South korea

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of South korea

Class Exercise on Culture

Submitted By,

Kishan Khunt

Country Name: - South Korea


The history of South Korea formally begins with its establishment on 15 August 1948, although Syngman Rhee had officially declared independence two days prior. In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea which ended with Japan's defeat in World War II in 1945, Korea

was divided at the 38th parallel north in accordance with a United Nations arrangement, to be administered by the Soviet Union in the north and the United States in the south. The Soviets and Americans were unable to agree on the implementation of Joint Trusteeship over Korea. This led in 1948 to the establishment of two separate governments, each claiming to be the legitimate government of all of Korea.

Eventually, following the Korean War, the two separate governments stabilized into the existing political entities of North and South Korea. South Korea's subsequent history is marked by alternating periods of democratic and autocratic rule. Civilian governments are conventionally numbered from the First Republic of Syngman Rhee to the contemporary Sixth Republic. The First Republic, arguably democratic at its inception, became increasingly autocratic until its collapse in 1960. The Second Republic was strongly democratic, but was overthrown in less than a year and replaced by an autocratic military regime. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Republics were nominally democratic, but are widely regarded as the continuation of military rule. With the Sixth Republic, the country has gradually stabilized into a liberal democracy.

Since its inception, South Korea has seen substantial development in education, economy, and culture. Since the 1960s, the country has

developed from one of Asia's poorest to one of the world's wealthiest nations. Education, particularly at the tertiary level, has expanded dramatically. It is said to be one of the "Four Tigers" of rising Asian states along with Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Capital of Country South Korea, capital Seoul.

Flag of South Korea

Location of South Korea

Language That Speak by South Korea Korean Jeju

Name and surname in Korean language Kishan khunt: - 아니단어 케이군

Images of Famous Architects:-

Festivals:- 1. 1st Month

Seollal is one of the biggest holidays in Koreawith Chuseok Seollal is the New Year’s Day in lunar calendar. The word “seol” is originated from the word. Which means unfamiliar, implying newness of a new coming year? It is unknown when Koreans began celebrating Seollal, but rituals of the festival are estimated to go back to the 6th century. On Seollal, Koreans demonstrate their respect to parents and elders in the family, as well as deceased ancestors through Sebae and Charye Also, elders give money or present to a person who did Sebae in return of showing their respect. Koreans almost always wear Hanbok on this day and eat teokguk  and Yakwa in addition to playing a traditional game like.


2. 2nd Month

MeoseumnalMeoseumnal is a traditional festival for servants. 'Meoseum' means servants and slaves, and 'nal' means a day in Korean. This was a day that masters allowed their servants and slaves to celebrate a day with extra food, singing, and dancing before farming started in February; back in the day when slaves were exist in Korea. The masters also provided enough money for the servants so that the servants do not need to spend their money in the day. This festival was designed by masters to encourage the servants and slaves to work better on the year's farming. The servants usually made traditional snack called Songpyeon with the grains used during Daeboreum and ate them according to their age, because they believed that this could bring them a good luck. For instance a 10-year-old servant would eat ten Songpyeon. In Euiryong-gun, Yangsan-gun, or Gyungsangnam-do, different territories of Korea, the day was regarded as coming-of-age day. Unfortunately, this festival is not celebrated any more since the Meoseum system was abolished in Korea, and it is even rare to see a person who remembers this festival.

YongdeungjeYongdeungje is a day to celebrate Yongdeung which is believed to descend on earth on the first day of February and ascend on the 20th. The festival is mostly celebrated in Jeju Island and Youngnam district. While Yongdeung is on earth, it is believed to bring strong wind. Thus, people in the sectors strongly affected by wind such as fishery and farming perform an ancestral ritual, Jesa in order to appease the wind god. If it rains or is cloudy on that day Yongdeung ascend, people think the year will be a fruitful one

3. 3rd Month

Daeboreum is a day celebrating the first full moon of the New Year. Traditionally, group of people plays a traditional game called Geuybulnori a night before or on the day of Daeboreum. Farmer’s burn hays of dry grass on ridges between the rice fields while other people whirl around few cans with a lot of holes which allowed charcoals to fire inside the cans. Practically, people believed that the fire could help killing harmful insects near the rice fields, and ashes of the fire could fertilize the ground to help the year's farming. Also, charcoals were used to blaze a fire.


Famous Movies of South Korea Movie Name: - The Admiral: Roaring Currents

Samjinnal’s origin is unknown but it is a day of celebrating the coming of spring. Thus Samjinnal,the date with two 3s is considered as a lucky day with full of good and evil spirit. This is the day when theswallows return, snakes awaken from the winter sleep, and butterflies begin to fly. It is thought as good luck if one sees a snake on this day. Archery, cockfighting, flower viewing, and fortune telling are also enjoyed by the people celebrating this day. People would eat rice pancakes with flower topping known as Hwajeondrinking Dugyeonju.

The Admiral: Roaring Currents is a 2014 South Korean film directed and co-written by Kim Han-min and starring Choi Min-sik. It became the biggest film of all time at the South Korean box office, with more than 17 million admissions and the first local film to gross more than US$100 million.

2. Ode to My Father

Religion :- Religion in South Korea is characterized by the fact that almost half (46.5%) of South Koreans have no religion; among those that follow a formal religion, there is a dominance of Buddhism, Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism. According to the census of the year 2005, 22.8% of the population identifies as Buddhist, 18.3% as Protestant and 10.9% as Roman Catholic, totaling a 29.2% Christian population.

Currency of Korea:-  South Korean Won

Exchange rate with Indian Rupees:-

1 South Korea Won equals

0.06 Indian Rupees

Ode to My Father   is a 2014 South Korean drama film directed by Yoon Je-kyoon. Starring Hwang Jung-min and Yunjin Kim, it depicts modern Korean history from the 1950s to the present day through the life of an ordinary man, as he experiences events such as the Hungnam Evacuation of 1950 during the Korean War, the government's decision to dispatch nurses and miners to Germany in the 1960s, and the Vietnam War.It is currently the second highest-grossing film in the history of Korean cinema, with 14.2 million tickets sold.


Currency Note:-

Food Habits in South Korea:- Korean cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and

political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria, Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends.

Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, vegetables, and meats. Traditional Korean meals are noted for the number of side dishes that accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Kimchi is almost always served at every meal. Commonly used ingredients include sesame oil, doenjang (fermented bean paste), soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger, pepper flakes gochujang(fermented red chili paste) and cabbage.

Famous Leaders of South Korea:-

1. King Sejong the Great (1397-1450 / R. 1418-1450):- Sejong the Great was the 4th king of Joseon. He was 21 years old when he ascended to the throne in 1418. He was very respected and famous for one of his huge achievements. In 1443, King Sejong created Hunminjeongeum, which is a document that describes an original and native script of the Korean language. He showed great Confucianism politics and started our beautiful national culture. He still remains as one of the great kings throughout history. Therefore, he is still admired and loved by Koreans today.

2. Kim Dae-Jung (1925-2009):- Kim Dae-Jung was the 15th President of the Republic of Korea from 1998 to 2003. He is well known as the ‘Nelson Mendela in Asia ‘. In December 2000, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize — the first time for a Korean. He was recognized for his contribution and efforts to restore the democracy, economic stability in South Korea and to achieve improvement on the relations with North Korea.

3. Park Geun-hye:-

4. Rhee Syngman:-

Education System of South Korea:- Education in South Korea is provided by both public schools and private schools. Both types of schools receive funding from the government, although the amount that the private schools receive is less than the amount of the state schools.

Korean "Rhee Syngman"; April 18, 1875 – July 19, 1965) was a Korean statesman, the first president of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, and the first president of the Republic of Korea(commonly referred to as South Korea). His three-term presidency of South Korea (August 1948 to April 1960) was strongly affected by Cold War tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Born 2 February 1952) is the eleventh and current President of South Korea. She is the first woman to be elected as President in South Korea and is serving the 18th presidential term. She also is the first female head of state in the history of Korea and first female president of an East Asian nation, and is the first South Korean president to have been born a South Korean citizen.