POPULATION AND SETTLEMENT: THE DEMOGRAPHIC DILEMMA Overpopulation and the Geography of Family...

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Transcript of POPULATION AND SETTLEMENT: THE DEMOGRAPHIC DILEMMA Overpopulation and the Geography of Family...

POPULATION AND SETTLEMENT: THE DEMOGRAPHIC DILEMMAOverpopulation and the Geography of Family Planning

Population Density

Question 1 – Problems with overpopulation

• Malnutrition and undernourished• 2/3 of the children in India are

considered underweight

• Environmental Damages• Deforestation

• Poverty• Lack of resources, shelter,

food, etc

Question 1 - Problem: Widespread Poverty

Question 2 – Gender Preference

Question 2 – Gender Preference

•Why are there more male infants than female infants in India?

Literacy Rate and Population in India – Question 3

Question 4 – Why does the birthrate differ geographically within South Asia?• Literacy Rates

• Typically where women’s literacy rates have increased, birthrates have dropped significantly (Southern South Asia)

• Government Support• Advertisement of family plan policies

through radio and billboards• Easier access to oral contraceptives• Lack of government support/policy =

higher TFR

• Religious Influence• Strong Muslim culture discourages

women from using oral contraceptives (similar to the Pope’s stance)

Question 5 – Methods to Reduce TFR

• Sterilization• Most popular in India among the South Asia countries• 27% of married women in India are now sterilized

• Oral contraceptives• Used by more than 50% of women in Bangladesh

• Education • 35,000 Female workers take information about family planning into

every village in the country

• Strong government support