KIAS ANNUAL REPORT · 2011. 3. 2. · KIAS started with research...

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Transcript of KIAS ANNUAL REPORT · 2011. 3. 2. · KIAS started with research...


The Gift for Tommorw

Korea Institute for Advanced Study


KIAS Annual Report 2008 Contents Report of the President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

School of Mathematics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

• Faculty and Research Fellows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

• Visiting Scientists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

• Research Activities (Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, etc.) -------------------------------- 16

• Publications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

School of Physics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26

• Faculty and Research Fellows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26

• Visiting Scientists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29

• Research Activities (Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, etc.) -------------------------------- 33

• Publications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

School of Computational Sciences ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

• Faculty and Research Fellows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43

• Visiting Scientists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

• Research Activities (Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, etc.) -------------------------------- 47

• Publications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51

Alumni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54

Associate Members ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59

Mutual Agreement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64



Report of the President Korea Institute of Advanced Study (KIAS) was founded in October 1996 with a dedication to disinterested pursuit of scientific knowledge. It embarked on an ambitious journey with only three professors and three research fellows in mathematics and physics. The Institute has no formal curriculum, degree programs, or experimental laboratories. Currently, KIAS research staff consists of total 89 members of diverse nationalities, 34 in the School of Mathematics, 35 in the School of Physics, and 20 in the School of Computational Sciences, including 2 distinguished professors, 20 professors and 67 research fellows. In 2008, 27 new, highly qualified research fellows have joined our voyage of exploring the most fundamental areas of science. In this report, we present the current status of our Institute with an overview of the organizational structure and scientific activities we have accomplished in this year. Since its inception, our institute has consistently strived to build the best research facility in the region by providing a pleasant and free research environment for scholars in home and abroad. Specifically, in 2008, we have had more than 7,000 participants from home and abroad to attend 37 international meetings and 480 seminars in a variety of subjects, in which many world’s leading scholars have participated. In addition, our Institute launched a new program in 2006 entitled ‘Quantum Leap Program’ in an attempt to establish a leading global scientific network. Through this program, many leading foreign scientists in the field of theoretical basic sciences have been invited as ‘KIAS Scholars’ in order to perform collaborative research with our members in the areas of mutual interest as well as to participate in seminars and lecture series at our Institute. This year, we have accommodated total 18 KIAS Scholars, who all conducted outstanding research during their visit. This program thus far has been successful in attaining its mission, which is the promotion of research activities in basic science, and thereby leading the nation’s scientific advancement to a world class level. For that, I’d like to thank our scholars for their contribution to the success of the program. Besides our core work that is the research performed by our regular and visiting research members, over the past few years our Institute has also invested in science outreach programs, with a purport to increase people’s interest in and support for science, and to foster a scientific mindset. Specifically, in 2008, we have hosted winter and summer schools for college students, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, which intended to provide our young generation with guidance in their future career in science. In addition, our Institute has held two public lectures with topics “Journey to Basic Sciences with KIAS for Future Scientists” in May and “Future Scientists meet KIAS” in July. On the international level, our Institute continued to sponsor ‘Bright Africa Mathematics Competition’ held in Dalubulshe, South Africa. All these outreach activities in 2008 have been drawing enthusiastic responses, and we plan to expand our efforts to reach out to general public in the coming years. Despite many difficulties, our Institute has persistently sought to achieve its mission. This year is no exception. Now KIAS has become in letter and spirit an international community of scholars pursuing intellectual inquiry in basic science. We take great pride in our stride we have made this year and our standing as national pride in basic science. Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to building and leading this proud institution to where we are today. Hyo Chul Myung President




1995 March Feasibility study on the establishment of KIAS December Establishment of KIAS approved at the Board of Trustees’ Meeting

KIAS Establishment Corps launched 1996 August Prof. Efim I. Zelmanov of University of California at San Diego (1994 Fields Medalist) was appointed as

Distinguished Professor at School of Mathematics October KIAS established and inaugurated

Prof. Hyo Chul Myung of KAIST was appointed as Vice President and Acting President November School of Mathematics and School of Physics were established

KIAS started with research staff of 1 Distinguished Professor, 2 Professors, and 3 Research Fellows 1997 December Prof. Chung Wook Kim of the Johns Hopkins University was appointed as President 1998 December Research staff of KIAS increased to 1 Distinguished Professor, 6 Professors, and 30 Research Fellows 1999 August Prof. Leonard Susskind of Stanford University (1994 Sakurai Prize Awardee) was appointed as

Distinguished Professor at School of Physics 2000 September School of Computational Sciences was established 2002 December Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 15 Professors, and 47 Research Fellows 2003 December Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 19 Professors, and 61 Research Fellows 2004 July Prof. Mahn Won Kim of KAIST was appointed as the third President 2004 December Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 17 Professors, and 62 Research Fellows 2005 July Prof. JongHae Keum was appointed as Dean of Faculty of KIAS Prof. JongHae Keum (School of Mathematics), Prof. Hyunggyu Park (School of Physics), and Prof.

Jaewan Kim (School of Computational Sciences) were appointed as Chair of each school December Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 18 Professors, and 61 Research Fellows 2006 July Prof. Kimyeong Lee was appointed as Chair of School of Physics September Prof. Jooyoung Lee was appointed as Chair of School of Computational Sciences October 10th Anniversary of KIAS November KIAS 10th Anniversary Ceremony and Workshop were held

Prof. E. Zelmanov (1994 Fields Medalist) of KIAS & UC-San Diego, Prof. D. Gross (2004 Nobel Laureate)of KITP, UC-Santa Barbara, and Dr. C. Bennet of IBM Watson Institute delivered Distinguished Lectures in mathematics, physics, and computational sciences respectively

December Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 19 Professors, and 62 Research Fellows 2007 April Prof. Jooyoung Lee was appointed as Dean of Faculty July Prof. Hyo Chul Myung was appointed as the fourth President August Prof. Hyunggyu Park was appointed as Dean of Faculty of KIAS Prof. Jaigyoung Choe (School of Mathematics), Prof. Kimyeong Lee (School of Physics), and Prof.

Jaewan Kim (School of Computational Sciences) were appointed as Chair of each school December Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 18 Professors, and 72 Research Fellows 2008 January Prof. Hyunggyu Park (School of Physics) was appointed as Vice President February KIAS was affiliated with the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology August Prof. Pyungwon Ko was appointed as Chair of School of Physics December Prof. Hyungju Park was appointed as Chair of School of Computational Sciences Research staff of KIAS consists of 2 Distinguished Professors, 21 Professors, and 67 Research Fellows




CONTACT KIAS Heogiro 87, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 130-722, Korea Phone: 82 2 958 3711 Fax: 82-2-958-3770 Homepage: PHONE DIRECTORY Office of President: 82 2 958 3701 School of Mathematics: 82 2 958 3774 School of Physics: 82 2 958 3760 School of Computational Sciences: 82 2 958 3837 Office of Research Assistance: 82 2 958 3773 Office of Information Assistance: 82 2 958 3824 Office of Planning: 82 2 958 3785 Office of Finance & Budget: 82 2 958 3766 Office of PR & Innovation: 82 2 958 3777 Office of Management & General Affairs: 82 2 958 3714




Hyo Chul Myung President Hyunggyu Park Vice PresidentJaigyoung Choe Chair, School of MathematicsPyungwon Ko Chair, School of Physics Hyungju Park Chair, School of Computational Sciences Moon Taik Shim General Manager Office of Research Assistance Choul Kyoo Park HeadMinsung Lee School of Mathematics / Housing So-Young Kim School of Physics Oh Beom Kwon School of Computational Sciences Office of Planning Si-Hyoung Oh HeadNeung-hyun Ryu Planning Joo Chan Kim Funding Hyung-Soon Lee Secretary of President Office of Information Assistance Young Jin Lee Head Woojoo Jung Computing Kyoung Su Kim Computing (Cluster) Sujin Park Librarian Office of Finance & Budget Soon Ho Moon Head Seong- Cheol Kwak Budgeting Suk Min Yun Accounting / Disbursement Office of PR & Innovation Jung Eun Lee HeadByung-ho Choi Homepage / Web-mail / MISYoon Hee Kim Public & International Relations / Newsletter Office of Management and General Affairs Young Eun Kim Leader / Personnel Yo Chang Jung General Affairs / Security Minwoo Yang Human Resource Kang Won Lee Payroll / Assets Management



School of Mathematics The great success of modern science is largely due to the development of mathematics and analysis of models arising from natural and social phenomena. Research in the School of Mathematics includes both pure and applied mathematics such as algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry, topology, geometry, complex geometry, global analysis, differential equations, etc. Faculty Distinguished Professor Efim I. Zelmanov Algebra, Group Theory Professor Hyo Chul Myung (Emeritus) Lie Theory Professor Jaigyoung Choe (Chair) Differential Geometry: Minimal Surfaces, Geometric Meausre Theory Professor Youn-Seo Choi Q-series, Mock Theta Function, Theta Function Professor Jun-Muk Hwang Complex Geometry Professor JongHae Keum Algebraic Geometry Professor Bumsig Kim Geometric Toplogy, Mirror Symmetry Professor Inkang Kim Topology and Geometry Professor Yong-Geun Oh Symplectic Geometry Professor Jinsung Park Global Analysis Professor Sijong Kwak (Affiliate) Algebraic Geometry Professor I. Ciocan-Fontanine (KIAS Scholar) Geometric Topology Professor Henry Kim (KIAS Scholar) Number Theory Professor Min Hyoung Kim (KIAS Scholar) Arithmetic Geoemtry Professor Keiji Oguiso (KIAS Scholar) Geometry Professor Hee Oh (KIAS Scholar) Lie groups, Number Theory, Ergodic Theory Research Fellows KIAS Assistant Professor Chang-Wan Kim Riemannian Geometry KIAS Assistant Professor Dafeng Zuo Differential Geometry Dr. Andreas Bender Arithmetic Geometry Dr. Kungho Chan Algebraic Geometry Dr. TongKeun Chang Partial Differential Dquations and Analysis Dr. Daewoong Cheong Geometric Function Theory Dr. HahngYun Chu Geometric Theory of Dynamical Systems Dr. Kuerak Chung Algebraic Topology, Mathematical Physics Dr. Rung-Tzung Huang Analysis on manifolds, Analytic torsion Dr. Junmyeong Jang Algebraic Geometry Dr. Ji Young Kim Arithmetic theory of quadratic forms and lattices Dr. Namhoon Kim Vertex Algebra Dr. Taejung Kim Integrable System and the Moduli Space of Vector Bundles Dr. Dong Uk Lee Moduli Space of Abelian Varieties Dr. Jeong-Yup Lee Aperiodic Order Dr. Jung Hoon Lee Low-dimensional Topology Dr. Kang-Hyurk Lee Several Complex Variables Dr. Giovanni Marelli Symplectic Geometry Dr. Stefan Müller Symplectic Geometry Dr. Viet Anh Nguyen Several Complex Variables Dr. Jong-Do Park Several Complex Variables Dr. Sung-ho Park Differential Geometry Dr. Keomkyo Seo Differential Geometry Dr. Hae-Sang Sun p-adic L-function, Special L-values Dr. Gang Joon Yoon Approximation Theory and Special Functions



In 2008 a new faculty member joined the School of Mathematics: Professor Inkang Kim from Seoul National University. His research area is in geometric topology and hyperbolic geometry. While KIAS is run by distinguished professors, permanent faculty members, postdoctors, and many short-term visitors, it is important for KIAS to have productive influence from outside on a regular basis. The KIAS Scholar positions have been created for this purpose of receiving impetus from outside. Every year they stay in KIAS for 1-4 months during their three-year tenure. In 2008 newly appointed in the School of Mathematics are four KIAS Scholars, William H. Meeks(University of Massachusetts), Hee Oh(Brown University), Dmitri Kaledin(Independent University of Moscow), and Ken-Ich Yoshikawa(University of Tokyo), who are adding to three existing KIAS Scholars, Ionut Ciocan-Fontanin(University of Minnesota), Henry Kim(University of Toronto), and Minhyong Kim(University College London). Our Distinguished Professor Efim Zelmanov(Fields Medalist, University of California, San Diego) delivered the 53rd KAST Distinguished Lecture on the occasion of his nomination as foreign member of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology. Research at KIAS is mainly carried out individually by its faculty members. However, in order to encourage collaborative research and to help Korean researchers get access to the international research community, KIAS hosts quite a few international conferences, workshops, and summer/winter schools every year. In 2008 the School of Mathematics has organized 4 international conferences, 4 workshops, 2 summer/winter schools, and 1 intensive lecture series as follows: “Winter School on Algebraic Geometry” held in February 17-22 was organized by Jun-Muk Hwang and Keiji Oguiso. Yujiro Kawamata (Tokyo University) gave a lecture series on the minimal model program. The main goal was to introduce beginners the main ideas and methods in the recent achievement of the minimal model program, in particular, the proof of the finite generation of canonical rings Jaigyoung Choe organized "The third KIAS Workshop on Differential Geometry". The topic of the workshop was Recent Developments in Minimal Surface Theory. The only speaker, William H. Meeks, III (George David Birkoff Professor of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst), gave a series of eight lectures on May 9, 10, 16, and 17, 2008. The titles of the lectures are 1. Classical examples of minimal surfaces, 2. Recent results on minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces, 3. The CMC dynamics theorem, 4. The CMC Minimal Element Theorem, 5. The theory of minimal laminations, 6. Conformal properties of minimal surfaces, 7. Results on the Calabi-Yau problem, 8. Conjectures in minimal surface theory. "Workshop on Gromov-Witten Theory and Related Topics" held in June 9-13 was organized by I. Ciocan-Fontanine and Bumsig Kim. The aim of workshop is to bring together world experts to discuss and present their recent developments on Gromov-Witten theory, Chen-Ruan theory, DT theory, Integrable Systems, Frobenius-Saito Structure, and Symplectic Topology. Some of them were the abelianization of rational GW invariants, orbifold quantum invariance under birational transformation, polynomial stabilities, Hilbert scheme of points on a surface, Fourier-Mukai transform, and non-commutative lattices. “Pacific Rim Complex Geometry Conference” held in July 28-August 1 was organized by Jun-Muk Hwang and Yong-Geun Oh. This was the third meeting of a series of annual conferences organized by a scientific committee consiting of complex geometers from China, Japan and Korea. Invited speakers from various nations around the pacific rim area gave talks on the recent developments in complex geometry. “Summer school on spectral theory of automorphic forms” held in August 11-14 was organized by Youn-Seo Choi, Young Ju Choie (Postech), and Jinsung Park. This summer school consists of two lecture series (by W. Luo and Y. Petridis) and four 1-hour talks. These cover both the basics and recent research results of this subject. One of the main motivations of this summer school was to provide the number theory community in Korea with the analytic aspect of



automorphic forms, which became the main tool of recent developments. “Workshop on Algebraic Geometry”held in August 28-30 was organized by JongHae Keum with assistance from DongSeon Hwang. Selected young reserachers including graduate students in the field of algebraic geometry and related areas introduced their research topics and results to an audience of experts. Intensive disccusion followed. “Invitation to a modern theory of the Riemann zeta-function” held in November 3-6 was organized by Jinsung Park. The main theme of this lecture series delivered by Y. Motohashi was a study of the fourth power of the Riemann zeta-function over the critical line. This is a special case of the convexity bounds for arithmetic L-functions - one of the main problems in analytic number theory. These lectures also cover the spectral theory of the modular forms and the Kuznetsov sum formula, which are used in the sharp estimate of the fourth power of the Riemann zeta function. “Algebraic Geometry in East Asia” held in November 11-15 was organized by JongHae Keum(KIAS), Shigeyuki Kondo (Nagoya U) Kazuhiro Konno (Osaka U), Keiji Oguiso (Keio U), Sijong Kwak(KAIST), Namhoon Lee (Hongik U). One of the primary goals was to facilitate a chance to meet and exchange ideas among east Asian mathematical communities of algebraic geometry. This was the third meeting following the meetings at Kyoto 2002 and Hanoi 2005. Many internationally well known experts delivered lectures: Noboru Nakayama (RIMS), Ichiro Shimada (Hiroshima U) Daisuke Matsushita (Hokkaido U), Hiromichi Takagi (Tokyo U), Mizuho Ishizaka (Osaka City U), Meng Chen (Fudan), Xiaotao Sun (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Jin-Xing Cai (LMAM, Beijing U), Hui-Wen Lin (Nat Taiwan U), Jiun-Cheng Chen (Nat Tsing Hua U), Matthias Schuett, Igor Dolgachev (Michigan), Phung Ho Hai (Inst. Math., Vietnam), David Eisenbud (UC Berkeley), Frank-Olaf Schreyer (U Saarlandes), Tetsuji Shioda (Rikkyo U), Yongnam Lee (Sogang U), Euisung Park (Korea U), Young Hoon Kiem (SNU), Jihun Park (Postech), Seonja Kim (Chungwoon U). A proceeding will be published as a volume of Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics by the Mathematical Society of Japan. "Seoul-Tokyo International Conference" is an annual conference jointly organized by the KIAS and University of Tokyo. This year the theme was mathematical finance, which is a most successful interdisciplinary field which combines mathematics, economics, finance and computation to generate theoretically solid results and practically useful applications. In this conference, mathematicians, economists and computational scientists got together to present new results and exchange ideas. We focused on portfolio selection, derivative pricing and hedging, numerical schemes and applications of continuous-time principal agent framework. Today we face a big challenge from financial markets: the financial crisis originated from the meltdown in subprime mortgage markets have been generating big large number of corporate failures and job losses and endangering human prosperity. Many people think that the ultimate cause of the crisis lies in the moral hazard embedded in the organizations of financial markets and institutions and traditional tools from mathematical finance/financial engineering are not adequate to deal with such problems. In this sense we need a new paradigm. And in this conference we had a number of presentations which directly dealed with the issue of incentives and relates them to the traditional problem pricing and hedging of financial assets. Our gathering produced fruitful ideas that help resolve current problems caused by the crisis and help solve potential problems that will arise in the future. We wish this conference to serve as a birth place for mutually beneficial exchange of ideas among scholars in Korea, Japan and China. “International workshop on Probability Theory and its applications” held in Dec. 12, 2008 was organized by Youn-Seo Choi and Panki Kim (Seoul Nat. U). Eight main speakers delivered lectures on the following topics; Stochastic analysis and its applications, Markow processes, Dirichlet forms and Queuing theory. The eight speakers are Tzuu-Shuh Chiang(Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Bara Kim(Korea University, Korea), Daehong Kim(Kumamoto University, Japan), Zongxia Liang(Tsinghua University, China), Yanxia Ren(Peking University, China), Renming Song(University of



Illinois, USA), Toshihiro Uemura(University of Hyogo, Japan), and Yongjin Wang(Nankai University,China). “Workshop on hyperbolic geometry and related topics” are held during Dec 15-17 organised by Inkang Kim and Hyuk Kim. The workshop covered topics from real hyperbolic geometry, complex and quaternionic hyperbolic geometry and more generally a deformation theory in semisimple Lie groups. It covers also related topics like volumes of mapping torus and Teichmuller theory. It aimed to introduce new developing fields to young researchers and estabilished researchers as well.

 Pacific Rim Complex Geometry Conference 2008 July 28 ‐ August 1, 2008 Koreana Hotel, Seoul 





Visiting Scientists Young Sik Huh January 3, 2007 ~ January 2, 2008 Geometric Topology Hanyang University Young sik Kim September 1, 2007 ~ August 31, 2008 Analysis Yonsei University Si-Jong Kwak September 1, 2007 ~ July 31, 2008 Algebraic Geometry KAIST Soon-Yi Kang December 17, 2007 ~ January 31, 2008 Number Theory POSTECH Bum Ja Jin December 17, 2007 ~ February 27, 2008 Partial Differential Equation Mokpo University Kwan Pyo Ko January 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Subdivision Scheme and Geometric Modeling Dongseo University Evelyn L. Hart January 6, 2008 ~ January 11, 2008 Algebraic topology (Topological fixed point theory) Colgate University Ji Soo Byun January 10, 2008 ~ January 14, 2008 Analysis Pusan National University Hitoshi Nakada January 13, 2008 ~ January 16, 2008 Ergodic Theory, Metric Theory of Diophantine Approximations Keio University Young ho Ahn January 13, 2008 ~ January 16, 2008 Analysis Mokpo National University Florin Ambro January 21, 2008 ~ January 23, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Inst. Math. Romanian Academy

Soon Yi Kang February 1, 2008 ~ February 29, 2008 Number Theory POSTECH Sung soon Kim February 14, 2008 ~ May 9, 2008 Group Theory Mathematiques et d’Informatique Y. Kawamata February 16, 2008 ~ February 23, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University of Tokyo Jian Zhou February 23, 2008 ~ February 26, 2008 Differential Geometry Tsinghua University Stefano Galatolo February 29, 2008 ~ March 3, 2008 Applied Mathematics Universita’ di Pisa Daisuke Matsushita March 1, 2008 ~ March 31, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Hokkaido University Hyeong Ohk Bae March 1, 2008 ~ June 30, 2008 Partial Differential Equation Ajou University Frederic Campana March 2, 2008 ~ March 15, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University Nancy Thomas Peternell March 3, 2008 ~ March 14, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University Bayreuth Baohua Fu March 14, 2008 ~ March 27, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University Nantes Justin Sawon March 14, 2008 ~ April 10, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Colorado State University



Jason Starr March 16, 2008 ~ March 22, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Stony Brook University Dmitry Kaledin March 16, 2008 ~ March 24, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Steklov Math. Inst. Yasufumi Hashimoto March 19, 2008 ~ March 21, 2008 Selberg zeta function Kyushu University Olivier Debarre March 24, 2008 ~ April 6, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University Strasbourg Luis E. S. Conde April 15, 2008 ~ April 29, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University Rey Juan Carlos Ngaiming Mok April 15, 2008 ~ May 10, 2008 Complex Geometry University Hong Kong Bum Ja Jin April 19, 2008 ~ April 27, 2008 Partial Differential Equation Mokpo National University T. Shioda April 21, 2008 ~ May 18, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Rikkyo University Najmuddin Fakhruddin April 26, 2008 ~ May 30, 2008 Number Theory Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research Yoshihiro Ochi April 28, 2008 ~ May 4, 2008 Number Theory Tokyo Denki University Kyung ha Min May 3, 2008 ~ May 31, 2008 Computer Graphics Sangmyung University

Lawrence Ein May 7, 2008 ~ May 17, 2008 Algebraic Geometry University Illinois at Chicago Lei Fu May 22, 2008 ~ May 28, 2008 l-adic cohomology theory and galois representations Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University C. Martinez May 31, 2008 ~ June 8, 2008 Super Jordan Algebras University of Oviedo Ke Zhu June 2, 2008 ~ June 25, 2008 Symplectic and contact geometry University of Wisconsin Ae Ja Yee June 2, 2008 ~ July 18, 2008 Combinatrorics & Analytic Number Theory Penn. State University Anton Deitmar June 3, 2008 ~ June 7, 2008 Harmonic analysis and Number theory University of Tuebingen Hee Oh June 17, 2008 ~ August 15, 2008 Lie Groups Brown University Jee hoon Park June 17, 2008 ~ June 24, 2008 Arithmetic Geometry McGill University Sander Zwegers June 25, 2008 ~ July 4, 2008 Number Theory/Modular Forms University College Dublin Soon Yi Kang June 25, 2008 ~ August 31, 2008 Number Theory POSTECH Igor Shparlinsky June 26, 2008 ~ June 29, 2008 Number Theory Macquarie University



Min Hyong Kim July 3, 2008 ~ August 31, 2008 Arithmetic Geometry London University Kaoru Ono July 18, 2008 ~ July 20, 2008 Symplectic Geometry Hokkaido University Hiroshi Ohta July 18, 2008 ~ July 20, 2008 Symplectic Geometry Nagoya University Kenji Fukaya July 18, 2008 ~ July 20, 2008 Symplectic Geometry Kyoto University Seung whan Chang July 21, 2008 ~ August 9, 2008 Algebraic Number Theory, p-adic representation ASARC Byung Geun Oh July 28, 2008 ~ August 9, 2008 Geometric Functions, Riemann Surfaces Hanyang University Akos Pinter August 2, 2008 ~ August 8, 2008 Number Theory Lajos Kossuth University Byung Geun Oh August 11, 2008 ~ August 22, 2008 Geometric function theory Hanyang University Yiannis Petridis August 16, 2008 ~ August 20, 2008 Number theory Univ London College C. Martinez August 22, 2008 ~ September 2, 2008 Lie Algebra University of Oviedo Masanori Morishita August 24, 2008 ~ August 30, 2008 Topology Kyushu University

Seong Suk Park August 25, 2008 ~ September 1, 2008 Algebraic Geometry CSIC C.G. Madonna August 25, 2008 ~ September 1, 2008 Algebraic Geometry CSIC Chengming Bai September 15, 2008 ~ September 23, 2008 Lie Theory and Mathematical Physics Chern Inst. of Math Carles Broto September 29, 2008 ~ October 5, 2008 Topology/Number theory University Autonoma of Barcelona Haibao Duan October 1, 2008 ~ October 7, 2008 Topology/Number theory Chinese Academy of Science A. Stolin October 6, 2008 ~ October 14, 2008 Algebraic Number University of Goeteborg A. V. Mikhalev October 13, 2008 ~ October 19, 2008 Algebra Moscow University Ji Soo Byun October 13, 2008 ~ October 17, 2008 Analysis POSTECH A. A. Mikhalev October 13, 2008 ~ October 19, 2008 Algebra CUNY Heung ju Ahn November 3, 2008 ~ November 6, 2008 Several Complex Analysis NIMS I. Dolgachev November 8, 2008 ~ December 7, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Michigan University



Marc Soret November 11, 2008 ~ November 24, 2008 Differential Geometry Tours Sergiu Moroianu December 12, 2008 ~ December 21, 2008 Analysis Romanian Academy Colin Guillarmou December 14, 2008 ~ December 22, 2008 Analysis University of Nice

Hee Oh December 18, 2008 ~ January 1, 2009 Group Theory Brown University Davide Guzzetti December 19, 2008 ~ December 20, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Kyoto University Jae Choon Cha December 24, 2008 ~ January 7, 2009 Topology POSTECH



Research Activities (Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, etc.) Workshops/Symposia/Conferences KIAS Winter School on Algebraic Geometry February 18-22, 2008 The third KIAS Workshop on Differential Geometry May 9-10 & 16-17, 2008 Workshop on Gromov-Witten Theory and Related Topics June 9-13, 2008 Pacific Rim Complex Geometry Conference 2008 July 28-August 1, 2008 Summer School on Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms August 11-15, 2008 Algebraic Geometry Workshop August 28-30, 2008 Algebraic Geometry in East Asia November 11-15, 2008 Seoul-Tokyo Conference in Mathematical Finance November 21-22, 2008 International Workshop on Probability Theory and Its Applications December 12, 2008 KIAS Workshop on Hyperbolic Geometry and Related Topics December 15-17, 2008 Seminars January 3, 2008 Kwan Pyo Ko (Dongseo University) Multivariate subdivision scheme January 14, 2008 Kai-Wen Lan (Harvard University) Arithmetic compactifications of PEL-type Shimura varieties I January 14, 2008 Kai-Wen Lan (Harvard University) Arithmetic compactifications of PEL-type Shimura varieties II January 15, 2008 Kai-Wen Lan (Harvard University) Arithmetic compactifications of PEL-type Shimura varieties IV January 15, 2008 Kai-Wen Lan (Harvard University) Arithmetic compactifications of PEL-type Shimura varieties III January 15, 2008 Hitoshi Nakada (Keio University) Continued fractions, geodesic flow and Ford circles January 17, 2008 Dohoon Choi (Korea Aerospace University) Modularity of traces of singular moduli and its applications January 23, 2008 Florin Ambro (Inst. Math. Romanian Academy) Singularities of members of high multiples of a linear series

January 23, 2008 Kungho Chan (KIAS) Syzygies of smooth projective varieties (after Ein-Lazarsfeld) January 26, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (conformal field theory 4) February 2, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Polyakov path integral 1) February 13, 2008 Eunhee Koh (Seoul National University) Differential Geometry in Protein Structures February 15, 2008 Taejung Kim (KIAS) The linearity of Hitchin flows in the space of Krichever-Lax matrices February 16, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Polyakov path integral 2) February 23, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (BRST cohomology) February 27, 2008 Sunsook Jin (Gongju Nat’l University of Education) Uniqueness of Riemann‘s minimal surfaces



February 28, 2008 P. Schenzel (Martin-Luther University) Cohomologically complete intersections February 28, 2008 N. V. Trung (Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, VAST) The Bezout theorem, mixed volume and the mixed multiplicity February 29, 2008 Takeshi Ikeda (Okayama University of Science) Double Schubert polynomials for the classical groups March 1, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (The string S-matrix) March 7, 2008 Daisuke Matsushita (Hokkaido University) On symplectic resolution of an isolated singularity March 7, 2008 Thomas Peternell (University Bayreuth) Varieties with generically nef tangent bundles March 8, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Tree level amplitude) March 11, 2008 F. Campana (University of Nancy) The category of orbifolds. Some geometric, hyperbolic and arithmetic aspects March 11, 2008 D. Matsushita (Hokkaido University) On symplectic resolution of an isolated singularity (2) March 13, 2008 Hyunsuk Moon (Kyungpook National University) Mordell-Weil groups of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves March 18, 2008 D. Kaledin (Steklov Inst./University Tokyo) Log-symplectic algebraic varieties March 18, 2008 Jason Starr (Stony Brook University) Rational simple connectedness and Serre's Conjecture II in the geometric case March 19, 2008 Lau Chi Hin (KIAS) Colloquium: Rational curves and their deformations on projective varieties

March 19, 2008 Baohua Fu (University Nantes) Hard Lefschetz conjectures on Chow groups March 20, 2008 Yasufumi Hashimoto (Kyushu University) Distributions of multiplicities in length spectra for Riemann surfaces March 22, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (One loop amplitude) March 25, 2008 J. Sawon (Colorado State University) Lagrangian fibrations by Jacobians March 26, 2008 D. Matsushita (Hokkaido University) Applications of flops on symplectic manifolds March 27, 2008 Yoonjin Lee (Ewha Womans University) Hyperelliptic Function Fields of High Three Rank March 28, 2008 TongKeun Chang (KIAS) Singular integral April 2, 2008 O. Debarre (University Strasbourg) Geometry of abelian varieties (I) April 2, 2008 O. Debarre (University Strasbourg) Geometry of abelian varieties (II) April 3, 2008 Keiji Oguiso (Keio University/KIAS) Non-algebraic hyperkaehler manifolds April 10, 2008 Dohoon Choi (Korea Aerospace University) Modularity of traces of singular moduli and its applications II April 12, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Spinors, Superspace and Supersymmetry 1) April 17, 2008 Luis Sola Conde (University Rey Juan Carlos) Movable curves and rational quotients of projective varieties



April 18, 2008 TongKeun Chang (KIAS) Singular integral (harmonic analysis) April 24, 2008 T. Shioda (Rikkyo University) The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces II April 24, 2008 T. Shioda (Rikkyio University) The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces I April 28, 2008 T. Shioda (Rikkyo University) The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces III April 28, 2008 T. Shioda (Rikkyo University) The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces IV April 29, 2008 Yoshihiro Ochi (Tokyo Denki University) On the conjectures for fine Selmer groups of elliptic curves April 30, 2008 Chong-Kyu Han (Seoul National University) Complex versions of the Frobenius involutivity May 1, 2008 T. Shioda (Rikkyo University) The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces V May 1, 2008 T. Shioda (Rikkyo University) The abc-theorem, Davenport's inequality and elliptic surfaces VI May 3, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Spinors, superspace and supersymmetry 2) May 8, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Moduli of K3 surfaces, Analytic torsion, and Borcherd functions I May 9, 2008 Lawrence Ein (University Illinois at Chicago) Log-canoical pairs and regularities of projective varieties

May 9, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Moduli of K3 surfaces, Analytic torsion, and Borcherd functions II May 17, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Introduction to superstring theory 1) May 27, 2008 Najmuddin Fakhruddin (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) On certain group schemes over discrete valuation rings June 4, 2008 Anton Deitmar (University of Tuebingen) Continuous Lefschetz formulae June 6, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds I June 7, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Introduction to superstring theory 2) June 11, 2008 Young Ran Lee (KAIST) On polyharmonic operators with a limit-periodic potential June 16, 2008 Jeechul Woo (Harvard University) On elliptic curves of high rank June 20, 2008 Ke Zhu (Wisconsin) Embedding property of J-holomorphic curves in Calabi-Yau manifolds for generic J June 20, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer Minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds II June 21, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (D-branes and dualities in superstring theories 1) June 25, 2008 Jeehoon Park (McGill University) Iwasawa main conjecture for CM elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields at supersingular primes



June 25, 2008 Suh-Hyun Choi (Harvard University) Introduction to the deformation theory of Galois representations June 26, 2008 Sander Zwegers (University College Dublin) Appell-Lerch sums as mock modular forms June 26, 2008 F. Sato (KIAS) Recursive formulas for Hodge classes on the moduli of one-pointed genus g stable curves June 27, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer Minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds III July 2, 2008 Kuerak Chung (Univ of Minnesota) n-Hopf algebra and its structure July 4, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer Minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds IV July 10, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) Generic p-ranks and the semi-positivity theorem for semi-stable fibrations July 10, 2008 Lin Han (Inha University) A classification of 2-dimensional l-adic Galois representations July 11, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer Minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds V July 12, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (D-branes and dualities in superstring theories 2) July 16, 2008 Dohoon Choi (Korea Aerospace University) Doi-Naganuma lifting and its multiplicative analogue July 17, 2008 Ae Ja Yee (Pennsylvania State University) Combinatorics of generalized q-Euler numbers July 18, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer Minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds VI

July 19, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Black holes, entropy and AdS-CFT 1) July 23, 2008 Donguk Lee (KIAS) M-T Seminar 1 July 24, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) Generic p-ranks and the semi-positivity theorem for semi-stable fibrations July 25, 2008 Yong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin & KIAS) [Summer Minicourse] Floer theory in toric manifolds VII July 26, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) String theory for mathematicians (Black holes, entropy and AdS-CFT 2) July 30, 2008 Dong-Uk Lee (KIAS) M-T Seminar 2 July 31, 2008 Sungwon Cho (POSTECH) On global Green’s function estimation August 6, 2008 Henry Kim (KIAS/University of Toronto) Analytic properties of $L$-functions 1 August 6, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) M-T Seminar 3 August 7, 2008 Akos Pinter (University of Debrecen) Combinatorial geometry, diophantine equations and modular forms August 7, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Introduction of generalized complex geometry 1 August 7, 2008 Kwang Hyun Kim (CUNY) Introduction to the Heegner point Euler system and upper bound for Shafarevich group August 7, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Introduction of generalized complex geometry 2



August 8, 2008 Seungwhan Chang (KAIST) Filtered modules and Wach modules August 8, 2008 Dong-Uk Lee (KIAS) M-T Seminar 4 August 8, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Introduction of generalized complex geometry 4 August 8, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Introduction of generalized complex geometry 3 August 18, 2008 Yiannis Petridis (University College London) Distribution of lengths of closed geodesics under constraints August 18, 2008 MyungHyun Oh (University of Kansas) Stability of periodic waves in infinite dimensions August 19, 2008 Kim, Minhyong (University College London) Diophantine geometry and L-functions of curves August 20, 2008 Henry Kim (KIAS/University of Toronto) Analytic properties of $L$-functions 2 August 21, 2008 Dong-Uk Lee (KIAS) M-T Seminar August 22, 2008 Henry Kim (KIAS/University of Toronto) Analytic properties of $L$-functions 3 August 27, 2008 Masanori Morishita (Kyushu University) Chern-Simons variation in arithmetic topology August 28, 2008 Andreas Bender (KIAS) On the Goldbach conjecture in the function field case September 5, 2008 Alan Haynes (University of York) [KIAS Number Theory Seminar] An unsolved problem in probabilistic number theory

September 6, 2008 Kyungha Min (Sangmyung University) Principal Analysis for Triangulated Surfaces using a Generic September 10, 2008 Chanyoung Sung (NIMS) Einstein metric and Seiberg-Witten theory of 4-manifolds September 18, 2008 Chengming Bai (Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University) Double construction of certain algebras with a nondegenerate ‘invariant’ bilinear form September 20, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Introduction to Gerstenhaber algebras and Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras September 25, 2008 Lin Han (Inha University) [KIAS Number Theory Seminar] Semistable abelian varieties and extensions of group schemes September 27, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Kontsevich’s deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds October 11, 2008 Hyunkeun Jun (Kyungpook National University) BRST transformation VS BV formalism October 17, 2008 Soon-Yi Kang (KAIST, ASARC) Galois trace and modular trace of class invariants October 18, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Model Categories October 21, 2008 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann (Canada Research Chair in Geometric Analysis) Random embeddings and other high-dimensional geometric phenomena October 21, 2008 Roland Speicher (Dept Math and Statistics, Queen’s University) Operator-valued semicircular elements: at the intersection of combinatorics, random matrix theory, and complex analysis



October 21, 2008 Alejandro Adem (Director of PIMS, University of British Columbia) Periodic Complexes and Group Actions October 30, 2008 Ji Young Kim (KIAS) Finiteness theorems for Hermitian lattices and Kloosterman problem October 30, 2008 Bumsig Kim (KIAS) Modern Moduli Learning Seminar October 31, 2008 Sung-Geun Lim (POSTECH) Generalized Eisenstein series, modular transformation formulas and infinite series identities November 1, 2008 Hyun Seok Yang (KIAS) Deformation Quantization and Anatomy of Einstein Gravity November 3, 2008 Yoichi Motohashi (Nihon University) Classical theory of the Riemann zeta-function (Lecture series 1) November 4, 2008 Yoichi Motohashi (Nihon University) Spectral theory of automorphic forms (Lecture series 2) November 5, 2008 Yoichi Motohashi (Nihon University) Sums of Kloosterman sums (Lecture series 3) November 6, 2008 Yoichi Motohashi (Nihon University) Spectral theory of the Riemann zeta-function (Lecture series 4) November 7, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) Introduction to Shimura variety 1 November 13, 2008 Marc Soret (Universite de Tours) First eigenvalue of the Laplacian on minimal surfaces in S^3 November 15, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Deformation Theory Reading Seminar

November 18, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) Introduction to Shimura variety 2 November 20, 2008 Subong Im (POSTECH) [KIAS Number Theory Seminar] Construction of Jacobi forms associated to indefinite quadratic forms November 20, 2008 Daewoong Cheong (KIAS) Modern Moduli Learning Seminar November 22, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Deformation Theory Reading Seminar November 22, 2008 Kyungha Min (Sangmyung University) Principal Estimation on Triangular Meshes using a Generic Model I November 29, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Deformation Theory Reading Seminar December 4, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) Introduction to Shimura varieties 3 December 6, 2008 Bumsig Kim (KIAS) Modern Moduli Learning Seminar December 6, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Deformation Theory Reading Seminar December 11, 2008 Bo-Hae Im (Chung-Ang University) [KIAS Number Theory Seminar] Non-empty projective hypersurfaces over quasi-finite fields December 11, 2008 Junmyeong Jang (KIAS) Introduction to Shimura varieties December 13, 2008 Kuerak Chung (KIAS) Deformation Theory Reading Seminar December 13, 2008 Bumsig Kim (KIAS) Modern Moduli Learning Seminar



December 17, 2008 Viet-Anh Nguyen (KIAS) The mixed Hodge -Riemann bilinear relations for compact Kahler manifold December 18, 2008 Keiichi Gunji (POSTECH) [KIAS Number Theory Seminar] On Siegel Eisenstein series of degree 2 for low weights December 18, 2008 Kentaro Ihara (POSTECH) [KIAS Number Theory Seminar] Structure of the algebra of multiple zeta values December 19, 2008 Davide Guzzetti (RIMS, Kyoto University) On the critical behaviours of the solutions of the Sixth Painleve Equation December 20, 2008 Hyunkeun Jun (Kyungpook National University) 4-algebras, 4-manifolds and Topological Field Theories December 20, 2008 Bumsig Kim (KIAS) Modern Moduli Learning Seminar

December 22, 2008 Kim, Taejung (KIAS) Colloquium: Twistor space and the Yang-Mills equation December 23, 2008 Miles Reid (University of Warwick) Big key varieties for surfaces with pg = 1, K2 = 2 (according to Stephen Coughlan) December 23, 2008 Hee Oh (Brown University) Apollonian circle packing December 29, 2008 Bumsig Kim (KIAS) Modern Moduli Learning Seminar December 29, 2008 Dr. Ham and Dr. Chung (KIAS) Deformation Theory Reading Seminar December 29, 2008 Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul National University) Deformation Reading Seminar December 29, 2008 Stefan Mueller (KIAS) Lectures on spectral invariants



Publications Andreas O. Bender Decompositions into sums of two irreducibles in F-q[t] COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE 346 Kungho Chan A characterization of double covers of curves in terms of the ample cone of second symmetric product JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA 212 Tongkeun Chang Boundary integral operators over Lipschitz surfaces for a Stokes equation in R-n POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 29 Dohoon Choi Modular forms of half-integral weight with few non-vanishing coefficients modulo l PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 136 Dohoon Choi, Daeyeol Jeon, Soon-Yi Kang, Chang Heon Kim Exact formulas for traces of singular moduli of higher level modular functions JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY 128 So Young Choi, Ja Kyung Koo Estimation of genus of arithmetic curves and applications RAMANUJAN JOURNAL 15 Hahng-Yun Chu, Se-Hyun Ku, Dong Seung Kang Characterizations on 2-isometries JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 340 Hahng-Yun Chu, Dong Seung Kang, Themistocles M. Rassias On the stability of a mixed n-dimensional quadratic functional equation BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN 15 Dong Seung Kang, Hahng-Yun Chu Stability problem of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias for generalized forms of cubic functional equation ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES 24 Hahng-Yun Chu Strong centers of attraction for multi-valued dynamical systems on noncompact spaces NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS 68 Aaron Bertram, Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine, Bumsig Kim Gromov-witten invariants for abelian and nonabelian quotients JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY 17 Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine, Bumsig Kim, Claude Sabbah The abelian/nonabelian correspondence and Frobenius manifolds INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE 171 Jun-Muk Hwang, Yasunari Nagai Algebraic complete integrability of an integrable system of Beauville ANNALES DE L INSTITUT FOURIER 58



Jun-Muk Hwang Base manifolds for fibrations of projective irreducible symplectic manifolds INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE 174 Jean-Pierre Demailly, Jun-Muk Hwang, Thomas Peternell Compact manifolds covered by a torus JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS 18 Jang Hyun Jo, Brita E. A. Nucinkis Periodic cohomology and subgroups with bounded Bredon cohomological dimension MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 144 Jang Hyun Jo Vanishing results for L-2-Betti numbers and L-2-Euler characteristics and their applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 19 JongHae Keum Quotients of fake projective planes GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY 12 Bumsig Kim, Claude Sabbah Quantum cohomology of the Grassmannian and alternate Thom-Sebastiani COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA 144 Chang-Wan Kim A new proof of the rigidity problem PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 136 Kang-Hyurk Lee Strongly pseudoconvex homogeneous domains in almost complex manifolds JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK Nam-Hoon Lee Calabi-Yau coverings over some singular varieties and new Calabi-Yau 3-folds with Picard number one MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA 125 Jeong-Yup Lee, Robert V. Moody Deforming Meyer sets EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 29 Jung Hoon Lee Stabilizing Heegaard splittings of composite tunnel number two knots JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS 17 Stefan Mueller THE GROUP OF HAMILTONIAN HOMEOMORPHISMS IN THE L-infinity-NORM JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 45 Yasunari Nagai On monodromies of a degeneration of irreducible symplectic Kahler manifolds MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 258 Yasunari Nagai, Fumitoshi Sato Deformation of a smooth Deligne-Mumford stack via differential graded Lie algebra JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 320



Keiji Oguiso Bimeromorphic automorphism groups of non-projective hyperkkhler manifolds a note inspired by C.T. McMullen JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 78 Keiji Oguiso Mordell-Weil groups of a hyperkahler manifold - A question of F. Campana PUBLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 44 Youngook Choi, Sijong Kwak, Euisung Park On syzygies of non-complete embedding of projective varieties MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 258 Paul Loya, Sergiu Moroianu, Jinsung Park Adiabatic limit of the eta invariant over cofinite quotients of PSL(2, R) COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA 144 Klaus Kirsten, Paul Loya, Jinsung Park Exotic expansions and pathological properties of zeta-functions on conic manifolds JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS 18 Yasuro Gon, Jinsung Park Ruelle zeta function for odd dimensional hyperbolic manifolds with cusps PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 84 Klaus Kirsten, Paul Loya, Jinsung Park The ubiquitous zeta-function and some of its 'usual' and 'unusual' meromorphic properties JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 41 Jong-Do Park A new algorithmic method for finding the Caratheodory extremal maps JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 349 Sung-Ho Park On a necessary condition for spanners in a wedge PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 234 Keomkyo Seo Minimal submanifolds with small total scalar curvature in Euclidean space KODAI MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 31 Keomkyo Seo Relative isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces outside a convex set ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK 90 Lorella Fatone, Daniele Funaro, Gang Joon Yoon A convergence analysis for the superconsistent Chebyshev method APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 58



School of Physics The 20th century witnessed giant improvements in human condition, much of which were prompted and guided by accomplishments in natural sciences in general and physics in particular. It is hard to imagine our technology-driven world without the underlying modern physics, from a sweeping change of paradigm introduced by quantum mechanics to the invention of a little device known as the semiconductor. KIAS aspires to serve as a basin of fundamental knowledge that will play an important role in the 21st century. With such an aim, the School of Physics conducts research in theoretical physics, and currently houses several active groups in string & field theory, particle physics, statistical physics, condensed matter physics, and astrophysics & cosmology. Faculty Distinguished Professor Leonard Susskind Theoretical Physics Professor Chung Wook Kim (Emeritus) Neutrino Physics and Cosmology Professor Eung Jin Chun Particle Physics Professor Yong Baek Kim Condensed Matter Physics Professor Pyungwon Ko Theoretical High Energy Physics Professor Kimyeong Lee Theoretical Physics Professor Changbom Park Astrophysics and Cosmology Professor Kwon Park Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Professor Hyunggyu Park Statistical Physics Professor Piljin Yi String Theory and Field Theory Professor Moo Young Choi (Affiliate) Statistical and Condensed Matter Physics Professor Daniel Chung (KIAS Scholar) Cosmology Professor Manuel Drees (KIAS Scholar) Particle Physics Professor Hae-Young Kee (KIAS Scholar) Condensed Matter Physics Professor Misao Sasaki (KIAS Scholar) Theoretical Physics Professor Erick Weinberg (KIAS Scholar) Theoretical Physics

Research Fellows KIAS Assistant Professor Kazuo Hosomich String Theory KIAS Assistant Professor Yong Woon Kim Biophysics, Soft Condensed Matter Theory Dr. Pravabati Chingangbam Inflationary cosmology, CMB Physics Dr. Myoung Won Cho Statistical Physics Dr. Sreedhar B. Dutta Statistical Physics & Field Theory Dr. Qing-Guo Huang String Theory, Cosmology Dr. Ho Seong Hwang Cosmology Dr. Pascal Hibon Cosmology Dr. Kwang Sik Jeong Supersymmetric Phenomenology Dr. Hang-Hyun Jo Sociophysics Dr. Hyuk Kang Statistical physics/Biophysics Dr. Hironibu Kihara String Theory Dr. Youngman Kim QCD at low energy Dr. Young-Rae Kim Cosmology Dr. Choonki Lee Condensed Matter Physics Dr. Jae Yong Lee High Energy Physics Dr. Jong-Phil Lee Particle Physics/perturbative & non-perturbative QCD Dr. Sungjay Lee Quantum Field Theory, String Theory Dr. Hantao Lu Condensed Matter Physics Dr. Eoin O Colgain String Theory Dr. Graziano Rossi Cosmology



Dr. Hyun Seok Yang Particle Physics Dr. Hussein Yavatanoo String Theory Dr. Jun-Bao Wu String Theory Dr. Ignacio Zaballa Particle Physics Phenomenology Dr. Yufeng Zhou B phyics and CP violation

Pre‐SUSY 08: “The 16th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions” 

June 12‐14, 2008 KIAS International Conference Hall  

The 3rd KIAS Conference on Statistical Physics: “Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems” 

July 1‐4, 2008 KIAS International Conference Hall 





Visiting Scientists In Mook Kim March 1, 2007 ~ February 28, 2008 Statistical Physics Korea University Ho Ung Yee December 20, 2007 ~ January 8, 2008 String Theory ICTP Su Chan Park December 22, 2007 ~ January 5, 2008 Statistical Physics Univ. of Cologne Chan yong Park January 3, 2008 ~ January 9, 2008 Heavy quarkonium at high temperature in a deformed AdS5 CQUEST, Sogang University Dong Won Jung February 10, 2008 ~ February 16, 2008 High Energy Physics NTU Hyun soo Min February 12, 2008 ~ February 29, 2008 Field Theory University of Seoul Sung jai Lee March 1, 2008 ~ March 31, 2008 String Theory SNU Simeon Hellerman March 9, 2008 ~ March 20, 2008 String Theory and Cosmology IAS Hiroshi Itoyama March 11, 2008 ~ March 13, 2008 String Theory Osaka City University Kaoru Hagiwara March 13, 2008 ~ March 16, 2008 Particle Physics KEK Sanefumi Moriyama March 24, 2008 ~ March 31, 2008 String Theory Nagoya University

Ha Woong Jeong March 28, 2008 ~ March 29, 2008 Statistical Physics KAIST Siyeon Kim April 17, 2008 ~ April 25, 2008 Neutrino Physics Chung-Ang University Fabio Marchesoni April 17, 2008 ~ May 3, 2008 Statistical Physics University of Camerino M. Howard Lee April 19, 2008 ~ April 27, 2008 Statistical Physics University of Georgia Takayuki Hirayama April 20, 2008 ~ April 30, 2008 Holographic QCD National Taiwan Normal University Sung Young Park April 21, 2008 ~ April 25, 2008 Statistical Physics University of Rochester Cheung ryong Ji May 15, 2008 ~ July 16, 2008 Particle Physics North Carolina State University Hyun Chul Kim May 16, 2008 ~ May 16, 2008 Quark-gluon mixed condensate in AdS/QCD Inha University Stefano Bolognesi May 23, 2008 ~ June 5, 2008 String Theory University of Minnesota Yong Yeon Keum June 1, 2008 ~ August 31, 2008 Particle Physics National Taiwan University Sung Soo Kim June 2, 2008 ~ June 30, 2008 String/Field theory University of Florida



In yong Park June 9, 2008 ~ July 9, 2008 Particle Physics (String Theory) University of Arkansas Lorenzo Calibbi June 13, 2008 ~ July 4, 2008 Particle Physics ICTP Lisa Everett June 15, 2008 ~ June 22, 2008 Cosmology Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison Hyung Keun Lee June 15, 2008 ~ July 5, 2008 Statistical Physics Sungkyunkwan University Gordon Kane June 16, 2008 ~ June 21, 2008 Particle Physics Michigan State University Johan Alwall June 21, 2008 ~ June 24, 2008 Particle Physics SLAC Liliana V.-Sevilla June 21, 2008 ~ July 1, 2008 Particle Physics ICTP Italy Yavin June 21, 2008 ~ June 26, 2008 Particle Physics Princeton Seong Chan Park June 23, 2008 ~ June 28, 2008 Particle Physics Seoul National University Hyun Min Lee June 23, 2008 ~ June 27, 2008 Particle Physics Carnegie Mellon University Seok cheon Lee July 1, 2008 ~ July 31, 2008 Cosmology Academia Sinica Taiwan

Kenji Kadota July 9, 2008 ~ July 12, 2008 Cosmology, Particle Physics University of Minnesota Tae Wook Ko July 14, 2008 ~ August 22, 2008 Synchronization KAIST Won Woo Lee July 21, 2008 ~ August 20, 2008 String Theory CQUeST Young Duck Kim July 28, 2008 ~ July 28, 2008 Particle Physics Sejong University Young Gyun Kim July 31, 2008 ~ August 1, 2008 Particle Physics KAIST Sam Young Cho August 7, 2008 ~ August 20, 2008 Superconducting qubits under microwave irradiation Chongqing Univ. China Won muk Hwang, August 8, 2008 ~ August 19, 2008 Biomedical Engineering Texas A&M University Chan yong Park August 18, 2008 ~ August 20, 2008 N_f=3 Sakai-Sugimoto model with tachyon CQuEST, Sogang University Soo Hyeon Nam August 18, 2008 ~ September 7, 2008 Particle Physics NSCU, Taiwan Sam Young Cho August 25, 2008 ~ August 26, 2008 CNOT gate operation with weak coupling Chongqing Univ. China Kentarou Mawatari August 26, 2008 ~ September 1, 2008 Particle Physics Heidelberg University



Masahito Yamazaki August 28, 2008 ~ September 4, 2008 F-theory Tokyo University Feug Li Lin August 31, 2008 ~ September 4, 2008 AdS/QCD National Taiwan Normal University Seung won Baek September 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Korea University Seung Woo Ham September 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Kyungpook National University Kang Young Lee September 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Korea University Sang Hyeon Chang September 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Yonsei University Jong Chul Park September 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Seoul National University Tae won Kim September 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Korea University Hyun Chul Kim September 3, 2008 ~ September 3, 2008 Tensor mesons in AdS/QCD Inha University F.Borzumati September 4, 2008 ~ September 26, 2008 Particle Physics National Taiwan University Soo Hyeon Nam September 8, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics NCKU, Taiwan

David Andelman September 12, 2008 ~ September 13, 2008 Biophysics Tel Aviv University Davit Sahakyan September 18, 2008 ~ September 21, 2008 Biophysics Yerevan Physics Institute Seong Chan Park September 22, 2008 ~ September 24, 2008 Particle Physics Seoul National University Malte Henkel September 22, 2008 ~ October 2, 2008 Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Universite Henri Poincare Nancy I Wanil Park September 23, 2008 ~ September 25, 2008 Particle Physics KAIST Chaehyun Yu October 1, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics Korea University Yong Yeon Keum October 8, 2008 ~ October 9, 2008 Particle Physics National Taiwan University Ho Ung Yee October 10, 2008 ~ October 21, 2008 String Theory ICTP Peter Talkner October 11, 2008 ~ October 12, 2008 Statistical Physics University of Augsburg Sumathi Rao October 11, 2008 ~ October 14, 2008 Condensed Matter Physics Yong Yeon Keum October 17, 2008 ~ October 18, 2008 Particle Physics National Taiwan University



M. Howard Lee October 18, 2008 ~ October 26, 2008 Statistical Physics University of Georgia Yosuke Imamura October 21, 2008 ~ October 26, 2008 String Theory University of Tokyo Keisuke Kimura October 21, 2008 ~ October 26, 2008 String Theory University of Tokyo Yong Yeon Keum October 26, 2008 ~ October 28, 2008 Particle Physics National Taiwan University Yu mi Ko November 3, 2008 ~ November 5, 2008 Nucleon superfluidity in holographic QCD CQUeST, Sogang University Yong Yeon Keum November 4, 2008 ~ November 30, 2008 Particle Physics National Taiwan University Jung Keun Oh November 10, 2008 ~ November 15, 2008 Cosmology National Institute for Mathematical Sciences Chan yong Park November 10, 2008 ~ November 15, 2008 String Theory, Field Theory, and Cosmology National Institute for Mathematical Sciences Sang yong Jeon December 1, 2008 ~ December 29, 2008 Nuclear Physics University of Toronto

Su Chan Park December 1, 2008 ~ December 6, 2008 Statistical Physics Cologne University Yong Yeon Keum December 3, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics APCTP Young Seon Shim December 10, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Electron Transfer Reactions in Ionic Liquids Carnegie Mellon University Woo Kyung Sung December 13, 2008 ~ December 13, 2008 Statistical Physics POSTECH S. E. Yang December 15, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Korea University Hae Young Kee December 16, 2008 ~ January 6, 2009 Condensed Matter Physics University of Toronto Seok Kim December 17, 2008 ~ January 16, 2009 String Theory UK Imperial Seong Chan Park December 20, 2008 ~ December 31, 2008 Particle Physics IPMU



Research Activities (Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, etc.) Workshops/Symposia/Conferences 2008 KIAS-SNU Physics Winter Camp January 7-18, 2008 The 5th KIAS-APCTP Winter School on Statistical Physics January 28-31, 2008 SDSS-KSG Workshop February 18-20, 2008 Yongpyong 2008 (YongPyong Astro-Particle and Conformal Topical Physics 2008) February 25-29, 2008 Korean Astronomical Society Spring 2008 Meeting April 10-11, 2008 KIAS-APCTP Workshop on Nanoscale and Mesoscopic Physics May 30-31, 2008 Pre SUSY 08 School June 12-14, 2008 SUSY 08 (The 16th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions) June 16-21, 2008 The 3rd KIAS conference on statistical physics July 1-4, 2008 2008 APCTP Summer School on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems July 21-23, 2008 The 8th Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics August 4-15, 2008 From correlated electrons nanoscale materials September 1-3, 2008 String Theory Workshop (Recent Trends in String Theory) September 22-26, 2008 German-Korean Workshop for Female Junior Scientists in Physics October 6-7, 2008 The 3rd IUPAP International conference on Women in Physics 2008 October 8-10, 2008 The 3rd KIAS International Workshop on Cosmology and Structure Formation October 27-28, 2008 School on Biological Soft Matters November 20-22, 2008 Seminars January 3, 2008 Chung, Suk-Bum (University of Illinois) Non-Abelian Statistics and Topological Degeneracy in p+ip Superconductor January 4, 2008 Kentarou Mawatari (KIAS) Summary of IPMU workshop on LHC phenomenology January 4, 2008 Sungchul Kwon (Kyung Hee University) The kinetics of irreversible nA+mB -> 0 reaction: Revisited January 11, 2008 Hang-Hyun Jo (KIAS) Critical behavior of sandpile models with sticky grains January 18, 2008 Hyun Keun Lee (KIAS) First-passage times in complex scale-invariant media January 23, 2008 Changrim Ahn (Ewha Womans University) Integrability in AdS/CFT correspondence

January 29, 2008 Yong-il Shin (MIT) Phase diagram of a two-component Fermi gas with resonant interactions February 1, 2008 Seong Chan Park (Seoul National University) Inflation by non-minimal coupling February 1, 2008 Han-Yong Choi (Sungkyunkwan University) Joint PBRG Meeting February 2, 2008 Han-Yong Choi (Sungkyunkwan University) Joint PBRG Meeting February 13, 2008 Changhyun Ahn (Kyungpook National University) On meta-stable vacua in type IIA string theory and gauge theory February 15, 2008 Sang Woo Kim (University of Seoul) Emergence of Communities in Weighted Networks



February 22, 2008 Sungmin Lee (Kyung Hee University) Self-organized network evolution coupled to extremal dynamics February 22, 2008 Plamen Bozhilov (Ewha/INRNE) Integrable systems from membranes on AdS_4 x S^7 February 28, 2008 Kyung Kiu Kim (KIAS) Review on Wilson-Polyakov surfaces and M-theory branes, by Bin Chen and Jun-Bao Wu, arXiv:0802.2173 February 29, 2008 Hang-Hyun Jo (KIAS) Relevance of Abelian Symmetry and Stochasticity in Directed Sandpile Models February 29, 2008 Hyun Seok Yang (KIAS) Toy Model for Emergent Gravity March 7, 2008 Jeong-hyeon Song (Konkuk University) Group Study on LHC-oriented physics March 7, 2008 Qing-Guo Huang (KIAS) A useful introduction to inflation March 7, 2008 Seungwon Baek (Korea University) The B-> pi K puzzle and Supersymmetry March 7, 2008 Soon-Hyung Yook (Kyung Hee University) Generalized centrality measure of complex network March 12, 2008 Yufeng Zhou (KIAS) Constraining Charming penguin in charmless B decays March 12, 2008 Hiroshi Itoyama (Osaka City University, Advanced Mathematical Institute) Gluon Amplitudes and AdS_5 Minimal Surfaces March 14, 2008 Siyeon Kim (Chung-Ang University) Ambiguities in neutrino parameters and neutrinos from astronomical sources March 14, 2008 Simeon Hellerman (IAS) Lecture I on string theory in cosmological environments)

March 17, 2008 Soo Ah Kim (Kyung Hee University) Nflation (inflation model with multiple scalar fields) March 17, 2008 Simeon Hellerman (IAS) Lecture II on string theory in cosmological environments March 21, 2008 Allan Medved (University of Seoul) Black Hole Entropy and Quantum Corrections March 25, 2008 Sanefumi Moriyama (Nagoya University) Instanton Calculus and Loop Operator in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory (I) March 26, 2008 Sanefumi Moriyama (Nagoya University) Instanton Calculus and Loop Operator in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory (II) March 28, 2008 Hae Young Cho (Seoul National University) Constraints of the $B_\mu/\mu$ solution due to the hidden sector renormalization March 28, 2008 Sungchul Kwon (Kyung Hee University) Generic absorbing transitions in coevolution dynamics April 2, 2008 Kwang Sik Jeong (KIAS) Flavorful Supersymmetry April 2, 2008 Takao Suyama (Seoul National University) AdS/CFT Correspondence as a Consequence of Scale Invariance April 7, 2008 Kwang Sik Jeong (KIAS) Modern Supersymmetry April 11, 2008 Chaiho Rim (Chonbuk University) What can we learn from Kappa-Minskowski spacetime? April 14, 2008 Myoung Won Cho (Seoul National University) Understanding functional organization in the brain through statistical mechanics April 14, 2008 Kwang Sik Jeong (KIAS) Modern Supersymmetry



April 16, 2008 I. Zaballa (KIAS) Particle production during the early universe April 21, 2008 Joseph Kapusta (University of Minnesota) Determination of Vector Meson Properties in Dense Matter via Relativistic Nuclear Collisions April 21, 2008 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) Modern Supersymmetry April 22, 2008 Seung Woo Ham (KAIST) (KAIST) Higgs bosons of the nonminimal supersymmetric standard model April 25, 2008 Kyoungeun Lee (Inha University) Activity-dependent neural network model on scale-free networks April 28, 2008 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) Modern Supersymmetry April 30, 2008 Youngman Kim (KIAS) Dynamical soft wall model May 2, 2008 Hyun Keun Lee (KIAS) How to Choose a Champion May 6, 2008 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) Modern Supersymmetry May 7, 2008 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) GSI anomaly May 9, 2008 Sang-Woo Kim (University of Seoul) Community Structure in Directed Networks May 9, 2008 Yufeng Zhou (KIAS) Group Study on LHC oriented physics May 9, 2008 Nakwoo Kim (Kyung Hee University) Pp-waves with a Superpotential

May 13, 2008 Kyung Kiu Kim (KIAS) Holographic Superconductors May 16, 2008 Sangmin Lee (Seoul National University) Near horizon analysis of large extremal black holes in AdS5 May 23, 2008 Sungmin Lee (Kyung Hee University) Mixing navigation on networks May 23, 2008 Corneliu Sochichiu (CQUeST) Matrix model for RG-flow and the dual geometry May 27, 2008 Misao Sasaki (YITP) Multi-brid inflation and non-Gaussianity May 28, 2008 Jong-Phil Lee (KIAS) EWSB from unparticles May 30, 2008 Hang-Hyun Jo (KIAS) Self-organized criticality and absorbing states: Lessons from the Ising model June 2, 2008 Stefano Bolognesi (University of Minnesota) Domain wall confinement and localization June 4, 2008 Kimyeong Lee (KIAS) N=4 and N=8 superconformal Chern-Simons theories June 4, 2008 Kentarou Mawatari (KIAS) Search for massive gravitons at colliders June 10, 2008 Sung-Soo Kim (University of Florida) E7(7) and N=8 Supergravity in light-cone superspace June 11, 2008 Kentaro Hori (University of Toronto & IPMU, Tokyo) Phases Of N=2 Theories In 1+1 Dimensions With Boundary June 11, 2008 Kazuki Sakurai (Nagoya University) Phenomenology of models with non-universal sfermion masses



June 11, 2008 Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina State University) Exploring Timelike Region in AdS/CFT Correspondence June 11, 2008 Sung-Gi Kim (Nagoya University) SUSY CP problem and E6 SUSY GUT with SU(2) horizontal symmetry June 12, 2008 Eun Gook Moon (Harvard University) Superfluid-Insulator Transition of the Fermi gas with near-unitary interactions in a periodic potential June 13, 2008 Soon-Hyung Yook (Kyung Hee University) Understanding individual human mobility patterns June 13, 2008 Sungmin Lee (Kyung Hee University) Properties and applications of dynamic systems on network structures June 16, 2008 Pascale Hibon (KIAS) Search for high redshift objects June 17, 2008 Rajeev Kumar Jain (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) On the evolution of curvature perturbations on super-Hubble scales June 18, 2008 Hyuk Kang (KIAS) Mathematical models for glucose homeostasis June 18, 2008 Inyong Park (University of Arkansas) Open string engineering of geometry June 23, 2008 Johan Alwall (Stanford University) MadGraph/MadEvent June 24, 2008 S. Bhattacharya (HCRI) Signatures of non-universal gaugino and scalar masses at LHC June 24, 2008 Itay Yavin (Institute for Advanced Study) LHC observables - I June 25, 2008 Hyun Min Lee (Carnegie Mellon University) U(1)_R mediation of SUSY breaking from flux compactifications

June 25, 2008 Itay Yavin (Princeton University) LHC observables - II June 27, 2008 L. Calibbi (SISSA) Distinguishing mSUGRA and SUSY-GUT using Neutralino Dark Matter and Colliders June 27, 2008 L. Velasco-Sevilla (ICTP) Constraining supersymmetric parameters from family symmetries June 27, 2008 Sungchul Kwon (Kyung Hee University) Boundary-Induced Nonequilibrium Phase Transition into an Absorbing state July 7, 2008 Seokcheon Lee (Academia Sinica) Dark energy and modified gravity July 11, 2008 Kenji Kadota (University of Minnesota) Cosmology in warped extra dimensions July 11, 2008 Kyoung Eun Lee (Inha University) Interoccurrence Times in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld Sandpile Model: A Comparison with the Observed Statistics of Solar Flares July 14, 2008 Seokcheon Lee (Academia Sinica) Quintessence Phenomena July 15, 2008 Seokcheon Lee (Academia Sinica) Quintessence Phenomena July 15, 2008 P. Chingangbam (KIAS) Journal Club – ‘Limits on Primordial Non-Gaussianity’ July 18, 2008 Sang-Woo Kim (University of Seoul) Scaling of Degree Correlations and Its Influence on Diffusion in Scale-Free Networks July 21, 2008 Han-Yong Choi (Sungkyunkwan University) APCTP summer school



July 24, 2008 Kazunobu Maruyoshi (Osaka City University) Partial breaking of N=2 supersymmetry and SUSY/non-SUSY duality July 25, 2008 Sungmin Lee (Kyung Hee University) Exact distribution of the maximal height of watermelons August 1, 2008 Hang-Hyun Jo (KIAS) Confirming and extending the hypothesis of universality in sandpiles August 4, 2008 Yeong-Gyun Kim (KAIST) Report on IPMU workshop on LHC physics August 7, 2008 Jihye Seo (Harvard University) Susy breaking and Susy/Non-susy duality in extended moduli space (I) August 8, 2008 Jihye Seo (Harvard University) Susy breaking and Susy/Non-susy duality in extended moduli space (II) August 26, 2008 Soo-Hyeon Nam (NCKU, Taiwan) B phenomenology in general left-right models August 29, 2008 Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo) Hetetoric-F theory duality revisited (I) August 29, 2008 Soon-Hyung Yook (Kyung Hee University) Random walks on complex trees September 2, 2008 Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo) Hetetoric-F theory duality revisited (II) September 3, 2008 M. Kakizaki (University of Bonn) Abundance of Thermal WIMPs in Non-standard Cosmological Scenarios September 3, 2008 Feng-Li Lin (National Taiwan Normal University) Some attempts for nonrelativistic holography

September 5, 2008 Eun Kyung Park (University of Bonn) Neutralino dark matter and collider signals with and without universality September 5, 2008 Sangheon Yun (Seoul National University) Entropy Function Formalism for Nonextremal Black Holes September 5, 2008 Hyuk Kang (KIAS) Time correlation function in systems with two coexisting biological species September 10, 2008 Jumin Kim (University of Bonn) Embedding MSSM inflation into the Left-Right symmetric model September 11, 2008 M. Drees (University of Bonn & KIAS) Testing the Majorana nature of the gluino at the LHC September 12, 2008 Kyoungeun Lee (Inha University) Non-Abelian self organization criticality model with one stochastic site in any avalanche shows multifractal scaling September 17, 2008 Soo-hyeon Nam (NCKU, Taiwan) Little Higgs models with $SU(4)_L \times U(1)_X$ electroweak gauge symmetry September 17, 2008 Katrin Wendland (Augsburg University) On explicit SCFT constructions for certain Calabi-Yau threefolds September 18, 2008 Stephano Scopel (Seoul National University) Recent attempts to explain the PAMELA positron excess September 22, 2008 Graziano Rossi (KIAS) Non-Gaussianity, Dark Halo Shapes and Distance Errors in Cosmology September 23, 2008 Wanil Park (KAIST) Thermal inflation, baryogenesis and axions



September 24, 2008 Malte Henkel (University of Henry Poincare, Nancy) Research discussions September 24, 2008 YuFeng Zhou (KIAS) Charmless B to PP and PV decays September 26, 2008 Myoung Won Cho (KIAS) Equalization of Synaptic Efficacy by Synchronous Neural Activity September 26, 2008 Hyun Jung Lee (APCTP) Numerical Renormailzation Group Calculations for the Bosonic Single-Impurity Anderson Model September 26, 2008 Young-Woo Son (KIAS) Electron optics in graphene September 29, 2008 Dongmin Gang (Seoul National University) Superconformal defects in the tricritical Ising model September 29, 2008 Eun-Joo Ahn (Fermilab) Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory September 30, 2008 Su Yong Choi (Sungkyunkwan University) Recent results from D0 October 7, 2008 Intae Yu (Sungkyunkwan University) New Results from CDF October 10, 2008 Shinji Shimasaki (Osaka University) N=4 Super Yang-Mills from the Plane Wave Matrix Model October 10, 2008 Hang-Hyun Jo (KIAS) Contact process on a Voronoi triangulation October 13, 2008 Sumathi Rao (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) Transport through junctions of quantum wires October 15, 2008 Ho-Ung Yee (ICTP) The size and shape of mesons in holographic QCD

October 21, 2008 Zheng Sun (Seoul National University) Pseudomodulous and tree level R-symmetry breaking in O'Raifeartaigh models October 22, 2008 Keisuke Kimura (University of Tokyo) Quiver Chern-Simons theories and crystals October 22, 2008 Yosuke Imamura (University of Tokyo) Quiver Chern-Simons theories and crystals October 23, 2008 Rong-Gen Cai (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) Thermodynamics of apparent horizon and dynamics of FRW spacetime October 24, 2008 David Cerdeno (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) A new supersymmetric dweller of the dark side October 28, 2008 Takao Suyama (Seoul National University) Wilson Loops in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory October 29, 2008 Kwang Sik Jeong (KIAS) Sparticle masses in deflected mirage mediation October 31, 2008 Sungmin Lee (Kyung Hee University) Social diversity promotes the emergence of cooperation in public goods games November 4, 2008 Dong-han Yeom & Heeseung Zoe (KAIST) I. Black hole information loss problem and quantum information theory, II. Quantum information meets black holes and inflationary multiverse November 5, 2008 Seung Woo Ham (KNU) Higgs bosons of a supersymmetric E_6 model at the LHC November 7, 2008 Sang Woo Kim (University of Seoul) The origin of bursts and heavy tails in human dynamics November 7, 2008 Seungwoo Ham (KNU) How to use PYTHIA (in Korean)



November 17, 2008 Gyung-Jin Ahn (Chosun University) Signatures of the Cosmic Dark Ages and the Epoch of Reionization November 17, 2008 Alex B. Nielsen (Seoul National University) A local Perspective on black hole thermodynamics November 19, 2008 Youngman Kim (KIAS) A review on holographic superconductors November 25, 2008 Hossein Yavartanoo (KIAS) Review on the fuzzball proposal for black holes (I) November 26, 2008 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) gauged L_mu - L_tau U(1) model, and its phenomenology at PAMELLA and colliders December 2, 2008 Hossein Yavartanoo (KIAS) Review on the fuzzball proposal for black holes (II) December 3, 2008 Corneliu Sochichiu (CQUeST) Dilatation operator in 3 dimensions December 3, 2008 Jae-Yong Lee (KIAS) Anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking demystified December 4, 2008 Jae Dong Noh (University of Seoul) DPDM, Jarzinsky, Kimball, Ratchet and ... December 5, 2008 Sungchul Kwon (Kyung Hee University) Reaction-diffusion processes and metapopulation model in heterogeneous networks December 9, 2008 Eoin O Colgain (KIAS) TBA (On the Kerr/CFT correspondence) December 10, 2008 Jong-Phil Lee (KIAS) ‘The Unhiggs’ - review on the paper: D. Stancato and J. Terning, ArXiv:0807.3961

December 12, 2008 Sangyong Jeon (McGill University) Jet energy loss in heavy ion collisions December 15, 2008 Chaehyun Yu (Korea University) Optimal spin quantization axes for dileptons and quarkonium December 15, 2008 Jungil Lee (Korea University) Order-alpha(s) corrections to the quarkonium electromagnetic current at all orders in the heavy-quark velocity December 16, 2008 Jongwook Kim (Sogang University) Abelian Vortex in the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson Theory December 17, 2008 Kang Young Lee (KAIST) Measureing Z’ couplings at the LHC December 19, 2008 Kazuo Hosomichi (KIAS) S-duality of boundary conditions in N=4 SYM theory December 26, 2008 Nihat Berker (MIT/Koc U, Istanbul) Quantum Asymmetry, Inverted Tricritical Points, and Quenched-Vacancy-Induced Random Order in Spin Glasses December 29, 2008 Seongchan Park (IPMU) PAMELA/ATIC and dark matter December 29, 2008 Seungwon Baek (Korea University) Lmu-Ltau dark matter December 29, 2008 Bumseok Kyae (Seoul National University) Two dark matter components in NdmMSSM December 29, 2008 Jong-Chul Park (Seoul National University) Dark matter and sub-GeV hidden U(1)



Publications Sergei V. Isakov, John M. Hopkinson, Hae-Young Kee Fate of partial order on trillium and distorted windmill lattices PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78 Hae-Young Kee, Hyeonjin Doh, Thomas Grzesiak Intimate relations between electronic nematic, d-density wave and d-wave superconducting states JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 Christoph M. Puetter, Michael J. Lawler, Hae-Young Kee Theory of the spin-nematic to spin-Peierls quantum phase transition in ultracold spin-1 atoms in optical lattices PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78 Jae-Suk Yang, Okyu Kwon, Woo-Sung Jung, In-Mook Kim Agent-based approach for generation of a money-centered star network PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 387 Jae-Suk Yang, Wooseop Kwak, Taisei Kaizoji, In-Mook Kim Increasing market efficiency in the stock markets EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 61 Jae-Suk Yang, Wooseop Kwak, Taisei Kaizoji, In-Mook Kim Increasing market efficiency in the stock markets (vol 61, pg 241, 2008) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 61 Juhan Kim, Changbom Park, Yun-Young Choi A subhalo-galaxy correspondence model of galaxy biasing ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 683 Ki-Seok Kim, Mun Dae Kim Kondo physics in the algebraic spin liquid JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 Ki-Seok Kim, Mun Dae Kim Spin-gapped incoherent metal with preformed pairing in the doped antiferromagnetic Mott insulator PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Min-Young Choi, Kyung Kiu Kim, Choonkyu Lee, Ki-Myeong Lee Higgs structures of dyonic instantons JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 4 Mun Dae Kim, Sam Young Cho Macroscopic Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states in flux qubits PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Sam Young Cho, Mun Dae Kim Macroscopic many-qubit interactions in superconducting flux qubits PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Qian Qian Shi, Sam Young Cho, Bo Li, Mun Dae Kim Realizable spin models and entanglement dynamics in superconducting flux qubit systems PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Seok Kim, Sangmin Lee, Sungjay Lee, Jaemo Park M2-brane probe dynamics and toric duality NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 797



So Takei, Yong Baek Kim Nonequilibrium-induced metal-superconductor quantum phase transition in graphene PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78 Bohm-Jung Yang, Yong Baek Kim, Jaejun Yu, Kwon Park Spin triplet excitations for a valence bond solid on the kagome lattice PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Yong Woon Kim, Juyeon Yi, P. A. Pincus Attractions between Like-Charged Surfaces with Dumbbell-Shaped Counterions PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 Youngman Kim, Hyun Kyu Lee Consequences of the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in an AdS/QCD model PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77 Hyun-Chul Kim, Youngman Kim Quark-gluon mixed condensate of the QCD vacuum in holographic QCD JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 10 KwangHyun Jo, Youngman Kim, Hyun Kyu Lee, Sang-Jin Sin Vector susceptibility and QCD phase transition in AdS/QCD models JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 11 Youngman Kim, Pyungwon Ko, Xiao-Hong Wu Holographic QCD beyond the leading order JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 6 Youngman Kim, Chang-Hwan Lee, Ho-Ung Yee Holographic nuclear matter in the AdS/QCD model PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77 S. W. Ham, Taeil Hur, Pyungwon Ko, S. K. Oh Neutral scalar Higgs bosons in the USSM at the LHC JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 35 Nei Cipriano Ribeiro, Hiroshi Nunokawa, Takaaki Kajita, Pyungwon Ko et al. Probing nonstandard neutrino physics by two identical detectors with different baselines PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77 Pyungwon Ko, Jae-hyeon Park, Masahiro Yamaguchi Sflavor mixing map viewed from a high scale in supersymmetric SU JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 11 Pyungwon Ko Electroweak symmetry breaking and cold dark matter from hidden sector technicolors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 23 Saebyok Bae, Byungchul Chung, Pyungwon Ko MSSM Higgs sector CP violation at photon colliders: revisited EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 54 Taekyung Kim, Yoonbai Kim, Bumseok Kyae, Jungjai Lee Cosmic D- and DF-strings from D3(D)over-bar3: Black strings and BPS limit PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77 Jihn E. Kim, Bumseok Kyae Kaluza-Klein masses in nonprime orbifolds: Z(12-I) compactification and threshold correction PHYSICAL REVIEW D77



Bohm-Jung Yang, Yong Baek Kim, Jaejun Yu, Kwon Park Doped valence-bond solid and superconductivity on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Michael R. Peterson, Kwon Park, S. Das Sarma Spontaneous Particle-Hole Symmetry Breaking in the nu=5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101



School of Computational Sciences The school of computational sciences at KIAS provides scientific research programs related to the application of computational means to various cutting-edge disciples, as well as to the fundamental understanding and development of computational resources. The current research activities, based on a truly multi-disciplinary effort, include the fields of nanoelectronics, nanomaterials, computational biology, quantum information science, and mathematical information science. By maintaining the scientific excellence in these research areas, the school aims to initiate/take the leadership in the Korean computational science community. Faculty Professor Dae Mann Kim (Emeritus) Micro- and Nano-electronic Devices Professor Jaewan Kim Quantum Computation and Information Professor Jooyoung Lee Protein Folding and Global Optimization Professor Hyungju Park Symbolic Computation and Signal Processing Professor Young-Woo Son Computational Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics Professor Chaok Seok (Affiliate) Computational Biology Professor Kyeongjae Cho (KIAS Scholar) Nano Materials and Computational Physics Professor Hoon Hong (KIAS Scholar) Symbolic Computation, Computer Algebra Professor Hyung Joon Kim (KIAS Scholar) Theoretical & Computational Chemistry Professor John M. Kosterlitz (KIAS Scholar) Numerical Studies on Phase Transitions Professor Ba An Nguyen (KIAS Scholar) Quantum Computation and Information Professor Haesun Park (KIAS Scholar) Numerical Computing and Data Analysis Professor Masaki Sasai (KIAS Scholar) Theoretical Biological Physics Professor Chee K. Yap (KIAS Scholar) Computational Geometry and Visualization Research Fellows

KIAS Assistant Professor Jae Weon Lee Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Computing Dr. Joonwoo Bae Quantum Information Theory Dr. Chang-Ki Baek Theoretical Modeling and Simulation of Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices Dr. Jin Hur Computational Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Entanglment Dr. Keehyoung Joo Protein Folding Dr. Bomsoo Kim Device Modeling and Analysis Dr. Jeenu Kim Molecular Dynamics Simulation Dr. Dong-il Lee Computational Algebra Dr. Jinkyuk Lee Protein Prediction Dr. Ki Ho Lee Computational Materials Dr. Mina Oh Protein Folding Dr. Poo-Sung Park Quadratic Form Theory Dr. Seung-Woo Shin Prediction of Protein Structure (2D/3D) Dr. Yong Hyun Shin Mathematical Finance Dr. Daegene Song Computational Complexity Dr. Youngho Woo Computational Algebraic Geometry



The 8th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS08)   August 25‐31, 2008 KIAS Auditorium 

                     Professor Jooyoung Lee is explaining his research activities, “Protein Folding” and ongoing bio engineering 

  to science journalists at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST).        








Visiting Scientists Taehoon Ahn November 12, 2007 ~ February 11, 2008 Quantum Chos University of Warwick Andreas Buchle January 24, 2008 ~ January 27, 2008 Quantum Information Theory, and Quantum chaos/decoherence, atomic physics Max Planck Institute for the Complex Systems Taehoon Ahn February 12, 2008 ~ May 11, 2008 Quantum Chaos University of Warwick Eunjung Lee March 10, 2008 ~ May 31, 2008 Symbolic Computation Ewha Womans University Taehoon Ahn May 12, 2008 ~ July 11, 2008 Quantum Chaos University of Warwick Wonpil Iim May 26, 2008 ~ June 25, 2008 Membrane Protein Modeling Univ. of Kansas P. Tarakeshwar June 11, 2008 ~ June 25, 2008 Computational chemistry U.N.L.V. Wei Xiao June 25, 2008 ~ July 5, 2008 Carbon Nanotube, Surface diffusion, solar-cell Wuhan University Seongjun Park June 26, 2008 ~ June 28, 2008 Chemical Engineering Intel Dnes Petz July 8, 2008 ~ July 12, 2008 Quantum Probability Budafest University Byung Il Min July 9, 2008 ~ July 10, 2008 Condensed Matter Physics POSTECH

Yoon-Ho Kim July 11, 2008 ~ July 16, 2008 Quantum Optics and Information Experiments and Interface POSTECH Richard M. Fujimoto July 16, 2008 ~ July 21, 2008 Parallel & distributed simulation systems Georgia tech Karthik Ramani July 19, 2008 ~ August 13, 2008 Computer-Aided Design & Geometry Purdue University Shigeru Yamashita July 20, 2008 ~ July 23, 2008 Quantum Circuit NAIST Kisik Kim August 1, 2008 ~ August 30, 2008 Nonclassical properties of light Inha University Hyon Cheol Nha September 29, 2008 ~ October 6, 2008 Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Theory Texas A&M University H.W. Lee October 6, 2008 ~ October 10, 2008 Quantum Optics, Quantum Information KAIST B.K. Lee October 14, 2008 ~ October 18, 2008 Protein structure, bioinformatics and computational biology National Institutes of Health Mohab Safey October 26, 2008 ~ November 2, 2008 Developing exact and efficient algorithms for studying real solutions of polynomial systems Paris 6 In-Ho Lee October 28, 2008 ~ October 31, 2008 Calculations of the atomic and electronic structures of semiconductors and the development of computational techniques KRISS Alban Quadrat December 10, 2008 ~ December 19, 2008 Algebraic Systems Theory, D-module Theory INRIA, FRANCE



Research Activities (Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, etc.) Workshops/Symposia/Conferences The 7th Protein Folding Winter School January 27-31, 2008KIAS Winter School on Quantum Information Science February 1-2, 2008Innovative and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Science, Technology and Mathematics Education: Future Outlook June 20, 2008The 4th KIAS Electronic Structure Calculation Workshop June 26-27, 2008The 2nd Protein Research Conference August 8-10, 2008The 8th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS08) August 25-31, 2008The 8th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Function October 9-11, 2008KIAS Protein One-Day Workshop 2008 November 28, 2008Mini Symposium on “Recent Progress in Molecular Simulations Research in Korea” December 19, 2008KIAS Protein Winter School December 21-24, 2008 Seminars January 8, 2008 Yoonjoo Choi (The department of statistics, Oxford University) Loop selection for protein modeling January 11, 2008 Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M University) Unitary equivalence between the ordinary and the generalised intelligent states January 18, 2008 Jaewoo Joo (Imperial Colleage, U.K) Atomic and optical one-way quantum computation January 25, 2008 Andreas Buchleitner (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg/Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems) Measures & Dynamics of Entanglement February 4, 2008 Igor Shparlinski (Macquarie University, Australia) On Pairing Friendly Elliptic Curves and Fields February 4, 2008 Igor Shparlinski (Macquarie University, Australia) Points on the Modular Hyperbolas February 13, 2008 Sangchul Oh (Max Planck Institute) Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics and Double Bracket Method February 26, 2008 Oh, Mina (KIAS) Journal review (Protein folding group meeting) February 29, 2008 Jae-Weon Lee (KIAS) State discrimination and no-signaling condition

March 7, 2008 Sergey Podoshvedov (KIAS) Dence coding by means of the displaced photon March 13, 2008 Haesun Park (Georgia Tech. & KIAS) Non-negative matrix factorization for clustering March 14, 2008 Raymond Ooi (Korea University) Controllable entangled two-photon laser April 3, 2008 Joonwoo Bae (KIAS) Mini-Introduction to Entanglement of Quantum States I April 11, 2008 Mun Dae Kim (KIAS) Macroscopic Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states in flux qubits April 21, 2008 Jung Pil Park (KAIST ASARC) MIG seminar: Almost Reverse Lexicographic Generic Initial Ideals April 25, 2008 Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou University) Quantitative methods in finance May 2, 2008 Joonwoo Bae (KIAS) Mini-Introduction to Entanglement of Quantum States I May 9, 2008 Taeseung Choi (Seoul Women’s University) <KIAS colloquium> Entanglement change in two qubits by micro-environment



May 15, 2008 Joonwoo Bae (KIAS) Key Distillation over Long-distances Using Noisy Quantum Repeaters May 21, 2008 Raymond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum Optics 01 May 30, 2008 Park, Myung soo (Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)) Nano Convergence Education May 30, 2008 Se-Wan Jie (KAIST) d-setting Bell inequality for qubits May 30, 2008 Jeong Woo Choi (Sogang University) Nano Convergence Education June 4, 2008 Raimond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum optics II June 9, 2008 Byeong Moon Kim (Department of Math. Gangneung National University) [MIG Seminar] Regular property of Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields June 11, 2008 Raimond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum Optics III June 18, 2008 Young Min Lee (POSTECH) [MIG Seminar] Finiteness theorems for universal forms over number fields June 18, 2008 Soo-min Oh (Sogang University) Nano Convergence Education June 18, 2008 Gyu Tae Kim (Korea University) Nano Convergence Education June 20, 2008 Raymond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum Optics IV June 25, 2008 Shin, Young-Han (POSTECH) Multiscale approach for the electronic and magnetic properties of complex oxide ferroic materials

July 2, 2008 Jaewan Kim (KIAS) Special Topics of Computational Sciences July 2, 2008 Raymond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum Optics July 4, 2008 Chee K. Yap (New York University & KIAS) Isotopic Meshing of Singular Algebraic Curves July 7, 2008 Son, Young-Woo (Konkuk University) Challenges of computational nanomaterials science: physics and information at the nanoscale July 9, 2008 Raymond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum optics lecture July 10, 2008 Denes Petz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) From f-divergence to quantum quasi-entropy July 11, 2008 Sangmin Lee (KAIST) Proposal for direct measurement of concurrence via visibility in a cavity QED system July 11, 2008 Hai-Woong Lee (KAIST) CV cluster state quantum computing July 14, 2008 Jaewan Kim (KIAS) Review of Quantum Entanglement July 15, 2008 Yoonho Kim (POSTECH) Minimum-disturbance measurement without postselection July 17, 2008 Raymond Ooi (Korea University) Quantum optics July 17, 2008 Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Institute of Technology) Optimistic Parallel Simulation at Twenty-Five July 21, 2008 Shigeru Yamashita (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Functions with Small On-Sets



July 24, 2008 Hyung Joon Kim (Carnegie Mellon University & KIAS) Molecular Dynamics Study of Solvation in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids July 25, 2008 Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M University at Qatar) Uncertainty relations as complete condition for legitimate quantum states July 25, 2008 Haiwoong Lee (KAIST) Quantum optics August 1, 2008 Taewan Kim (SNU) Quantum states for perfectly secure secret sharing August 4, 2008 Christopher Hadley (University College London) Single-Copy Entanglement in a Gapped Quantum Spin Chain August 8, 2008 Hoil Kim (Kyungpook National University) Geometry of entangled states August 22, 2008 Toby Cubitt (University of Bristol) Can the physics behind a quantum experiment ever be understood? August 22, 2008 Samyoung Cho (Chongqing University) Spin nutation and polarization in ballistic semiconductor nano-devices August 27, 2008 Jeaman Ahn (Kongju University) [MIG Seminar] Cohen-Macaulay rings and modules September 2, 2008 Jonathan Allcock (University of Bristol) Quantum communication beyond the localization length in disordered spin chains September 12, 2008 Ba An Ngyuen (KIAS) How does entanglement die? September 12, 2008 Jaewoo Joo (Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary) One-way quantum computation with quantum error-correcting code September 17, 2008 Kisik Kim (Inha University) K2im’s Bulletin Board on Nonclassical Light- part2

September 18, 2008 Young-Seok Song (KAIST/KIAS) [MIG Seminar] Complexity via generic initial ideal September 20, 2008 Minsuk Kwak (Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST) Optimal Portfolio, Consumption and Retirement Decision under a Preference Change September 22, 2008 S. H. Sonny Rhim (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Interface metallicity and superconductivity; a universal feature of hetero-interfaces with valence mismatch September 25, 2008 Ji Hee Yoon (Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST) Intertemporal Disappointment Aversion Utility September 29, 2008 Byung Hwa Lim (Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST) Comparison of Optimal Portfolios with and without Subsistence Consumption Constraints September 30, 2008 Jaegil KIm (Department of Chemistry, Boston University) Statistical temperature molecular dynamics October 1, 2008 Hyeng Keun Koo (School of Business, Ajou University) Firm Size Effect on Optimal Compensation with Moral Hazard (1) October 11, 2008 Euiyong Park (Seoul National University) [MIG Seminar] Regularity for representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras October 13, 2008 Kisik Kim (Inha University) K2im's Bulletin Board on Nonclassical Light- part3 October 21, 2008 Hyeng Keun Koo (School of Business, Ajou University) Firm Size Effect on Optimal Compensation with Moral Hazard (2) October 27, 2008 Weontae Lee (Yonsei University) Protein Structure Determination: Combination of Experimental Data and October 27, 2008 Hang-Cheol Shin (Soongsil University) Stability enhancement of therapeutic proteins



October 30, 2008 Mohab Safey El-Din (LIP6, Pierre et Marie Curie University) [MIG Seminar] Real Solving Polynomial Systems with the Critical Point Method: From Theory to Practice November 3, 2008 Joonwoo Bae (KIAS) Structural physical approximations to positive maps and entanglement breaking channels November 21, 2008 Kisik Kim (Inha University) K2im's Bulletin Board on Nonclassical Light- part4 November 26, 2008 Joonwoo Bae (KIAS) Quantifying entanglement in macroscopic systems November 28, 2008 Sungjong Woo (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Ultracold atomic gas, nano-scaled condensed matter system, and beyond December 5, 2008 Heeseung Zoe (KAIST) Engineering black hole information with Hawking radiation

December 15, 2008 Alban Quadrat (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) KIAS Winter School on Algebraic Systems Theory and Homological Algebra over D-modules December 18, 2008 Hae-Seok Eo (Department of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University) Machine Learning Based Approaches for Annotation of G protein-Coupled Receptor Functions Hae-Seok Eo Biological Sciences Seoul National University December 18, 2008 Youngseon Shim (CMU) Electron Transfer Reactions in Ionic Liquids December 18, 2008 Youngseon Shim (CMU) Electron Transfer Reactions in Ionic Liquids December 19, 2008 Kisik Kim (Inha University) K2im's Bulletin Board on Nonclassical Light- part5 December 26, 2008 Eiuyong Park (Seoul National University) [MIG Seminar] Regularity for representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras II



Publications Bomsoo Kim, Wookhyun Kwon, Chang-Ki Baek, Dae M. Kim et al. Three-dimensional simulation of dopant-fluctuation-induced threshold voltage dispersion in nonplanar MOS structures targeting flash EEPROM transistors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 55 Byeong Moon Kim, Poo-Sung Park Hermitian lattices without a basis of minimal vectors PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 136 Poo-Sung Park Sums of distinct integral squares in Q (root 5) COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE 346 Hyungju Park Computer algebra in pure and applied mathematics: A foreword JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION 43 Joonwoo Bae, Jae-Weon Lee, Jaewan Kim, Won-Young Hwang Optimality of minimum-error discrimination by the no-signaling condition PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 J. K. Korbicz, M. L. Almeida, Joonwoo Bae, M. Lewenstein et al. Structural approximations to positive maps and entanglement-breaking channels PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 Young-Moo Byun, Hyoung Joon Choi, Steven G. Louie, Marvin L. Cohen Low-energy structures of K atoms in expanded K3C60 monolayers: Ab initio pseudopotential density-functional calculations PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 Cheol-Hwan Park, Young-Woo Son, Li Yang, Marvin L. Cohen et al. Electron beam supercollimation in graphene superlattices NANO LETTERS 8 Khoong Hong Khoo, J. B. Neaton, Young Woo Son, Marvin L. Cohen et al. Negative differential resistance in carbon atomic wire-carbon nanotube junctions NANO LETTERS 8 Cheol-Hwan Park, L Yang, Young-Woo Son, Marvin L. Cohen et al. New generation of massless Dirac fermions in graphene under external periodic potentials PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 Duhee Yoon, Hyerim Moon, Young-Woo Son, G. Samsonidze et al. Strong Polarization Dependence of Double-Resonant Raman Intensities in Graphene NANO LETTERS 8 Daegene Song Incompatibility between quantum theory and consciousness NEUROQUANTOLOGY 6 Daegene Song, Elizabeth Winstanley Information erasure and the generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 47 Daegene Song Quantum Theory, Consciousness, and Being NEUROQUANTOLOGY 6



Daegene Song Reply to ‘mathematical error in “Incompatibility between Quantum theory and Consciousness”’ NEUROQUANTOLOGY 6 Daegene Song Unsolvability of the halting problem in quantum dynamics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 47 Kwankyu Lee, Michael E. O’Sullivan List decoding of Reed-Solomon codes from a Grobner basis perspective JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION 43 Eunjeong Lee, Hyang-Sook Lee, Yoonjin Lee Eta pairing computation on general divisors over hyperelliptic curves y(2)=x(P)-x+d JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION 43 Eunjeong Lee, Yoonjin Lee Tate pairing computation on the divisors of hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 45 Hyeong-Chan Kim, Jae-Weon Lee, Jungjai Lee Cosmological imprint of the second law of thermodynamics JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Jungjai Lee, Hyeong-Chan Kim, Jae-Weon Lee Dark energy, inflation and the cosmic coincidence problem PHYSICS LETTERS B 661 Jae-Weon Lee, In-Gyu Koh Fermion Scattering at a Goldstone Mode JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 53 Jinwoo Lee, Keehyoung Joo, Seung-Yeon Kim, Jooyoung Lee Re-examination of structure optimization of off-lattice protein AB models by conformational space annealing JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY 29 Keehyoung Joo, Jinwoo Lee, Ilsoo Kim, Jooyoung Lee et al. Multiple Sequence Alignment by Conformational Space Annealing BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 95 Jin Hur, Hyunsoo Min Fast way to compute functional determinants of radially symmetric partial differential operators in general dimensions PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77 Gerald V. Dunne, Jin Hur, Choonkyu Lee, Hyunsoo Min Renormalized effective actions in radially symmetric backgrounds: Exact calculations versus approximation methods PHYSICAL REVIEW D 77 Zhong-Xiao Man, Yun-Jie Xia, Nguyen Ba An Entanglement dynamics for a six-qubit model in cavity QED JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 41 Zhong-Xiao Man, Yun-Jie Xia, Nguyen Ba An On conditions for atomic entanglement sudden death in cavity QED JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 41 Ho Ngoc Phien, Nguyen Ba An Quantum teleportation of an arbitrary two-mode coherent state using only linear optics elements PHYSICS LETTERS A 372



Nguyen Ba An, Ho Ngoc Phien Teleportation of a cat-state via attenuated quantum channel using only threshold detectors PHYSICS LETTERS A 372 Nguyen Ba An, Jaewan Kim COLLECTIVE REMOTE STATE PREPARATION INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION 6 Youngseon Shim, Hyung J. Kim Dielectric relaxation, ion conductivity, solvent rotation, and solvation dynamics in a room-temperature ionic liquid JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 112 Nguyen Ba An Probabilistic teleportation of an M-quNit state by a single non-maximally entangled quNit-pair PHYSICS LETTERS A 372 Zhong-Xiao Man, Yun-Jie Xia, Nguyen Ba An Robustness of multiqubit entanglement against local decoherence PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 Nguyen Ba An, Jaewan Kim Joint remote state preparation JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 41 S. A. Podoshvedov Quantum teleportation through an entangled state composed of displaced vacuum and single-photon states JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS 106 Sergey A. Podoshvedov, Jaewan Kim, Juhui Lee Generation of a displaced qubit and entangled displaced photon state via conditional measurement and their properties OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 281 Sergey A. Podoshvedov, Jaewan Kim Dense coding by means of the displaced photon PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77 P. Tarakeshwar, J. J. Palacios, Dae M. Kim Interface study of metal electrode and semiconducting carbon nanotubes: Effects of electrode atomic species IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY 7 J. J. Palacios, P. Tarakeshwar, Dae M. Kim Metal contacts in carbon nanotube field-effect transistors: Beyond the Schottky barrier paradigm PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77




School of Mathematics

Name Period Current Affiliation Position Bae, Hyeong Ohk 03/01/1998-02/28/1999 Ajou University Professor Byeon, Dong Ho 03/01/1998-08/31/2001 Seoul National University Professor Byeon, Jaeyoung 07/01/1997-07/31/1998 POSTECH Professor Chae, Myeongju 09/18/2003-30/30/2007 Hankyung University Professor Cho, Jin-Hwan 04/01/2000-03/31/2004 Suwon University Professor Choe, Insong 03/01/2004-02/29/2007 Konkuk University Professor Choi, Dohoon 04/01/2006-08/31/2007 Korea Aerospace University Professor Choi, SoYoung 03/01/2007-02/29/2008 Dongguk University Professor Choi, Youngook 01/01/2000-04/30/2003 Yeungnam University Professor Choi, Youn-Seo 06/14/1999-02/28/2001 KIAS Professor Choy, Jaeyoo 09/01/2005-02/29/2008 Kyungpook National University Professor Grinenko, Mikhail 01/10/2001-01/16/2002 Steklov Mathematical Institute Professor Hong, Jaehyun 09/01/2000-08/15-2003 Seoul National University Research Fellow Hong, Jin 09/01/2000-09/22/2002 Seoul National University Professor Hong, Kookjin 03/01/2002-02/28/2005 Foreign Language High School affiliated to HUFS Teacher Igor, Potemine 06/01/1997-06/21/1998 University of Grenoble Professor Jeon, Daeyeol 09/01/2003-03/31/2006 Kongju National University Professor Jun, Byungheup 01/01/2003-12/31/2006 Yonseu University Professor Jo, Jang Hyun 03/19/2007-08/31/2008 Gyeongsang National University Professor Joe, DoSang 09/01/2003-02/29/2004 Konkuk University Professor Kang, Seok-Jin 07/01/2001-08/20/2004 Seoul National University Professor Kang, Soon-Yi 08/25/2003-08/15/2007 KAIST Professor Kim, Chang-Heon 11/01/2003-02/29/2004 Seoul Women’s University Professor Kim, Dong Han 03/01/2002-02/28/2006 Suwon University Professor Kim, Hong Chan 03/15/2000-08/31/2000 Korea University Professor Kim, Hyunseok 04/01/2005-02/28/2006 Sogang University Professor Kim, Inkang 11/01/1996-01/31/1997 Seoul National University Professor Kim, Jeong-Ah 03/01/2004-01/31/2006 University of Seoul Professor Kim, Joonil 03/07/2000-07/12/2001 Chung-Ang University Professor Kim, Kyung Hee 08/01/1998-02/28/2001 Seoul National University Research Fellow Kim, Minhyong 06/01/2001-05/31/2002 Perdue University Professor Kim, Min Kyu 04/01/2005-08/25/2006 Gyeongin National University of Education Professor Kim, NamKwon 09/15/2000-02/29/2004 Seoul National University Res. Assist. Prof. Kim, Seok-Woo 04/01/2000-08/31/2002 Konkuk University Professor Kim, Seung Won 03/01/2007-02/29/2008 Gyeongsang Nattional University Professor Kim, Sung Guen 08/01/1998-02/28/1999 Kyungpook National University Professor Kim, Sung Yeon 08/05/2002-08/04/2006 Kangwon National University Professor Koh, Jee Heub 01/01/1998-01/31/2000 Indiana University Professor Kolesnikov, Pavel 10/01/2003-09/30/2005 Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics Research Fellow Ku, Hyae Jin 09/01/1998-06/15/2001 York University Professor Kwak, Sijong 10/01/1996-09/31/1999 KAIST Professor



Kwon, Dae Sung 04/08/1999-02/28/2001 National Security Research Institute Researcher Kwon, Jae Hoon 09/01/2001-03/29/2003 University of Seoul Professor Lau, Chi Hin 09/01/2007-08/31/2008 Chinese University of Hongkong Professor Lee, Hyeonmi 03/01/2002-02/28/2006 RIMS Researcher Lee, Jae Sung 03/15/1999-03/14/2001 Sogang University Professor Lee, Joongul 09/01/2001-02/28/2005 Hongik University Professor Lee, Junho 06/01/2004-07/31/2004 Michigan State University Research Fellow Lee, Nam-Hoon 05/25/2006-08/31/2008 Hongik University Professor Lee, Sang Jin 03/01/2002-08/31/2003 Konkuk University Professor Lee, Sangyop 09/01/2001-08/19/2005 University of Texas Research Fellow Lee, Seok-Min 12/13/2004-02/29/2007 Konkuk University Professor Lee, Seunghun 09/01/1998-08/31/1999 Konkuk University Professor Lee, Yong Ha 10/01/1999-08/31/2000 Ewha Womans University Professor Lee, Yongnam 09/01/1997-08/31/1999 Sogang University Professor Matsumi, Kazuya 04/20/2004-05/31/2005 Moon, Dongho 08/01/1998-02/28/1999 Sejong University Professor Myung, Sung 02/12/2004-08/31/2006 Inha University Professor Nagai, Yasunari 04/01/2006-03/31/2008 University of Mainz Research Fellow Ochi, Yoshihiro 10/01/2000-05/19/2003 Tokyo Denki University Professor Oh, Byung-Geun 07/01/2007-02/28/2007 Hanyang University Professor Oh, Jang Heon 08/01/1997-12/30/1999 Sejong University Professor Oh, Jong-Won(deceased) 03/01/2007-05/11/2008 Oh, Young Tak 07/01/2003-02/28/2006 Sogang University Professor Oleg, Y. Imanuvilov 12/01/1996-08/22/1998 Colorado State University Professor Ouyang, Yong 07/01/2000-06/30/2002 Paeng, Sung Hoon 03/01/1998-08/31/2000 Konkuk University Professor Park, Euisung 09/01/2004-09/30/2006 University of Zurich Research Fellow Park, Jin Sung 07/15/1998-08/10/2000 KIAS Professor Park, Mi Hee 09/01/2003-08/31/2004 Chung-Ang University Professor Rim, Kyung Soo 02/01/1998-12/30/2001 Sogang University Professor Sato, Fumitoshi 09/26/2005-09/28/2009 Takamatsu National College of Technology Professor Schweizer, Andreas 02/01/2001-01/31/2005 Universiteit Utrecht Visiting Res. Fellow Seo, Soogil 03/01/2003-08/31/2005 Yonsei University Professor Shin, Dong-Uy 10/01/2002-08/23/2006 Chonnam National University Professor Sung, Chanyoung 09/01/2002-08/31/2006 KAIST BK Res. Assist. Prof.Song, Won Taek 08/11/2003-02/28/2006 Information and Communications University Professor Wang, Sung Ho 10/11/2004-09/10/2007 Washington University Winkelmann, Jorg 10/01/2001-12/31/2002 University of Nancy Professor Yoon, Jeong Rok 03/12/2001-03/12/2002 Clemson University Professor Yoon, Joung Hahn 03/01/2002-02/28/2006 Dong-a University Professor Yun, Ki-Heon 07/23/2001-07/22/2003 Konkuk University Research Fellow



School of Physics Name Period Current Affiliation Position Ahn, Sang-Hyeon 09/01/2001-06/30/2004 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute Senior Researcher Akeroyd, Andrew 04/01/2003-10/31/2003 KEK Researcher Araya, P. 10/01/2008-12/23/2008 Jacobs University Research Fellow Baek, Seungwon 08/01/2001-08/31/2004 Korea University Professor Borzumati, Francesca 10/01/2003-09/30/2005 National Central University, Taiwan Professor Chang, Heon-Young 11/15/1999-11/14/2003 Kyungpook National University Professor Chen, Xiao-Shuang 08/03/1998-09/27/1999 Hamboldt University Research Fellow Choi, Mahn-Soo 10/01/2000-08/31/2002 Korea University Professor Choi, Seong-Youl 10/01/1998-02/29/2000 Chonbuk National University Professor Choi,Yun-Young 05/01/2004-04/30/2008 Cornell, Alan 10/23/2002-10/22/2004 Yukawa Institute Research Fellow Deng, Zhen-Yan 07/06/1998-03/31/1999 National Institute for Materials Researcher Guslienko, K. Y. 10/07/1998-11/17/2001 Seoul National University Researcher Ha, Meesoon 08/01/2003-08/31/2006 Chonbuk National University Res. Assist. Prof. Hong, Hyunsuk 11/01/2001-08/31/2004 Chonbuk National University Professor Hyun, Seungjoon 03/01/1998-04/05/2001 Yonsei University Professor Jia, Cheng long 09/01/2006-02/29/2007 Martin Luther University in German Research Fellow Jung, Dong-Won 08/01/2005-08/31/2007 National Central University Kang, Gung Won 09/02/2002-05/31/2005 KISTI Researcher Kang, Sin Kyu 10/01/1997-09/30/2001 Seoul National University of Technology Professor Kiem, Youngjai(deceased) 10/01/1997-09/30/2000 Kim, Chanju 09/01/1998-04/05/2001 Ewha Womans University Professor Kim, Hyung Do 02/05/2001-06/30/2003 Seoul National University Professor Kim, Jae Kwon 08/20/1998-10/29/2000 Kim, Juhan 10/01/2004-08/27/2008 Theoretical Astrophysics Institute, Canada Research Fellow Kim, Ki-Seok 05/01/2004-08/27/2007 Saclay Research Fellow Kim, Mun Dae 10/01/2004-08/31/2008 Yonsei University BK Res. Assist. Prof.Kim, Seok 09/01/2004-08/10/2007 Imperial College, London Research Fellow Kim, Se Yong 09/01/1997-02/28/1998 Sejong University Professor Kim, Tae Suk 08/01/1997-07/31/1999 Seoul National University Researcher Kimura, Tetsuji 04/01/2005-09/30/2006 Kyoto University Research Fellow Kyae, Bumseok 09/01/2004-08/31/2008 Seoul National University BK Res. Assist. Prof.Kwon, Hwang-hyun 05/01/2002-04/30/2004 Seoul National University Researcher Kwon, Young-Sam 05/10/2007-07/31/2007 Maryland State Universiy Lee, Chang Hwan 09/01/2000-02/28/2002 Pusan National University Professor Lee, Hyun Keun 05/01/2005-06/14/2008 Sungkyunkwan University BK Res. Assist. Prof.Lee, Hyun-Woo 11/01/1999-04/30/2002 POSTECH Professor Lee, In-ho 07/01/1998-06/17/2001 KRISS Senior Researcher Lee, Jae Sik 09/01/1998-10/31/2000 Seoul National University Res. Assist. Prof. Lee, Ji-Woo 08/01/2005-02/28/2007 Myongji University Professor Lee, Jounghun 04/08/2004-07/31/2005 Seoul National University Professor Lee, Kang Young 06/19/2000-09/24/2003 Korea University Professor Lee, Sangmin 12/01/1998-04/08/2002 Seoul National University BK Res. Assist. Prof.



Liu, Chun 06/24/1998-08/28/1999 ITP, Beijing Professor Liu, Qui-Yu 10/01/2000-07/02/2002 USTC Professor Mawatari, Kentarou 08/26/2006-08/25/2008 Heidelberg University Research Fellow Michishita, Yoji 04/01/2001-03/25/2004 MIT Researcher Nagar, Apoorva 01/16/2007-05/31/2008 Max Plank Institute Research Fellow Okamura, Naotoshi 09/01/2003-04/30/2005 Kyoto University Research Fellow Park, Chan-Gyung 09/01/2003-07/31/2007 Park, Jae-hyeon 09/01/2004-10/31/2005 Tohoku University Research Fellow Park, Jae-Suk 10/01/2004-08/31/2005 Yonsei University Professor Park, Jeong-Hyuck 03/15/1999-03/14/2003 Seogang University Professor Park, Kwon 09/01/2005-10/01/2008 KIAS Professor Park, Su-Chan 03/07/2003-04/30/2006 Universty of Cologne Research Fellow Park, Sung Yong 03/12/2001-03/10/2002 Northwestern University Research Fellow Park, Tae-Sun 06/01/2003-05/31/2007 Raeymaekers, Joris 10/23/2003-10/22/2005 Tokyo University Research Fellow Rho, Mannque 01/01/2002-12/31/2003 Saclay Emeritus Professor Park, Sung Chan 03/01/2002-02/28/2005 Seoul National University Research Fellow Scopel, Stefano 11/01/2004-10/31/2008 Seoul National University BK Res. Assist. Prof.Shin, Hyunjoon 05/01/1998-04/30/2002 Sungkyunkwan University Res. Assist. Prof. Sim, Heung-Sun 10/14/2001-08/31/2004 KAIST Professor Song, Jeong-hyeon 01/01/2001-08/31/2003 Konkuk University Professor Suyama, Takao 10/01/2003-03/31/2005 Kyoto University Research Fellow Wu, Xiao Hong 03/01/2005-02/29/2008 East China University of S&T Professor Yee, Ho-Ung 06/10/2003-06/09/2007 Yee, Jung-Tay 09/03/2001-01/31/2004 Amsterdam University Research Fellow Yi, Hangmo 10/01/2000-02/29/2004 Soongsil University Professor Yi, Insu 09/01/1999-08/31/2002 Novin International CEO Yi, Sang-Heon 09/01/2004-10/23/2005 Yonsei University Research Professor



School of Computational Sciences Name Period Current Affiliation Position Ahn, Jaeman 03/01/2005-02/28/2007 Kongju National University Professor Chang, Jaeeon 07/01/2006-02/29/2008 University of Seoul Professor Choi, Hyoung Joon 08/01/2003-08/31/2005 Yonsei University Professor Choi, Kyung Jin 04/01/2004-06/30/2006 Choi, Sung Woo 03/20/2003-02/28/2005 Duksung Women’s University Professor Hong, Seung Jun 05/07/2001-07/31/2002 CEO Kho, Eunhee 08/21/2003-07/31/2005 Yonsei University Research Professor Kim, Hyung-Rae 04/01/2004-03/31/2006 Max-Planck-Institut Research Fellow Kim, Saejoon 06/07/2002-03/06/2004 Sogang University Professor Kim, Seung-Yeon 09/01/2001-08/31/2005 Chungju University Professor Kim,Yong-Hoon 04/05/2004-07/31/2006 University of Seoul Professor Kwon, DoYong 04/05/2004-07/31/2006 Yonsei University BK Res. Assist. Prof. Kwon, Sungchul 10/01/2002-02/25/2003 Kyung Hee University Research Fellow Lee, Eunjeong 03/01/2004-02/29/2008 North Carolina State University Research Fellow Lee, Jaewoong 03/01/2004-10/31/2005 Pixelplus Corporation Technical Director Lee, Jinwoo 10/01/2007-02/28/2007 Kangwoon University Professor Lee, Julian 07/23/2001-02/28/2003 Soongsil University Professor Lee, Kyoungrim 12/18/2002-10/31/2006 Soongsil University BK Res. Assist. Prof. Lee, Kwankyu 09/01/2006-02/29/2008 Chosun University Professor Lee, Soojoon 10/01/2002-08/31/2004 Kyung Hee University Professor Maksimiak, Katarzyna 10/01/2003-09/30/2005 Michigan State University Research Fellow Nha, Hyon Cheol 09/01/2007-07/31/2007 Texas A&M University Professor Nguyen, Ba An 12/26/2002-12/25/2005 Inst. of Physics and Electronics, Vietnam Professor Oh, Byeong-Kweon 11/15/2002-02/28/2003 Sejong University Professor Oh, Sangchul 11/04/2002-11/03/2006 Max-Planck-Institut Research Fellow Pae, Sung-il 06/01/2005-02/28/2007 Hongik University Professor Park, Hwa-Kyun(deceased) 12/18/2002-01/21/2004 Park, Kibeom 10/16/2000-01/31/2002 Science and Technolgy Policy Institute Researcher Podoshvedov,Sergey 04/05/2008-04/04/2008 KIAS Visiting Research FellowQuan, Wu Yan 01/01/2001-02/14/2004 Fudan University Professor Son, Young-Woo 10/01/2006-02/28/2007 KIAS Professor Song, Mee Kyung 02/17/2003-02/16/2005 Yonsei University BK Research Fellow Tarakeshwar, P 10/01/2003-02/28/2007 University of Nevada Professor Yu, Ho Seog 09/01/2000-08/31/2004 Sejong University Professor



Associate Members

School of Mathematics

Name Affiliation Period Bae, Hyeong-Ohk Ajou University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Bae, Sung Han KAIST 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Bak, Jong-Guk POSTECH 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Byeon, Jaeyoung POSTECH 10/01/2006-06/30/2008 Byun, Dong Ho Seoul National University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Byun, Sun-Sig Seoul National University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Byun, Yanghyun Hanyang University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Chae, Hi-joon Hongik University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Cho, Cheol-Hyun Seoul National University 09/01/2007-12/31/2009 Cho, Hong Rae Pusan National University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Cho, Soojin Ajou University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Cho, Yunhi University of Seoul 02/01/2008-12/31/2008 Choe, Hi Jun Yonsei University 09/01/2004-12/31/2009 Choi, Dohoon Korea Aerospace University 09/01/2007-12/31/2008 Choi, Insong Konkuk University 04/01/2008-12/31/2009 Choi, So Young Dongguk University 02/01/2008-12/31/2009 Choie, YongJu POSTECH 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Choy, Jaeyoo Kyungpook National University 02/01/2008-12/31/2009 Ha, Seung Yeal Seoul National University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Hahn, Sang Geun KAIST 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Han, Chong Kyu Seoul National University 07/01/2003-12/31/2008 Hong, Jeong-Hee Korea Maritime University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Huh, Jae seong Hanyang University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Im, Bo-Hae Chung-Ang University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Jeon, Daeyeol Kongju National University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Joe, Dosang Konkuk University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Jung, Eun Kyung Ajou University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kang, Byung Gyun POSTECH 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Kang, Hyeonbae Seoul National University 08/01/2003-12/31/2009 Kang, Myungjoo Seoul National University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Ki, Haseo Yonsei University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Kim, Byunghan Yonsei University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Chang Ho Konkuk University 07/01/2005-12/31/2008 Kim, Chang-Heon Seoul Women's University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Changho Seoul National University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Kim, Dong Han Suwon University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Eui Chul Andong National University 07/01/2005-12/31/2008 Kim, Hoil Kyungpook National University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Kim, Hong Chan Korea University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Kim, Hyunseok Sogang University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Inkang Seoul National University 10/01/2006-06/30/2008 Kim, Jeong-Ah University of Seoul 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Jin Hong KAIST 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Kim, Jongsu Sogang University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Kim, Junil Chung-Ang University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Kim, Kang-Tae POSTECH 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Kim, Min Kyu Gyeongin National University of Education 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Myung-Hwan Seoul National University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Kimn, Panki Seoul National University 09/01/2007-12/31/2008 Kim, Se-Goo Kyung Hee University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Seok-Woo Konkuk University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008



Kim, Sun Chul Chung-Ang University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Kim, Sun Hong Sookmyung Women's University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Sung Taek Inha University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Sung Yeon Kangwon National University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Sung-Ock Handong Global University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Taehee Konkuk University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Kim, Young-Hoon Seoul National University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Ku, Ja Kyung KAIST 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Kwak, Min kyu Chonnam National University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Kwak, Sijong KAIST 07/01/2003-12/31/2008 Kwon, Jae-Hoon University of Seoul 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Lee, Joon Gul Hongik University 07/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Jung Seob Ajou University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Lee, Ki-Ahm Seoul National University 08/01/2003-12/31/2009 Lee, Sang Hyuk Seoul National University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Lee, Sang Jin Konkuk University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Lee, Seok-Min Konkuk University 02/01/2008-12/31/2009 Lee, Seung Hoon Youngdong University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Lee, Seunghun Konkuk University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Lee, Yong Ha Ewha Womans University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Lee, Yongnam Sogang University 07/01/2003-12/31/2008 Lee, Yoonjin Ewha Womans University 09/01/2007-12/31/2008 Lee, Yoon Weon Inha University 05/01/2006-12/31/2008 Lim, Yong Do Kyungpook National University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Moon, Dongho Sejong University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Myung, Sung Inha University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Oh, Byeong-Kweon Sejong University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Oh, Jang Heon Sejong University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Oh, Young Tak Sogang University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Paeng, Sung Hoon Konkuk University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Park, Jae-Suk Yonsei University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Park, Jeong Hyeong Sungkyunkwan University 07/01/2005-12/31/2008 Park, Jihun POSTECH 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Park, Jong-Guk POSTECH 01/01/2004-12/31/2009 Park, Jongil Seoul National University 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Park, Joon Sang Dongguk University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Park, Mee Hee Chung-Ang University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Ruan, Weidong KAIST 09/01/2007-12/31/2008 Ryu, Jeong Seog Hongik University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Seo, Soogil Yonsei University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Shin, Dong-Uy Chonnam National University 10/01/2006-12/31/2009 Sohn, Jaebum Yonsei University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Song, Kyung-woo Kyung Hee University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Song, Won Taek Information and Communications University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Suh, Dong Youp KAIST 01/01/2002-12/31/2009 Yang, Chan Woo Korea University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009 Yang, Seong-Deog Korea University 09/01/2007-12/13/2008 Yoon, Joung Hahn Dong-a University 05/01/2006-12/31/2009



School of Physics Name Affiliation Period Ahn, Chang Hyun Kyungpook National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Ahn, Changrim Ewha Womans University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Ahn, Kang-Hun Chungnam National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Baek, Seungwon Korea University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Bak, Dongsu University of Seoul 06/01/2002-12/31/2008 Cha, Min-Chul Hanyang University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Chang, Kee Joo KAIST 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Cho, Jungyeon Chungnam National University 09/01/2006-12/31/2009 Choi, Han Yong Sungkyunkwan University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Choi, Junegone Korea University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Choi, Ki Woon KAIST 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Choi, Mahn-Soo Korea University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Choi, Moo Young Seoul National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Choi, Seong-Youl Chonbuk National University 06/01/2002-12/31/2008 Chung, Myung-Hoon Hongik University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Ha, Meesoon Chonbuk National University 09/08/2006-12/31/2009 Hong, Deog Ki Pusan National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Hong, Hyun Suk Chunbuk National University 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Hong, Jongbae Seoul National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Hyun, Seungjoon Yonsei University 06/01/2002-12/31/2008 Ihm, Jisoon Seoul National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Im, Myungshin Seoul National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Jeon, Gun Sang Seoul National University 01/01/2006-12/31/2009 Jeong, Hawoong KAIST 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Jeong, Hyeong-Chai Sejong University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Kahng, Byungnam Seoul National University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kang, Gung Won KISTI 03/17/2006-12/31/2009 Kang, Sin Kyu Seoul National University of Technology 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kim, Beom Jun Sungkyunkwan University 06/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Bong Soo Changwon University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Kim, Chanju Ewha Womans University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Kim, Choong Sun Yonsei University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Chul Koo Yonsei University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kim, Doochul Seoul National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Hang Bae Hanyang University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Kim, Hyung Do Seoul National University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kim, In-mook Korea University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Kim, Jihn Eui Seoul National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Jin Min Soongsil University 11/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Nak Woo Kyung Hee University 04/01/2004-12/31/2009 Sang Pyo Kim Kunsan National University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kim, Se Yong Sejong University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Seunghwan POSTECH 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Yoonbai Sunkyunkwan University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kim, Yup Kyung Hee University 11/01/2002-12/31/2008 Kwon, Chul-An Myongji University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Lee, Bum Hoon Sogang University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Chang-Yeong Sejong University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Choonkyu Seoul National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Chul Hoon Hanyang University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Hyun Cheol Sogang University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Hyun Keun Sungkyunkwan University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Lee, Hyun Kyu Hanyang University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Hyung Mok Seoul National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008



Lee, Ji-Woo Myongji University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Lee, Jounghun Seoul National University 05/12/2006-12/31/2009 Lee, Jung Jai Daejin University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Jungil Korea University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Kang Young Korea University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Lee, Kong-Ju-Bock Ewha Womans University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Nam-Kyung Sejong University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Sangmin Seoul National University 03/02/2006-12/31/2009 Lee, Tae Jin Kangwon University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Taekoon Kunsan National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Nam, Soonkeon Kyung Hee University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Noh, Jae-Dong Chungnam National University 08/01/2003-12/31/2008 Oh, Phillial Sungkyunkwan University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Park, Jae-mo POSTECH 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Park, Jeong-Hyuck Sogang University 01/01/2008/12/31/2009 Park, Jeongman Catholic University 04/01/2004-12/31/2009 Park, Myeong-Gu Kyungpook National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Park, Q-Han Korea University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Park, Young-Ah Myongji University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Rim, Chai-Ho Chonbuk National University 01/01/2005-12/31/2008 Sim, Heong-Sun KAIST 09/01/2004-12/31/2008 Sin, Sang-Jin Hanyang University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Song, Jung-hyeon Konkuk University 04/01/2004-12/31/2009 Won, Hye-Kyung Hallym University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Yang, S.-R. Eric Korea University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Yeo, Joonhyun Konkuk University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Yi, Hangmo Soongsil University 04/01/2004-12/31/2009 Yu, Jaejun Seoul National University 09/01/2002-12/31/2006



School of Computational Sciences Name Affiliation Period Chang, Iksoo Pusan National University 11/01/2001-12/31/2008 Chang, Jaeeon University of Seoul 04/01/2008-12/31/2009 Cho, Young Tak Kwangju University 06/01/2004-12/31/2008 Choe, Geon Ho KAIST 04/01/2008-12/31/2009 Choi, Sung Woo Duksung Women’s University 05/01/2005-12/31/2008 Ham, Sihyun Sookmyung Women’s University 03/01/2006-12/31-2008 Han, Chang-Woo Kyungwon University 06/01/2005-12/31/2006 Jang, Soonmin Sejong University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kim, Gyu Tae Korea University 04/01/2008-12/31/2009 Kim, Kisik Inha University 02/01/2004-12/31-2008 Kim, Seung-Yeon Chungju University 11/01/2006-12/31-2008 Kim, Yong-Hoon University of Seoul 08/01/2006-12/31-2008 Kim, Yong-Soon Myongji University 08/01/2006-12/31-2008 Kim, Yoon Ho POSTECH 06/01/2004-12/31/2008 Lee, Hae Woong KAIST 04/01/2004-12/31/2008 Lee, Hyang-Sook Ewha Womans University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Lee, Hyuk Jae Kookmin University 01/01/2006-12/31/2008 Lee, In-ho Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Lee, Jin Hyung Hanyang University 02/01/2004-12/31/2008 Lee, Jinwoo Kangwoon University 01/01/2008/12/31/2009 Lee, Julian Soongsil University 03/01/2003-12/31/2008 Lee, Sang Bub Kyungpook National University 12/01/2003-12/31/2008 Lee, Soojoon Kyung Hee University 06/01/2005-12/31/2008 Lee, Sung Jong Suwon University 01/01/2001-12/31/2009 Lee, Weontae Yonsei University 10/01/2006-12/31/2008 Noh, Jaewoo Inha University 03/01/2004-12/31/2008 Oh, Sung Dahm (Deceased) Sookmyung Women’s University 08/01/2002-12/31/2007 Pae, Sung-il Hongik University 01/01/2008-12/31/2009 Seok, Chaok Seoul National University 10/01/2006-12/31/2008 Shin, Hang-Chul Soongsil University 09/01/2002-12/31/2008 Sung, Wokyung POSTECH 01/01/2001-12/31/2008 Yang, Hyung Jin Korea University 06/01/2005-12/31/2008



Mutual Agreement Foreign Institution Month/Year Nation Japan Association for Mathematical Sciences (JAMS) March 1999 Japan Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) May 1999 USA Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) June 1999 USA Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK November 1999 Japan Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) March 2000 Japan National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NTCS) March 2000 Taiwan Johns Hopkins University September 2000 USA Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) December 2001 Canada Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) December 2002 Mongol Nagoya University February 2004 Japan Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) May 2004 Japan The Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC) June 2004 USA Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo January 2005 Japan Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), UCSB September 2005 USA Center for Integral Mathematical Science, Keio University April 2007 Japan Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) April 2008 Vietnam Institute of Physics Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg August 2008 Germany Domestic Institution Month/Year Korea University October 1999 Ewha Womans University December 1999 Information Center for Mathematical Sciences, KAIST June 2000 Information Center for Physics Research, Seoul National University June 2000 Yonsei University January 2001 Sogang University February 2001 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information November 2001 Sungkyunkwan University April 2002 Kyung Hee Universtiy October 2003 Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) April 2004 ARCSEC Center, Sejong University June 2004 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) September 2004 Hanyang University October 2004 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) November 2004 Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) December 2004 Korea Science Foundation (KSF) March 2007 Ajou University September 2008 Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences (KWMS) August 2009



KIAS‐VAST MOU signing ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnam on April 16, 2008 President of VAST, Chau Van Minh and Preisent of KIAS, Hyo Chul Myung are showing MOU in the front line. 


President Hyo Chul Myung is presenting “Best Student Award”   at the commencement ceremony of Korea Science Academy in Busan, Korea on February 13, 2008.