EuroIntel 98 High Resolution Commercial Imagery Presentation Nate Boyer Autometric, Inc. 3-25-98.

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Transcript of EuroIntel 98 High Resolution Commercial Imagery Presentation Nate Boyer Autometric, Inc. 3-25-98.

EuroIntel ‘98

High Resolution

Commercial Imagery Presentation

Nate BoyerAutometric, Inc.3-25-98

EuroIntel ‘98

Presentation Overview

•Data provider overview•Impact of new systems•Imagery availability•Trends in spatial information demand•Applications & characteristics of hot markets•Where are the opportunities•Success criteria and impacts of hi-res imagery

EuroIntel ‘98

Current Data Providers

• Space Imaging EOSAT


EuroIntel ‘98

Future Commercial Data Providers

• Space Imaging EOSAT• OrbImage• EarthWatch• GDE• EROS 1• Resource 21

EuroIntel ‘98

Impact Of New SystemsOn End Users

• Higher resolutions• More spectral choices• More frequent revisit capabilities• Faster delivery• Lower cost for imagery• Broader selection of providers• More accurate information• New applications

• Helps users make better decisions• Increase productivity• Reduce variability• Improve accuracy

EuroIntel ‘98

Imagery Availability

• Media/formats• Browse capabilities• Delivery mechanisms• Future delivery

EuroIntel ‘98

Trends in Spatial Information Demand

• Remote sensing & spatial information becoming better understood and accepted by new markets

• Demand for rapid turnaround increasing

• Increased demand across all markets

• Increased demand for complete solutions

EuroIntel ‘98

Software Costs




Decreasing Costs

Data Costs

EuroIntel ‘98





Increasing Capabilities



EuroIntel ‘98

SPARC Center Products & Services Matrix

3D 4D 2D Vector Raster Ratser Weather Data Weather Automated 2D Terrain Report Printed ImageFly Fly Perspective Maps Maps Vector Enabled Acquisition Support Notivcation 3D Maps Generation Maps & Wire

ThroughsThroughs Maps Maps Data Services Services Services Browse Products Mapping ServicesSets Products & Services Services

Market Segments

Agriculture X X X X X X X X X X X X XConstruction X X X X X X X X X X XEmergency Mgt X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XExploration X X X X X X X X X XFlight Simulation X X X X X X X X X X X X XInsurance X X X X X X X X X X X X XLogistics X X X X X X X X X X XMedia X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XReal Estate X X X X X X X X XTelecom X X X X X X X X X X XTransportation X X X X X X X X X X XState/Local Govts X X X X X X X X X X XUtilities X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Applications & Characteristics of Hot Markets

EuroIntel ‘98

Applications & Characteristics of Hot Markets

• High growth and high level of competition

• Increasingly global geographic requirements

• Higher levels of accuracy required

• Consolidations, mergers, acquisitions, downsizings

EuroIntel ‘98


• Agriculture

• Number of farmers decreasing, land value increasing

• Size of farms increasing dramatically

• US crop value in 1995 $100 billion

• Demand for more detailed spatial information increasing

EuroIntel ‘98


• Telecommunications

• 10-15 providers cover 90-95% of customers

• High growth in wireless services

• Increased demand for regional/national coverage

EuroIntel ‘98

Prime Markets For Spatial Information

• Civilian governments (state, county, local)

• Utilities (telecom)

• Real estate, agriculture, construction

• Finance, banking & insurance

• Natural resource management & distribution

EuroIntel ‘98

Where Are The Opportunities?

• Spatial decision support systems & services

• Value-added & consulting services

• Contract services for the public sector

EuroIntel ‘98

Where Are The Opportunities?

• Spatial Decision Support Systems & Services

– Subscription services

– Custom network/service management

– Monitoring & maintenance management

EuroIntel ‘98

Where Are The Opportunities?

• Value-Added & Consulting Services

– Custom data interpretation

– Change detection & analysis

– Value-added image processing

EuroIntel ‘98

Where Are The Opportunities?

• Contract Services For The Public Sector

– Property appraisal services

– Damage assessment services

– Forecasting and modeling

EuroIntel ‘98

Success Requirements

• Data access in 24 hours or less

• Low cost data and derived products

• Robust telecommunications links and capacity

• Industry standards for formats/conversion

• Application specific partnerships

EuroIntel ‘98


• Reduce costs

• Reduce risk

• Improve productivity

• Broader acceptance

• Improve customer satisfaction

• Reduce variance

• Improve decision making processes

EuroIntel ‘98

Critical Success Evaluation Factors

• Improve Resources Allocation Processes• Improve Image Quality• Increase Management Decision Accuracy• Maximize Image Production Throughput• Reduce Image Cost• Maximize Information Content Extraction• Improve Customer Service• Reduce Image Variability• Increase Prediction/Forecast Accuracy

EuroIntel ‘98

EuroIntel ‘98

EuroIntel ‘98

EuroIntel ‘98

F i g u re #

A c c u r a c y

U s e fu ln e s s

C o rre c tn e s s

C o v e ra g e

C o m p le te n e s s

V a lid i ty

C o n d i t io n

C o n v e n ie n c e

C re d ib i li ty

M a in ta in a b i li ty

P o r ta b i l ity

P re c e d e n c e

R e a d a b il i ty

R e l ia b i l ity

T im e l in e s s

Information Solution Success Evaluation Factors

EuroIntel ‘98

Improvements In The Spatial Information Production Process

Data Capture Data Production Data Display Data Analysis

Interpretation Value-Added Packaging Distribution

EuroIntel ‘98