My Research

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Transcript of My Research

The challenges for ESL Educators to teach ESP in the classroom


The purpose of this work is to show the challenges that English Foreign Language (ESL)

teachers confront in the classroom when teaching English for Specific Language (ESP)

going through the process of adapting themselves from General English to specific context

situations. At some points during their teaching experiences, ESL teachers find themselves

in situations where it is necessary to teach ESP but they find it difficult because they are

used to focusing on providing their learners a course that satisfies the students ‘urgency

to learn about language in general but when it comes to teaching Technical English, more

emphasis is placed on the needs analysis of the learners and more effort is required on the

part of the educators to the preparation of their classes. Furthermore, this work attempts

to recognize the different aspects to be taken into account in ESP teaching contexts and

provide some useful applications to be used in the classroom since it is considered that

teachers’ effectiveness relies on their abilities to adapt contents and different techniques

in order to satisfy the specific professional objectives of their second language learners.

Let us consider first what is known as English for Specific Purposes. Dudley-Evans and St

John (1998) define ESP on two criteria. 1. Absolute characteristics: a) ESP is designed to

meet specific needs of the learner; b) ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and

activities of the disciplines it serves; and c) ESP is centred on the language (grammar, lexis,

and register), skills, discourse and genres appropriate to these activities.2. Variable

characteristics: a) ESP may be related or designed for specific disciplines; b) ESP may use,

in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of general English; c) ESP

is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution or in a

professional work situation; it could be used for learners at secondary school level; d) ESP

is generally designed for intermediate or advanced learners; and e) Most ESP courses

assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used with beginners.

English for Specific Purposes and General English

Teachers having experiences as a Teacher of English as a foreign language may think how

English for Specific courses differ from English as a Foreign Language. “The major

difference between ESP and EFL lies not only in the learners and their purposes for learning

English (…) but also in the scope of the goals of instruction. Whereas in EFL all four

language skills; listening, reading, peaking, and writing, are stressed equally, in ESP a

needs assessment determines which language skills are most needed by the students, and

the program is focused accordingly. It is a well known fact that most of ESP learners tend

to be professional adults since they need to be prepared to perform some communicative

English skills related to their specific jobs. However, in the Argentinian Educational

System, secondary schools have different disciplines that require ESL teachers the ability

to provide students the necessary tools to apply foreign language skills to their knowledge

acquired about their main field of study, whether it is related to Humanities, Business,

Tourism, Accounting or Computer Sciences.

Anthony (1997) states that it is not very clear the end of General English and the

beginning of English for Specific Purposes but there exist a thin line between them.

Whereas in the former, ESL teachers focus on the language in general, in the latter the

focus is placed in the acquisition of grammatical structures, specific contents and lexis for

students to reach a certain level of mastery in the fours skills related to language, that is

to say, Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking . Concerning to Technical English it can be

affirmed that within the field of ESL, is perceived as “an artificial language that

emphasizes certain language conventions not common to Standard English” (Drobnic) and

this artificial language is found in technical texts and settings where not only special jargon

is used but also different structures are emphasized. Technical English is considered to be

centered not only on the language, that is to say, Grammar, lexis or register but also on

the combination of skills together with the acquisition of specific information.

One of the main problems Non- technically oriented teachers have to face has to do with

recognizing and keeping in mind the differences that exist when teaching General English

and English for Specific Purposes. It is worth mentioning that probably one of the most

outstanding differences has to do with technical terminology that involves specific words,

fixed phrase structures and everyday words that have their own special meanings. Dealing

with vocabulary is a hard task since words may have different meanings and each of them

have a unique meaning within the technical field. .

Kathleen Bogue,O (1978)affirms that vocabulary differences which are not particularly

common in everyday English are the use of noun –compounding such as “calorie-protein-

ratio” and the consistent use of two word verbs such as “consist of “and “result from”.

While conversational English does use some expressions in which fixed order is important

(“from head to foot”), technical expressions (“owned and operated by”) and fixed phrases

(“conduct/perform an experiment”) are standard means of description. As regards the

grammatical aspect, students may have a vague idea about the different meanings of

modal verbs in General English situations but they must know the real distinctions

between modals when reading or writing technical texts. Another point to take into

account is the use of the passive voice. Even though this grammatical structure is used in

General English, it is more commonly found in technical texts specially when describing

processes with the omission of the agent creating confusion among students. . Examples

of grammatical and vocabulary differences are described in Appendix I.

Role of the teacher

Since ESP teaching covers a wide range of topics, some authors (Dudley-Evans and St John,

1998) tend to use the term “practitioner” rather than “teacher” to emphasize that ESP

work involves much more than teaching. One of the main tasks ESP teachers have to deal

with relates to the setting of goals translated into an instructional program and the

management, selection and organization of course materials. As a matter of fact, teachers

should be aware of their student´s capabilities in order to establish realistic aims and short

or long term objectives. Moreover, teachers are expected to create a learning

environment encouraging students to communicate with each other considering that

acquiring a language is a risk-taking subject matter since most students feel

uncomfortable when they are unable to apply their native linguistic competences to

present themselves as knowledgeable ones in their specific field. In addition to this,

teachers are seen as resource people in charge of helping learners identify their language

learning weaknesses and helping them to make a progress in their foreign language


Educators are expected to show themselves as experts when presenting and explaining

technical language and this implies having an outgoing personality and showing interest

while establishing professionalism and credibility in order to be able to follow a discussion

among the learners since this is an effective way to unlock students” motivation. However,

teachers are not seen as the main knower of the carrier content of the material since in

certain specifically oriented courses, students have already acquired previous knowledge.

Teachers may take advantage of this and draw on some students’ knowledge in order to

answer questions from other classmates and at the same time they learn more about the

technological field being taught aiming to provide a communicative environment.

When teaching in a college-bound class, it seems advisable for teachers to try to level with

their students even if, in some cases, this implies admitting ignorance on the technical

field. For ESL teachers and students to feel more self confident, it is important to create a

contract with the learners stating that you teach them the language and the different skills

needed to study their chosen future professions but at the same time they teach you

technology. Once this contract is established then teachers should be able to determine

what their students are supposed to learn. This is always a difficult task that can also be

carried out by means of a questionnaire where students reflect their educational

background. In this way, teachers will know if their learners have ever written a research

and what are the skills they need to focus along the course. Not only this but also teachers

may ask them about the educational system patterns they are inserted in. In this way,

they will know if students are used to memorizing information or self-discovery learning.

When selecting materials to work, it is necessary to consider the functions and uses of

language in the content area and observe students interactions in order to reflect in the

materials their specific needs and give them the guide to know what they are supposed to

do with the English language they learn. Sometimes, non –technical oriented teachers

meet the challenge of creating their own authentic materials for certain topics for which

no suitable published materials are found. They are supposed to expand their knowledge

by reading journals or magazines related to the field they are interested in and taking

specific courses. For teachers to work effectively, it is essential to collaborate together

with other teachers to focus on the different aspects that are uncomfortable or difficult to

deal with and try to elaborate solutions. This gives teachers a sense of confidence and

shows students that they are not only interested in teaching them the language but also

they are seeking to become well prepared teachers in the specific field involved.

Role of the students

ESP learners have a particular focus on subject –matter knowledge and the acquisition of

learning strategies since they are expected to develop foreign language skills to reflect

their own native language and professional skills. Schleppegrell-Bowman (1986) affirm

that “the ESP student has a particular purpose and focus for learning. People learn

languages when they have opportunities to understand and work with language in a

context that they comprehend and find interesting. ESP is a vehicle for such opportunities.

Students will acquire English as they work with materials which they find interesting and

relevant and which they can use in their professional work or further studies. Successful

learners pay attention to the learning of the language they hear or read and do not focus

primarily on the linguistic input or isolated language structures. The ESP student is

particularly well disposed to focus on meaning in the subject-matter field. In ESP, English

should be presented not as a subject or body of facts to be learned in isolation from real

use, nor as a mechanical skill or habit to be developed. Rather, English should be presented

in authentic contexts to acquaint the learners with the particular ways the language is

used in functions that they will need to perform in their specialty fields.”

Teaching Tools

The following are some useful ideas for novice Technical English teachers to be applied in

the classroom. When presenting particular technical concepts, a useful idea is to do it by

means of dialogues which allow the isolation and reinforcement of technical concepts and

terminologies that are likely go together with the new material. Kathleen Bogue Caissie

(1978) states that “A carefully constructed dialogue will present nothing new except the

specific material which is to be studied(...) It is particularly useful in making use of aural-

oral skills which often seem to have a hard time finding their use in Technical English”.

Moreover, there are certain features that dialogues must have, for instance, it should be

short and address the material to be presented; Its meaning must be clear and explicit;

there should be no question in the students” minds of what concept or linguistic feature is

being dealt with. The vocabulary can be new but should be decipherable in context;

dictionary definitions should not be needed. The language should be natural; it is two

people speaking with one another” Focusing on all these features, an example of a

dialogue to be used in a technical English class can be found in Appendix II.

Another useful and valuable tool has to do with the selection of films considering the

teacher´s objectives and the nature of the film.”A film about an experiment and its

conclusive results, lends itself to explicating a theory. A film of this sort can be discussed in

terms of what was done, why, how it was done, building vocabulary, reinforcing structures

and emphasizing oral skills. The students could be asked to write a brief essay contrasting

the benefits of technology and traditional methods of investigation using specific

structures and terminology. Or they could be given the assignment of drawing a diagram

of the specific experimental apparatus and labeling it. They could write something about

the film process itself i.e camera angle, film processing, lighting or projection. Once these

exercises were done, students could compare their observations and findings, discussing

their own feelings about what they saw. While these are exercises in which the teacher

could participate as a learner, there are other exercises which the teacher/facilitator could

design from the film experience. A word study guide could be made up as a homework

assignment. The students could look up the definition of the words, use them in sentences

and finally fill in the blanks in a close exercise” (Kathleen Bogue Caissie 1978:19)

In addition to this, films are considered to be functional since one film may be used for

different kind of activities. Students are supposed to watch the film twice but after the

first presentation teachers should clarify some technical concepts and difficult

grammatical structures until they realize that working with this film is not a frustration for

their students. It is essential to make the objectives clear, that is to say, to let them know

what purposes are expected to be accomplished due to the fact that most ESL learners

tend to view film watching activities as confusing or boring ones. In this way, they feel

more self confident and know what specific aspects they have to focus on. Learners can be

expected to do note- taking activities to notice key phrases, understand cause and effect

relationships and at the same time, to prepare an outline from their notes to reflect their

comprehension and conceptual understanding.

Other useful and rich resources available are newspapers and journals which make it

easier for teachers to control the different structures, technical concepts they want to

work with. “They permit to create exercises going from the explicit to the implicit. They are

also good for word study and are simple to devise vocabulary exercises from. As with films

and dialogues, vocabulary definitions in contexts are reinforced .In addition to this, articles

can cover a spectrum of exercises. An analysis of the text can be the basis for class

discussion, which might include vocabulary definition, examining grammatical structures

and different types of paragraphs which occur frequently in Technical English. Word study

exercises such as matching synonyms and building word families are always valuable

activities. Sentence combining and/or compression, parallel paragraphs, summarizing and

outlining, are all valid methods of examining and analyzing a text(…)While articles are

generally used to reinforce reading and writing skills , there is always room for| stressing

speaking skills as well.( Kathleen Bogue Caissie 1978:21)

Another important aspect to pay attention refers to encouraging students to prepare

lectures or presentations for the class in order to train them to be comfortable when

standing up in front of others in future professional contexts. Working in this task implies

a lot of effort on both parts the teachers and the learners since the latter often refuse to

expose themselves feeling embarrassed when speaking a foreign and technical language.

“By modeling a short lecture or presentation, the instructor gives the shyer student a

format to follow with confidence, but allows the more secure (or perhaps the more

experienced) student to be as creative as his linguistic competency and technological

knowledge will allow. (Kathleen Bogue Caissie 1978:21). Since this aspect has to be dealt

in a gradual way, then it can be useful to assign one student a certain article as homework

and can be asked to summarize it for the whole class who are supposed to have already

read the articles. This may give some confidence for the student who has to stand in front

of their classmates to clarify technical concepts. So, teachers should let students know

from the very beginning that they are expected to act as lecturers during the course.

It is known that the four skills required in the acquisition of a language are Listening,

Reading, Speaking and Writing. In an ESP course, it is important to notice which skill

should be emphasized and given priority. Listening comprehension, for instance, is often

the rejected skill so it is advisable to take into consideration some useful points. First of

all, teachers are supposed to analyze the level of their students and try to adjust their

speech and reflect if they are being understood. Cloze exercises are a good way to check

students listening comprehension so they can be given a passage with deleted words such

as verbs or articles depending on the structures that need to be focused on. If students

are not able to complete the passages, then it means that they cannot comprehend them.

Contextualized Mini-lectures are also considered effective to develop listening skills since

while reading the lecture; students can be given a cloze activity to fill in the blanks while

teachers re read the lecture. Furthermore, students should be trained to take notes while

listening or writing notes by means of dictation exercises. Listening activities may also be

reinforced by the use of visual aids such as graphics whenever possible.

Other useful techniques are related to reading activities. “Two types of skills are needed in

reading: simple identification skills, (decoding) and higher level cognitive skills such as

analyzing, synthesizing, and predicting (…) Intensive reading is close analysis of a short

passage and can be used to develop vocabulary, grammar skills, and comprehension.

Extensive reading is faster reading of longer passages to develop under-standing of

writers' organizational strategies, to improve reading speed, and to focus on main ideas”.

Schleppegrell-Bowman 1986: 18) In addition to this, fluent reading depends on the

knowledge and grammatical structures students have. The vocabulary taught should be

contextualized, that is to say, new words should not be learnt as word lists to be

memorized with their definitions from dictionaries.

There is a technique called the SQ3R that helps learners to read accurately and

comprehensively. Sq3R means Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Students are

asked to complete these five activities.1) to survey: looking over headings, reading

introductory and concluding paragraphs, and identifying the core ideas of the passage.2)

to formulate questions from text headings.3) to make a conscious effort to find the

answers in the text as they read 4) having read the first section to look away from the book

and try to recite the answers to their questions, using their own words and trying to give

an example 5)to take notes, and, when they have finished reading , to review their notes.

( Kathleen Bogue Caissie 1978:19) Examples can be found in Appendix III

As regards Speaking, it is well known fact that in a classroom of more than twenty

students and two or one hour class time it is difficult to provide each student with the

practice of speaking. Teachers often tend to feel frustrated when do not reach their goals

but according to some studies listening comprehension activities contribute to the

increase of the ability to speak. However, there are some useful ways to improve speaking

skills and are related to the practice of dialogues including memorization and repetition

and the practice of Role playing to stimulate conversation. Flow charts can be used to act

as a base for the communicative act. One group of students can be asked to explain the

procedures until the whole class understands. Different flowcharts can be given to

different groups and then they can act out their situations for the rest of the class.

Kathleen Bogue Caissie (1978) provides the step to follow role playing exercises .1) Choose

a situation. This could be based on a text your students are studying, either with you or in

another class. For example, students of hotel management may be studying public

relations and you could devise a flowchart which requires students to exercise their public

relation skills in English.2) Teach the required vocabulary, language functions and

grammar. You could then ask students to use these same vocabulary items, functions and

grammar points in their role play. This would provide you with a focus when you are noting

errors. Concentrate on correct use of the selected items, but otherwise ignore errors,

except, of course, those that lead to major breakdowns in communication.

As regards Writing, teachers should tell students that grammar is not the most important

aspect of language learning since most students, especially adults, tend to place great

emphasis on grammar, and demand various classes devoted to the explanations about

different grammatical points. They may feel they are making progress in the acquisition of

the language, but actually, they are learning about the language but not acquiring the

ability to use the language in the specific contexts they are inserted so teachers should

encourage learners to communicate in English even if they make mistakes. However,

grammar can be best practiced in conjunction with writing, the skill in which it can be best


The most useful grammatical forms are question forms, negative forms, relative clause

formation and other structures involved in coordination and subordination. Development

of writing abilities involve lots of practice and it is advisable to start with simple,

structured exercises allowing students to develop confidence as writers before working

with longer free writing tasks. Moreover, visual aids can be added in order to guide

learners in the writing process in the classroom where the teacher can monitor the

progresses and make suggestions.


As it can be appreciated, ESL teachers meet different tough challenges when teaching

Technical English due to the fact that they are required not only to develop awareness of

students´ needs but also to be equipped with all the necessary tools, knowledge and

flexibility to deal with their own students’ specializations.ESP teachers are not considered

experts in the specific technical field but in the teaching of English and are expected to

act as facilitators in that they guide and help their learners who manage a good

knowledge of the specific fields they are immersed in. It is worth mentioning that there is

no “best” methodology to teach ESP but it is a fact that teachers´ main implies their

abilities to recognize their students’ weaknesses and specific aims trying to apply all the

teaching techniques acquired.

Appendix I

These examples of linguistic varieties in Technical English are taken from Kathleen Bogue

Caissie (1978).

1-Examples of Technical Terms-Specific terms unique to a field

“Truss”-engineering fibrillation-medicine

2- Terms with various meanings depending upon the field

“Joint” –engineering-medicine-drugs

“Skid”-helicopters, automobiles.

3- Specific meaning given to a word

“The same conditions obtained for the second experiment”. “Obtained”= hold, be

operative, be in effect.

4-Preciseness of meanings:

Pin, bolt, screw, tube, line, luminous vs illuminated, electric vs electrical

5: Fixed word order of words in phrases

a) Everyday expressions “from head to foot”-“inside out”

b) Technical expressions “supply and demand”- “ profit and loss”

6-Fixed phrases

“Alimentary canal/ operating room surgery”

7- Preferences in technical usage:

“Look into”= investigate, research, study

“Parts, pieces”=components, constituents; component parts.

“Cut holes in”= perforate, drill, bore, pierce.

B- Shorthand Devices

Examples of compounds

a) Noun-Adjectives separated by a hyphen





b) Noun+ Noun (two words)

Salt content

Crop damage

Feed crops

c) Noun + verb ( two words)

Leaf fall

Leaf kill

d) Adjective + Verb or Verb + verb

Dry rot

Freeze dry

2) Examples of Acronyms

LOX= Liquid oxygen

BP= British Petroleum

SOP= Standard Operating Procedure

RPM= Revolution per minute

CC= Cubic Cycle

C-Nature of Sentences in Technical Writing

1) Passive Constructions

“The conference was slated for March 30, 1976”

“Water was added to the mixture”

2) Use of the Verb to Be

a) Stipulation of a condition (as modifier)

“Catalytic action is rapid”

b) Definition=

“Clay is both Compressible and Impermeable”

“The Pneumatic casing is pre –cast”

c) Establishment of Equivalency

“Lift is induced drug”

3) Use of Stative constructions

“The bulkhead is secured”

“The glass rod is snapped and the pieced fired individually”

4) Absence of emotive terms

5) Minimal use of variable or unspecific terms

Appendix II

The following is an example of a dialogue to be used when introducing a new topic.

English through Chemistry= Pre Academic or Simplified Science

Dialogue 1

A=Dr. Einstein

B=Hello Ahmed. Are you ready for today´s lesson?

A=Sure. You can ask me anything.

B=Okay. Can you tell me what an element is?

A= For example, oxygen is an element.

B=Oh, why?

A= Oxygen has only ne kind of Atom-oxygen atom.

B= That´s good, Ahmed. Is water an element?

A=No, water´s a compound. It has two hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom.

B= The atoms together form a molecule and that makes a compound.

Word Study Nouns

Element= A substance with only one kind of atom

1- Hydrogen is an element

2- Some elements are radioactive

Word family= elemental (adj) and elementary (adj)

Compound material made up of two or more elements

1) Water is a compound

2) Some compounds are liquid

Atom= the smallest particle of a compound

1) Different atoms joined together make a molecule

2) Molecules are combination of atoms

Word family= Molecular (adj)

Word Study Verbs

To combine= to unite

1- Hydrogen, Oxygen and sulfur combine to make sulfuric acid.

2- The chemist combined several elements

Word Family=Combination (n)

To form=to make

1) Hydrogen and oxygen form water

2) The chemist formed several compounds

Word Family=form (n)

Substitution Drill

Is hydrogen an element? Yes, it is/No, it isn´t




Are atoms small? Yes, they are/ No, they aren´t

Parts of elements?

Easy to see?

Usually radioactive?

Can compounds be liquids? Yes, they can/No, they can´t




Could the chemist form water? Yes, he could/ No, he couldn´t


Sulpheric acid?

Matter from energy?

Did the chemist combine several elements? Yes, he did/ No, he didn´t

Hydrogen and oxygen?

Sodium and chloride?

Vocabulary and Writing

Directions- Study the Vocabulary list below. Then, on a separate piece of paper write each

sentence and fill in each blank space with a word from the list.

To combine-Radioactive- Element- Compound- Energy- To form- Atom- Molecule- Solid

When a Chemist------------------------------------two parts hydrogen with one part oxygen, he

makes water. Water is a --------------------------------------.Two ---------------------------------------

Of the element hydrogen combine with one atom of the --------------------------------------------

Oxygen. This combination--------------------------------------the substance that covers most of

the earth´s surface. H2O, the water -------------------------------------is one of the most

plentiful compounds known to man.

Structure- Modal Auxiliary- Can

Can is a modal auxiliary followed by the infinitive form of the verb. It refers to the Present

and future time and used to indicate

1) Ability= You can heat this with a burner

2) Permission= You can use my book

3) Possibility= This experiment can be dangerous

Practice= Indicate the meaning of the underlined word in terms of ability-permission.


-----------------------------------1) I can´t find my Chemistry notebook

-----------------------------------2) Can atoms combine?

-----------------------------------3) Can compounds be solid?

-----------------------------------4) Can I use your microscope?

-----------------------------------5) Chemists can form compounds.

Structure_ Modal Auxiliary Could

Could indicates

1) Past tense of Can= The Chemist said he could make compounds

2) Present Future Conditional=You could learn the formula if you tried

Appendix III

Examples of Reading and Listening Comprehension activities

Reading Practice

Molecules are very small but atoms are smaller. It is, in fact, the combining of atoms that

form molecules. Because atoms of different types can combine, there are many different

types of compounds in the universe. It is possible and probable that some of these

Compounds are still unknown.

1-Which are the smallest?

Atoms b) Molecules c) Compounds d) Reactions

2-Compounds are formed from the -------------------------------------------of different atoms

a) Combine b) combined c) combining d) combines

3-It is probable that some compounds are still unknown?

a)Yes b) No c) Possibly d) unlikely

4-Which pair of atoms can combine to form a compound

a) Hydrogen and oxygen b) oxygen and oxygen c) hydrogen and hydrogen d) none of the


5-Are there many different kinds of Compound in this universe?

a) No b) Possibly c) Probably d) Yes.


(Note: Answers are given in parentheses for the convenienceof the teacher.These answers

would not, of course, be included in the student copies of the worksheets.)

Student Worksheet 1: Reading Comprehension Questions

Reading: Scientific Applications Software by John C. Nash, from j3.xtg, December 1985.

Assignment: Read the article and answer these questions before coming to class.

Comprehension Questions:

1. According to the author, what are three major considerations in choosing scientific

applications software? (The purpose of the package, the style in which it’s

presented, and its overall quality.)

2. What are some purposes for which scientific software has been developed?(To perform

particular computational tasks, as a general tool for data analysis, or to educate users.)

3. What are the three aspects of program style that the author considers important?(The

way in which the program must be used, the level of satisfaction or frustration you

experience while using it, and the suitability of the program's packaging and


4. Why is it difficult to find commercial software that is easily modified by the user?

(Because there are difficulties in protecting the authorship of such programs.)

5. What considerations does the author mention regarding software quality?(Interactions

between the scientific software and word processors or database managers, reasonable

results on approximations and iterative processes such as floating point decimal

operations, and Diagnostic information that allows troublesome situations to be

understood and corrected)

6. How can the buyer assess the quality of software?

(By reading reviews by professionals in the field and checking authorship, methods of

program development, the history of the software, and the reputation of software

producer and vendor.)

Student Worksheet 2: Listening Comprehension

Exercises .Topic: Scientific Applications Software

Vocabulary Practice

Choose the word from the list below which best completes each sentence:

Operating system convenient equipped programming

language package categories program style

1. Software provides useful tools for scientific-----------------------------------------------------------

2. This catalog lists four of scientific software. -----------------------------------------------------------

3. If several programs can perform the same function, may become the most important

feature. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Software usually requires that your computer be with particular features. -------------------

5. Most programs are written for a particular and------------------------------------------------------


Directions: Listen to the mini-1ecture and answer the questions on the spaces below.







Appendix II

Appendix III



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