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Transcript of Officers PRESIDENT’S NOTES 2017 WINGA...

I hope everyone had a great summer. It has been a busy time for your associa-tion since the last Communi-cator issue. WINGA is fully engaged with the strategic priorities of the senior leader-ship to ensure the National Guard is prepared to respond to the needs of the Nation and State of Wisconsin. Leg-islative goals are the number one priority of the Associa-tion and we are always de-veloping ways to leverage resources to accomplish this mission. I would like to thank eve-ryone who came to Baltimore to represent the Wisconsin delegation during the 138th NGAUS General Confer-ence. This was truly a phe-nomenal officer professional development event for every-one. There are very few con-ferences you will have an opportunity to hear five four-star generals discuss the fu-ture of the force. COL Galen White and Maj Dan Statz assisted with setting the leg-islative agenda for NGAUS by representing the WING in the resolution process. If you have any questions regarding resolutions, I would encour-age you to reach out to them. This was coupled with the ability to view the latest equipment, services, and technologies that enhance the National Guard’s ability to respond to our state and fed-eral missions. I encourage everyone to consider attend-ing next year’s conference in Louisville KY.

The 157th MEB and WINGA are currently in the process of planning for the 67th Annual WINGA / WNGEA Confer-ence, which will be held at the Osthoff Resort located in Elkhart Lake, WI. One of the initiatives the association, in conjunction with WNGEA, is pursuing the possibility of add-ing professional development to the weekend. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in April at the conference. As we get ready for the 2017 membership drive, I ask every-one to view the video of Sena-tor Lindsey Graham from this year’s NGAUS conference and the importance of membership in professional associations. He stated, “if you are in the Guard and not a member of the Guard Association you are missing the boat, because you have a voice………these asso-ciations are the closest thing to an advocate you have in the political system.” I want to thank each and every one of you for the en-gagement of moving WINGA forward.

P R E S I D E N T ’ S N OT E S

Inside this issue:

Scholarship Recipients 2

Scholarship Thank You’ s 2

TAPs 2

Committee Members 3

Life Insurance 3

2017 Membership Drive 4



Legislative Update 5

NGAUS Conf Highlights 6-7

WIARNG Hall of Honor/WI ANG Hall of Fame


Wisconsin National Guard Association, Inc.

Engaged Today, Securing Tomorrow

Officers President –LTC Eric Leckel

Army VP – 1LT Alicia Grenier

Air Force VP – Capt Joshua Gscheidmeier

Secretary – CPT John Noga

Treasurer – LTC Gerald Eastman Jr. Executive Director – COL (R) Michael Williams

Board of Directors

HQ JF ARMY – LTC John Oakley & 1 VACANCY

64th TC – MAJ Nicholas Braun & 1 VACANCY

32nd IBCT –LTC Mike Han-son, CPT Kevin Steele & 1 VACANCY

157th MEB – CPT Sean Murphy, CPT Nicholas Rinaldi

128th ARW – 1st Lt Ryan Riesen

115th FW – Maj Dan Statz

128th ACS – 1LT Bradley Kelly

Company Grade Officers – (Air) – 2Lt Joshua Johnson, (Army) CPT Emily Yttri

Retired Officers – COL (R) James Engeler Jr., COL (R) Kristine Schultz, Brig Gen (R) Gerald Olesen

Warrant Officer – VACANCT


The 157th MEB is busy p l a n n i n g t h e 2 0 1 7 WINGA / WNGEA Joint Conference. The conference will be held at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake on 28-30 April 2017. Mark your calendars and plan on joining us at the 2017 WINGA / WNGEA Joint Conference.

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How Do You Want to Receive Your Communicator?

Email with Communicator as an attachment? Email with a link to the Communicator? Or, continue to receive hard copy? Please call, mail, or e-mail us if you want to receive the Communicator via email..

TAPS If you are aware of the pass-ing of one of our members, please notify us.

BrigGen (Ret) Philip Conlon LtCol(Ret) Philip Engel-

hardt CPT (Ret) Wayne Haver LtCol (Ret) James Licking CW3 (Ret) Michael McLean LTC (Ret) Elmer Queram COL (Ret) Warren Reiter

Save the Dates

NGAUS Annual Conference

67th WINGA / 45th WNGEA


April 28-30, 2017




139th: 7-10 Sep. 2017 Louisville, KY

140th: 24-27 Sep. 2018

New Orleans, LA 141st: 30Aug-2 Sep 2019 Denver, CO


Education Grant Grant J. Berggren Col (Ret) Grant V Berggren

Education Grant Jacob Berggren Col (Ret) Grant Berggren

Education Grant Heidi Blaha LTC John Blaha

Education Grant Alex Brinkmeier Capt Claire Brinkmeier

Education Grant Tanner Ebben Brig Gen Gary Ebben

Education Grant Sarah Ann Jensen COL (Ret) Dan Jensen

Education Grant Shannon Kehoe LTC (Ret) William Kehoe

Education Grant Eli Kolb MAJ Douglas Kolb

Education Grant Jacob Kolb MAJ Douglas Kolb

Education Grant Landon Kramer MAJ (Ret) Kent Kramer

Education Grant Adrienne Schuster BG (Ret) Andrew Schuster

Education Grant Brandon Sweet COL (Ret) Russell Sweet

Education Grant Gracie Swezey LtCol (Ret) Bruce Swezey

Education Grant Daniel Walgenbach Maj Patrice Walgenbach

President’s Scholarship Brett Tobin COL (Ret) Michael Tobin

President’s Scholarship LTC Randall Myszka LTC Randall Myszka

These students were awarded a $500 education scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year from the Wisconsin National Guard Association, Inc. (WINGA). On behalf of the WINGA Board of Directors and the WINGA Awards, Gifts and

Grants Committee, congratulations in your pursuit of a higher education degree.


From Alex Brinkmeier: I would like to thank you for your generous finan-

cial support towards my higher education. The Education Grant Program

allows students, such as myself, to attend college. I am currently pursuing

two degrees and will graduate this coming year. After this, I plan to fur-

ther my education by pursuing an MBA.

From Daniel Walgenbach: I would like to sincerely thank you for the $500

scholarship I received. It is greatly appreciated and not expected but will

definitely be used for college expenses.

From Shannon Kehoe: I am extremely grateful to receive a $500 scholar-

ship from WINGA’s Educational Grant Program. I appreciate the generosity

in assisting me financially in achieving my educational goals. I am stud-

ying at UW-Madison, pursuing a degree in Kinesiology, a certificate in

Global Health, with an emphasis on Pre-Medicine. This scholarship will get

me closer to my dreams of becoming a doctor..

From Adrienne Schuster: Thank you so much for the 2016 WINGA Educa-

tion Grant. The scholarship will be very helpful as I continue my studies

toward my BS in Architecture at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA.

From Heidi Blaha: Thank you very much for awarding me a $500 educa-

tion scholarship. I appreciate it very much and will be using it to help pay

for my BS degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology at UW-LaCrosse..

From Brandon Sweet: I am truly honored and humbled to receive your

Education Scholarship. Thank you for your generous financial support to-

wards my higher education in aviation studies in the Unmanned Aircraft

and Pilot Program at the University of North Dakota.


by COL (Ret) Mike Williams Some people equate life insurance with tragedy and death. In truth, life in-surance is for the living. Without it, the sudden demise of a key bread-winner could leave a family stranded without the resources to maintain their lifestyle – or even retain their home. Not so long ago, professionals recommended that families carry a life insur-ance policy or multiple policies with a death benefit of 10 times their annual household income. Today, however, in light of rising house prices in many parts of the country, spiraling college costs and low interest rates most advi-sors now recommend up to 20 times your household income. Unfortunately, most American families are underinsured. The gap between what households have and what they need is nearly $320,000, according to LIMRA (Life Insurance Market Research Association) study “Closing the Life Insurance Gap, 2015.” Life insurance is a cornerstone of your financial plan, for a few reasons: It provides income replacement. For most people, their most valuable

economic asset is their ability to earn a living. If you have dependents, then you need to consider what would happen to them if they could no longer rely on your income. A life insurance policy can also help supple-ment retirement income, which is especially useful if the benefits of your surviving spouse or domestic partner will be reduced after your death.

It covers outstanding debts and long-term obligations. Without life insur-ance, your loved ones must shoulder burial costs, credit card debts, and medical expenses not covered by health insurance using out-of-pocket funds. The policy’s death benefit might also be used to pay off a mort-gage, supplement retirement savings, or fund college tuition.

It can be used for estate planning. The proceeds of a life insurance policy can be earmarked to pay estate taxes so that your heirs will not have to liquidate other assets to do so.

You can use it to support a charity of your choice. If you have a favorite charity, you can designate some or all of the proceeds from your life in-surance to go to this organization.

Remember an agent or advisor can help you figure out your life insurance needs and find something that works within your budget. For more infor-mation, contact the State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) office at Joint Force Headquarters or call 608.242.3100 or email the office at


Awards, Gifts & Grants: Capt Jeremy Phillips – Chair MAJ Doug Kolb COL (R) Darrel Feucht

By-Laws: LTC (R) Tammy Gross – Chair MAJ Michael Hanson LtCol Christina Hastings

Credentials: Lt Col (R) Don Schuh – Chair COL (R) Michael Williams COL (R) Don Pagenkopf

Finance: LTC Eric Leckel – Chair 1LT Alicia Grenier CPT John Noga LTC Gerald Eastman Capt Joshua Gscheidmeier COL (R) Michael Williams

Insurance: COL (R) David Gault – Chair COL (R) Michael Williams – SIA BG (R) John Larson COL (R) Robert Klinger BG Joni Mathews LTC Eric Leckel – WINGA President LTC Douglas Moore SGM (R) Lowell Koehler SGM Jill Minshall CMSgt (Ret) Gregory Cullen

Legislative: Col Erik Peterson – Co-Chair LTC (R) Jackie Guthrie—Co-Chair Lt Col Jon Kalberer Maj (R) Ryan Gaffney MAJ Krista Schuster

Nominations: MAJ (R) Kevin Quist – Chair COL (R) Ricky Kappus Lt Col (R) George Bacik

Communications: MAJ Sarah Cleveland – Chair Lt Col (R) Rob Huelsman MAJ Sarah Bammel CPT Crystal Banse Capt Mike Koob Lt Col (R) Chris Rodel

Resolutions: Joint: Maj Dan Statz Army: COL Galen White Air: Maj Dan Statz

Corporate Relations: Col (Ret) Mike Hinman—Chair CPT Kathrine Berberich 1LT Ryan Riesen LtCol Steve Hunter Maj Tom Mielcarek Capt Luke Steffel

How Much Life Insurance Do you Need?

WINGA and NGAUS are your professional organizations that advocates issues to Congress and they do so with a strong and unified voice. WINGA and NGAUS strength comes from the size of our membership—and you count! We urge you to do your part by paying your dues.

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2 0 1 7 W I N G A / N G AU S M E M B E R S H I P D R I V E

1. You may pay your WINGA/NGAUS dues via credit card. You may either call our office and provide your credit card information or you can drop by our office during normal business hours (Tuesday thru Thurs-day / 0730-1600). 2. NGAUS Life membership is $1,000, payable in one lump sum or four payments of $250 over a two-year period; WINGA Life is $80, payable in one lump sum or four-quarterly $20 installments. 3. In 2017, WINGA will once again offer an incentive program whereby company grade officers will receive a $500 incentive and field grade officers will receive a $250 incentive toward the payment of NGAUS life dues. This will be on a first-come, first served basis. You must also become a WINGA life member in order to take advantage of this offer. If you are interested in this incentive program, please contact our office. In-formation will be also be distributed to the commands. 4. Active Life Memberships count towards WINGA and NGAUS’ 100% membership after you retire. 5. Major commands receive a 5% rebate for paid Early Bird memberships. The Early Bird Membership Deadline is Friday March 24, 2017.

Pay Grade NGAUS


Dues Total

O-1 $30.00 $5.00 $35.00

O-2 $45.00 $5.00 $50.00

O-3 $59.00 $5.00 $64.00

O-4 $72.00 $10.00 $82.00

O-5 $85.00 $10.00 $95.00

O-6 $108.00 $10.00 $118.00

O-7 $123.00 $20.00 $143.00

O-8 $139.00 $20.00 $159.00

W-1 $26.00 $5.00 $31.00

W-2 $35.00 $5.00 $40.00

W-3 $46.00 $5.00 $51.00

W-4 $59.00 $10.00 $69.00

W-5 $73.00 $10.00 $83.00

National Guard company-grade officers from across the nation participated in the first NGAUS-funded officer profes-sional development visits to Washington DC in July and August. The goal was to expose young officers to how the gov-ernment works with the military and help the officers understand the critical role that NGAUS plays.

Company grade officers were briefed by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, the Director of the Army National Guard and the Director of the Air National Guard. In addition, they toured the Pentagon, received a guided tour of the Capitol, and enjoyed a cookout at the home of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. The visitors were provided sev-eral opportunities to speak about issues with top leaders of the National Guard.

Attendees from Wisconsin were Capt Eric Dunford (Air) and CPT Katherine Berberich (Army).

2 0 1 6 N G AU S O P D P RO G R A M

On 10-12 May 2016, the Wisconsin Air National Guard and WINGA sponsored a professional development tour to Washington DC. Ten company-grade officers vis-ited congressional leaders on Capitol Hill, toured the Pentagon and Readiness Cen-ters, received a legislative briefing at NGAUS HQ and attended a reception with con-gressional leaders. Those individuals who participated in this OPD program were: Capt David Elsing, Capt David Cefalu, Capt Brian Wyman, Capt Aaron Konkol, Capt Kathryn McComb, Capt Kevin Standlee, Capt Lee Russell, Capt Stephanie Edgeworth, Lt Ryan Riesen and Lt Jamie Schoewe.

W I N G A O P D - M A Y 2 0 1 6


by LTC (Ret) Jackie Guthrie All members of Congress are on recess until November 14. However, prior to departure at the end of September, they passed (H.R. 5325) and the President signed the Continued Appropriations Act (P.L. 114-223), funding all government agencies through December 9. This bill included full FY 2017 appropriations for Military Construction (MILCON) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). All other agencies, including DoD, are only funded levels at FY16 levels. While appropriation decisions have been delayed, the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, however, is still in conference committee. Passed by both the Senate and House, differences have yet to be resolved before it can be sent to the President for consideration. If passed the NDAA17 could, among other things: -Establish end strengths for all components (the Senate bill further reduces the Army National Guard to 335,000,

while the House bill returns it to 350,000; both bills maintain a 105,700 Air National Guard). -Authorize a pay increase of 2.1 percent (House) or 1.6 percent (Senate). -Delay the conversion of some military technicians to Title 5 civilians until October 1, 2017. -Direct the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, to submit to the Com-

mittees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives by March 1, 2017, a report on the feasi-bility and advisability of converting remaining military technicians (dual status) to personnel performing active Guard and reserve duty under section 328 of title 32, United States Code, or other applicable provision of law.

-Authorize the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to program for, appoint, employ, administer, detail, and assign federal civilian employees to provide fulltime support to the non-federalized National Guard.

-Authorize the Chief of the National Guard Bureau the authority to delegate to the adjutants general the authority to appoint, employ, and administer federal civilian employees within the 54 states and territories with authority to con-duct all personnel actions for employees.

In other business, Wisconsin continues to posture itself as one of the next F-35 Joint Strike Fighter bases. The US Air Force’s plan is to develop and produce over 1,700 F-35s through 2040 to replace the legacy F-16 and A-10 fleet. The next two F-35 bases to be selected will be from the Air National Guard with expected fielding in 2022-23. The Secretary of the Air Force is conducting a basing selection process with the final bases to be announced in the spring of 2017. The 115th Fighter Wing currently operates the oldest F-16 in the USAF inventory with a life expectancy of ap-proximately 2030. The 115th Fighter Wing’s primary strategic initiative is to transition to the F-35 to secure their future for several decades. This F-35 basing selection is an excellent opportunity and the 115th Fighter Wing is extremely well postured to be a top candidate due the support from the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs, Congressional Del-egation, community and WINGA. WINGA’s support for the 115th Fighter Wing’s strategic plan initiative has been extremely influential posturing the WI ANG for success. Lastly, elections are fast approaching and in addition to choosing the next President of the United States, voters will elect all 435 members of the House and half (34) of the nation’s Senators. In Wisconsin that is eight congressional seats and one Senate seat. In the Wisconsin state legislature 16 seats of the Senate’s 33 seats are up for election, as are all 99 Assembly seats.


We Want To Hear From You!

If you have a question or opinion about something you read in Y our Communicator, please contact us via email or mail. Email us at or mail it to WINGA, Inc., 2400 Wright Street Room 208, Madison Wisconsin 53704-2572. Submissions are subject to editing for length, clarity, style, accuracy, and propriety. Receipt of items will not be acknowledged.

The 2016 NGAUS Conference was held in Baltimore, MD 9-12 September. Wisconsin was represented by a total of 47 delegates and spouses. Three WINGA nominees received individual NGAUS awards: Capt Eric Dunford and CPT Ubaldo Nieves received The Theodore Roosevelt Leadership Award; TSgt Erich Sanford received the Valley Forge Cross for Heroism. CPT Nieves is cur-rently on an NGB tour in Nicaragua and was unable to attend to accept his award in person. The 115th Fighter Wing was awarded the Winston P Wilson Trophy and the Maj Gen John J Pesch Flight Safety Award. Four company grade officers (2 Army and 2 Air) attended as part of the NGAUS Officer Professional Development Program. Excerpts from key speakers:

General Joseph Lengyel, Chief of the National Guard Bureau: “We fight wars … it is our primary purpose … there is a balance that we need to find in order to allow our business model to exist. The baseline of the business model is the traditional soldier and airman. Full-time force is responsible to train, administer, equip, and organize the traditional force. Our most im-portant weapon system is our PEOPLE. You have to plan it, develop it, and forge it so the current is better than the last. We have to do what is necessary to develop and allow for retention.

The Honorable Deborah Lee James, Secretary of the Air Force: “Three priorities: 1) taking care of people; 2) Balancing modernization with readiness; and 3) Making every dollar count.”

General Mark Milley, Army Chief of Staff: “Number one priority would remain readiness. The National Guard is the key in having a trained and ready military.”

General David Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff: “6 Global Domains—Air, land, sea, space, cyber and undersea. Need to start talking about common infrastructure … technology needs to communicate on a flat line direct method. Think of your home town. We come from all over the nation. Think about what your family is thinking about right now. They are thinking about you, family, job, the economy, church, school, roads, grounds, all the things that make up America … here is what they are not worried about. They are not worried about getting attacked in your hometown … there is a reason for that. We stand between the sheep and the wolves. There has never been a more important reason to serve.”

LtGen Scott Rice, Director of the Air National Guard: “The foundation of the journey is passion … passion for technical ability, passion for self, passion for something you believe in Take the passion you have and move forward.”

WINGA corporate sponsors: Oshkosh Defense, New York Life Insurance Company, Patriot Taxiways, 45th Parallel Distillery, and Decatur Dairy. Photos were provided by CPT Sean Murphy. More NGAUS photos available at:

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Capt Eric Dunford, 128th Air Control Squadron, receives the Theodore Roosevelt Leadership Award from Brig Gen Gary Ebben, DAG Air.

TSgt Erich Sanford, 115 Fighter Wing, receives the Valley Force Cross for Heroism from MG (Ret) Deborah Ashenbrook, NGAUS President.

NGAUS Board of Directors are sworn in: (left to right) Brig Gen (Ret) David Brubaker, Ret Air Director; Brig Gen (Ret) Ken Ross, Treasurer; BG Joanne Sheridan, Sec-retary; Maj Gen Don Dunbar, Air Vice Chair; MG Max Haston, Army Vice Chair; CPT John Fesler, Company Grade Director; and MG James Hoyer, Chair.

100% NGAUS Member-ship Award is presented to Wisconsin—WINGA Pres-ident LTC Eric Leckel and WINGA Exec Dir Mike Williams


by 2LT Joshua Johnson Wisconsin had the pleasure of selecting 4 company grade officers to attend the Officer Professional Development (OPD) program at the 138th NGAUS Conference in Baltimore, MD. The four officers included two from the Army Guard CPT Alan Kohlstedt and 1LT Margaret Drouet and two from the Air Guard 1LT Ryan Riesen and 2LT Amanda Dickenson. They attended the NGAUS Conference in an OPD federally-funded status. Here are excerpts from their trip report: Addi-tional company-grade officers who attended the NGAUS Conference and attended OPD sessions also contributed to the trip report were CPT Sean Murphy, CPT Emily Yttri, 1LT Alicia Grenier and 2LT Joshua Johnson. DISCUSSION: The intent of NGAUS OPD was growth of the individual through interaction with senior leaders, mentors, civilians, legislators, and peers with direct knowledge/experience to impact learning. : - Direct access was available to 1 US Senator, 2 members of the US House of Representatives, 3 sitting members of the

Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of the Air Force, the past 6 Directors of the ANG, the current Republican Presiden-tial nominee, the Adjutant General from nearly every state and territory and countless other senior leaders. This ability to ask direct questions and receive a dedicated response is immeasurably beneficial to the growth of our Company Grade officers.

- The classroom-based lectures and discussions were involved, relevant, and clearly articulated for a purpose. The mem-bers presenting were engaging and credible. Each officer was able to take the lessons learned and apply immediate ac-tion items to their own situations. There were opportunities to hear what issues are important and impactful to other service members and organizations, raise concerns, identify challenges the field is facing, and present possible solutions to address those challenges.

- Another purpose of the event was to orient the junior officers to the benefits, internal workings and overall intent of NGAUS. Having the OPD curriculum include mandatory attendance at conference general sessions allowed for an introduction into protocol, strategic level briefings, macro level discussion and National Guard wide inputs provided beneficial. Wisconsin specific meetings with delegates and OPD members provided a forum to ask detailed questions concerning resolutions, by-laws, election processes, and general flow of the organization during legislative lobbying ef-forts.

CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend continuing to maximize this opportunity in a federally funded, developmental capacity for CGOs when able. The macro level perspective allows strategic intent to be heard first hand. This intent can be framed around the daily pro-cesses each officer faces.

N G A U S 2 0 1 6 O F F I C E R P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T


On 15 May BG (Ret) Dominic Cariello was inducted into the WIARNG Hall of Honor. On 2 October Brig Gen (Ret) Joe Brandemuhl was inducted into the WI ANG Hall of Fame. Congratulations to both of these WINGA members!



Permit No. 1

Madison, WI

Address Service Requested

Please inform us when you change addresses via e-mail or phone at or 608-242-3114.

Please join us at the WINGA/WINGEA Joint Conference

Osthoff House, Elkhart Lake 28-30 April 2017

Please join us at the NGAUS Conference Louisville, KY

September 7-10, 2017

2400 WRIGHT STREET, ROOM 208 E-mail: or MADISON, WI 53704-2572 PHONE (608) 242-3114

Your Address Here!

Wisconsin National Guard Association, Inc.

Engaged Today, Securing Tomorrow