Finnish Christmas Traditions

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Finnish Christmas Traditions


Finnish Christmas TraditionsThe land where Santa REALLY lives

In Finland, Christmas is traditionally celebrated on the 24th instead of the usual 25th. Finns refuse to believe that Santa lives on the north pole. Instead he supposedly lives inside a fell in Northeastern Finland.Finns also Celebrate their independence day and Sancta Lucias day in December.In Finland Santa doesnt Climb down the chimney like a creeper, but instead knocks on the door just like any normal human being with some sense would. Facts

Told you; Finnish Santa with traditional clothes! In Finland, Christmas is traditionally prepared over the entire December. Its obviously a very important holiday for Finns.As Wikipedia puts it, kids around here often have a special Advent Calender: In Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, there is also a tradition of having a so-called Julekalender in a form of a cardboard box of chocolates with opening doors starting on December 1 (door number 1) counting down the days and ending on Christmas Eve (December 24) - (door number 24).The Christmas tree is decorated well before Christmas, and a lot of people also prefer to decorate their windows and balconies and yards with all kinds of decorations ranging from Christmas lights to tinsel and candles.Most if not all schools in Finland also host some form of a celebration or a formal event before the official holidays start.

Finnish Independence day is on the 6th of December and thus Finns also celebrate that, as well as Sancta Lucias day on the 13th of December, which is a tradition of Catholic origin, but mostly celebrated in the Swedish-speaking cultures nowadays.December Traditions

A lot of Finnish people start the day by eating traditional rice pudding/porridge as a breakfast and some have a sauna in the morning. The kids watch traditional, Christmas-themed programs on the TV and the adults have a moment to relax.Later in the day there usually is a very traditional, large Christmas dinner that has been prepared for quite a while. People dont really like to hurry with the dinner, as its a moment of peace and no hurry for the whole family. After the dinner its usually the most anticipated time of the day, especially in families with kids. In some families, people either hire someone to act as the Santa Claus and sometimes its just one of the relatives who goes to take out the trash or something, but actually gets dressed up to play Santa. The presents are exchanged, sometimes with the help of Santa Claus himself, who then proceeds to thank for the kindness and leaves before the relative comes back from whatever the relative was supposedly doing while Santa was visiting.Christmas Eve (24th of Dec.)

Christmas trees are often decorated at some point during December, a week or two before Christmas.Trees are decorated with tinsel, coloured lights, glass ornaments, sometimes candy and a star at the top. Finns do not hang Mistletoes like Americans do.A traditional christmas also includes gingerbread used both as decorative items as well as dessert.Decorating


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WOWBy: Matthew (Taika) Niemel & Aleksi Hamunen