the belief that if they didn’t like me the way I was, then tough. (how wrong I was).

(3) What some of your best memories/lessons from Makeover Central?

I loved the boxing even though I was too big and opted out earlier than most people. Playing with the makeup was fun once I figured out how to open the container properly lol. Making new friends was the best part of it all and meeting the ladies that helped Paula put on this wonderful course. I also loved the video clips we watched especially the clip from Rocky where he tells his son that life is not about how hard you get hit, but about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. I also loved the start of Makeover Central when Paula opened with a video of a flash mob dance to the song ‘I got a feeling’ by the Black Eye Peas, everytime I hear it the radio gets turned up and I break into dance.

(4) Can you give me a quick summary of life since Makeover Central?

I finished the Medical Administration course that I had started and then approximately two months later I spent the day ringing medical centres for work. I am working casually three to five days a week at an eye specialist. This is something I have wanted to do but before Makeover Central something I didn’t think or see myself doing. I just didn’t think I could do it.

I have also stopped drinking Coke, which was the only fluid that I drank before Makeover Central. My biggest achievement by far since Makeover Central though is losing 20 kilos. I have done that in the four months since completing Makeover Central! My reward - I had to buy all new clothes. That was so much fun. I remember there was a time when I would avoid clothing stores, now it is a pleasure and something I enjoy.

(5) What would you say to other job seekers or JSA consultants about Makeover Central?

Simply I would say do it! Listen to the message Paula is sending and take everything onboard. It is amazing how it can change your life without you even noticing it. And the friendships you make are wonderful, I have found lifelong friends. Enjoy it.



We have waiting for you an information pack with further

details on TLPA and Paula Majstorovic.

Included in this pack is a demo DVD as well as an

invitation for a FREE onsite demonstration for your

team (valued at over $250). Nobody like to be sold, so

let us give you a FREE sample of what we do and you

can make up your own mind about us – no obligations

and no strings attached.

To receive your FREE information pack, please call

Paula on 1300 364 917 or email

WE NEED YOUR HELPAt the TLPA we are always looking to expand our range of programmes and so we want to know what training your site needs for your caseload and your team. Tell us what can make your work easier, if we can’t help you we will find

somebody who can.

UPCOMING EVENTSIn the month of May and June we are focusing on programmes in the Central Western, Canterbury/Bankstown and Wollongong areas. Courses held will be Boot Camp Break Through (for job seekers aged 16-24), Makeover Central (for ladies) and Overhaul Central (for the men). We are looking for job seekers to fill these classes. Best suited to our programmes are job seekers that you know have more to give and may need a helping hand with confidence, self-image and appearance to push through.

We are also putting the finishing touches on our staff training programmes, this is something you will be interested in.

Watch out for more information out soon.

Previous clients include:

• IPCandPVSWorkfind

• TheSalvationArmyEmploymentPlus

• JobfindCentre

• MAXEmployment

• WISEEmployment

• MacarthurWorkplaceLearningProgram and Ingleburn High School

• MTCWorkSolutions

• StateLiberalParty

• PenrithCityCouncil

• HurstvilleCouncil

We are keen to expand our clientele and look forward to speaking to you regarding your job seekers and how we can help them push out of their comfort zone to achieve MASSIVE change in their life.


HOW CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION AND EVEN A FREE DEMONSTRATION AT MY OFFICE?Our website is still in development, for further information about TLPA, our programmes and results, please do not hesitate to contact Paula.

Ph: 1300 364 917Email:

It is a well known fact that “first impressions” are made within a few seconds of first meeting somebody. It is imperative for the success of your job seeker that they are able to make a positive lasting impression when they first meet a prospective employer. As important as vocational skills and work experience are for your candidates, the overall image they present is a huge component of their success. If your jobseeker cannot communicate properly, behave appropriately or dress suitably during a job interview, they will not get hired or be able to hold a position for very long.

Makeover Central will boost your job seekers confidence and self esteem by educating them on how to make the best possible impression and empower themselves to be the very best they can be.

Proven results time and time again (an average of 80% of job seekers that have completed this course have transitioned into employment or further education and training within weeks), Makeover Central gives job seekers a competitive edge in the employment market.

Makeover Central is a gender-specific training programme designed to transform job seekers into outstanding job-ready candidates.