Presentation may 2011

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Transcript of Presentation may 2011

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Rakefet SudriRakefet Sudri

Head of Sales,Head of Sales,

PR Newswire Israel PR Newswire Israel

Tel: 0772005042Tel: 0772005042

[email protected]

Twitter / @Twitter / @PRNewswireILPRNewswireIL

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Disclaimer: I am not a GuruDisclaimer: I am not a Guru. . All tips, recommendations, and ideas are from All tips, recommendations, and ideas are from reading, exploring, and learning anyway that I can. I reading, exploring, and learning anyway that I can. I consider myself a B+ Student at best. consider myself a B+ Student at best.

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New SchoolNew School

Old SchoolOld School

Presentation Notes�
Today we are looking at a greater audience for news and information than ever before. The speed, breadth, and depth of information is reaching a wider audience then ever. The increased access and searchability of that content is also reaching new heights with journalists, investors, and consumers. This is now a hold of the financial industry as well as the casual investor as new technology allows people to make more informed decisions much more quickly. �
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““In 1965, 80 percent of adults could be In 1965, 80 percent of adults could be reached with three 60 second TV spots. reached with three 60 second TV spots. Today it requires117 prime time Today it requires117 prime time Commercials to produce the same resultCommercials to produce the same result””(Jim (Jim StengelStengel, CMO, P&G), CMO, P&G)

Presentation Notes�
The 1960s were noteworthy for cementing TV as THE communications medium and introducing a new technology that one could argue is already a relic in today’s world �
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Michael Michael PranikoffPranikoff

Director, Emerging MediaDirector, Emerging Media

PR NewswirePR Newswire

[email protected]

Twitter / @Twitter / @mpranikoffmpranikoff

Twitter Event Twitter Event HashtagHashtag: #: #prnclprncl

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Source: Source: InSitesInSites ConsultingConsulting

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Presentation Notes�
However, the communications evolution turned revolution in the 90s with an explosion of new media forms. Internet became accessible to all – and with access, lowered the bar to communicate messages. It allowed almost anyone to become a media outlet, sometime regardless of qualifications or integity. Today, it seems that new media forms are introduced daily. You need a scorecard to keep up. For communicators, this rapid change can be overwhelming, but also a tremendous opportunity as vast audiences can be reached with great intimacy….but there are no rules and the roadmap changes constantly with faster innovation. �
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Public Relations



Communications Comes Communications Comes Into FocusInto Focus

Companies want: Companies want:

•• Direct access to consumersDirect access to consumers

•• Opportunities to engage with Opportunities to engage with audiencesaudiences

•• Continuous Messaging that is Continuous Messaging that is easy to shareeasy to share

•• Analytics, ROIAnalytics, ROI

They want to communicate in a They want to communicate in a way that combines PR, Marketing way that combines PR, Marketing and Advertising.and Advertising.

Presentation Notes�
The ARC was created to support communication initiatives within a number of industries that are gradually becoming one and the same: PR, marketing and advertising While a graphic�
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Traditional Public Relations ModelTraditional Public Relations Model

The model has changed....The model has changed....

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Presentation Notes�
Reporters are no longer the sole “gatekeeper” of information. Organizations now have an opportunity to communicate beyond the media and directly with consumers and investors, worldwide. While traditional media still holds sway, big dividends are yielded when savvy communicators embrace the new generation of citizen journalists, bloggers and participants in social networks. �
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Presentation Notes�
Even the tenets of traditional media such as the AP are losing their own influence as to what consumers see. �
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News Traffic LandscapeNews Traffic Landscape• Yahoo ranks as the top global news site.

Google News is the second largest online news property in the world in terms of traffic.

• Yahoo News• Google News• New York Times• CNN• China’s• BBC• MSN

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•• 57% of internet users share links to news stories57% of internet users share links to news stories•• 30% get news through Social Networks30% get news through Social Networks•• 6% get news via Twitter feeds6% get news via Twitter feeds

Pew Research Center’s

Presentation Notes�
What is news today? 200 million active users worldwide 30% of users are from the US 2nd most visited web site in the world 850 million photos, 7 million videos, and 28 million pieces of content are uploaded each month More than 95% of Facebook members have used at least one application built on Facebook Platform More than 4 million users become fans of Pages each day �
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The Long Tail of Corporate ContentThe Long Tail of Corporate ContentNew

s Re



s Re



Release Goes Out

Immediate Online Pickup

Mainstream Media Pickup

Blogs / Twitter / Online Pubs

Weekly Trade Pubs

Monthly Trades

Search Share Blog

Quarterly Pubs / Journals

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Traditional Media

Online Media















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Principles to Principles to Communicating Your Communicating Your

Message TodayMessage Today

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Presentation Notes�
Accessibility – dial up modem, millions of people, hotel slow wifi connection – opposite extreme – accessing content via a mobile device......what happens when you go to a site with a flash look for the skip intro button....but if you are on a mobile device or dial up, it never loads. East To View – easy to find. How easy is it to find your content, when, where, Easy To Use – share, to do something with, save, etc. �
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Building the FoundationBuilding the Foundation

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Presentation Notes�
SEO is the foundation of social media. You cannot today put your stuff out on line and think social media is going to do it. Counted has to be found first before it can be shared. Think how you can drive through search. �
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Surround Your Surround Your Content with Content with

Links to Relevant Links to Relevant ContentContent

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Make Your Make Your Content Content

Easy to UseEasy to Use

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Tips for SEO & News ReleasesTips for SEO & News Releases•• Create Create TweetableTweetable Headlines Headlines –– 120120

Characters to allow for the Characters to allow for the ReTweetReTweet

• In reality In reality –– Headlines need to be 65 Headlines need to be 65 –– 80 80 Characters with spaces. Headline is the Characters with spaces. Headline is the Title TagTitle Tag

•• Think Keyword Phrases not Keywords Think Keyword Phrases not Keywords ––42% of searches performed use 342% of searches performed use 3--5 5 Keywords Keywords –– ComscoreComscore

•• Use links in releases Use links in releases –– Deep Links! Deep Links! Concentrate those links in the first 3 Concentrate those links in the first 3 paragraphs of the release. paragraphs of the release.

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Virgin America MNR

Presentation Notes�
AIRLINES/PUBLIC INTEREST VERSION Components: Standard HTML Platform Independent URL on SEO tags HTML push email enabled Hypertext links Online Video Distribution Up to 15-minutes of video Top 40+ video sharing sites Increases social media visibility of message Social Media Header 1st social media enabled content in industry Photos & Files Logo + 2 images also hosted / distributed PDF files, etc. also hosted Virgin America MNR: �
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InfographicInfographic:: Multimedia Press Multimedia Press Releases Generate More ViewsReleases Generate More Views

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Use Social Media to make your Use Social Media to make your content content directionaldirectional

Presentation Notes�
Send your news release out on a wire service. When you do so, make sure you are doing correct SEO properties, to drive back where you want them to go. �
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engage opportunity engage opportunity eeverywhereverywhere

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PRSA 2010 International ConferenceWashington, DCOct. 16 – 19, 2010

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PRSA 2010 International ConferenceWashington, DCOct. 16 – 19, 2010

• Open to all attendees with a smartphone

•Placed codes all over the conference, name tags, sessions, even other exhibitor booths

•Over 1000 Tweets with #prngamein 3 days

•19% of all Tweets with the #prsa_icofficial hashtag included #prngame

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““ItIt’’s not about using new s not about using new media; itmedia; it’’s about using media in s about using media in new waysnew ways””Dr. Craig LefebvreDr. Craig Lefebvre

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““VideoVideo is is the new the new Voice!Voice!””

John Chambers, CEO John Chambers, CEO CiscoCisco

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Presentation Notes�
The ARC is a highly-effective interactive communication platform that bundles video with other sales and promotional content, together with interactive functions that allow for a range of transactions Notification release with link to the landing page was distributed to over 5,400 sites and targeted media outlets Distributed to a variety of social media sites and available through anchor text links (InText). Bloggers and consumers easily embeded the IMP in their blogs, web sites and social media pages. Bloggers and consumers easily embeded the IMP in their blogs, web sites and social media pages. �
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Access your audiences via multi‐channel distribution

Reach them with dynamic multimedia content

Connect, interact, transact and engage 


The ARC Engagement Platform

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“Share” button allows viewers to embed the ARC into their blogs or Web sites.

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fan site


company site

news site


fan site


ARC Content Update

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Search Goes SocialSearch Goes Social

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Location Based Social MediaLocation Based Social Media……Follow Me!Follow Me!

Presentation Notes�
Walk by a store and your phone will start buzzing.�
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Photo Credit:

How Will You Measure How Will You Measure Your Success?Your Success?

Presentation Notes�
Sales is number one and the closer you tie campaign to sales results the more support you will get. Leads (more people fall into this category) and it is not the real KPI, on how many you have. Brands have got focused on fans and in fact they are very easy to buy. Cost about a $1.00 per fan. Engagement (are people reacting to content) Benchmarket it against others results Ultimately you need a CRM strategy. �
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Identifying the Identifying the AudienceAudience

Where are they Where are they gathering? gathering? 

What are they What are they talking about? talking about? 

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Too Much Noise

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Photo credit:

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Establish Your GuidelinesEstablish Your Guidelines

Think both InternalInternal

and ExternalExternal


Resource:Social Media Governance

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How Do you How Do you Manage / Manage /

Control your Control your Corporate Corporate ReputationReputation

in a Crisis in a Crisis SituationSituation??

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Rakefet SudriRakefet Sudri

Head of Sales,Head of Sales,

PR Newswire Israel PR Newswire Israel

Tel: 0772005042Tel: 0772005042

[email protected]

Twitter / @Twitter / @PRNewswireILPRNewswireIL

Special thanks to Special thanks to Michael Michael PranikoffPranikoffGlobal Director, Emerging Media, PR NewswireGlobal Director, Emerging Media, PR Newswire