Schools must use the funding to make - … · County), badges completed at Brownies, Guides, Scouts...

Post on 04-May-2019

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Transcript of Schools must use the funding to make - … · County), badges completed at Brownies, Guides, Scouts...

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

• develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers • build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

Please visit for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous spend. Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use the Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors hold them to account for this.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment. We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it on your website as evidence of your ongoing review into how you are using the money to secure maximum, sustainable impact. To see an example of how to

complete the table please click HERE.

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Key achievements to date: 2017-18 Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

Participation in inter school competitions – children won local tournaments and went through to County finals in hockey, athletics and swimming in 2017/18

Increased attendance in after school clubs and a wider range of activities run out of hours, including a sporting breakfast club.

Additional member of staff qualified in Shallow Water Course allowing her to help with swimming across the school

Children increasingly confident in sharing and celebrating their sporting achievements outside of school – horse riding, gymkhana, football team results and man of match awards, swimming, club swimming, (several children now swim for the County), badges completed at Brownies, Guides, Scouts etc, gymnastics awards etc – Raised sporting aspirations in and out of school.

Playground leaders introduced – Year 6 children working with Premier Sports Coaches to develop lunchtime sporting activities

Introduction of Lunchtime sports bags and new PE equipment to increase range of activities available to children during unstructured times.

Trim trail added to and improved July 2018. This will continue to be developed in 2018/19.

PE Enrichment increased using high school coaches

Contacted with outside agencies i.e. Premier Sport to engage in activities in the current and next academic year

Additional coaches employed to run sports clubs at lunchtimes

Continue / increase participation in the interschool competitions and widen the range of ‘friendlies’ and broaden competitors.

Increase further the variety of after school clubs and continue to build on the attendance of these

Premier Sport to run a range of sports clubs to increase opportunities and additional gymnastics club – starts with Archery and Fencing in Autumn 2018.

Increase staff PE knowledge through training

Continue to maintain 30 minutes of activity daily as a minimum – considering use of the Daily Mile higher up the school in addition to what is already in place

Continue to develop the front playground for traditional games like hop scotch and existing PE facilities / add to trim trail with next size up equipment

Add to, refresh, replenish lunchtime activity bags for each class so all can continue to be more active during unstructured times

Breakfast club activities / multi sports clubs increase early morning activity opportunities if demand continues

Prizes awarded through positive behaviour and attendance schemes promote increased physical activity ( eg swimming vouchers, ten pin bowling and trampolining or activity vouchers etc)

‘Bikeability’ Cycling Proficiency Course for UKS2 children to ensure they use the road safely on their bicycles and have an awareness of the highway code.

Coldfair Green Primary School 2017/18 – Evidencing the Impact

Vision – All pupils leaving primary school to be physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivations necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. (afPE)

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Gymnastics club run by Premier Sport in 2016/17 continued for the full year.

New structure to sports day continued to encourage greater participation across the school and increased the image of PE to the parents. Lots of positive feedback received.

Additional swimming coaches employed to ensure all Year 6 children met the standard on leaving Primary School.

Traditional games chalked out on front playground to introduce them to children (these will be followed with new markings in next financial year)

Visits from two Olympians to raise aspirations and the profile of sports. - Joe Roebuck, Swimmer ran a sponsored event and talked to the children about his journey to the Olympics. We have a large number of club swimmers for whom this really resonated. - Gemma Gibbons, Olympic Judo medalist – children got to interact with medalists and hold medals.

Daily 30 minutes of activity introduced and sustained across the year. Activate, Go Noodle, Super Moovers and use of the trim trail – all used to stimulate activity and increase concentration.

Brain Gym continued for identified children.

Premier Sports Arts Enrichment Days – one per half term – linked to Themes and based around dance. (Autumn 1 – Diwali Dance Day; Autumn 2 – West End Musical Theatre; Spring 1 – Make a Noise – Anti-Bullying; Spring 2 – Bringing Books to Life; Summer 1 – Dance Around the World; Summer 2 - Best of British)

Employment of an additional specialist teacher of PE to increase opportunities that can be offered.

Employment of a specialist dance teacher to increase opportunities that can be offered.

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety Please complete all of the below:

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

100% awaiting confirmation from Swimming Instructors (pending)

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

100% awaiting confirmation from Swimming Instructors (pending)

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What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

100% awaiting confirmation from Swimming Instructors (pending)

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


This is a working document which is reviewed on a termly basis and updated annually to reflect progress. Clive Butcher / Amanda Fewkes 05.09.18

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Academic Year: 2017/18 Total fund allocated: £23,350 Date Updated: 05.09.18

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To increase the allocated PE / physical activity time for all pupils in school to 30 mins a day

Introduce Activate at start of day and beginning of afternoon – daily

Develop lunchtime activity bags for each class so all can be more active



*Children very enthusiastic. Go Noodle and Supermoovers also used to mix it up a bit. *Bags are used daily and all groups of children have increased activity levels as a result.

*Continue Supermoovers, Activate and Go Noodle daily. *Consider adding the Daily Mile in for older children. *Refresh, replenish and add to the lunchtime activity bags.

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To increase the knowledge and enjoyment of the pupils within their PE lessons

Show examples of good achievements by pupils at every opportunity e.g. demonstrations to peers leading warm ups for the group

Increase the knowledge of the pupils’ subject language specific to their current activity

Bring in outside agencies to




*23.11.17 and 30.11.17 Additional basketball coaching from High School staff at Leiston Sports Centre (21 children at club) *PE Lead working with all staff teaching PE to ensure subject specific vocabulary is increased and accurately used. *Premier Sports - Archery taster

*High Schools’ sports leaders programme to run in school *Increase links with work experience students for sports links *Ongoing development area. *Weekly Monday Premier

Action Plan and Budget Tracking Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

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run assemblies to increase the profile of sports

To enroll in a School Games Mark scheme

To have the pupils write and read out Sports Reports in assemblies / newsletters / website

Have Sports for Schools athlete come in to run fund raiser raising the profile of sports and encouraging the pupils to aspire to achieve their best




session run *Impact on outcomes for children linked to increased activity and pupil wellbeing. *Enrolled in School Games Mark scheme. Working towards Bronze standard and evidencing this. *Increased number and range of clubs using outside agencies to support their introduction – Gymnastics, archery, fencing, Stay Active Breakfast club *Children have written and read sports and match reports in assemblies and contributed these to the weekly newsletters. *Two Olympians visits – Joe Roebuck, swimmer, assembly and focused work with each class to complete a sponsored activity and Jemma Gibbons, Judo taster session. Children got to interact with the Olympians, hear their stories and hold the medals. Our club swimmers were particularly inspired. (Several County swimmers in school now)

Sports club session to continue – change from Gymnastics to Archery in first instance. *Premier Sports Lunchtime clubs to continue, increasing activity at lunchtime. *Premier Arts Package to be purchased (Dance Themed) – Diwali Dance Day; West End Musical Theatre ; Make a Noise – Anti-Bullying; Bringing Books to Life; Dance Around the World; Best of British. *Sports Mark Meeting to be booked in with County Head of PE to support us in achieving And evidencing Bronze status and determine next steps. *Planning Days / sessions for PE Lead to meet with non-specialist staff teaching PE to plan for their classes and monitor and share best practice.

* Increase communication and

celebration of sporting successes via Dojo, text, newsletter and use of website as well as continuing sports reporting.

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Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation:

23% School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Improved quality of children’s physical education throughout the school

Focus on supporting fellow teachers in growing their confidence to deliver PE via PE specialist

Introduce Premier Sport club at lunchtime 2 x days a week

PE subject leader to support all staff delivering PE with planning and ideas for delivery of PE

PE subject leader to identify any member of staff that needs further support and identify training needed (in-house or external courses)




Meeting times cover with supply £600

*Staff positive and engaged. *Lunchtime sports activities well attended and children are keen to join in and play games together, facilitated by Premier sport. *1/2 termly meetings with non-specialist staff teaching PE, support for planning. All confident in teaching PE and have engaged well with the support offered. *Additional member of staff trained in Shallow Water so could support the teaching of swimming. *Additional member of staff employed as netball coach to run two lunchtime clubs to increase lunchtime activity. School now has an A and a B netball team.

*Planning Days / sessions for PE Lead to meet with non-specialist staff teaching PE to plan for their classes and monitor and share best practice. *Link with High School sports teachers to increase competition and widen horizons. *2018/19 – three class teachers teaching their own PE supported by PE lead. *Two additional teachers to receive Shallow Water training before the summer term when swimming takes place.

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To offer a wider range of sporting activities for all pupils to access across the 2 key stages

Ask the pupils what sports interest them via a survey

Increase the involvement of outside agencies running the clubs e.g. Premier Sport

Continue with the gymnastics club started last year with Premier Sport

Using funding to fund PP




*Links with Saxmundham cricket, tennis and Judo clubs created. *Premier Sports - Archery taster session run *Impact on outcomes for children linked to increased activity and pupil wellbeing. *Increased number and range of

*Survey the children regarding additional clubs they would like and additional content for the lunchtime PE bags. *Year 6 Sailing Taster Day - Summer Term 2019 *Kingswood Activity Centre Residential (Years 5 and 6) September 2018

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children to access Breakfast clubs that focus on sports (match funded by Premier Sport)

Prizes awarded through positive behaviour and attendance schemes promote increased physical activity ( eg swimming vouchers etc)

Save remainder of budget towards costs of replacing and extending trim trail next financial year and fencing front playground for sport use (ring fence reserves)



clubs using outside agencies to support their introduction – Gymnastics, archery, fencing, Stay Active Breakfast club - low take up for breakfast club although all children attending enjoyed the additional activity. Will revisit in the future once breakfast club more established to ensure wider uptake. In-house active breakfast club continues. Cost implications. *Year 6 sports play leaders less successful as children lost interest in leading active games and wanted to participate in them instead. Will continue with Premi8er Sport leading them at lunchtimes so more children are able to participate. *Staff vs Pupil rounders match July 2018 was well supported and all took part cheered on by the children.

*Increased use of local area for orienteering and geocaching activities *Work on Healthy Lunchboxes to continue with visitors from the Health Service linking in to work being done in PE and Games and Science. *Increase sporting activities as rewards linked to positive behaviour and attendance schemes. Eg) ten pin bowling; trampolining; swimming; leisure vouchers etc. *Continue staff vs pupils sporting challenges instigated by the children’s sporting interests. *Broaden range of types of unusual sports offered to the children – for example tchookbal *Bikeability for Years 5 and 6 children linked ot road safety.

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage of total allocation:

6.5% School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Allow pupils to experience competitive sport through their games lessons and offer competitions across local schools’ partnership thought high school

Continue participation in the interschool competitions

Networking opportunities with other local schools to arrange ‘friendly matches’

£1000 Cost of minibus hire £500

First football competition of the year, Year 5/6 team ( seven a side boys) placed second– 09.11.17


Range of sporting competitions across the

*Sign up to Alde Valley Sports Partnership again and take part in interschool primary competitions *Broaden range and variety of competitions by increasing links with EAT schools, cluster

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Reached the County Finals in Swimming, Hockey and Athletics.

Parent / Child fitness taster session / Boxercise fitness taster sessions to be offered to target increased family activity.

schools, local high schools and St Felix (Local Independent school) for competitions, matches, friendlies etc

Additional Next steps actions: Increase communication and celebration of sporting successes via Dojo, text, newsletter and use of website as well as continuing sports reporting.