The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report

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Transcript of The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report

  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report



    Volume VI, Issue 22 Early Novembe

    WarreCounty Rep

    20,000 Readers #1 Newspaper in Front Royal & Warren Coun


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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Page Warren County Report Early November, 011 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Public safety

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    17-year-olds ace elony charges in vandalism spwo victims report cars being hit on drivers side while being driven

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    While the notion o competitivevandalism may have seemed like agood idea to relieve teenage angstor boredom at the time, it appearstwo o this communitys youth arending out the hard way poten-

    tial restitution o over $0,000 androm one to 10 years o possibleincarceration per incident it isNO.

    In an Oct. 17 press release theFront Royal Police announced theconessions and arrests o two

    17-year-old juvenile suspects ina string o nearly 70 vandalismsthroughout central and south-sideFront Royal the evening o Oct. 13.Te vandalisms targeted windowso vehicles, including this report-ers, and buildings with marbles

    red rom what police say was aslingshot. While the youths wereseen eeing at least one incidenton oot, police say they movedaround town in a vehicle.

    Among the buildings hit werethe Wendys ast ood restaurant

    on North Commerce Avenue and

    the Front Royal Visitors Center onEast Main Street. wo residencesin the Marlow Heights area werealso targeted along with numerous

    vehicles in Viscose City and alongCherrydale Avenue, Keroot Drive

    and Virginia Avenue, as well as theLake View Subdivision o West-minster Drive.

    Te most serious allegations arethat two vehicles were hit whilebeing driven, both on the driversside within inches o those drivers

    heads.According to FRPD Chie Rich-

    ard Furr, the juveniles ace elonycharges in incidents where oc-cupied buildings or vehicles werered into. Te initial report oshots red into a residence cameat 6:30 PM rom the 100 block oWashington Street, according to

    town police.wo victims told this reporter

    their cars were hit while they weredriving.

    One victim said he was drivingsouthbound on South CommerceAve. near the Hess gas station

    about 7 PM when his drivers side

    rear window was blown out. Hisinitial reaction was that someone

    had red a gun at him. He said hesaw two juveniles running east upa side street by the gas station im-mediately ater the incident. Helater recovered a marble rom theback o his Jeep Cherokee.

    My window was part way down.

    I my car had been a oot or twourther back it could have hit mein the head, he told us.

    Te husband o the couple who

    were the second moving vehicle victims told us he and his wiehad just let Element restaurant

    on North Royal Avenue between 7

    PM and 8 PM. Tey were travelingsouthbound on North Royal when

    a projectile struck.My wie was driving and I was

    in the passenger seat when we

    heard a noise and threar window crackedout. We kept going got home discovered

    back window on the was cracked too. Wpolice and met themment.

    Te husband saidcer took photos oand ound a single

    back o their 005 Vta. Te rst impact hside rear window npost just inches rhead, then hit the pback panel window the car, he told us.

    From the damagebe ve, six inches topher in the head. I thangle between whehit both windows yomake a case they wemy wie and missed

    He said his wieemotionally when t

    FRPD Patrol Ofcer K.E. Orndorff photographs onevictims car on 400 block of Virginia Avenue.

    The rear passenger side panel window of the VW Jet-ta hit while being driven.

    My window was part way down. I my car had been a oot or two urthcould have hit me in the head. one moving vehicle victim

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    and asked i he was taking the in-cident seriously enough. I told her,Yes, I could be at the morgue rightnow or you could be a vegetable

    thats pretty serious.Warren County Common-

    wealths Attorney Brian Madden

    said in the case o occupied build-ings or vehicles being red into,i malice is proven, the charge israised to a Class IV elony with a

    potential ne o up to $100,000and a sentence o to 10 years. As

    juveniles, that incarceration would

    be in a juvenile detention acility at least until the suspects reach theage o 1. Madden observed thatdependent on the nature o theincident those upper punishmentranges generally reect sentences

    given to adults.Without malice proven the ring

    into occupied structures and ve-hicles are Class VI elonies, as are

    vandalism charges with damagesover $1000. Te vandalisms result-ing in less than $1000 in damages

    are Class I misdemeanors.Te misdemeanor charges each

    carry potential punishments o upto a $,500 ne and 1 months oincarceration. Te Class VI elonycharges carry the same potentialne and rom one to ve years o

    incarceration, again in a juvenilecorrectional acility until the ageo 1.

    According to the Oct. 17 policepress release Each juvenile acesone count each per incident o van-dalism. As o Oct. 1st the num-

    ber o related incident reports hadreached the upper 60s accordingto lead FRPD Investigator JasonRyman. As o that date no new re-ports had been received or severaldays and Ryman said he hoped all

    victims had been accounted or.

    Ryman told us the two juvenilesuspects who conessed to the in-cidents had no history o previoustrouble with the law Tey werenot on our radar at all, Ryman saido the two youths. He added thatthe parents o both boys had been

    totally cooperative with authori-ties.

    Fortunately or those parents,according to the CommonwealthsAttorney state law no longer holds

    them nancially liable or crimescommitted by their children. Ry-man agreed with my estimate,based in part on my $10 repairbill rom AGE o Middletown orreplacement o a back panel win-

    dow or a 000 Jeep Cherokee, thatthe total restitution amount couldend up being somewhere between$0,000 and $30,000. Te juvenileswill become liable or that restitu-tion when they reach their 18thbirthdays.


    Ater the initial report o theWashington Street incident theFRPD press release stated, Fromthat point, police responded to

    numerous similar calls involvingbuildings and vehicles through-out the night. Additional patrolpersonnel as well as criminal de-tectives were called in due to theextent o the situation. Te dam-age was ound to have come rom a

    glass marble type o object similarto what is used with a slingshot.

    Detectives were able to identiytwo potential suspects throughobservation o several security sys-tems in the aected area, the Oct.17 FRPD press release stated.

    According to inormation re-ceived by this paper, one piece oevidence used to ID the suspectswas security video rom a local re-tailer showing the suspects eitherbuying or stealing marbles earlierthat day. Lead Investigator Ryman

    declined to comment on the spe-cics o evidence assembled in thecase.

    At approximately 1 AM (0100hours) on Oct. 14, a 17-year-old

    juvenile was intervresidence where a conession was obtalice press release stattion continued throand into the ollowi

    proximately :45 PMon Oct. 14, anothe

    juvenile was intervielice department wheconession was obtai

    Te investigation no charges had yet

    a hearing date set inpress time.

    Public saf

    One targeted car on 300 block of Virginia Avenuewas hit twice. Some victims are asking if there couldhave been a third party involved allowing two teensto re their slingshots from a moving vehicle at the

    same time?

    From the damage it appeared to be ve, six inches tops rom hitting her in the head. I think romthe angle between where the marble hit both windows you could easily make a case they wereshooting at my wie and missed her. a second moving vehicle victim

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 4 Warren County Report Early November, 011 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun


    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    Warren Countys 175th Anni-versary Planning Committee willbe planting ve commemorativeoak trees as part o the CountysAnniversary celebration. A cer-

    emony was held or the plant-ing o the rst tree on Tursday,October 7th at 5 PM at SkylineHigh School. Te remaining ourtrees will be planted later in theweek. Te Committee selectedone site in each o the Countysve magisterial districts. Planting

    sites include:

    South River District: SkylineHigh School Happy Creek District: Warren

    County High School Shenandoah District: Front

    Royal Gol Club North River District: AS Rhodes

    Elementary School Fork District: Skyline Soccer-


    Te countys 175th Anniver-sary Committee Chair PrudenceMathews pointed to the townand countys long interconnec-tion with oak trees, rom theRevolutionary War drilling com-

    mand Front the Royal Oak to aseries o Royal Oaks said to havegraced the courthouse groundsover the centuries.Te Planning Committee was

    assisted by the Front Royal-War-ren County ree Stewards in boththe site selections and the plant-ings. I suggest we ask ourselves,What will this tree look like in00, 300 years? a ree Stewardcommented.In addition to Mathews and

    the ree Steward rep, speakers

    included County AdministratorDoug Stanley and South River

    District Supervisor Linda Glavis,in whose district the rst tree wasplanted.

    I you have any quWarren Countys

    events, please conRosser at (540) 636-

    (Some ino r

    Skyline ceremony launches commemorative tr

    Upcoming Relay or Lie ev November 4 - Join us as the Skyline Hawks hos

    ren County Wildcats on Friday, November 4th - we win our purple accepting team registrations and donathave Relay giveaways, so please stop by and see us.

    November 7 - Relay Steering Committee Meetwould like to help in planning our event in June pleasNovember 7 in the library at Hilda J. Barbour Elemenat 6:00pm. Please contact Emily Dodson at or more inormation.

    November 1 - Please join us on Saturday Nove

    :00 to Strike Out Cancer with our 011-01 Kick-othe Front Royal Bowling Alley. Participants pay a $per person and proceeds benet the Front Royal WarRelay For Lie. We will have a silent auction, bake salaways. Please join us to help kick-o our Relay seasostrike out cancer together! Tis is also a great oppsign-up your Relay teams as well.

    November 1 - Relay eam Meetings - 6:00 at thWC Community Center (Old Samuels Library). eamand members, this is a great way to learn everything Rout, ask your questions and learn what you need to knyour teams goals and so much more.


    o advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-

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    for additional information and to sign up.

    County ofcials and 175th Anniversary Committeemembers toss some ceremonial mulch to help battendown the recently planted anniversary oak tree atSkyline High as strong storm winds from the south -west on Oct. 27 threaten to blow it away.

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Under a rock?

    Dear Managing Editor,

    As a aithul reader o the War-ren County Report rom cover-to-cover, I look orward to theLetters segment. Te letterrom Mr. Jason Hartsell illustratespretty clearly his bias against gov-ernment at all levels and Presi-dent Obama in particular.

    One single president or politi-cal party did not create all o theproblems we ace today; and onesingle president or political partywill not solve them, either.

    Elected ocials are alwaysconvenient targets o unusual be-lies, but Mr. Hartsells statement,ALL taxation is thet, seems tobe a little over the top.

    Tose who express this view,and there are many hundreds othousands o them, are sayingthat government, whether local,state or ederal, provides no use-ul purpose other than to stealmoney rom its citizens.

    Apparently Mr. Hartsell resides

    in a cave somewhere, withoutelectricity, without potable water,without any means o supportinghimsel (and others who believeas he does) without any meanso transportation, other than his

    two eet, without any ormal edu-cation, and without any thanksor all the things that governmentdoes or him and his loved ones.

    Te reedoms guaranteed inthe American Declaration o In-dependence and Constitution,or which hundreds o thousandso his ellow Americans gave theultimate sacrice, apply to all ous, including Mr. Hartsell, so hecan retain the right to voice hisopinion without censorship andwithout reprisal. Freedom doesnot simply grow on trees likeruit, waiting or someone to pickit. Freedom is expensive and issomething we all believe in, butsomething that not every citizen

    is willing to give up sucienttreasure to pay or.

    Disagreement about what con-stitutes sucient treasure is be- yond the scope o this letter andis certainly debatable. axes, at

    all levels o government, are whatwe as citizens pay, so that we canenjoy the reedoms that we sodearly cherish.

    I Mr. Hartsell truly believesthat all taxation is thet, perhapshe should choose another loca-tion in which to reside, one whereno one pays any taxes. Right now,I cant think o any nation o this

    world that ts that dTe closest place

    is under a rock.

    Staige MillerFront Royal

    18th District H

    Candidate spea


    I am Bob Zwick aning or a seat in Vir

    WarrenCounty Report


    Virginia Press Association


    20,000 and growing

    Warren Countysleading newspaper

    122 W 14th Street, Box 20Front Royal, VA 22630

    Press releases should beemailed to:

    Publisher & Editor-in-Chief:Daniel P. McDermott


    Managing Editor and Reporter:Roger Bianchini(540) 635-4835

    Copy Editor:Laura Biondi

    Feature WriterCarol Ballard

    National & Agency Advertising:Dan McDermott(540) 305-3000

    Advertising Sales Representatives:

    Alison Duvall(540) 551-2072

    Angie Buterakos(540) 683-9197

    Billing Coordinator:Pam Cole

    Graphic Design:Production Manager - Jeff Richmond

    Ad Design - Rob

    Contributors:Malcolm Barr Sr.

    Ryan Koch, Cartoonist ExtraordinaireTony Elar, Cartoonist ExtraordinaireKevin S. Engle, Humor Columnist

    Leslie Fiddler, Writer

    If you are interested in contributingarticles to our paper, please

    This publication is proudly

    printed on 100% recycled paper

    with soy-based ink.

    Letto advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197


    In our early October/Sept. 30edition it was reported in an ar-ticle on the hiring o Doug Napieras town attorney that his late 006resignation as Warren County At-torney came shortly ater the r-ing o then Human Resources Di-

    rector Anita Mabie. We have sincebeen inormed by county ocialsthat Mabie was not red, but rath-er resigned o her own volition.

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 6 Warren County Report Early November, 011 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Letterso advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-

    o Delegates because I believethat my knowledge and experi-ence will best serve the citizens othe 18th district. When I heardthat odd Benson was running, Iwas delighted. Ater he dropped

    out, I kept waiting or someonewith the wisdom and experiencewe need in Richmond to enter therace. Tat never happened and atthe urging o many residents othe 18th district o both parties,I decided to run.

    I live here because I like it here.I I wanted to live in Fairax, Iwould. I hold traditional Virginia values. I care or the land andpeople. I believe in a quality edu-cation. I believe in sel-reliance. Ibelieve in a hand up, not a handout. I hate waste.

    My ather was my greatestteacher. He grew up on the ami-ly dairy arm in Southington, C.Ater WWII, he attended UCO-NN on the GI bill. Later, he wentto Harvard where he receivedhis PHD in Economics and, in1955, I was born. My granda-ther tried many things to makehis arm protable but nothingworked until its nal crop - hous-es. Finding himsel in need oemployment, my ather went towork or the Rand Corporationin Santa Monica, Caliornia. In

    1965, my ather joined the John-son Administration and as LBJsBudget Director, he balanced theederal budget, something thatwould not happen or another 30years. It was while we were living

    in the Washington area that I rstell in love with rural Virginia. Iwas a member o the Boy Scoutsand we requently camped in andaround the area where I now live.As a scout, I also learned the needor stewardship o the land. I eelblessed that I am able to live hereull time.

    I attended Connecticut Collegein New London, Connecticutand while there, I helped oundWCNI-FM, a community biased,non-commercial radio station.At one point, we installed a windturbine on top o our broadcasttower and probably became therst radio station in the countryto be powered by green energy.

    In 1981, I went to work or asotware company which wentout o business in 1984 due to therecession and I ound mysel inneed o a job. One o my clientsin Fairax needed support or hissystem so I acquired the rightsto the sotware I had developedand moved to Virginia where westarted a new sotware company.Over the next 5 years, we be-

    came one o the largest supplierso Accounts Receivable Manage-ment systems in the world. Wehad clients in North and SouthAmerica, Europe, Asia and Ari-ca. We opened oces in six states

    and our countries on three con-tinents. Our debt actoring divi-sion had over $0 billion in man-aged assets. Eventually, my equityinterest was acquired by a venturecapital rm. While I was no lon-ger president, I did remain withthe company or several moreyears until I decided to retire atthe end o 008.

    I am involved in the aairs oseveral local organizations. I amcurrently the presidents o Fau-quier Domestic Violence Servicesand Te Center or Arts, Musicand Perormance. I am also activein local and state governments. Ihave requently traveled to Rich-mond to lobby on conservationissues and have involved myselin local issues that are a concernto me. I believe that I have madea dierence.

    My goal in this election is tomake a dierence, not to scorepoints. Ive spent the last ewweeks traveling across the dis-trict, and Ive heard many peopleexpress their rustration aboutgovernment. I share their rustra-

    tion. Te system in Washingtonis broken, but here in Virginia wedo things dierently. We have atradition o civility. I want to putthe interests o Virginians aheado politics. Public service should

    not be about wining political victories, but rather governingresponsibly. We need to come to-gether to solve the real problemsthat challenge us today.

    We need to return to localgovernments the power to de-termine what regulations, i any,they need to protect the uture otheir residents. o this end, I willwork to modiy or eliminate theDillon Rule.

    I have been a conservationistall o my lie. For years, I havelobbied the General Assembly onconservation issues. I will con-tinue to lead the ght to conserveopen spaces and our rural land-scapes, while promoting eortsto plan or growth. I will protect

    our clean air, clean wural environment. IVirginia a sae and bto live, work, and ra

    We need to ensurinrastructure we ne

    ture. High-speed Inshould be availablein the Commonweaa modern transporto move our residethe goods and servneed and produce.

    I believe that Vibe a national leadeduction and use o g

    One o Virginiasets is its world-clacation system. Botand 4 year degreecritical to our utursupport technical eworkorce trainingand enhance emplotunities across Virg

    I support smalle

    Victor Tory Failmezger26 Years of Public ServiceDear Neighbor:

    When you vote for North River Supervisor on November 8th 2011, please ask your-

    self who is most qualied to: Plan, allocate, authorize, and supervise Warren Countys $80,000,000 annual budget Understand issues related to the countys 88 full- and 96 part-time employees Oversee the countys multi-million dollar construction projects Look out for the interests of the countys 37,000 citizens

    We know that its Tory, who has: Managed government projects in the amount of $30,000,000 Dealt with personnel issues as a US naval ofcer Overseen major construction projects Invested personal resources in Front Royal businesses and property Served four years as a Certied County Planning Commissioner where he:

    Voted for projects that bring good paying jobs into the county Voted for zoning that keeps green space Interviewed every county department head and other staff since getting on the ballot

    As your representative, Tory will: Strive to bring good paying jobs with growth potential to the county See that our schools get the resources they need Work to get home internet access for all Carefully study every issue, listen to the citizens,

    and then decide what is in the best interest of all

    Vote TORY November 8thINDEPENDENT FOR SUPERVISORPaid for by Failmezger for Supervisor

    Paid Political Ad

  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    early childhood education, class-room technology, vocationaltraining, and increased teachersalaries.

    Bob Zwick

    Te Plains

    (Managing Editors note: Zwickwas the only candidate or thenewly aligned 18th State House District who wrote us to explainwho he is and why he is running. He and his opponents appear-ance at the Oct. 25 Candidates Forum is recounted elsewhere inthis issue.)

    ory or Supervisor


    Te people o Warren Countyhave made our past Supervisorsput in writing a vision statementso that uture citizens know theycan depend on our Supervisorsmaintaining the benets o:

    A clean and potable watersupply, both surace and groundwater:

    Clean air; Farming and open space; Honoring the natural beauty

    o our rivers, mountains and sce-nic views;

    Protection o our rural char-acter and quality o lie

    I am supporting Victor oryFailmezger to ll the Supervisorseat now held by Glenn White,who has been pushed aside by anunsavory political scheme.

    I am, thereore, urging NorthFork District voters to elect In-dependent ory Failmezger asSupervisor on Election Day.

    I do so because I know thatory will keep his promise toprotect these oundation benetswhile acing the challenges thatace Warren County; more liv-ing wages local jobs ; moderatehousing and commercial growth

    with minimum impact on openspace and prime agriculturalland, and quality education at alllevels.

    ory is a Navy veteran, aamily man, a businessman andis currently serving on the War-ren County Planning Commis-sion. He speaks clearly and youwill note that he listens; he hasstudied careully the wishes andneeds o Warren County as isclearly shown in the 010 survey.

    He has stated his strong inten-tion, i elected, to keep this visionin mind as he votes on all issuesthat aect the uture o this won-derul place called Warren Coun-ty, Virginia. Join me in support-

    ing ory or the North RiverSupervisor seat on the WarrenCounty Board o Supervisors.

    Ben WeddleWarren County

    NR race - Support ory


    As an established residentand businessperson in WarrenCounty, I want to endorse the ol-lowing candidate in the upcom-ing County election. His nameis Victor Failmezger, but mostpeople call him ory. Hes run-ning as an independent or theNorth River Supervisors posi-tion, which is currently held bythe retiring Glenn White.

    ory brings to the position abusiness perspective, one thatcan openly debate the pros andcons o an issue. Since he is a lo-cal businessperson in DowntownFront Royal, he is accessible todiscuss his and your views eitherin person or by phone. He is run-ning as an Independent, and doesnot wafe on what political party

    he belongs to.ory has built a house rom theground up here in Warren Coun-ty, and also owns business prop-

    erty in Front Royal, so like manythat have made improvements,hes been through the permit andlicense processes with both theown and County.

    Hes currently on the County

    Planning Commission whichrecently has approved the newCounty saety building and theRegional Jail, and brought lead-ership skills to the table in pre-senting his views and working tomake these large projects t intoour comprehensive plan.

    ory values the open spacesthat we need to protect in ourcounty, but also realizes thatplanned development is neces-sary to improve our tax base andkeep our individual taxes romrising. He eels that living wagejobs are both necessary and pos-sible to create in the next ew years, and will use his planningbackground to help the countystay ocused on those goals.

    I have known ory as a riendand ellow businessperson or thebetter part o a decade now andnd him to be honest and can-did as an individual, thoughtuland sincere in problem solving,and caring and open in his rela-tionships with riends and am-ily. With his background in thearmed services and as a strategicconsultant, he is the best t orthe people o the North Riverdistrict, and I urge you to cast your vote on Nov. 8th or oryFailmezger.

    Craig LairdFront Royal


    Engles Angle: A Little CorLotta Tears and One Big Br

    to the RescueBy Kevin S. EngleWarren County Report

    From the t ime I was l i t t le, Ilearned real fast I d never be agood criminal. On a chil ly Oc-tober night, when I was aboutsix years old, I was t ick tack-ing with my brother and someof his fr iends.

    Thats what you did in theweeks leading up to Hallow-een. But f irst , you neededfield corn. There was a farmclose to us and I imaginethat s where we got i t . I dontremember ever sneaking into

    the f ields and borrowing f ieldcorn. I m fairly certain othermembers of my family (i .e. mybrother) took care of that. Any-way, armed with your sack off ield corn, youd wait unt i l af terdark and then prowl throughthe neighborhood. When yousaw lights on in a house, andmaybe even people in their l iv-ing room watching television,youd reach into your sackof corn and let a handful f ly,aiming at the window, hope-fully scaring the pumpkin outof them. At that point, youdrun and hide. And wait . I f you were lucky, the man of thehouse would come f lying out

    the front door cussing at you.Other than a good scare, noone got hurt and no windowswere broken. I t was all in fun.

    As long as everything wentas planned.

    On this part icular night, wewere doing our thing. Only f iveminutes from home, and a fewstreets away, we picked ournext target, threw our corn andtook off into the night. And justas wed hoped, the front doorf lew open and Mr. Grumpy OldMan came out yell ing.

    You damn kids! I oughtakick your @@$#!

    Success.But then something hap-

    pened that wasnt supposed

    to .He caught me.At six years old, you can only

    run so fast. I dont rememberif I hid too close to the houseor what. All I know is that hewas holding on to me by thecollar of my shirt and I wasntgetting away.

    This was not good. Accord-ing to my brother, that s whenthings really took a turn for theworse.

    Jooooohn! I crtears ran down mygot me. Jooooohn!

    I obviously hadan important lessonmissions l ike this,rat out your accomcaught, you go dYou take the blameon the sword.

    To a scared six yedidnt make a lotThe only thing I cat that moment wasbig brother.

    Youd better comhim! yelled Mr. G

    Man.I was in compl

    ment. My brothercome and get me.

    Jooooohn!Reluctant ly, and

    he had l i t t le choicbrother appeared darkness to save mme, I appreciated tBut come on? Whahave said to our pahadnt?

    I f you want himguy on the corner and Northumberlan

    That wouldnt over too well with I dont think so any

    I dont recall mucpart iculars of my rI know I slept in mthat night. I wouldanother day. As brother didnt ki l l then.

    That incident marof my t ick tackingdont think I got to hwith my brother andtoo much after that

    vWhen I look bacit wasnt such a Sure, I had to do munity service, butto mow the guys t imes. At least I dipaint his windows.

    My brother got


    My big brother stme about that nigbaby.


    o advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197

  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 8 Warren County Report Early November, 011 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    CountyAs a result o the early, i accidental, heads up, Barrett states he proximately 110-plus transactions rom 011 alone had been alteCompanys accounting program beore I arrived to conduct the au

    Farms re department under increased scrutOver 125 incidents o altered documents alleged rom early audit warBy Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    An Oct. 17 press release romthe Warren County Adminis-trators Oce addressed thecompleted audit o the Shenan-doah Farms Volunteer Fire De-partment. Te press release ac-companied the public release othe 0-page nancial investiga-tive report itsel. Tat report, nowavailable on the Warren Countywebsite, contains ndings de-scribed as uncovering probableraudulent transactions, thet,stealing, maleasance and raud

    indicia (indicated). However theauditor, Bill Barrett o Richmond,noted that despite indications opossible raud, no conclusionsabout specic criminal activityshould be drawn without urtherinvestigation by law enorcementagencies.

    Te audit also contains thetroubling specter o violent re-taliation targeting the propertyo one critic o the Farms re de-partment identied as a citizenand past SF VFD Board Member.Barrett describes concerns o aClarke County police investigatorwho told him that shortly ater

    that citizens appearance beorea County Board o Supervisorsmeeting where criticism o ques-tionable activities and unsuitable

    behavior going on at the Fire De-partment was made the Citi-zens house and vehicle were redupon and r iddled with gunshots.

    Despite this incident and themultiple audit indications o pos-sible raud no criminal chargeshave yet been led.

    Regarding the nancial ndings,Clarke County CommonwealthsAttorney Suzanne Maekall Perkanoted in a Sept. press releasethat the Farms re departmentis entirely staed by non-proes-sional volunteers who might becommitting acts o unintentionalnegligence rather than criminal

    raud.Ater review o this matter,

    I have concluded that to avoidthe appearance o improprietyand to saeguard their propertySFVFD should take appropriatemeasures to improve its account-ing and operational practices butthat no criminal charges wouldresult rom this audit, Perka stat-ed. However, she did add, TeClarke County Sheris Oce isstill investigating the thet o cashand gasoline rom SFVFD.

    Tose investigations, as well asthe one into the possible retalia-tory gunre, remain open.

    Despite the absence o crimi-nal prosecution the audit reportcontains some troubling ndingsconcerning the departments ap-

    proximately $10,000 annualbudget. O that money, $6,000comes rom Clarke County and$56,000 rom Warren County ora total o $118,000 o public mon-ey. A portion o the ShenandoahFarms Sanitary District extendsinto Clarke County, hence theinvolvement o both counties inunding and the investigation.

    Te audit estimates another

    $7,000 in the departments bud-get rom private donations and$85,000 in annual revenue romweekly Bingo games held underthe auspices o the Virginia De-partment o Charitable Gaming.According to area residents theFarms re departments permiton those games has lapsed, atleast temporarily, in the wake othe audit.

    Early warning

    In the two-page p0-page report on audit he conducted omately 5-man, entidepartment, auditorBarrett notes that o the Shenandoah teer Fire Departmeinadvertently ino

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    CouTe audit also contains the troubling specter o violent retaliation targeting the propertyo one critic o the Farms a Clarke County police investigator [told the auditor] theCitizens house and vehicle were red upon and riddled with gunshots.

    pending accounting investiga-tion three weeks beore it beganin late May. Barrett points outthat typically the target o suchan audit is only notied as closeto the outset o the investigation

    as possible to avoid the potentialo the destruction or altering o

    documents and data being inves-tigated.

    As a result o the early, i ac-cidental, heads up, Barrett stateshe ound approximately 110-plustransactions rom 011 alone had

    been altered in the Companysaccounting program beore I ar-

    rived to conduct the audit He added that it appeared ap-

    proximately 15-plus transactionshad also been altered the day a-ter I completed the onsite investi-gation on May 9th.

    Consequently Barrett said dueto his ndings o material Prob-

    able Fraudulent ransactions,ransactions Needing FurtherInvestigation and the high preva-lence o raud indicia discoveredhe recommended a ull-scaleraud audit by the Virginia State

    Police White-Collar Crime Unitas well as a related investigationby the Virginia Division o Chari-table Gaming Inspection Enorce-ment Units related to another au-dit o bingo games conducted bythe Farms re department.

    Barrett also recommended thatthe Fire Departments governingBoard o Directors remove non-essential personal access to thebank accounts and accounting re-cords by department personnel.

    In her Sept. statement ClarkeCommonwealths Attorney Perkacited the use o as many as 14 pos-sibly shared debit cards, 1 to 14

    master keys in circulation, miss-ing receipts or checks written toCash, as well as the alterations tothe departments Quickbooksrecords.


    Included in a three-page list o44 specic indications that raudmay be present in the recordsBarrett audited were: large amounts o cash on hand; unreported and unaccounted

    or thets o cash; personnel disbursements are

    not tracked;

    high thet incidences o inven-tory and supplies; amily members in dominating

    and controlling positions; amiliarity with operations, in-

    cluding cover-up cpersons in positions reluctance to g

    timely and needed d personnel with in

    come, high persona

    nancial losses; records and unu

    ers kept in Mens anRooms; disorganized o

    bookkeeping, purcsaekeeping o capitand inventories; dramatic change

    age, operating andratios; rising costs or pr

    vices or audit and t turnover o volun

    by resignation; personnel with re

    superiors and collea


    Since no chargebrought despite thedit results, the nameals within the depaactions are related cidents cited in thbeen redacted (rethe publicly-releasethe advice o counseAlong the same

    caution in the audCounty Attorney Bpoints out that thethe public release o

    not to imply any cion against any penot been charged.Despite the absen

    prosecutions at th

    Sheriff McEathrons knowledge and hard

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    County Sheriffs Ofce for the last eight years.

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 10 Warren County Report Early November, 011 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    CountyCounty Attorney Blair Mitchell points out that the intention o the public reaudit is not to imply any guilt or suspicion against any person who hacharged.

    audits conclusions have led to anongoing eort across county linesby municipal administrators o-ces to alter the volunteer redepartments nancial and man-agement culture.

    We continue to have discussionswith Clarke County Representa-tives to memorize a path orwardon the handling o nances andoperations with the Departmentand hope to have that wrappedup next week (week o Oct. 3).Our goal continues to be to putprocedures in place to restore thepublics condence in SFVFD At this time I will have no ur-ther comments, Warren CountyAdministrator Doug Stanley con-cluded in his statement accom-panying the public release o theaudit.


    As reported here in late Sep-tember ollowing the release othe Clarke County Common-wealths Attorney statement, atleast part o the impetus or theinvestigation were concerns ex-pressed in April to both the War-

    ren and Clarke County govern-ments by a Farms resident withcertied reghting backgroundwho stated he had direct experi-ence with what he believed wereunsound operational methods

    and decision-making processes atSFVFD.

    During the April 19 WarrenCounty Board o Supervisorsmeeting Matthew Krysler sum-marized his concerns and askedurther unding o the departmentbe withheld pending an investiga-tion. According to county min-utes o that meeting, concerns ex-pressed by Krylser, which he alsopresented to Clarke County o-cials, included unsound account-ing methods and willy-nillyspending o departmental unds,misuse o unds or bingo events,unsound operational methods

    on call responses, an absence ocriminal background checks o allpersonnel with access to depart-ment unds; and a closed policyo hiring that excluded outsid-ers like Krylser, despite extensivereghting experience, rom ac-ceptance into the

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Public safo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197

    Emergency Services honors its ow

    Lindens Cross, Co. 1s Sterna & Gibson, Strickland & Shores lead the At an aternoon ceremony and

    banquet, the Warren County De-partment o Fire and Rescue Ser- vices 010 Award winners wereannounced by Fire Chie RichardE. Mabie. Te annual event, heldat Fire Station 1 on October 7th,began with an introduction oCounty ocials, description andpresentation o awards by ChieMabie and County Administra-tor Doug Stanley and ended witha banquet style dinner or all inattendance.

    Awards went to the ollowing:

    Volunteer Fireghter

    o the Year

    - Joey Cross, o Station 4, Lin-den

    Career Fireghter o Year

    - Fireghter Mickey Sirna, as-signed to Station 1, Front Royal

    Volunteer Emergency

    Medical echnician

    o the Year

    - Fireghter Wyatt Strickland,o Station 5, Shenandoah Shores

    Career Emergency Medical

    echnician o the Year

    - Fireghter Lee Gibson, as-signed to Station 1, Front Royal

    Volunteer Ocer o the Year

    - District Chie Clint Wines, oStation 9, Chester Gap

    Career Ocer o the Year

    - Captain Raymond Cross, as-signed to Station 1, Front Royal

    Company o the Year

    - Shenandoah Shores Fire andRescue Company 5

    Tis year the departmentchanged the way the award re-

    cipients were recognized byhosting the banquet at a re sta-

    tion rather than simply with a

    Board Room presentation. Tegoal was making the event a

    more relaxed and un amilyevent or those directly impact-

    ed, a release acknowledged.

    Te amily is normally the one

    important part o the equation

    that allows our responders to bea productive part o any system.

    We are very proud o our most

    important asset, our people,

    and are very proud to recognizeseveral o them that help make

    our Department great, War-

    ren County Emerg

    Chie Richard Marelease.

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    Page 1 Warren County Report Early November, 011 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Public safety

    County Emergency Services Winter Fire PreventionLast winter, the Warren Coun-

    ty Department o Fire and Res-

    cue Services had a devastatingincrease in re related incidents.Fire and Emergency crews re-sponded to eight major re inci-dents. Tese re incidents haveaccounted or $1.4 million inproperty and content loss anddisplaced 15 citizens rom therehomes or an extended periodo time. Tree occupants weretreated or re related injuriesand our emergency respond-ers were treated or injuriessustained in combating thesere emergencies. Te commonelement to the causes o thesere incidents have been related

    to heating the home during thewinter time cold temperatures.

    Te Department o Fire andRescue Services urges each am-ily to practice re saety in anattempt to prevent these tragicre incidents rom occurringand to help reduce the risk o rerelated injuries and re deaths.Tis can be done by ollowingthe op en Fire Saety ipslocated below;

    1.Install Smoke Alarms.WORKING SMOKE ALARMScan alert you to a re in yourhome in time or you to escape,even i you are sleeping. Installsmoke detectors on every level o

    your home, including the base-ment, and outside each sleeping

    area. I you sleep with the doorclosed, install one inside yoursleeping area as well.

    est detectors every month,ollowing the manuacturersdirections, and replace batteriesonce a year, or whenever a detec-tor chirps to signal low batterypower. Never borrow a smokealarms battery or another use- a disabled alarm cannot save

    your lie. Replace alarms that aremore than 10 years old..Plan Your Escape From Fire .IF A FIRE BREAKS OU in yourhome, you have to get out ast.Prepare or a re emergency by

    sitting down with your amilyand agreeing on an escape plan.

    Be sure that everyone knows atleast two unobstructed exits -doors and windows - rom everyroom. (I you live in an apart-ment building, do not include el-evators in your escape plan.) De-cide on a meeting place outside

    where everyone wthey escape. Have

    household practiceplan at least twice a3. Keep An Eye OnCareless smoking ing cause o re deAmerica. Smokingwhen you are drow

    o advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-

    Robbie Seal for Sheriff A People Person...A Peoples Sheriff


    Paid and Authorized by Friends of Robbie Seal for Sheriff

    Dear Citizens of Warren County!

    I am so appreciative and humbled by the support given to me

    by so many of you who I have visited at your homes and/or in

    person throughout the county since I made my announcement to

    run for Sheriff in February. My message to the citizens of our

    county is my philosophy in what I believe you want and expect

    from an elected leader and I know I have that personality andthose qualities.

    If elected, I will be:

    1. A Sheriff that is, Approachable, Available and Attentive tothe People

    2. A Sheriff that shows scal responsibility with taxpayer money

    3. A Sheriff that creates partnerships with the citizens, other law

    enforcement agencies and organizations

    4. A Sheriff that is fair but stern in making the decisions that affects

    the overall professionalism of the Sheriffs Ofce

    5. A Sheriff that will remain humble and honest knowing that he is

    the servant of the People

    Many of you are asking for change. Change is good...if invested

    well, it will grow! I ask that on Nov. 8th, you invest in me by giving

    me your vote so that we can grow together in making our

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    Early November, 011 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Public safo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197

    deadly. Provide smokers withlarge, deep non-tip ashtrays andsoak butts with water beore dis-carding them. Beore going tobed or leaving home ater some-one has been smoking, check

    under and around cushions andupholstered urniture or smol-dering cigarettes.4. Cook Carefully.Never leave cooking unattended.Keep cooking areas clear o com-bustibles and wear clothes with

    short, rolled-up or tight-ttingsleeves when you cook. urnpot handles inward on the stovewhere you cant bump them andchildren cant grab them. En-orce a Kid-Free Zone three

    eet (one meter) around yourkitchen stove. I grease catchesre in a pan, slide a lid over thepan to smother the ames andturn o the heat. Leave the lidon until cool.5. Give Space Heaters Space/

    Clean And Service Stoves and


    Keep portable heaters and spaceheaters at least three eet (onemeter) rom anything that canburn. Keep children and pets

    away rom heaters, and neverleave heaters on when you leavehome or go to bed.

    Now is the time to have yourwood burning and other uelburning appliances checked and

    your chimneys cleaned.

    6. Remember: Matches AndLighters Are Tools, Not Toys.

    In a childs hand, matches andlighters can be deadly. Use onlychild-resistant lighters and storeall matches and lighters up high,

    where small children cant seeor reach them, preerably in alocked cabinet. each your chil-dren that matches and lightersare tools, not toys, and should beused only by adults or with adultsupervision. each young chil-dren to tell a grown-up i theynd matches or lighters; olderchildren should bring matchesor lighters to an adult immedi-ately.7. Cool A Burn.Run cool water over a burn or10 to 15 minutes. Never put but-ter or any grease on a burn, i the

    burned skin blisters or is charred,see a doctor immediately. Neveruse ice. (how does this preventres?!)8. Use Electricity Safely.I an electrical appliance smokesor has an unusual smell, un-plug it immediately, then haveit serviced beore using it again.Replace any electrical cord thatis cracked or rayed. Dont over-load extension cords or run themunder rugs. Do not tamper with

    your use box or use improper-size uses.

    9. Crawl Low UndeDuring a re, smokous gases rise with air is cleaner near

    you encounter smoare escaping rom

    alternate escape rou10. Stop, Drop andI your clothes catrun. Stop where yothe ground, cover y

    your hands, and over to smother the

    For more Fire anInormation or adto protect your amcontact the Warrenpartment o Fire an

    vices at (540) 636-3online at www.warrcom .


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    OP BOXES Opinion


    Burke catches heat rom downtown busines

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    On Oct. 6th Front Royalown Manager hosted an in-ormal meeting with downtownbusiness people. Te purposewas to open, or rather re-open adialogue with the town govern-ment on means to promote anddirect both out-o-town touristsand more county residents toFront Royals Historic DowntownBusiness District.

    Te meetings, the rst heldin auctioneer om EschelmansMiddle o Main Building at 15

    East Main Street, are planned tobe quarterly. But i some o theeedback heard at the inauguralmeeting is accurate, that may not

    be enough.Burke ound himsel on the re-

    ceiving end o occasionally loudcomplaints that the town hasailed to ollow through on pastpromises to promote its down-town business district. ValleyFinds proprietor Kathy Soranzopointed to what she said was twoyears o delays through one townadministrative change Burke wason the back end o that continuesto cost downtown business po-tential walk-in business Tereis $ million o potential revenuethere, she told Burke o passthrough travelers.

    Soranzo said the ormer townadministration headed by Burkespredecessor Michael Graham, aswell as council had agreed to im-

    prove promotion o downtownthrough directional signs. How-ever, only one sign on Route 55East/John Marshall Highway hadbeen place. Feedback indicatedthe sign was too small to be eec-tively read by motorists headedto the county and Skyline Drive.

    We got a new administrationin March and everyone agreed But now we have missed thespring, summer and all trac,Soranzo said o delays in urtherimplementation o downtownpromotion, including directionalsigns steering visitors to HistoricDowntown Front Royal.

    Soranzo said with her EastMain Street lease set to expirewithin the year she was acedwith a decision to renew in a

    community that seems to be alltalk and little action in promot-

    ing its downtown businesses ver-sus relocating somewhere elsethat actually has a track record oaccomplishment in that regard.

    She added that while she hadbeen able to grow her businessannually through online salesand promotion, like many o herellow Main Street Front Royalbusiness people she was still su-ering economically in the three-

    year national recessWeve lost tw

    and were acing thmore, Soranzo toldMain Street busines

    Burke suggested tan advisory studyproblems Soranzopointed too, incluo signs promoting trac to downtown

    You hit the nail othe sign that was p

    Okay, okay - thats the real town manager, Steve Burke, left taking questionsfrom downtown merchants on Oct. 26. Town Manager Burkes 10-year-old sonAndrew, head in book, had his dads back in case things got too heated.

    Why do we need another sign study? dowmerchant Patricia Failmezger

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    eective, Burke said. He notedsimilar eedback over the townsWayaring signs and promisedthat new signs would be in placewithin a year.

    However, that was not what

    the now restless crowd o about5 local business people wantedto hear.

    Why do we need anothersign study? Patricia Failmezgerasked.

    When Burke replied thatSoranzo had indicated the needor urther study o promotionalsigns, Soranzo begged to dier Tats not what I said, she toldBurke.

    Failmezger said the study wasdone and the eedback was in

    All we need is a little moremoney to make sure the signs arebigger [so they can be red by mo-torists], she told Burke.

    We dont want to commit[to more signs] and do it wrong

    again, Burke countered.Other issues addressed in-

    cluded the reluctance o countycommuters to leave their homesater driving to and rom workin distant metro areas; loiteringand littering, trespassing youths;and the negative ambiance ounkempt residential and com-mercial properties near town en-trances.

    Burke told his tough crowd thetown was limited by state law onsome cosmetic enorcement is-

    sues and FRPD Chie Richard Furrtold the crowd loitering itsel wasnot a crime despite Gazebo areasigns saying it was prohibited.Te downtown loitering prohibi-tion is simply a town rule, rather

    than an enorceable legal prohibi-tion, the chie said.

    And so it goes as Front Royalponders its commercial and tour-ism uture in an ongoing nationalrecession punctuated by in-creased commercial competitionin the countys 5 North Corri-dor enabled by the extension otown water and sewer to thoseout-o-town businesses.

    Too advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197


    . . :

    By Samantha Mazzotta

    Space Heaters AreHandy, But ...

    Its that time of year again. As tem-peratures cool down and Jack Frostmakes an appearance, homeownersstart looking for efficient ways toheat their homes. Its also when thenumber of fires caused by improperlyused portable electric space heatersbegin to climb.

    Yet we cant abandon space heatersentirely they provide decent sup-plemental heat to individual rooms,and in some parts of the U.S. are theonly source of heat during cold snaps.So, careful selection and the obser-vance of safety rules is the best solu-tion to the dilemma of whether or notto use a space heater.

    If youre using an older model,check it thoroughly for problems afrayed cord, damaged heating ele-ments, dented or rusted casing and soon. Damaged space heaters should bereplaced as soon as possible.

    When purchasing a new electricspace heater, make sure it has theUnderwriters Laboratory (UL) labelattached to it. Avoid heaters that fea-

    ture open heating elements (heatingelements protected only by a meshgrille). An estimated 6,000 people ayear are treated in hospital emergencyrooms for burns caused by contact-ing the hot surfaces of room heaters.Heaters that circulate warmed liquidor oil through a closed system are asafer option.

    Although most space heaters relyon convection (the circulation of air)to heat an entire room, some rely onradiant heating: infrared radiation

    that directly heats up objple that are within the hsight. Radiant heaters arcient choice when youlfor only a few hours, bstay within its line of sig

    Set up the space heateraway from furniture, drand other combustible

    not place or prop it up put it flat on the floor, awtraffic. Be especially cachildren and pets away fer, and operate only whin the room. When you gthe heater off stay neath the covers instead

    If you use an extensithe heater, make suremarked No. 14 or No. Wire Gauge (AWG) on the label attached to cord when purchased.

    Send your questions to ask@thisisahammer.This Is a Hammer, c/o KWeekly Service, P.O. Orlando, FL 32853-647

    2011 King Features S

    The sumeSafetsion that 25,00

    tial fires every year arwith the use of space hing more than 300 dsafe!

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    WarrenCounty Report

    Angie ButerakosAdvertising SalesCell: (540) 683-9197

    WarrenCounty Report

    Alison DuvallAdvertising SalesCell: (540) 551-2072

    own approves Leachs Run Parkway cost sVDO revenue sharing application poised or Nov. 1 deadliBy Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    Despite some initial conu-sion over exactly what theywere voting on, the Front Roy-al own Council unanimouslyapproved a both a Memoran-dum o Understanding on de-sign and right-o-way acquisi-tion cost sharing or LeachsRun Parkway and a resolutiono support or a state revenuesharing application. Te votecame at councils Oct. 4

    meeting one week ater thecounty approved the samedocuments on the jointly-

    unded and EDA overseenproject (see related story).

    Te latter resolution allowsthe EDA to proceed with anapplication or as much as $6million in Virginia Depart-ment o ransportation rev-enue sharing or the north-south connector road project.Te FR-WC EDA aced a Nov.1 deadline or applying orthose VDO unds this year.

    Te long-planned-or north-south connector road tra- verses both town and county

    land between John MarshallHighway (Route 55 East) andHappy Creek Road. When

    completed it will ease otencongested midtown trac,partially by providing directaccess to Warren CountyHigh School and Hilda J. Bar-bour Elementary School romthe north and east sides o thetown and county. Te poten-tial o eventual constructiono a third public school, pos-sibly a middle school, in thearea was also discussed prior

    to the council votes.However the MOU vote hit

    a snag when om Sayre ques-tioned the wording o one por-tion o the MOU. Tat wordinginvolved a town-sought agree-ment to adjust the boundaryo a parcel owned by ValleyHealth or the eventual relo-cation o its main Warren Me-morial Hospital campus intotown. WMH is now on North

    Shenandoah AvenTe new campus on county land. Vowns a total o 1the area, 8.7 acris earmarked or Parkway ROW Construction o tor road was seenValley Healths puland or uture dPast discussion h


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    I were going to do it, lets do it right. om Sayre on constrLeachs Run Parkway as a our-lane, rather than two-lane road

  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    the regional health care pro-vider will maintain its currentN. Shenandoah Avenue cam-pus or related uses.

    Responding to Sayres ques-

    tion, own Manager SteveBurke explained the agendapacket contained the word-ing the town orwarded tothe county two weeks ago orapproval at the county super- visors Oct. 18 meeting. Asreported elsewhere in this is-sue, the supervisors deletedthe town-requested agree-ment to boundary adjust theValley Health property intotown prior to their approval othe MOU. Issues surroundingsuch a boundary adjustmentare discussed in the related

    article on the countys Oct. 18vote.

    Ater Burke pointed out theboundary adjustment issuecould be urther negotiated asthe parkway project proceeds,

    om Conkey suggested coun-cil amend the original motionto approve the MOU so that itmatched what the county hadapproved the previous week.

    While councils only mem-ber attorney, Sayre, who raisedthe wording discrepancy in therst place, said he didnt be-lieve it was necessary to makethe change to assure both gov-ernments approved the sameMOU, council did unanimous-ly approve the amendment de-leting the wording agreeing tothe boundary adjustment. De-spite his stance that it did notmatter one way or the other,Sayre made the motion to de-lete the boundary adjustmentwording.

    Prior to consideration o theLeachs Run Parkway undingitems Sayre again disclosed hispersonal interest and potentialconict o interest. One o theremaining parcels necessary

    to complete the ROW acqui-sition is a ve-acre portion oSayres 45.6-acre home prop-erty o Shenandoah ShoresRoad. Sayre said despite his

    personal nancial interest hecould participate and voteairly and objectively.

    In making his Oct. 4th dis-closure Sayre noted that theproposed road could increasenoise, trac and congestionnear his home. However dur-ing the MOU discussion Sayreexpressed some concern aboutwording that another ROWparcel owner, Ron LlewellynsHEPAD LLC, had onlyagreed to contribute to con-struction costs or a two-lanesegment o the road. Sayre

    said he thought it had beenagreed to make the parkwaya 4-lane road I were goingto do it, lets do it right, Sayrecommented.

    own Planning Director

    Jeremy Camp explained thatwhile HEPAD had proerednancial contributions to thedesign and engineering o a4-lane road, it had only agreed

    to und construction o twolanes o the road through itsproperty.

    HEPAD has been ear-marked or uture residentialdevelopment as a county-town designated Urban Devel-opment Area. Contributionsto costs have been sought asproers rom builders seek-ing uture development in theLeachs Run Parkway area.Llewellyn has had develop-ment o the HEPAD/SwanEstates property on and othe towns planning depart-

    ment table over much o thepast six years. In addition tobeing a past North River Dis-trict supervisor, Llewellyn is acurrent town-appointed EDAboard member.


    . .

    On Nov. 8, 1847, author of the horror nois born in Clontarf, D

    Stokers villainous, creation, the vampire C became a pop-culturebeen featured in hundrbooks and plays.

    On Nov. 10, 1903, Mreceives patent No. 74window cleaning detric cars and other vehisnow, ice or sleet fromAnderson tried to sell itmanufacturing firm, busaid the device had no p

    On Nov. 11, 1921, ththe end of World War I, tUnknowns is dedicateNational Cemetery in an unknown Americanied. A 2-inch layer of soiFrance was placed belothat the soldier might re

    the earth on which he di On Nov. 7, 1940, th

    rows Bridge collapseswinds. At the time, winnot taken into considerneers and designers. of the bridge, at the boSound, form one of thmade reefs in the world

    On Nov. 12, 1954, Egateway to America, after processing more timmigrants since opeFirst- and second-class peasily passed throughthose in third class undeinspections to ensure tha contagious disease.

    On Nov. 9, 1965,LaPorte, a 22-year-old Catholic Worker mov

    lates himself in front Nations headquarters Before dying, LaPoragainst war, declared tha religious act.

    On Nov. 13, 1982Veterans Memorial isWashington, D.C. Thememorial was a simblack-granite wall inscnames of the 57,939 Adied in the conflict, arrof death, not rank, as wother memorials.

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    o advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197

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    County balks at new WMH boundary adjustmBy Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    On Oct. 18 the Warren CountyBoard o Supervisors knocked theproverbial political ball back theown o Front Royals way as thetwo governments jockey over theuture look o the communityscommercial and inrastructuredevelopment, commercial taxrevenue and the availability othe central utilities that will en-able the ongoing development othat commercial tax base.

    With a Nov. 1 deadline or ap-plying or as much as $6-millionin matching Virginia Depart-ment o ransportation revenue

    or development o Leachs RunParkway looming, the countyapproved a Memorandum oUnderstanding (MOU) with allbut one change suggested by thetown a week earlier.

    Tat rejected change is a BIGone a boundary adjustment thatwould move 75 acres earmarkedor the uture site o an expand-ed Warren Memorial Hospital(WMH) campus inside the townlimits. On Oct. 4 the town isscheduled to vote on approval or

    rejection o the MOU approvedby the county (see related story).

    Tat vote is slated with only veworking days remaining beorethe VDO revenue sharing dead-line or the coming year.

    Should the town and countyail to agree on the conditions bywhich they will apply or VDOrevenue sharing or the long-dis-cussed north-south connectorroad along the town-county east-side boundary, the possibility o astate unding split will be set backat least a year.

    Te county vote on the LeachsRun Parkway MOU was part oa series o votes on new agree-ments involving joint interests

    o the county and town that havebeen batted back and orth in re-cent months. It is also the onlynew agreement with a deadlinelooming that involves applyingor millions o dollars in staterevenue to help deer local inra-structure improvement costs.

    Te others involve the airunding ormula on operationsexpenses or the town-countyEconomic Development Au-thority and specication o thetown and county interests in the

    McKay properties in the countysnorthside o Route 5. Most

    prominent among that latterMOU is the towns sole interest inthe McKay Springs property. Tetown moved on that purchase asa uture source o central waterto add to its utility system as thecounty hesitated over an expen-diture or the same purpose overa decade ago.

    Te town and county do notseem at odds on the EDA opera-tional unding ormula being setat 66/34-percent (county-town)or the dynamics o the McKayproperties. Both MOUs havemoved orward with minor dis-cussion though it is likely there

    is a certain amount o behind-the-scenes gnashing o teethover the missed opportunity toacquire its own potential centralwater source in the 1990s. McKaySprings have also been called theendless spring due to its seem-ingly endless supply o under-ground spring water.

    However the issue o who willbenet rom Valley Healths stat-ed intention o moving its mainlocal hospital campus to theproperty between John Marshall

    Highway and Happy Creek Roadcould be sticky one.

    Te town is still smarting romthe loss o its 5 North Corridormeals-tax-based PILO ee. De-pending on the state o the econ-omy that lost revenue has beenestimated at current developmentbetween $600,000 and $800,000annually. Several councilmenalso have expressed the opinionthe county has moved slowly tocompensate the town or that lostrevenue. PILO (payment in lieuo taxes) ees were agreed uponin 1998-99 as a means o com-pensating the town governmentor potential lost commercialtax revenue due to its extension

    o central water-sewer into thecountys north commercial-in-dustrial corridor.

    Te agreement, a three-judge state

    time, headed o whbeen a hostile annbetween the townto get central utilcommercial north increase the entire commercial tax bas

    o advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-

    Dan Murrayfor North River SupervisorYou are invited to

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  • 8/3/2019 The Early November, 2011 edition of Warren County Report


    Early November, 011 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    County yoo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at - 540-683-9197

    Supervisors decline unding to Summer Parks progDelay pending urther study o public partnership with private daycar

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    On Oct. 18, the Warren Coun-ty Board o Supervisors unani-mously declined to approve anyunding or the Summer in theParks Program or youths aged5 to 1 or 13. Denial o inclusiono the program in Parks & Rec-reation Department unding ap-proval or the coming year camedespite rave reviews rom par-ents whose children participatedin the eight-week program thissummer.

    Tats the bad news the good

    news is unding o the programwas not denied, but rather con-

    sideration o it was tabled pend-ing urther discussion with pri- vate-sector providers claimingunair competition rom countygovernment.

    What appears to be a delay inunding approval, rather thantermination o the program cameater the county board o super-visors again heard rom one day-care operator, as well as threeother people involved in private-sector youth enrichment pro-grams tied to the public schoolsystem. wo parents spoke insupport o the program.

    A report on the eight-week

    Summer in the Parks Programstressing outdoor activities uti-

    lizing county outdoor parks acil-ities presented to the supervisorson Oct. 4, indicated expenses o$3,085 and revenues o $15,080,a loss o $8,005 eaten by allcounty taxpayers. Tat loss wasincurred primarily because thesupervisors cut o enrollmentat 30 this spring ater receivingsimilar complaints about unairpublic competition to private-sector business and other youthprograms.

    Several o those express-ing complaints this spring re-newed those complaints onOct. 18. Tey included Angels

    Korner daycare operator Rose-mary Comstock, Craig Laird,president o the non-prot FRChildrens Center that overseesschool-age programs in the WCMiddle School and the countyselementary schools, as well asCary Burke and Holly Goode othe middle school-located YouthEnrichment Program. All werecareul not to express outright

    opposition to the publicly-sup-ported program that provided amore aordable summer optionor supervised day-time activi-ties to working parents. Howeverall o those requesting a denial oapproval o unding or the pro-gram at this time made it clearthey want a larger role in deter-mining the extent o the programin any uture scenario.

    Te impetus o the countysummer parks program cov-ers the bulk o the summer pe-riod when public school is outo session and working parentsare aced with how to have their

    younger, school-aged childrensupervised during the day.

    Te board decision to delayunding approval means thatthe summer parks programwill not be listed in the upcom-ing all brochure on parks & recprograms available in the com-ing year. While it was pointedout during the board discussionthat does not mean a resolution

    wont be reached tthe program to be lproved prices come& Rec Program DiRichardson pointedsion to remove the punding approval nher only six weeksthe program and rcants or the comithe spring brochureApril.

    But i some ppartnership that mable combined sgrams available to mover the summer is

    the interim, so muc

    Public vs. private?

    But it seems WarSupervisors nd tlocal ground zero ois at the center o alitical debate on theo American societyis whether public

    Foreign exchange the Queen visits R

    WC Report correspondent Malcolm Barr, Sr. (center), a British immigrant turned U.S. ccomed a group o students rom his prep school, Queen Elizabeths Grammar School (QEland to Front Royal this week. Hosted by Randolph-Macon Academy, students rom R-MAbuilt during the reign o Queen Elizabeth I in 1585, have enjoyed an exchange relatio000. Brian Barbour, let, is one o several organizers over the years or R-MA. Barr andean Jonathan Ezell chaperoned one o the rst trips by R-MA students to England a decgroup rom R-MA will visit the historic British school next spring where Barbour againteach a class on American history.

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    should contribute to programsthat help all citizens, includingthose who may not be able to a-ord higher-priced private sectoroptions.

    In response to a direct ques-

    tion rom Happy Creek Super- visor ony Carter, one workingmom speaking in support o theprogram said that were the coun-ty parks & rec summer programnot available she would havehad to juggle her child betweenriends and relatives this summerbecause she could not aord pri-vate daycare.

    Despite the detailed parksdepartment report on unding