The SIMs meet ESL Incorporating authentic computer ...

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The SIMs meet ESL

Incorporating authentic computer

simulation games into the

language classroom


In an article summarizing software used inComputer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)environments, Healey (1999) proposes the use ofthe simulation game SimCity to teach reading toEnglish as a Second Language (ESL) learners.However, she does not elaborate upon this or giveany substantive evidence of support. Some researchsupports Healey’s view by exploring the use of com-puter simulations in the language classroom. Forexample, Schwienhorst (2002) discusses the interac-tive and autonomous learning potential, while

Carrier (1991) proposes a cooperative approach toincorporating simulations in ESL. Willing (1988)and Balajthy (1984) look specifically at computersimulations and literacy development during theinfancy of computer simulations, but neither specif-ically focuses upon ESL reading. Though these stud-ies address the use of computer simulations in theclassroom, none report on empirical, classroom-based research on how the simulations can be usedor even the effect of computer simulations on learn-ing. All of these studies point toward the benefitsthat seem to naturally emerge with the use ofauthentic computer simulations, such as the

Interactive Technology & Smart Education (2006) 4:311– 328© 2006 Troubador Publishing Ltd.

Megan MillerUniversity of Missouri-Columbia, N52 Memorial Union, Columbia, MO 65211, USA


Volker HegelheimerIowa State University, 341 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011, USA


Despite their motivational appeal to learners, innovative and technologically advanced computer simulation games tar-geting native English speakers frequently remain beyond the competence of ESL learners as independent didactic tools.Guided by Chapelle’s (2001) criteria for determining CALL task appropriateness, this paper illustrates how the popularauthentic simulation, The SIMs, can be adapted to enhance vocabulary learning through supporting materials. AdultESL learners completed a five-week unit, experiencing different conditions of supplemental materials while completingtasks using The SIMs. The participants received mandatory supplemental materials in one condition, voluntary accessto supplemental materials in the second, and no supplemental materials in the third. The results indicate a statistical-ly significant increase in vocabulary acquisition for the first condition. Student feedback suggests the supplementalmaterials were beneficial for successful task completion. Thus, how authentic computer simulation tasks are structuredand supported appears to have a considerable bearing on the appropriateness of the task.

Keywords: simulation games, ESL, vocabulary development, computer-assisted language learning

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motivational appeal of such games, but noneaddress how can they be used effectively, whetherthey are appropriate for ESL instruction, what thelimitations are, and if computer simulations supportreading instruction and vocabulary acquisition?This study considers computer simulation games aspotential learning tools that, following Healey’s(1999) suggestion, can be used in the ESL literacyclassroom. The principal goal in this study is toclosely investigate three potential task conditions,defined by varying access to supportive materials,during a computer simulation task in ESL literacyinstruction.


Consideration of computer simulations in secondlanguage literacy encompasses the joining ofresearch areas concerned with vocabulary develop-ment, simulations, and computer simulation tasksin the language classroom.

2.1 Vocabulary Development in the Language Classroom

Ellis (1999) states that “vocabulary development is . . .a major aspect of learning a new language.” (p. 33)Gass & Selinker (2001) point out that vocabularyerrors are often the most serious and commonerrors committed by language learners. Thus,vocabulary teaching and learning becomes a crucialpart of second language acquisition Severalresearchers (i.e. Zahar et al. 2001; Nation & Waring,1997) argue that a 3,000-word minimum is necessaryfor learners to be able to read texts and acquire ameaningful amount of vocabulary independently.An academically–oriented learner may need toknow the 836 word families from the UniversityWord List, in order to achieve just 86% compre-hension of the vocabulary used in academic texts(Nation & Waring, 1997).

While there is broad consensus regarding theneed to acquire vocabulary, some controversyrevolves around the best way of teaching vocabu-lary. Decarrico (2001) states “. . . that a well-struc-tured vocabulary program needs . . . [to] includeexplicit teaching together with activities providingappropriate contexts for incidental learning.” (p.286), distinguishing two distinct parts of vocabularyinstruction: explicit teaching and incidental learning.Various studies demonstrate research in favor ofboth types of vocabulary learning. For example,Newton (1995) provides a summary of research in

favor of incidental vocabulary acquisition, particular-ly when there are repeated exposures to the vocabu-lary, generative use of vocabulary, and the involve-ment of negotiation of meaning. Chun & Plass (1996),though, argue against the research on incidentalvocabulary acquisition by pointing out flaws in theresearch supporting incidental vocabulary acquisi-tion. Their study indicates that the incidental, con-textual vocabulary learning produces lower vocabu-lary acquisition than decontexualized vocabularyword list learning. Chun & Plass (1996) concede,though, that the contextualized vocabulary learningmay induce deeper learning of the vocabulary. Thisleads to more current studies that similarly concludethat vocabulary instruction should include both theincidental and intentional learning. Zahar et al. (2001)and Hill & Laufer (2003) support using direct vocab-ulary instruction or tasks to enhance vocabularyacquisition. The current debate and research hingeupon finding the balance between incidental andexplicit vocabulary instruction. One consistent find-ing from the current research, though, is that vocab-ulary items should be embedded in a rich context (seeQian, 1996; Decarrico, 2001; Gass & Selinker, 2001;Read, 2000; Nagy, 1997). One technique that hasbeen used in language classrooms in order to intro-duce and practice vocabulary in distinct contexts hasbeen simulations.

2.2 Simulations in the Language Classroom

Simulations, founded on the idea that “activity andsituations are integral to cognition and learning”(Brown et al., 1989, p. 1), have been used in the lan-guage classroom for years in a variety of forms. Theuse of simulations coincides with the communica-tive classroom movement and desire to utilizeauthentic, purposeful language in the classroom(Crookall, 2002; Jones, C., 1986; Higgins & Johns,1984). According to Gredler (1986), a simulationincludes a realistic setting in which the student ispresented with a problem, the student executes aseries of inquiries, decisions, and actions, and thestudent receives information about ways the situa-tion changes based on the decisions and actions.Thus, a simulation includes a model of real life andrequires action by the participants.

There are several proposed benefits of using sim-ulations in the classroom, including the promotionof higher level thinking, cognitive processing, andactive involvement. Strickland et al. (1987),Schwienhorst (2002), Rieber (1996), and Thurman(1993) discuss the cognitive stimulation and depth

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of processing potential of simulations. In addition,simulations take language from the “real-world” andactively involve the students in reading to learnabout the situation and problems presented(Schwienhorst, 2002; Strickland et al., 1987).Furthermore, the simulation activities are learner-centered and learner-controlled (Jones, 1982) andlanguage is used as a means to communicate, mak-ing them “critical tools for improving [communica-tion] skills . . .” (Nemitcheva, 1995, p. 70) Simulationsthus correspond in multiple ways with both con-structivist and communicative theories through stu-dent-centered, active involvement using authenticlanguage.

Simulations are a unique didactic tool in that theyclosely tie knowledge with active involvement. Inthe language environment, the language presentedis representative of the actual activity and situationsin which the language is produced. According toBrown et al. (1989), languages are an index to theworld and are “inextricably a product of the activityand situations in which they are produced.” (p. 1) Ifreading is considered as “an interactive, sociocogni-tive process involving a text, a reader, and a socialcontext . . .” then good reading instruction involvesa meaningful text, actively involves the reader, andplaces the reading within a clear social context(Ediger, 2001, p. 154). Simulations offer a way to dothis. The authentic language in a simulation isplaced into a context in which it would actually beused. Simulations allow students to have experi-ences and use language that may be difficult to oth-erwise do within the confines of the classroom(Schwienhorst, 2002; Carrier, 1991; Jones, 1982;Bork, 1981). The experiences and the language areconnected within the cultural bounds of usage.

From a student perspective, there is also a goodreason for using simulations, namely the motiva-tional appeal. Motivation, according to Orbach(1979), consists of a need and readiness. Simulationsare similar to games, and they share the same intrin-sic motivational appeal as games (Griffiths, 1996;Balajthy, 1984; Higgins & Johns, 1984; Jones, 1982).For example, simulations create an intrinsic desireor need and then create an environment to satisfythe need. As Lockman (2003) reports about thistype of “contextual learning,” “(f)rustration is bal-anced against rewards to maintain a competitiveinterest in progressing.” (p. 1) One reason for this isthat students are role-playing in the simulation andhave less fear of making a mistake (Schwienhorst,2002; Nemitcheva, 1995). Simulations also appeal toa variety of students in a variety of different ways(Orbach, 1979). High motivation has a high correla-tion with reading achievement (Willing, 1988). Due

to this, several researchers have emphasized theimportance of student appeal and attitudes whenchoosing academic software (i.e., Griffiths, 1996;Reigeluth & Schwartz, 1989; Bork, 1981).

Though motivation is significant, learningthrough simulations is not well documented. Astudy by Druckman (1995) did not result in statisti-cally significant differences between learningachievement in classrooms that used conventionaltechniques and classrooms that used games asteaching devices. Though the games affected atti-tudes toward learning, they did not greatly changethe learning that occurred. Druckman (1995) refersto Randel et al. (1992) comparison of simulationgames and conventional instruction. The resultsindicated that 56% of the comparisons showed nodifference between the two methods, 39% favoredgames, and 5% favored traditional methods (p. 181).Thus, the effectiveness of simulation games onlearning is still unsettled, and the increasingly elab-orate computer-based simulations add to thisdebate, which has shifted from a comparativeapproach to investigations into how to best makeuse of simulations.

2.3 Computer Simulations in the Language Classroom

Computer simulation games not only enhance cer-tain aspects of simulations, but they also capitalizeupon the computer’s ever-increasing capabilities(Strickland et al 1987). Benefits of computer simula-tions include the ability of the computer to presentscenarios in real time and give instantaneous feed-back (Jones, G., 1986). Students are able to makepredictions, take action, and immediately see theconsequences (Reigeluth & Schwartz, 1989;Strickland et al 1987). Computers also allow for indi-vidualization of the simulation (Reigeluth &Schwartz, 1989). Rising & Cedar (1995) contend thatthe computers enhance simulations “by providingnecessary input, which permits the conversation toprogress and allows for the practice of natural com-munication. This communication practice is recog-nized as being essential for second-language (L2)learners” (p. 195). Thus, computer simulations cancombine both the benefits of simulations and thebenefits of computers.

Despite the enthusiasm for incorporating com-puter simulations in the classroom, educators havebeen urged to proceed with some caution. Prior toeven using computer simulations, or computer soft-ware in general, in the language classroom, instruc-tors need to determine what software to use and

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how the software should be used. Severalresearchers have proposed guidelines for evaluatingsoftware (i.e., Healey & Johnson, 1997; Jones &Fortescue, 1987; Geoffrian & Geoffrian, 1983) andsimulations (i.e., Thurman, 1993; Reigeluth &Schwartz, 1989; Alessi, 1988; Balajthy, 1984; Jones,1982). The importance of evaluating the softwarebefore usage is closely tied to learner variables. Thatis, the program or activity should be appropriate forthe learner (Griffiths, 1996; Reigeluth & Schwartz,1989; Bork, 1981). The issues involved in determin-ing the appropriateness of the software for a lan-guage learner will be discussed later.

There are several consistent findings concerningthe use of computer simulations in the languageclassroom. First of all, several researchers concurthat the use of the simulation should consist of threebasic parts: briefing, execution, and de-briefing(Garris et al., 2002; Balajthy, 1984; Higgins & Johns,1984; Jones, 1982,). Another basic agreement is thatstudents should work in small groups during the sim-ulation (Carrier, 1991; Brown et al., 1989; Balajthy,1984). Finally, the simulation needs to be incorpo-rated into the curriculum. It should be part of thelesson, meet literacy goals, be supported with con-textual support, and have clear goals (Crook, 1996;Thurman, 1993; Carrier, 1991; Jones & Fortescue,1987; Bork, 1981). An important point to keep inmind when using a computer simulation is that “[w]emust temper our enthusiasm for the gamingapproach with the knowledge that instructionalgames must be carefully constructed to provide bothan engaging first-person experience as well as appro-priate learner support.” (Garris et al., 2002, p. 461) Aswith computer games, “...the problems may rest notwith the technology but with the way it is imple-mented and evaluated.” (Druckman, 1995, p. 182).These cautions concerning the implementation ofcomputer software raise many questions. Just howcan these programs be implemented effectively?What constitutes “appropriate learner support”?

Chapelle (2001), in advocating one potentialframework for evaluating tasks, lists six criteria forcomputer assisted language learning (CALL) taskappropriateness: language learning potential, learnerfit, meaning focus, authenticity, positive impact, andpracticality. Examining authentic computer simula-tion games in light of these criteria creates a founda-tion for developing appropriate tasks. This paperexamines the Electronic Arts computer game, TheSIMs (The SIMs, 2000), in light of these criteria.

Language Learning PotentialLanguage learning potential refers to whether ornot an activity includes a focus on form. An authen-

tic computer simulation, in and of itself, is quitelimited in this criteria as there is not an explicitfocus on the form because the game was created fornative speakers as a form of entertainment, not forlearning.

Learner FitThis criterion focuses on whether or not the activi-ty is appropriate to the level of the student.

Linguistically speaking, approximately 77% of thewords used in The SIMs are from the K1 and K2lists (the 2,000 most frequent English words). Manyresearchers encourage language teachers to teachthese two thousand high frequency words becausethey account for about 80% of what is read or heard(Decarrico, 2001). Decarrico (2001) points out,however, that some students with goals such as uni-versity study should also learn words from theAcademic Word List and develop strategies to dealwith low-frequency words.

In addition to matching the linguistic level of thestudent, computer simulations may also raise otherissues concerning learner fit. For example, the SIMsis rated for teen to adult usage only, thus is notappropriate for young learners, native and non-native alike. Similarly, the game is highly tied toAmerican culture, which raises issues of culturalimperialism. Some ESL learners may find the gameto be an imposition of United States culture-values,social orders, and concepts.

Meaning FocusChapelle’s (2001) third criterion is that learnersshould use the target language to accomplish some-thing. The focus of the SIMs is to help your charac-ter maintain a level of contentment. Helping thecharacter meet physical and social needs does this.The simulation game is focused on what the playerdoes and not on language forms at all.

AuthenticityThe activity should correspond with activities out-side of the classroom. The term “authentic comput-er simulation game” is used to describe computersimulation games, like The SIMs, that were not cre-ated specifically for ESL purposes. The SIMs mayalso be viewed from a different perspective ofauthenticity. The game focuses upon the lives of thecharacters, who eat, socialize, work, play, and rest ina psuedo-reflection of American life. Thus, the verysituations faced by the characters are to be similarto situations in real-life.

Positive ImpactThis criterion looks at the effects of the activity on

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the participants. Authentic computer simulationshave proven their graphic and situational appealthrough high software sales (see Lockman, 2003).Research on the positive impact of computer simu-lations on second language acquisition, however, islacking.

PracticalityThis criterion is concerned with the ease ofimplementing the CALL activity. The necessityof computer hardware and software for computersimulation games does restrict their potential inthe classroom. Due to copyright policies, multiplecopies of the simulation would be needed in orderfor entire class participation. In addition, a com-puter lab with adequate computer hardware isrequired. For schools and regions with limitedaccess to computers and/or funds for software,the applicability of computer simulations is nulli-fied.

Realizing the limitations of a computer simula-tion game creates several concerns. Based onChapelle’s (2001) criteria for CALL task appropri-ateness, The SIMs, in and of itself, is not appropri-ate for use as a CALL task. It does not providemuch language learning potential, the linguistical-ly-fit audience is vague, and the positive impactlargely unknown for this particular game and audi-ence. Therefore, the problem becomes if and howcan it be made appropriate? If Healey (1999) is cor-rect that authentic computer simulations can beused for ESL reading instruction, how can they beused, and what effect do they really have on secondlanguage acquisition? Table 1 outlines how TheSIMs alone and The SIMs with the supplementalmaterials used in this study compare to Chapelle’s(2001) criteria.

Similar questions formed the basis for the BYU

electronic film review project (Melby, 2002). Theresearcher based his study on several assumptions:“student success is strongly influenced by studentinterest . . ., even if a film is interesting, simplywatching it in VHS or DVD from start to finishwithout learning helps is not a very effective meansof improving listening comprehension . . .” (p. 172).Melby maintains that “(t)hese assumptions arebased on widely-accepted belief in the importanceof maintaining student interest . . . (p. 172) and thewell-known notion of ‘comprehensible input’ devel-oped by Krashen (1982). Thus, in order to retain stu-dent interest and make films more effective asdidactic tools, Melby created a model by providingvocabulary, cultural, and grammar notes to supple-ment the films.

Consequently, simulation games primarily target-ing native speakers need support in order to be partof an appropriate language learning task. This studyaims to discover what constitutes “appropriate”support for authentic computer simulation games.In addition, the study examines the effect the com-bined supportive materials and simulation gamemay have on second language development. Thus,the following research questions provide the foci forthe study:

1. Does receiving explicit vocabulary instructionprior to completing a computer simulation taskenhance vocabulary acquisition?

2. Do students use the supplemental materials? Ifso, do they perceive the materials as helpful inunderstanding and completing the simulation?

3. After experiencing three conditions of support-ive material, which supplemental materials dostudents perceive as being the most helpful?Which are the least helpful?

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Table 1 Criteria for CALL Task Appropriateness Comparison to The SIMs


3.1 Participants

Eighteen intermediate adult ESL learners from avariety of language backgrounds who were studyingat a major U.S. research university participated inthis study. All participants were placed into arequired ESL reading class based on their EnglishPlacement Test scores. Appendix A outlines thebiographical makeup of the participants and theirroles during the study.

3.2 Materials

The SIMsThe SIMs (The SIMs, 2000), an interactive computersimulation, a best-selling PC game, with over 6.3 mil-lion copies shipped worldwide (Calvert, 2003; Fox,2002). According to Fox (2002), The SIMs “hasbecome a cultural phenomenon. Its worldwide appealspans hard-core gamers, casual computer users, andeven gaming’s most elusive group of consumers,women.” The game requires users to organize andmanage a neighborhood of 10 houses. Users create thecharacters who live in the houses, build houses, followcareer paths, shop, and, in essence, try to keep theirneighborhood happy ( Playersmust satisfy the needs of the characters and react tothings that occur to their characters. The simulationattempts to simulate life—the decisions of life, the bal-ances of life, the fight against time, etc. (Samuel, 2003;Q&A with Will Wright, 2003; The SIMs, 2000).

The WebsiteEach day’s instructions and station designationswere given through a website. The website con-tained pages with instructions for specific tasks thatthe participants were to complete in The SIMs foreach day, as well as any access to supplementalmaterials. The webpages for Station 1 includedvocabulary lists and exercises, grammar descriptionsand exercises, and cultural notes. The webpages forStation 2 included a link to an on-line dictionary,grammar explanation, and cultural notes. The web-pages for Station 3 included no supplemental mate-rial. See Appendix B for a flowchart of the variousnavigation paths available through the website.

Vocabulary listThe vocabulary words were chosen by a carefulanalysis of The SIMs text. First, 5,159 words fromthe game were written down by the researcher, alongwith the portion of the game from which the text

came. Using the Compleat Lexical Tutor (Cobb,2003), the words were sorted into frequency listsestablished by Cobb (see Table 2). Each of the 5, 159words in The SIMs sample was then listed accordingto the number of occurrences in the sample.

From the sample, words for the vocabulary listwere selected. Only words from the Academic WordList and the Off-list Word list were used, due to theassumption that the participants probably wouldhave already had exposure to most of the K1 and K2words. The words chosen occurred more than oncein the sample and were deemed important for com-prehension of the text. The thirty words selectedwere divided into three lists of ten words each basedon their occurrence in the game. For example, thewords selected for day one occurred in the creationof The SIMs family and the process of moving thefamily into a house. Once selected, the words wereplaced in a table for each day, along with their defi-nitions (from the Longman Online Dictionary), pos-sible synonyms and antonyms, and contextual occur-rences in The SIMs.

Vocabulary exerciseOnce the words from The SIMs were compiled, amatching vocabulary exercise was created using HotPotatoes 6.0 (Arneil & Holmes, 2004), an onlinequiz generator. The task required students to matcha definition with the selected vocabulary word usinga pull-down option menu. The rationale for provid-ing the vocabulary exercise was to give participantsyet another exposure to the vocabulary items priorto beginning the simulation task.

On-line dictionaryThe on-line dictionary used for The SIMs projectwas The Online Longman Dictionary.

Grammar featuresThe grammar foci were informed by research focusedon determining the proficiency level appropriatenessof given grammatical forms and a concordancesearch, using MonoConc Pro (2000). First of all, TheSIMs sample was tagged using a grammatical tagger(Biber, 1988). The tagged text underwent preliminary

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Table 2 SIMs Lexical Item Classification

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perusal for frequently occurring tags. Concurrently,ESL textbooks and online materials were examinedto find common grammatical topics discussed at anupper-intermediate proficiency level. Once the num-ber of grammatical features was narrowed to themost frequently recurring features, a formal concor-dance search was performed, to look at the text morepurposefully. The resulting searches narrowed thegrammatical feature foci for the study to gerund andinfinitives, modals, and prepositions because thesethree grammatical features occurred fairly frequently,were connected to the communicative tasks of thesimulation, and were appropriate for intermediatelanguage learners. The selection for which day to usea particular grammatical feature was made based onthe commonality of the feature in specific tasks inthe simulation.

Grammar descriptionOnce the grammar features were selected, links onthe project website were made to the correspondingGrammarBytes (Simmons, 2003) grammar descrip-tion of the feature. Each of the descriptions gave abrief explanation of the grammar element followedby several examples showing its different usage.

Grammar exerciseLike the vocabulary exercises, the grammar exercis-es were created using Hot Potatoes. The exercisesconsisted of ten multiple-choice items in which theparticipants needed to select the correct verb form(or modal or preposition) to fill in the blank ofphrases taken from The SIMs simulation.

Cultural notesThe cultural notes were selected based on the tasksfor each day. In day one, the task included the cre-ation of the characters and part of this involvesdetermining their personalities, and the programlinks each personality to a zodiac sign. Hence thecultural notes for day one are about the zodiacsigns, what they are and what they may mean. Onday two, the task is to find a job and interact withother characters. In this day, the cultural notesinclude an explanation of the different career tracksused in The SIMs and an explanation about car-pooling. The last day is focused on making purchas-es and meeting friends. Thus, on this day, the cul-tural focus is on consumer culture, service jobs,pizza, catalog shopping, and the telephone as animportant link to society.

Offline MaterialsPre-test and Post-testThe pre-test was used to place students into groups

at relatively the same proficiency level. The post-test was identical in content to the pre-test, but theindividual test items were randomly rearranged.Both tests contained a vocabulary and a grammarsection

Pre-Project SurveyThe purpose of the pre-project survey was to collectdata concerning the participants and their familiar-ity and attitudes toward technology.

Post-Project SurveyThe post-project survey was intended as a reflectionabout the participant’s entire experience with TheSIMs.

Weekly QuizzesIn format, the quizzes were shortened versions ofthe pre-test. The quizzes focused on the specificvocabulary and grammatical features highlightedduring the day’s activity. They consisted of bothvocabulary and grammar sections.

QuestionnairesDuring the study, students individually completedquestionnaires focused on the events of each day.The questionnaire completed by participants variedaccording to the station they were assigned to dur-ing the day’s activity. All of the questionnaires weredesigned to be answered quickly. Hence, they wereno longer than ten questions, and for the most part,participants needed only to circle a response (“notat all,” “somewhat,” or “a lot”) to the given state-ments. The last two statements were the same foreach station and were followed by short answerquestions to elicit more specific data.

3.3 Procedure

The SIMs project was incorporated into the cur-riculum of an intact university academic litercy classfor international students. The class met once aweek for fifty minutes throughout the 15 weeks ofthe semester. The SIMs project took place atapproximately the last third of the semester.Though no grade was assigned based on the project,the participants were expected to be present andparticipate each week.

The participants were divided into six groups (A,B, C, D, E, F) of three students each based on thepre-project survey and pre-test. The groups werecreated based on proficiency levels, as determinedby pretest scores and prior performance in class. Inaddition, the groups were created such that the

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three students in each group each had a differentlanguage background than their other group mem-bers in order to minimize the L1 spoken during theactivity and were comprised of at least one male andone female. Those who had the top six scores on thepretest were assigned to either group A or D. Theparticipants with the lowest six pretest scores wereplaced in group C or F. The remaining middle-scor-ing participants made up groups B and E.

Following the procedures outlined by Jones(1982), each member of the group had an assignedrole – manager, controller, and recorder – whichrotated each day, The Manager managed the com-puter containing the instructions and supplementalmaterial and was to direct the group in the day’stasks. The SIMs Controller controlled the comput-er that contained The SIMs game. The Recorderwrote down a summary of the major events thatoccurred to the characters during the day and howthe group completed the assigned task for the day.The summary was turned in at the conclusion of theday.

Each group sat together at one of six assignedcomputer stations (see Figure 1). The groupremained at the same station throughout the proj-ect. Each computer station consisted of two com-puters—one for The SIMs game and one for theinstructions and supplemental materials. Using aLatin rectangle design (see Appendix D), eachgroup experienced each of the three conditions:Station 1 with structured supplemental materials,Station 2 with optional supplemental materials, andStation 3 with no supplemental materials. Appendix

C summarizes the order and occurrence of eachpart of the study. Table 3 summarizes all of the datagathering methods used and their functions in thestudy.


In order to address the three research questions,the analysis of the data consisted of three distinctcomponents: an analysis of the quizzes, an analysisof the questionnaires, and finally, an analysis of thepost-project survey responses. The first researchquestion was addressed through a descriptive andinferential analysis of the weekly quizzes. The sec-ond research question was answered by an analysisof three specific questionnaire items. The final itemon the post-project survey formed the means foranswering the final research question.

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Figure 1 Sample Station Arrangement

Table 3 Data Gathering Tools

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4.1 Research Question #1

The first research question examines the acquisi-tion of vocabulary, as displayed by the weeklyquizzes. The quiz totals for all group members wereaveraged to create a group mean score for each ses-sion and for each station. In order to compare theeffect of the different stations on the quiz scores, acorrelation analysis using a t-test followed by aTukey-Kramer post-hoc test compared the quizscores of each student in each of the stations.

Tables 4 and 5 summarize the quiz scores for allof the groups by day and also by station. Students instation one, receiving the explicit vocabulary andgrammar activities, outperformed the students instations two (optional supplemental materials) andthree (no materials) on the daily quizzes. Day oneresulted in the lowest average quiz scores and daytwo displayed the highest average quiz scores.

A t-test revealed overall statistically significantdifferences. The Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test, sug-gests that there is a statistically significant differ-ence between the total, overall quiz scores for sta-tion one and station two (p=.004) and station oneand station three (p=.003). However, there is not astatistically significant difference between the sta-tion two and station three scores (p=.975). Thistrend continues with a comparison solely of thevocabulary sections of the quizzes. Again, there is asignificant difference between stations one and two(p=.035) and stations one and three near significance(p=.069), but there is no significant differencebetween the scores for station two and station three(p=.887).

4.2 Research question#2

In order to investigate the usefulness of the supple-mental materials to the completion of the simula-tion task, the responses to items 4, 5, and 6 of thequestionnaires for stations one and two were ana-lyzed. Item four on both questionnaires asked if thevocabulary activity, or online dictionary in stationtwo, was helpful in completing the SIMs task. Itemfive asked the same question, but referred to thegrammar activity and item six inquired into the use-fulness of the culture activity in completing the sim-ulation. The participants had three options for theirresponses-not at all, somewhat, and a lot. The num-ber of like responses was tallied for each group. Thisallowed for an overall comparison of responses foreach of the items by all of the participants. It alsoallowed for a more specific comparison of respons-es by proficiency level and by session in the station.

In station one the students were told explicitly tocomplete the vocabulary, grammar, and cultureactivities prior to beginning the simulation task.Overall, the materials appeared to be helpful sincethe majority of participants (94% for vocabulary,82% for grammar, 88% for culture) reported thatthe materials were “somewhat” or “a lot” helpful.

A similar analysis of station two, in which the stu-dents simply had access to a dictionary, grammarexplanation, and cultural notes, but were not toldexplicitly to use them. Questionnaire responses tothe supplemental materials can offer some addition-al insights concerning participant perceptions ofthe materials. Interestingly, only one group report-ed using the supplemental materials in station two,

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Table 4 Total Average Quiz Scores by Day

Table 5 Total Average Quiz Scores by Station. Note. n=18. k=20 questions/day. station 1=mandatory, explicit materials; station2=optional materials; station 3=no materials

but more groups answered that the materials were“somewhat” or “a lot” helpful. Looking only at theresponses for group F (the only group who actuallyreported using the materials) the analysis is a bit dif-ferent.

Group F, who used the online dictionary twice,reported that the online dictionary was “somewhat”helpful for completing the simulation task. Two ofthe members in Group F stated that the grammarand culture explanations were “somewhat” helpfulwhereas one member said they were “a lot” helpful.

4.3 Research Question #3

In order to assess the overall helpfulness of all of thesupplemental materials, and hence draw a conclusionconcerning the most helpful materials for task com-pletion, the final item on the post-project surveyasked participants to rate the helpfulness of all of thematerials (A rating of one means the material was nothelpful at all and a rating of six means the materialwas the most helpful). The ratings from all partici-pants were averaged, and the averages are displayedbelow in Table 8. Overall, the vocabulary activity wasrated the most helpful by participants, and the gram-mar explanations rated the least helpful.


5.1 Research Question #1

Returning to the research question, does explicitvocabulary instruction prior to the computer

simulation task enhance vocabulary acquisition?The data suggests that, yes, explicit vocabularyinstruction prior to the simulation tasks does affectvocabulary acquisition, as measured by performanceon weekly quizzes. There was a statistically signifi-cant difference between the quiz scores after par-ticipants completed station one, in which explicitvocabulary instruction occurred, and the quiz scoresafter completing stations two and three, in whichthere was no explicit vocabulary instruction. Thiscan be expected since the supplemental materials instation one highlighted the exact words and gram-mar points that were tested on the weekly quizzes.Thus, having the explicit exposure to the wordsgave participants in station one the benefit of priorexposure to the vocabulary and grammar points.Though it was anticipated that the participants instation two and station three would encounter thevocabulary and grammar points while completingthe simulation task, it was impossible to wholly con-trol for that occurrence.

Furthermore, though evidence is limited, thedata suggests that even accessing the optional mate-rials may help increase quiz scores. The only group,Group F, who made use of the supplemental mate-rials in station two (i.e., with optional access to thesupplemental materials) scored twice as high astheir proficiency level equivalents (Group C) did instation two. Whereas, when both of these groupsused the required materials in station one, they hadrelatively equal scores on the quizzes. See Table 9for a summary of quiz averages for Groups C and F.If accessing the materials did improve the quizscores, then this would confirm the results by Hilland Laufer (2003) indicating that simply doing

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Table 7 T-Test of Vocabulary Quiz Scores

Table 6 T-test of Total Quiz Scores

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something with new words, such as look them up ina dictionary, improves retention of the words.

5.2 Research Question #2

The second question, do students perceive the sup-plemental materials as helpful in understanding andcompleting the simulation, becomes complex toanswer. For example, in station one, all but one par-ticipant found the vocabulary activity to help withthe task (71% “somewhat” and 24% “a lot”). The sig-nificance of this is slightly tainted, though, whenlooking at the station two data. In station two, par-ticipants had optional access to an online diction-ary, but only three participants reported using thedictionary.

Based solely upon the general responses, thequestionnaire results seem to indicate that the sup-plemental materials were useful for completing thetask. However, these numbers must be read withcaution since misunderstandings, the order of par-ticipating in the stations, and the level of the par-ticipant may have some bearing on their responses.In addition, personal non-linguistic factors mightbe involved. The one participant on day three, forexample, who reported that the materials did nothelp at all was the only person who stated on thepre-project survey that she had previously playedThe SIMs. Her familiarity with the game couldhave impacted her perceptions of the materials.

Questionnaires allow for limited, subjective datathat must be scrutinized with some skepticism. Themajor point that appears to emerge from the data isthat the participants did not deem the supplemen-tal materials worthless. Though there may be an ele-ment of observer’s paradox and/or nonlinguistic ele-ments involved, this conclusion seems quite wellsupported by the evidence available.

5.3 Research Question #3

According to the data, the vocabulary activity wasthe most helpful of the supplemental materials withan average rating of 5.12. The least helpful materialsseemed to be the cultural notes (average 3.88) andgrammar explanations (average 3.82). Since mostparticipants did not use the online dictionary andgrammar explanation, one might expect those to bethe lowest. Therefore, why some participants whodid not use the online dictionary rated the diction-ary at a 5 or 6 in terms of usefulness (six meaningvery useful) is left to speculation. Some reasonsmight be that students did not understand the itemon the survey, did not think carefully before answer-ing, or meant that the online dictionary would havebeen helpful.

Combined with the results of the weekly ques-tionnaire, it appears that the vocabulary activity wasthe most helpful of all of the supplemental materi-als. This is also confirmed by short answer respons-es on the post-project survey. One questioninquired if the simulation task helped participantsimprove their reading skills and if so, how it helped.Fifteen out of 18 participants stated that theygained vocabulary. The logical conclusion, thus, isthat the simulation task, along with the supplemen-tal materials, seems to promote some vocabularydevelopment. The retention and scope of thevocabulary learned is something that mandates fur-ther testing.

The results indicate that supplemental materialsused for an authentic computer simulation task doaffect task effectiveness. Not only do certain sup-plemental materials make linguistic features salient,thus enhancing the language learning potential ofthe task, but also they provide support thatimproves the learner perceptions, and, hence appro-priateness of the task.

5.4 Limitations

The results of this study, though promising for theuse of supplemented authentic simulation games inthe language classroom, must be approached withsome trepidation. To this effect, the following

VOL 3 NO 4 NOVEMBER 2006 321

Table 8 Reported Helpfulness of Supplemental Materials

Table 9 Comparison of Quiz Averages for Groups C and F inStations One and Two

cautions of the study are raised. One caution in interpreting the data is the lack of

reliability of self-reported data. As shown earlier inthe discussion, all but one group reported not usingthe optional materials in station two, yet on thesame questionnaire, some of these same partici-pants also stated that the materials were “some-what” helpful. This certainly raises concern as aresearcher. The implication of this is thatresearchers need to make every effort to ensure thatparticipants understand each item and word whenusing a self-reporting data-gathering instrument.

Another caveat to this study and, in general, usingauthentic computer simulations in ESL is the closecultural connectivity of The SIMs and similar simu-lations. The SIMs is largely culturally based, as isseen by the capitalistic goals and daily routines ofthe characters, and this could have severe impactupon its acceptance by learners. Gass and Selinker(2001) assert that if learners acculturate and acceptthe social factors of the second language, then theywill have a greater propensity to learn. However, ifthey resist that acculturation and a greater distanceexists between the language learner and the targetlanguage culture, learning will be hindered. This car-ries great implications for using The SIMs in theclassroom. If students perceive the game as impos-ing United States culture upon them, the game maylose its effectiveness and even build resentment. Onthe opposite side, however, if students are interest-ed in U.S. culture, they might be highly motivatedby the game. This, too, carries caveats since thegame holds the danger of containing some stereo-types and misrepresented cultural variables.

In addition to the above more global limitations,the actual experimental process of this study alsoexperienced some glitches, which could have affect-ed the data. On day two, for example, the link forthe Hot Potatoes vocabulary activity did not workproperly, so two groups of students were unable tocomplete the entire activity on that day. Surveyingthe results of both the station one quiz and ques-tionnaire for both of the groups on day two, howev-er, does not indicate unusual or inconsistent data.


The materials created to supplement the simulationgame in this study were formed in light ofChapelle’s (2001) CALL task appropriateness crite-ria. The goal of the vocabulary, grammar, and cul-tural activities was to make the language features ofthe game salient and appropriate to the learner, fol-lowing the model set forth by Melby (2002) which

consisted of vocabulary, grammar, and culturalactivities to enhance video based tasks. The explic-it instruction of the language features has beenshown to increase the language learning potential ofthe task (Chapelle, 2001). The informed selection oflanguage features through the use of corpus linguis-tic methodology was intended to provide supportthat would make the game appropriate for interme-diate level language learners. The participants pro-vided concurrent feedback by regularly completingquestionnaires that targeted their perceptions ofthe tasks and supplemental materials. By thismeans, the positive impact of the task on learnerswas ascertained. The data collected from observa-tions, quizzes, and questionnaires during the studyallows for several insights into the use of authenticcomputer simulation game use in the language class-room.

First of all, it appears possible for practitioners totarget and focus upon linguistic features by usingthe computer simulation games. However, deter-mining the linguistic features to focus upon shouldbe informed by careful research of the linguistic ele-ments involved in the simulation. Despite the care-ful research, in a simulation game like The SIMs,the majority of the control belongs to the learner.Hence, it is challenging and quite impossible to pre-pare students for all of the linguistic features theywill encounter during the course of the game. Onegroup had very focused, metalinguistic discussionsthroughout the course of the day observed. Themajority of their discussions centered on lexicalitems, as words such as “handyman,” “soccer,” and“strict” were discussed extensively. Though thesewords were not on the instructor-prepared materi-als, the observation evidence indicates that partici-pants were learning words that went beyond thescope or preparation of the instructor.

Secondly, if an instructor would like to promotethe acquisition of particular vocabulary, explicit,mandatory instruction prior to the simulation taskis vital. Though these activities subtract from thetime spent engaged in the simulation game, thisstudy indicates that it does not profoundly impactstudent perception of the task. When the studentsreceived the explicit vocabulary instruction, theyperformed significantly better on the vocabularysection of the quiz. Furthermore, they indicatedthat the materials were helpful in assisting them tocomplete the simulation task.

Thirdly, the participants indicated that The SIMsmostly assisted them in vocabulary acquisition, asopposed to other reading sub-skills, such asgrammar development. Out of all of the supplemen-tal materials, the participants decidedly claimed the

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vocabulary activity was the most helpful.A final implication of this study is that it con-

firms that computer simulation games are highlyappealing to students and promote communicativelanguage when used in a group setting. Almost all ofthe participants reported the game was enjoyableand they learned something from it during each ofthe three days.


Despite the complexity and glitches, this studyexamines a fascinating unknown realm within theESL field. Not only does the study evaluate theeffectiveness of authentic simulation games, but itdoes so within the context of a real classroom. Bothcomponents are exciting additions to the TESLfield and should be expanded.

Further research may consider ways the supple-mental materials might be enhanced or changed tobetter assist students. Another option is to developa means of getting students to access optional mate-rials, like an online dictionary. Studies could alsotarget the use of the simulation game in otheraspects of second language acquisition, i.e. oral andwritten skills, and ascertain the magnitude of com-municative language and student perceptionsencouraged by the simulation task. A sampling ofthe communication between members of one groupof students in this study indicates increased interac-tion, particularly in regards to metatalk, while com-pleting The SIMs activity. Further study of theinteractions between students during a simulationtask could be another avenue of determining thevalue and usefulness of simulation tasks in secondlanguage acquisition.

In addition, ESL practitioners should be madeaware of the potential of computer simulationgames in order to capitalize on the technologicaland educational advances surrounding them. Just asChapelle (2003) urges practitioners to be wellinformed of the latest technologies in order to bet-ter understand their students and the profession,this study encourages a stronger link between prac-titioners and technological advances. If The SIMs isable to meet ESL, is it not also possible for more ofthese popular computer games to be made accessi-ble to ESL classrooms? Should software publishersand curriculum developers not be approached aboutthis possibility?

This study is not a closing to the debate over theeffectiveness of authentic computer simulationgames by any means. It is an opening that containsmany possibilities for confirmation and expansion

of the aforementioned conclusions. This study indi-cates that how an instructor structures the task canhave a significant bearing on what students gainfrom a computer simulation game. Thus, the role ofthe instructor is crucial and computer simulationgames in no way provide a substitute for ESL prac-titioners. As the simulation tasks and supplementalmaterials are refined and further developed, TheSIMs may not only meet ESL, it may also develop adeeper, more far reaching relationship.


The effectiveness of authentic computer simulationgames in the ESL classroom has not been widelyexplored. As a result, the present study providesgroundwork for future explorations into the use ofauthentic computer simulation games in languageteaching. The study allows us to draw a few conclu-sions about the effectiveness of such games and abasis from which future studies may draw.


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VOL 3 NO 4 NOVEMBER 2006 325

Megan Miller, MA graduated from the TESL/Applied Linguistics program at Iowa State University in 2004. Her graduate research work

involving the use of The SIMs in English language teaching earned an ISU Outstanding Research Award in 2004. She is currently an

international student advisor at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Volker Hegelheimer, Associate Professor, teaches courses on technology in language teaching and research, language assessment,

and research methodology. His research interests include applications of the WWW and emerging technologies in language learning

and language testing. He has presented his research and held academic workshops at numerous national and international confer-

ences. His publications have appeared in journals such as Language Learning & Technology, Language Testing, System, Computer-

Assisted Language Learning, ReCALL, CALICO Journal, and he contributed to several edited volumes on Computer-Assisted Language

Learning (CALL).

Miller & Hegelheimer: The SIMs meet ESL



Participant profiles


Website Flow Chartcontextual richness. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 57(4). 541-563.

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TABLE C.1 Research Design

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A Latin rectangle, or incomplete Latin square, experimental design was implemented for several reasons. Neter,Kutner, Nachtsheim, and Wasserman (1996) state that advantages of a Latin square design include:

1. The use of two blocking variables often permits greater reductions in the variability of experimental errors thancan be obtained with either blocking variable alone.

2. Treatment effects can be studied from a small-scale experiment3. It is often helpful in repeated measures experiments to take into account the order position effect of treatments . . .

(p. 1209)

Thus, by using the design, the number of data collected from each station was maximized, since all eighteen par-ticipants experienced each condition. This assisted in minimizing the effects of individual student variables andthe order in which the participants experienced the treatments. The two blocking variables for this study were thesession of the treatment and the groups. Table 3.3 shows the basic design of this study.

However, there are several limitations in using Latin square designs as given by Neter, Kutner, Nachtsheim, andWasserman (1996). In order to have a complete Latin square, the number of blocking variables should equal thenumber of treatments. The design in this study was an incomplete Latin square, or Latin rectangle (Mead, 1990),due to the fact that there were six groups, but only three different treatments. The design also makes some rathermajor assumptions. The Latin square design assumes that there are no interactions between the blocking variablesand treatments or between the two blocking variables. The degrees of freedom are also limited when only a fewtreatments are studied. In addition, the randomization necessary for the design is rather complex.

Despite these limitations, though, the design was selected because it maximized the data on each station. Sinceeach participant completed each station, all participants contributed input for the usefulness of each station. In addi-tion, because the stations were completed in different orders, the order effect was minimized. A statistical analysis ofthe data revealed that there was no significant order effect. A final benefit of using the Latin Square design was thatit also lessened the effects of non-linguistic factors. Since each participant was allowed to demonstrate the effective-ness of each station, personality and motivational factors were essentially identical for all three stations.