Tabitha House

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Tabitha House

Tabi tha House is in the f ina l phases of a to ta l fac i l i ty makeover which updated

a l l 21 s leeping rooms, k i tchen and d in ing room, and the adminis t rat ive of f ices.

Addi t ions to the new and improved Tabi tha House inc lude a Kids computer lab,

expanded p lay area, Educat ion Center , Updated Cl ient Lounge, Empowerment

Bout ique and Refreshment counter .

Tabitha HouseService, Care, Healing, Faith and Empowerment

Tabitha House • 550 North Pine, Avenue • Chicago, IL 60644 • 773-261-1100 • 773-261-4359 • •

Clockwise: Kid’s Center, Tile Baths, Large Bedroom, Education Center (Opening Soon), Small Bedroom.