Media treatment

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media treatment

Media coursework Beth Mitchell, Sam Hunt, James O’Connell 14/12/2012

Media coursework

In our media opening two minutes for our British social realism film, we will have the theme of losing loved ones and the film will be based on how people react to loosing loved ones. The name of our film will be called the hunt.

Our opening two minutes will start with the main character a 17 year old male called Sam (as Sam) who has a younger 5 year old sister called Hollie. The character of his sister will not be shown as she will not be a character in our opening 2 minutes.

Sam – older brother as Sam

Editor, Beth

Cameraman, James

The plot

The plot of are film will start with the camera looking towards a house where it will then zoom into the house where the main character Sam will be standing staring at a wall full of photos and newspaper articles of his missing sister. He will then leave his bedroom and walk down the stairs where his house will be empty. He then opens the door to go outside where his mother will be coming in he says “mom?” she ignores him. He carries on walking with a tear in his eye.

He walks past the park where it happened. there will be flash backs to the day when he lost her as it will cut into the past where he is running around shouting her name to try and find her and then cut back to the present. He walks into the park where he suddenly breaks down and cannot go on.

The shot will then be cut back into his house where the TV will be on and as he walks up the stairs it will say “there are not reports on the missing girl from east Birmingham and we fear the worst for their families”. In his room he will turn his TV, where the new report will say “There has been reports of another missing person in the local area of east Birmingham and the two cases may be linked, police are pursuing a black car which witnesses say is the car that took the 5 year old boy”. Sam then realises that the cases must be linked.

As he leaves his house again Sam noticed a dark shaded car, just as two men were getting into it the men seemed to be up to something so Sam followed them. The two men got out of the car outside a house very close to where Sam lives. Later that night Sam goes out again to the house where the men had gone into. He breaks in around the back as the house seemed empty. Sam searches the house to find nothing and just as he is about to leave the car pulls up outside. He hides in the closet, when suddenly a woman opens the door and screams the two men rush inside and push Sam to the floor and ask him what he is doing.

Media coursework Beth Mitchell, Sam Hunt, James O’Connell 14/12/2012

Sam explained everything. The house he broke into was the house of the family who lost their son as well just like Sam lost his sister.

There was a big misunderstanding so the family let Sam go on his way. As Sam walks home in the night he notices a man walking on the other side of the road. As the man starts to walk away he laughs to himself softly. Sam already angry decides to chase after him but could not find him until in the distance through a tree line he sees a lone house where the man walks in and closes the door. Sam then runs up to the door and starts banging on the door. The door opens the man stares at Sam and says “get lost” in a raging voice, where in the back ground Sam hears screams. He immediately pushes the door into the man and begins to shout hollies name. As he enters the house the noise had come from upstairs and as Sam ran up the stairs it got louder and louder until he reaches a door with a lock. He begins to kick the door down until the door crashes down, where he finds hollie and the other boy scared to death. As this was happening the kidnapper had ran up the stairs and pulled Sam back. The man then went to punch him; Sam ducked away and pushed the kidnapper back he then fell pulling Sam with him, down the stairs. The screen then goes black and then with the point of view shot you see Sam’s eyes opening and shutting with a hospital sound droned in the background.

The scene opens up again with Sam lying in a hospital bed with a bandaged head where he sees hollie and his parents in the window. Sam smiles.

The end.