How To Market Your Book On Pinterest

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How To Market Your Book On Pinterest

How to Market Your Book on

By Scribando Based on Your Writer Platform insights

Pinterest is the 3rd largest social network…

With 70 million users and counting…

How can you leverage

it to sell your eBook?

But the question is:

Where to Begin?

Create a Business Account

Use your real name and professional photo,

Maximize the About section,

Write a compelling description

Use # hashtags in in front of major keywords

Add your author website

Set “Search Privacy” to “no.”

Then… get ready…


Add Pin It buttons to your browser and download a mobile app for your phone

so you can Pin on the go!

Create Killer Boards

Start with 8-10 boards of at least 5 pins each

Use keywords relevant to your target audience

Keep board titles catchy, creative and clear

Mix original and re-pinned content on each board

Connect To Your Website

Add the Pin It Button to your website

Add the Follow icon to your website

Number 1 Rule for Pinterest:

Be Choosy…

Your Pinterest boards are your visual brands.

Choose only the best of the best pins!

… and Be Consistent!

Try pinning at the same time every day, and be mindful of

your message!

Self-expression is key!

When to Pin for Primo Views

Spread activity out throughout the week

Avoid overwhelming your followers’ feeds,

Create a secret board to hold your pins

for sharing at a more even pace.

Pinterest users are most active:Around 2-4 pm

After 8pm on weekdays

Sunday mornings

Tap Your Pinterest Market…

Where do you find users

who will like your stuff??

Market Research Hot Tips


Search for


at the top left !

Look for your

brand keywords

and see what shows up!

Stalk Research followers of other authors in your genre

Who are they following?

What are their demographics (age, sex, location)

What brands are they interested in?

Pinning to Market 101

Reveal Your Brand Personality

Pinterest fosters close relationships with your readers.

What is your mission?

Share your goals and dreams.

On Pinterest, your readers will appreciate the candor!

It’s All About The Low-Key Sell

Pinterest is for creating and presenting your brand.

On Pinterest, you get what you give, not what you ask.

Balance gentle self-promotion and Share-Worthy Pins!

What are Share-Worthy


Some ideas to get you started…

Make it useful (tutorials, infographs, demonstrations) or…

Make it evocative! (beauty, babies, animals, humor)

Even more ideas!Inspirational quotes, books, projects and photos

Lifestyle pins – show off your style, hobbies, kids, house and milestones!

Useful resources – sites to help connect your audience with their interests!

Behind the scenes – insight into your process. Add value!

The Pinterest Re-Pinning Culture

Did you know…

80 percent of pins are re-pinned.

20 percent of pins are sharing original content.

Your fantastic original content will add value!

Leverage Your Pinterest Community

A friendly pinner is a successful pinner

you get what you give!!

Add meaningful comments

Create and participate in group boards

@Mention Pinterest Power pinners!

Follow pinners and boards in your audience

Like and re-pin others’ content

Share great pins

on other social media

And get people excited…:)

With the HYPE!Tease the launch of new content

Offer free sneak peeks

Hold contests for free books!

Use discounts, promos and giveaways

Finally…Generate Sales!

Add a price to a pinnable image of your book.

Don’t hide important info!

Link to your sales page

(Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo or your website)

Use Analytics tools like Tailwind to track your progress!

Find out more about how to make your book a success! Visit:

Find out more about how to use Pinterest as an author

Visit: “Your Writer Platform“